Thursday, May 4, 2023

Egg-based Breakfast Ideas That Contain Fruit & Vegetables

Some egg-based breakfast ideas with vegetables
Created on Canva by Lou16

Eggs are a very popular breakfast option that is packed full of protein to make you feel full throughout the morning. There are ways in which you can pack an additional nutritional punch to your eggs, however, by adding some fruit and vegetables to them.  There are a number of different ways in which you can do that, let's review some of them.

Veggie and Egg Scramble

This is something that my husband regularly has.  He usually takes a little bacon, some bell peppers and spring onions and sautes them in the pan. Once they are softened he adds in some beaten eggs and scrambles them all together.

I will sometimes have this with bell peppers, spring onions, cherry tomatoes and roasted sweet potatoes.

Another variation on this is my spinach scrambled egg breakfast.  I always have cubes of frozen spinach in the freezer so I'll defrost a cube and add to a pan with some crushed garlic and saute before adding beaten eggs and scrambling together - I usually serve this with tomatoes and black beans which I cook as follows. I half or quarter some mixed cherry tomatoes and add to a pan to saute along with 1/3 tin of black beans (rinsed), fresh parsley if I have any and a sprinkle of smoked paprika.

Sweet Potato and Kale Hash with Fried Egg

Peel and dice a sweet potato and saute it in a pan with some olive oil. Once it's almost fully cooked, add in some chopped kale and continue to cook until the kale is wilted. Fry an egg and serve it on top of the hash.

Zucchini and Tomato Frittata

Thinly slice one zucchini and some cherry tomatoes and arrange them in a greased pie dish. Beat some eggs and pour them over the vegetables. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until the eggs are set.

Frittatas are a great way to use any leftover vegetables that you have, I've used baby spinach, bell peppers, broccoli and spring onions as just a few examples.

Breakfast Salad with Soft Boiled Eggs

There are a few different options for breakfast salads that you can check out, but here's just one for you using a soft-boiled egg or two.

Chop up some mixed greens, cucumber and strawberries and toss them together in a bowl. Soft-boil an egg (or two) and serve it on top of the salad.

Mushroom and Spinach Omelette

Saute some sliced mushrooms and spinach in a pan. Beat some eggs and pour them over the vegetables. Fold the omelette over and serve. 

Obviously there are lots of different flavour options when it comes to omelettes and lots of different vegetables you could add.

French Toast with Berries

I used to always have French Toast as a savoury option until the internet when I discovered people often had it with maple syrup and other toppings.

Take your bread and dip it into some beaten egg, fry on both sides until golden brown and serve with fresh berries and honey or maple syrup.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but the possibilities are endless when it comes to incorporating fruits and vegetables into your egg-based breakfasts. Not only will you be getting a delicious and satisfying meal, but you'll also be fueling your body with important nutrients to start your day off right.

Some egg-based breakfast ideas that also contain fruit and veg
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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Mother's Day ~The One Gift She Really Wants

 Many of you may know that in the last two months my life has changed drastically.  Not in a bad way, but in a drastic way none the less.  What happened?  Well my almost 92 year old mother fell, was hospitalized for a month and then it was decided that she could no longer live on her own.

So, our family has shrunk over the years and now it is growing again.  My mother has come to live with us!  There will be some challenges ahead.   Mother's Day is coming up quickly and it will be the first one she is spending in her new "home"!  As always we are looking to make it special.

After 70 some years of Mother's Days under her belt, you would think there is nothing in the world she could truly want.  Right?  

Wrong!  It seems that during her fall, her watch broke!  We have had it to several watch repair places and they all say the same thing - "It's not worth fixing!"  This was a watch that my father had purchased for her on one of their many trips home to Switzerland.  So she really did not want to give it up!  

So this Mother's Day we are on the hunt for a watch!  This may seem like a no-brainer, but, when you have a lady who is used to having a "nice" watch, it's not so easy anymore.  We are hoping that one of our choices will be close enough to her old watch, that she will enjoy the new one as much as the old.

watch image

There are so many new-fangled watches that keep track of steps taken, pulse rates, oxygen levels and so much more and she's not interested in any of that "nonsense"!  Personally I think she could use the extras to make sure she gets some walking in, but that's me and not her!

