Sunday, November 16, 2014

How to Create a Positive Environment for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

How to Create a Positive Environment for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

It's the Time of Year we Gather to Give Thanks

In a cynical and often condescending world, it's easier to descend into typical family battles that tend to swallow up the purpose of our assembly: to give thanks and acknowledge and remember those who have been there for us through it all. It's cliche, but 'when push came to shove,' who did we turn to, and who loved us unconditionally?

We live in divided times, and many families who reunite for dinner rest at polar opposites in their beliefs, likes, dislikes, tolerance levels, and education. These differences are fast becoming the virus that devours the most important reason we take the hand of the person next to us at that dinner table: love. Again, call it cliche, call it corny, call 'love' overly simplistic, but John Lennon got it right, 'all you need is love.'

So how do you survive a Thanksgiving Dinner with people who sit at the opposite of your beliefs? Like any assembly, setting ground rules is the best place to start. Here are 10 ways to create a positive environment for your Thanksgiving Dinner:
  1. Let everyone know there will be no discussions about Politics, Religion, or Current News Affairs.
  2. As the dinner host, have the evening planned in advance: Plan to play games before and after dinner. If it's a larger gathering, have teams set up to play against each other for a grand championship.
  3. Do not turn on a TV set. If a sporting event is on that the entire family wants to watch, then go ahead and gather around the 'game' in front of the TV if need be. But don't allow any News shows or channel flipping to take away the fun of the game.
  4. If someone in the family breaks the rule about conversation and starts into a diatribe of their opinions and beliefs about an issue, as the host, politely remind them about the rules and do not engage them in a discussion about their point. Remember that no minds or opinions will change in one night anyway, so keep the evening and dinner on a strict track of fun.
  5. Have music playing in the background in as many rooms as possible. Best of all, if you know the favorite songs of the people attending, plan ahead and have a CD compilation of everyone's favorite song! When the song for that special someone in the house begins to play, turn it up, walk over to them, kiss them on the cheek, and let them know, 'We did this for you.'
  6. If you're hosting a large gathering and certain people are best not sitting beside each other, use name/place tags on each plate to direct people where to sit. 
  7. Toast the Senior members of the family. Often, seniors feel excluded, unwanted, and unappreciated, and no matter how ornery they are or aren't, give them a few minutes of special thanks. You'll make their day.
  8. Go out of your way to be friendly and especially to be kind. Set the tone. Set the pace, and you may be surprised how everyone follows.
  9. Find reasons to smile and laugh. Laughter and smiles are much more infectious than anger and fear.
  10. Lastly, remember a famous quote, 'When given a choice to be right or kind, always choose Kind.'

 Have a joyous Thanksgiving <3

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Holiday Desserts: Thanksgiving Menu Part III

table place setting
Preparing for that big Thanksgiving dinner is what we're doing here at Review This. And I get the lucky job of reviewing desserts. Ah, my sweet tooth is so happy. 

But, it's not just your traditional desserts. I've found some unique and interesting twists on old favorites and delicious new favorites to add to my own recipe collection for Thanksgiving. 

Variations for Pumpkin Desserts

Pumpkin pie is one of those traditional Thanksgiving desserts in my house. But, I couldn't help drooling over these interesting twists on the pumpkin dessert. 

pumpkin cake roll
Pumpkin Cake Roll by Nancy Hardin
Pumpkin Cake Roll - a truly yummy dessert. Made with a cream cheese filling, this cake makes a
great presentation when sliced. Although the directions have quite a few steps, don't let that fool you. Author Nancy Hardin does a great job of giving you all steps. This cake is actually not hard to make and even novice chefs can bake up a delicious tasting and looking pumpkin cake roll.

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies - a tasty twist on an old favorite. Now we have a fun treat for kids and grown-ups alike. Whoopie Pies have
pumpkin whoopie pies
been around even longer than I have. That's some age. But, now do these treats with pumpkin cake. Author Margaret Schindel shows us the recipe for this fun variation. 

Of course I grew up with the name of moon pie for these delectable desserts. The name Whoopie Pie originates in either Maine or Pennsylvania, depending on which state you come from. No matter what you call them, these individual-sized treats make a great way to serve pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving desserts.

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie

For those of us looking to reduce the amount of gluten we consume, author Retta719 has given us a
pumpkin pie
Retta719 Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie
great recipe for gluten free pumpkin pie. It's simple, homemade and deep dish. This rich creamy version of pumpkin pie will delight everyone, even those who aren't concerned with gluten in their diet. It's worth making for a Thanksgiving dessert for everyone. 

