Showing posts with label Product Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Reviews. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2024

A Review of Hawaiian Kona Coffee

 Hawaiian Kona Coffee ~ the best coffee I ever tasted!

Kona Coffee Coffee Plantation in Hawaii

History of Kona Coffee

Coffee Plantation in Hawaii
Coffee Plantation
Pixabay Image

Coffee was not an original crop in Hawaii.  It was brought to the islands in 1828 from Brazil and planted in the Hilo area. Later, some of those coffee tree seedlings were planted on the westward volcanic slopes of the Kona region of the Big Island of Hawaii. Thus, the name Kona Coffee.

The coffee grown in Kona, Hawaii ~ today considered it's own variety called Kona Typica ~ is probably the most expensive coffee you can buy. And it is well worth it. The taste is outstanding and has become my absolute favorite. The climate in Hawaii's Kona region combined with the mineral-rich volcanic soils of Mauna Loa's steep slopes, gives exceptional conditions for growing some of the world's best coffee.

I was first introduced to Kona Coffee on a visit the Hubs & I made to Hawaii in 1989. We went to visit former California neighbors who had moved to Oahu. During our 10-day visit, we daily went to a nearby coffee house and it was there I had my first (of many, many hundreds since) cup of Kona Coffee. 

Personal Coffee Story

Coffee Cup and coffee beans
Image Source: Pixabay

When I was leaving for collage, I told my dad (a big coffee drinker) I planned to learn to drink coffee once I got to school. To me, it was a very 'grown-up' thing to do.  Dad told me I should learn to drink it black because there would be times in life when cream and/or sugar might not be handy. (I believe his thinking went back to his remembered years of World War II when things such as sugar were severely rationed). Nonetheless, his advice made sense to me.

My first dinner in the freshman dorm I ordered coffee, black. It was terrible! The next night I tried it with sugar (nope), then with cream, then with cream & sugar. I didn't like coffee in any form! But, I persevered, realizing that coffee is an acquired taste. 

Today, coffee is a absolute necessity to me first thing in the morning!  And I always drink it black. :) 


Since 100% Hawaiian Kona Coffee is so expensive (due to labor costs, limited supply, high demand and transportation costs), it is a treat obtained only occasionally. (Unless, of course, if you live in Hawaii). But the exceptional taste and quality are too good to pass up. Therefore, I have discovered a tasty compromise of the 10% Kona Coffee Blend for my daily intake of cups of Kona coffee. 

My latest 'treat' was given to me this past Christmas by my kids – probably the most expensive 100% Kona Coffee of all – the Royal Kona Coffee for Royalty. It is a private reserve medium roast whose unique flavor and aroma caused it to become the favorite coffee of the Hawaiian Royals. (This non-Royal grandma is enjoying it very much!). 

Bag of Kona coffee with coffee pot
Image by Wednesday Elf
Other brands of 100% Kona Coffee are less expensive and 10% Kona Blend coffee is very affordable. 

So, if you are a coffee connoisseur (or just enjoy a good cup of coffee), try either the 100% Kona Coffee or the 10% Kona Blend Coffee for a delicious cup of coffee! 

Quick Links:

*Kona Coffee Review written by Wednesday Elf


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Review of Smart Bird Feeder Camera

Sparrow sitting on Camera Bird FeederFor Christmas this year, I received a Smart Bird Feeder Camera.  This feeder has provided my husband and I with hours of fun, watching birds up close.  Every time a bird lands on this feeder the camera takes a ten second video and then sends it to my phone. 

Features of the Smart Bird Feeder Camera

  • HD Image Quality
  • Two-way Audio
  • Waterproof and Dustproof
  • Infrared Night Vision
  • 145 degree Wide Angle View
  • Ai Bird Recognition
  • WiFi
  • Cloud Storage

Features I Particularly Enjoy

One of the features I really enjoy is the ability to share my photos with family and friends.  When the camera sends the video to my phone, I then have the ability to share that photo with family and friends.  There are numerous ways to share the video but two of the ways I use most often are by posting the video on my Facebook page or for a smaller audience I can message or email the video to the person of my choosing. The video below is one that I emailed to myself and then downloaded it on my computer.  It shows the camera captured a Tufted titmouse.  These little birds are quite quick, and I am not often able to capture them on camera, so I was really excited to see them on the feeder camera.  You will also notice at the end of the video a little chickadee approach.

