Showing posts with label Music Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music Reviews. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2015

Every Man Has His Place In Time - Reflections of Life in Song & Lyrics I Couldn't Accept

Read a Review of 'Go On Without Me'

Go On Without Me by Brett Eldredge Begins with These Poignant Lyrics - 'Every Man Has His Place in Time'...

When you've lost someone close to you, you understand that time only cements in the fact that you'll never see them again in this life. 

Of course, your own personal belief system may bring you comfort if it happens to include a knowingness that you'll see them again. Don't ask me how I know, I just know in my heart that we live on, just in a different way. However, I do respect the belief system of others who may see life and death differently. For me, there's no doubt, death is yet another beginning.

In my plight to understand the pain of losing dad, I've written a great deal about it and in fact have an entire category dedicated to him at - The Heart of Country Music. 

Even though I've already written an Emotional Review (I call them ER's about this terrific song by Mr. Brett Eldredge, I feel compelled to re-introduce this song to those who may not have had the privilege of hearing it. 

Graduating to a Place Where Accepting These Lyrics Became Possible

When dad first passed away, other than what I had written for his funeral, I wasn't able to write for months about it. For me, it felt like writing about dad would cheapen his life. 

Sorry if that comes across wrong, it's just that the use of 'mere words' to describe this legend couldn't possibly convey who he was. And if I had to explain him 'in words', for me, it would have disrespected the grandness of who he was, who he is. 

I got over those feelings.

And the words poured out.

And I wrote and wrote and wrote some more.

In fact to honor him, I decided to write about him and dedicate a song to him on the one month anniversary of his passing for one full year

I lived up to that, and each month he lived again in words, and in my memory.

Getting over this kind of loss, the loss of someone so integral to who you are and who you've become is impossible. 

The truth is, we never 'get over it'. 

It doesn't matter how many months, years or decades go by, they live forever and who the hell would want it to be otherwise. 

To have known this kind of love, that's the eternal gift. 

The gift of love, the gift of having allowed yourself to be loved and to love with such depth that you dare the pain of loss back into your life ...why? ... because that pain reminds you how sweet and wonderful you had it and how much love you're capable of giving and receiving. 

Love with all your heart. 

My dad would say 'I love you' to people all the time. He was a large, tough man too. Yet his teddy bear heart was witnessed by many. Especially my brothers and I. 

He loved us so much, so so much that when he was passing away, I couldn't let him go, couldn't give him permission to let go, and I wouldn't say goodbye. 

He wasn't conscious near the end, and I would sit in silence by his bedside holding his hand just staring outside the window of his hospital room. Watching the swaying tall trees outside of that room, it's at that point I decided to create a life-marker. 

On windy days the tall swaying cedar trees in my own back yard bring me back to my dad: I couldn't say goodbye to dad, and now the swaying of trees remind me that I didn't need to. And I never will say goodbye. 

The trees have become my rocking chair; when they sway, dad is here.

Which brings me back to the lyrics of this song, 'Go On Without Me' 

After about one year, I was able to accept these lyrics. 

Sounds funny to say that doesn't it? ..'accept these lyrics'

The words 'go on without me' were words I had chosen to reject in that first year, and I'm 'not going on without you' dad ... I'm going on with you, with you forever being a part of me. Your love, your memory, your face, your voice, your hugs, all that is you, is still you, and having you with me in spirit is better than to have never had you at all.

The beautiful lyrics to this song are lyrics I know my Dad or any lost loved one would want to say to us...
"I'll always hear the prayers in your head late at night,I'm walking right beside you when nobody's by your side,I don't want you to cry over my memory, 
So go on without me, without me,
Every breath of life is short and sweet so glad that I'm up here and I got to see you go on without me"

Country Music Fans can Follow me and more via Country Music Reviews on Facebook or at - The Heart of Country Music 

Something I've Written For Dads in Heaven:

Love Barb

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Moving Country Songs That Celebrate the Special Relationship Between Father and Daughter

Wall Quotes to Honor Dad
If you're looking for Father Daughter Country Songs, or just general Father Daughter Songs, then to help you out, you'll find a few popular choices featured below. 

You can find a full list of Father Country Songs here.

You'll notice that each song below is included in a Playlist, enabling you to listen to the entire list of suggested Father Daughter Country Songs right here, without having to jump all over the internet endlessly searching for just the right song - a time consuming and sometimes frustrating process.

Note that this Playlist for father daughter country songs is always increasing, so be sure to check back as new songs are frequently added.

Today's Featured Five...

You're Gonna Miss This, Trace Adkins
What a great song! This father daughter relationship takes a journey through time from when she's a little girl, up to when she has kids of her own. The small, everyday moments of life are perfectly highlighted in these words to make the song very easy to relate to.

