Tuesday, May 7, 2024

How to Grow Potatoes in a Bag


growing potatoes

If you want to grow your own potatoes, but you don't have a yard, or your soil is too hard, or even if you just don't want the work of having to dig them up, I have a great and easy solution!

Grow your potatoes in a bag!  I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is actually easy and fun.  It's also a great way to get lots of tasty and healthy spuds to eat!  Anyone can do it, you don't even need to buy any seeds because potatoes are grown from other adult potatoes.

How to Sprout Potatoes to Plant:

It is best to start with organic potatoes, since they are less likely to be a funky hybrid that can't be sprouted or have toxic insecticides on them or even in them.  You can use red or white potatoes.

Wash the potatoes well and then place them in direct sunlight.

In two to three weeks you will have sprouts.  When they get an inch or so long, you are ready to begin the planting process.

red potatoes

Cut the potatoes, with one sprout on each piece.  Leave the potato connected to the sprout, because as it rots it will be fertilizer to the new plant

It is very important that, before planting, you let the cut potatoes sit for two or three days so the cut portion of the potato can dry out and form a protective layer.  If you plant newly cut potatoes, diseases, fungus, worms and insects can easily burrow into the fresh cut flesh and kill the sprout.

While your potatoes are sprouting and curing, order your grow bags.  You can find them on Amazon for a good price, about $2.50 to $3.00 a piece, less if you order a larger quantity.  I usually get the 5 gallon size.  They look like this:


growing bag


They also have bags that have a roll up flap on the side near the bottom, but I find these to be more expensive and the flap are basically useless because the growing potatoes should not be bothered by opening the side of the bag and poking around.  

How to Grow Potatoes in Bags:

1. Fold the bag down till it is about 6 inches tall.

2. Put 3 inches of good dirt in the bottom of the bag.

bag for growing

3. Set three to four potato pieces in the dirt with the cut side down, sprout side up and cover with 3 inches of dirt.

4. Water well.

5. Keep the soil moist but not mud and when the plants are 6 inches tall, unroll the bag about 4 inches and add more dirt, up to the bottom leaves.

8. When the plant has grown to 8 inches above the dirt, unroll the bag again, and add more dirt, up to the bottom leaves.

9. Keep doing this until the bag has dirt three inches from the top.

10. Make sure to keep them watered.  If you repeatedly let the bag dry out, the potatoes will shrink and wrinkle and not be edible.  You will have to water them more often than if they were planted in the ground.

11. When the potato vines turn yellow and look wilted, stop watering them and wait about two weeks.

12. Pick up the bag and turn it upside down in a wheelbarrow or washtub and you will find fresh, tasty and pesticide free home grown potatoes.

This is what one of my bags looked like when the plants came up:


Don't be upset if all the sprouts don't come up.  The fewer the plants the more room there is for the remaining plants to grow bigger potatoes.  You must make sure to keep them watered, it is the defining factor of whether you get a nice harvest or a big disappointment.

You don't have to use these bags, you can use any kind of bag that will take to weight of dirt pressing against the sides of it.  Canvas tote bags, plastic feed bags, reusable grocery bags, any kind of bag will do.  Just make sure if you use a plastic bag to poke lots of holes in the bottom so it has good drainage.

Grow bags are a great way to grow some of your own food in a very small space.  You can grow any type of veggie or fruit plant you want in bags, it does not have to be potatoes.  I have also grown peppers and cucumbers and I have friends that use them for tomatoes and they love them!  They take up so little space you can even use them on an apartment balcony or condo patio.  You don't need to have land to grow your own food!  The best thing is, at the end of the harvest you just empty them, fold them up and put them away till next year.  A real space saver!


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Monday, May 6, 2024

Reviewing Oats Overnight Flavor and Subscription

I am not a fan of subscription boxes. And I didn't think I was a fan of making oats in the fridge overnight for breakfast. Yet, here I am recommending Oats Over Night. Why? I am finding that the flavors are fantastic and having Oats Over Night brand meals at my fingertips has been very helpful. And I am very sure that the Oats Over Night meal is far healthier than the daily drive-thru choices I've been making. Did I mention that the Oats Over Night flavors are delicious?

oats overnight

My first few attempts at making overnight oats were failures. I made them with packets of my favorite brand of instant oats and I used milk. I also tried it with oats that are meant to be cooked when I was going on a camping trip and the oats would be soaking in a jar, in a cooler, for a longer period of time. All of my attempts produced slimy, pasty results. Yuck. Maybe it was the milk. Maybe it was the instant oats. I don't know. But it was just gross.

