Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Review of Products That Help Me Get a Good Nights Sleep

Do You Have Trouble Getting a Good Night's Sleep?

I find it hard to fall asleep. Not only am I very distracted by any sounds that aren’t relaxing, I’m also pretty wound up before I go to bed. I do most of my writing at night, and often the ideas are still buzzing around my head when it hits the pillow. Many times I’m not even sleepy. I’m only going to bed because I know it’s past time. 

A Review of Products That Help Me Get a Good Nights Sleep
My Son Asleep on Floor of Motel Room, © B. Radisavljevic

Some people, like my son in the picture, can  fall asleep almost anywhere, as he did on this motel room floor. My husband is another one who can fall asleep the minute he puts his head on the pillow. Sometimes he even falls asleep in his chair. Not me. 

Here's What I've Done to Start Falling Asleep Faster

Nutritional Supplements that Help Me Fall Asleep

For some time now I've been taking a couple of nutritional supplements that have helped me relax if I take them about half an hour before bed every night. One is Natrol® Melatonin 5 Mg, 250 Fast Dissolve Tablets Strawberry Flavor. It has worked better than any other Melatonin product I've tried, and I've tried a lot of them. I usually buy mine at Costco, but I have linked to Amazon here in case Costco isn't convenient for you. I also take an amino acid, Nature's Plus L-Tyrosine with B-6 500mg/50mg - 60 - Capsule. I'm  not so fussy about the brand for this. This combination helps me relax. 

Noise Blockers

I am also very sensitive to noise, and noises can keep me awake even when I'm relaxed and very tired. Before I moved here, my computer was in my bedroom and I didn’t like to turn off more than the energy- hogging display. If I tried to put it to sleep, it didn’t do any good, because for some reason I haven’t yet figured out, it suddenly woke up anyway. So as I was trying to sleep, I heard my computer working in the background, making those distracting little clicking sounds. Sometimes there were animal noises outside or the neighbor on the hill was having a very late party. Now that I've moved to the city, there are even more outside noises, as well as clicking sounds from my windows when the sun comes up. 

It seems the thing that relaxes and soothes me most when I am lying in bed is the sound of rain on the roof. It doesn’t matter how loud the rain is; it’s like a lullaby to me. I finally got the bright idea that I should look for CDs that make rain sounds. But they were hard to find. Almost all the nature sound tracks I found had more than rain in them. They had orchestral accompaniment, bird song, and other things included that although meant to enhance, only disturbed me and broke the steady sound of the rain falling.

It was only after I’d bought and tried about five other CDs that didn’t work for me that I saw Rain and Relaxation on Amazon and bought it. It’s made a great difference. If I go to bed tense or still full of creative fervor that wants to leap back to the computer and write more, I just play the CD, which I keep loaded in my CD player in my clock radio. All I have to do is press the button in the dark to start the process of calming down enough to sleep.

This also works after my early morning bladder wake-up call. At 6 AM the sun is about to rise or has already risen. The birds start making noise outside my window swamp cooler, and sometimes the neighbor’s dog is barking. Later my husband is in the kitchen making his breakfast or talking on the phone. I want to keep sleeping until about nine after my late night writing, so I play the CD again, loudly enough to block out the other noises.

I highly recommend this solution to others who find it hard to fall asleep at night or who fall back to sleep in the middle of the night after using the bathroom. It’s made a great difference in the quality of my sleep. It’s also made a great difference in my temperament in the morning when I wake up.

When Rain Alone Doesn't Do the Trick

Sometimes I need something a bit different than rain alone to put me to sleep. I have shared some of the other recordings I have used below. Although you may also feel the need for white noise, maybe something different like ocean, night nature sounds, or even electronic relaxation is what you need to do the trick. Check  these out, as well as some others that may be suggested as you look at them. 

One more hint. I have a repeat function on my CD player, but it only repeats one track. It really helps to get a CD with everything on one track. The last suggestion here, Summer Evening Serenade, is the one I currently use, since my rain cd wore out and I haven't remembered to replace it yet. It has everything on one track, and I keep it repeating all night. It used to be when a CD ended, it would wake me back up with its whirring sound as it shut off. When it keeps repeating, it doesn't do that. Some of my suggestions below are also available in digital downloads if that works for you.  

Recently I also decided to buy a white noise machine that does a fantastic job of blocking out louder sounds than the CD's  can cover up. Read my review of the Marpac DOHM-DS. 

If you have a way to watch a video on your computer until you fall asleep, I would suggest this one. When I try to put it on my computer the display goes out and I can't hear it anymore, either, so I need to use the CD's.