This pie takes a long time to bake so you need to be prepared. Many ovens are loaded just before the Thanksgiving meal. The good news is that deep-dish gluten free pumpkin pie can be refrigerated for several hours and served cold.

Irish Ice Cream Chocolate 

irish iced cream
Alright, I'll admit it. I have to have something chocolate as part of my Thanksgiving dessert. Irish Ice Cream Chocolate is for the grown-ups only. It's made with Irish Cream liqueur. It's one of those delicious treats that makes for an interesting and unique Thanksgiving dessert. 

BritFlorida presents the recipe and how to in simple steps along with some great variations. There's even a vegan option to try. You can prepare the majority of treat ahead of time, then add the liqueur before serving. Simple tasty and delicious.

Thanksgiving Menu on Review This

The Thanksgiving Menu is brought to you by Review This in 3 parts. Part I gives you that great turkey baking. A staple for the main course in many Thanksgiving dinners. Then Part II presents side dish options for all of us to enjoy. Everything from fruits to nuts, and vegetables, too. And now, Part III, rounding out the dinner with desserts for you. 

So relax, enjoy your own Thanksgiving dinner preparations with many new ideas and recipes. Have a happy holiday with friends and family sharing in the bounty.

Posted by: BuckHawk

About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thanksgiving Side Dishes ~ Part II of Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving Side Dishes

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ~ Photo by Julie on

Thanksgiving is historically the time for a great feast and celebration. Therefore, we have joined together to offer a fantastic "feast" of side dish recipes today on Review This. I asked my co-workers, which just happen to be an awesome group of writers and online contributors, to share their personal side dish recipes for Thanksgiving. They have been most generous and I am certain we have something here for everyone.

The "first Thanksgiving" in America was celebrated in 1621 and lasted for 3 days. Some of us have family, friends and guests who drive or fly long distances to spend 3 or more days with us during the Thanksgiving holidays. Therefore, we have 3 day Thanksgiving celebrations too, which means we serve multiple meals and we need a variety of recipes to see us through the festivities. 


Fruits First

A holiday would simply not be complete without the fruit dishes. They always round out a meal with a healthy treat for all of us, but for the Vegans and Vegetarians in our mist, they are a absolute must.

Cranberry sauce is often found on a traditional Thanksgiving dinner table.  However, Mbgphoto shares a recipe for her very own creation of Cranberry Applesauce that sounds out of this world delicious. Plus, I give you my very own submission for a Quick & Easy Fruit Salad recipe that my own family requests for every holiday.


Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are essential to a healthy diet, but for some reason, they seem to be the hardest to get people to eat, especially children.  Perhaps, these delicious recipes will help.

Rice Recipes

Rice is a staple food for many of us and while we are most content to eat it by itself, it is truly an excellent additive to many recipes.  Merry offers a recipe that includes rice.  It would be perfect side dishes for this Thanksgiving. 


Potato & Yam Recipes

All of my life I have considered potatoes and yams to be as "traditional" as the turkey when preparing the Thanksgiving dinner. The only question was which sweet potato casserole recipe to use. It seems like every member of our family has a different personal favorite potato recipe. As a result, we have actually started preparing and serving several potato recipes so everyone can enjoy their preference on Thanksgiving.  After seeing these recipes, we may well be having a few more on the table this year.



Great Mixed Vegetable Recipe 

For a awesome vegetable mix, this would be the recipe of choice. Adventuretravels combines carrots, beetroots, parsnips & onions with fennel to deliver a divine side dish for Thanksgiving.


Delicious Extras

I am going to quote Margaret directly here because I don't believe I could say it any better any other way.  "These healthier candied walnuts or pecans make a wonderful, healthy holiday nibble (or any other time), and if they're chopped up they're yummy sprinkled on or tossed with nearly any Thanksgiving vegetable or side dish."

That one quote was enough for me.  I will be serving Margaret's candied pecans this year on Thanksgiving.  My whole family loves nuts!

More to Come

festive cheese and garlic bread

Festive cheese and garlic bread  by BritFlorida

Last week, we provided an easy and delicious way to bake a Turkey for Thanksgiving. Today, we featured side dishes and tomorrow we will be concluding our Thanksgiving recipes series with desserts. I hope you will all join us again tomorrow to delve into dessert recipes with us here on Review This Reviews!

If you have published a side dish recipe that would be great for Thanksgiving, we would love to have you share it with us.  Please leave the link to your recipe in the guestbook below.

A note of my own Thanksgiving:  I want to thank each of the writers and contributors who responded to my request and submitted recipes for this special Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipes article.  You are all a true treasure trove of resources for which I am most grateful.