I was very hesitant to try the Oats Over Night brand. They seem a bit pricey and I didn't want to pay that much for yucky goo. But I have to do something. I've gotten to the point that I'm using a lot of drive-thru meals or joining my co-workers for the pick-up "gas station food".  Those options are too many calories and frankly, turn out to be more expensive than that Oats Over Night. I finally gave in and ordered a box and I'm so glad I did.

Oats Over Night Brand

The brains behind Oats Over Night thought that DIY oats were great but the flavor was inconsistent from serving to serving. Brian began experimenting to get consistent flavors, delicious flavors, and a short prep time. After many failures, and oats that didn't taste good, Brian landed on what they consider "The best oatmeal in the world". I can't say that I disagree.

To learn more, go to their official Oats Over Night site

On the site you will instantly notice the reduced price, free shipping, and free shaker bottle for the first subscription. The reduced price made it easier for me to convince myself to give it a try. You choose the number of oatmeal packets you want (16 for example) then choose the combination of flavors you want to order.  That will remain your monthly subscription (minus the "first order offers") but it is super easy to change the flavors that you want to arrive each month.

As a subscriber you are able to choose flavors that aren't yet offered to the non-subscribers. You also receive samples of products in development. Usually, that is a new flavor. This month, the sample of the product in development is a protein coffee. 

I have read reviews that it is super easy to cancel your subscription. And/or put your subscription on pause until a certain date. I cannot testify to that as I have had no desire to cancel or pause. 

Oats Over Night Flavors

The flavors of these oats are amazing. I expected the flavors to be similar to the flavored instant oatmeal varieties at the store (which - the apples and cinnamon is one that I liked very much by the way). The flavors of Oats Over Night are so much fresher and without that "artificial flavoring" taste that I dislike so much. Clearly, the bits of fruit are dehydrated or have been freeze dried. The Bananas Foster flavor is one of my favorites so far. And there are actually chunks of banana in it. Which is great in my opinion, not-so-great if you aren't a fan of bananas. 

Another of my favorites is the Banana Bread (do you see a theme here?). The flavor is very much as though I added a slice of Banana Bread to a bowl of milk. Speaking of milk... I have problems when I drink dairy. So I use unsweetened Almond Milk for my Oats Overnight. 

There are many flavors to choose from and I am excited to try them all. 

As far as nutritional values, I will let you do  your research. It will depend which flavor you choose and which milk you use. I will say that these packets reportedly have 20g of protein.

Preparing Oats Over Night

While you can make Oats Over Night in the microwave and eat it without the wait, the idea is to have a grab-and-go meal.  The prep is super easy. Add 8 oz. of your milk choice (mine is unsweetened Almond Milk) to the shaker bottle. There is a line indicating 8 ozs. so there is no need for measuring. Then you empty the packet of Oats Over Night, screw on the shake bottle lid (make sure the pour spout is closed), give it a shake and let it sit in the fridge until morning. 

I am finding that I still REALLY like sausage and egg sandwiches for breakfast. So I've been prepping the Oats Over Night in the morning and placing it in the fridge at work. No more missing lunches because I'm too busy. And no more having my really boring (good - but boring) apples and cinnamon instant oatmeal. 

I will say that the main complaint I see about the Oats Over Night grab-n-go meals are that they are chunky for straws and too runny for spoons. It's very easy to adjust the milk to oats ratio to get a consistency closer to what you like. While I do use regular straws when I forget mine, I find that the wider and washable "smoothie" straws are perfect.

Related Links

Our Lou16 writes about Oats Based Breakfast Ideas that Include Fruit & Vegetables and she reviews Why a Protein-Rich Breakfast is Important. She includes a lot of interesting and important information. 

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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Free AI Voice Generator For Content Creators - My Two Fave Choices

Free AI Voice Generator For Content Creators - My Two Fave Choices

Most of my writing associates know that I write riddle and activity books

Expanding my social media imprint has been my most recent list of things to accomplish.

I remember thinking, "Why would I ever need voiceover for online work?" Well, of course, surprise, surprise, I need it.


