Showing posts with label Movie Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie Reviews. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023

The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango (2023) - Hallmark Mystery Movie

The Dancing Detective - A Deadly Tango Movie ReviewHallmark movies offer light entertainment and a temporary escape from the world of responsibilities and difficulties.  

Hallmark mysteries are cozy mystery movies that provide a who-done-it story without gory or graphic images. Our emotions and senses are rarely dragged through the wringer.  They are not epic sagas that will haunt us for days, but sometimes that is exactly what is needed.  Most often, we are able to step away at the end of a Hallmark movie feeling unburdened and happier.  They can provide a much needed break and balance to our everyday lives.

I recently watched "The Dancing Detective" starring Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp.  It was an unusual Hallmark movie because I couldn't figure out who the killer was before the end.  Hallmark movies have frequently been referred to as cookie-cutter movies.  I would not use that term to describe this Hallmark mystery movie.  

A good mystery with a touch of romance, humor and excellent dancing made this movie a wonderful reprieve from reality.


The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango 

When an American business owner dies unexpectedly in Malta, his brother, Senator Aston, requests that an American undercover detective be sent to Malta to investigate.  It is imperative that they go immediately since Aston's ballroom dance company is currently hosting their annual employee dance competition where all of the suspects are present. 

Even though Detective Constance Bailey is an excellent detective that solves crimes, she doesn't work well with partners and she doesn't dance.  In Malta, she will be required to collaborate with Sergeant Ana Spiteri from Interpol, alongside her new partner: dance partner that is.  Fortunately for Bailey, Sebastian Moore is a dance instructor and former actor, which will be helpful since he will also be playing the part of her husband.  Bailey, aka Sally, is supposedly a newly hired married employee who was invited by Mark Aston to bring her husband, Stuart Miller, to Malta and join the employee dance competition.

It is fun to watch this duo work together, dance together, and solve the murder together.

With the promise that this will be a new Hallmark Mystery series, I look forward to the next episode!

I watched this new Hallmark Mystery Movie on Frndly TV.  It is not yet available on DVD or Amazon, but you can see it on any service that includes the Hallmark channel.

There is currently a placeholder link for the movie on Amazon so you can add it to your watchlist now and watch it when it does become available.

 The Dancing Detective: A Deadly TangoCheck Availability


Check Out More Movie Reviews at

The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango (2023) - Hallmark Mystery Movie by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 29, 2023

Observing Memorial Day 2023 - Movie Review - The Outpost

Memorial Day in the United States is a holiday to honor and mourn U.S Armed Forces personnel who lost their lives during military service. For many, this day represents a three-day weekend, travel, and barbecues. As a young adult I thought of the weekend only as the unofficial beginning of summer. I didn't fully appreciate the somber meaning of this day until my own children were active duty and deployed overseas. Now I spend part of Memorial Day weekend each year learning the names of a few of those for whom this holiday was created. 

Memorial Day Remembering with The Outpost Movie

I read a book or watch a movie that highlights those who lost their lives while serving our country. I have a deep respect for those who choose to serve our country to begin with. Personally, it is important to me to learn the names of at least one persona KIA (killed in action) and to keep their memory alive.

The Outpost

Today I watched The Outpost. It is a war film released in 2020 and directed by Rod Lurie. It is based on the book, The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by Jake Tapper.

The story is about an American military base in Afghanistan in 2009. The base is set in a valley fully surround by mountains. Not distant mountains but mountains towering over the base. Even a civilian like me knows that this isn't a safe position to be in when dealing with the Taliban during that time of conflict. But American troops are sent there because of the proximity to Pakistan and some of the supply routes coming out of that country and into Afghanistan. 

It is heart-breaking when this vulnerable outpost is attacked and the Battle of Kamdesh results in many deaths. This battle is historic for many reasons. I am not sure of any way that I can tell more about the storyline without giving spoilers. So I won't. I will say that, as an army mom, it gave me an idea of what our deployed family members went through with limited contact with home, deciding what to say and what not to say when that contact is made, and their "austere" living conditions. We know that our Armed Forces members are sent into harm's way. But sometimes it appears that some of the risk is preventable. 

This is a difficult story. But I believe it is an important one. When searching for recommended "Memorial Day movies" I found it listed on a military site. For that reason, I thought that the movie must be viewed as important or realistic - or both. I hadn't heard of this movie or seen advertising for it otherwise. 

