Monday, June 30, 2014

Full Circles in a Kayak

It is funny, isn’t it, how things tend to come full circle?  Rather, not quite full circle, but a spiral, gently sloped upwards, returning to almost the same spot but one step better. One step forward in the adventure of living.

I have often thought that the act of living is represented in this spiral. You are either moving forward or backward in this spiral, but you are moving.  There are still the ups and downs, but you are moving. At this point in my life, I am moving up with little bits of synchronicity happening along the way.

I experienced this in full effect yesterday.

I went on my second adventure with my new kayak.  While unloading at the launch area, a wonderfully knowledgeable gentleman gave me some very good tips about paddling and about equipment.  He recommended lessons and recommended that I check out Shank’s Mare, in Pennsylvania, along with a few local places.

“Shank’s Mare” is a phrase I haven’t heard since my childhood, growing up in Northern Indiana – when I had many Amish friends. When asked how they were getting somewhere, they often replied “Shank’s Mare”; which meant they were walking.

Imagine my surprise hearing this Indiana phrase here just a few minutes outside of the city of Baltimore. 

This gentleman was referring to Shank’s Mare Outfitters.  He highly recommended that I check it out.  You can bet that I found it on the internet as soon as I returned home, and will indeed go up there and see what it’s all about.  Turns out that it is a lovely 1890’s era general store turned meeting place for hikers, kayakers, and cross-country skiers.  It is located between York and Lancaster Pennsylvania, in Wrightsville, PA on the banks of the Susquehanna River.

As we stood talking, the gentleman gave me stern information about kayak safety; wear a floatation device, be lit at night, take care with the weather, and so on.  Very similar warnings that I had just read the night before in How to Kill Yourself in a Kayak by magicman007.

Upon our return home, after my hours spent paddling around the back side of Gun Powder falls park – the free section near Hammerman Beach area – a young lady approached us in the parking lot.

Her company is relocating her to the area, and she’s trying to find a suitable apartment near areas suitable for water sports, specifically kayaking. She wanted to know what we thought of this apartment complex and where did we go kayaking? Somewhere close? Yours truly went from someone who often explores the area solo to a personal tour guide to a young lady from Ohio.  I drove her past a few areas, including through the Hammerman Beach area.  Her excitement was palpable and she occasionally clapped her hands quietly, when turning corners and seeing the water views.  She took off her flip-flops and stood in the wet sand while we talked about the area in general.

If she teared up, like this Midwest girl did when deciding to live here, I didn’t see it. I was too much in awe of the coincidence of the Ohio girl driving past the Indiana-turned-mid-Atlantic girl at the exact moment we were unloading the kayak.  And how lucky I was to show one of these mid-Atlantic gems to someone in person.

I hope she enjoys the mid-Atlantic region as much as I do. 

Image Credit: Images are mine ©Dawn Rae – All Rights Reserved (Click on photo for larger view)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Patriotic Party Time

red, white, and blue fireworks
Happy Independence Day! 
As Independence Day approaches, I am both excited and a bit sad. It's always been sort of the halfway point for summer and I am NOT ready for Summertime to end. So, I am choosing to focus on the holiday and summer parties instead. Come along for some great ideas and suggestions from our Squidoo lensmasters.

Patriotic Parties Rock!

A patriotic theme is perfect for Memorial Day, Labor Day, and of course, Independence Day. However, it's also perfect for almost any summer celebration. You could use a patriotic theme for events like:
  • Family Reunions
  • Graduations
  • Retirement Parties
  • Picnics
  • School Reunions and so much more.
It really is a perfect theme all summer long. Let's look at some ideas for patriotic parties from lensmasters. 

What Say You, Squidoo? 

Starting with lensmaster angelastvs, we get a great overview and party suggestions. From decorations to games to food, she has included lots of ideas in her lens titled: Patriotic Party Planning

Partybuzz has some great ideas for a budget-friendly party. In her lens, How to Plan a July 4th Party on a Budget, she shares some of the ideas she uses with her own family parties. From centerpieces and decorations on through activity ideas -- all are easy on the wallet. 

