Monday, August 14, 2017

Reviewing Gentle Yoga Accessories

Gentle Yoga with help from Yoga Accessories
I have recently joined a weekly Restorative Yoga class (also called gentle yoga). The yoga has been so beneficial to my physical and mental health that I wish I had the time to attend the class several times a week. Sadly, I do not. But I do have an internet connection and access to gentle yoga "classes" in the comfort of my own home. Whether in a class or at home, there are several items that make this Yoga more effective; mat, blanket, bolster, blocks, and a strap. I want to share a quick overview of these items and the supplier I've found.

If you are familiar with the benefits of yoga and yoga accessories, please feel free to jump ahead to the Yoga Accessories store. I have found that they offer high quality items, affordable prices, and fast delivery.

The Benefits of Gentle Yoga

I have always enjoyed yoga. And up until a few years ago, I really enjoyed the Yoga Burn type of yoga. The type where I felt as though I was working out and working up a sweat doing it. But as the years have gone by, I have gained weight, lost muscle, lost flexibility, and my lack of range of motion is embarrassing.  I have allowed a stressful job to negatively impact my health.

I needed something, some form of exercise, that suits my current physical and mental state. This gentle yoga class is good for my body as well as my mind. I am increasing flexibility and range of motion. I am also finding that the meditative style of this yoga is helping me to release stress. I am more calm and sleep much better after the yoga class. I can feel my stress level lowered.

Gentle Yoga Accessories

In this yoga class, I have been introduced to several helpful accessories; blanket, bolster, blocks, and a strap. As I have begun to do yoga at home, I have found a reliable supplier for these items.  I highly recommend Yoga Accessories for your yoga supplies.

Mat - Yoga mats are familiar things to most folks. They provide a bit of padding as well as a no-slip surface.  I love that Yoga Accessories offers mats in many different colors. They also offer mats in different thicknesses. My preference is the very thin mat that provides no-slip and a sort of hygienic barrier between me and the floor. But there are also thicker mats of you are looking for more padding.

1/8" Lightweight Classic Yoga Mat

Bolster - Bolsters come in several sizes and either a round shape or a more flattened-oval shape. I am getting a lot of use from my new round bolster. It is used to prop up the knees, to assist while laying in the child pose, and my favorite pose - laying on it along my spine. This pose seems to release tension in my back and shoulders.

small junior sized round bolster (22" x 7")

Blanket - A blanket does what a bolster does, but on a thinner scale. You can also use the blanket to sit on, adding padding between your bottom and the floor. I also often use it under my head and under my neck for padding and support. 

Yoga Accessories Traditional Mexican Yoga Blanket

Blocks - Blocks are used as props for stability and/or for comfort. For example, while in certain poses that are meant to be restful, if you aren't quite flexible enough you aren't able to relax. The blocks can be placed to help you relax.

High Density and Lightweight Foam Yoga Blocks

Strap - As I mentioned, I have lost flexibility and range of motion. A few years ago, I could grasp my hands behind my back, lean over, and raise them above my head. Now I can barely clasp my hands behind my back.  A strap can be used to help with that move until you become able to perform the move without the extra assistance.  In only 4-5 weeks time, I am noticing improvement in my flexibility and will soon be working without the strap.

8' Cinch Buckle Cotton Yoga Strap

An Amazon Prime Free Gentle Yoga Video

I love this gentle yoga so much and am realizing so many benefits from it in just a few weeks that I've begun to practice at home. I was thrilled to find a free video, that is included with my Amazon Prime membership, that is very similar to the class I attend. If you have a Prime membership, you can take a peek at Easy - Gentle Yoga with Michele Fife to see what I am trying to describe.

A relaxing and helpful pose with the help of a bolster
photo: Yoga Accessories

*photo credits: all photos from Yoga Accessories 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, August 13, 2017

How to Paint an Open Concept Room with High Ceilings

How to Paint An Open Concept Room With High Ceilings
 Photo Via Pixabay

Although high ceilings and open concept décor are what most people want today in a home, these spaces can be challenging to decorate.