This will be one of the movies I watch more than once. A movie I will probably add to my annual Memorial Day tradition.

Additional Links:

In 2019 I read Dog Company You: A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned by Their High Command. You can see the original post here.

In 2018 I learned about the Bataan Death March in the 1940s and about a special reconnaissance mission was occurring in Afghanistan in 2005 (Lone Survivor). You can see my original post for that year here

In 2017 I read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn by Karen Vaughn. You can see the original post here.

I don't believe I have ever reviewed the movie Saving Private Ryan. I do not have the words to adequately describe that powerful movie. I do watch it every year during Memorial Weekend. If you have never seen it, I highly recommend it. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 5, 2023

My Secret Valentine Hallmark Movie Review

My Secret Valentine Hallmark Movie
We can always rely on Hallmark for a wonderfully romantic Valentine's Day movie!

I recently stumbled across My Secret Valentine on a new streaming network (Frndly TV) I am trying out.  This Hallmark movie is available through several services, including, but I like being able to stream a movie for free on a network where I already have a subscription.

My Secret Valentine is a movie you could watch anytime.  The story just happens to take place during the month of February when the Grange Family Vineyard & Winery is hosting their annual, week-long, Valentine's Day Wine Festival. 

This movie originally aired on Hallmark in 2018, but I just discovered it this "Loveuary" on FrndlyTV.


My Secret Valentine Hallmark Movie Synopsis

Seth Anderson (Andrew Walker) is an employee for Stratosphere boxed wine company, which wants to buy the Grange Winery.  Chloe Grange (Lacey Chabert) does not want to see her family's business sold, but she understands her father's need to retire.  Chloe has her own life in Portland, Oregon and her job is about to take a whole new turn toward a much-desired partnership.

 My Secret ValentineCheck PriceThe Grange family also owns a lovely cabin that has not been used in years.  The manager of Grange Winery is overseeing the repairs to the cabin and has placed it with a rental agency.  It is immediately snatched up and rented.  

When Chloe stops by the cabin to check the condition, she impulsively decides to leave a message on the cabin chalkboard.  She doesn't expect an answer, but a fun reply is exactly what she gets.  He signs the note as "Handyman" and she signs her next response as "In Need of Repairs", referring to the cabin's needs for more repairs.

Chloe has to do a lot of sole-searching during her visit home, trying to decide what she really wants now that she is faced with the sale of her family business.  She is adamantly opposed to selling to a "boxed wine" company and constantly finds herself at odds with the representative from Stratosphere.  Her only moments of levity are as a result of her unknown correspondent staying in the cabin, exchanging notes with her on the cabin chalkboard.

In the meantime, Seth is working hard to prove that he really does care about the Grange winery and that Stratosphere is the right company to buy them out. 

If you are already familiar with the actors in this movie, the dvd cover has most likely given away a good bit of the story, but it is still a fun watch!  

 My Secret ValentineCheck Price

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

My Secret Valentine Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 9, 2023

Hallmark Wedding Veil Returns: Three Wedding Veil Sequels Reviewed

It is true! Hallmark Wedding Veil Trilogy fans are rejoicing and waiting in anticipation of the 2023 sequels to the very popular Hallmark Wedding Veil trilogy of 2022. The trilogy of movies were in the top of popularity for Hallmark in 2022.

wedding veil

Lacey Chabert announces the Hallmark premiere with her Hallmark fan Jimmy Fallon.

When and Who Stars in The Wedding Veil Sequels

The great news is the cast of the original Hallmark trilogy is returning for the 2023 movies aka as the sequel trilogy of the Wedding Veil. Lacey Chabert, Alison Sweeney and Autumn Reeser will all reprise their roles. Each will be the star of one movie with the support of the other two actresses.

January Debut

Get ready for a fun lineup of Wedding Veil sequels in January 2023. No worries if you have missed any of the movies at the debut date as Hallmark will rerun the movies throughout the month. 

Saturday, January 7th  begins with the first sequel as Lacey Chabert and Kevin McGarry return in The Wedding Veil Expectations. The teaser certainly hints to the key word of Expectations ...

