Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Remains of the Day (1990) Book Review

Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day book reviewed. A Booker prize winner!
The Remains of the Day is set in the 1950s and deals with the changing world of a man who had totally dedicated himself to being the best English butler he can be. Yes, picture that upright, serious, effective, totally dedicated, courteous, loyal gentlemen butler that we are used to seeing in period drama movies. The mini-series Downton Abbey hinted at the changing world for people who worked in service but never quite made it to the time when a butler would no longer be needed at all, which is what is happening in this book.

With the permission of his new American employer, butler Stevens sets out on a road trip to meet with a former female colleague whom we believe he loved although he may not know that fact. The road trip gives Stevens (and us) plenty of time to reflect back on his choices over the years and to ponder whether or not he made the right ones. Author Kazuo Ishiguro meant the book to be a metaphor, representing most of us who labour through life in one way or another and do not really know what the outcome of our efforts will be.

Would I Recommend This Book?

A few members of my book club really enjoyed reading The Remains of the Day. However, it was not a page turner and I was slow to warm up to it but in the end I did enjoy it. It was interesting and thought provoking and I would recommend it for anyone who enjoys period drama movies and historical fiction but not because of how those books flow but because of their subject matter.

By way of further recommendation, you should know that Remains of the Day won the Man Booker Prize in 1989 and that it is a very highly regarded post-war British story that sits at number 146 on Stanford University’s list of the best twentieth-century English novels.

Author Kazuo Ishiguro says that ''What he is interested in is not the actual fact that his characters have done things they later regret...but how they come to terms with that fact.”

I came away thinking that one should live for today and not let life pass you by. Stevens gave up too much in his pursuit of excellence and in the end wound up with nothing.

I will be watching the 1993 movie version of The Remains of the Day, which was more familiar to me than the book before it was added to our book club reading list. The movie stars Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson and was nominated for eight Academy Awards and sounds like a worthy follow up to this novel.

How about you? Will you be reading or watching The Remains of the Day? Or perhaps you have already done so? If you have not yet read the book and are interested, you can find your copy on Amazon by clicking right here.

Happy reading!
Treasures By Brenda

Quick Links:

Order your copy of The Remains of the Day from Amazon.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Review of Facing Death and the Life After by Billy Graham

Facing Death is Something Most People Prefer Not to Think About

It is difficult for people to face their own mortality. We all like to think we'll have the time we need to do all we want or think we should do. But like it or not, death often comes when we least expect it. Whether we need to prepare for our own death or help another prepare,  Facing Death and the Life After by Billy Graham will help. 

Review of Facing Death and the Life After by Billy Graham

How Relevant is This Book for You?

This book was sitting on my mother's bookshelf, now mine. I decided to read it because it was there. I know my own death could come at any time. I'm 73. My dad died at 70 and my mom at 89. Both died of cancer. I have witnessed the deaths of my mother and my husband's mother. I have lost several others I have loved, including both of my children and two very close friends. I wondered what Billy Graham could say to me that I hadn't heard before. 

To be honest, the book surprised me. I guess I expected that since Billy Graham was a Christian evangelist, the book would be like a long sermon on getting ready to meet one's Maker. It did include that -- mostly in the last chapter. The rest of the book dealt with the fear of death, the grieving process, and setting one's house in order before death. It was very practical. 

The Fear of Death

Review of Facing Death and the Life After by Billy Graham

Many of us are not so afraid of what happens after we die as we are of the dying process itself. Very few of us know how we will die. I can assume I will die of cancer because my parents did, but I also could be killed instantly in an accident as my son was. 

With the way the world is going, we might be in the wrong place at the wrong time and suffer an evil attack by another person intent on hurting us. We might even go the way most people would like to -- quietly in our sleep.

I think if we are being honest, many of us do fear the process of dying,  especially if we might die a lingering and/or painful death. Billy Graham gives advice on how to face even that. 