Before adding color and scale to a space, open floor plans can make a room feel cold and cavernous.

Although it seems contrary to the point of the room, making the space cozy and comfy means scaling down its vastness.

Using Two Colors to Scale Down Tall Ceilings

Two colors on a tall wall create a natural break in height, allowing you to define the space around the color choice on the bottom. The top color can be used as an accent tone for additional pieces in the room.

The example in the above photo shows the two-color concept in action. The bottom section is a deep, rich sea blue color, with the top of the wall painted white. Although white seems like a non-color, it's used to contrast the white cabinet and other accessories, making it part of the intended feel.

But don't stop at two colors; add a third.
One Large Feature Wall Using Two Colors
Featuring a White Fireplace
Photo Via Pixabay

One of the general decorating rules is to work with three shades in the same color family as your base colors. The photo shows how stark just two colors can be. Introducing a third color automatically softens a space.

An Open Concept Wall that Spans Two Rooms

If you have a completely open space that spans two rooms, such as a living room into a dining room where the wall flows from one to the other, it's best to use one color for the entire wall.

The exception would be if you could divide the space using a textured wall feature between the two, like a brick or wood wall divider.

A Concept Room with One Tall Feature Wall

If you have one wall in your space that spans two storeys or is very tall and is visible from other areas, you can paint that entire wall a darker shade while painting another wall that abuts it a lighter shade in the same color family. Thus, the darker wall becomes your feature wall.

If you have windows or a fireplace on that wall with white trim, that's even better, as the darker color will pop even more. In fact, walls with windows and other light-colored architectural trim are ideal for darker-colored paint.

Other Decorating Tricks to Deal with Tall Walls Featured Below in the Collection of Photos:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Popsockets - The Smart Phone Accessory You Never Knew You Needed!

Reviewing Popsockets the smart phone accessory you never knew you needed!
Popsockets are the smart phone accessory that you never knew you needed!  If you have a teen then these are the best gift idea ever - they will love them and you may save yourself some money - sound good?  Read on as I review popsockets for you.

If you're in a hurry jump straight to a selection of popsockets to purchase.

I'll review exactly what popsockets are as well as offering some cool popsockets for sale.  As I'm not sure whether you are new to popsockets or just looking to buy one I've included a list of what's on this page and you're welcome to jump straight to the appropriate section.

What is a Popsocket?

So exactly what is a popsocket I hear some of you asking, well I had never heard of them until recently when my daughter came home with one stuck on the back of her phone.   It looked like a smaller version of a bathroom hook to hang towels off of and I really couldn't see why she would want a round 'knob' stuck on the back of her phone.

Then she demonstrated it (with it 'popped out') and I realized what a cool idea it was, check out the image below to see how it works

What is a popsocket and how does it work?

Basically it's a way to hold your phone while you scroll through Facebook, text your mom or snapchat with your friends.  It's a very basic idea which is quite genius - a basic must have accessory for any smart phone.  Even my daughter commented that she didn't know how much she needed it until she had it and I think you'd feel the same way once you got one.

How Do I Save Money With a Popsocket?

Now you're probably thinking okay the popsocket looks great, but you said something about saving money - please explain!

Now I'm not sure how people keep dropping their phones and getting yet another screen cracked, but it seems to happen way too much and as the phones get thinner they seem to slip out of the hand even easier.

There have been several occasions when my daughter has nearly dropped her phone and it has only been saved because the popsocket is between her fingers.   As an aside, I've only had to replace her screen once, whereas some of her friends have had their whole phones replaced due to being dropped on many occasions!

Teens aren't the only ones who drop their phones, we have a friend who if he hasn't lost his phone has damaged it due to it falling more times than he's had hot dinners!   If you're a bit of a butter finger when it comes to your phone then you need to consider a popsocket.