Saturday, January 14th brings the next sequel with Autumn Reeser and Paolo Bernardini in The Wedding Veil Inspiration as they use their inspiration to 'do good'. 

Saturday, January 21st debut The Wedding Veil Journey with Alison Sweeney and Victor Webster as the journey includes retrospection and future choices while stranded on an island.

Wedding Veil Binge Opportunity

Mark your calendar for January 21st for a Wedding Veil viewathon. All six movies will be shown in succession ending with The Wedding Veil Journey. 

The Wedding Veil series with its' A team of Hallmark stars and solid writing is a 2023 fans can look forward to! And it can be Christmas anytime of the year with the replay of Hallmark Christmas movies ...

Hallmark Christmas Movie Reviews

More Hallmark Movie Reviews

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2022 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, December 23, 2022

A December Bride Hallmark Movie Review

A December Bride

Daniel Lissing, once again, charms his way into our hearts in the movie, A December Bride.  This Hallmark movie is sure to be a favorite on the list of many Hallmark romance fans. 

Jessica Lowndes, another beloved Hallmark actor, joins Lissing to create a love story just in time for a December wedding.  The movie takes a difficult situation and turns it into a fun, romantic and even humorous story.

This movie was released in 2016, but I only recently discovered it. Turns out, it is one of my own favorite Christmas movies for this year.

A December Bride (2016) Hallmark Movie

Layla O'Reilly is right on track, following in her mother's footsteps, to be a December bride.  It has been her life-long plan to have her own wedding in the month of December, just like her parents.  However, her plans are shattered when a casual friend, Seth Murphy, introduces Layla's fiance, Jack, to Layla's cousin, Jessica.  

 A December Bride
Available on Prime Video or DVD
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It is pretty obvious that it is love at first sight for Jack and Jessica.  Not only does Layla lose her fiance, but she loses her opportunity for an upcoming December wedding.  Now, she must decide if she is going to attend her ex-fiance's and her cousin's wedding.  Of course, this wedding is important to her family, just as her wedding would have been.  She is hesitant to accept the invitation, but decides she really should make peace and go, but she does not want to go alone.

When she sees her neighbor, Cooper in the hall, she decides to ask him to attend the wedding with her.  He initially agrees, but when he ends up with the flu, he is unable to attend.  Desperate to find a "date" for the wedding, she asks Seth to go with her.  After all, they are both attending the wedding.

Things are made even more "interesting" when Seth tells everyone at the wedding that he and Layla are engaged.  He meant to make Layla feel more at ease around Jack and Jessica, but that created more uncomfortable situations, and humor for the those of us watching.

Seth also gets roped into adding his home to the Holiday of Homes charity project by his bosses wife.  Since Layla is an interior decorator, it seems logical to ask her to decorate his home for the tour. Plus, Layla would love to land a job staging homes for a big realty company and Seth is friends with the owner of Malcolm Realty.  That means spending a lot of time together over the next 3 weeks.

One thing all Hallmark fans know, it doesn't take long for romance to develop. Much less than 3 weeks! In fact, in less than 2 hours, these two actors can create the perfect love story.  

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

A December Bride Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris: A Wonderful, Delightful, Inspiring Movie

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is an absolute gem of a movie. I discovered it while perusing American Airlines' in-flight entertainment selections during a recent flight home from California. This comedy/drama was released earlier this year and received enthusiastic positive reviews from film critics and audiences alike. However, likely because it wasn't promoted heavily or well, it had only a short run in theaters and I hadn't heard about it before. (Such a shame to stint on the marketing for such a terrific picture!) It deserves a much wider audience.

I am delighted to share my review of this wonderful, delightful, inspiring movie, which is available to purchase or rent via DVD or streaming media.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris Movie Review

Based on the First of Paul Gallico's Bestselling 1958 Novel Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris

Paul Gallico started his career in the 1920s as a sportswriter, sports columnist, and sports editor of the New York Daily News. After switching to writing fiction in the late 1930s, the prolific author wrote 41 books, numerous short stories, 20 theatrical movies and 12 TV movies and had a TV series based on his Hiram Holliday short stories. Two of Gallico's most famous works were the short story The Snow Goose (1941) and the novel The Poseidon Adventure (1969), which was also adapted for the big screen.(Source)

Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris (1958) was the first of Gallico's four novels about the adventures of Mrs. Ada Harris, a war widow and hard-working charwoman for London aristocrats. Mrs. Harris's adventures continue in the subsequent books in the series, Mrs. 'Arris Goes to New York (1960), Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Parliament (1965), and Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Moscow (1974).

Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris has been adapted multiple times for stage and screen:

  • A 1958 American TV episode for the television series Studio One starring British comedian Gracie Fields.
  • A 1982 West German TV film, Ein Kleid von Dior (A Dress by Dior) starring Inge Meysel.
  • A 1992 television movie starring Angela Lansbury, Diana Rigg and Omar Sharif (produced by Lansbury's production company and directed by her son, Anthony Shaw).
  • A 2016 musical-theatre adaptation, Flowers for Mrs Harris (the Gallico novel's UK title) produced by Sheffield Theatres in May 2016, with a new production mounted in 2018 at Chichester Festival Theatre, which was streamed online in April 2020.
  • The 2022 feature film adaptation I am reviewing, Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (note the tweak to the title).

A Fabulous Cast of Characters

Here are the main characters of this charming movie set in the mid-1950s:

  • Ada Harris (Lesley Manville), a charwoman in London who cleans up the messes of her well-heeled, arrogant clients. She learns that her beloved husband, Eddie, a soldier who had been missing for seven years, was killed in action. 
  • Violet Butterfield (Ellen Thomas), Ada's best friend, who also works "in service." Vi encourages the grieving war widow to try to enjoy herself and get on with her life now that she finally knows Eddie's fate, taking her out to a dance club in the evening and to greyhound races on their day off.
  • Archie (Jason Isaacs), another friend and bookie who takes their bets at the races. Although he fancies Ada, she thinks it's too late for her to love again and makes it clear their relationship is strictly platonic.
  • Giles Newcombe (Christian McKay), a womanizing bachelor and house cleaning client.
  • Pamela Penrose (Rose Williams), another of Ada's clients, is a beautiful but spoiled, scatterbrained, pouty and self-centered actress who is also a slob, tossing and leaving her clothes and accessories all over the floor for Ada to pick up and put away.
  • Lady Dant (Anna Chancellor), another client who spends lavishly on parties and clothes (including a one-of-a-kind, beaded and sequined Christian Dior dress that Ada falls in love with at first sight), yet repeatedly deflects Ada's requests to be paid her long-overdue wages.
  • Christian Dior (Philippe Bertin), the world-famous haute couture fashion designer whose first collection under his own label in 1947 was dubbed "The New Look" by the editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar.
  • Claudine Colbert (Isabelle Huppert) is the directrice of the house of Dior and guardian of its refined, elegant, exclusive image. She is offended and supercilious when an English charwoman invades the hallowed halls of Dior, mistakes Madame Colbert for a shopgirl and naïvely assumes she can purchase one of the master's iconic, one-of-a-kind haute couture creations just because she has brought enough money to Paris with her to pay with cash.
  • Marquis de Chassagne (Lambert Wilson), a wealthy, aristocratic widower whose late wife used to enjoy attending the exclusive Dior couture shows. He continues to attend in her honor and, when Ada is rebuffed by Madame Colbert, the marquis invites her to attend as his guest. He subsequently buys her roses and invites her over for tea.  
  • Natasha (Alba Baptista), Dior's top model with an Audrey Hepburn-eque, waif-like beauty. She would rather be at home curled up on a couch, wearing a plain black sweater and reading Sartre than parading around as a fashion model. 
  • André Fauvel (Lucas Bravo), an accountant at Dior who has ideas about how to save the fashion house from its (fictitious) financial woes that Madame Colbert refuses to discuss with Monsieur Dior. André falls in love with Natasha, with whom he shares a superior intellect and love of Sartre, but doesn't pursue a relationship with her, feeling she is "above his touch."
  • Monsieur Carré (Bertrand Poncet), the head of Dior's atelier and a fussy "artiste" who shares Madame Colbert's snobbery and lack of respect for the pedestrian Mrs. Harris.

A Feel-Good Movie

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is a story about how kindness, courage, honesty, hard work, a willigness to dream big and a single-minded commitment to achieving your goals can, indeed, make your dreams come true.

