Saturday, September 23, 2017

Top Three Group Costume Ideas for Halloween

Top Group Costume Ideas
Let's review some group costumes ideas that I know you'll love.   Group costumes can be a great idea for Halloween or indeed any fancy dress occasion, but first you need to agree on what everyone dresses up as.

You can check out the big list of group costumes for a plethora of ideas or you could just have a look at this years top three group costume ideas...

The best group costume ideas for 2017 (according to industry insiders) are the Avengers, Star Wars and the Flintstones.

The Avengers Group Costume Ideas

I would say choose your favorite Avengers character and dress up as that, but with any group costume you will need to make sure you don't end up with five of you dressing up as Thor!  Remember the Big Bang Theory (albeit they were dressing up as DC Comics superheros and someone had to be Aquaman, they couldn't all be The Flash!) and decide on who is dressing up as who!

The Avengers group costume ideas

With the Avengers there are lots of different options for a costume including -

  • Thor
  • Iron Man
  • Captain America
  • The Hulk
  • Black Widow
  • Hawkeye
  • Ant Man
  • Daredevil
  • Doctor Strange
  • Elektra
  • Spider Man

and that's just a few of the superheroes.  An Avengers group costume could also include Nick Fury, Agent Coulson and other characters from the comics and/or movies including some of the villains.

Star Wars, a Classic Group Costume Idea

Star Wars has been a classic group costume idea since 1977 and as the fans seem to increase every year I can't see this group costume idea diminishing any time soon!  Now obviously you can't have more than one Darth Vader or Princess Leia, but it is a group costume where you can have some double ups in the form of stormtroopers for example.

Star Wars group costume ideas
I must admit when I think of Star Wars I always think of the original trilogy so Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2 along with Darth Vader are the initial costumes that come to mind.

With the expansion of the Star Wars Empire there are even more costume ideas to explore, so who will you be Rey or Leia, R2-D2 or BB-8?  You could even mix them up and have a selection of Star Wars era costumes on show!

I have a few friends who echo the statement below -

The best group costume idea has to be Star Wars!

What do you think of this rather bold statement?  Personally I think I'd prefer the Flintstones, but I'm completely ready to be out voted in which case "bags I be a wookie!"

The Flintstones Group Costume Ideas

Who doesn't love the Flintstones?  It's great to see that these costumes are having a bit of a surge in popularity again as a few years ago you couldn't go to a fancy dress event without seeing at least one Flintstones costume (whether it was Fred or Barney or several).  I fancy being Dino myself, what about you?

The Flintstones group costume ideas

I do have a couple of friends who have dressed up as Barney & Betty Rubble on a couple of occasions, but for some reason I've never had a Flintstone's costume.  Dino does have my name on it though so maybe I need to convince a group of friends to join me in the Flintstone's group costumes this Halloween!

Of course there are lots of other ideas that come to mind including The Village People, Abba, even the Addams Family.   Whichever costumes you decide on going as a group is always fun!

Have you ever participated with friends in a group costume?  If so what did you go as, I'd love to know.

The top three group costume ideas this year

More Halloween Costume Ideas

Here on Review This we have a few other ideas which would be perfect for a group costume idea.  I have written a review on Harley Quinn Costumes and you could take these costumes and either dress as Harley through the ages or dress up as members of the Suicide Squad or just Batman Villains.

Susan has reviewed how to create a Hobo Costume.  If you're looking for an inexpensive DIY group costume then I think a group of Hobos would be awesome.

Heather reviews the best animal costumes for Halloween and this really is a great group costume idea.  You could get one of your group to dress up as a zookeeper or farmer depending on what animals the rest of you wanted to dress up as.  Another idea (which is especially great if your group is made up of couples) is a Noah's Ark style of group costumes where you have two of every animal you want!

You can check out a lot of other Halloween costume ideas along with other Halloween fun by following our Halloween board on Pinterest - you won't be sorry!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 22, 2017

Cupcake Cakes Cookbook Review

Cupcake Cakes Cookbook Review
Cupcakes have always been a favored treat for school days, parties, or just for dessert. They are even better when they are arranged to make a fun design. 