Here is a photo that I was able to take of the Tufted titmouse sitting on the feeder.  I had a camera set up inside my house to take this photo, but it gives you another view of the bird feeder.
Camera Bird Feeder
Another great feature of the camera is that the bird feeder has solar panels on the top so there is no need to plug it in or continually recharge batteries.  I have now had it for a month, and it is running great.

Easy Set Up

I found the bird feeder camera easy to set up.  It came with easy-to-follow instructions and after unpacking everything from the box and making sure I had everything, I proceeded to download and install the Vicohome Ap on my phone.   Next, I followed the instructions to sync the camera with my WiFi.  I then had to determine where to place the camera to receive good connections and my deck post worked great so that is where the bird feeder is hanging.  In less than 30 minutes that feeder was ready to photograph the first bird.

Birds Find Feeder

It did take a couple of days for the birds to find the feeder but once they did, they kept coming.  I am surprised by the wide variety of birds that have found the feeder, so far, I have had the following birds posing for the camera.
  • Eurasian Tree Sparrow
  • House Finch
  • Tufted titmouse
  • Chickadee
  • Northern Bluebird
  • Carolina Wren

Bird Feeder Camera's on Amazon

Amazon has several varieties of feeder cameras for sale.  Here are a couple that are similar to mine.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Reviewing Benefits and Considerations Of Heated Throws

Heated Throws

We absolutely love our heated throws and in cold weather we would not be with out them. I was not initially sure if it was worth it to buy a heated blanket or throw but I have to say that there is no way I would be without one now. 

 A heated blanket or throw is a blanket with wires inside to heat it up. You plug it into  a mains electrical socket and use it as a blanket cover over your body. 

You must not lie on top of it and must not put it under your mattress, other blankets or duvet.  It is only for use over the top of your body. It is excellent at providing warmth and comfort during cold weather. 

 However there are a number of considerations to bear in mind before purchasing a heated blanket.

 The Benefits of a Heated Throw Or Blanket.

 Saving energy Costs. We have found that we can keep the heating either off for longer or lower the temperature on the thermostat by using our heated throws. Energy costs are so high that this is an effective way to help reduce the cost of heating the home and heat ourselves instead. Heated throws do heat up much faster and give out much more warmth than a normal blanket. We also find that the room itself is a little warmer when we have been using our heated blankets. 

 Improving mood. In the winter months when it is invariably cold, dark and with long nights our mood can suffer. A heated throw encourages relaxation and a feeling of cosiness and comfort which is always lovely. On a practical level it can also lower the amount of energy we need to keep us warm and this in turn can help reduce stress and anxiety. If you are cold you are unlikely to feel very happy!

 Pain relief. A heated blanket can help if you have minor aches and pains as the gentle warmth can ease muscle tension. It is also lovely if you are feeling ill with flu or other viruses and keeps you cosy warm. However, it is always best to check with your doctor if it is safe if you have any prior health conditions and best not to use if you are pregnant.

 Sleep. We sometimes use our heated blanket over the bed at night to provide additional warmth. While we don't keep it on all night, just for a little while on the timer,  it can help us drift off to sleep. If it gets very cold during the night and wakes us up, one of us can just switch it on again on the timer for an hour to warm us up. It is also very useful if one of us is warm enough or too hot and the other is cold. That way the cold person can have the heated blanket on just their side. Only use a heated throw in this way if it has an automatic shut off feature. 

 General warmth. I love gardening and walking that does not stop for me in winter, but I am often really cold by the time I come in. Sometimes I feel really cold and need to warm up and now I can just throw my heated blanket over me and it gently warms me up. Previously I would have needed a warm bath to get my core body temperature right again.

In the event of heating breakdown.
While everyone hopes this will never happen, if it does it is bound to be in the depths of winter! If you have central heating and the boiler or other mechanism breaks down you have lost your heating. However hopefully you will still have electricity and so can still keep warm if you have heated blankets.

Faux Fur Heated Throw

Important Considerations Of Heated Throws 

Heated throws and blankets can also have some considerations it is important to be aware of.

