Showing posts with label Home Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Decor. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Basic Rules for Choosing Colors to Decorate Your Space

How to Choose Colors for Your Space: 1. Mood, 2. Temperature, 3. Harmonies
Looking at a room and making choices can be overwhelming. No need to fret, just keep these three basics in mind as you tackle your project: Mood, Temperature, Harmonies

1. Mood

In a previous home decor article we discussed how choosing the mood for your room was the first essential step to starting a decorating project.

Once you've established the mood, be it light and airy or warm and cozy, you need to then determine the color scheme for your space.

2. Temperature

Warm Color Choices for Home Décor

Red, yellow and orange, and variations of them, are considered warm colors.

If your goal is to create a space that feels like being wrapped in a blanket, safeness and security, then dominate your space with warm colors.

Where we live also determines our approach to decorating. Standard logic applies: Colder climates lean towards warmer decorating themes and warmer climates attract cooler décor themes. However, don't be guided by that, do what you like.

Cool Color Choices for Home Décor

Blue, greens and light purples fall into the cool color category. Cool colors remind us of water and the sky. Depending upon how you mix and match colors they can also reflect the feeling of ice and snow.

Think about nautical themes where multiple shades of blue are used, and you'll get a good idea of what cool energy is suppose to feel like.

3. Harmonies - Use the 60-30-10 Rule

Decorate using the 60-30-10 rule. It's an easy to understand basic rule outlining percentage of color use.

60 Percent: The main color occupies 60 percent of the space. Use this color for larger areas such as furniture, walls and flooring.

30 Percent: The secondary color choice would consume 30 percent of the décor in the space. Logically you would use the next obvious items to feature this color. Items to consider in this shade would be drapes, smaller furniture pieces, bedding and even an accent wall.

10 Percent: The third color choice would be used for smaller accessories such as throw blankets, pillows, lamps and wall art.

How to Put it All Together - Choosing the Actual Colors

1. You've selected the mood. Check.
2. You've decided upon the temperature. Check.
3. Now you need your 60-30-10 color scheme


You're not sure how to choose the actual colors for the 60-30-10 rule.

Last week we discussed Pantone's color of the year for 2019. In that article three color schemes were outlined, however there are several more to consider.

Here's a brief summary of color harmonies:

1. Triadic Color Scheme - Three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel
2. Square Color Scheme - Four colors evenly spaced on the color wheel
3. Complementary Colors - Colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel
4. Analogous Color Scheme - Colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel
5. Monochromatic Color Scheme - Involves all the shades in one particular color
6. Achromatic Color Scheme - Unsaturated or near neutral colors such black, browns, greys or any hue or lightness

Here's a sample of a color wheel so you can see quadrants and opposites at a glance. 

A Personal Choice Video from Wayfair that Explains 60-30-10 and Color Schemes

If you learn best by watching videos, this one is easy to understand. Before tackling your next decorating project, start by watching this:

Here's to your decorating freedom, have fun :)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 3, 2019

What is Pantone's Color of the Year for 2019?

What is Pantone's Color of the Year for 2019?
A Review of How Pantone Nails it Again with Their Choice for 2019's Color of the Year

Each year Pantone chooses the color based on what hue best represents what's needed most in society.

The 2019 color choice was based on friendly, joyous, and cheerful human connection. With the overwhelming influence of digital technology consuming our lives, 2019's color represents a step back into human, earthly connection.

The 2019 Color of the Year is Living Coral 16-1546

Living Coral as explained by Pantone represents nature and connection.
"Living Coral emits the desired, familiar, and energizing aspects of color found in nature. In its glorious, yet unfortunately more elusive, display beneath the sea, this vivifying and effervescent color mesmerizes the eye and mind. Lying at the center of our naturally vivid and chromatic ecosystem, PANTONE Living Coral is evocative of how coral reefs provide shelter to a diverse kaleidoscope of color" - by
Why Does Pantone's Color of the Year Matter?

If you don't care, it doesn't matter. However color surrounds us from cradle to grave and most of what we do involves color.

BUT remember, color represents feelings. Our feelings often dictate our life. Those wiser than us know how to harness it.

Every color evokes emotion. Color means something, says something and is used by companies to sell you stuff. So even if you don't care, color is affecting you, sometimes subliminally.

Color of the Year Drives Trends from Fashion to Home Décor

You're not going to choose the design for a room based on the color of the year are you? Actually if you love the 2019 color of the year and want to recreate it's energy for a space, then yes you will.