Where to Position Your Popsocket?

Where to position your Popstocket?
Photo credit -
So you've taken the plunge and brought yourself a popsocket and you know it sticks to the back of your phone (or phone case), but where?

My daughter spoke about positioning her popsocket with the distain that only a teenager can show because apparently most people put their popsockets in the middle of the phone which is wrong in many cases -although not always.  Confused?

Before you position your popsocket you have to look at how you naturally hold your phone - text, phone, scroll, snap a selfie and just see how you're holding your phone.  My daughter has small hands and a large phone and is usually texting rather than scrolling (she doesn't do social media!) so she has positioned her popsocket a little lower.

If my husband were to have one he would want his to be in the center because he holds his phone very much in the center with one hand while using the other hand to text (and he always puts it on speaker to talk).

For myself I would probably have the popsocket slightly lower than my daughter and a little more to one side as that's where I tend to hold my phone.

So to sum up look at how you're holding your phone to use it before you do add your popsocket and that way you'll know exactly where it will be most comfortable for you.

Cool Popsocket Designs

There are lots of different designs available for the popsocket, as you can see from the photo above my daughter has a blue mandala design, but there are a range of different ones available including plain white or plain black ones and these few here -

Now although I say to put your popsocket on your phone, obviously if you use a case you need to put it on the case.  One of my daughter's friends has the blue nebula popsocket featured above on a case with the same design which really stands out.

It makes me think that you could have a different popsocket for each phone case you have and really make a statement!

A Marble Popsocket?

My daughter did want a marble popsocket when she first looked at them and by that she didn't mean one made of marble, but rather a design that looked like marble.  Talking to the lady who runs a small phone accessory store at our local mall it appears that the marble popsockets are definitely the most popular ones with the teenage market.

I was thinking of getting one for my daughter's birthday, but when they say marble they forget to tell you how many different ones that encompasses - blood marble, blue marble, white marble, the list just seems to go on and on...

Popsockets - A Great Gift Idea, Not Just For Teens!

Not only are popsockets on every teen's gift list they would also be ideal for a number of other people.  If I didn't use a flip case for my phone I would definitely be rocking a popsocket myself!

Popsockets aren't expensive which means they are perfect as a stocking filler, an office secret Santa gift, a neighbor gift or just as a little thank you for someone.

As I've mentioned these can be stuck on phone cases and/or phones so even if they already have a popsocket they could always have another one because I don't know many people (teens especially) who only have one phone case.

What Do You Think of Popsockets?

I'd love to know your thoughts on this smart phone accessory.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 11, 2017

Sunbeam Shoulder Wrap Heating Pad Reviewed

Sunbeam Shoulder Wrap Heating Pad Reviewed
If you ever have shoulder or neck pain, you will understand instantly why I love my Sunbeam Shoulder Wrap Heating Pad. 

After decades of trying to force a standard back heating pad to wrap around my neck, I finally invested in a heating pad that was made specifically for shoulders and necks.  It is well worth every penny I paid for it!
When I think of the thousands of times that I tried to hold a heating pad between my neck and shoulder, I seriously wonder why I waited so long to search for a shoulder wrap heating pad.  

Since I need both hands to type, I really don't have an easy way to hold a square heating pad in place between my neck and shoulder.  If I try to hold it in place by squeezing it between my shoulder and neck, then I end up with even worse neck pain.  Out of desperation, I've even tried tying a heating pad to my neck with a long shoe string.  Actually, that kind of worked. but I don't recommend it.  What I do recommend is the Sunbeam Shoulder Wrap Heating Pad.

The Sunbeam Shoulder Wrap Heating Pad

Sunbeam 885-911 Renue Heat Therapy Neck and Shoulder Wrap
This is truly one of the best gifts I have ever given myself!  Even if I am not in extreme pain, the warmth gives relief to my shoulders when I spend the day typing.  