Finally, Michelle_L shares ideas from her own 4th of July party. Grilling out, crafts and more food and decorations are suggested in this fun lens titled: 4th of July Party Ideas -- Recipes, Crafts and Decorations.

What About You? 

Do you have some summer fun family traditions incorporating a patriotic theme? For example, I shared my family's patriotic buffet at the beginning of summer. We'd love to hear about them! Join Squidoo and write your own suggestions and recommendations for free! As the Party Planning Contributor on Squidoo, I'll help you anyway I can as well as promote your party lens(es). 

It's all about sharing and helping. Happy Independence Day, America! 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Going to Disney? Save your memories!

disney scrapbook memory autograph book
Child Holding a handmade Disney Memory Book
©Mickie Goad
Some of you might be heading to Disneyworld or Disneyland soon--or maybe you know someone who is dreaming about taking the trip to this magical world.

A visit to this wonderland for children will be remembered for a lifetime so you should think about a way to preserve and collect these memories.

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to visit the Orlando park because 6 of our 7 grandchildren were headed there during the same week! Oh my goodness! How could we NOT go?

I decided I wanted to create a handmade autograph and memory book for my precious babies. I had a definite project in mind and I did a lot of thinking about how I could make the best scrapbook for them.

That memory book had to be big enough to hold a one photograph on a page. Hmmm. That meant the book had to be at least 4"x6".  The book should not be too big, however, as it must fit in a mom's purse or a backpack.  I wanted the pages in the book to be thick enough so that a pen would not bleed through to the other side of the page. I decided that the book should have a spiral binding so it could open wide enough for the "characters" to easily hold it and sign it, too.

disney scrapbook autograph memory book
One of the Finished Handmade Disney Autograph Books
©Mickie Goad

As you can see, Goofy had no trouble holding the memory book for two of my grandchildren. My grand-daughter had been to the "Princess Beauty Salon", by the way. Her hair is NOT curly.
goofy signing a disney memory book
Goofy signing the Disney Memory Book for my grandchildren. ©Mickie Goad

 The image below is how I dreamed the book would be used: notice the photo above the autograph! Yes, I gave my grandchildren something of value.

disney scrapbook autograph book
Chip -n-Dale Memory from Disneyworld ©Mickie Goad

If you want to see how I created the Disney Memory Books, you can visit two of my pages: How to Make a Disney Memory Book and Create a Child's Disney Memory Book.

The first page is where I made the original books that were red. The second page was written last year when the 7th grandchild got to go to Disneyworld. I let her help make the scrapbook and you can see what a fun project it was by clicking the "Create a Child's Disney Memory Book" link above.

I hope I have inspired you to make your own journals or scrapbooks to hold all those memories you create on your travels to that wonderful world of magic!

Going to Disney does take some planning!

Photo and content Credits: ©Mickie Goad
Do not use without permission

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Cooking for the 4th of July

Fireworks photo by Sylvestermouse (cynthia sylvestermouse)
Family and friends gather in our home every year to watch the 4th of July fireworks and celebrate Independence Day.  Long before dark and fireworks, the table is always laden with a variety of food in order to accommodate the various preferences, health issues and diets.

Appetizers  to Start


Fruit is the one food choice we all have in common and is part of every holiday menu.  However, for our 4th of July celebration, we also get to include Watermelon and Cantaloupe.  We have several family members who enjoy creating shaped bowls from the watermelon rind and filling it with a variety of fresh fruit balls and berries.  Ct_mom shows us all how to do that in her article Fun Carved Watermelon Ideas.  She even included how to make a watermelon keg in her article, which is something I have never done before and would love to try myself this year.

Main Course for Our 4th of July Meal


bbq sandwich
For many years now, I have made my own special barbeque recipe for sandwiches simply because it is my husband's favorite sandwich meal.  

For our vegan daughter, we will prepare Grilled Black Bean Burgers.   I was rather excited to discover that Black Bean Burger recipe since I am always searching for a meat alternative to serve for our daughter.

Drinks & 4th of July Dessert 

flag cakeMy mother always brings the 4th of July Flag Cake.  She started making that cake for the 4th of July when I as a little girl.  Here we are decades later and it is still a family favorite.  