It's a modern fairy tale grounded in some historical fact. Director Anthony Fabian takes some liberties with Gallico's story. In an interview for a July 22, 2022 article in Town & Country magazine, Fabian said, "The key to this story is that it is magic realism, so it has to have an equal dose of magic and reality. If you go too far into magic, you won’t believe it; if you go too far into the realism, it wouldn’t have that uplifting fairy tale quality." 

Check Out the Official Movie Trailer

If you are reading this on a mobile device and the video player doesn't display, you can click on this line to watch the MRS. HARRIS GOES TO PARIS Trailer (2022) on YouTube.

Stream, Rent or Buy This Heartwarming and Inspiring Film

There are multiple options for watching this movie, including:

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris Collector's Edition on Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital

Read or Listen to the First Two Books in Paul Gallico's The Adventures of Mrs. Harris Series

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and Mrs. Harris Goes to New York Kindle edition.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and Mrs. Harris Goes to New York Kindle edition

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris & Mrs. Harris Goes to New York Paperback

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris & Mrs. Harris Goes to New York Paperback

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and Mrs. Harris Goes to New York Audible audiobook (Unabridged) — narrated by one of my favorite narrators, Juliet Stevenson.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and Mrs. Harris Goes to New York Audible audiobook

Makes a Great Gift for Yourself or Someone Else

This wonderful story encourages us to dream big but also keep our priorities straight. I definitely plan to rent or buy the movie so I can watch it again and plan to get the audiobook as well. Both the movie and the book would make a lovely gift for any occasion, as well as a great stocking stuffer.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris: A Wonderful, Delightful, Inspiring Movie — Reviewed by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, December 9, 2022

Movie Review of Gaslight (1944) Starring Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman & Joseph Cotten

Gaslight Movie Review

The term "Gaslight" has become commonly used to describe a form of deceptive and cruel mental manipulation. A vunerable victim won't recognize what the other person is doing to them as they challenge their memory. It is not as simple as having a different perception of an event, or even a different opinion. It is a much more sinister, intentional manipulation of someone's memory or perception causing them to question their own sanity.

I'm not sure if I ever actually watched the movie "Gaslight" in the past, or if I am simply familiar with the movie plot from trailers.  Some of my favorite movies are classics (pre-1950).  When I was much younger, I often stayed up late watching old movies on the original AMC movie channel. I may well have seen the movie back then.

My husband & I recently decided to watch the 1944 version of the movie Gaslight, starring Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman & Joseph Cotten.  I was reminded of how much I loved the old classics where actors really had to carry the entire movie.  There were no special effects or colorful scenes to help captivate an audience.  It was all up to the writers and actors to entertain us.

I had not realized how much I missed the classics, or that fabulous Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer logo lion, until we watched "Gaslight".  We cut the cable cord nearly a decade ago and I no longer pull out our old vhs tapes to watch movies.  

Wow!  It has been so long that it is like rediscovering cinematic brilliance.  I plan to go in search of a new way to watch those old classics again.  If there is no channel available, I'll dust off my old vhs tapes and hope my player still works, but for now, I want to tell you about the movie "Gaslight".

Gaslight (1944)

Available on Prime Video, DVD, Blu-ray, or VHS
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When the renowned singer, Alice Alquist is murdered, her niece and ward, Paula (Ingrid Bergman) is sent to live in Italy with her aunt's best friend, Maestro Guardi who spends years training her to sing professionally.  When Paula confides in Signore Guardi that she has fallen in love, he encourages her to embrace happiness, even take a break from her singing for a while.  He has no way of knowing that he is throwing her into the arms of an insidious predator with ulterior motives.

Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer) is lying in wait for her to come to him after she speaks to the maestro. He is thrilled to find that everything is going as he wishes and he pressures Paula to marry him even though she hasn't known him for very long.

After Gregory & Paula are married, he masterfully manipulates her into moving back to London, and back into her aunt's home.  That is when he fully commits himself to "gaslighting" her and she is very nearly convinced that she is insane until Joseph Cotten appears on the scene.

Now, you must watch the movie yourself to see what happens!

Interesting Facts About Gaslight

  • Ingrid Bergman was actually singing in this movie
  • Ingrid Bergman won the Academy Award Best Actress for this film
  • Charles Boyer did not play the piano, but he did study psychology before he became an actor. 
  • It is also worth mentioning that 17 year old, Angela Lansbury, was also in this movie.