Essentially, I found these two Free ways to do VoiceOvers:

1. Recording Your Voice On Your Cell Phone: Then Upload it To the Graphic Program You're Using

  • I downloaded an APP on my iPhone called "Voice Memos." I presume it's available for Android phones, but I'm not totally sure
  • I recorded my voice reading one of my riddles
  • I shared, via email, my downloaded file to my own email
  • I accessed my email on my laptop/computer and downloaded my Voice Recording to my laptop/computer. (Note: Those of you who have your phones and laptops/computers synced can skip "the emailing it to your laptop part")
  • With my downloaded Voice, I could upload my recorded voice to the program I'm using to create my animated riddles and all my graphic designs; Canva.
Here's One of My Video Creations for my YouTube Account for StumpedRiddles Using MY Voice:

2. A Free VoiceOver Program, ElevenLabs: My Personal Opinion is ...Wow, I Love It! 
FREE Plan Features: 
1) 10,000 Characters per month (~10 min audio)
2) Generate speech in 29 languages using thousands of unique voices
3) Translate content with automatic dubbing
4) Create custom, synthetic voices

  • This program is free, with paid further subscription options. 
  • It's not one of those frustrating services you must upgrade at some point. Stay at the Free Level if it works for you.
  • As of this date, there is a limit on the free VoiceOver character/word usage each month, but it's enough for me
  • Your free usage numbers restart for the next month - Awesome!
  • I won't go over "how to use the program" because once you jump in, you'll be able to spend some time and learn the ropes
  • There's a massive database of voices to choose from!
  • Under the Tab "Voices" in the side panel, there are two headings at the top center of that page - VoiceLab and Voice Library
  • Click on Voice Library to review all the voices you have available to choose from and add your favorites to your "Speech" tab
  • The speech tab (on the left side panel) is where you input your words and have them read by the AI VoiceOver selection you've made
  • Once you are satisfied, hit the little arrow at the bottom right of your screen to download your VoiceOver to your laptop or computer.
Here's One of  My YouTube Video Creations Using Several ElevenLab Voices:


There's a section in ElevenLabs that allows you to add your voice: You get paid when/if it's used. I don't know how that works, but I'm considering trying it.

Of all the Free AI VoiceOver programs I researched, ElevenLabs.io was the easiest and the "free-est" to use.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Brothers in Baseball - A Sports Review


Image of two brothers

Over the many years of Major League Baseball, there have been quite a few sets of brothers who have played the game. Along with several fathers & sons and even grandsons of former players.

Most of the brothers that fans have watched have played for different teams. What makes the two sets of brothers featured here unique is the fact that they are currently playing for the same team. 

The Naylor Brothers of the Cleveland Guardians

The Naylor Brothers who play professional baseball
Bo & Josh Naylor, Professional Baseball
Players with the Cleveland Guardians

Noah-Gibson “Bo” Naylor is a Canadian professional baseball catcher for the Cleveland Guardians. Born in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, Bo is 24 years old. He made his MLB debut with the Guardians on October 1, 2022.

Joshua-Douglas “Josh” Naylor, brother of Bo Naylor, is a Canadian professional baseball first baseman and outfielder for the Cleveland Guardians. He made his MLB debut on May 24, 2019, for the San Diego Padres and began playing for the Cleveland Guardians in 2020. Josh is 26 years old.

Note: Josh and Bo Naylor have a younger brother, Myles (age 19) who is currently playing for the Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball. A Brotherly Love of Baseball indeed. 

The Rogers Brothers of the San Francisco Giants

Taylor & Tyler Rogers, twin relief pitchers for the San Francisco Giants Baseball Team
Taylor & Tyler Rogers, twin relief pitchers
for the San Francisco Giants Baseball Team

Tyler and Taylor Rogers are both relief pitchers for the San Francisco Giants of Major League Baseball. What makes them especially unique is not only are they brothers playing for the same team and playing the same position, but they are also identical twins!

Born 30 seconds apart in 1990 (Taylor is the oldest), the Rogers twins are 33 years old. They are mirror image identical twins - Taylor is left-handed and Tyler is right-handed. 

*Note: Taylor & Tyler Rogers became the 5th set of twins to play in the MLB.


A Sports Review of Baseball Brothers featuring the Naylor Brothers playing for the Cleveland Guardians and the Rogers Twins pitching for the San Francisco Giants. 

Many other brothers, in the past and currently, have become professional baseball players. If you do a search online, you can find multiple stories about them.  My favorites were the Molina Brothers (Bengie, Yadier and Jose) who became the first family of catchers in Major League Baseball. 