Dealing with the Grieving Process

Graham has counseled many who are about to die and their loved ones they leave behind. He has given us very helpful information on helping those who are nearing death. He urges us not to pretend that a dying person isn't dying. Many facing death do want to talk about it. We should be willing to listen and deal with their fears and questions. This book helps with that. It also helps you understand what a bereaved person may be going through and how you can best help. 

Setting One's House in Order

Have you ever hesitated to have a conversation with an aging parent about such things as whether they have made a will or trust or what kind of death arrangements they may have made? Many people don't know how to approach such a conversation. Some parents try to initiate these conversations with adult children, and the children brush them off. 

Graham urges everyone to plan for their deaths and what will become of their material possessions. He even suggests planning your own funeral or memorial service. Why? To make everything easier for your family. Why should they be left guessing what you want or where the bankbooks are? If we truly love our spouse and children, we will make sure we do our best to provide for them when we are gone. Graham gives very practical advice for setting your house in order long before you may think you will need it. 

Ethical Issues Related to Death

Review of Facing Death and the Life After by Billy Graham

I found discussions of the ethical questions surrounding death to be one of the more valuable parts of the book. Fifty years ago people did not need advanced directives or living wills because there were not so many ways one could artificially prolong life. 

Graham deals with suicide, euthanasia, when or whether to pull the plug when all hope seems gone, refusing heroic measures to prolong life, hospice care, and just about any other issue the dying and their loved ones need to think through. These discussions are very practical. I'm urging my husband to read this because we both need to think more carefully about the way our lives should end if either of us has to make a difficult and painful decision. 

Other Topics Graham Covers in Facing Death

Billy Graham covers attitudes toward death and its meaning as seen in cultures and religions worldwide. He talks about the "conspiracy of silence" surrounding death, the tendency to deny approaching death, and the stages of accepting that one is going to die. He discusses how some well-known people have faced their deaths and prepared for them. 

facing death and the lift after book coverfacing death by billy graham

Graham gives his own answers to these questions:
  • Why do some people die "too soon"?
  • How do you explain death to a child? 
  • Are there stages of death? 
  • What, exactly, is death?
  • Should we be afraid of death?
  • What about divine healing?
  • What is the difference between active and passive euthanasia?
  • How do I help a grieving person?

Theological Questions Graham Answers

Graham is bold in stating his beliefs on what happens after we die. He sees death as the last enemy and one Jesus conquered. He provides answers from the Bible to these questions many wonder about . 
  • Is there a Heaven and Hell?
  • What are they like?
  • Where will I go when I die?
  • Will everyone die?
  • What is the Judgement Seat of Christ? 
  • Is it true we will get new bodies in Heaven? 
  • How can I make sure I'm going to Heaven?

Who Should Read This Book?

I think every adult will find useful information in this book, even those who are not Christians. Much of the book deals with practical matters such as planning for one's death, settling one's affairs, making the best decision possible if you are ever faced with determining if life support should be withdrawn from a loved one, and other issues you may not even realize it's time to think through. 

Christians will find answers to questions that may have puzzled them about death and what comes after death. I like Graham's balanced approach to controversial theological questions. He doesn't take a dogmatic stand on questions about the end times and the rapture, and he comes out against those who claim to be able to predict when Christ will return. He sticks to what the Bible clearly teaches and stays away from those issues which are hotly debated by evangelical theologians. 

If you are terminally ill or know someone who is, this book will definitely help you. It gently explains what you can expect during your remaining time and how to prepare yourself or a loved one for a fast-approaching death. Graham explains the mission of hospice ministries and is supportive of them. 

Where Can I Get Facing Death?

Facing Death is now out of print. It is available used at Amazon, and there is also an audio book available. You can use the links below to purchase these. There are also several copies of this book in different editions on eBay. 

My Own Experiences with Death

It's never too early to prepare to face your death or that of someone you love. My son died in an accident at only 14. We weren't ready to face it. I was better prepared when it was time to face my mother's cancer death and help her through it. I was with her when she took that last journey. You can read our story in Caring for a Dying Loved One. My daughter died by her own hand. I wrote her story as Sarah: The Suicide of Our Adult Child.  All these articles are free to read. 