She wants a replacement for her watch that told her the time and the date!  She wants nothing more and nothing less.  And none of this Plastic or Silicone bands for her!  It has to be a metal bracelet type watch that is big enough for her to read but still looks nice.  Nothing that is heavy and /or bulky!

As you can see there are lots of options available for someone who is looking for a "simple" but elegant watch. Sometimes all the new electronic watches with their multi purpose uses are just not fitting the bill.  In her 92 years she has seen a lot of time pieces go by and the new ones just don't do anything for her at all.  

Simple, straight-forward and useful are her main needs and nothing more.  Truth be known, I think she'd be overwhelmed with the new digital watches/fitness trackers.  She would have to learn how to use that kind of watch!  I could see her jumping out of her skin if it started to vibrate or flash or sound an alarm.  She just doesn't want to do that!  

I get it and I'm so happy to report that while watches have been taken to a whole new level of usefulness, the old trusty analog watches are still there!

Now it's just a matter of choice!  I don't think we will surprise her, rather, we will give her the option of choosing the one she thinks she'd like best!

For all those Mother's out there, may I take the time to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day, may it be a timely one!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Reviewing Why a Protein-Rich Breakfast is Important

Protein rich breakfast ideas like greek yogurt, eggs, breakfast parfaits etc
Image created by Lou16 using Canva templates

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day (it was certainly a favourite saying of my mothers!), but did you know that having a protein-rich breakfast can provide several health benefits? 

Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in various physiological processes in the body. Consuming protein-rich foods at breakfast can help build and repair tissues, increase satiety, improve metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels.

Here are some of the benefits of having a protein-rich breakfast:

1.  Helps in Building and Repairing Tissues

Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body's tissues. Eating a protein-rich breakfast can aid in repairing damaged tissues and building new ones. This is particularly important for people who engage in physical activities such as weightlifting and endurance training. Studies have shown that consumming protein-rich foods at breakfast can help improve muscle mass and strength.

2.  Increases Satiety

Eating protein-rich foods at breakfast can help you feel full for a longer time, which can prevent overeating and snacking later in the day. This can help in weight management and weight loss goals. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate a high-protein breakfast consumed fewer calories throughout the day than those who ate a low-protein breakfast.

3.  Improves Metabolism

Protein has a higher thermic effect than carbohydrates and fats, which means that the body burns more calories by digesting protein-rich foods. This can help boost metabolism and increase calorie burn throughout the day. A study published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition found that consuming a high-protein breakfast can help improve metabolic rate and increase fat burning.

4.  Regulates Blood Sugar Levels 

Eating protein-rich foods at breakfast can help stabilize blood sugar levels, which can prevent energy crashes and sugar cravings later in the day. This is particularly important for people with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that consuming a high-protein breakfast can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.

5.  Helps Alertness

Protein provides the amino acids your brain needs to function at its most optimal level.  When you eat a protein-rich breakfast it raises your brain's tyrosine levels. Increased tyrosine levels help your brain to produce neurotransmitters called norepinephrine and dopamine, which give you energy and make you feel awake and alert.

Some Examples of Protein-Rich Breakfasts

Try to aim for at least 20-30 grams of protein at breakfast to reap the benefits.  Examples of protein-rich breakfasts include:

To sum up, having a protein-rich breakfast can provide numerous health benefits and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating protein-rich foods into your breakfast routine can improve muscle mass and strength, increase satiety, improve metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels. So, the next time you're planning your breakfast, make sure to include some protein-rich foods!

More health tips can be found in my Facebook Group - Healthy Tips to Feel & Look Your Best.

Images of protein rich breakfast ideas
Image created in Canva by Lou16

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 1, 2023

JobSmart and DieHard: Reviewing Two Extremely Durable Adjustable Beam Flashlights

I am tough on flashlights. I frequently drop them and have lost them outside for months. I rely on them at least twice daily. I depend on flashlights both for regular chores and for checking on things outdoors in the middle of the night when my dogs indicate that there is something outside that shouldn't be. The two flashlight brands I depend on are Jobsmart and DieHard. 

JobSmart and DieHard: Reviewing Two Extremely Durable Adjustable Beam Flashlights

I have a small homestead and am fairly new to many homesteading activities; such as raising chickens. This past year and a half has been a learning experience. One thing I have noticed is that dependable lighting is a MUST and I was fortunate to choose two flashlights that have been more dependable and durable than I would have ever imagined. 