If you follow professional baseball (as I do fervently), you will enjoy watching the baseball brothers featured here and reading other stories about brothers in baseball. 

For More Baseball Reviews on ReviewThisReviews, Click Here.

For More Sports Reviews, Click on ReviewThisReviews: Sports.

*Brothers in Baseball Review written by Wednesday Elf, the Baseball Contributor on ReviewThisReviews.com 

Bo Naylor & Josh Naylor (Photo Credit by Erik Drost on Wikipedia via Flickr 

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Friday, May 3, 2024

Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers (2024) Movie Review

murder at the breakers

MbgPhoto recently published her review of the Cozy Mystery Genre and that made me yearn to watch a new cozy mystery movie.  

I suspect I have always enjoyed cozy mysteries but didn't really know the proper category to search until I started reading reviews on ReviewThisReviews and learned the name of the genre.  

I've never liked gory thrillers or horror films, although I have watched many of them in my lifetime, even reviewed a few over the last decade, but I have always loved a good mystery.  Thus the reason I love Sherlock Holmes and Poirot.  While I have not found anything comparable to Poirot or Sherlock, I have enjoyed some great cozy mystery movies. 

was drawn to this movie because of the time period setting.  I love the Gilded Age era fashion.  However, I would be the first to admit, I do not admire the "classes" of that era or the way workers were trampled on so the elitist class could get richer, faster.  I do have to suspend reality to enjoy some fiction and I did enjoy watching the Gilded Newport Mysteries.


Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers Synopsis  

Emma Vanderbilt-Cross is the niece of Cornelius Vanderbilt and the daughter of a Vanderbilt who married below her station.  Emma is not an heiress to any of the Vanderbilt money, but is still included in society as a Vanderbilt.  She prefers to remain unmarried, at least for a while, as she considers her options.  She enjoys writing articles for the "Fashions and Fancies" women's section in the Newport Observer newspaper, which pays the bills.  She would love to write a novel, but she realizes that would bring scandal upon the Vanderbilt family.

She has been invited to a ball being given for her cousin at the Vanderbilt's summer home, The Breakers.  Emma is determined to include her half-brother (her father's son before he married her mother) and takes Brady to the ball as her guest.

Unfortunately, when her uncle's business advisor is murdered at the ball, Brady appears to be the murderer.  Of course, it would not be a great mystery if everything was so obvious and I will admit, I was surprised to find out the identity of the real murderer.

A very entertaining mystery indeed!  And, a touch of romance just for fun.



A Note About The Breakers Mansion - Current Day

"The Breakers" is in fact the name of the Vanderbilt mansion in Newport, Rhode Island.  It was the real Cornelius Vanderbilt II's summer home.  It is now a museum that is owned and maintained by the Preservation Society.



I watched The Gilded Newport Mysteries series on Frndly TV, a subscription streaming service, but it may also be available on other subscription services that include Hallmark Murders & Mysteries.

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Black & Decker Cordless Drill - Reviewed

 Having the right tools for your DIY project makes all the difference between frustration and satisfaction. One of these indispensable tools is my Black & Decker cordless drill, the perfect companion for many of my home improvement tasks.

Black & Decker Cordless Drill - Reviewed

Black & Decker Cordless Drill Features:

Design and Build Quality: Black & Decker is a renowned name in the realm of power tools. My first impression is the drill is lightweight and fits comfortably in my hand, even for extended periods of use. The grip is rubberized, providing both comfort and control.

Performance: The Black & Decker Cordless Drill is equipped with a powerful motor and effortlessly tackles many drilling and driving tasks efficiently. Over the years I have used my cordless drill to drill holes and drive screws into wood, metal, and plastic with ease. The variable speed control allows for seamless adjustment for any of these tasks.

Battery Life and Charging: The Black & Decker is equipped with a 20V lithium-ion battery, it offers extended runtime, minimizing interruptions during long projects. Although, I have never had a project long enough where I ran out of power. I recommend a second battery if you consistently use the drill for long projects. That way you always have one charged.

Versatility and Ease of Use: The variable speed control makes it easy to transition between drilling and driving applications. The keyless chuck feature makes it easy to change drill and driving bits. Additionally, the drill has an LED light to illuminate the work area.