The shoulder wrap heating pad has several features that I love, but my favorite is that little heated piece of fabric that goes up the back of my neck.  Having the heat situated and held in place on the vertebral segments in my neck is fabulous!  It tends to make my lower back quite jealous.

Other Wonderful Features of the Sunbeam Shoulder Wrap Heating Pad

  •  Magnetic Clasp in the front to hold it closed at the throat
  •  Multiple Heat Settings from Warm to High Heat
  •  Designed to "drape" over Shoulders and Around Neck
  •  Weighted to Hold in Place
  •  Auto Shut-off after 2 hours
  •  Super long Electric Cord  (Mine is 9 feet) 
  •  Odorless, unless you use a pain relieving cream or rub for  penetrating relief.
  •  Machine Washable
The instructions say that you can lightly spritz the wrap with water for a damp steam effect, but I have never tried that.  I use mine dry. 

My Heated Wrap is the Sunbeam 885-911, but you may prefer the longer (XL) version  

 Sunbeam Heating Pad for Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief - XLCheck Price Sunbeam Heating Pad for Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief | StandardCheck Price Sunbeam Heating & Massage Pad for Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief, XLCheck Price Sunbeam Renue Tension Relief Wrap, Walnut, Neck and ShouldersCheck Price


Read More Product Reviews at

Sunbeam Shoulder Wrap Heating Pad Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Review of Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse

Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse

Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse


In the 1800's the Rockland harbor was one of the busiest on the mid coast of Maine.  A thriving limestone industry along with shipbuilding and fishing made this harbor essential for the mid Maine economy.  In order to protect the harbor between 1881 and 1899 a long granite breakwater was built.  In 1902 a lighthouse on the end of the breakwater was put into operation.  The tower of the lighthouse is 25 feet tall and it is attached to a keeper's house.  The light of the lighthouse flashes white every 5 seconds and in foggy weather a fog signal puts out one blast every 15 seconds.

Long Rocky Walk to Lighthouse

rocky walk to the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
Rocky Walk to Light
As you can see in the photo above the breakwater is made of chunks of granite.  On the day we visited there were several people walking down the breakwater to see the lighthouse at the end.  After walking about a quarter of the way, I decided the long walk with my camera equipment was a bit treacherous so I stopped put on my long lenses and photographed from a distance.  I also took several shots from the shore. One of the photos from the shore captures Owls Head lighthouse in the distance. Click on the link below the photo to read more about Owls Head lighthouse.

Owls Head Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
Owls Head Lighthouse

Today the lighthouse is still an active aid  to navigation.  You can visit the lighthouse by walking the 7/8 of a mile down the granite breakwater. Here is a photo of the lighthouse taken from the shore.

Rockland Breakwater lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Ledges by the Bay


The motel that we stayed at was about a mile from the lighthouse and we had a wonderful view of another small bay adjoining the Rockland harbor.  The photos below show the view from our room.  It was exciting to watch the beautiful colors of the sunrise and sunset and to see the clipper ships sail past our view.

bay in Maine photo by mbgphoto
Sailboat photo by mbgphoto

bay in Maine photo by mbgphoto

Maine bay photo by mbgphoto

Zazzle Products from my Photos

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Book Lovers Day, Let's Review Coffee Table Books for Everyone

In honor of Book Lovers Day, I'm looking at my collection of books and marveling at the variety of subjects that grace my coffee table!

Let's Review what makes a great Coffee Table Book Collection and see where it takes us.
coffee table books with book ends
The beauty about Coffee Table books is that they are really truly works of art in themselves.  The topics can range from Architecture right through to Zebras in the Serengeti!   There are subjects that are as individual as we all are.  What appeals to one person may not appeal to another and yet when I look at Coffee Table Books (the big ones with beautiful pictures of people and places), I am always in awe at the myriad of choices.  The one common part of every Coffee Table Book is a great review of the topic and pictures that you and I will never be able to replicate.  

