Showing posts with label From the Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From the Heart. Show all posts

Monday, January 1, 2018

We Wish You the Best This New Year

All the world welcomes a new calendar year today.

This time of year is a time to reflect on things passed. Whether or not you set New Year's resolutions, the beginning of the new year is often viewed as a fresh start with feelings of rejuvenation. A time to plan for the coming year.

A Year in Review at Review This!

Thanks to our beloved readers, 2017 was a good year for our site. We continued to grow this year and over time have welcomed 795,884 of you to our site. Your visits, comments, and shares are greatly appreciated. 

2017 also brought us grief and loss with the passing of one of our writers - Susan Deppner. She was (and is) loved by so many. 

As we look ahead to 2018, our goal is to continue to provide heartfelt and honest reviews. We plan to continue to share those things that make us happy; those things that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. Our hope is that you continue to find our reviews helpful. 

On behalf of the writers at Review This! we wish you all the best. May your 2018 be filled with joy, peace, health, and success. 

Best Wishes,
Dawn Rae
on behalf of the Review This! writers

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Amazing Things to Do Between Christmas and New Years Day

One of my Favorite times of year is Christmas, but once it's over you can feel let down.  So let's Review Ways to keep that after Christmas Depression at bay!

If your family is anything like mine, the days leading up to Christmas have been full of all kinds of trips, errands to run, parties to attend and a host of other fun and time consuming activities.  Depending on the ages of your children or grandchildren, there will also be more than one Christmas recital to attend as well.
This is not a complaint, but, it is a reality.  We get so wound up with places to go and people to see, that when it stops, we feel lost!  Some of us will only feel that way after the New Year because we are still in the middle of all the partying still.  Others, who do not go "all out" for New Years will feel that way sooner.
The bottom line is, it doesn't have to be this way at all!

Part of your planning for the holidays should include that time between the holidays, so that holiday let down is minimized or completely obliterated.  No one really wants to be depressed at the best time of the year. 
christmas party decorationsSo let's make those plans now!  If the plan is in place,  you will actually follow through.  

So let's get down to some concrete ways to stave off any negative feelings.

First of all, if you have family visiting, make arrangements to go somewhere on an outing.
  • visit the downtown area and look over the lights and Christmas Displays
  • Go sledding or skating, if your body allows that kind of seasonal fun.
  • Make Snow Angels (with the above caveat)
  • Go to a park with a handful of bird seed, for those birds who don't have a feeder close by
  • Pick up some small gift cards for a coffee shop and give them to "Street People" to enjoy
  • Visit a local church and see their Nativity Displays
  • take lots of pictures while out and about
  • when you come home, make some Hot Chocolate and watch a favorite movie
  • Be Thankful for the Blessing of Family and Friends.
Between Christmas and New Years is a great time to make some plans for the next year too!  Many a lively conversation could be had over those plans.  Will you make resolutions for 2018?  Will you decide to travel more or less?  How about making a resolution to get together with friends more often?  It is a great idea to look forward, but also take some time to look back and be thankful for all the good things that happened in the year just past.  

silhouette of family walking
When the hustle and bustle has come to a standstill, it's no longer a dreaded fear, rather it's a time to take stock.  Look ahead at what might be coming your way, and look back to see where you have been.  If things weren't the greatest, find ways to make this year to come, better.  If the year past was wonderful all around then celebrate this wholeheartedly, and pray that the year to come will be as blessed as the one just past.  Gratitude for everything is a great way to live.  You don't become nearly as disappointed and you really don't let yourself become engrossed in the things you have no control over either.  

Start taking note of things you are thankful for and try to do something new in the coming year.

If you need help thinking of all the things to be grateful for, there are several different types of journals that can give you some coaching either in pictures or scriptures.  One of my favorites is the one:

If you don't have a gratitude journal, a blank book works well too. Sometimes though in our busy lives, we need a hint of encouragement and for that a true gratitude journal is a bonus. Each page will give you a little inspiration to get you started with the right attitude. If you are not a particularly spiritual person, there are journals that remind you of gratitude without scriptural readings. Whichever one is to your liking, will be a good choice and they are inexpensive.  Maybe Santa brought you one, but if not that's okay too.  You can always get your own when you feel the need for it.  It will be an investment in yourself, for your mental and physical and spiritual well being.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and all your family a most Beautiful, Blessed and Wonderful New Year!
happy new year banner

pictures courtesy of

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Monday, October 9, 2017

Susan Deppner

large pink flower
I haven't spoken online yet anywhere about the loss last week of friend and co-worker Susan Deppner (Susan52) because I am still in a state of disbelief even though I knew Susan was  unwell and her time was limited. However, as most of her friends online now know, she is gone.