A poor quality heated blanket can pose a fire hazard if it is left on for too long, damaged, or used improperly. A poor quality one can also overheat. So it is very important to buy a good quality heated throw and carefully follow the safety and washing instructions. It is also vital to periodically check it for any signs of damage and do not use it if it is damaged in any way.

I would strongly advise to buy one with a timer and an auto-off feature so that there is peace of mind that if you forget to switch it off, it will switch off and cool down automatically and safely. 

I would advise buying a heated throw that can be washed in a washing machine. Otherwise it is very difficult to keep it clean and hygienic. It should have a detachable lead so you just wash the blanket, clearly never with the lead and plug itself attached. If you buy one that is not washable it would be best to cover it with a washable cover. 

 Some people with certain serious health issues may be advised against using one, so do check with your doctor. Anyone pregnant should consult with a doctor before use as well. It is not suitable to use one with a small baby or anyone who is unable to say if they are getting too hot, or if someone cannot regulate their temperature very well. 

So if you have any serious health issues, pregnant or older check with a doctor and do not use with a baby or small child.

 Points To Consider When Buying Heated Throws

 Price point : Heated throws can vary in price from relatively inexpensive to a very high price. This tends to depend on several factors such as the quality and luxury of the materials used, the range and quality of features, and its size. There is an initial outlay but we feel we have saved more money on heating, so in the end they have paid for themselves.  A less expensive blanket may serve your needs but do also bear in mind how long it might last and what safety features it has compared to a higher quality one. 

 Features: A heated blanket can have various features, such as a controller, a timer, an auto-off function and a temperature setting. We love the auto timer which means we just set it for an hour or 3 hours or 9 hours and do not have to think about it. Also it is very handy if you forget its on there is no worry about overheating as it just switches itself off safely. We also love the temperature control which can be from very low to really warm.
I would advise to buy one that is washable with a detachable lead and and control.

Heated Throw controls

 Safety Features Whatever price point you buy at, I would advise to make sure it includes important safety features, like a timer, heat control and most important auto switch off. 

Material: A heated blanket can also be made from different materials, and it is really down to personal preference what you would like. I would advise easy care and something that you like that goes with your living room, office or bedroom colour scheme. We have one that is heavier and thicker with a Faux fur furry feel and one that is much lighter with a soft sherpa feel. 

The Size: A heated blanket can come in a variety of sizes. We chose two single throw sized ones so that there are not unwieldly to use on the sofa but still big enough to place across the bed. However you  may prefer a larger one to cover a bigger area.

Blue sherpa heated throw

 I think a heated throw like this Sunbeam  Royal Luxe Heated Throw is an essential for winter, especially if you are wanting to save heating costs and still feel nice and warm and cosy. 

 I believe a heated throw is a lovely gift for many occasions and one like this Sealy Faux Fur Heated Throw would be lovely perhaps for a winter birthday, a housewarming or wedding present and these heated throws and blankets are always suitable for a Christmas gift.

We feel that our two heated blankets are one of our best purchases for the colder weather. They have saved us money on heating bills, look lovely in our living room and bedroom. They have been fantastic when I am working and sitting still for periods of time to keep me warm or when we are watching a film at night and do not want the heating on. We have had them for two years now with no issues and we would not be without them. 

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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Recommended Throw Blankets with Inspirational Messages

Recommended Throw Blankets with Inspirational Messages

One of my favorite gifts to give revolves around the warmth of throw blankets paired with uplifting messages. 

I'm particularly drawn to throw blankets that convey beautiful sentiments explicitly tailored to the recipient. In my quest for such heartfelt gifts, I stumbled upon ButterTree, an Amazon-based business that has become my go-to for inspirational throw blankets.

A Personal Touch with ButterTree's Inspirational Blankets

Recently, I purchased two inspirational blankets from ButterTree, and the response from my friend was overwhelmingly positive – she absolutely loved it! 

Despite being an Amazon shopper who usually prioritizes products over their providers, ButterTree has left a lasting impression. The prospect of finding another soul-soothing throw blanket would undoubtedly lead me back to their products.

Avoiding International Shipping Fees is Important to Me, As Is a Timely Delivery

When sourcing these blankets, I often encounter the challenges of high costs or international shipping with potential duties and import fees. However, ButterTree blankets eliminate these concerns. 