This particular shade of coral encompasses several percentages of multiple colors:
  • 98.82% red
  • 46.27% green
  • 41.47% blue
How to Choose Colors to Match Living Coral in Your Room's Design

Without getting overly technical, using the diagram below, I've outlined a few fundamentals about color.

Choosing Colors for a Room Design Featuring Living Coral
You aren't tied to these specific shades, but to help you make choices, the above colors are the ones chosen for the harmonies below.

TRIAD Color Harmony for Your Room:
When you're using a triadic color scheme you choose three colors evenly spaced around the color wheel. Notice on the above photo that two colors are labelled 'Triad'. Both of those colors, plus the 'Living Coral' are evenly spaced on the color wheel. If you're comfortable with these shades, the color choices are done for you. Go ahead and pick accessories such as rugs, drapes and wall color based on these three colors.

SQUARE Color Harmony for Your Room:
A square color scheme are four colors equally spaced around the color wheel. Again, to make it easier for you, match 'Living Color' with the three boxes above labelled 'Square'.

COMPLEMENTARY Color Harmony for Your Room:
Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. When you want to have a particular item or items stand out in the space, use a complementary color. However, keep them to a minimum to avoid your room being too stark.

The inverted color featured above is the 'inversion' or inside out version of 'Living Color'. Use it for accessories or other items you want to stand out or pop in the space. One example could be pillows and throw blankets.

The above is just a brief outline of color combinations for 'Living Coral'. There are many other hues and combinations that work.

Here are a Couple of Bedroom Accessories to Inspire You:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 20, 2019

5 Hacks to Make Your Bedroom Look Expensive Without Spending a Fortune

5 Hacks to Make Your Bedroom Look Expensive
Getting Our Homes to Look Anything like the Designs we See on TV or Pinterest Can be Frustrating!

Don't sweat it. Your home should reflect your taste. For most of us it not only reflects our taste, but unfortunately our budget as well.

For us average souls, the budget usually prevents us from spending obscene amounts of money on our décor.

The thing is, with a little creative thinking you can dress up your bedroom without spending oodles of cash. 

Here are 5 Basic Suggestions to Help You Achieve an Expensive Look in Your Bedroom Without Spending a Fortune

1.  Floor to Ceiling Drapes

Even if your bedroom has small windows, bring the curtain rod to one inch below the ceiling and feature long drapes that go to the floor. With floor to ceiling drapes, when your drapes are closed your room will appear large and elegant.

You can also put up drapes wider than the window. In fact, you can put them wall to wall no matter the size of the window.

2. Place a Chair in the Room

Don't use a chair from a table set. Place a chair in the room that has a bit of substance. Something that adds elegant bulk to the space, and something with cloth material. A few examples are featured below. Scroll to view all of them.

3. Add A Thick Luxurious Blanket or Comforter Folded at the End of the Bed

This is a trick I do in my home. Adding a decorative blanket at the end of a bed gives you the opportunity to increase the room's texture, color and style. Depending upon the design of your room, use the blanket to make a statement based on what the space needs.
  1. Does it need more bulk? If so, add a thick soft comforter folded at the end of the bed to give the room that warm lush look.
  2. Does it need more color? If so, add a blanket with a pop of color at the end of the bed.
  3. Does it need a slimmer leaner look? Then add a thin blanket at the end of the bed
The secret to adding blankets to the end of the bed is to have them reach over the sides of the bed by about a foot or so on each side. Don't let it go to the floor though. If you place a blanket that doesn't drape over the side, it looks like an after thought.

Also, make sure it's folded nicely. A blanket in a messy heap loses it's impact and intent. Pull it tight to get all the wrinkles out.

Before you go out and purchase a new 'end-of-the-bed blanket', check your linen closet. You might have something stored away that will work.

4. Upgrade Your Lamp Shades

Plain old lamp shades can drag down a room. Take a look around your space and if the room lacks color, texture or patterns, then lamp shades are the ideal place to add these elements.

However, to keep the room classy don't go for lamp shades that have tassels or pompoms. Keep them conservative in style but interesting in design or texture.

Below are some example lamp shades to help spurn your creativity. Scroll through to view them all.
5. Change the Hardware on Your Dressers

If your furniture needs a pick-me-up, change the hardware.