You Can Let Go Now Daddy - A Song of Loss and Goodbye

Well just grab a tissue box before you play this one! I cannot get through this song without crying. A beautiful story told in song, of a girl from childhood to womanhood honoring her father and giving him permission to die. It's rough to get through.

My Little Girl, by Tim McGraw

A beautiful wedding song choice for father and daughter. It's a dad voice deeply expressing his immeasurable love for his Little Girl. It's a love every parent knows, and this song will bring out tears every time.

Let Them Be Little, Billy Dean

What a lovely song for a father and daughter to dance to..."let them be little, cause they're only that way for a while... let'em giggle, let them sleep in the turn around and it's time to let them go". No doubt about it, there will be tears during this dance.

Daddy Dance With Me, by Krystal Keith - 'But I'll be Your Baby Girl for Life'

In my opinion, this ranks as the prettiest, saddest, most beautiful song to choose for a father daughter wedding dance. It's written explicitly for a wedding. Listening to this song is difficult for me right now; dad passed last year, and the lyrics are so deeply moving. (Lyrics) '...I want you to know I'll always need your love'...'you gave me faith you gave me life, you trusted me to live it right'.

If you need any of the above songs, visit - The Heart of Country Music where you'll find these songs plus many more that celebrate all relationships with Dad's.

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Introducing Singer-Songwriter Stephen Cuthbert

Stephen Cuthbert
Stephen Cuthbert on YouTube

Stephen John Cuthbert, born in 1985, is a dedicated and talented singer-songwriter from North East England's pretty seaside resort of Redcar. Recently, I had the opportunity to ask Stephen about his passion for music, and I wasn't surprised to learn that music has been a part of his life since he was little.
As we all know, it takes a great deal of talent to be a songwriter, and Stephen has a creative knack for bringing together descriptive, heartfelt lyrics with catchy and appealing sounds. In fact, you would think, by the album Stephen put together last year, that he had been writing music all his life. However, he pointed out that although he's always maintained a deep connection to music, he didn't, in fact, get down to writing his own songs until 2013....and get down to writing he did! His self-titled album, Here and Standing, offers 11 original songs, featuring the first song he ever wrote called 'Money Tree.'
Stephen's Songwriting Inspiration
When asking Stephen where he gets his inspiration to write, he indicated he 'usually needs to be in a particular mood, but that most of his lyrics come to him as he's about to drop off to sleep at night'...which is why he keeps his iPhone handy to quickly jot his new ideas down!
I was curious to know what comes first - the music or the lyrics - and he said he does not have a set pattern when he writes; sometimes, a particular chord sequence will come to mind, and he'll adjust the lyrics to fit. But he also states the reverse happens; he can write a full song and then fit the music around it. Although he's in the early stages of his career, he's open to writing songs for other artists, so he knows how to attack a songwriting project from any angle.
Famed musical inspirations include Elvis Presley, Michael Buble, and Trace Adkins. Stephen points out that he's not isolated to one particular genre and writes for numerous genres, including country.
Anything is Possible
Stephen remembers seeing the famed X Factor success story James Arthur playing local pubs in his area before being discovered. He says, "It really hit home how if you stick to your dreams, eventually you will get to where you want to be." Perseverance should never be underestimated.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Review of Products That Help Me Get a Good Nights Sleep

Do You Have Trouble Getting a Good Night's Sleep?

I find it hard to fall asleep. Not only am I very distracted by any sounds that aren’t relaxing, I’m also pretty wound up before I go to bed. I do most of my writing at night, and often the ideas are still buzzing around my head when it hits the pillow. Many times I’m not even sleepy. I’m only going to bed because I know it’s past time. 

A Review of Products That Help Me Get a Good Nights Sleep
My Son Asleep on Floor of Motel Room, © B. Radisavljevic

Some people, like my son in the picture, can  fall asleep almost anywhere, as he did on this motel room floor. My husband is another one who can fall asleep the minute he puts his head on the pillow. Sometimes he even falls asleep in his chair. Not me. 

Here's What I've Done to Start Falling Asleep Faster

Nutritional Supplements that Help Me Fall Asleep

For some time now I've been taking a couple of nutritional supplements that have helped me relax if I take them about half an hour before bed every night. One is Natrol® Melatonin 5 Mg, 250 Fast Dissolve Tablets Strawberry Flavor. It has worked better than any other Melatonin product I've tried, and I've tried a lot of them. I usually buy mine at Costco, but I have linked to Amazon here in case Costco isn't convenient for you. I also take an amino acid, Nature's Plus L-Tyrosine with B-6 500mg/50mg - 60 - Capsule. I'm  not so fussy about the brand for this. This combination helps me relax. 