Value: The Black & Decker Cordless stands out as a compelling option with its performance, durability, and affordability. The Black & Decker is a reasonable price for all of the performance. I also purchased the handy accessory kit you see in the photo with many driver bits and drills. With that kit, I have always had whatever I needed for the task.

Find more product reviews on Review This


This Black & Decker Drill and accessory kit make the perfect Father's Day gift.

BLACK+DECKER 20V MAX Cordless Drill and Driver, 3/8 Inch, With LED Work Light, Battery and Charger Included (LDX120C)BLACK+DECKER 20V MAX Cordless Drill and Driver, 3/8 Inch, With LED Work Light, Battery and Charger Included (LDX120C)BLACK+DECKER 20V MAX Cordless Drill and Driver, 3/8 Inch, With LED Work Light, Battery and Charger Included (LDX120C)BLACK+DECKER Drill Bit Set/Screwdriver Bit Set Combo, 109-Piece (BDA91109)BLACK+DECKER Drill Bit Set/Screwdriver Bit Set Combo, 109-Piece (BDA91109)BLACK+DECKER Drill Bit Set/Screwdriver Bit Set Combo, 109-Piece (BDA91109)


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Great Suggestions for Mother's Day in Long Term Care

Mom's love to be pampered at least one day a year and we call that day Mother's Day!  But if your mom is in long term care and has restrictions because of age and infirmity, you need to get creative!   Creativity needs to be tempered with Wisdom and Insights.   Not everyone ages the same way and things in their lives are subject to change.  If you are not sure, ask the floor nurse or the PSW (Personal Support Worker) if your ideas are in line with her care. 

gifts for mom

The first and most important gift you can give is some of your time.  A visit doesn't have to last long, but it has to happen.  If it can't be on Mother's Day, them find a day soon after or even before and spend some time with her!

Bring pictures of family and friends and have a great chat about these people and how they are doing.  What is happening in their families and any other interesting events.  If they have dementia it might just bring back some nice memories for them. You may even find yourself having a good laugh at something that happened in the past!

Here is a small list of things that everyone can use and it would make Mom's day just a little more special.

  • Scented Body Wash while many places like to be scent free, these are so subtle that they won't be offensive to other residents.
  • New Slippers, even if Mom is in a wheelchair she might like a new pair of slippers that would give her some choice in what's on her feet!
  • A Blanket Hoodie, When Mom is wheelchair bound, sometimes a chill is in the air, then this lovely Blanket Hoodie will keep her feeling warm and toasty!
  • Paper Pop Up Cards, mom probably got flowers in her earlier years, but now that might be too much trouble for her or the staff, so problem fixed with these lovely Pop Up Cards!  No water required!
  • Digital Calendar Alarm Clock, even when mom doesn't know where she is, she will know what day it is and what time it is too!  These make great gifts for those with memory loss.
  • Blanket Throw for Bed, I love sending my mother greetings so she knows I'm thinking about her and this Blanket Throw fits that bill perfectly!
  • Window Suncatcher, most Long Term Care homes make sure that every room has a view, a lovely suncatcher in the window would be a lovely reminder of you!
  • Solar Garden Cat Figurine, not just for the garden, but also for the window sill.  I know my mom still misses her cat, but this would be a nice reminder and it doesn't need to be fed either!
  • Decorative Angel, something to remind her of you.  Available in many different colors you can match the decor in her room or choose her favorite color.
  • Ceramic Jewelry Dish, this one can be used for anything (I don't recommend jewelry for Nursing Homes, (too difficult to keep track of that stuff).  But put some chocolates in there for mom to share with the PSW's or the nurse/doctor on the floor!

This is just a small list of the things that could make Mother's Day in the Nursing home just a little bit brighter and I'm sure any one of them will bring a smile to a face that you love.  Making memories is an ongoing task for all of us and this is one you won't forget either.

Oh, just a reminder for you, Mother's Day is on May 12 this year!

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Reviewing Renovating Old Pine Furniture Project


Two Pine chairs one sanded, one painted grey

This review covers an easy DIY project to renovate old unremarkable furniture into something to grace our homes and fit with existing decor. 

In our case we wanted a new dining table and chairs but the only ones we could find to fit our space and circular were very expensive. We did however find a lovely circular table and four chairs that were perfect for our needs and very comfortable at a very good price, but the issue was that they were a quite horrible orange pine colour.

I am not usually an advocate of painting wood. If it is beautiful oak, mahogony, rosewood or reclaimed wood I will not paint it. 