To "gaslight" someone was not a psychological term prior to 2010.  The title of the movie actually refers to the gas lights in a home that would dim when additional lights were lit and demanded a share of the gas supply.  One of the things that made Paula think she was going insane was that the gas lights would dim even when no one else was home lighting more lights.   

The movie "Gaslight" provides an excellent example of the act of gaslighting someone.  After all, the movie/play is the origin of the term.

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Movie Review of Gaslight (1944) Starring Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman & Joseph Cotten by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, November 18, 2022

Catering Christmas (2022) Movie

Catering Christmas movie
When scanning the current Christmas movies, I came across Catering Christmas starring Merritt Patterson and Daniel Lissing. It is a great romantic movie to add to your "must see" Christmas movie list. As a matter of fact, I plan to watch it again.

I was not previously familiar with Merritt Patterson, but after seeing this movie, I really like her.  I have seen Daniel Lissing in other movies, notably When Calls the Heart series where he played the part of Jack Thornton.  He was extremely popular on that series because of his gentle and caring demeanor.  That personality trait shines through in Catering Christmas as well.

While this movie may be predictable, it is still entertaining.  Both main characters are adorable and several times made me laugh. It is always nice to find an uplifting movie to watch and I highly recommend this movie.

Catering Christmas (2022) Review

As the owner of a catering business, Molly Frost (Merritt Patterson) is working hard to succeed in her community, but she needs clients.  All to often, she loses bids to cover events to her competitor.  When she is approached by Jean Harrison to cover the local Christmas Gala sponsored by the prominent Harrison Foundation, she is over the moon, until she finds out she will have to compete to get the job. Jean requests that she come to her home and prepare a meal for her evaluation and comparison to the other caterer.  

Merritt Patterson and Daniel Lissing in Catering Christmas movie
Molly is in need of a sous chef to help her prepare the meal and quickly hires her employee's friend.  She doesn't know him, but she trusts her friend/employee.  The "friend" is to meet her at the Harrison estate.  When the unknown man enters the Harrison kitchen, Molly assumes he is her sous chef for the day.  Intrigued, Carson Harrison (Daniel Lissing) plays along, until the real sous chef shows up!


Jean Harrison is ready to pass the torch of the Harrison Foundation to her reluctant nephew, Carson.  He is a successful photographer and is not ready to accept full responsibility of the foundation, but he does agree to help his aunt by taking over this year's annual gala.  His first task will be to set the menu for the evening.  He doesn't really care and is content to pass that off onto the caterer, but Jean does not approve of the dinner selections.

There are big adjustments and changes for everyone involved.  It is rather entertaining to watch the various relationships evolve. I even found myself laughing a few times.


Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Catering Christmas (2022) Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 14, 2022

A Cozy Christmas Inn: Hallmark Christmas Movie Review

Garland is back! Yes, one of our favorite Christmas Hallmark towns in Alaska has made a resurgence in a new must see Hallmark Christmas movie A Cozy Christmas Inn.

cozy christmas
If the words, "It's Garland, you know" ring familiar from your Hallmark Christmas movie past that you will undoubtedly be delighted the town and its' main characters (including Garland) have returned.

The sequel to Christmas Under Wraps

 Always a Hallmark favorite and in my top ten of Hallmark Christmas movies with Candace Cameron Bure and David O'Donnell is Christmas Under Wraps. Candace plays a city doctor transported without choice to practice in Garland - the Alaska town which is all about Christmas in true Hallmark style.

David O'Donnell returns as Andy to A Cozy Christmas Inn and fills the viewers in with referenced remarks to the first movie. But no worries for new viewers, the references are a veiled wink to the first movie and not needed for anyone to enjoy this fun Hallmark Christmas movie.

Jodie Sweetin ironically replaces Candace Cameron Bure as the love interest for Andy! Andy has traded his plane in for architecture and refurbishing a country inn. Jodie Sweetin arrives representing a possible purchaser and who knew, who could predict, but of course the two have a history.... and off we go for a traditional tried and true Hallmark Christmas movie.

Who Is Back?