Book Review of Facing Death and the Life After by Billy Graham


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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Hank Mossberg Private Ogre Series Reviewed

Detective Series With A Twist

ogre illustration
Ogre Illustration from
Do you enjoy a good detective story? How about reading fantasy stories involving the fae? If you happen to be like me and enjoy both then I think you will enjoy the series Hank Mossberg Private Ogre by Jamie Sedgwick. You might already be familiar with Mr. Sedgwick from my previous review of another of his works.  

Imagine the present day world only with a difference. In this world we humans are also living with creatures once only found in fairy tales. In this series of books there is an entire civilization of elves, dwarfs, hobgoblins, fairies and a variety of other non-human creatures that we don't even notice. Kind of cool, right? 

The books take place in modern day San Francisco with the main character being Hank Mossberg. In the world of the fae, Hank is unique. You see he is the last of his kind. As far as he can tell he is the last living ogre. For centuries an ogre has always been selected as the Steward. A steward in the world of fae is basically the law enforcement. Since Hank is the only ogre the job has fallen upon him. One might say he was born into his position.

One of the reasons that the Steward needs to be an ogre is that the magic of the other creatures does not work on ogres. They can see through any spells, they are not stopped by enchanted weapons nor does a security shield of magic block them from entering an area. If you remember your fairy tales, ogres are huge and powerful. That is another reason that they are good for keeping the others in line.

Hank, who in my opinion, is a lovable ogre, has opted to work in both the fae community and the human community as a private detective. Humans can see Hank. Because we humans typically only see what we want to see, we see him as a large man with a slight skin condition. Remember ogres usually have a green tint to their skin.

This series involves cases where Hank needs to solve a case or two in each book. He might be working simultaneously with a fae case and a human case. I find the stories easy to read with just the right amount of mystery and a welcome touch of humor. There is a little bit of violence scattered within the stories but not so much that it is off-putting. Overall the books are an enjoyable reading experience.

I like the mingling of fantasy and reality and the creativity of the author in the fae community. As in any culture there are good people and bad people. There are rules to follow or disobey. Jamie Sedgwick has created an engaging world of plots and mysteries for us to solve as we turn the pages of the books in this series. I have certainly enjoyed following Hank, the last living ogre, as he solves the crimes presented to him. I think you might, too.

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Organic Pillows are Healthier for You and the Environment

Most all of us are concerned about our health. And many of us are concerned about the environment to some degree or another. I have recently thought about how my choice in pillows may be impacting both my health and the health of the earth. After reviewing some options, I am making the switch back to bedroom pillows that are better for my health and the environment. 

Why We Should Think About Our Pillow Choices

Recently, while passing by a dumpster, I spotted a large pile of pillows on top of the large pile of rubbish. I was struck by the amount of man-made trash laying in that one pile of textiles that was on the way to the dump. I wondered to myself how long it takes for pillow foam to break down at the landfill. 

In the process of looking up that information about foam in the landfills I learned that adding that bulk to the landfill may not be the only concern. Some of those synthetic materials may be released in my bedroom while I sleep for hours on end. Also, chemicals during the manufacturing process may be released into our environment.

I cannot comment on any of those things with any certainty. I can, however, let you know that I miss a goose down pillow that I had some time ago and have had an urge to replace it lately. That urge multiplied after doing some research about pillows in general.

Just a few of the chemicals that are reportedly present in our pillows and bedding are:

  • polyester - petroleum-based materials that contains ethylene glycol
  • memory foam - polyurethane (can release VOCs -volatile organic compounds)
  • synthetic latex - petrochemicals
  • wrinkle free textiles - contains formaldehyde
  • fire retardant materials - while it seems that we are moving away from fire retardant materials, exposure to fire retardant materials and the health results are being documented. It seems these chemicals enter our bodies and remain.