Living in Canada, the swift delivery – often within one or two days, especially in cities – is a significant plus. The affordability of their blankets, particularly in the Canadian market, pleasantly surprised me. Even more so for our friends in the USA, who enjoy even better prices.

A Unique Gift That Lasts

What sets these blankets apart is their ability to transform a simple gift into a meaningful, personal gesture. 

Whenever I'm seeking a special touch for a present, these inspirational throw blankets from ButterTree consistently deliver. They offer a lasting gift that envelops the recipient in words of kindness, inspiration, and love. 

They have become a staple in my gift-giving repertoire, adding a touch of magic to every occasion.

In my eyes, these blankets from ButterTree unquestionably earn a five-star rating ★★★★★. 

You can view the inspirational message blankets by ButterTree here on Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Barbie Board Games: A Discussion and List

Here's a collection and a list of new, used and vintage Barbie board games complete with a list.
Anyone who loves Barbie and board games might find themselves wondering, as I did, what Barbie-themed board games are available. A simple search revealed the short list of Barbie-themed games that I review here on this page. However, the more I looked the more games I found and so you will also find on this page a longer list of games at the bottom of this page. This list may help you if you are seeking a particular game from a specific time period. Most of the games on this page (including on the list) are vintage but there are a couple of new games that were released along with the hit Barbie movie in 2023.


First up is the game with a blue cover shown above called simply, The Barbie Game. It was released by Mattel in 1960 and could well be the first game ever made. Beware that there are two versions of Queen of the Prom as it was re-released in 1994. Both are vintage games but have a decidedly different appearance.

The description of the game on the box of the newer version reads, “You are Barbie. Win if you are the first crowned Queen of the Prom. To win you must have a steady boyfriend, a prom dress and be elected president of a school club. Midge, Skipper and Ken share the fun.”

What fun it is to see the original game in this 1960s television commercial:


This vintage 1980 game was released by Whitman. The description on the back of the box reads, “Travel with Barbie by car and plane on her tour and visit movie studios, grand openings, charity telethons and more. If you are first to appear three times and then reach the awards presentation, you win.” It evokes all of the excitement of a glamorous life in the 1980s. 


The Barbie Dream Date game was released by Golden in 1992. In this game, “…girls play the Dream Date Game with Barbie and Ken! Ken picks out beautiful gifts for Barbie and might take her horseback riding, snow skiing or maybe even to a ball! Players collect gifts for Barbie, moving around the board and taking photos of their dates. At midnight, the individual with the most gift and date cards wins!” The cover definitely reminds me of the 1990s.


Another Golden release, this game was created in 1993. In this one you “play with a Barbie doll trying to be the first player to collect all of Barbie’s fashion accessories without getting a broken heart.” This game would be especially fun for anyone who loves fashion.


Monopoly has released hundreds or more likely thousands of board games on every theme you can possibly think of. Monopolyland says estimates range between 300 and 7,000 games and that the largest known collection of Monopoly games claims to have 3,500 games. Anyway, when I looked, I could find two Barbie versions. 

This is the official Barbie Monopoly board game that was released in conjunction with the 2023 movie, Barbie.

The first version was the Barbie Boutique Edition from 2007, which was packed in a pretty pink box. Finding a description of it proved difficult though pictures show that it was beautifully presented in a jewelry-style box.

The second version was official movie merchandise that was released in tandem with the movie Barbie. It is widely available and the box reads, “You can be anything with Barbie…Follow your dreams around the board. Buy famous streets, build DreamHouses and draw Dream Closet and Dream Career cards for extra twists. Flex your unique skills, dream a bit, own it all and be anything!” I expect a lot of people received this version of the game for Christmas in 2023. If you are interested, you can find Barbie Monopoly on Amazon by clicking here.