Noise Blockers

I am also very sensitive to noise, and noises can keep me awake even when I'm relaxed and very tired. Before I moved here, my computer was in my bedroom and I didn’t like to turn off more than the energy- hogging display. If I tried to put it to sleep, it didn’t do any good, because for some reason I haven’t yet figured out, it suddenly woke up anyway. So as I was trying to sleep, I heard my computer working in the background, making those distracting little clicking sounds. Sometimes there were animal noises outside or the neighbor on the hill was having a very late party. Now that I've moved to the city, there are even more outside noises, as well as clicking sounds from my windows when the sun comes up. 

It seems the thing that relaxes and soothes me most when I am lying in bed is the sound of rain on the roof. It doesn’t matter how loud the rain is; it’s like a lullaby to me. I finally got the bright idea that I should look for CDs that make rain sounds. But they were hard to find. Almost all the nature sound tracks I found had more than rain in them. They had orchestral accompaniment, bird song, and other things included that although meant to enhance, only disturbed me and broke the steady sound of the rain falling.

It was only after I’d bought and tried about five other CDs that didn’t work for me that I saw Rain and Relaxation on Amazon and bought it. It’s made a great difference. If I go to bed tense or still full of creative fervor that wants to leap back to the computer and write more, I just play the CD, which I keep loaded in my CD player in my clock radio. All I have to do is press the button in the dark to start the process of calming down enough to sleep.

This also works after my early morning bladder wake-up call. At 6 AM the sun is about to rise or has already risen. The birds start making noise outside my window swamp cooler, and sometimes the neighbor’s dog is barking. Later my husband is in the kitchen making his breakfast or talking on the phone. I want to keep sleeping until about nine after my late night writing, so I play the CD again, loudly enough to block out the other noises.

I highly recommend this solution to others who find it hard to fall asleep at night or who fall back to sleep in the middle of the night after using the bathroom. It’s made a great difference in the quality of my sleep. It’s also made a great difference in my temperament in the morning when I wake up.

When Rain Alone Doesn't Do the Trick

Sometimes I need something a bit different than rain alone to put me to sleep. I have shared some of the other recordings I have used below. Although you may also feel the need for white noise, maybe something different like ocean, night nature sounds, or even electronic relaxation is what you need to do the trick. Check  these out, as well as some others that may be suggested as you look at them. 

One more hint. I have a repeat function on my CD player, but it only repeats one track. It really helps to get a CD with everything on one track. The last suggestion here, Summer Evening Serenade, is the one I currently use, since my rain cd wore out and I haven't remembered to replace it yet. It has everything on one track, and I keep it repeating all night. It used to be when a CD ended, it would wake me back up with its whirring sound as it shut off. When it keeps repeating, it doesn't do that. Some of my suggestions below are also available in digital downloads if that works for you.  

Recently I also decided to buy a white noise machine that does a fantastic job of blocking out louder sounds than the CD's  can cover up. Read my review of the Marpac DOHM-DS. 

If you have a way to watch a video on your computer until you fall asleep, I would suggest this one. When I try to put it on my computer the display goes out and I can't hear it anymore, either, so I need to use the CD's.

If You Need to Sleep During Daylight

If you sometimes need to sleep after the sun is up, I have found another useful product. I have had two  surgeries in the last year that required me to move into a one-story house to heal. Fortunately I inherited one I was mostly using for storage and entertaining from my mother , but it's in a neighborhood in the city limits, unlike our rural home. It is much noisier than in the country, and my CD's have become even more important with noisy vehicles parking outside my window and then leaving before even the roosters wake up.

This house also has lots of windows in my bedroom and they face east. Once the sun is up the room is flooded with light. After many mornings trying to keep my head under the covers to block out the sun, I finally broke down and bought this set of eye shades that comes with ear plugs -- Bedtime Bliss® Contoured & Comfortable Sleep Mask & Ear Plug Set. Includes Carry Pouch for Eye Mask and Ear Plugs - Great for Travel, Shift Work & Meditation.

I could kick myself for not getting it sooner. When I had my second surgery last December, I took them to the hospital, and you know how hard it is to have it dark there. The sleep mask was a great help in keeping light out of my eyes, though it couldn't keep the nurses from waking me up. I wasn't quite as happy with the ear plugs, but I've tried every ear plug I've been able to get my hands on, and none of them do much for me.

Begin Now To Sleep Better and Longer

If you have trouble getting a good night's sleep, I hope one of the ideas or products reviewed above will help you. Before you take any supplement, especially if you are on any prescription medications, it's best to check with your doctor first. Just because something is right for me might not mean it's right for you. The sleep mask and music I believe would help anyone. Why not click some of those links now and begin sleeping better very soon. Believe me, a good night's sleep is worth every penny it takes.  