JobSmart 350 Tactical

The JobSmart line of flashlights are available at Tractor Supply Stores. I purchased mine very soon after I moved to the homestead when I realized that my camping lanterns, lights, and headlights weren't quite bright enough. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm slightly afraid of the dark when walking around on my mountain ridge land after dark and want a very bright light. However, my budget doesn't allow for the highest lumens and big-name brands. 

I chose the flashlight that was in the middle of the price range offered at Tractor Supply at the time. It happened to be the JobSmart 350 Tactical. It turned out to be a fantastic choice for me. It uses 3 AAA batteries and the batteries seem to have a long life. I only had to replace the batteries after losing it outside for months when it was turned on.

The JobSmart 350 Tactical is thinner in size than my DieHard and lighter weight. It has a twisting adjustable beam that focuses in a wide swath or a thin beam that is very bright and reaches the chicken coop from my house so I can check on things in the middle of the night without going outside. 

Product Details from the website:

Light your way with the JobSmart 350 Lumen LED Aluminum Flashlight.

  • Up to 350 lumen output
  • High/low mode
  • Twist to adjust focus lens
  • Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included)
  • Working time: 1.5 hr. in high mode; 4 hr. in low mode with alkaline battery
  • CREE XPG LED bulb
  • Aluminum and Rubber construction

DieHard 1700 Flashlight

When I dropped my original flashlight over the edge of the deck and couldn't find it, I bought a replacement. That happened to be the DieHard 1700 Flashlight. This flashlight clearly has more lumens than my JobSmart which is great because the smaller, focused beam could reach to the top of my yard when the shed sits - about twice as far away as my chicken coop. The DieHard is thicker and weighs more so it does seem clumsier to carry for daily chores. This flashlight sits on a shelf next to my front door so it is easily and quickly accessible for scanning my yard at night. 

It has been an excellent flashlight; durable and bright. 

Product details from the website:

  • Ultra Bright 1,700 Lumen LED Flashlight
  • Pro grade anodized aluminum construction & heavy-duty true grip design
  • Precision flood-to-spot beam through twist focusing
  • 3 power modes—high/medium/low
  • Includes 6 AA DieHard batteries
There are many reasons to have dependable lighting; emergencies (roadside and household), power outages, hiking, camping, and homestead chores. I need dependable lighting since my homestead chores occur before dawn in the mornings and often after sunset in the evenings. My chores have to be done during inclement weather. While these flashlights do not claim to be waterproof I have used them during all weather and have dropped them onto wet ground. I can't afford to buy tools that will easily break or wear out. That is why I am glad to recommend the JobSmart 350 Tactical and the DieHard 1700 flashlights. 

Perhaps you prefer to shop Amazon due to remote locations or delivery preferences. Or perhaps you prefer USB rechargeable flashlights or flashlights with different specs. There are plenty of flashlight brands and varieties to choose from HERE.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Indoor Plant Grow Light - Bought it, Use it, Love it

If you're looking for a grow light for your indoor plants, check out this indoor plant grow light that I'm using and love.

I recently relocated one of my plants from near a window to a dark corner, and knowing it would suffer from lack of light, I invested in this plant grow light, and I swear I heard my plant thanking me! Here's a photo of it:

Indoor Plant Grow Light
Indoor Plant Grow Light - Available on Amazon

Here are Some Benefits of an Indoor Plant Grow Light:

  • Energy Efficiency: The grow light uses LEDs. It is designed to be energy-efficient.
  • Adjustable Height: It has a 31-inch telescope grow rod, so you can adjust it to the height of most medium-height house plants.
  • Full Spectrum: The grow light offers a full spectrum of light wavelengths, providing the highly-uniform light that plants need to grow. 
  • Self-Dimmable Control: The grow light can automatically simulate the intensity of natural sunshine, making it an excellent option for plants that need varying light levels. You can also adjust the light manually if you prefer.
  • Full Range Timer:  The remote control lets you set the auto stop and start times automatically between two and twenty-four hours.
  • Nice Lighting Ambiance: When the grow light comes on automatically in the dark corner, it provides lovely lighting decor.
Easy to Use: 

The grow light is easy to use and doesn't require any tools to set up:
  • Plug the connecter into the top of the lamp
  • Then plug it into an electrical outlet
  • Adjust the rod extension bar to the height you need for your plant
  • Put the rod directly into your plant 

I took a guess about the light my plant needed, comparing it to its previous location, which was by a window. I chose the option "Real Sunshine" on the remote, and 4 hours.