Add elegant interesting handles on your end tables and dressers. With aged and tired furniture, let the hardware do the talking. Draw the eye to the new fixtures by using a metal that pops rather than blends.

If these five tips are not option, check out this article on how to decorate a bedroom without any money....

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Add Love in Your Home Decor for Valentine's Day

Add Love in Your Home Decor for Valentine's Day
Love Themed Home Décor Items
Love Décor for the Entire Year

Most of us rarely think about adding home décor that relates to a love theme. It's a beautiful way to honor our families and each other.

Here are some ideas for you:

1. Add a Heart Themed Rug to a Room

The nice thing about a heart themed rug is that it works no matter what time of year it is. If you have someone celebrating a birthday in February, it makes a terrific original gift. You'll notice there are many styles and colors in heart rugs to choose from. One of my personal faves is the pompom heart rug for a child's room. Be sure to check them out, you can find them here.

2. Add a Love Themed Wall Decal to a Room

There are countless wall decals that speak about family and love. A famous quote we've heard over and over is "All Because Two People Fell in Love". Add this quote to any room in the home, including a child's room. In fact, if someone you know is having a baby, this wall decal makes an excellent gift. You can find several featured here.

3.  Redecorate a Room with a Love Themed Bedding Set

With spring coming up, you may be feeling the itch to redecorate. If so, why not create a room that's all about love.

It can be a child's room, a guest room, or the master bedroom. Love themed bedding will stand the test of time. If you're not into changing your existing comforter, put a new duvet over it. That way when you tire of the love themed bedding, you can remove the duvet and get your room back to it's original state.

A guest room or child's room is an ideal place to go to town with a love theme. In fact you can incorporate the rug and wall decal suggestions featured here to complete the look. Check out a few lovely bedding sets here.

4. Put a Kindred Hearts Light Box in a Room

These are great! They serve a double purpose, ambient lighting and inspiration.

It's a decorative box that lights up. However, the best part is you can collect pre-made quotes and art to insert inside the box.

Collect a bunch of them and change them up for every holiday or special occasion. There are countless inserts to collect: birthdays, holidays, inspirational quotes, valentines day, Easter, Christmas, fun, jokes, patriotic holidays and more.

The inserts make an excellent small gift to bring to someone who you know has the light box already. Keep adding to their collection. Place one of these light boxes in your love themed bedroom and feature a quote about love.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Maximizing Space in a Small Living Room

The New Year normally brings about the urge to tidy up and get organized.

3 Ways to Maximize Space in a Small Living Room
If you're working with a small space or have recently downsized, utilizing every nook and cranny is the secret to effective space management.

Going vertical is a smart and common way to use every bit of space in a tiny room. However, choosing furniture with a dual purpose is often the forgotten alternative.

With small space living becoming more popular, you may be surprised that just about every piece of furniture in a home can double as something else.

Below are three examples where you can choose pieces for your room that aren't just pretty, but are also storage and sleeping solutions.

Furniture Pieces that Maximize Space in a Living Room

1. Chairs that Convert to a Bed

You've heard of the pull-out-couch, but have you heard of the pull-out-chair? They come in multiple styles and colors. A chair that converts to a bed is exactly that, it unfolds and becomes an extra place to sleep. If a sofa bed isn't something you want to include in your small living room, but still require an extra place for guests to sleep, then consider including one or more sleeper chairs. You won't be disappointed when you look at the variety of designs available. The styles range from funky and modern to traditional. Be sure to check them out.

2. End Tables that Double as Storage or Filing Cabinets

Trunk end tables are very attractive. Perhaps you've seen some or have one in your home. They come in multiple designs, sizes and color choices.  The boxy industrial appeal to this look make it ideal in a room where substance in accessories is needed. These pieces tend to be solid and heavier in appearance. Place them on the ends of a sofa, or in a corner as a stand alone piece.

You can also get end tables that double as a filing cabinet. If you're furnishing a small apartment, these end tables are perfect as a place to store your most important and used files. Since they don't take up a lot of space, you can put them anywhere in the home or apartment. Like storage trunk end tables, they can be used in pairs or as stand alone furniture pieces.

3. Coffee Tables that Double as a Desk and Storage

Did you know that a coffee table doesn't just have to be a coffee table? Coffee tables that double as a work surface are called lift tables. The tops lift up and you're able to bring them closer to you and use the surface as a work area for your laptop or papers. Best of all, these tables offer storage as well. Each lift table is unique in design and color and the amount of storage available. Choose the one that best fits your space.