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Bruno Mars Spectacular 2012 Grammy Performance

Bruno Mars Doo-Wops and Hooligans on Amazon
Years before Bruno Mars became a mainstream talent, I remember my 'anti-mainstream son' calling me over to his computer to watch 'this really talented guy'...named Bruno Mars

My son, who's in a pop-punk band, must have an eye for talent because he also introduced me to Jason Mraz and The Fray before both were really well known.

Bruno Mars & the Hooligans 2012 Grammy Performance

If you search YouTube, you'll find a few videos of the 2012 Grammy performance. I had a video featured here, but unfortunately, they come and go on YouTube, so it's best to search for yourself.

After the Grammys, I searched to listen to other song performances: Britain's The X Factor, 'La Maroquinerie in Paris, The Jungle Tour, The Today Show, and many more! Their performance on The X Factor has a severely respectable 4.7 million views,  and it's great! However, I really enjoyed the Paris performance of Runaway (there's a bit of 'language' in the beginning). It's more of an intimate setting, making you feel like you're crashing a private party!

Here's the Paris Performance!

(Warning: Language in this Video)

Bruno Mars is the best all-around entertainer since Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson!

He's the total package; wicked fierce talent, charismatic sex appeal, and can he dance! He also has a deep demographic reach. He's a multi-generational talent, and although the younger generation may not appreciate the value of being able to attract all ages, it's rare. It's one of the first signs that a star has the gift of 'staying power.

A little about The Song Runaway by Bruno Mars and the Hooligans
You'll find the song Runaway on the studio album Doo-Wops & Hooligans. It was released on October 4, 2010. The doo-wop sound of the album was chosen to appeal to a broad range of listeners from both genders. The album charted all over the world! If you remember the song, 'Just the Way You Are,' it was the lead single and stood at number 1 for four weeks on the Billboard Hot 100. This album features numerous hit songs; Grenade, Just the Way You Are, Runaway Baby, and Marry You - every song on this album is a hit.

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ghost in this House, One of the Most Haunting Country Songs

Haunting Feelings From a Country Song

Country Music isn't Always About Parties and Beer Drinking Fun

The eerie music and lyrics to Ghost in This House by Alison Krauss breaks your heart while still sending shivers down your spine.

Listening to this song, I can't help but think of my mom in our family home alone now, without my father. However, the lyrics can apply to a loss from a break-up or death. 

Alison Krauss possesses a voice that pierces through you as she sings this heartbreak with haunted suffering. The story of loss and loneliness infects you, and you're left feeling the anguish that this woman lives with.
(Lyrics) I'm just a ghost in this house
I'm just a shadow upon these walls
As quietly as a mouse I haunt these halls
I'm just a whisper of smoke
I'm all that's left of two hearts on fire
That once burned out of control
You took my body and soul
I'm just a ghost in this house
Since the song has personal meaning, I find it hard to listen to. However, on the brighter side, if you like to sing, which I spend too much time doing, the key Alison Krauss sings this in works perfectly for me, so it gets played often ... just so I can belt it out and annoy the boys. The song combines something extraordinary with something painful and tragic, making it irresistible.

Ghost in This House goes a long way back. It was initially recorded and released by Country Group Shenandoah in September 1990. It was also covered by the Dixie Chicks. Alison Krauss released her cover on her 1999 album Forget About It.

Take a minute to listen below. You won't be disappointed. Free of a grand crescendo, the even-keeled musical approach to this spooky tale keeps you listening mainly for the story it tells ..., and if you like to sing in this key, you're hooked!

The lyrics below haunt me the most; they speak about the ghost in 'your chair' and 'lays his head on your pillow at night.' Mom recently donated my father's lift chair to someone in need, but that chair has been beside Mom's chair for decades (replaced a few times). Nonetheless, that chair haunted me after Dad passed, but I still loved it.

We were torn about letting it go; Mom and I had trouble sleeping the night before the couple came to pick it up. For over a year, when sitting in Mom's chair, I would glance at Dad's chair and imagine him in it again; it's a feeling that combines pain with beauty. In fact, the sense is best described in Dr. Seuss's quote, 'Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.'
 (Lyrics) I don't mind staying in
There's another ghost here
He sits down in your chair
And he shines with your light
And he lays down his head
On your pillow at night
I hope you get to listen to this song without all the associations I've personally attached to it! If you haven't suffered a profound loss and get to hear it for the pure joy of music, then I'll end this with an appropriate Halloween sentiment, BOO!

Update 2023: I'm revisiting articles and updating a few things. One update is that in 2021, my mom passed, too, and I must say, I'm not keen on not being someone's child in this world. For those who have lost their parents, my heart is with you. I love you, Mom, forever and ever until the end of time, and time never ends. So many unforgettable memories. Wow, I was lucky to have the parents I had - my hubby reminds me of that often. 

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

There Must Be Something in the Water - Another Incredible Message from a Country Song

A Hopeful Message From a Country Song

How did another Sunday get here so quickly?