If You Need to Sleep During Daylight

If you sometimes need to sleep after the sun is up, I have found another useful product. I have had two  surgeries in the last year that required me to move into a one-story house to heal. Fortunately I inherited one I was mostly using for storage and entertaining from my mother , but it's in a neighborhood in the city limits, unlike our rural home. It is much noisier than in the country, and my CD's have become even more important with noisy vehicles parking outside my window and then leaving before even the roosters wake up.

This house also has lots of windows in my bedroom and they face east. Once the sun is up the room is flooded with light. After many mornings trying to keep my head under the covers to block out the sun, I finally broke down and bought this set of eye shades that comes with ear plugs -- Bedtime Bliss® Contoured & Comfortable Sleep Mask & Ear Plug Set. Includes Carry Pouch for Eye Mask and Ear Plugs - Great for Travel, Shift Work & Meditation.

I could kick myself for not getting it sooner. When I had my second surgery last December, I took them to the hospital, and you know how hard it is to have it dark there. The sleep mask was a great help in keeping light out of my eyes, though it couldn't keep the nurses from waking me up. I wasn't quite as happy with the ear plugs, but I've tried every ear plug I've been able to get my hands on, and none of them do much for me.

Begin Now To Sleep Better and Longer

If you have trouble getting a good night's sleep, I hope one of the ideas or products reviewed above will help you. Before you take any supplement, especially if you are on any prescription medications, it's best to check with your doctor first. Just because something is right for me might not mean it's right for you. The sleep mask and music I believe would help anyone. Why not click some of those links now and begin sleeping better very soon. Believe me, a good night's sleep is worth every penny it takes.  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Ready Made Figure Skating Dresses & Skirts

Ready Made Figure Skating Dresses & Skirts

Having spent over ten years training as a Figure Skater, the dresses played a significant role.

In the 1970s, I never recall shopping for figure skating dresses; I was fortunate to have a mom who could sew dresses for me. What I enjoyed most was being able to design my own dress styles, and then Mom would simply create a pattern based on that design. Thanks to Mom, I sure had some gorgeous dresses.
Nowadays, many moms are too busy to sew their daughter's figure skating dresses, so they'll either have them made by a seamstress or purchase them from a local figure skating store, other skaters, or online.
It's actually quite affordable to select a figure skating dress from Amazon. If you have to take it to a seamstress for adjustments, you can still do that. However, if the skater has a fairly typical body frame, the dress will likely fit just fine.
You'll notice the online selection is quite vast, and most dresses come in alternate color choices and various size options.

How About the Figure Skating Skirt?

Have you ever felt that you invented a new idea? I remember in the 1970s arriving at my Figure Skating Club wearing the first-ever Figure Skating Skirt. Nobody had one or knew what it was.  
Since I had always worn a different style top over my dresses during practice, just the skirt would be seen. 
So one day, I asked Mom, 'Let's not sew a full dress; let's just do the skirt portion - we'll cut it off at the waist.' That way, I can wear any top I want with it during practice, changing it daily as I always did.
So there I was, showing off what I believed was my invention in our skating club...after that, other club members started having them made! Of course, today, they're quite common. I often wonder, did I invent this idea?
Of course, you can easily find Figure Skating Skirts at Amazon.
So go ahead and research those pre-made dresses before you decide to go to the expense of having them made. But for competition, we always love custom-made dresses.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Baseball Season is Back!

My souvenir signed baseball from Joe Torre
(c) Elf's Souvenir Signed Baseball

Baseball Season begins here on the Review This! blog with a collection of  baseball stories, crafts and treats.

It's Springtime, which may bring those April Showers for the May Flowers, but baseball fans believe that the true first sign of Spring is the beginning of baseball season!  For all the baseball fans out there, let's check out some fun baseball stories, DIY crafts and tasty treats.

Craft a Fingerprint Baseball

Fingerprint baseball craft

Michelle of Crafty Morning has created an interesting baseball craft that would be perfect for an arts & crafts project to do with your children, or a fun seasonal craft to do with a Scout Troop. 

All you need is paper, paint and fingers!  

Check out the easy step-by-step directions here.




A Famous Baseball Sportscaster


Vin Scully, Dodgers baseball announcer
Vin Scully

Major League Baseball Teams each have an announcer who regularly broadcasts games for their home radio or TV network.  There have been many well-known baseball sportscasters over the years, but none who have been with a team as long as Vin Scully.  Known as the Bard of Baseball, Vin Scully has been the Voice of the Dodgers through six decades. At the end of the 2016 baseball season
, at age 88, Vin retired after 67 years as the broadcaster for the Dodgers, first in Brooklyn and then in Los Angeles. 