Consider the cupcake cake on the front of the Cupcake Cakes cookbook.  It looks like an ice cream cone, but in fact it is 18 cupcakes frosted and arranged in a delightful design pattern.  And, seriously!  What could be easier?  10 chocolate cupcakes, 7 strawberry cupcakes and 1 cherry frosted cupcake.  Once decorated with the Good & Fruity candy that looks like sprinkles, you have made a beautiful ice cream cone cake.  Truly fabulous! 

Using Store Bought Cupcakes 

I normally make my own cupcakes, but if you find yourself in a rush, you could simply buy cupcakes from the grocery store or bakery.  Purchase whatever decoration candy is needed and the necessary frosting color, and whip out that cake design in no time.  Using the ice cream cone cupcake cake again as the example, it would be extremely easy to buy chocolate and strawberry cupcakes, the Good & Fruity candy, and a can or tube of cherry frosting.  This is perfect for the mom who is required to bring cupcakes for the classroom party, but doesn't have time to bake.

The Cupcake Cakes Cookbook 

The Cupcake Cake Cookbook - Inside the cookbook
I own several cookbooks that include cupcake cakes, but this is my personal favorite.  All of the cupcake cake designs are easy to replicate, yet they are adorable.  

The book is fairly small compared to other cookbooks, plus it is lightweight.  That makes it extremely easy to grab and carry to a party or school destination if you need it for reference when assembling the cake.  

It has a spiral binding inside the cover which makes the book lay open flat.  Anyone who has ever fought to keep a cookbook open to a specific page knows just how fabulous an internal spiral binding is to the chef.

Cupcake Cakes has instructions for 25 different cupcake cakes and each one is awesome.  I love all of the animal designs myself, but there is also a wizards hat for Harry Potter fans, a flower bouquet cupcake cake and a princess crown for girls.  There is even a treasure chest cupcake cake design which would be perfect for a scavenger hunt party or pirate themed party.

Cupcake Cakes Cookbook Review

Buy Your Own Copy of Cupcake Cakes 

The book is available for a Kindle, but I recommend the actual hardcover book since there are color pictures.  Of course, if you have a Kindle Fire, that is not an issue since it shows pictures in color. 

Read More Book Reviews at

Read More Cookbook Reviews ~ Cookbooks

Cupcake Cakes Cookbook Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Talking as Fast as I Can Book Review

Does Lauren Graham talk as fast in her book Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls (and Everything in Between)  as she does on the Gilmore Girls?

I don't ordinarily open a book review with a negative thought but that is how I felt when I began reading Lauren Graham's 2016 autobiography, Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls (and Everything in Between.) I was disappointed. The book was not what I expected.

I should have known by ALL THOSE WORDS on the cover.

What did I expect? Well, an ordinary autobiographical book about Lauren Graham's life to date.

What did I get? A book that almost seemed to move as quickly as the dialogue on the Gilmore Girls.

According to Graham, The Gilmore Girls series featured some of the longest scripts in television history. While another television show script might have 50 pages, the Gilmore Girls were known to pack 80 pages of dialogue into their one hour less commercial breaks time slot. Yes, that means they talked almost non-stop. Verbal diarrhea comes to mind. Graham has actually been asked if she can talk normally.

It turned out that I also had a book in my hands that was not overly serious with paragraphs that were frequently disrupted by a witty comment from the author, which I could have done with out. Lauren Graham is a brilliant comedic actor but, at least at first, I would have preferred a more serious approach. I agree with Entertainment Weekly when they said that as an author Graham is "much better in the honest, earnest passages where she’s not trying to entertain us. We like her already!

Does Lauren Graham talk as fast in her book Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls (and Everything in Between)  as she does on the Gilmore Girls?
As Katherine on Women's Post said, it takes a while to get used to Graham's style, which is "conversational and as scattered as a Gilmore Girl." If you are a fan, you will know what that means. If not, well...carry on. Graham befriends you as she jumps from a thought to some song lyrics to a discussion on the telephone. "It’s through this writing style the readers are truly able to get to know Graham." Perhaps that is true.