However orange pine with a shiny finish is just not to us all that beautiful and did not fit in with the rest of our decor ideas for the dining room. 

I am not deterred by a minor issue like this and we really liked the style and comfort of this dining set. So we bought the dining set and went about cleaning, sanding and painting. 

Here I will tell you what we did with the chairs. 

Step One Sanding Down Pine Chair

First it was important to sand down the wood. It had a shiny surface to it and I did not think even the best paint would go on well over such a shiny surface. 

With some furniture paints they declare that you do not need to sand down first so it is always best to  check the instructions and perhaps do a patch test to make sure if you need to sand or not. 

So we sanded it with a fine sandpaper until all the shiny orange paint was no more! 

It is important to do this step carefully and take your time as skimping on this preparation will affect the whole project.

I don't have a workshop or anywhere to do this kind of work so for me it was a case of clearing a room and laying down dust sheets and working on the floor. Of course a work table or ideally a workshop would be wonderful but this project is perfectly possible with none of this.  

Pine chair sanded and masked ready to paint

Step Two Cleaning The Chair

Next I cleaned the whole chair including the seat cushion and back.

The wood was cleaned with sugar soap and the chair with an upholstery cleaner. There is no real skill to this, all this took was time and following the cleaning instructions.

Then we left it all to dry.

Close up of design on chair sanded

Step Three Masking Tape 

With a project like this it is important to use masking tape to mask off all the areas that you do not want to paint. I do find this step rather boring but it is necessary. 

It is worth spending a little time over this as it is a lot more difficult to remove paint from where you do not want it than to simply mask it off beforehand and does make the painting process easier. 

Step Four Painting The Wood

After laying down sheets I set about painting the whole chair. 

It needed to be done in two steps so that I could reach the whole wooden parts of the chair. So involved the chair standing up and laying down to reach it all. 

As I had two chairs on the go at the same time this was possible to do without wasting time. 

We chose a light grey colour. It did take two coats to cover the wood. I would always recommend two coats. A darker colour may have covered the wood more thoroughly with one coat but I always think two coats gives better coverage and longevity.

Two pine chairs one sanded and one painted grey

Furniture Paint. 

We used Rust Oleum Satin Finish Furniture Paint. It says on the tin it is a superior satin silky finish in slate grey.

I found that this paint went on very well and smoothly. I found it a really good paint to use.  It did not have an overpowering smell and did not give me a headache as many paints do. It went on well although was a little drippy, so it was essential to have sheets down. It is necessary to stir it well before starting to paint. 

The clean up is so easy as it is water based so it is just a case of wiping off most of the excess paint then washing in water. 

If I had a workspace I might have used a Rustoleum furniture spray paint which may have speeded things up. However I was doing this project in winter in our dining room so a spray paint would not have been a good idea in these circumstances. 

Any good furniture paint can be used, just choose the finish, application method and colour you like. I tend to go for water based and low odour for ease of use in the home and clean up afterwards. 

Tin of furniture paint

Due to the space and how intricate some of the work was I used a small paintbrush and I think this was a good idea so that there was more precision.

After the first coat the finish did not look all that good but I always expect this. 

I left it to dry thoroughly then applied a second coat and this is where the magic happens as the pine disappeared and the beautiful slate grey colour saturated the wood. I an no expert but I think the finish, even in the more difficult intricate parts is pretty good. 

Close up of painted chair

Finished Pine chair painted grey project

The four chairs took me two days to do at a fairly relaxed pace with lots of coffee breaks! It is a straightforward project that anyone could do really. All it takes is time and patience and a few basic painting skills. 

The Supplies You Need For This Furniture Project

Furniture Paint or Rustoleum paint 


A small paintbrush

Masking Tape

Old sheets, dust sheets or anything you have to protect the floor

We think it was a worthwhile project and we now have a lovely dining set at a fraction of the price. 

If we ever get fed up of the colour  or go for a different scheme, it will be very easy to change with a light sanding and a coat of new paint.

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Monday, April 29, 2024

Reviewing Locally Made Candles and Soap by Wild Roots Cafe & Co.