As I was reading about the games mentioned above, I kept discovering more new, used and vintage Barbie-themed games. I guess that is not really surprising given the length of time that Barbie has been around. The gaps in years tells me that this list is not likely complete but here’s my list, not definitive, but definitely long, arranged in chronological order: 

Queen of the Prom Game (1960)
Keys to Fame Game (1963)
Skipper: Barbie's Little Sister (1964)
The Barbie World of Fashion game (1967)
Miss Lively Livin’ (1970)
Take a Personal Appearance Tour with Barbie. (1980)
Charms the World (1985)
Barbie Meets Ken in the Game of Their Dreams! (1987)
Just Us Girls (1989)
Shopping Spree Card Game (1991)
We Girls Can Do Anything (1991)
Dream Date (1992)
Fun Fashions Memory Game (1992)
Butterfly Princess (1995)
Dress Up Game (1995)
Sparkle Kingdom Game (1996)
Go Shopping! (1999)
Enchanted 3-D Game (2001)
Barbie Says (2002)
UNO: Barbie (2002)
Barbie of Swan Lake (2003)
Rapunzel (2003)
The Nutcracker Playset Game (2003)
UNO: Barbie California Girl (2004)
The Princess and the Pauper Game (2004)
Guess the Look! (2004)
Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (2006)
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus (2005)
World of Models (2008)
Race to the Party Game (2010)
Shopping Day (2011)
Charmed Travels (2011)
Fashion City (2011)
Gems! (2012)
Bring The Bling Game (2012)
Shop with Barbie (2013)
UNO: Barbie The Movie (2023)
Monopoly: Barbie Movie (2023)


If you are searching for any of these games, new, used or vintage, I suggest following this link to eBay's collection of new, used and vintage Barbie board games. There you will find many of these games in assorted condition. New games that are out of production will likely cost more. However, if you shop carefully, you can likely find a used game that is in good condition. 

Have I missed a Barbie game that you used to play?

See you
At the toy store!
Treasures By Brenda


For Barbie enthusiasts who love to build, there's a collection of fun Mega Bloks sets.

Barbie in my eBay Store
Discover what's in store! 

My Barbie Doll Memories 
I was a child when Barbie was released. Discover a few of my earliest Barbie memories.

Uncover my pick of the best Barbie movie gift idea.

Discover the movie fashioned after Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds movie!

Barbie games

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Best Sugar-Free Hot Cocoa Bombs — An Outstanding Low-Carb Treat

We're in the thick of winter snowstorms here in New England. Since I have a bad back, my husband does the snow shoveling. I always greet him upon his return with a steaming cup of hot cocoa to warm him up and show my appreciation.

Since we both stopped eating sugar a few years ago (and feel so much better as a result), now I make sugar-free hot chocolate. If it's the weekend, I usually prepare my Ultimate Keto Hot Chocolate recipe, which is rich and decadent and has pretty much spoiled commercial hot cocoa mixes for us, but takes a bit more time and effort than using an instant hot cocoa mix.

However, when sugar-free ChocZero Hot Cocoa Bombs launched a few months ago, I was anxious to try them. Fortunately, they did not disappoint!

Now, if I want to make delicious hot cocoa with mini marshmallows quickly and easily, I just heat some almond or macadamia milk, drop in a ChocZero hot cocoa bomb, and stir until dissolved. Here's my product review of this outstanding low-carb treat.

ChocZero Sugar-Free Hot Cocoa Bombs
Image created using Canva generative AI

I have talked about ChocZero sugar-free chocolate and other sweet treats sweetened with natural monk fruit here on Review This Reviews, including ChocZero's mini marshmallows in my High-Protein, Sugar-Free Rocky Road Cottage Cheese Ice Cream recipe (still one of my favorites!); their regular sugar-free marshmallows in my Healthy Pistachio Cherry Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cereal Treats recipe; my review of the best sugar-free chocolate hazelnut spreads; ChocZero's fabulous truffles, chocolate keto bark, butter cookies, chewy caramels, jams, cookie spread, honey, and Rhea chocolate peanut nougat candy bars in my review of An Awesome Low Carb Gourmet Gift Basket Everyone Will Love; ChocZero's coffee syrups in my Refreshing Vanilla Italian Soda recipe; their sugar-free strawberry jam in my Low Carb Keto Shortcake Cupcakes recipe; and more.

So, even though I have been somewhat disappointed in the low-carb, sugar-free hot cocoa mixes I have tried, I knew ChocZero's sugar-free hot cocoa bombs would be worth a try.