The steps to use the remote are easy:

  1. Press "On" for the automatic timer settings ("M" is for manual settings, I don't use that one)
  2. I selected "S" for Real Sunshine
  3. I selected 4H for four hours of light
  4. Note: The real sunshine option slowly brings the light on, like the rising sun on a plant outside
Here's a photo of the remote:

I'm not a gardening guru by any stretch of the imagination, but my plant is even happier with the grow light than it was by the window. It's perkier, and I'm hoping the dark unhappy edges on a few leaves cease to occur. 

However, I've recently read that those dry burnt-looking edges on the leaf tips may be from inconsistent watering and letting my plant dry out too long in between waterings - yep, I am guilty of that sometimes. I prefer to under-water, but in this plant's case, I may be under-watering too much. 

This plant should do much better with this grow light and a better watering schedule.

Five stars for this grow light.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Goodbye Again by Mariah Stewart – Book Review

Goodbye Again is Book Two in the Wyndham Beach contemporary romance series.

An image of a book shop


Goodbye Again Book Cover
In Book 1 (An Invincible Summer reviewed here on ReviewThisReviews!) we met Maggie Lloyd as she moved back to the small town community of Wyndham Beach, Massachusetts. Her best friends since high school, Emma Harper and Lydia (Libby) Bryant helped her adjust to all the changes her widowhood and then her reuniting with her first love from high school, have brought.

In Goodbye Again, it is time to learn more about Libby Bryant, whose husband left her after the suicide of their daughter. 

Libby desperately needs to move on and make some positive changes in her life.  When she discovers that the long-standing bookstore in town has closed due to the elderly owner's Alzheimer condition and is for sale, Libby decides to buy the neglected bookstore and bring both herself and the shop back on track.

With a little help from her friends, she is well on her way with new paint and new ideas for the new and improved bookshop. One friend Libby has known forever, local contractor Tuck Shelby, begins to make himself indispensable. Not just in the rehab of Libby's shop, but in her life. Tuck now wants to be more than just a 'friend'. But then her ex-husband, Jim, returns with a long overdue apology, hoping for forgiveness and a chance to start over.


The book shop has rejuvenated Libby, along with the attention of two charming men.

When the shocking truth of her daughter's unexplained suicide comes out, Libby suddenly has a life-changing choice to make.

Moving on doesn't mean leaving everything behind.

Related Links:

+Note: The third book in the Wyndham Beach Series, All That We Are will be reviewed soon. This book features the third friend of the three women the series is about ~ Emma Dean

For more book reviews, check out

*Goodbye Again Book Review is written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 28, 2023

Mini Cheesecakes Recipe and Mini Cheesecake Pan Review

Mini Cheesecakes Recipe and Mini Cheesecake Pan

I have always preferred making cupcakes because they offer a way to have individual serving sized cakes without requiring utensils and plates.  When I came across the Norpro Mini Cheesecake pan, I had to have it!  

My family loves cheesecake and I thought it would be awesome to have individual serving sized cheesecakes.  They have been quite a hit!  I've made them several times since receiving the pan.  Having the mini cheesecakes has allowed everyone to serve themselves whenever they wanted a snack or dessert.  The pan makes 12 mini cheesecakes, which is the perfect number for my acrylic cake plate that fits in my refrigerator. 

There is a cheesecake recipe on the side of the Norpro Mini Cheesecake pan, but I preferred to use my own easy cheesecake recipe since that is the cheesecake my family loves.  I also lightly butter the individual cups in the pan to make the mini cheesecakes lift out easily.  Since it is a nonstick pan, they might push out without the butter, but I haven't been willing to test that theory.  Also, I do hand-wash my mini cheesecake pan. I want it to last for many years.