Here is his story written by HubPages author Ellen Brundige, which she calls the Vin Scully Fanpage.


Baseball Cupcakes

Baseball Cupcakes
Yummy Baseball Cupcakes
Randi of Duke & Duchesses created a fun dessert that would make a great 'treat time' for after a Little League game or for a baseball-themed birthday party.

Randi's Baseball Cupcakes were done by baking a pan of cupcakes, frosting them in white frosting, then using Skittles to form the laces, placing them side by side on the frosting.

Baseball Flip Flops Flower Tutorial


Baseball Flip Flops
Baseball Flower Flip Flops

For the baseball mom or any fan, create a cute pair of flip flops with a flower design made from baseballs.

All you need is a pair of flip flops (new or old), 2 baseballs (anyone with kids seems to have a bunch of old ones around, or you can buy some new ones), an X-Acto knife and glue.  The 'how-to' instructions are in a YouTube video on the crafty post by KidPep, a website for Crafts, DIY and More.

Baseball hair bows DIY craft

The technique used for the baseball flip flops can also be used for a Baseball Hair Bow with the video on the KidPep website.




I'm 'Crazy About Baseball'

Your writer, Wednesday Elf, has been a baseball fan since childhood and has shared many favorite baseball memories in  “Crazy About Baseball”.


Opening Day of Baseball

Opening Day of the 2020 Major League Baseball Season begins on March 26th ~ the earliest Opening Day in history.  Us baseball fans now get to enjoy 26 weeks of baseball with the 30 teams in the MLB. 

More Baseball Stories

There are many more baseball stories to check out on Review This!  Good reading for days your favorite baseball team has a 'rain-out'.

Welcome to the 2020 Baseball Season.  Let's PLAY BALL.

Wednesday Elf on Blogger and on Etsy


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 3, 2015

Reviewing the Author, Favored1

favored one
I have followed the articles and online career of Favored1 for several years.  Our paths first crossed when we both started writing for the same company.  We initially clicked with each other simply because we have so much in common.  We both love cooking, crafts, collectibles, books, and we both have a deep personal faith.

Favored1 enjoys writing about her Christian beliefs and I admire anyone who stands before the world with deep conviction and faithfulness, especially in the face of adversity.  It comes as no surprise that her faith is reflected in almost everything she writes.

kinkade angel figurines

Collectibles Shared by Favored1

Many of us are already familiar with Thomas Kinkade's artwork, but Favored1 focuses on more than just his paintings.   She features his figurines, jewelry and other collectibles in her Thomas Kinkade Online Catalog.

Her appreciation for his work is expressed in each and every one of her articles.  She doesn't just give a list of his items, she actually selects individual pieces to feature and tells the stories behind them.  Reading her articles on the Thomas Kinkade selections is like reading poetry because she paints such a lovely picture with words in our minds even though we can see a photo of the item right in front of us.

Favored1 Reviews

book cover
Fay, aka Favored1, also writes and publishes her own reviews on her site Favored Reviews.  She most often reviews inspirational books.  I always smile when she throws in a inspiration bookmark or book cover as gift suggestions.  I, myself, have made gift selections for my own mother from Fay's inspirational reviews.

You might ask, as I did in the interview, what is Fay's personal favorite book.  Her answer is fast and direct.  The Bible is her favorite book.  Again, that comes as no surprise to those of us who have followed Favored1's online career.  She did try to give me a second choice, but there was really no reason to.  After all, the Bible pretty much covers every genre, every niche, every feeling, every personal concern.  Nothing else is really necessary even if we do enjoy the occasional fiction or inspirational supplement. 


 Crafting with Favored1

hobnob milkglass
I love it when another writer and crafter can introduce me to a new craft, especially when it is something I have never even considered trying to create.  Fay did that very thing with her articles How to Make Hobnob Milkglass and How to Make a Washcloth Travel Tote.  I loved both of these ideas!  They are simple enough to make, but it is the simplicity that is ingenious when you consider the beauty and practicality of the end result.

Favored1 has lots of really cool craft ideas and tutorials.  Many of which you can find on Hubpages  where she has published over 150 articles.

Oh!  And, be sure to check out her Christmas Cinnamon Pine Cone Wreath.  It is totally fabulous!