I am thrilled that a local family has opened a cafe in a small town near me. The farm-to-table focus along with the home-made breads, biscuits, and desserts are exactly what I've been craving. In addition to the delicious meal options, they offer handmade soaps and hand poured candles. All made with fewer ingredients than mass produced soaps and candles. The great news is that even though these candles and soaps are made locally in my area the Wild Roots Cafe & Co. offers a mail order option so you can consider these for yourself or gifts even if you don't live here.

photo of soaps and a candle

Just a few years ago, I was living in a small metro apartment and dreaming of moving to a rural setting. I watched gardening and homesteading videos for entertainment, relaxation, and education. And with those videos I tuned out the noise from the adjoining apartments, parking lot, and the frequent police helicopter circling overhead. One of those channels was Wild Wonderful Off Grid. I knew that they were a family working to build their off grid home, raising their children, and raise chickens and sheep. I knew they were in West Virginia. What I didn't know is how close they were to the raw land I had purchased in West Virginia. 

Fast forward a few years and my small home was built on my land, I transferred to one of our buildings near here for work, and I am now a West Virginia resident. I continued to watch gardening and homesteading videos in order to make progress toward my goal which is retirement on my land and growing as much as my own food as I am able. I am learning to live a healthier life. Imagine my GREAT surprise when I learn that Josh and Erin from Wild Wonderful Off Grid lives somewhat in this general area AND have built a cafe in a small town near me.

Wild Roots Cafe & Co

The videos show the remodeling process of what was once a flower shop in small town Romney, West Virginia. It has been turned into a cafe that offers coffee, breakfasts, and lunches. So far, I've had the cinnamon rolls (the best I've ever had!) and a BLT. A woman named DeAnna is in charge of the kitchen and her bread recipes are amazing! The cafe only very recently opened. You can learn more about the cafe and shop on their website Wild Roots Cafe & Co. 

Hand Poured Candles

The candle selection is poured at the Wild Roots Co. in Romney, WV. I purchased the Appalachian Forest scent which is Balsam Fir, Cypress, and Cedar. I had intended to purchase the "Bare Naked" which is the unscented candle since I struggle with so many perfumes and over-powering scents these days. One whiff of the Appalachian Forest scent had me hooked. I am having no sign of sensitivity to this scent. 

Wild Roots offers seasonal scents and holiday scented candles. They have just sold out (online) of their special Mother's Day candle.  

About their candles, they say:

  • size - volume 8.5 oz
  • wick - cotton (lead and zinc free)
  • burn time - 40+ hours
  • wax - 100% soy and made in the USA
  • Premium non-toxic - phthalate-free
  • hand-poured in small batches

They also list excellent reminders about general candle care and safety on their page. 

Hand Made Soaps

I was so thrilled to learn they were making soaps. I had started to learn to make my own soaps but I'm just too busy currently with work and other obligations. In the meantime, I've wanted to buy locally made soaps from small businesses. I am a firm believer that handmade soaps are far better for our skin than mass-produced soaps. Even better if I can find these soaps locally.

With the publicity of the Wild Roots Cafe opening, there has been a super high demand on the merchandise. As I write this, I notice that several of the soap types are currently sold out. Please don't let that deter you. 

When I was at the Cafe, I purchased the patchouli sunrise and the mountain mint. These bars are 4.5 oz. Both have a very short ingredients list: saponified oils of coconut, olive, palm and castor.  

In addition to that list of ingredients, the Patchouli Sunrise also has patchouli essential oil, sweet orange essential oil, and Brazilian clay. The Mountain mint includes eucalyptus powder, spinach powder, spurline, peppermint essential oil, and eucalyptus essential oil. I chose both of these soaps for their scent. The Mountain Mint will be perfect when I have colds or allergies. I also like to use peppermint and/or eucalyptus on my skin before I go hiking or camping. I feel as though those scents repel some of the bugs that want to swarm me when I'm outdoors. The Patchouli Sweet Orange is a scent that I've always enjoyed. With my chemical sensitivities, I have to be careful to now use over-powering scents. I am aware that patchouli can be over-powering. But these bars are at a nice level of the scented essential oils; not too soft and not too strong. In my opinion. 

As soon as they re-stock I will purchase a bar of the Detox soap. I have used activated charcoal and tea tree soaps in the past. I look forward to getting my hands on a bar of this soap by Wild Roots.

wild roots co

I highly recommend either these candles or soaps as gifts (for someone or for yourself). I am excited about pampering myself with the natural soaps and candles that Wild Roots Cafe & Co has to offer. 