Assigned this glorious day to write about country music, it's my pleasure to give you a heads up on another magnificent tune headed straight to number one, about love, life, change, and hope.
 If you haven't heard Carrie Underwood's latest single, released September 29th, 2014, 'Something in the Water,' get those speakers ready and crank this one up!

Although the song has a religious reference to Baptism, the lyrics easily apply to anybody going through a significant metamorphosis.

If you've journeyed down endless rocky roads and, without realizing it, found yourself wasting too much of
your life, then Carrie's gorgeous song of hope and choice was written for you.
(Lyrics) He said, "I've been where you've been before.
Down every hallway's a slamming door."
No way out, no one to come and save me
Wasting a life that the Good Lord gave me"

As we get older, and with a little bit of luck, many of us are invited to sit at the table of reflection

This coveted seat allows us to see the genuine value of living the life we are meant to live. We remember our idealistic spirit, the one we now see in younger souls coming up behind us, the ones now headed to the same table of reflection we've reached.

Looking in the eyes of youthful energy, the table of reflection calls you to pray that these young up-and-comers see their value and tap into their life purpose with as little pain as possible. All of us gathered around this table have come to understand one key point about life; in everything we do, there is a choice, and ultimately, we are responsible for our own decisions.
(Lyrics) "Couldn't fight back the tears so I fell on my knees
Saying, "God, if you're there come and rescue me."
Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger"

Take the Wishes Challenge!

If you were granted one wish, what would that wish be? If you're a 20-year-old soul reading this page, I challenge you to write down that wish, then every five years, ask the question again, write down that answer and do that every half decade you live. Keep those wishes safely tucked in a box, and when you're invited to the table of reflection later in life, look back to see how your desires have changed. As Carrie's song expresses, 'I am changed, I am Stronger, I was blind, and now I see.'

May your Sunday be blessed with the joy of love, friends, and family, and if you find yourself void of any of these, then please accept my virtual hug of hope given in the lyrics of 'Something in the Water':

Have a wonderful day!

by Barbara Tremblay Cipak, Country Music Reviewer
Drageda - Don't Ride Alone Get Emotional Daily Assistance

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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Here's to the Sun Shining on the Inside

Danny Gokey Hope in Front of Me Article
Hope in Front of Me -  on Amazon

Another Sunday, the day you'll find me here writing about one of life's experiences found in a country song.

With a tired but always light-filled heart, today's theme in the song takes the challenges of another week and packages them in a pretty box called Hope. 

Hope in Front of Me, by Danny Gokey

 (Lyrics) I've been running through rain
That I thought would never end
Trying to make it on faith
In a struggle against the wind
I've seen the dark and the broken places
But I know in my soul
No matter how bad it gets
I'll be alright

It doesn't matter if we're blessed with a cosmic understanding of life or even if God personally whispered the secret to life in our ea; the fact remains, we still have to 'live this life.' Yep, there is no escaping that part. We're not alone in our tribulations.
We're all joined by one common goal; to get to the finish line as unscathed as possible, with lessons learned. No one gets out alive. As the insightful story-telling lyrics in another Carrie Underwood song beautifully express, this is our Temporary Home.

If you're thinking, 'I'm probably writing this because I must be sitting perched safely at a distance from life's trials or that things must be easy for me since I'm able to write about hope', well let's just say you wouldn't pass go or collect $200 on that thought :) 

Without getting into a long list of my troubles, I've had more than a few people admit they couldn't have survived my path. But, knowing them, I'm sure they could have. Reading other people's stories of hardship, I'm guilty of thinking the same thing...'I couldn't have survived that!' 

So, what's our common denominator?

When we have friends who help us, we have hope
When we pray, we have hope
When we laugh at our difficult circumstances, we have hope
When we've worked on something for years to have it fall apart in a day, and still find the strength to move on and continue, we have hope

When we reach out to hold someone who hurt us, we have hope
When a part of ourselves dies as our loved one passes away, and still wake up the next day to put one foot in front of the other, we have hope
When someone we love with all of our being goes through and then breaks free from addiction, we have hope
When we lose a home, and move on from that, we have hope
When our baby is born still, and we find a way to understand this immeasurable, seemingly pointless pain, we have hope
When our trust has been violated, but have the courage to let it go, we have hope

There isn't anything else that comes before Hope. Healing begins with Hope

If you're struggling and wondering how in the world you're going to get through this storm, may the lyrics of this song remind you, as it does me, that 'this too shall pass' and 'we'll be alright.'

Here's to the sun shining on the inside.