Travel Books

Travel books make a great collection that will be enjoyed by your many friends and family.  Especially if they are places that you have visited.  Most of the time these Travel Books have the highest quality pictures and always done under the most perfect conditions.  Now let's be clear, I am not talking about "Travel Guides" for different destinations, but rather those beautiful large hard covered books that show places in their best and most photographic light.  I have a beautiful book on the Sistine Chapel.  It is one of my favorite Coffee Table Books, because while I have seen the Sistine Chapel with my own eyes, trying to get a great picture of it when there are hundreds of people milling about, is almost impossible.  
new york book

Special Interest Books

Everyone has their own special interests and that is what makes coffee table books so interesting to me.  You may like History, while someone else is into the History of Comics.  Both of these subjects are well covered in Coffee Table Books.  There is everything in between too!  Fashion, Wars, Machinery, Animals and a host of other topics are all bound up in beautiful books that just wait for your eyes to enjoy them.  The turning of the pages will show you picture after picture of marvels that man has either made, built, destroyed and more.  There are books to inspire and even Old First Edition books that are proudly displayed on the coffee table or a bookshelf close by.  One of my favorite topics is Architecture, so needless to say this book featuring works of Gaudi, happens to be a "go to"  book when I need to relax and just enjoy some amazing buildings that are famous in their own rite.
gaudi open book

Humor and Levity don't stray too far from our Coffee Table either!

My husband can be found on a Sunday evening enjoying the antics of "Calvin and Hobbs!"  He had started to collect the comics out of the paper especially when he found one that related so well to our children.  He would keep these in a file folder at his desk.  One time when one of  our boys came home, they found his "clippings file!"  That Christmas they got together and purchased the Complete Collection of Calvin and Hobbs for their dad.  Today, 10 years later, it is not uncommon to see him enjoying this gift and laughing with delight.  Friends have come for a visit and found themselves drawn to our eclectic collection of coffee table books.  Needless to say we enjoy sharing these books with our friends.  Is there a rhyme or reason for any of these books to be there?  No, other than they are all topics that we enjoy.  We can pull out a book and lose ourselves in the Space Race, the Sistine Chapel, Gaudi's amazing architecture or just laugh with Calvin or Elizabeth in my "For Better or Worse Collection."  Of course these days there is also a whole section in our bookcase beside the coffee table for the Complete Works of  Dr. Seuss!  When the grandchildren come to visit, they have their own "little library" and sit quite contently on the floor, flipping through their books strewn all over the coffee table.

Topics for Everyone!

Coffee Table Books come in any genre imaginable.  There are lovely books on Dogs, Cats, Birds, Mountains, Fish in the Oceans, and the list is endless.  I would suggest that if you have a friend or two with a special interest in a certain topic, you will find a Coffee Table book that they would enjoy for many years to come.  They do make a great gift for that person that has just about everything under the sun and I know that they will get enjoyment out of your thoughtfulness.  A beautiful quote that suits your friend and the topic of the book is all that needs to be added.  What a wonderful gift indeed!

Just In Case:

There is the chance that you don't really like these lovely picture books, so for those who would rather have a pile of paperbacks or latest Best Sellers on their coffee table, then check out all the great Book Reviews you'll find right here: Review This Book Reviews

All pictures are courtesy of

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Collection (A Series) Reviewed

An Intriguing Drama Series To Stream 

sewing machine for fashion
Sewing Machine image courtesy of
The Collection is a series of episodes that can be streamed through an Amazon Prime membership. My husband and I started viewing it this weekend and we are really caught up in the drama of the show. 

The story takes place in the late 1940s after WWII in Paris. It revolves around the fashion industry focusing on a small house of couture called Paul Sabine. 

In case you are not much of a history buff, during the war France was occupied by the Germans. As one can imagine the fashion industry of Paris suffered during this occupation. In fact, Hitler wanted to move the fashion houses and designers to Germany. 