I will not go further into the chemicals present in synthetic pillows, wrinke-free materials, and flame retardant materials. These are huge topics with conflicting information and a textbook could be written about it all. You can research more on your own and narrow the research to meet your needs. 

Meanwhile, I will review a few organic pillow options.

Pillow Choices That Are Healthier for You and the Environment

Down Pillows

As a migraine sufferer, I believe that pillows can be a very important part of preventing migraines.  I do recall owning a down pillow that may have significantly reduced the number of my migraines. I had thought that I was more comfortable with how the pillow supported my neck. I had never considered, until now, that the natural materials could have been the factor that made the difference with my decreased migraines.  Unfortunately, that pillow is long gone.

A down pillow with an organic cotton cover may be a very good organic pillow option for you. 

Goose Feather and Down Pillow with 100% cotton fabric

Buckwheat Pillows

Buckwheat pillows seemed strange to me. But I had a roommate who wanted one so badly that I gave him one as a gift. He swore that the pillow was supportive and  extremely comfortable.  For the purposes of this article, I asked him recently if he still loves his natural Sobakawa Buckwheat pillow. He literally responded, "Love, love, love". 

Buckwheat pillows are made from buckwheat hulls and a cotton case. How much more organic than that can you get?
Sobakawa Buckwheat Pillow

Wool Pillow

Some pillows are stuffed with wool batting. I had not known that was an option and now that I'm aware of it, I think it is a great idea. I love wool socks. Wool blankets are warm - even when damp. Why wouldn't a pillow stuffed with wool be a good idea?  I think it is a great idea.

Holy Lamb Organics is a small manufacturing company that is focused on making "exceptional" bedding products with natural materials and "zero waste".   

Holy Lamb brand Woolly Pillow

Recognizing that organic pillows may not be for everyone

I am aware that natural fiber pillows may not be for everyone or every situation. Folks with allergies can have reactions to organic pillows and materials. I would not take a goose down pillow camping. I have a favorite camping and tiny house pillow that is made of chopped foam that is better suited to that situation. However, organic pillows may be a good choice for you and your home. You may want to make the switch as I am.  Every bit of health and environmental caution can help.

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Happy Birthday Aquarius! A Fun Way to Decorate Your Room - Using Your Astrology Sign

Aquarians - It's your Time to Shine - January 20th to February 18th

There are various places online that claim Aquarius begins on January 19th or January 21st, so it's up to you Aquarians to decide. It's a conundrum!

With two Aquarians in our family, January 20th is the accepted date - they rule here. Well, not really, as a Leo, I rule ... but that's another story.

So Let's Brag You Aquarians Up!

You're the humanitarians of the bunch. You battle for justice when you feel a voice needs to be heard, yet despite your stubbornness are gifted with the ability to listen to the position of others. However, to get to the place of truly hearing an opposing view, you may withdraw or block it out for a little until you've decided it's time to listen or more importantly - that you want to listen. This Leo mother to an Aquarian Son knows what she speaks about!

You know how to pick your battles, and you're careful not to hurt those you love. Any hurt you may cause is mostly unintentional and again, usually a misinterpretation of your mood. You wear your emotions on your sleeve and sometimes that causes people to misread your heart. But you can be counted on for hugs and understanding especially when you're showered with them as well.

You're philosophical nature often guides you without even knowing it. However, since you often seek out the good side of life primarily because you're a fun loving person, you're depth of character doesn't overwhelm your personality. Best of all, when you're happy you're especially magnetic!

It's Not Over Yet - There's More Greatness About You

Lively - Independent - Creative and a Great Communicator! Yes that's you. You're independent nature shines through in almost all you do. Even as a child you sought an independent and often creative way to approach life. Your outgoing character and poignant way of expressing yourself started at birth, or so it seems!

Your social nature adds to your creative energy. Ruling by consensus is your absolute approach to group think, and when others don't play by that rule, you're not a happy camper.