What I Love About ChocZero Hot Cocoa Bombs

Awesome Packaging

The first thing you notice when you receive your order of ChocZero Hot Cocoa Bombs is the fabulous packaging.

The clear plastic box is printed with the ChocZero brand, product name, product image, and other pertinent information.

Because the outer box is clear, you can see through to the inside, where each hot cocoa bomb is snugly wrapped in festive bright gold foil that makes it look extra special.

There are four hot cocoa bombs per box. Inside the outer box, there is a protective molded plastic shell with four spherical depressions that cradle the foil-wrapped chocolate spheres and prevent them from being broken or otherwise harmed during transit.

The first two boxes I ordered were a gift for my husband since he loves hot chocolate so much.


ChocZero Hot Cocoa Bombs in packaging

My husband and I really love my Ultimate Keto Hot Chocolate recipe and if I have all the ingredients on hand, it's a special treat.

However, the ChocZero Hot Cocoa Bombs are the first low-carb, sugar-free hot cocoa "mix" we've tried that we really enjoy.

They are also quicker and easier to prepare than my from-scratch recipe when we're looking for instant gratification.

And unwrapping each gold foil-wrapped ball really does add something special to the experience of making hot cocoa!

Rich Chocolate Taste and Luscious Mouthfeel

Like my ultimate keto hot chocolate recipe, the ChocZero Hot Cocoa Bombs include both cocoa powder and chocolate.

The chocolate shell creates a richer chocolate taste and a more luscious mouthfeel than the hot cocoa mix inside alone.

The chocolate shell also contains not only the sugar-free hot cocoa mix but also sugar-free mini marshmallows, which my husband and I both love in our hot cocoa.

Unlike most sugar-free hot cocoa mixes we've tried, we don't need to add anything to make this taste better, although we often enjoy adding a splash of one of ChocZero's flavoring syrups.

Sugar-free cocoa with mini marshmallows

How I Use ChocZero Sugar-Free Hot Cocoa Bombs

We start by unwrapping each hot cocoa bomb and placing it in a large mug.

Next, we heat the milk. Although you can use any kind of milk you prefer, we prefer to use either unsweetened vanilla almond milk or unsweetened vanilla macadamia milk to make our hot cocoa, since they are lower in natural sugar and carbs than dairy milk. We sometimes add a splash of heavy cream for added richness.

It's important to heat the milk very hot before pouring it over the hot cocoa bomb, and it takes a bit of stirring to completely melt the outer milk chocolate shell and dissolve the cocoa mix.

My husband and I love the flavor combination of chocolate and peppermint, so we usually add a splash of the awesome ChocZero Sugar-Free Peppermint Syrup into our prepared hot cocoa.

We also enjoy our cocoa with a splash of other ChocZero flavoring syrups, especially caramel or hazelnut. They're fabulous and don't have the unpleasant aftertaste or questionable sweeteners used in other brands of sugar-free syrups.

This flavored hot cocoa makes such a satisfying, sweet, low-carb treat that we often enjoy it for dessert.

What's Next?

I noticed the packaging includes the descriptor "Milk," so I'm hoping that ChocZero will be adding dark chocolate hot cocoa bombs in the future. 

One of the things I love about this brand is that they are always improving their products and adding new ones based on customer feedback. 

So, ChocZero, if you're reading this, I hope you'll consider making dark chocolate hot cocoa bombs next! 💓🍫

The Best Sugar-Free Hot Cocoa Bombs — An Outstanding Low-Carb Treat by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

A Review of Christmas Decoration Organizers


Christmas decoration organizers

Last week I knew it was time to take down the Christmas tree and put away the holiday decorations.  This is a task I do not look forward to, for many reasons.  It's kind of depressing, this time of year, the end of the holidays with nothing to look forward to but gray dreary days and freezing cold weather for months to come.  

As I have gotten older, this task it kind of like a game of hide and seek.  I take all the holiday wall decorations off the walls, and then it is time to try to remember where I put the regular decor when I took it down to put up the Christmas stuff!  I start thinking.....did I put that in hubby's office?  In the bedroom, under the bed?  No, I put that in the front coat closet, and when I look, it's not there. It's so frustrating!