If you enjoy Danny Gokey's Music, you can find more about this 3rd place American Idol Finalist from Season 8 on his Website,

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Country Song About Angels Quietly Lifting Us During Troubled Times

A Country Song About Angels Quietly Lifting Us During Troubled Times

It's Sunday today. The day I post here on the 'Review It' blog. Since times aren't easy for many who are struggling right now, a country song about the guiding hand of angels seemed like an ideal selection for today. We can't erase all the problems out there, but the healing message of a song can help us find a tiny spark to light our candle with.
"Oh I believe there are, angels among us, Sent down to us, from somewhere up above, They come to you and me, in our darkest hours, To show us how to live, To teach us how to give, To guide us with the light of love" Angels Among Us, by Alabama

Do you believe in Angels? Have you ever had what you believed to be an encounter with an Angel? Perhaps you were saved from a situation that you shouldn't have survived? 

I've had my own odd happenings for sure. One such time was a lady who gently bumped into me in a mall like I knew her...I had been going through a rough patch. While picking something up for my son, I had been quietly praying to myself for guidance and had asked for a sign that my prayers were heard...that's when she brushed by me ever so gently, and the next thing you know, I turned to see her, and she's walking away from me and just fades away into the distance. I have no idea where this mall-visiting angel disappeared, but it was enough for me to call my best friend and tell her the story. The known or unknown gift was delivered; I felt calmer afterward.

A Beautiful Angel Spirit Guide Statue - Via Amazon

Another encounter I had was during a prayer in Church; I asked for a sign to help me know the answer to my question. Then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, right in the middle of the service, this lady comes over and kneels beside me. I glanced at her and smiled; she smiled back. She stayed momentarily, prayed beside me, then got up and left. Again, I have yet to find out where she went, and I've never seen her again. Whatever that moment was, I've never forgotten it. It lives inside me as a gift, a small gift that no matter what, there's always hope.

In a complex, sometimes unfair world, faith keeps us going: faith in ourselves and each other. As cliche as it sounds, we are all part of the same light. Whether your belief is in science or a higher power, it's still energy; it's light. If you're struggling, I hope you find the light today and are gifted with an inner knowingness that you'll get through it. I'll be sure to look for it today as well.

I hope you enjoy Angels Among Us by Alabama - A beautiful song.

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dirt, by Florida Georgia Line - The Best Song in Country Music!

Dirt by Florida Georgia Line on Amazon
I may be the biggest fan of this riveting country song by Florida Georgia Line called 'Dirt'. Well,  maybe not the biggest, because as I predicted, the song hit number 1 in both Canada and the US on the Hot Country Billboard Charts. No surprise; right now I'm calling it the best overall country song in the history of country music. Now how's that for being a big fan!

What makes this song unbeatable is the artistic amalgamation of every contributing aspect needed to achieve a winning country song; the video, music, lyrics, and most of all the story. However it's the video that will take you into the depth of it's meaning to show you the message.

I'm such a huge fan of the story and lyrics, that I also penned another personal review here about it, as well as featured it numerous times on the Country Music Fan Review Facebook Page: Can you tell I'm a fan yet?

I'm sure my neighbors hear me blast it on my TV when it's on CMT's Top 20!

The Story of 'Dirt' by Florida Georgia Line

The song begins with an elderly man and his  family about to say their goodbyes to their wife/mother/grandmother at her grave on their property, the same property they all built a beautiful life on. The video floats between their youth and the gut wrenching  goodbye.

The Impact of the Song on Those Who are Older

Both my husband and I have shed tears watching this video. The younger generation may not feel the impact of this song as much as we do, but at our stage in life, the song is very real. The first time I played it for my husband, I turned around to look at him, and he had a tear rolling down his face. Having recently lost my father, the lyric ' know you came from it, and one day you'll return it...' hits hard.

Originally the band didn't want to include the above line in the song as they felt it was cliche, but in my opinion it's the line that ties together the entire story of 'Dirt'

Another head turning lyric is 'Makes you wanna a build a 10 percent down, white picket fence house on this Dirt' - The first time I heard the song I was walking into my bedroom; the TV was tuned to the country music channel, and while sitting at my desk I hear this lyric, turn my head and am completely drawn into the story from beginning to end.

The story of the life of this couple is symbolically delivered through the well written lyrics and music by Rodney Clawson and Chris Tompkins:
"It’s that elm shade, red rust clay you grew up on
That plowed-up ground that your dad damned his luck on
That post-game party field you circle up on
And when it rains you get stuck on
Drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
The mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
Her blue-eyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
Makes you wanna build a ten percent down white picket fence house on this dirt"
Another reason I find myself drawn to the song is watching the young duo from Florida Georgia Line, Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard play their guitars in the video. They remind me of my second son, especially with the Tattoos on the arm, who's also in a band and plays guitar. Watching these young men sing a song that represents the story of an elderly man and his lifetime with his family moves me tremendously; I remember being 21 years old, and just starting out with my husband like it was yesterday, and in a blink our boys are grown young men.