Nobody's perfect right? But there's no need to harp on the darker angels of your sign, because after-all, the other 11 signs have their own problems too, so I'll end it here by reminding you to brag yourself up with home décor that reflects your sign.

Happy birthday Aquarius and Happy Decorating!

Go ahead and Funk Up Your House!

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Friday, January 27, 2017

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir ~ Best Movie of All Time

Review of The Ghost & Mrs. Muir
Scanned Photo of The Cover of My VHS Tape
Review of The Ghost & Mrs. Muir 
From the first note of the introduction music, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" captivates me and draws me into a world of the past. Gene Tierney is beautiful and her features are even more pronounced in black and white movies. 

This young widow, Mrs. Muir, mystifies me with her strength and courage to survive in a time when women were "strange" if they remained single. 

After a year of mourning her husband's death, she and her daughter, Anna, move away from her domineering sister-in-law and her mother-in law to live at the seaside. 

Against the advice of the realtor, she rents Gull Cottage, a home that is haunted by it's previous owner, a deceased sea captain.

This movie speaks to the eternal romantic

Synopsis of The Ghost & Mrs Muir

Only a Teaser ~ You Must See this Movie for Yourself! 

 Gene Tierney & Rex Harrison
Available on

She isn't living in Gull Cottage for long before Captain Gregg makes his presence known. Even after "showing" himself to Mrs. Muir, she is not scared away.

A friendship between these two is quickly cemented and a lifetime of a rather odd relationship ensues. They have conversations that no one else can hear and Captain Gregg dictates a book to Mrs. Muir in order to provide a living so she can stay at Gull Cottage and remain independent.

There are a few scenes that I find extremely entertaining. Even after seeing it dozens of times, I still laugh out loud when an unseen Captain Gregg "escorts" Mrs. Muir's rude in-laws out of Gull Cottage and another time when he releases the brake on the visiting realtor's automobile.

I never hear the nickname "my dear" that I don't think of Captain Gregg.

The Ghost & Mrs. Muir Photo
Available on
Simply Click the Photo to Purchase

Gene Tierney

Gene Tierney
See page for author [Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons
Gene Tierney is one of the most beautiful women to ever grace the silver screen.  We are all quite fortunate that she chose to go into the acting world.  Since she was from a wealthy family, she didn't need the money.  She simply loved acting.  I believe that love is reflected in her work.  

Not only was she born into affluence, but she was blessed with great beauty.  Naturally graced with gentle features and demeanor, her appearance made her the perfect choice for the black & white classic movies, especially the mysteries that required exceptional acting and the ability to communicate with just a look. 

Even though they are beautiful in the black and white photos, what we can't see is the real color of  her gorgeous green eyes.   

Rex Harrison

 Rex Harrison 24X36 Poster Print
Available on
Sir Rex Harrison was the perfect male actor for The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.  He seems to have a natural aloft demeanor.  Coupled with is dark, brooding appearance, one could easily envision him as the captain of a ship.

During his sixty years of acting, Rex Harrison appeared in theaters on and off Broadway, as well as in movies made in both America and Britain. 

Harrison was not limited to any stereotype.  He starred in quite a variety of plays and films, including comedy acts.  You may remember him best as Dr. Doolittle or perhaps as the King of Siam, but for me, he will always be Captain Gregg.

What is a Monkey Puzzle Tree

monkey puzzle tree
By Norbert Nagel, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Germany (Own work)
[CC BY-SA 3.0 (]
via Wikimedia Commons
One of the first "encounters" between Captain Gregg and Mrs. Muir was a dispute about the Monkey Puzzle tree planted on the property.  Captain Gregg loved the tree and Mrs. Muir thought it was ugly. 

Since I had no idea what a Monkey Puzzle tree looked like, I was intrigued and looked it up.  Personally, I find it fascinating.  Sorry, Gene, I have to side with Rex on this one. 