Favored1 Cooks

I am constantly looking for new recipes!  Even though I am the Cooking for the Holidays owner and contributor, I still love discovering new recipes to cook in my own home and try out on my family, which is my personal testing ground.


Fay's husband eats meat, but Fay does not.  This is also something we have in common, we both have a combination of meat-eaters and vegetarians in our homes to cook for simultaneously.   Finding meals that appeals to both can often be quite challenging. On Favored Cooking, Fay shares her favorite recipes.  This is a fairly new site for Favored1 and I look forward to seeing all of her future recipes published there.  You can also find some of her recipes currently published on Hubpages.


 About Favored1

Available on Thomas Kinkade Online Catalog
Available on Thomas Kinkade Online Catalog 
You have now had a very comprehensive look at places you can find publications and articles by Favored1, but I would like to take a moment to tell you a little more about Fay personally.  She is loyal, optimistic, joyful and a tremendous encourager.  She loves dogs, her favorite movie is the 1964 version of Cinderella, and she prefers the Bahamas for a restful vacation. It is easy to see why Fay was selected as one of the top five teachers in her home state.  She loves connecting with people from all walks of life, as well as the research required to write and teach effectively.  Her desire to serve and help others is truly her most admirable quality.

To close, I am going to quote Fay directly from our interview.  When asked her favorite quote, this was her response:

"My favorite quote is by Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Overcoming the feeling of being inferior has taken a lifetime it seems to conquer.   I came across this quote in my early years of teaching and realized that I had a choice about how I felt about myself.  Giving into the lie of being inferior to others will stop us from achieving our goals and dreams in life.  Believing in who God made me to be will allow me to reach anything I set out to accomplish."

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Let Your iPad Mini Case Reflect Your Love for the California Central Coast

A Review of Zazzle's iPad Mini Cases

The Savvy Style Case

Let Your iPad Mini Case Reflect Your Love for the California Central Coast


When you have invested in something as important as an iPad Mini, you will want it to be well-protected from the daily wear and tear of use and being transported wherever you go. I know that my electronic items get a lot of wear and tear just from being in my purse or waist pack. It's easy for your iPad Mini to be rubbed or scratched without protection.

You can defend your iPad Mini with a lightweight hard shell made of plastic. You can choose between a matte or a glossy finish for most designs. You can clip the case right to the back of the iPad Mini to protect it. These cases sold on Zazzle were specifically designed just for the iPad Mini, so you can be assured of a proper fit. You will also be able to reach all your ports and controls when your cover is shielding your iPad.

 If you have a Smart Cover, this will be compatible with it. If you don't have a smart cover and want even more protection, an automatic sleep and wake-up feature,  and a built-in stand to fit any iPad Mini position, you might want to check out one of these Smart Covers from Amazon. The black one is shown below, but it also comes in other colors closer to the Zazzle design you choose. And you might think about a screen protector, too. Although the Smart Covers offer a lot of protection and extra features, the selection of designs pales in comparison with what Zazzle has.

Zazzle also has the Powis Hardcover Cases

These cases were designed to fit either the iPad Mini or the iPad Mini with Retina and are made by Powis Park in Berkeley, California. The case's  rubberized non-slip edge makes it easy to use in landscape view position. Its hard cover is made with premium book cloth, and the designs you choose are printed on recycled hardboard which is laminated on both front and back. When you are using your iPad Mini, the case is free-standing. When you are not using it, the custom design you have selected or chosen will show. You still can choose a glossary or matte finish. 

 Your case from Zazzle can be anything you want it to be. You can even design one with your own photo. For best results it should should measure 5.85" x 8.45" and allow for 1/3" bleed space on the edges. That is what would be outside the safe area in design view when you are customizing. Of course, it's easier to just pick one of the already designed cases below to show your love of your Central Coast beach or area. 

Let's Begin Our iPad Mini Tour of the Central Coast Beaches

 San Simeon and the North Coast Of San Luis Obispo

 San Simeon is famous as the location of Hearst Castle, that spectacular retreat build by William Randolph Hearst for his family and friends.

San Simeon also has a fantastic state beach with a long pier and lots of recreation opportunities. I took the photos for these cases there. Both types are displayed here.

About 14 miles north of San Simeon State Beach is Piedras Blanco, which is well known for it's lighthouse and as a place to watch the elephant seals who return to its beaches to breed each winter. Here are some of the iPad cases with scenes from these beaches along the north coast. If you love rugged beaches or elephant seals, you might consider using them to decorate and protect your iPad.