As Sylvestermouse, said in her goodbye to Susan, “The death of a precious friend is never easy. When that friend is someone you interact with on a daily basis, it leaves a huge hole in your life that can never be filled again.” That is so true. No one will take Susan's place in my life online.

Susan described herself on Hubpages as a “baby boomer who enjoys reading, writing, cooking, spending quality time with her family, and consuming therapeutic quantities of dark chocolate.” She wrote about those subjects, too. About food, recipes, books and of course about the Kindle but also about so much more as is evidenced by her work on that platform.

Susan also shared family recipes on her blog, Recipes for Real People. I love the image in the upper corner of her two favorite kitchen helpers who have grown up and now have their own kitchens. Because I am from a different part of the continent, Susan often introduced me to new recipes like her Loco Moco, her Pink Pickled Eggs and her Dump Cake.

I am sad that I will never again hear Susan’s words of encouragement and advice.

I am sad that I will not hear what is going on in her life.

I am even sad that Susan and I won’t be discussing what is for supper, a subject close to our hearts and to our stomachs.

I am sorry that Susan and I never had the opportunity to meet face to face especially after supporting each other online for about a decade.

I noticed the following description on Susan’s Google+ profile this morning and I think it sums up her spirit very well.

Susan Deppner
Writer. Teacher. Encourager.
Worked at Life from the Inside Out.

Susan, you will be missed. This flower is for you.

Love always,

P.S. Susan, if you are reading this. I did notice that you used a comma after the word 'and' in the list of things you enjoyed doing, which you will remember was a subject of some lively debate in our masterminds group and of course I was in the no comma camp. We sure covered a lot of ground in our discussions over the years; it was an absolute pleasure knowing you.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Farewell to a Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor, Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner
Susan Deppner
It is with a very heavy heart that I write to our readers today on Review This Reviews!  The death of a precious friend is never easy.  When that friend is someone you interact with on a daily basis, it leaves a huge hole in your life that can never be filled again. 

Some people touch our lives in a special way that leaves us forever changed.  That is most certainly the case with Susan Deppner.  Her deep abiding faith directed her every action and she was an inspiration and witness to us all.

Susan was the easiest person to love.  She never failed to support her friends in words and deeds.   In difficult or stressful times, Susan would step in with a word of reassurance and peace.   She truly had a way of calming a soul. 

It was always clear to anyone who knew Susan, that she adored her husband, her sons, her daughters-in law, her grandson and her entire family.  I know she showed them through her kind, loving ways every day of her life. 

We have been honored to have Susan as a contributor.  She is irreplaceable and the entire staff of Review This grieves over the death of our beloved friend.      

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 29, 2017

Practicing Mindfulness on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day set aside each year to remember those who have lost their lives while serving their country in the armed forces. The meaning of the day can easily become lost in the long weekend filled with barbecues and beer. Or become confused with Veteran's Day, with which we greet our living armed forces folks with a "Happy Veteran's Day". Political disagreements can threaten to erode the meaning of Memorial Day altogether. As a result of all of these things, and with utmost respect to those willing to sacrifice so much for my protection and freedom, I choose to spend Memorial Day in mindful remembrance.

Memorial Day - Remembering Individuals

As a grateful Army mom, whose sons both returned from deployments, I have decided this year to intentionally know about someone (or multiple people) who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  I wanted to put real names on this holiday in order to honor them and their families by keeping their memories alive.

I chose to read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn by Karen Vaughn.  

Overnight, I've read 75% of the book. Karen tells us of her son as a child, an adolescent, a young man, and finally a Navy SEAL. She tells of her perspective of parenthood as a Christian and of her faith in God. She describes her mother-son bond and how that bond is broken when the helicopter is shot down, killing all on board - including members of Navy SEAL VI - including her son. She writes with such honesty of the moment that my chest hurt as I sobbed. 

Despite the great loss she and her family have endured with the loss of her son, there is somehow peace in her writing. There is no asking for pity, only a quiet strength. I'd imagine she attributes that to God. She is a good witness to those of us who are not as convinced of such an active force in our lives. 

In this book, Karen Vaughn memorializes her son in a beautiful way. She describes his childhood antics, his school-aged years, and his move into being a husband/father a such a loving way - without being overly syrupy. I definitely feel as though I know who Aaron Vaughn was in life. 

Memorial Day - General Remembering

On this day there are many ways to remember those who have passed before us, in the service of their country.  A few ways to remember in general are:

  • attend or participate in a Memorial Day parade
  • fly a flag
  • watch movies (such as Act of Valor, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Pearl Harbor, and so many more)
  • watch documentaries 
  • visit a military cemetery 
  • visit a war memorial or museum
  • choose a time period and educate yourself about that war

Even if you don't agree with the politics of a particular President or the reasons a specific war has occurred, the United States of America is what it is in large part because it has been participating in battles for over 200 years. I guarantee there has been someone, in some conflict, who has supported or protected your interests. 