In summary, picture a living room featuring all of the above items. You've accounted for extra sleeping space, extra storage space, a place for files, a desk with storage, and all of it discretely blends into one room.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Purple Home Decor - One Stop Shopping for Purple Items

Find Purple Home Décor Items Here
Last week I featured one stop shopping for blue home décor, this week's color is purple.

Shopping online can be a time consuming effort.

People shop in many different ways. What I've personally found is that shopping for home décor by color can be quite difficult.

Sure, there are a ton of purple decorating items to choose from on the internet, but that in itself, is the problem.

Products are everywhere. Too many choices with too much cross referencing.

No wonder Amazon locked up the shopping market! They put multiple sellers under one umbrella.

Most of us shop at the same fairly well known stores; Kohls, Target, Amazon, Macys, Wayfair, Zulily and several other standard favorites.

How to 'Shop-by-Purple' From Multiple Popular Stores all in One Place

1. Go here to start shopping for purple home décor. Scroll down to the 9 category photos.

2. Inside each category are personally selected purple décor items from multiple popular stores.  

3. Click on the category photo for a drop down of purple home décor items right there on the page. 

4. You'll see pricing and the store the item is available from, directly on page. 

5. To get further information on the item just click the product photo or link and you'll be taken to that department store. Easy peasy.

As on the blue home décor page, you'll notice 9 home decorating categories to find your purple pieces:
  • Purple Bedding Sets
  • Purple Couches
  • Purple Nursery Décor
  • Purple Area Rugs
  • Purple Chairs
  • Purple Drapes
  • Purple Side Tables
  • Purple Artwork
  • Purple Lamps
Items in each category are frequently updated. Be sure to check back to look at new suggestions.

Also, Don't Miss Funkthishouse on Pinterest

Follow Funkthishouse on Pinterest. There you'll find a vast number of boards related to home decorating.

Here's a sample of what you'll find on the Purple Home Décor Pinterest Board:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blue Home Decor - One Stop Shopping by Color

Blue Home Décor Items by
A Place Where You Can One-Stop Shop for Blue Home Décor Items

I've been working to reduce shopping time for those shopping by color for major home décor items.

We all know that shopping on the internet can suck hours out of the day.

However, the convenience of online shopping is unmatched. 

One can argue that the time it takes to find what we want isn't any different than heading to the mall. In fact, it might be worse. 

Read below on how you can save yourself time finding blue décor items for your home.

Today's Home Décor Color is Blue

When visiting 'Blue Home Décor Items by Funkthishouse', notice that the major items for decorating a room have been broken down into 9 categories:
  • Blue Bedding Sets
  • Blue Couches
  • Blue Nursery Décor
  • Blue Area Rugs
  • Blue Chairs
  • Blue Drapes
  • Blue Side Tables
  • Blue Artwork
  • Blue Lamps
When on the page, scroll down part way then click the main photos in the box. The products featured in each category will drop down for you to see. You won't be taken off the page to view the products, prices, and stores they can be found in.

The Blue Home Décor Items Featured are from Multiple Major Retailers

You'll see items featured from multiple stores: Macys, Walmart, Wayfair, Target, Kohls, Zulily and many more

Once you click the actual product, you'll be taken to the respective store that's offering it. Sale prices will also be indicated. You can request a 'sale alert' for any item not on sale.

Even better, these blue home décor items are always changing. On occasion I switch out the products and add new ones. Check back from time to time to find additional blue home décor items.

The Blue Home Décor Items Are Personally Selected

If you're wondering how all of these blue home décor items are compiled and featured, I personally select them. My product hunting is designed to save you time.

Of course, I can't guarantee you'll find the blue home décor item you need or want, but if you start on this page, you'll save some time.

What's Next For One Stop Shopping By Color at Funkthishouse

'Shop by Color' will be created for each of the main colors. Be sure to check back as these Colorful Home Décor pages will be available in the near future: Purple, Red, Pink, Yellow, Green, and Orange.

Funkthishouse on Pinterest

1) The main Funkthishouse Pinterest account is here. You'll find many home décor and other items featured. Traffic is climbing nicely with over 700,000 views monthly and I'm sharing numerous other home décor tips, products and ideas. Be sure to follow and check it out.

2) The newest Pinterest account is a 'Shop by Color' design. Boards feature home décor by blue, purple, red, pink, orange, yellow, green, black and white. Go here to follow.