I also make homemade, fresh squeezed lemonade for our gathering.  My lemonade recipe is really very easy to prepare and is the most requested summertime drink in our home, but it is always fun to add a little fun to the mix with Mocktails by hlkljgk.

4th of july lemonade drink

Write & Share Your 4th of July Recipes

The Fourth of July celebration is truly a blast in our home!   I am always looking for new ideas and recipes to serve and share.  

If you have a recipe for the 4th of July celebration that you would like to share, simply leave your link in the guestbook below.   

If you are planning a party for the 4th of July, you will definitely want to visit "Patriotic Party Time" for a wealth of suggestions and tips.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, June 26, 2014

What should I Photograph?

gourds photo by mbgphoto
I am always looking for different things to photograph.  In this photo I found a bin of gourds at a farmers market and thought they looked interesting.  I tried to get in close to get the details in the gourds.
cute dog photo by mbgphoto

Pets are always fun to photograph.  Try to look in to their eyes in the photograph.  I know that is easier said than done many times.

In this photo, I got my brothers dog, Jessie to sit still and look at me as I took her photo.

Wild animals are fun to photograph too.  I often sit by my sliding doors with a longer lens camera and take photos of birds, squirrels and rabbits in my backyard.

Have you ever been stuck for an idea of something to photograph?  A good way to get out of this kind of funk is to view the photography of other people.  On this page Pat Goltz gives you some really different ideas of things to photograph Think Photography .  I love the way she looks at subjects.  She comes up with some amazing photographs. In this article she shows you weird items to photograph and ways to use filters on ordinary objects to make them look different.  Stop by and read Pat's lens for some real motivation.

When you photograph nature try to find ways to make your photograph different.  Look for a flower after the rain or perhaps some leaves catching the falling snow.  Here are two photographs where I captured nature with the elements.

orange hibiscus flower photo by mbgphotophoto by mbgphoto

Shadows can make an ordinary item look unique in a photograph.  Notice the long shadows of the old plow in the snow.
wheel plow in the snow photo by mbgphoto

There are an endless number of things to photograph in this world.  Just look around you, use your imagination and your creativity.  If you are stuck on what you should photograph next, take a look at this lens by danthemans Photography Ideas.  On this page he gives you lots of ideas to spark your imagination and motivate you.

No matter what type of camera you use whether a camera phone, point and shoot or DSLR it is the ideas that you have that make the photo.  Take the time to look at the world around you through the lens of a camera.  It will give you a greater appreciation for this amazing world.

Happy Photographing!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Rescue Me

golden retriever dog
How does a dog like Golden Girl end up in a shelter?
Several years ago, when I had just entered an exhilarating phase of my career, the pastor of my church, who was also a member of my advisory board at work, said something I’ve never forgotten: “You are a rescuer, Diana.”

It seems this man of the cloth saw something in me that I had not yet discovered for myself.  At the time, Pastor M. was speaking about how I had this need to save everyone who was struggling in life.  So much of my creative energy was invested in finding ways to help at risk youth, the illiterate, victims of any kind of violence, or anyone who was experiencing hopelessness.  To see someone suffer split me wide open to the core.

I said back then that I never wanted to become cynical or callous in the face of need, for I saw so many individuals burn out over the years and grow hardened.  I suspect caring deeply, in the face of overwhelming odds, can lead one to grow protective layers of defense.  Each of us, in painful situations, finds our own way of coping with that which we cannot change.

Why do I share this?  I suspect it is on my mind this morning as I reflect on the kind of rescue in which I am primarily engaged in this season of life: animal rescue.  It is heart-breaking work that often crushes those who give it their all.  At the same time, there are incredibly beautiful moments of fulfillment.

In attempting to save the lives of horribly abused and neglected animals, I meet the most amazing people.  Though some of them are scarred by years of seeing things that keep them awake every single night, every rescuer, though perhaps no longer whole in terms of peace of mind, reminds me of the goodness that is an antidote to some of the horrors present in the world today.