Of course, it is helpful and the book makes more sense once you know that the book is meant to be a series of essays.

So...did I like the book?

I did.

Is it recommended?

Yes, it is particularly if you are a fan of the Gilmore Girls and/or Lauren Graham and you approach the book in a less than serious manner. The book deals with Graham's childhood and adulthood through to the remake of the Gilmore Girls and it is interesting.  It is just not particularly serious. The back cover says that this book contains details about Graham's, "awkward growing up years, confusing dating years, fulfilling working years; and what it was like to be asked to play one of my characters again." I think that gives you a sense that this book treats Graham's life in a light manner.

I do like Lauren Graham and I will be checking out her novel, Someday, Someday, Maybe, which is about a young actress trying to make it in New York, a subject about which she definitely has firsthand knowledge. I would also like to revisit the Gilmore Girls series and watch the new movies though with seven seasons and four movies that is a whole lot of viewing! Meanwhile, you can find Talking As Fast as I can and Lauren Graham's other works on Amazon by clicking right here.

If you have read Talking as Fast as Fast as I Can, be sure to let us know what you thought.

See you
at the book store!

Quick Links:

Buy your copy of Talking As Fast As I Can here on Amazon. It's available in hardcover, paperback and ebook formats.
Read about Graham's co-star Alexis Bledel in my Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie review.

Does Lauren Graham talk as fast in her book Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls (and Everything in Between)  as she does on the Gilmore Girls?

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Look up, Look way Up Suddenly, Migratory Birds are Moving!

The Seasons are Changing and so is everything around us.  Leaves are starting to turn their blazing colors or orange and red, gold and crimson,  The air is thick with movement.  Birds are chattering away and filling themselves up with seeds, butterflies are filling up on nectar and inevitably we know that they will become visions of the past.  Let's Review what kind of Migratory Birds we will be seeing in the skies over the next few weeks, or at least until the snow starts to fly. While we are at it, we will also look at some Fall Fun that we can have with our families.

migratory birds flying in sunset

What are Migratory Birds?

In the northern hemisphere, we have changing seasons and with those changing seasons we are also treated to changing wildlife around us.  Birds that spend their winter months  in Mexico and Central America and further south are moving north in the spring.  Likewise when it starts to get cooler here, those same birds are now making plans to head back to their southern feeding grounds.  Now not all birds migrate, but many do! In the fall we are treated to some of the nicest color changes that our landscape can offer.  Trees are turning colors and seed production is at an all time high.  Sunflowers are a favorite feeding stop for many migratory birds. They feed on the oily seeds to give them the strength they will need to make the long trip south.  

sunflower seeds
Oily Sunflower Seeds are a great food source for birds.

What kinds of Birds will you see Migrating?

The list of migratory birds for us is rather long, but you might not see all of these in your area.  Some of the most startling ones are the geese, which fly in their never changing "V" pattern.  If you listen you will hear them before you see them.  All the honking they do to let their own flock know where they are going. Hummingbirds will be visiting all the feeders and emptying them out, they have a long trek in their near future. It's a great time to make sure there is nectar in those feeders.  There are hundreds of different birds that will be migrating and depending on where you live you may or may not see them all.  If you are into Birdwatching, your chances at recognizing which birds are in the air will be a lot better!  A good pair of binoculars and a really good Bird Book will help you become more familiar with the movement in the air.  

If you are interested in a list of all the Migratory Birds of North America, click on that link and Wikipedia will list all the birds that are making their moves in the fall.  Check on both the Eastern and Western areas as some of them will not be seen on one side or the other.  

Family Fun During the Fall

I love watching the birds in the changing seasons.  There is a great opportunity to share with our children and grandchildren, the changes that nature goes through when one season moves into the next.  There is always something to learn.  Family camping trips always highlighted birdwatching and just learning about nature around us. Trees and flowers change too and many children are busy collecting leaves for school projects.  There are some wonderful ideas for Fall learning and things for children to do.  It's not just the birds that they can learn about, it's the changes in nature from the ground right up to the sky.