On this Memorial Day, I am focused in my thanks to those individuals who were willing and able to do what I am not. Today, I am mindful of those families who have lost a loved one in the defense of our country. 

Updated:  I have become aware that immediately following the launch of World Changer, Amazon's link to purchase hardcovers went down.  I am not aware of the reason why but want to make sure that I provide my readers with an alternate link for the purchase of World Changer in hardcover.  In the event the Amazon link goes down again, please refer to Karen Vaughn's official website to make that purchase - Official Karen Vaughn World Changer site .

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Song for People Enduring Cancer

Brett Kissel, I Didn't Fall in Love with Your Hair
and More Here
'I Didn't Fall in Love With Your Hair' by Canadian Country Music Artist Brett Kissel & Featuring Carolyn Dawn Johnson

Written by Rachel Bradshaw, Kyle Jacobs and Billy Montana, this moving song was released in September 2016 for Cancer Awareness month with proceeds donated to the cause between the dates September 9th and October 28th 2016.

Philanthropist W. Brett Wilson, also played a role by matching the amounts earned and donating those funds to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Like most songs do for the artist, it struck a personal chord for Brett Kissel; his mom has battled cancer.

Why This Song Says So Much

Battling cancer certainly goes deeper than potentially losing our hair. However, when the news hits us that we could be facing this horrendous fight, some of us think of this superficial thing...our hair.

After first hearing this song blaring from the radio in my kitchen, the lyrics stopped me in my tracks. Listening to every word, the tears flowed.

The song speaks to the love of one soul for another; it reminds us what true love means and that our body really is our temporary home. The cliche 'beautiful on the inside' has greater meaning when you process these lyrics.

Love is an unseen force, yet the most powerful in the world.

How do we know we are loved by another?

We know because we feel this invisible energy. The feeling of love resonates in this gorgeous song. 'He didn't fall in love with her hair' - he fell in love with her soul, her being - This untouchable force survives all things tangible.

We are reminded that our love for each other cannot be measured by something physical, like our hair or our body shape. Love is a connection that survives the seen. This intangible force captures our spirit, and in doing so, gives us the secret to life.

We are all here perfecting that secret. 

Love is where we find the light and it's the only road that takes us home. Get out the tissues as you listen to this song.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Country Song About Angels Quietly Lifting Us During Troubled Times

A Country Song About Angels Quietly Lifting Us During Troubled Times

It's Sunday today. The day I post here on the 'Review It' blog. Since times aren't easy for many who are struggling right now, a country song about the guiding hand of angels seemed like an ideal selection for today. We can't erase all the problems out there, but the healing message of a song can help us find a tiny spark to light our candle with.
"Oh I believe there are, angels among us, Sent down to us, from somewhere up above, They come to you and me, in our darkest hours, To show us how to live, To teach us how to give, To guide us with the light of love" Angels Among Us, by Alabama

Do you believe in Angels? Have you ever had what you believed to be an encounter with an Angel? Perhaps you were saved from a situation that you shouldn't have survived? 

I've had my own odd happenings for sure. One such time was a lady who gently bumped into me in a mall like I knew her...I had been going through a rough patch. While picking something up for my son, I had been quietly praying to myself for guidance and had asked for a sign that my prayers were heard...that's when she brushed by me ever so gently, and the next thing you know, I turned to see her, and she's walking away from me and just fades away into the distance. I have no idea where this mall-visiting angel disappeared, but it was enough for me to call my best friend and tell her the story. The known or unknown gift was delivered; I felt calmer afterward.

A Beautiful Angel Spirit Guide Statue - Via Amazon

Another encounter I had was during a prayer in Church; I asked for a sign to help me know the answer to my question. Then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, right in the middle of the service, this lady comes over and kneels beside me. I glanced at her and smiled; she smiled back. She stayed momentarily, prayed beside me, then got up and left. Again, I have yet to find out where she went, and I've never seen her again. Whatever that moment was, I've never forgotten it. It lives inside me as a gift, a small gift that no matter what, there's always hope.

In a complex, sometimes unfair world, faith keeps us going: faith in ourselves and each other. As cliche as it sounds, we are all part of the same light. Whether your belief is in science or a higher power, it's still energy; it's light. If you're struggling, I hope you find the light today and are gifted with an inner knowingness that you'll get through it. I'll be sure to look for it today as well.

I hope you enjoy Angels Among Us by Alabama - A beautiful song.

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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