Andy's dad (who just happens to heavily resemble Santa)

Hattie and the coffee shop

The theme music, one of the best for Hallmark

Garland town

The "shipping company" and the "elves"

Jeans lined with sweatpant material and the general store

Stars, pilots and airplanes - shoewear, heels, and boots

Mark your viewing calendars for Christmas Under Wraps and A Cozy Christmas Inn this holiday Hallmark season. Both Hallmark movies with A actors, A chemistry and overall grade of Hallmark A!

More Hallmark Christmas Movies Reviewed

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

You, Me & The Christmas Trees by The Savvy Age

A New Year's Resolution by Cynthia 

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Finding Father Christmas by Cynthia

Christmas Tree Lane by The Savvy Age

Broadcasting Christmas by Cynthia

Top Ten Hallmark Christmas Movies by The Savvy Age

Debbie Macomber's Mr. Miracle Hallmark Movie Review by Cynthia

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Monday, November 7, 2022

Movie Review: News of the World

News of the World is a western drama movie in which a Civil War veteran finds himself responsible for an orphaned child. Both girl and man have suffered great losses and face many continued dangers traveling the across the southwest with a goal of taking her home to reunite with family. Since he's taking her to Texas, he may finally return to his own home. At one point, he says, "We all have demons to face going down this road".  This movie is beautifully acted and set in a rugged, wild setting. 

Years after the end of the Civil War, Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd has not yet returned home to San Antonio. Instead, he travels by horseback from town to town reading the news to those who would pay ten cents. He is welcomed and paid for his readings. In small towns, often with either people who cannot read or towns so remote that news from the outside world is rare, his reading is information and entertainment. The country is still torn with settlers taking Indian lands, Indians killing the settlers, the military killing the Indians, and settlers clashing against each other. But the Captain travels alone and minds his own business. At least until the day he finds a hanged man who had been transporting a young Kiowa girl. Her blonde hair and her agency orders inform the Captain that this Kiowa girl was abducted six years ago and is now being returned home to her biological family. As he is at the scene of this ruined wagon and murdered man, the military rides up. They question the Captain and allow him to go. They advise him to fetch her to Red River to the command post. And he does. The glitch is that Captain Kidd is informed there that the next Indian agent in line to take responsibility of the child is not due to return to the area for months. Captain is expected to care for her until that time.

We soon learn that no one wants this child. She no longer speaks English or German. Only one other person they come across speaks Kiowa. Most people consider her to be wild and treat her as such. No one wants her except for the one group of men who want her for nefarious reasons. 

Can Caption Kidd keep her safe and help her find home? Can young Cicada/Johanna find a place in the world and a family of her own? Will the Captain return to his home? These questions will be answered as they battle would-be kidnappers during an out-gunned shootout, roadside desperados, a dust storm, and long days of travel across the dry and rugged Texas terrain.

I enjoyed this movie very much. It deals with issues of grief and loss. And finding family after family is gone. It deals with how people respond to children who are different and how different cultures view each other. Young actress Helena Zengel was mesmerizing. She seemed to be genuinely experiencing the loss, fear, uncertainty, and return of memories during their travels. Tom Hanks' performance was wonderful but there was one occasion that I was taken back to his role in Saving Private Ryan. Regardless, the pairing of Hanks and Zengel was amazing and both were perfect for those roles.

There are bonus sections at the end of the DVD version of the movie that I also enjoyed. The bonus sections included outtakes, interviews, behind the scenes, and commentary by the writer-director. My favorite was the section showing the Kiowa tribe members who came to tutor actress Zengel and to be a part of the movie. 

This movie is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, and Amazon Prime Video.

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Monday, October 24, 2022

Noel Next Door Review: Hallmark Christmas Movie

Hallmark begins the Christmas movie season with the premier of Noel Next Door starring Natalie Hall and Corey Sevier. Get ready for the tried and true Hallmark Christmas theme with neighbors, Grinches and the holiday season.

christmas movies review banner

Noel is the next door neighbor who is attempting to reestablish her life with her young son. Jeremy is the Grinch next door neighbor with medical challenges as he attempts to navigate the season along with his grouchy holiday attitude. 

As the two neighbors unknowingly interact outside of the neighborhood, the misunderstood neighborhood Grinch and Noel begin to establish a friendship and you know what happens in Hallmark movies!