In middle scene in first row above, the elephant seals are off in the distance and the emphasis is on the shore. Way in the background you can see the Piedras Blancos lighthouse. I could not get very close to it on the day I was there because it is only accessible to the public on interpretative tours at scheduled times. I hope to go back and take the tour sometime. If you look carefully, you can also see the lighthouse way back in the distance in the last scene above. This was taken earlier in the day than the other picture.

 As you can see, this can be a romantic place. I actually took the middle picture above on the evening of Valentine's Day, which I was celebrating here with my husband. This couple is enjoying the sunset together, perhaps after they've spent some time observing the elephant seals which are barely visible in the darkness behind them. This might be a great gift for one lover to give another. It also might work as an engagement present.

 Farther south are the beaches on the Cambria coast. Cambria is wonderful walking beach for those who like a bit of rugged coastline with rocks to climb and tide pools. You'll find seaweed and driftwood on the beach, and maybe some shells and interesting small stones. Here are some iPad Mini cases with scenes of the Cambria Coast and Moonstone Beach, one of our favorite getaways.

 South San Luis Obispo County Coast: Cayucos

The first beach town south of the North Coast is Cayucos. It's a small town and I've only been to the beach there once, but I explored it for several hours in the late afternoon. The waves there make it popular with surfers.

 I loved all the interesting seaweed that came ashore. You can see Cayucos for yourself and enjoy all the sights and sounds in my photo / video tour of it I put together during the day I spent there. See the waves come in and watch the children play on the beach and the sea gulls explore the beach near them. Walk the pier with us, too.

These are some of the iPad Mini cases that capture the flavor of Cayucos. 

South County Beach Cities: Morro Bay

Each part of the coastline has is own unique character. Morro Bay is easy to recognize by its identifying landmarks -- Morro Rock and the smokestacks from a now inactive power plant. Its Embarcadero is lined with shops, restaurants, and art galleries. You will also see the fishing boats docked and moving around in the bay. Here are some iPad Mini scenes from Morro Bay.

 Morro Bay Fishing Boats and Smokestacks Case For The iPad Minizazzle button
Each part of the coastline has is own unique character. Morro Bay is easy to recognize by its identifying landmarks -- Morro Rock and the smokestacks from a now inactive power plant. Its Embarcadero is lined with shops, restaurants, and art galleries. You will also see the fishing boats docked and moving around in the bay. Here are some iPad Mini scenes from Morro Bay.

Moving South, We Next Reach Avila Beach, Including Port San Luis

At first I reached the smaller, more intimate part of Avila Beach that is loved by students at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Rather than being one big beach, it's a series of smaller coves. There is also an RV campground between the road and the beach, and I believe I also saw some tents there. 

Farther along on San Luis Bay Drive you will find Harford Pier -- a long pier with restaurants and a fish market at the end and an observation deck for looking out at the ocean below. The sea gulls are everywhere to entertain you, and occasionally you will even get to see a seal fishing or begging. You will also see people boating, fishing, and kayaking in the bay. It's a great place for nature photography. Here are some of the iPad skins I designed from my Avila Beach photos.

Pismo Beach

 Here are the iPad mini cases designed from the photos I took at Pismo Beach. This was my first visit to Pismo Beach, and I wasn't able to spend as much time there on this visit as I wanted to. First we parked where there was beach access at the end of a residential block. I took a very long stairway down to the beach. There were cliffs filled with colorful ice plant as I walked down, and I took a few pictures from that part of the beach.

 We moved on to a parking lot where there appeared to also be RV parking. I strolled along the boardwalk parallel to the beach as far as the pier. Since I've not been able to get to Pismo Beach during the migration of the Monarch butterflies, I have used a case designed by someone else who did get there.

I hope you've enjoyed our trip down the San Luis Obispo County coast as we stopped at each beach. I hope that you also found just the right iPad Mini Case to help you stay close to your favorite beach as you work. Please share this post if you think someone else might be interested these Central Coast photo iPad Mini Cases.

Let Your iPad Mini Case Reflect Your Love for the California Central Coast

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 30, 2015

Otter Box - Protection for Your Electronics

Otter Box for the Moto X
After recently dropping my phone in a parking lot, for the umpteenth time, and finding it to be undamaged, I realized I should write a review on the protective phone case I am fortunate to own - the Otter Box Defender Series. The Otter Box is a rugged, shock-absorbing, attractive case for your android phone, iphone, tablet, or e-reader.