The series hints at some collaboration with the Germans during the occupation and also shows how the industry is trying to make a comeback and restore its recognition of being the best place in the world for couture and new styles.

I am not one who really gets too caught up in fashion but I do love the premise of this series. The set designs are remarkable! I love seeing how the staff worked at making a design on paper come to life in the sewing room. The attention to detail in how that room would have looked is amazing. In one scene a girl is working on a dress on a mannequin and my husband said, "What does she have on her wrist?" It was a wonderful old fashioned pin cushion that a seamstress would have worn on her wrist for convenience.

One might think that most men would not enjoy this series much since it deals with Paris fashion houses. My husband is really enjoying it because there is more than just creating unique dresses involved. I mentioned the hints of collaboration with the Nazis. There is an American reporter who is trying to dig up some dirt on that front. There is also a conflict between the two Sabine brothers that is quite interesting. Paul, who is known as the owner and top designer of the House of Sabine doesn't really design the dresses. His brother Claude is the real talent behind their designs but the public doesn't know that. I don't think most of the staff realizes who the real genius is. The mother of the brothers is pretty interesting too! There is something from her past that makes her mysterious. Paul is holding something over her and she does not want Claude to find out. She is a real piece of work!

We are finding that there is enough going on that both genders, male and female, can enjoy this series found on Amazon. The story holds your attention and keeps you wondering what will happen next. It is currently rated 4.6 stars out of 5 so it would appear that most viewers are rating it highly.

 Currently the only way to view it is through your Prime membership. That might change in the future but for now only Prime members can watch it for free. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, August 7, 2017

Moodle Stressed Review

Moodles - doodles that change your mood.
What is a Moodle? In a Google search, the word "Moodle" brings up a variety of search results. The Moodle I am reviewing is a book series that was designed by the author to improve mood through doodling. This is a book that I personally would have picked up from the shelf, flipped through, then put back on the shelf and wandered away. But after seeing the Stressed volume put to use, I decided that I needed to help spread the word about the Moodle series.  

What is a Moodle and why is there a series?

The Moodle books were written and illustrated by Emily Portnoi. She describes the books as:

"...a new concept in therapeutic doodling - fun doodle books for adults or children, with the power to change your mood"  -- Emily Portnoi

Ms. Portnoi is a Designer, Art Director, and Illustrator. I think that her enjoyment of aesthetics and fun art is easy to see in the pages of her book.

Why I recommend the Moodle Stressed Volume

Since I admitted that this is a book that I would have leafed through then left behind on the bookstore shelf, why would I now recommend that very same book? I recommend it because one of my "kids" recommended it. And I watched as this young person "Moodled" into calmness.

There is nothing new about coloring, doodling, and fidgeting (keeping the hands busy while focusing on a task) as a means of relieving stress or anxiety. Ms. Portnoi writes that her books are a new concept in therapeutic doodling. I don't fully agree with that statement. Doodling/drawing is something that I've done with the kids I work with for just over two decades now (wow, time flies!). Some of the doodles in the Moodle book were very similar to things I've done with the kids over the years.

Are you still wondering why I recommend these books? I can see why you would be wondering that.  Let me explain a little more.

  • The size of the book is a handy size (approx. 6" x 7.8").   
  • The bold print of the illustrations is eye-catching and Ms. Portnoi's illustrations are fun and engaging.  
  • What is new about her books is the variety of activities. All of the suggested doodles are open-ended and can be as brief or detailed as the user chooses.  
  • The page corners are rounded and smooth
  • The pages are thick and a slightly "slick" paper stock (I am not a publisher, so I am unsure of the correct terminology). Not too slick for pens and pencils, but not regular rough paper stock.
  • The feel/texture of the pages were clearly pleasing to the youngster I was with while we colored in the book.