Now don't forget, when you see the leaves falling down, it's time to Look up, Look way up, you will probably be treated to some migratory birds in your area.  Have you ever seen something so beautiful?
birds flying in v formation

All pictures are from
If you would like to know more about bird watching you can click on these links and learn more about the wonderful world of Birds and Bird Watching.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Reviewing A Thesaurus

A Most Important Tool For Writing

writing desk
Writing Center image courtesy of
My decision to review a thesaurus in today's post might seem a little lame at first glance. Stick with me for a bit and you will see why I think that every home and office should have at least one available.

I, along with the other reviewers here at Review This, do quite a lot of writing. Most of us write a post here each week while maintaining our own sites in other locations on the web. It would not be far-fetched for me to assume that each of us probably has at least one thesaurus that we refer to often. Mine is sitting right here next to me as I compose this post. I pick it up and use it several times every single day.

Now, I realize that not everyone considers themselves writers, as we do, but that isn't exactly the case. Adults frequently need to compose a letter or a report pertaining to their jobs. (You should know that I just picked up my thesaurus to find a better word for often and decided on frequently in that last sentence.) College students are required to write a term paper for some of their classes. A thesis might be required for many degrees. High school, middle school and even elementary school students will need to write reports about different subjects during the years that they attend school. In all of these instances the person is temporarily a writer. 

Certainly, we all have the option of looking up words (synonyms or antonyms) on an online thesaurus. Those have been available for quite a while. My preference is an actual book that I can pick up and search through quickly. I don't have to open a new window or switch screens. My writing is still in front of me and I can return to it swiftly. (I just used my thesaurus again choosing swiftly over quickly.) See how that works?

Personally, I think that if we encourage our young students to get into the habit of using this tool for their writing needs; we are also helping them practice searching for words in alphabetical order along with spelling skills. Adults will be better adept at this but even they learned at one time the order of the alphabet when looking a word up. Whether the writer is very young, middle-aged or even elderly their finished product will be a much better piece if they have taken a few minutes to find a variety of words to use in their text. Can anyone remember a paper returned from the teacher with several red marks and a note that says, "You used this word 15 times! Choose different words from time to time."

As a writer, it is my desire, to create a pleasant reading experience for anyone who might read what I have written. I don't want to sound repetitive or appear that I have a very small vocabulary. I think whether it is a conscious goal or not; most people who are writing something want it to be received well. A thesaurus can be invaluable for that very purpose.

It is probably no surprise that I think that giving a child a tool that will help them write better is a very good idea. They may not be looking to make a career out of writing but they will from time to time be required to write something. That "something" will be better if they know how to find synonyms to use to say the same thing in a different way. A by-product is that they will have a much better vocabulary.

As I stated before; I use my thesaurus regularly each day. I have found it extremely helpful as I work on my soon to be published mystery book. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, September 18, 2017

Easy Two-Ingredient Roasted Potatoes

Do you ever feel too tired, busy, or lazy to cook yet want something filling to eat?  That's my situation constantly. On Sunday I was feeling hungry yet didn't feel like cooking, didn't feel like paying the cost of delivery, and sure didn't feel like getting dressed and going out to eat. I fell back on a go-to "recipe" - roasted potatoes. This is so ridiculously easy, inexpensive, and tasty that I have difficulty referring to it as a recipe. If you have potatoes, a bottle of vinaigrette, an oven, and a baking dish you can make these delicious roasted potatoes.  

Balsamic Vinaigrette Roasted Potatoes Recipe

Years ago I often made oven-roasted potatoes after tossing them in some balsamic vinaigrette. On the Kraft recipe site they state: 
"Red potatoes are seasoned with nothing but balsamic vinaigrette and pepper and end up tasting like something a five-star chef made."
Now, my palate is not sophisticated so I am unable to verify that statement with absolute certainty. But I can report that the balsamic vinaigrette roasted potatoes are delicious. Here is their recipe. 