Related Links:

Josh and Erin's primary YouTube channel can be found here at Wild Wonderful Off Grid. You can see their home build, home life, the cafe remodel and and more

Wild Roots Cafe & Co has an Instagram account here.

I often find the most updated information about the cafe on the Wild Wonderful Off Grid Instagram account here

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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Call The Midwife - A Highly Recommended Five Star Series and Where to Watch It

Call The Midwife - A Highly Recommended Five Star Series and Where to Watch It

My friend recommended the TV series Call The Midwife to me. Wow, I highly recommend this series. Its 13 Seasons are a testament to its quality! I'm hooked, and I'm about to begin season five!

"I'll list where you can find and watch the series at the end of this article. There's also a video trailer included!"

About Call The Midwife

Entering the world of "Call The Midwife" is akin to stepping into a time machine that transports viewers to post-World War II London, where the air is thick with compassion, resilience, and the tireless dedication of midwives. This beloved British drama series, adapted from the memoirs of Jennifer Worth, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its poignant storytelling and authentic portrayal of midwifery in the 1950s and 1960s.

What is "Call The Midwife" About? 

"Call The Midwife" follows the lives of a group of nurse midwives and nuns from Nonnatus House, a nursing convent in London's impoverished East End. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing society, each episode delves into the triumphs and challenges faced by the midwives as they provide essential healthcare services to the local community. From delivering babies in tenement flats to confronting social issues such as poverty, domestic violence, and the impact of new medical advancements, the series navigates through the complexities of post-war Britain with grace and empathy.

The Heart of the Series: 

At the core of "Call The Midwife" lies its unwavering commitment to storytelling that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit. Through its richly drawn characters and compelling narratives, the series explores themes of love, loss, friendship, and the enduring bonds that form within the tight-knit community of Nonnatus House. Whether grappling with personal struggles or bearing witness to the joys and sorrows of childbirth, each character brings a depth of emotion and authenticity that resonates with audiences on a profound level.

Seasons and Success: 

Since its premiere in 2012, "Call The Midwife" has captivated viewers across the globe, garnering critical acclaim and amassing a dedicated fanbase. With 13 seasons under its belt, the series continues to evolve, tackling new storylines and introducing fresh faces while staying true to its roots. From the bustling streets of Poplar to the corridors of Nonnatus House, each season offers a glimpse into the lives of its characters as they navigate the challenges of midwifery amidst a changing world.

The Inspiration Behind the Series: 

Based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth, a former nurse and midwife, "Call The Midwife" draws inspiration from real-life experiences and historical events. Worth's vivid recollections of her time working in London's East End during the 1950s provided the foundation for the series, offering a window into a bygone era of healthcare and social change. Through her writings, Worth captured the essence of midwifery with honesty and compassion, paving the way for "Call The Midwife" to become a beloved cultural phenomenon.


In an age of fast-paced television and fleeting trends, "Call The Midwife" stands as a beacon of warmth and humanity, reminding viewers of the power of empathy, community, and the enduring spirit of caregiving. 

As the series continues to inspire and uplift audiences worldwide, its legacy remains firmly rooted in the hearts of those touched by its heartfelt stories of love, hope, and the miracle of life.

Where and How to Watch "Call The Midwife"

For Canadians:

1. The CBC GEM App: I live in Canada, and Netflix and Prime don't offer this series for free here (at the time of writing this). However, my friend informed me that all seasons are available for free on the CBC GEM App.

  • Download the App onto your mobile device - search for it in your Apps on your device (it's there, it's free)
  • Or go to CBC Gem (gem.cbc.ca) on your computer and sign up for CBC Gem access - it's free.
  • Select "Call The Midwife" and start watching using the search feature.
You can only access the CBC Gem App if you live in Canada. However, double-check this just in case.

Outside of Canada:

2. Netflix: It may be available for free via Netflix in your country. However, I'm not sure. In Canada, at the time of writing this, it's not free for us on Netflix.

3. Amazon Prime: Call The Midwife is available on Prime, although it's not free at the time of writing this, on Amazon.com or Amazon.ca (Canada and the USA). It could very well be in your country, you'll have to check it.

United Kingdom Access:

4. BBC iPlayer has access to the series for free at the time of writing this (but double-check if there's a subscription required). Again, I'm unsure whether people outside the United Kingdom can access BBC iPlayer; you'll have to check.

Here's a Trailer Preview For You! Enjoy! I'm Hooked!

My Recommendation: 5 Stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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