Life colors itself very differently when you're older. Our greatest joy is hugging our boys, no matter how tall they get. And like this elderly man, reflecting upon what's been built, the love of each other and family, is what, in the end, matters most.

Take a Few Minutes and Don't Miss This Song! It's Worth Your Time - Give Special Attention to the  Lyrics and Video; Magnificent:

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Stop for Me, by Carolyn Dawn Johnson - 'I Always Thought This Train Would Stop For Me'

Stop for Me, by Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Upstairs just finishing up some of those much 'loved' household chores with the country music channel playing in the background, I hear these heartbreaking lyrics:
"I had big plans
More powerful than a locomotive
Innocent as a flower growing
In the middle of a barley field
I didn't understand
That you could have pockets overflowing with determination
Give it all you got with no congratulations
And still be at the bottom of the hill
Waiting at the station
With the rails laid out before me
Trying to be patient
Hoping it didn't leave"
I stopped for this song:

Quietly I perched myself on the edge of my bed, and stared at my TV. The
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melancholy words cried their way off the screen and I found myself shedding tears for anyone, myself included, who had moments of  doubt that their work, their dreams, their songs ... all of it..would land in that giant void of 'so what'.

Life is flying by and we have such a short time to leave our mark, no matter what that mark is, our time is limited.

The lyrics continued, and the message of this song, which I further expand upon here, brought about conflicted feelings of  'in the end, we all get to where we're going' to 'it hasn't been easy getting there'
"I had a ticket
That was paid for with my hard earned money
I thought that maybe that would count for something
Wasn't looking for a free ride
But nobody mentioned
ohhh sometimes all the passenger seats are taken
The cars are full and it's a rude awakening
When you're left behind
So disappointed... yeah
I never even got to try
Instead of living in the moment... ohhh

I've been wasting all this time
I always thought this train would stop for me..."
The journey is where we find the joy, but we all know the journey isn't always easy. It isn't about adulation, accolades, fame, or even money (although let's face it, money is a necessary part of life) - It's about 'our contribution while we're here'. If we can do something to improve the human condition, we're making a contribution: A smile, a blessing, seeking hope, laughter, a hand-up to someone who needs it ... anything where we're impacting something or someone for the positive.

During a recent conversation with my 22 year old son, in typical mom fashion, there I was emphasizing the importance to encourage good in this world; he's in a local band 'ColdFront' ...and he's in a position to affect people with words. Being 'Mom', I never hesitate to point that out!

When I talk to my sons, I'm reminded just how young they are, and all they have to learn and go through. My biggest hope is that when they're sitting on the edge of their bed 30 years from now, and lyrics like this song begin to play, they can smile knowing the words don't apply to them.

In the end, I do believe we all get to where we need to be, and that no matter how difficult our path becomes, we'll be O.K.  Everyday we wake up, is another chance at life, another shot at getting it right to fulfill our purpose.

So, although this song is a little bit sad, it's a reminder that nothing is permanent, even sadness. As the famous quote says, 'Without the Rain, there Would be no Rainbow'

Here it is: 'Stop for Me'

To Your Success,
By Barbara Tremblay Cipak, Country Music Reviewer - 'Don't Drive Alone Get Emotional Daily Assistance'

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Brad Paisley Does it Again with Another Great Love Song

Don't miss 'Perfect Storm' by Brad Paisley  

Brad Paisley hits another home-run with the descriptive emotion he paints as he sings about how much he loves her. It's hard not to think that he was inspired by his relationship with his beautiful wife during the writing!

In true Brad Paisley style, the song is mixed with charm, captivating cuteness and passion. There's something different about the approach to this one. As a woman listening to the song, it really makes you think about what it's like to be appreciated and accepted for both your good and bad qualities by the one you love.

(Lyrics) She Destroys Me in that T-Shirt! 

The lyrics talk about how he loves her so much it hurts! Everything about her is what he adores; her highs are high and her lows are low, and he's o.k. with that. He can make her laugh or make her mad, and he loves her no matter her mood, even if she's angry.

(Lyrics) She's Sunshine Mixed with a Little Hurricane

As I talk about in a more in-depth song review of 'Perfect Storm', I had to laugh when I first heard this lyric because my husband pretty much describes me this way. Sometimes he's too smart when I get angry with him, he knows how to diffuse the situation pretty quickly (when he wants to)! He'll look at me and announce 'that's why I love you!' <---sheesh, gets me smiling even when I wasn't planning on it!

Personally speaking, I find the song incredibly soothing. For some crazy reason, it cheers me up; but Brad Paisley has an effect on the listener in just about everything he writes and sings!

Hope you enjoy the song as well:

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Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Song for the One Who Makes You a Better Person

A Song for the One Who Makes You a Better Person

In your relationship, does your significant other make you a better person? 