Wishing everyone a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Enjoying the Last Colors of Autumn

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year and photographing autumn color ranks high among my favorite things to do.
fall yellow leaves photo by mbgphoto
fall photo by mbgphoto

Since my retirement several years ago, my husband and I have taken to traveling around the country and timing our travels so that we can make the most of fall colors. 

Fall Season One

 In September we travel to the northern states in the US or to Canada where we can get a first look at fall colors.  The photo here was taken on our trip to the Northeast this fall.  It shows fallen leaves by an old rock wall in Concord Massachusetts.   

Fall Season Two

In October the colors are beautiful in Missouri where we live so we try to stick close to home and enjoy the beautiful midwest falls.  Here is a photo taken at a lake near our house. 
trees in fall photo by mbgphoto

Fall Season Three

Now it is November and we are enjoying our last bit of fall as we traveled south to visit our daughter and family in Atlanta.  The colors through Kentucky and Tennessee were gorgeous as we headed south.  My daughter's yard is full of beautiful colors.  Here are a couple of the shots I got early this morning in their back yard.
trees in fall photo by mbgphoto

fall trees photo by mbgphoto
After taking the photos, I like to make them into products to offer in my Zazzle store.  Here are a couple of the autumn photo items that are available at Zazzle/mbgphoto

Autumn Leaves Trinket Box
Autumn Leaves Trinket Box by mbgphoto
Browse more Autumn leaves Gift Boxes
This card is made from a photo taken last fall in Quebec City Canada.

Thanksgiving Blessing Cards
Thanksgiving Blessing Cards by mbgphoto
Look at more cards from Zazzle.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

You Can Own a Rare Richard Burns Print, Signed by the Artist

Richard Burns Art Prints are Available Online

*Click any photo to buy the prints at
Richard Burns Snow Leopard
Thru the Pass by Richard Burns

I'm totally biased because he's my husband but I love Richard Burns' art. This year he released a few prints from his archives that are now available at Amazon.

All of the prints are from the 1990's when he did a series of wild animals. Each print was created in a batch of from 500-2000 prints only, and signed and numbered.  After the initial run many of them sold out, but somehow we ended up with around 10-20 prints of some of the animals, so Richard released them this year.

My favorite one is his Snow Leopard perched on a rock. The wound up energy is palpable! It's called Winter's Veil and was one of his most popular prints. His other Snow Leopard is also a best seller called Thru the Pass. (yes we know it's misspelled, but that's how it was printed so we're stuck with it now.) It's the one pictured above. Below is Winter's Veil.

Richard Burns Snow Leopard
Winter's Veil by Richard Burns

We have a friend who has all his "cat prints" as he calls them on one wall of his house. The Snow Leopard ones are my favorite and he has them in the middle of that wall. Then on the end of the wall is a huge print of Tigers, called Icy Courtship. (Another best seller of Rich's.)

Richard Burns Tigers
Icy Courtship by Richard Burns

Rich seems to have a way with animals as the Los Angeles Zoo had him go into the cages to paint these magnificent animals in their habitat, for a series of cards he did for them. He did coyotes and wolves too, and swans and owls. But the cats were the best sellers and continue to be used on calendars, mugs, puzzles, needlework kits, and t shirts.

Still there's nothing like a wonderful art print on your wall to remind you every day of the animals who used to roam  whole continents.  So just click on any of the prints you see here if you are interested in purchasing. They won't last, so best to get over there soon.

Which cat print is your favorite?

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 10, 2014

Gramma Plans a Bucket List Day Trip to a Mid-Atlantic Ski Resort

"The key to happiness is freedom, and the key to freedom is courage"
Here in the mid-Atlantic, as the local meteorologists begin to vaguely mention the words "cold" and "snow" in the extended forecast, I begin to dread the shoveling, slush, cold, and mess that snow brings. And yet a large part of me welcomes the snow. There is a beauty that snow brings as it covers the earth in a pure, white blanket. And snow brings opportunities for adventures and fun.  A chance for me to continue to participate in checking a bucket list item off as completed.

Gramma learns to snowboard

On December 12th of last year, at age 49, I learned to snowboard.  It was a wondrous experience.  The Mister gave me my first lesson in a nearly empty schoolyard late at night. It was amazing and I regretted that I hadn't tried snowboarding earlier in my life. Yet, I probably wasn't ready at an earlier age in life.  There is a freedom that comes with maturity that brings a different kind of brave.  I was finally courageous enough to try to snowboard.

I continued to practice a few times last year, practicing in schoolyards and on fire lanes in local wooded areas.  While last year was brutally cold and icy, there wasn't much snow that was good for snowboarding. I would have loved more opportunities to practice.