I don't follow recipes very well and I tend to just throw things together. My roasted vinaigrette potatoes version is as follows:

  • Wash potatoes and cut into chunks (peel if preferred, but I don't)
  • Place into a greased baking dish
  • Add  2-3 squirts of vinaigrette and toss (coating all pieces of potato)
  • Add any extra desired ingredients (see partial list below)
  • Place into a pre-heated 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes (stirring occasionally)
  • Increase oven to 450 and bake until potatoes reached desired softness (use a fork to check)

The step of starting at a lower temperature then increasing the temp is just something I do so that I remember to go stir and coat the potatoes a few times before they finish. That is a completely unnecessary step for an attentive cook.

Additional Ingredients to Consider When Roasting Potatoes

You can add additional items that you are craving or that you think would be tasty. Some ideas include: 

a vinaigrette other than Balsamic
a dressing other than vinaigrette (such as mustard)
my roasted potatoes  
fresh rosemary
lemon juice
browned bacon
browned sausage
ham chunks

I had potatoes, ham, onions, and Kraft Red Wine Vinaigrette on hand so that was my recipe for the brunch that was so ridiculously easy and delicious I decided to take the time to share the idea with you. 

Below I will show some of the vinaigrettes I have used regularly with much success. Just a note, the raspberry vinaigrette is one of the choices I make for my Couscous Summer Salad. But I also wouldn't hesitate to use it on roasted potatoes.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 17, 2017

5 Tips to Consider when Creating a Pink Themed Room in the Home

Photo via Pixabay
With the exception of a little girl's room, pink can be a tricky color to choose as a theme.

The problem with using pink in a room is doing it in a way that doesn't make it seem childlike (when that's not your intention).

Unless you're trying to recreate Barbie's Dream-House, review these five tips before adding pink to a room:

1. The Easiest Way to Include Pink is to add Accent Pieces in Pink

If you don't have your brave pants fully on, then try the leap into pink by adding pink pieces to compliment the space. Use things like throw pillows, blankets, lamps, side-tables, bean-bag chairs, flowers, ornaments and more to carry the pink-load.

2. Choose the Shade of Pink Based on the Mood you want for the Room

Blush (soft pink) makes a lovely neutral choice. It can work as a base just as light tans, whites, and greys do. Simply use a very soft shade of pink (even skin toned pink) on the walls, floors or ceiling. Use complimentary colors for the furniture, drapes, and other accessories. If you're going for a bold, aggressive or sexy look, then richer pinks are your choice. You'll see numerous examples of soft pink and deep pink rooms in the Pinterest Board below.

3. Pink Walls in a Main Room
Photo via Pixabay

Rich pink walls can also work in a Dining Room. Pink is actually an upbeat, calming and festive color so it makes sense to include it in a room where people gather. You can use hot pink or lighter shades, both work. Try bronze accents to create a balance and spread the visual load. If you choose a deep rich pink color, try softer grey tones for furniture and/or accessories to soften the impact. The trick is to create balance. With a softer pink on the walls, black dining room furniture works. Pink and black can look outstanding together.

4. Use Black, White, Leopard or Floral as Contrasts

Patterns look lovely against a pink backdrop. The challenge is mixing and matching them. For example, a pink tree branches wall decal can work in combination with black and white patterned items in the room. The trick is to mix pattern sizes. If the pattern on the wall is tight, and smaller in it's look, then a bold wider, less busy pattern is the better choice for the black/white mix. The sharpness of black again helps to distribute the visual load in the room.

5. Use Pink as a Backdrop on a Wall Unit

Whether it's a wall unit or a large shoe cabinet, paint the back of it in your choice shade of pink and choose a contrasting color to match the space for the rest of the furniture.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Review of Outward Hound Dog Life Jacket

outward hound dog life jacket modeled by dog
Finn's new Outward Hound life jacket.
When I recently adopted a disabled dog, I made a promise to Finn that I would do everything in my power to help him thrive.  Because his back legs do not function normally, and he cannot walk or run, I knew that swimming could provide Finn with a freedom of movement he had never before experienced.  I immediately went online and ordered an Outward Hound Fun Fish Life Jacket so Finn could dive into some water fun.  This is one of the best purchases I have ever made for one of my beloved animal companions.