Happy Blue Shopping!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 18, 2018

DIY or New Reusable Advent Calendars For a Treasured Family Keepsake

A Wooden, Cardboard, Cloth, or DIY Advent Calendar

We've had a cloth advent calendar for Christmas for the past 20 years. Since the kids were little, the same advent calendar sees our family room annually. 

The nice thing about a cloth calendar with pockets is you can put treats inside for each of the 24 days.

Our family Advent Calendar is featured below.

Bring out your own Advent Calendar each year and make it a standard part of family traditions.

However, if you're not into a store-bought reusable Advent Calendar, you can make your own. Get the kids involved.

Five DIY Ideas on How to Make Your Own Advent Calendar:
Our Family Advent Calendar
  1. Use 24 kiddie Christmas socks. Glue each sock to a painted cardboard or wooden backboard. Put treats in each sock for each day.
  2. Use 24 small boxes (ring size) glued to cardboard or backboard. Keep the lids on the boxes, and inside each box, put treats. Decorate the boxes individually.
  3. Attach 24 small gift bags to a backboard or cardboard. Put treats in the gift bags.
  4. Use mini tree stockings. Put them all together on a piece of string with numbers on the front for each day. Put treats in each one.
  5. Use 24 empty toilet paper rolls. I know, that's weird, right, but it works. Glue the rolls together in the shape of a Christmas Tree - 1 on the top for the star, then 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, then 2 and 2 for the base of the tree. Glue them together, then decorate each one. Place goodies inside each roll. 
Making your own Advent Calendar is a beautiful reminder during the kid's growing years. You'll pull out that calendar and your past Christmas memories when they're older and no longer decorating with you.

Time holds our treasures, and our treasures stop time. Think about your kids' decorations over the years and what they mean to you. There isn't anything quite as precious.

Whether you use a pre-made Christmas Calendar or a DIY one makes no difference. Create memories during the little years to carry you through the big years.

When the time is right, take all the decorations your kids have made, wrap them up and pass them on. They can include them in their Christmas traditions along with your family stories.


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 4, 2018

4 Non-Traditional Ways to Use Perfume

If you have relatively inexpensive perfume that you're not utilizing, or rarely use, here are four creative ways ideas on how to stretch their use.

Of course you can use your favorite perfume scents as well.

1. Floor Vent Filters: 

I've purchased scented vent filters before, and prefer certain scents. Lemon or fresh clean scents are my faves. My perfume choices generally reflect those aromas.

Presuming your perfume is an aroma you love, you can make your own vent filters. There are two ways to do this:
  • You can purchase unscented ready-made vent filters and spray them with your favorite perfume before you place them inside your vents. 
  • Or you can cut cheesecloth to fit just inside your floor vents and spray them with your favorite scented perfume.
  • Don't use them in every vent in your home. Doing so can restrict air flow. Pick and choose the places that would best be suited.

2. Make Your Own Spray for Linens:

In a spray bottle, dilute a little bit of perfume with water. Base the amount of perfume on the strength of aroma you're going for. Start with a very small amount (less than a teaspoon) of perfume then increase it from there.

Once you have your linen spray to the aroma you prefer, you can spritz it on your bedding, pillows and drapes. Spray your couches and chairs only if the material permits.

3. Closet Fresheners:

You can make your own closet fresheners with perfume. Here's how:
  • Soak cotton balls with your favorite perfume
  • Let them dry out
  • Place them in a cloth bag similar to a small make-up bag
  • Put the bag in a closet or drawer

4. Bubble Bath and Bath Oil:

Most of us use scented bubble bath. However, if you're fussy about the aromas you choose, you can make your own. 

Choose unscented bath oil or unscented bubble bath and add your favorite scented perfume to the bottle. Give it a shake, and you've created your own personal bath products. If you'd rather not add perfume to the bottle, add your appropriate amount directly into the bath water.

Note: If anyone in your family has allergies, depending on their allergies, it's best not to use perfume scented anything.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 21, 2018

5 Creative Household Pillowcase Hacks

Review of Multiple Ways to Use Pillowcases for Sorting, Storing, and Decorating

1. Use Pillowcases to Cover the Backs of Chairs

Last week I featured how to use a pillowcase to make a No-Sew Halloween Chair Cover

You can also use it to cover the backs of ratty or damaged armless desk chairs.