That is why I became excited when the news forecast included talk about the approaching Polar Vortex. I can't wait to go snowboarding again. And I think I will plan a trip to one of the local ski resorts. 

I had never expected there to be ski resorts on the east coast. Before traveling here on a regular basis, I expected the area to be too tropical for snow sports.  Oh, such a silly girl I was. There are ski resorts here.  Nearly every Monday, during the winter season, there is someone at work who talks about having been skiing, tubing, or snowboarding nearby. This year, I hope that I am also talking about snowboarding down a real hill. I am definitely ready to try snowboarding on a slope.

Let's keep in mind that the Mid-Atlantic region is nowhere near the elevation of Telluride, Colorado. But even so, there are plenty of places in the Mid-Atlantic to find a lift to take you to the top and a hill to come down.

A helpful snowboard tutorial.  

It is not as difficult to learn to snowboard as I expected. And not half as scary.  For me, getting up from fastening my bindings was the most difficult part. But this young lady shows a way of getting up that I will try this year.  If you are very nervous and not starting at a ski resort with lessons, I'd advise starting on a smaller hill than in this video. With the right snow, your board will slide on the smallest of hills.  

Popular ski resorts convenient to the Baltimore and DC areas.

I am listing the four resorts that my co-workers and client families most visit:
Here is a complete list of the 34 mid-Atlantic ski resorts as listed in DCSki.  This list also includes resorts in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina.  

If you have ever wanted to snowboard but have just been too nervous, even if you are my age or older, I recommend that you give it a try.  It is not nearly as scary as it looks.  You can be bashful like I was and start in a yard with the smallest of incline if the snow is right.  Or you can go all out and start at a resort. Either way - be courageous and live your dreams. 

Written by Dawn Rae
Disclosure: In affiliation with, Dawn Rae is a blogger and content writer who may earn compensation from the sale of AllPosters products.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Brad Paisley Takes the Cake on this One!

Brad Paisley on iTunes
If you're a fan of Brad Paisley, you already know that his sense of humor gives him the extra edge over everyone else in Country Music!

Much Needed  Laughter from the Master of Light, Fun Country Songs!

So, there I was, driving in my car with country music blasting as usual, when Mr. Brad came out blazing a tune from his 2007 Album '5th Gear', called 'Ticks.'

Having not heard the song in a while, I had forgotten how the main lyric causes a hemorrhage of laughter!

If you're not familiar with that lyric, get ready because no other love song expresses love quite like this one! He continues to sing how 'the only thing allowed to crawl on you is him' lol!

Country music can be emotional and laughter scores as the big emotion in this comical lyric:
'Cause I'd like to see you
Out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you
Way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you
Through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks

The song was released as the first single for 5th Gear in 2007 and, to no surprise, reached the top of the country charts. The song was also a downloadable tune on the Guitar Hero World Tour.

When asked about the song, Brad said that 'when you're raised on a farm, 'Ticks' are something you need to think about. The song is about a funny pick-up line a guy uses on a girl he meets in a bar .... 'hey there, babe, I wanna check you for ticks' lol. I'd probably bust a gut if that was said to me.

Anyone who's lived in the country (even the city!) knows that Ticks are a real problem! Thank gawd I've never had to be checked for them personally, but I know some who have! Yikes. In fact, when we planted our Birch Tree in the front yard, we spent some time reading about 'Ticks' and Birch Trees! Then, of course, the over 50 cedar trees we planted in the backyard had me thinking as well! So far, so good. Fingers crossed.

Enjoy the song!

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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Christmas Party Planning: Reviewing Invitations

reindeer ornament
It's time to get planning for those Christmas parties. It makes sense to plan your party in several steps. First, the date, then the guest list. Next up is getting your invitations. So let's review some holiday party invitations for different kinds of events.

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

One of those fun traditions is ugly sweaters for Christmas. How
christmas sweater
many of us have those kind of sweaters tucked into our closets? I have a number of them myself. Of course, that tradition gave rise to a party theme. Ugly sweater parties are that chance to wear your most outrageous holiday sweater. 

I have been awarded the Ugliest Sweater prize at several parties over the years. All due to my sweet Aunt Charlotte and the completely outlandish Christmas tree sweater she knitted for me years ago. I had no idea how valuable it would turn out to be!

Holiday Cocktail Party 

holiday invitation
The holidays are busy for most of us. Sometimes a full evening event just doesn't fit into either our or our guests schedule. That's when something more simple like a cocktail party is in order. A holiday cocktail party  is limited in time and works great to serve appetizers only.

Your guests can attend your party then head off for another party or for that evening they wanted to just spend at home to relax. Even for your busy schedule, a cocktail party takes less work. But, getting started with getting your invitations ordered is a big help.