Here is what Wikipedia says:  "Araucaria araucana (Monkey-puzzle) is the hardiest species in the conifer genus Araucaria.  It is native to central Chile and west central Argentina, and is an evergreen tree growing to 40 m tall and 2 m trunk diameter. Because of the species' great age it is sometimes described as a living fossil. Araucaria araucana is the national tree of Chile."

You can read more about the Monkey Puzzle tree at 

The Ghost & Mrs. Muir on DVD

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Review of Amazon Echo Dot

Echo Dot Product Details

Amazon Echo Dot

My husband received an Amazon Echo Dot for Christmas and we are having fun discovering all of the exciting features of this amazing little bit of technology.  The Echo Dot has all of the features of the larger Amazon Echo but with a smaller speaker and a smaller price.  Like the Amazon Echo, the Dot is a personal assistant that requires WiFi connection to connect to the cloud.  We found the Dot very easy to set up and we were using it in just a few minutes after we opened the package.

Fun with Alexa

The Dot answers to the name Alexa and you just say Alexa to ask questions, play games,  give commands or obtain information from the Dot. Here are some of the favorite ways we use our Dot.
  • "Alexa, Good Morning"  Our Dot is in our kitchen and each morning we go in and say Good Morning.  Alexa then gives us a bit of information for the day.  On January 20th she gave us interesting bits of information on the inauguration.  On Sunday she talked about the teams playing in the NFL playoffs.  Another day she announced that it was "National Hug Day" and encouraged us to give hugs for at least 10 seconds each.
  • "Alexa, what is the temperature?".  Alexa is always ready with the current forecast. If you want the forecast for another city, just ask and she will give that to you too.
  •  "Alexa, add milk to my shopping list. or Alexa, add clean basement to my to-do list."  Alexa keeps a running total of my shopping list and my to-do list.  When I am ready to do our grocery shopping the list is complete on my phone and I can just tick off the items as I put them in my cart.
  • "Alexa, play a song by the New Christy Ministrals".  Alexa takes requests for songs by genre, artist or a specific song.  I like to start off the morning by having her play an old Country Hymn like Amazing Grace or How Great Thou Art.
  • "Alexa, Let's Play Jeopardy"  Each day Alexa has a new set of questions based on the categories of that day's Jeopardy program.  We have fun seeing how good we do each day.
  • "Alexa, turn on the bedroom lamp"  We have purchased some special plugs for two of our lamps and all we have to do is tell Alexa when we want to turn them on or off.  There are other devises that can also be purchased to work with the Dot such as thermostats and light switches.
  • "Alexa, tell me a joke"  Alexa has a whole list of corny jokes she will tell you.
This is just a small sampling of the many things Alexa can do for you.

More Features added Weekly

Each week I get an email telling us of new features that have been added to Alexa.  We have only just begun to explore all that can be done with the wonderful Amazon Echo Dot!

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

5 Valentine's Books for the Youngsters in your Heart!

As a Grandmother, Grammie, Nannie or whatever your little ones call you, I know how special it is when they receive a gift that was picked especially for them.  I like to send books, so I will share with you my Reviews of 5 of my favorites.  I know that sometimes with distances between families being bigger than just a block away, it is difficult to be there for all those special occasions.   But, I have good news for you!

The world is truly becoming a smaller place.  It is easy to send a gift from one end of the country to the other and have it arrive in time to put a huge smile on the recipient's face!  What child doesn't like to be remembered by a Grandparent or Favorite Aunt or Uncle?  Just like we enjoy getting mail our children also like to receive something special too!

Here we go with my Review of 5 Favorite Books for Little Ones.

children reading a book together
Books are one of my favorite gifts for young children and they are great to send across the miles too!  There are endless titles for young minds and stories that will take them to all corners of their world or the larger world too.  Toddlers love picture books or books that teach little life lessons and there are so many lovely titles available for little minds.  One of my favorites is written by a friend of mine and I purchased it for my Grandchildren.  It's a great story about co-operation, helpfulness, and friendship.  Just like the story, the book is a wonderful show of support for Ronald McDonald charities that helps sick children and their families.  So I feel really good about supporting such endeavors.  Susan Zutautas has a way with words and my Grandchildren love the story.