The worn faux leather desk chair in my son's room started to shed some of it's material. The pieces were making a mess on the floor. 

So not being in the mood to buy a new chair, I covered the back of it with a pillow case. The width of this particular chair was perfect. The pillowcase fit snuggly keeping all the worn pieces neatly inside. I simply tucked the excess pillowcase at the bottom of the chair into the seat.

2. Use Pillowcases to Line Baskets and Boxes

Have you ever been to the store and thought you'd love one of those lined hampers or decorative storage baskets but after seeing the price, changed your mind? 

You can make your own.

This no-sew pillowcase hack is very easy. Put the pillowcase inside the basket and pull it over the sides. For smaller baskets, just tuck the excess pillowcase up the side up and create a thicker border edge. If you want, use sticky double sided velcro strips under the pillow case border edge to keep it in place.

You could also put the excess in the bottom part of the basket.

3. Use Pillowcases to Cover Your Clothes

Instead of using plastic garment bags, cut a hole in the top of a pillowcase and pull it over your clothes on a hanger.

It's a handy way to store kids clothes. Place three or four items together under one pillowcase, tie it at the bottom. When you're ready to pass them down, they're neatly together in the closet.

Pass them down in a decorative way: Use pretty pillowcases and tie the bottoms with a satin ribbon.

4. Use Pillowcases to Organize Bed Sheets

How many times have you had to look for the sheets matching pillowcases? This hack is the best, it's my personal favorite. 

Put your sheets and other matching pillowcases that go with the set, folded inside one of the matching pillowcases! Best of all, your linen closet looks super organized. When you need your bedding, it's all together.

5. Use Pillowcases to Cover Stools and Create a Skirt

For taller stools this is especially simple. Pull the pillowcase over the stool. Take a ribbon or other decorative piece of material and tie it just under the seat part. The excess material will create a skirt. If there's room under the seat, you could also attach the material by using a heavy duty staple gun.

If the stools are small, use the smallest pillowcases you have. You may have to cut and hem them, or use a bit of creativity to pull the excess material up and then tie the tie below the seat.

These make a lovely decorating hack for parties and special events.

Have fun!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 16, 2018

5 Items for the Home to Ward off Evil Spirits

Halloween is on the Way! Time to think Protection, Protection, Protection

O.k. not really, but just in case here's a review of items for the home that are said to protect your humble abode from all things evil.

1. Horseshoe Home Décor Accessories

When it comes to protecting your home, the best place to put a horseshoe is on your front door as a door knocker. However, if you're unable to place it on the door, go ahead and place them inside your home. A horseshoe in the home is said to attract good fortune, and in doing so, evil gets knocked on it's butt. Some people believe it's better luck to hang the horseshoe with the ends pointing up so that all the good energy has a place to pool inside the horseshoe.

2. Use Cinnamon Scents in Home

Did you know that Cinnamon is associated with prosperity. Besides baking, you can incorporate cinnamon in your home using cinnamon oil or cinnamon sticks. During the holiday season include cinnamon scented pine cones in a center piece, or decorate using cinnamon sticks in wreaths. Place cinnamon Crystal Allies Materials: 1lb Bulk Rough Black Tourmaline Crystals from Brazil - Large Raw Natural Stones Reiki Crystal HealingWholesale LotCrystal Allies Materials: 1lb Bulk Rough Black Tourmaline Crystals from Brazil - Large Raw Natural Stones Reiki Crystal sticks in all your wreaths. If you don't want to see the sticks, simply tuck them in so they're not visible.

3. Feature a Rosemary Wreath

For those who enjoy the history of witches, witches believed that hanging rosemary on your front door would ward off burglars and intruders. It was also used as a way to rid a room of illness during the time of the plague. If nothing else at all, between the rosemary and cinnamon in your wreaths, your home will smell lovely.

4. Display Gemstones Throughout Your Home

The topic of gemstones is a rather in-depth one. Feature in a centerpiece or in a lovely decorative bowl the following gemstones to ward off bad energy: Tourmaline, Agate, Emerald, Labradorite, Black Onyx, Peridot and Emerald. If you need to pick one, choose Tourmaline as it's said to be the most effective for dark energy.

5. Smudge Your Home With Sage

I know a few people who do this in their home. It's derived from the Native American belief that the smoke from sage will cleanse a space and clear negative stagnant energy. Spread the sage clockwise around your home and while doing so, visualize positive intentions as you clear every room. Reiki Practitioners are known to clear the energy in their home or office with Sage after a session with a client. It clears the energy for the next client so their treatment can begin anew from a cleansed room.