Mini Cheesecake Recipe by Sylvestermouse

Prep Time Cook Time Cool Time Total Prep Time Fridge Set Ready In Yields
15 min. 15 min. 45 min. 1 hrs. 15 min. Time 4 hrs. 5 hrs. 12 servings


For the crust: 

  • 1 cup graham cracker crumbs (8 graham cracker sheets) 
  • 2 tbsp sugar 
  • 5 tbsp butter melted 

For the cheesecakes: 

  • 16 oz cream cheese softened to room temperature 
  • 1/2 cup sugar 
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 egg 


mini cheesecake recipe

  1. Set out the cream cheese and butter to soften at room temperature for at least an hour before you start
  2. Wrap the mini cheesecake pan (or muffin pan) with aluminum foil in preparation of water bath baking.  (I wrap each cup separately and then wrap the bottom & sides of the pan with a single sheet of aluminum foil
  3. Lightly grease each mini cheesecake cup with softened butter
  4. Preheat oven to 350°F. (Convection Oven 325°F) 
  5. Combine the crust ingredients until well combined
  6. Using the crust tapper tool, press the crust firmly into the mini cheesecake pan cups (about 1½ tablespoon each)      
  7. In a large bowl with spout, beat together softened cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until smooth
  8. Add egg, beating until just until incorporated (do not overbeat)
  9. Pour mixture evenly over crusts in the mini cups
  10. Place mini cheesecake pan in larger pan for water bath (Pour enough HOT water in the pan to reach half way up the pan.) It is easier to set it on the shelf in the oven and then add the water. Pan is really heavy when filled with water 
  11. Bake at 350 degrees for 17 minutes in waterbath. Do not over-bake – middle of cheesecakes should be set
  12. Turn the oven off, open the door slightly and allow the mini cheesecakes to cool in the oven for 45 minutes. 
  13. Remove from oven 
  14. Remove from mini cheesecake pan and cool completely in the fridge at least 3 hours   
Serve topped with cherry pie filling or other toppings if desired. 


mini cheesecake recipe

 Norpro Mini Cheesecake Pan, 13Check Price


*An alternative to the Norpro Mini Cheesecake pan would be using cupcake liners in a cupcake or muffin pan.  The mini cheesecake pan eliminates the need for liners.

I store all of the removable discs in a plastic sandwich bag inside one of the cheesecake cups.


Related Articles 

 Norpro Mini Cheesecake PanCheck Price Fox Run Tart Tamper, WoodCheck Price Wilton Sheet Cake PanCheck Price Philadelphia Cream Cheese CookbookCheck Price




Check Out More Recipe Reviews at

Mini Cheesecakes Recipe and Mini Cheesecake Pan Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

© 2023 Cynthia Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Book Review - A Girl Called Samson


historical female soldier
A Girl Named Samson (photo created in AI)

I love reading historical fiction, and although I have read lots of books from the World War II era, I had not read any from the American Revolutionary War period.  The title on this book is what first intrigued me to download this book.  What an amazing story!  It kept me interested from page 1 and now I feel I know a lot more from that period of history.

The Story

Deborah Samson was born in 1760 in Massachusetts.  When she was quite young her father abandoned her family, and her mother was unable to provide for Deborah and her siblings.  Deborah ended up being bound out to be an indentured servant at age 5.  She stayed with various people in her early years, but when she was 10, she was indentured to a young farmers family that had 10 boys.  It was Deborah's duties to help look after the boys.

The family was very kind to Deborah and from them she was able to learn a lot.  Although she didn't go to school herself, she had a thirst for knowledge and was able to learn from the boys as they were growing up.  She had a friend and mentor in the Reverend Conant and when she was 15, he gave her a journal for her birthday.  In this journal she would discover her longings through her writings.  The Reverend also put her in touch with his niece Elizabeth, who became Deborah's pen pal. Elizabeth was older and married and provided Deborah with advice and someone to share her ideas.

When the American Colonies were gearing up for war, each of the 10 boys in turn ended up enlisting in the Continental Army.  Deborah yearned for a life of freedom and equal rights for women.  She had learned much from the boys and could shoot a rifle with the best of them.  

When Deborah turned 18, she was free from her bounds and could go out on her own.  The family welcomed her to stay on with them, but Deborah wanted adventure.  She ended up dressing up as a young man and enlisting in the Continental Army.

The story now gets really interesting as Deborah works hard to maintain the secret of who she really is.  Eventually she falls in love in a surprising twist to the story.  

My Recommendation

I would highly recommend this book for anyone interested in historical fiction.  This story is loosely based on a young woman from history named Deborah Samson.  It is a great testament to the power of a young woman daring to chart her own way despite the circumstances.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Elevated Garden Beds - Great for Senior Gardeners!

elevated garden beds to make gardening easier on knees and back


I've always been fond of gardening.  Even in my younger years when I lived in apartments, I would always have plants on my balcony.  Most of the time, I grew flowers, but over the years, I began also growing a few vegetables like lettuce and peppers.  Lettuce is really pretty and because you can snip off a leaf at a time, it stays pretty for quite a while as long as the weather is not too hot.