Why I love my Otter Box

I don't like to update my phone with each new model. There are several reasons that I'm so slow at trading in phones.  I worry about phones finding their way into land fills, I don't like to learn new gadgets, and I don't like to spend extra money.  In fact, I like to hang onto each phone until my plan allows for a free phone. Because I am frugal when it comes to electronics and because I am a very clumsy person in general, I need heavy-duty protection for my cell phones.

I have seen students, friends, and family members who have broken their phones from seemingly minor accidents.  My phone accidents tend to include incidents such as dropping my phone from my pocket as I'm exiting my Jeep. I watch in horror as my phone bounces on the pavement.  But so far, knock wood, my phones have been undamaged.

I am quite sure that my current smart phone would have been damaged had it not been for the Otter Box protective case.  There are many reasons that I love my Otter Box

  • I love the color - the dark blue matches my light blue phone
  • The "rubbery" material is easy to stretch over the phone; easy to put on and take off
  • Unlike hard/"plastic" phone cases, this never breaks or pops off unexpectedly
  • The port/access areas of my phone are covered by "flaps". The flaps are durable,  have not broken off, and continue to protect the ports.
  • The heavy-duty, removable clip is perfect for keeping my phone from becoming lost in my hiking bag - keeping it accessible and secure.
  •  I have hidden a few dollars for safe keeping between the clip and the case when hiking in clothing without pockets. 

Otter Box for Tablets

If you, or your children, carry tablets with them there is probably no better case to use for the protection of that investment. This is the Otter Box for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1.  You can see that it also has a durable clip that doubles as a kickstand. 

Otter Box for the Samsung Galaxy Tablet

Protect Your Kindle with Otter Box

I will soon upgrade my original Kindle to a newer version. When I do, I will be very tempted to buy an Otter Box case to protect it. I was thrilled to find that Otter Box makes a case for the newer Kindle Paperwhite and the Kindle Fire.  

The Otter Box, with a screen film protector, has been great insurance for my cell phone investment and has kept my phone looking like new.  While the Otter Box is not advertised to be water resistant or weather resistant, my phone has been protected during bad weather hiking trips as well as during clumsy incidents in parking lots. Whether you are looking for protection in order to increase the longevity of your electronics, out of concern about the environment, or for some other reason, I believe the Otter Box is an excellent way to protect your valuable electronics.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Ring with a Heart and Hands - What is it Called?

A Ring with a Heart and Hands - What is it Called?

In today's world a visually meaningful expression of love doesn't have to be the simple gift of a ring, it can also be a profound denotation. This ring style has a significant, heartfelt meaning; it's known as a Claddagh Ring, a traditional Irish ring.

So What Does a Ring with 

Two Hands, A Heart, and a Crown Mean:

Each part of this ring represents a different dedication; the hands represent friendship, the heart is for love, and the crown expresses loyalty. Giving this ring signifies a deep commitment to love. In fact, this ring is part of a group called 'Fede' Rings. Fede comes from an Italian expression meaning hands joined together in faith. A Fede Ring is the promise of love and loyalty. In fact, they were often used as a traditional Engagement and Wedding Ring in medieval times.
Around 18th century England, the Claddagh Ring, a ring with a heart and hands, became a variation of the Fede ring. From that time forward, and especially in the 20th century, there was a burst of popularity for this unique symbol. It's not only a message expressing love and promise; it's also a part of Irish identity.
You'll see the symbol used everywhere, from gravestones to engagement rings. The eternal depth of love, friendship, and loyalty makes this artistic emblem very real and deep.
The Ring with Heart and Hands Comes in Designs for Both Men and Women
Whether it's an Anniversary gift, an Engagement Ring, or a gift of deep loyalty to a friend, this ring comes in many design styles that work for both men and women. 
HOW YOU WEAR THIS RING also MATTERS - Different Meanings for Different Hands and Different Directions.
  1. When a person wears it on their right hand with the heart on the ring pointing toward their wrist, it means they're in a relationship and unavailable. It's an excellent idea for a promise ring.
  2. If it's on the left hand with the heart pointing towards the ends of the fingers, the person wearing the ring is married or similarly committed. Of course, if it's given as a wedding ring, it will go on the wedding finger.
  3. Generally, you're engaged on the left hand, pointing towards the fingertips and ring finger.
  4. If the wearer puts this ring on their right hand with the heart pointing towards the ends of the fingers, it can symbolize that the person is looking for love.
  5. If you were going to wear this as a friendship ring, you would typically wear it on the right hand with the heart either pointing toward your fingertips if you're unmarried or toward your wrist if you're married.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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