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

How to Position Twin Beds to Create Separate Areas in a Room

Reviewing How to Layout Twin Beds So They're Separate from Each Other

The standard room layout for twin beds, is to place them side by side with a nightstand in-between.

However, there are creative ways to define areas in a shared room.

Below are three typical bedroom shapes you'll find in most homes: Rectangular, Square and L-Shaped.

Furnishings for a room with twin beds tend to be two beds, two nightstands, two desks, one or two dressers and or storage trunks and accessories.

Tip: If the room has a decent sized walk-in closet, put the dressers inside of it. You can place dressers under a section of clothes, and use the area above the dresser to hang smaller items.

1. Suggested Layout for Twin Beds in an L-Shaped Bedroom:

An L-Shaped room is the easiest floor plan to distinguish separate sleeping areas.

This floor plan makes the twin beds appear almost hidden to each other. Both areas have a nightstand, a desk and in this design a shared dresser. Again, if possible, put the dresser in the closet.

Floor Plan Layout by Funkthishouse

2. Suggested Layout for Twin Beds in a Rectangular Shaped Bedroom:

With a rectangular shaped room the tendency is to assume the beds have to be positioned side-by-side. That's absolutely not the case.

If the room is narrow, and doesn't allow for a lot of furniture, then use twin sized beds with drawers built in the bottom. That way you've eliminated the need for a dresser. Or again, if there's a walk-in closet, put the dresser in the closet.

When space is very tight, choose beds with built-in drawers. Here are a few examples:

Remember, if you decide to get beds with drawers, a nightstand positioned incorrectly can block the opening of those drawers. Twin beds with storage can also come in a large number of designs including some with storage in the headboard. If the headboard doesn't offer built-in lights, add creative strip lighting.

Floor Plan Layout by

3. Suggested Layout for Twin Beds in a Square Shaped Room:

This layout will depend upon where the doors and windows are positioned in the room. However, you can still create defined areas by thinking outside the box.

In a square room, our design instinct is to place twin beds side-by-side. But don't let that thinking stop you from setting up defined areas. Even square rooms can have separate areas for twin beds.

In the floor plan below you'll notice the room was split in half. The position of the main door allowed for that. Essentially one half of the room is allocated to one twin bed area and the other half for the second bed.

In this design there wasn't room for a dresser, but as mentioned above, there are multiple ways to accommodate storage. Here you'll see a storage trunk at the end of each of the beds. The beds can have drawers, or a dresser can go inside of a large closet.

Floor Plan Layout by

BONUS TIP: Small Bedrooms and Selling Your Home

During my real estate years frequent comments were about bedroom size. Most people feel that an empty room is larger than a furnished room. It isn't.

An empty room looks small.

People tend to need a visual to gage what will fit into a space. If the room is small, use bed and wall storage to illustrate how efficient the space can be.

Measurements to give you a sense of bed sizes and space:
  1. Standard king size beds measure 76 inches wide by 80 inches long. (6.33ft by 6.66ft)
  2. California king size beds measure 72 inches wide by 84 inches long. (6ft by 7ft)
  3. Standard queen size beds measure 60 inches wide by 80 inches long. (5ft by 6.66ft)
  4. California queen size beds measure 60 inches wide by 84 inches long. (5ft by 7ft)
  5. Standard double size beds measure 54 inches wide by 75 inches long. (4ft by 6.25ft)
  6. Standard twin size beds measure 39 inches wide by 75 inches long (3.29ft by 6.25ft)
  7. Extra long twin size beds measure 39 inches wide by 80 inches long. (3.29ft by 6.66ft)
Next, learn how to affordably convert twin sized beds into a king bed...

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Sunday, August 12, 2018

How to Get Your Bed to Look Like a Professional Decorator Made It

Photo Design by
photos via Pixabay
The problem for most of us is that our bedding lacks style, quality and most probably, fluffiness!

If we're being honest, we tend to keep our Comforter/Duvet Sets for much too long without changing them. When we're stuck with the same bedding, we're stuck with the same drab look.

Beyond the bedding color, pattern and design, there are certain items that can give your bedroom a pick-me-up.

Below are a list of basic items or variations of them that you'll need in order for your bed to look like a high priced decorator assembled it.