A few quick photos I took of some of the pages in the Stressed volume to show the variety of activities

The book is suitable for pencils, pens, and colored pencils. I did note that my young friend was using markers and gel pens. Some of the most vibrant and "wet" ink markers/pens did slightly bleed through the pages while some of the gel pens did not.

While this book was not my cup of tea, it was clearly very enjoyable for this young person. The activity did in fact improve mood and release stress in a remarkably short period of time. 

As we sat and colored, I realized that I should stock up on some of the books in this series. I think that the book series will be helpful for folks who need to calm, focus, release stress, and improve mood. In my mind, I created a list of some of the people I will recommend the book to - including folks on the Autism Spectrum and who have difficulties with symptoms of anxiety, impulsivity, and ADHD.

The Moodles series offered on Amazon - including Moodles Happy

Related Link

I enjoy coloring and doodling and was recently reminded of the importance of carrying supplies with me. I prefer mandala style coloring pages and discovered these small on-the-go adult coloring books.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Salt Life Review

Salt Life Signature Decal
Salt Life Signature Decal
What is Salt Life, you may be asking?

Salt Life, as defined by the Urban Dictionary, is:

“Salt Life ~ Originally a sticker on the back of cars used to denote a surfer, bodyboarder, or general beach bum whose  life centered around the ocean or related beach going activities.”

Recently I reviewed apparel by Southern Fried Cotton, carried in the clothing department of the store I work for.  Since our store is located in a coastal community, we cater to ocean and beach related clothing, popular in our area.  Salt Life is another Southern and Coastal Company which manufactures the type of clothing we carry.


Origin of Salt Life

The Salt Life brand has come to represent the ocean and the many activities centered around it. It appeals to those who enjoy an active lifestyle surrounding surfing, fishing, diving and days spent on the beach.

Salt Life was begun in 2003 by four men who, besides being friends, were also passionate about the ocean and all it has to offer.  These four 'watermen' are from Jacksonville Beach, Florida and thus that is where their company is located. Salt Life is more than just a Logo ~ it represents a style of life that is ocean and beach related.

Explore the Salt Life in TeeShirts, Hats, Decals and Lots More...


Salt Life Marlin Tee Shirt
Cut Salt Marlin Life T-Shirt
Popular with fans of ocean fishing is the Salt Life Marlin Tee Shirts. They come in a variety of colors, and are found in different designs such as the Sun Tee (marlin leaping with sun behind it), Palm Tee (showing a palm tree on the beach and the marlin leaping in the ocean), and Marlin Waves (colorful design of a marlin leaping out of a large ocean wave). 

The Ocean Life tee shirt line represents all there is to love about the ocean ~ the surfing, swimming, fishing and fun beach life.

There are fishing theme T-shirts with the “Life in the Cast Lane” sayings and designs such as hook, line & sinker that fishermen love.  There are skull themes and anchor images, turtles and many others.

Salt Life Salt Life Marlin Tee Shirt
Sea La Vie Ladies T-Shirt @ Salt Life

Especially for the ladies, there are scoop neck Tees with clever sayings that remind one of the  ocean and coast, such as “Sea La Vie”, “Seahorse Daze”, and “Living Salty Turtle”.

Salt Life also has a wide variety of hats for these seaside activities.  Live the Salt Life is one of their favorite mottos.  This 'Anchor' hat is a favorite for your beach-going activities.


Salty Crab Decal @ Salt Life
Salty Crab Decal @ Salt Life

And, of course, there are stickers and decals, such as the one seen in the Introduction image and this Salty Crab decal.  Check out all the Salt Life images of fishing poles and fish, sea turtles, palm trees, Salty crab and more. 

Salt Life also carries clothing for kids, a line of shorts for men & women, and other beach gear such as beach towels, flags and coolers.

Everything that is a reminder of your favorite oceanside sport or beach activity.  Check them all out on the Salt Life website.