I looked at a lot of life jackets for dogs before selecting this particular model.  Because Finn has limited use of his back legs, it was important to find a life jacket that would stabilize him in the water.  The neckband floatation bib on this life jacket was just what Finn needed to keep him from rolling over onto his side.

outward hound dog life jacket being used in the water
My little "Nemo's" first swimming lesson.
The two handle straps on the back of the life jacket have been essential during Finn’s initial swimming lessons.  They make it easy for me to build his confidence as I hold on and slowly move him through the water.  He feels safe, which is the most important thing when introducing a dog to water activities.  For anyone who takes a dog boating, this feature could mean the difference in saving an animal that has fallen overboard.  The straps can be easily hooked with a pole or paddle handle.

I also appreciate the design and construction of this life jacket. The Velcro closures and adjustable nylon straps make it easy for me to snug up Finn’s life jacket in a way that is secure and yet comfortable for him.   And then there is the cuteness factor.  Everyone who has seen my Finn in his new swimming gear thinks he looks like an adorable little Nemo.  I do think it’s one of the cutest life jackets on the market.   

outward hound dog life jacket on dog in canoe
Finn goes kayaking.
Who should own a dog life jacket?  Anyone who has a backyard pool, or who takes a dog boating, or who lives in hurricane country, or who has a weakened or elderly dog, or who is teaching a young pup to swim, or who wants to offer water therapy to a dog in recovery.  A life jacket is a great confidence booster for a fearful, reluctant, or struggling canine swimmer.  It can be the key to helping your dog discover, or retain, the joys of water play.

In terms of value, the Outward Hound Fun Fish Life Jacket is hard to beat.  I got a great price, along with all of the features I need to keep my precious pup safe.   After testing this dog life vest, I can say without hesitation that I would buy it again.  I highly recommend it, as do a few thousand other dog-lovers.  You can check out all of the reviews when you click through any of the links on this page.

Has your dog ever used a life jacket?  Please share your thoughts or experiences.  Thanks!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 15, 2017

Leap Year (2010) Movie Review

Leap Year (2010) Movie Review
Leap Year is such a delightfully adorable story about a young woman who has everything she wants, but not what she needs. 

I'm not sure how I have missed this movie until now, but on the chance that you have never seen it either, I want to tell you about it. If you have viewed it before, then perhaps you need to take a break and watch it again.  It is sure to make you smile, even laugh out loud.   But, mostly it is simply enchanting, which is totally appropriate since it takes place in Ireland. 

Oh, did someone mention leprechauns?  Well, I have to say, Declan reminds me a great deal of a leprechaun.   He even jumps and clicks his heels.   But most of all, he brings good fortune into Anna's life. 

Yes, this is a sweet love story that is a little predictable, yet it is so charming you won't care that you know what to expect.  You'll simply be glad you are along for the ride and listening to the witty banter between these two hearts speaking the language of love. 

I have always been a hopeless romantic.  I was once even dubbed the Forever Hopeless Romantic Contributor.  Here on Review This Reviews, we have broken the bounds of those niche walls, but that doesn't change who I am.  A great romantic movie still appeals to me more than any other genre.

Leap Year (2010) Movie Review

Leap Year - The Movie

Anna Brady (Amy Adams) and Dr. Jeremy Sloane (Adam Scott) have been in a committed relationship with each other for 4 years.  However, they are not married and Anna wants to get married.  When she thinks Jeremy is about to propose over dinner one evening, she is greatly disappointed to discover diamond earrings in the small jewelry box instead of a diamond engagement ring.  Jeremy is oblivious to Anna's feelings and doesn't hesitate to excuse himself from dinner early when called away for a medical emergency.  

 Leap Year - Amazon Video RentalCheck PriceWhen Jeremy leaves to attend a cardiology convention in Ireland, Anna is reminded of an old Irish tradition.  Each Leap Year, on February 29th, the woman can propose to the man.  After all, that is what her own grandmother did decades ago.  She decides it is time for her to act!  Otherwise, who knows how long it will be before she is engaged, much less married.