Duvets Versus Comforters - Which One is Better?

With a Duvet, you buy the fluffy insert separately and it's the quality fluffiness that gives your bed it's professional look. The benefit of buying an insert separately is that you can choose one that's long lasting and of higher quality: The higher the quality the longer it will stay fluffy.

Since it's an insert, you can change the actual duvet cover, and thus the look of your room, anytime you want.

Next you'll want duvet clips to secure the Insert to the Cover so it's free of lumps, bumps and wrinkles.

Comforters are all-in-ones, in that the comforter and insert are one piece thus eliminating the need to buy an insert or duvet clips. Also, they usually come with pillowcases, a comforter, a bed skirt and sometimes bed sheets.

However, the downside to a comforter is that if the quality is lower (and many times they can be), it will lose it's fluffiness and start to look flat on the bed (like a bed sheet does).
Here's an 8 Piece COMFORTER Set (Not a Duvet Set) Rochelle Pinched Pleat Gray Comforter Set QueenHere's an 8 Piece COMFORTER Set (Not a Duvet Set) Rochelle Pinched Pleat Gray Comforter Set Queen
A flat comforter will take away from that professional look you're going for, unless of course you're aiming for a simple almost Japanese look to your room.

Pillows Finish the Bed's Look:

Have you noticed that a bed with a duvet or comforter looks decoratively unfinished with only two pillows on the bed? Especially on a king size bed.

To give a bed that professional decorator look, you'll want to have at least four standard or king size pillows, and then finish the pillow-look with a few decorator pillows.

Bolsters also work. They're a long oval pillow you can use against the bed frame or the wall for the other pillows to lean against.

They do exactly what their name says, 'they bolster' the pillows in front so you have a fuller look of pillows on the bed. If you don't have a bed frame, they're also a way to get pillows off the wall. However, even if I have a bolster, and I do, I still use 4 pillows.

Make sure the pillows are fluffy as well. Flat, over-used pillows will make the bed look drab. So if your pillows aren't fluffy and you can't go out and buy more, put two old pillows, or even three old pillows inside one pillowcase. I've done this several times and it works well.

I've overstuffed the pillowcases at the back, and put two new fluffy pillows at the front. That way I only had to buy two new pillows instead of four, saving a bit of cash while still maintaining that fluffy full look.

Pillowcases, Don't be Afraid to Mix and Match:
With pillowcases you can go two ways. 
Either they can exactly match the duvet or they can be complimentary in pattern and color to the duvet. 
If you have a lot of extra pillow cases, you may already have some that are complimentary with your new duvet thus saving you the expense of having to purchase extra pillowcases. 

Bed Skirts for Duvet and Comforter Sets:
Some people like bed skirts, and some don't. 

My mom isn't a fan of bed skirts, so rather than a duvet or comforter, her bed has a bedspread. A bedspread goes right to the floor to hide the box spring, thus removing the need for a bed skirt. 

However, if you don't like to see any part of the box spring when the bed is unmade, then even with a comforter, you'll want a bed skirt.

Bed Sheets - They Don't Have to Match the Duvet or Comforter
This is misunderstood by many bed makers.

If you already own bedsheets that are complimentary to the duvet/comforter set you purchased, then use them!

That way you can focus on buying the most important elements to making your bed look professional: A high quality duvet insert, duvet clips and at least four pillows, decorator cushions and a bed skirt if you don't already have one.

Use an existing bed skirt if you have one that's complimentary! Again, it doesn't have to match exactly.

Pull it All Together:
  1. You have your fluffy bedding - either a comforter set or a duvet set with a quality insert and duvet clips
  2. You've got a bed skirt to hide the box spring
  3. You've got at least four standard (or King) pillows and a couple of decorative pillows.

However, Making the Bed is Where it Will Get that Final Professional Look:
  1. Fold down the top part of the duvet so the reverse side is showing by about six to twelve inches. You can even fold it down a couple of feet if you have a lot of pillows and you want some of the bed sheets exposed because of their design and quality. However, the standard fold down of the top portion of the duvet/comforter is about one foot.
  2. Pull the wrinkles out of the comforter/duvet
  3. Make sure the comforter/duvet is even all the way around
  4. Details matter, don't let the bed sheets hang past the duvet cover/comforter on the sides or ends. If they're too long, tuck them in

There you have it! Think fluffy and you'll nail it.

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