Elegant Christmas Party

holiday party invitation

Of course, there are times when you want that fancy or elegant holiday party. Maybe a full sit-down meal, maybe an event where you have reserved a hall or banquet room. Those are the times to choose elegant Christmas party invitations

You want your guests to know what to expect, how to dress and how to plan for attending your party. Choosing invitations that set the tone for a more elegant event will help your guests know this. 

Planning with Party Invitations

Since I use the party invitations to help me with themes, decor and even menus, I like to choose and order my invitations as early as possible. Personally, the invites from are my favorite. I have so many choices for styles, sizes and customization that I've never gone wrong. All the Christmas party invitations reviewed on this page are from Zazzle. 

If you know of other great holiday party invitations, please include them in a comment below. I would love to review more. 

Posted by: BuckHawk

About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Thanksgiving Turkey ~ Part I of Thanksgiving Recipes


CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ~ Photo by Julie on

I absolutely love Thanksgiving and all of the Thanksgiving dinner recipes!  For as long as I can remember, Thanksgiving has been a family gathering time.  

My mother and I always prepare our traditional Thanksgiving recipes in anticipation of the family members flying, driving or riding in for the Thanksgiving holiday.  We never know exactly what to expect or what will happen when everyone is together, but we know what we will eat.

Preparing for Thanksgiving

The week before Thanksgiving, I go to the grocery store with my list.  The holidays are probably the only time of the year that I really enjoy grocery shopping.  Not because of the food I am buying, but because I know that food will be prepared for the holiday celebration and the people who make it all worthwhile.

Holiday Cooking
My Grandmother & Brother ~ Holidays Past

Sometimes things get hectic and I get a little stressed, but I do try very hard to make the holidays easier by adhering to my own advice offered  in my article, Ten Ways to Make the Holiday Easier.

I want to enjoy the time I get to spend with my whole family and I want to have wonderful memories to reflect on throughout the years.  I also want them to enjoy the holidays in our home and to have fond, pleasant memories of time well spent.

The Main Course

When I was growing up, my grandmother and mother prepared the Thanksgiving meal.   Now, my mother and I cook the dinner.  Occasionally, my sister or one of my sisters-in-law will arrive in town early enough to help.  That is always guaranteed to be amusing and entertaining!


It is my job to prepare and cook the turkey.  I try to beat everyone else out of bed so I can shower and dress for the day.  By the time I am in the kitchen to start washing the turkey, Mom and Dad are usually here to chat with me while I get started.  Once the turkey is in the oven, Mom joins me and we work together for hours of cooking, laughing, cutting up and sometimes just talking.  It is a fabulous day.  I have always maintained that it is my favorite day of the year.  Sure, we get tired, but I wouldn't change a thing.

I share my recipe and tips for How to Bake a Turkey here:  Cooking for the Holidays

What's Next

Now that we have the turkey out of the way, be sure to join us here again next week.  We will be sharing the side dishes and desserts for the Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes Menu on Review This!

Be sure to check out additional Thanksgiving tips on Traveling Food - Holidays and Potlucks

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Photographing in the Early Morning- A Beautiful Time of Day

misty fog above the water photo by mbgphoto

On a recent fall morning, my husband and I took an early morning drive out to August A Busch Memorial Conservation area.  We are fortunate to live only a few miles from this great recreation area. This area is a great place for hiking, biking, fishing and hunting.  It has 32 lakes and miles of trails.  It is also a great place for a photographer.  On this particular morning we arrived just after sunrise and I was delighted to see a heavy misty fog floating just above the water.  The wind was calm so the waters were still and it was great for reflections of the fall colors.

In the photo above I used the lone tree for a focal point with just the tips of the trees basked in the early morning sun.
fog above the water surrounded by trees photo by mbgphoto
At the second lake we stopped at there was an aluminum boat tied on the shore but the early morning sun was giving it a golden glow.  I crouched down low on the shoreline so I could capture the colorful brush in the foreground and the boat and reflection behind it.
misty fog above lake surrounded by trees and grass photo by mbgphoto
The next lake had a marshy area with lots of grasses.  I again got down low and photographed this area with the misty lake behind it.

Creative Processing

When I got back home I loaded my photos into the computer and tried some creative presets on the photos using my Lightroom program.  I like the way the lone tree looked in this black and white preset.
black and white misty fog above the water photo by mbgphoto

Zazzle Cards and Products

Stop by my Zazzle store to see some of my photgraphs on different cards and products.
Fog on the Lake
Fog on the Lake by mbgphoto
Create card designs on Zazzle

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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