I just published a review of Dogtripping by David Rosenfelt.  David and his wife, Debbie, have saved the lives of over 4,000 dogs.  They have opened up their home to more than 300 dogs that didn’t have a chance of survival.  The animals they rescue are headed for the kill chamber mainly because they are old or have some type of medical need.

Thank heavens for those who choose to alleviate the suffering of others.  May we appreciate the sacrifices made in the name of compassion and may we be the comfort in someone’s day today.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Heat Safety

Saturday, June 21, 2014 was the first day of summer here in the U.S. Here in the Baltimore area, we have already had a couple of days of high heat and humidity with the accompanying heat and air quality warnings. This small heat wave has reminded me to be prepared for the summer weather, especially during my outdoor mid-Atlantic adventures. 

Harpers Ferry looking down on the Shenandoah
Approximately two summers ago, I wanted my son to see Harpers Ferry, WV. It was an extremely hot day, perhaps the hottest that year, but we still went.  He had been assigned to this area for a few years and I wanted him to see some of my favorite places before he moved away. 

Harpers Ferry is a historic town tucked in where the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers meet.  As we walked from the bottom area, near the train station parking lot, up the steep, old stone stairs, I began to feel weak.  My son and the Mister were still just marching along in their way. It is typical that I bring up the rear but this time was different.  I started to need extra rest breaks.  I started to feel light-headed and woozy.

My son took over.  He kept instructing me on things such as take a sip of water, sit down, take another sip of water, head down, drink more water, and all the while he was dribbling water on my head. At least I think that he was.  Maybe it was the Mister. Or maybe they were telling me to do it.  It’s all a little foggy.

Wow. I felt horrible. I felt cold and hot at the same time, my vision was funny, I felt nauseous, and I felt as though I would faint. At some point I felt hot and did not feel like I was sweating as much.  I was not familiar with these signs. My son was.  Thank goodness. I am familiar with the signs now and I take the heat seriously.

Please learn the signs of heat sickness, it may save your life. The CDC gives us great information about symptoms and treatment. 

With their close attention, time sitting in the shade, water on me and in me, I began to feel better enough to walk back to the bottom. We got into the Jeep and ran the air conditioner.  I quickly felt much improved.

Even if you are experienced with outdoor adventures, are aware of the signs of heat exhaustion, and typically are prepared you can still become overcome by the heat.  Off Grid Survival gives us a clear example of a seasoned hiker who could have had a tragic outcome when hiking on a hot day. Thank goodness he was found and successfully treated. 

I have considering purchasing a hydration pack (basically a water bottle that you carry on your back like a backpack) but I’m pretty fussy about my water tasting like rubber or plastic.  Squidoo writer nextyear reviews a camelbak pack that does not taste rubbery.

Ramkitten teaches us how to hike in the oven-hot heat of the GrandCanyon.  I am fairly certain if I follow her tips for Arizona in the summer, I should be fine in the Mid-Atlantic heat.

Finally, for those of us who take our furry family members with us on the trails or other outdoor activities in the summer heat, Ruthi reminds us how to keep our dogs safe in the summer heat. 

Summer is here.  Let’s be safe and have fun.

Image Credit: Image is mine ©Dawn Rae – All Rights Reserved 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"I Don't Have Time to Write Online"

Contrary to popular belief, writing online does NOT require giving up anything/everything else in your life. We all have busy lives but write online to help others. As contributors at Squidoo, we do not spend 24/7 there writing and updating. We all have many tasks on our plates. It's about balance, sharing and truly wanting to share.

What Info Are People Looking For?

Internet searchers are always looking for information about their hobby, passion or even job. Whether it's ideas, suggestions or learning what others do when faced with a similar situation, we all seek assistance through the internet. Squidoo is filled with helpful information and people.

Here on the Review This! website, we have Squidoo contributors that write about a variety of topics. We share our real world experiences -- successes and those not so successful -- to help our fellow man/woman. In order to have those experiences, we have to have a life outside of our writing online life.

Life Outside the Internet

Of our Review This! authors for instance, two of us have recently moved into new homes; one recently returned from a wonderful vacation; another has been dealing with a physical ailment; one is working toward a professional license; another building room additions to her home and still another was busy with her Mother-of-the-Bride duties!