The main reason I dislike taking down Christmas decorations is the mess of boxes, bags, and totes that I have to sort through to find the right place to put everything.  Old dusty cardboard boxes, cracked plastic totes with ill fitting lids, ripped paper bags and garbage bags.  Just looking at that jumble of awful looking containers was enough to make me want to just leave the decorations up!  

That is when I decided that I was going to organize my decorations!  I started looking through my boxes and realized I had probably never thrown away any decorations or ornaments since I moved into my first house in 1993!  All the changes of decor over the, Victorian, contemporary, and now Americana and I never got rid of any decorations, just added new stuff and more boxes.  Wow!  

It was a daunting task, but I was determined!  I went through each box, this was the stuff in the boxes that I had not put out this year, or to be honest, for a few to many years.  I put all the items that a never use anymore into a big cardboard box and marked it for charity pick up.  I have to be honest, it was hard.

After that was done, I knew the first thing I was going to need was some new Christmas decoration storage containers.  I didn't really feel like going out, so I got a cup of coffee and sat down at my computer to do some shopping online.  I started with my usual go to, Amazon.  As I started looking, I was surprised at the large price range in organizers.   It was strange because they all looked close to the same.  But being a veteran shopper of Amazon, I knew to stay away from the really inexpensive stuff, because it would probably not last more than a few years.  If I was going to buy storage, I only wanted to buy it once!  So an hour later, I made my selections and placed the order.  It was less expensive that I have first thought.  

This is what I bought:

wrapping paper organizer
When shopping, the first organizer I looked for was for wrapping paper.  I am so tired of keeping my wrap and tools in a garbage bag!  Always digging in the bottom for tape or ribbon.  I found this one and I knew that I had hit gold!  It has a movable divider so you can shape it how you like, and dual zippers, and two large pockets for tags and tissue paper.   It holds up to 27 rolls and has lots of room left for scissors, tape, spools of ribbon and bows.

This is the organizer that I love the most!  Worth every penny!

wreath storage
Next came wreath storage.  I usually keep mine in garbage bags and by the time they make it up stairs the next year they look like they have been run over by a truck.  This round container with two sets of handles is perfect for keeping my wreaths in great condition year to year.  They are big enough to store two wreath or more, but I decided on one for each of my large wreaths so they would not get mashed.  I bought the 36" size, but they also come in 24" and 30".  

They are very inexpensive and so worth it, trust me!

ornament storage boxes

I really loved this container for several reasons.  It is large, so all my ornaments fit in one place.  The sides are sturdy so my valuable items are protected.  The top opens from either side and inside are 8 separate trays, each of which lift out with handles!  I think this will make tree decorating so much easier.  There are even two large pockets on the outside to store other things.  I put Christmas cards in one and ornament hangers and extra tree light bulbs in the other.  It holds up to 128 ornaments. 

All that storage in such a compact box.  I really recommend this container!

plastic storage totes
I use these totes for the rest of the decorations.  I was happy they came in a four pack, as I needed all four of them. I have a lot of wall decor and snow globes and other crafted decorations.  I use one tote for table top stuff, one for very fragile glass things, one for wall decorations and the last one for my Christmas village.  I am happy that these totes are tall, my large stuff fits so I don't have any odds and ends laying around in bags to get misplaced.  But the best thing about them is the latch handle.  It keeps the top on tight!

With these totes you never have to wonder "what is in this box?"

christmas tree storage

Last on my list was a tree storage box.  I am so tired of that frayed, dusty tree box!  I dread seeing it every year, so now I don't ever have to again!  I bought this tree storage box because I liked the fact it had wheels.  When filled with a tree, it is heavy!  This year my husband loved the ease of moving it when he took it to the basement.  I also like that it has dual zippers and a sturdy handle.  I believe it will last for many years.

So these are the organizers I got after Christmas.  There were so many others I would love to have but I will probably get a few more next year.  I am so happy with my purchases, they all match and they take up very little room in the basement.  No more dreading bringing up the Christmas decorations!  I can hardly wait till next year!

Oh, and one more thing.  The sturdy plastic totes are perfect to put my regular home decor in when I have to remove it to put up the Christmas stuff.  I just put it all in the totes and after Christmas it is all right there, waiting to be put back up.  No more hide and seek!

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