Do they bring out the best in you and inspire you to tap into your better self? Country Music Artist Chris Young sings about the power of love and its ability to bring out his better self in his moving hit song 'Who I Am With You.'

(Lyrics) Who I am with you is who I really want to be. You're so good for me, And when I'm holdin' you, it feels like I've got the world in my hands; yeah, a better man is who I am with you.

You can listen to this moving song below:

Dad recently passed away, and I often think of my mom sitting in her chair, with Dad's empty chair beside her, and how she no longer gets the joy of those little things, and it breaks my heart. 

One of the many things I've learned with my dad passing away is to treasure our loved ones even more. I'll never ever get over the death of my father; it has left the largest void in my soul, and because of this deep understanding that nothing lasts forever, both my husband and I appreciate each other a little bit more these days.

Added Bonus Country Song: Be sure to catch the amazing song, 'Dirt' by Florida Georgia Line! The song speaks to the value of Love and Life and its true meaning - You can read about it and listen to it here. The song is rising up the country charts and is currently my favorite. The video is extremely moving.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Today I'm Gonna Try and Change the World

Do you believe you can change the world?

When you listen to the lyrics of Canadian Country Artist Johnny Reid's song 'Today I'm Gonna Try and Change the World,' you'll hear how the most minor actions by one person to another can make the most significant difference. It's in the giving that we receive.
(Lyrics) "I'm gonna say hello to my neighbor, Greet him with a smile, Shake the hand of a stranger, Sit and talk for a while, Tell someone I love them from the bottom of my heart"
Most of us understand that it's the little things we do in a day that make the most significant impact, 
Today I'm going to change the world

especially for those we love.

The lyrics to this country song speak about how today he's going to greet his neighbor with a smile, and thinking about it, sometimes our face is void of a smile without our even being aware of it. We're not intentionally being unkind; it's often because we're preoccupied or stressed.

If we look at smiling the way we look at taking a vitamin, brushing our teeth, or any other essential daily activity, we might change the world.

We need a viral social campaign called 'Giving out Smiles to Change the World' 

Can you imagine millions or even billions of people doing this! Picture this: no matter our struggles or stresses, we look up at one or more than one person every single day, then kindly acknowledge them with a big toothy grin or a compassionate smile that connects our eyes to theirs! The sheer collective energy this would generate from people worldwide could fuel a country similar to the concept presented in the popular kid's movie, 'Monsters Inc.'

Even the most cynical among us feel a sense of possibility with a simple smile or hug. The power of good outweighs the power of bad so much that I'll go out on a limb and say it's immeasurable. Yes, we've all been through terrible things in our lives, some more than others, but none of us get out alive without a lesson to learn, a contribution to make, or a hand to hold. No one is perfect; we're all students of the human condition.

Johnny Reid's uncomplicated lyrics get straight to the message...Today, he's going to try and change the world. You can find more about Johnny's terrific award-winning music on his website; this song is for download here.

Go forth and smile ... changing the world requires a paradigm shift of monumental proportions started by just one person. Thank you, Mr. Johnny Reid.

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Monday, August 18, 2014

Is Your Give A Damn Busted! Country Songs When You're Mad!

2 Country Songs to Play When You're Mad

Do you have an emotional limit? ... A line that, once crossed, there's no returning from? Then hold on to your short hairs; you need a theme song to go with that kiss-my-bleep attitude!

Count on country music to come up with a song that tells it like it is. When we're not feeling tolerant of anyone or anything, the last thing we need to hear is a typically useful saying like 'turn lemons into lemonade,' when really we would prefer to turn lemons into simulated road kill!

My Give A Damn's Busted, by Jo Dee Messina

So don't deny your fed-up status; claim it! Go ahead and scream out these words to anyone who'll listen, and if they're not willing to listen, open a window and let the neighborhood know that your 'Give a Damn is Busted'... <---maybe that's not a good idea?

Considering the damaging effects of anger and frustration on the body, it's a good idea to play both songs when you've maxed out your patience!

Here's another 'shove-it' country tune you can amp up when you need to wipe away those tears. If all you wanna be is Done, then 'Done' by the Band Perry is one hundred percent about just've had enough garbage, and you've decided to stop letting someone or something rent space in your head; you're done!

Done, by The Band Perry

So get whatever you're fed up with out of your system, and remember, it's ok to be mad for a while. But not for too long ... feel the pain, go through it, and get past it. Then celebrate your life changes with a huge glass of lemonade!

If you're a fan of a particular country artist or song, don't hesitate to share your reviews, opinions, or videos here on the Facebook Country Music Fan Review Page! It's a terrific way to support your favorite artists!

By Barbara Tremblay Cipak
Country Music Reviewer

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