Salt Life Food Shack

In addition to their clothing and gear designs, Salt Life also has restaurants called 'Food Shacks'. Currently, these restaurants are located in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, St. Augustine Beach, Florida and Fernandina Beach, Florida, with plans to open more. They are known for their eclectic seafood menu and are lively hangouts for the beach-going crowd.

Enjoy Local Fried Shrimp and Beer Can Chicken, salads and tacos and Fresh Rolled Sushi, fresh fish and salt water favorites.  Check the Jacksonville Beach menu here
for these and many other selections, all available in their casual yet trendy open-air space located near the beach. Their motto is “Pull up a stool. Eat. Drink. And be Salty.” 

Roatan Marine Park

The Salt Life Company 'gives back' in an effort to protect the oceans they love and preserve the seas and coral reefs for future generations. They have teamed with Roatan Marine Park to protect the waters and reefs in Roatan, Honduras. Check out the Roatan Marine Park website
to see how they are working to provide a sustainable marine environment that can provide fisheries and tourism without harming the ecosystem.



Salt Life turtle decal
Salt Life Signature Turtle Decal

Everyone enjoys the Salt Life, whether it's participating in water sports or simply having a 'beach day'. The Salt Life clothing and gear is perfect for anyone, seaman or land lovers,  wanting a trip to the beach. The Salt Life Food Shacks specialize in tasty seafood.

Live the Salt Life!

Quick Links:

Salt Life Website
Salt Life Food Shack
Salt Life Tees, Gear & More on Amazon

*Salt Life Review by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 4, 2017

How to Create An Image Slideshow & Add Image Slideshow in Blogger Post Reviewed

How to Create An Image Slideshow & Add Image Slideshow in Blogger Post

Easy Instructions for Creating a Slideshow for Blogger Posts

Blogger is a fabulous free blogging site, but it does have it limits.  While you can easily add single images to a blogger post, there is no slideshow option available.  Therefore, we must improvise by creating and adding our own slideshows to our Blogger articles. 

Last week, I featured a slideshow in my How to Grill the Perfect Steaks article.   While the images were not especially "pretty", the pictorial tutorial would be extremely helpful to a grilling beginner.

This week, I will show you how to create and add your slideshows to your own Blogger posts.  If you follow these few simple instructions, you will find out for yourself just how easy it is to generate beautiful image slideshows to feature on a Blogger post.

How to Create An Image Slideshow for Blogger

You do need a Google account since we will be using the Google Slides.   Follow these very easy steps to create your own slideshow.

  1.   Click here to open Google Slides
  2.   Select "Blank" under Start a Presentation
  3.   Select "Insert" then "Image" from the Drop Down Menu
  4.   Upload Your Image 
  5.   Add Additional Images by Clicking the + sign on the top left
      and repeat Step 3 until all of your images are added.

Slideshow Showing Images of Steps


How to Add an Image Slideshow in a Blogger Post

Once you have finished adding all of the photos to your slideshow, it is time to publish and embed the slideshow in your Blogger post.

  1. Select File and scroll to "publish to web"

  2. How to Add a Slideshow to Your Blogger Post

  3. Copy the Code
  4. Add Image Slideshow in Blogger Post

  5. Paste the code in the html of your Blogger post
How to Create An Image Slideshow for a Blogger Post


This is How It Looks on Compose in Your Blogger Post

How to Create An Image Slideshow for a Blogger Post

Additional Options In Google Slides for Creating Slideshows

  • You can change the background color under the Layout Tab
  • Change the layout to accommodate 2 images instead of one
  • Images can be Cropped
  • Change the layout to Combine Text and Photos
  • Text can be Added on Photos 
  • Add Links to Photos
  • Rearrange the Images by Simply Dragging Image
  • Add or Change Photos after the Slideshow is published
  • Built-in Spell Checker
  • Undo & Redo Buttons

Example Slideshow



More Tips & Tutorials for Blogger

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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