The Day Mr. Beaver meets a Moose is a great story, with lively illustrations and a cute story too!

I love to send books to my favorite little people that are fun to read, teach lessons and support a great cause. Boy, oh boy, does this book ever cover all those bases.  It also helps my friend become better known as a Children's Author!  So for me,  this is a winner!

Books that support a great cause make me want to purchase that book even more.  

Susan has another book available too, I think this one will be the next one I purchase for my Grandchildren. Called Mr. Beaver Plans a Party, it looks like it too would be enjoyed by my Grandchildren.  Who doesn't like the idea of planning a party?

Children's books are easy to send or order on-line to be delivered.  You can add a little note inside to let those children know how special they are to you.  As the years go by, hopefully,  the children will have realized how special those books that Grandma and Grandpa sent means to them.  I know I have some books that were my favorites from when I was a child.  These books are the ones that come out when the Grandchildren come to visit.  So I know that more than two generations have enjoyed the same stories and that they make the same impression on little lives.

These Last Three Books are all time Favorites of Mine!  Some are in the top 50 List of Books for Children.  

I promised you 5 books at the start of this Review This article and I'll give you the titles of the next three Because a promise is a promise.  Sticking to 5 books though is really tough.

The next book is one of my son's favorites! Herbert the Timid Dragon. by Mercer Mayer is a great story that everyone enjoys.  My daughter in law resorted to buying one used, my son's copy had disappeared over the years, and he really missed it.  It has become his daughter's favorite book too!

There are a whole bunch of Mercer Mayer books and all of them are really fun and easy to read to your children or for them to read by themselves.  You may find a lot of them are out of print, so when you go to flea markets or Bazaars keep your eyes open for these treasures.

Another book I love to give as a gift to children is a Dr. Suess classic!  Oh the Places You'll Go!  This book has such a nice story and it's written by one of the best children's authors ever.  Who hasn't indulged their inner child with the writings of Dr. Suess?  I know I have and will continue so long as I have more grandchildren coming.  This is a winner in every sense of the word.  Engaging and entertaining for young minds everywhere.

If you have a child that needs some encouragement, this last book is a great find. 

Last but not least on this Review is another favorite of mine.  I love animals and they are always a hit with kids too.  This book makes you giggle as Gerald the Giraffe finds out that he can do things that giraffes aren't supposed to be able to do.  It's a story of encouragement.  It will touch those young ones who are having a hard time or don't quite fit in. Gerald the giraffe gives them a dose of, "I can do it", in the nicest way possible. Giraffes Can't Dance will have your children and grandchildren smiling from ear to ear.

Conclusion:  If you need a good book for a little one, any of these 5 will be a hit!

So there you have it, the 5 books that are my favorites right now.
It's just a small installment of books that I would love to see sent to all children and grandchildren all over the country.  They have great lessons imparted in a way that doesn't seem like a lesson at all. Children of all ages love these books, and they are fun too!

Reading to children and having them read to you is one of the nicest gifts anyone can give a child.  Their imaginations will soar when written words are read and become part of their lives.  A child who reads and loves to read will become an engaged adult with a deep love for the written word.

What a great Valentine's Day gift that is indeed!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Puppy Potty Trainer Reviewed

When A New Puppy Joins The Family

cavalier puppy
Puppy Potty Trainer For His Future - image from
A puppy potty trainer can be a big help when you find that your family has just increased by one with a new little furry member. 

My daughter and granddaughter have just welcomed a sweet little ruby coated Cavalier King Charles spaniel to their little family. He looks much like the image to the left. Oh, he is absolutely adorable! 

As with any puppy, he will need to be trained to do his little business outside and not inside their home. Potty training a puppy can be frustrating at times but there are things that you can do to help the process along. Helping them understand what needs to be done and where; might even seem a little overwhelming if you haven't gone through the process before. 