When I bought my first house, I happily saw that it had a lot of flower beds in the front and in the back.  I grew some very beautiful flowers, but as time passed I realized I was missing an opportunity to grow healthy vegetables to eat but also to save the money it would take to buy what I could easily grow myself.  I dug up all my annuals and  planted a blueberry bush, peppers and onions.  I got rid of the bushes down my driveway, and planted cucumbers. It took a few years and hard lessons, but overall, I was very pleased with the results. 

green peppers

As the years passed, I found it more and more difficult to bend or kneel in the dirt to plant and weed and harvest.  My knees were not what they once were.  It all came to a head when I had to have knee surgery,  After that, getting on my knees for anything, let alone gardening, was out of the question.  I was devastated.  I did nothing in the garden that summer, and by August it was a weeded mess.  I didn't even want to go out on the deck.  

I missed gardening very much, so I began to wonder if I could do raised garden beds.  They were up off the ground, but usually only about a foot.  I might be able to make due with this!  I decided to have a look on Amazon and see how expensive they were.  While scrolling through  The raised garden beds, I saw a garden bed that was up on legs!  The top of the dirt was at waist level and could be planted and weeded comfortably while standing up!  

EUREKA !!!!!

This was the solution I had been looking for.  After spending some time looking at the different styles and prices, I decided on this one:

elevated wood planter box

Elevated Wood Planter Box

This was about 5 years ago.  At that time, they were $99 each.  After checking today, I see that they are still the same price.  Not bad!  Unfortunately, they do not arrive at your house ready to go.  My husband and I had to put them together and stain them.  It was a lot of work, but it was very much worth it.  The only thing we added to the boxes was some metal strapping to reinforce the corners. 

metal strapping

Metal Strapping

Below is a picture of one of our boxes four years after we bought it.  Still looking pretty good!

stained elevated wood planter boxes for gardening

These garden beds have been a lifesaver for me.  I can grow my own vegetables without hurting my back or my knees.  Weeding is a breeze, and it is so much easier to examine your plants to look for problems like insect damage.  It just makes gardening so much easier, I wish I had known about them years ago!  We add a couple every year so we can grow more kinds of vegetables.  We are up to eight!  I highly recommend trying these garden beds if you dislike or are unable to garden in the ground  They are great for growing vegetables, herbs or flowers!

Our Garden

a beautiful garden area created with elevated garden beds

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 24, 2023

Ziploc Variety Pac Review

 Does your storage bag drawer need SOS? Drowning in quart size bags, but you need pint or sandwich size bags! May all of our kitchen issues be so easy to solve! Ziploc Variety Pac and Amazon Brand to the rescue to replenish your kitchen storage bags with ease and convenience.

ziploc variety pac

This year is the first time I have come across (and it has certainly been a kitchen want for quite awhile!) plastic storage and freezer bags in a package which includes multiple sizes of bags. Having multiple sizes on hand makes food preparation, storage and freezing so much easier.

What Bags Are Included In The Ziploc Variety Pac?

  • 54 Freezer Quart Size Bags
  • 38 Freezer Gallon Bags
  • 52 Storage Gallon Bags
  • 125 Sandwich Bags

Note: Both Freezer and Storage Gallon Size Bags are included.

Slider Storage Bags Variety

If you prefer the slider storage aka zipper storage bags, Amazon brand offers a few varieties of sizes. 

Variety One offers quite a selection including a few 2 gallon size bags:

  • 50 pint bags
  • 50 quart bags
  • 25 gallon bags
  • 25 2 gallon bags

I have found quite a few non food uses for the two gallon bags. They are indeed quite large, but nice to have a few on hand. 


I have ordered and used both brands. I do find the ziploc brand to be slightly stronger. It is a trade off between a higher priced brand and the online store brand. The use determines my need; I do prefer a very sturdy and strong bag if using to freeze foods.

I have tried the brands at the local dollar store and those bags  I have found over priced (over a dollar for a very small box) for a very low quality bag - disappointing because I usually love the dollar store, but as with all stores and brands there are preferences. Stocking a new kitchen is always expensive and the variety pac serves the purpose quickly and conveniently.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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