Yes, life goes on but it's the everyday choices, problems and events that make-up the fodder for our online writing. When you write about something you have experienced or are passionate about, your writing is much more natural and draws a reader in to your topic.

On Review This!, we have contributors in niche topics such as gardening, kids crafts, photography, kid's books, chocoholics, romance, home renovating and green living, travel, holiday cooking, recycling, baseball, glue gun crafting and parties and events.

Whew! That's a lot of topics but they are truly a passion of each of us -- that's why and how we can write about our respective niches.

Now it's Your Turn

Go on, give it a try! It's easy to write on Squidoo and it's free. The editor is easy to use and you will find lots of help for any questions you might have. Write something. You may find it addicting!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 20, 2014

Time Travel Romance Books

time travel romance books
Summer is definitely upon us and it is time to pack for our vacation.  I always carry a tote bag containing a few new romance novels to read while riding in the car or reclining on the beach.  

I didn't have to go very far for romance book recommendations before I found two book reviews that immediately grabbed my attention.

Since I don't normally read time travel books, I am really excited to venture into this new area.  After all, I am still amazed that the Hunger Games trilogy fed my romantic books appetite.  So, why not time travel too?

Now I ask you, who wouldn't want to travel back in time and experience a heart pounding romance?

The Time Traveler's Wife

 The Time Traveler's WifeCheck PriceTanjaCrouch wrote the movie review for The Time Traveler's Wife, but while reviewing the movie, she also reviewed and recommended the book.  

When I read her words, "You can feel the love between Clare and Henry which makes some of the scenes truly heartbreaking", I knew I had to read this book.  

Couple that with the idea of meeting your future husband when you are a child and waiting to grow up so you can meet him, well now that is just too romantic!

Fortunately, I will be traveling with my husband and he is accustomed to seeing me cry over books.


 Outlander: A Novel (Outlander, Book 1)Check PriceLNAngel captured my attention and intrigued me immediately with the title of her review:  Outlander: The Only Book Series I Can Read Again & Again.  When someone tells me they can read a book over and over again, I know it has to be a fabulous book. 

I also like history and I love a book that takes place in the past, especially if it is historically correct.  

Ok, a married woman finding love and romance through time travel?  I don't know what to think at the moment, but I was so impressed with LNAngel's review that I have ordered the book for my Kindle and I will be reading it very soon.  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Photographing your Vacation

I recently took a course on travel photography and the instructor gave some valuable advice on taking photos when you travel.  He said the first thing you needed to do is to decide on the purpose of your photography.  He suggested three possible goals.

  • Document your trip
  • Document your destination
  • Just take great photos
If you are looking to document your trip than you want to have lots of photos that include you and the people you travel with.  You would document what you are doing and with whom.  This is a very common form of photography for many amateur photographers, some of which only get out their camera out at vacation time. This is a great way to capture those memories to enjoy in the future.
photo by mbgphoto

Other people want to really capture the essence of the places they visit.  They will spend a lot of time making sure that they photograph all of the sites in the place they are visiting.
lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

The third group is people who don't care as much about the documentation as they do taking great picks.  Many "Photo Enthusiasts" fall into this group.
seashells on the beach photo by mbgphoto

Vacation time is a great time to take photographs and with a bit of advance research you can make sure you get some wonderful photos that will meet your photo goals.  Here are some things you should consider.

  • Research your destination ahead of time. There are many great books on travel destinations at the library or you can research your location on the internet for lots of great information.  Find out about events or festivals that might be taking place when you are there.  Identify iconic structures that you would like to photograph.  Make sure you understand the weather and are prepared for it.  
  • Pack you camera equipment carefully.  Make sure it is all in working order before you leave.  Bring extra batteries and memory cards.
  • When you get to your destination talk to people about where you want to visit and places to photograph.  Some good sources of information are hotel lobby clerks, employees of restaurants and shops and cab drivers.  Be sure to check out the brochure racks in the hotels.  If you are driving I have found the the information centers as you enter each state are a great source of information.
Jupiter Florida photo by mbgphoto

Photos on this page are all from a trip I took to Jupiter Florida last March.  They show the three types of photography goals for travel.

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