We have a lot more on the market now to help lessen the frustration for both pet and humans as we work through those weeks of house training our little furry babies. I particularly like this option: 

What I like about this system is that it can be placed right at the patio door and immediately gives puppy the idea that this is where he will need to go to let them know he needs a trip outside. Now, he is a puppy so it might take a little while for him to figure that out but I think this will help. I also like that it has a sort of astro turf to it, helping puppy to determine that grass is better than carpet when it comes to relieving himself.

The biggest selling point for me is the ability to easily clean it! Any liquid that puppy produces is drained to the plastic tray. The tray is easily cleaned with warm soapy water. I don't think that it gets much easier than that.

I also like the idea that it is portable and that when he comes to visit Grandma in these early weeks that my daughter can bring it along with her. It should be calming for him because it will be familiar and should help to instill the concept of where to go when he needs to.

We are so excited that this adorable little guy has joined our family and just know that all of us will enjoy many years of playing, cuddling and loving him. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 23, 2017

Reviewing the Savings of a KitchenAid Artisan Mixer

Pink is only one of the MANY KitchenAid colors available
I have recently decided that I need to purchase a KitchenAid Artisan Mixer as soon as possible.  This is a complete change of mind about investing in a what I had previously considered "just another kitchen gadget". And to be more specific, another gadget that has a hefty price tag when you are budgeting every penny. But I have reviewed the many reasons of why the cost would be justified and have observed others using this important kitchen tool. Below, I will share the primary reasons that I have decided a KitchenAid Artisan Mixer is an important purchase to make, and worth budgeting for. 

Customizing Bread Recipes for Health and Savings

I am discovering the joys of homemade bread.  My first successful recipe was an easy Peasant Bread that consisted of letting it rising and punching it down more than kneading.  As I became proficient with that bread, I attempted another bread recipe - the Ultimate Bread recipe. This second bread recipe requires kneading. 

So far, I've done this kneading by hand and have had no problems. However, it is a bit time consuming and tiring. The older I become the more quickly my hands tire. I have decided to bake my own bread weekly and have done so recently but I'm learning that I need a bit of help.

Energy Savings - I am referring to my energy. I feel like there are not enough hours in the day and that I need to be twins in order to get everything finished that I want to finish on the weekends.  Making bread is a priority.  But as I am kneading, and my hands are growing tired, I think that "there must be an easier way". Well, there is.  It is a KitchenAid Artisan Mixer with a bread hook attachment. If the machine does the kneading I can save my energy for other tasks.

Money Savings - Have you noticed the prices of bread in the stores? I am a one-person household but I go through a good share of bread. I like toast and peanut butter sandwiches. I like to make grilled cheese sandwiches to go with my soup. With bread recipes that have only 6 ingredients, two loaves of store-bought bread can easily cover the costs of the ingredients to make many loaves of bread at home.

Possible Health Benefits - With 6 ingredients going into my homemade bread, I know what I am eating. The bread that I typically purchased from the store lists ingredients that I am able to pronounce. So there were no mystery ingredients. However, it also lists gluten. 

For folks who need gluten-free breads, or have preferences about the types of flours they consume, they can easily adjust recipes to suit their needs.

KitchenAid Artisan Mixer Reviews

There are many, many reviews online and much information about KitchenAid Artisan Mixers.  I will not reinvent the wheel and rewrite that information. Especially since I am not yet a proud owner of this important kitchen tool. 

Heather does own one and has reviewed her KitchenAid as well as shared important information such as the best time of year to make your purchases due to sales. If you are ready to learn more about these mixers from current owners, I would start with her review.

After reviewing the financial, physical energy, and health related savings, it becomes easy to see that a KitchenAid Artisan Mixer will be an investment that pays for itself fairly quickly. The most difficult part of the purchase will be choosing just one of the many beautiful colors. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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