Anna's flight to Dublin, Ireland is diverted due to weather.  They are forced to land in Cardiff, Wales.  Because she is determined to get to Dublin, she hires a boat.  Then, the boat is forced to dock in Dingle because the storm is simply too dangerous to continue.  It is in Dingle that she meets her cheeky, tall, dark and handsome leprechaun.  Because Declan (Matthew Goode) needs the money, he agrees to drive her to Dublin and that is where all the fun begins.

Watch Leap Year for Yourself!  

If you find yourself searching for a great romantic comedy, Leap Year will be the perfect choice.  If you are also a hopeless romantic, be sure you pay close attention to the brides speech during the wedding in the movie.  You will love it!

You may even find yourself wondering if you only had 60 seconds to get out of a burning house, what would you grab?

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Leap Year (2010) Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Review of Florida Beauty

Florida seascape photo by mbgphoto
Florida Seascape
Forida has always been one of my favorite states to visit.  As a child my family would often take a trip to Florida in the summer.  Living in the midwest, I found Florida to be wonderful.  I loved everything about it from the beaches to the palm trees to all the wonderful sights to see.   Swimming in the ocean was a special treat for my siblings and me.  

Now, as a senior adult, I still love Florida, although I am now fond of going in the wintertime to escape the midwest cold.  

With Florida in the news so much because of hurricane Irma, I thought I would write an article on the beauty that is Florida.  My heart and prayers go with the people in Florida as they recover from this latest tragedy.

Facts about Florida

  • Nickname- Sunshine State
  • Capital- Tallahassee
  • State Flower- Orange Blossom
  • Third most populous state
  • Flattest State
  • Tourism biggest money earning sector
  • Known for juicy oranges
  • Golf paradise

What I love about Florida

I am an avid photographer and Florida is a wonderful place to take photographs.  On the rest of this page I will tell you about my favorite things about Florida and show you the photographs to illustrate my points. I will also share links to different articles that I have written on Florida.

Palm Trees

Palm trees are one of my favorite things in Florida.  Each year as we enter the state, I look for my first palm trees.  Usually I find them at the Florida Welcome Center.  Here is an article I wrote on photographing Palms. Palm Trees in Paradise
Florida palm tree photo by mbgphoto

Florida palm trees photo by mbgphoto


Florida has some wonderful tropical birds along with many that we also see in the midwest in the summer. During our visit in 2017 I worked on photographing as many different birds as possible.  Here is an article I wrote for Review This on photographing birds. Photographing Florida Birds
Black Skimmer in Florida photo by mbgphoto

Brown Pelican in Florida photo by mbgphoto

The Ocean

Did you know that no matter where you go in Florida you are never further than 60 miles from the nearest beach?  For someone who loves the ocean that fact alone would make Florida a favorite place.  In my younger days I loved to play in the surf, now I enjoy a nice long walk on the beach.  There is something so calming just watching the waves come and go.
Seagulls flying over the ocean Florida photo by mbgphoto

Here is an article on photographing at the seaside.Seascape Photography

Seashells on the Beach

I'm not sure why, but I find it fascinating to look for seashells at the beach.  I never tire of looking for a new kind of shell.  Here are some seashells at Coral Cove beach on Jupiter Island.
seashells by the ocean in Florida photo by mbgphoto

Sunrise over the Ocean

There is something quite amazing to watch the sun rise over the ocean.  Each day in Florida I wake up early to catch the sunrise and each day it is different.  Here are a few of my favorite photos from past years.
Florida at sunset photo by mbgphoto

Florida pier at sunset photo by mbgphoto

sunset over the ocean in Florida photo by mbgphoto
Here is an article I wrote on photographing sunrises. Photographing Sunrises


I am a really enjoy visiting lighthouses and Florida has several that I have visited.  We stay in Jupiter each March and they have a wonderful historic red lighthouse that I love to visit.

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