Chemistry And Christmas Grinches

The key to any Hallmark Christmas movie or any Hallmark movie is the chemistry. Noel and Jeremy have good banter and believable chemistry. The storyline is Hallmark, nuff said which is why... Hallmarkies love Christmas Hallmark movies. 

Overall I'd rate Noel Next Door a Hallmark B. Worth watching, but probably not on the rewatch list. And if you know Hallmarkies, rewatching is also key to Hallmark Christmas movie season!

More Hallmark Christmas Movies Reviewed

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

You, Me & The Christmas Trees by The Savvy Age

A New Year's Resolution by Cynthia 

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Finding Father Christmas by Cynthia

Christmas Tree Lane by The Savvy Age

Broadcasting Christmas by Cynthia

Top Ten Hallmark Christmas Movies by The Savvy Age

Debbie Macomber's Mr. Miracle Hallmark Movie Review by Cynthia

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Monday, October 17, 2022

Movie Review: Where the Crawdads Sing

 I enjoy reading more than keeping up with the newest movie releases so I have mixed feelings when one of my very favorite novels is adapted for the big screen. I am often disappointed in the movie version. But not this time. Not with Where the Crawdads Sing. I have enjoyed this movie so much that I've re-watched it several times since purchasing the DVD just a few weeks ago. I think the producers did a phenomenal job bringing Kya to the screen and keeping her story true to the book.

Movie Review: Where the Crawdads Sing

The setting is a small town near the marshlands of North Carolina. The town is shook in the 1960s when the popular young man, Chase Andrews, is found dead at the lookout tower that stands watch over the marsh. But the story begins years before that with the Clark family.

The Clark family lives in a small shack near the water's edge, in the marsh. Mr. Clark is clearly fighting some sort of inner demons and takes it out on those closest to him. Mrs. Clark is a mysterious lady. She lives in that marsh, with an angry man, a handful of children, and a pair of alligator shoes. She is an artist of some sort; painting plein air. She loves her children. Including her youngest, 6 year old Kya.

Over time, the Clark family grows smaller. At one point, young Kya is living alone with the man who physically abused everyone in the family. She trusts no one, has abandonment trauma, and relies on the marsh. Missing her brothers, it is not surprising that she grows to become happy when she sees her youngest brother's friend in his boat. At first, she can only wave and call a greeting to young Tate while her scowling father steers their boat past. 

Living at a level of loneliness that is suffocating, the marsh supports Kya. The townspeople call her "marsh girl". They bully her the one day she attended school as a very young girl. On any rare occasion that a human comes to her home, Kya runs and hides like a wild animal; disappearing into the marsh. 

Kya slowly begins to trust the waterfront shop owners and they grow to love her. As she becomes a beautiful young woman she becomes more interesting to Tate and to Chase Andrews. We see that she has inherited her mother's artistic ability but what else will she inherit?

When Chase Andrews is found dead at the tower that overlooks the marsh, everyone immediately defines it as murder and everyone immediately blames "the marsh girl". Was it murder? Was it an accidental fall?

The marsh knows.

Behind the Scenes

This movie is gorgeous. The scenery is wonderful with birds, tides, water, vast expanses and micro close-ups. In the special features, the producers (Reese Whitherspoon and Hello Sunshine) talk about the setting.

This movie is emotional. You feel the changing moods of the people as clearly as you see the changing times of day on the water.  

The actors and actresses were amazing. Most all of them were new to me and I look forward to seeing them in other roles. 

This movie stayed true to the Kya I met in the novel. Author Delia Owens appears in the features also. It was interesting to see them speak about choosing the actors, setting, and how to get through the timeline of Kya's story in the condensed movie version. I think they pulled it off wonderfully and could only  be improved (and not by much) in a mini-series length. 

Special Features included with the DVD:

  • Adapting a Phenomenon
  • Lyric Video "Carolina" by Taylor Swift
  • Creating the World
  • Women in Focus
If you have never seen this movie, or read the book, I highly recommend both. It may be more interesting to see the movie before you read the book in order to avoid the spoiler of knowing how Chase Andrews came to be dead.

Find Where the Crawdads Sing on Amazon Prime.

The Book Reviews: Where the Crawdads Sing

Where the Crawdads Sing was such a good book that two of us reviewed it here on Review This Reviews. You can read my review of the book (and see a photo of the marsh near where I was living) here and read Treasures by Brenda's review of the book here.

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