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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query The Stranger. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Stranger, a TV Series

I would like to review a British television series called The Stranger and I can easily do it in one sentence.   Go and watch it right now!

Harlan Coben's The Stranger a Netflix series
The Stranger (British TV Series) - image adapted by Lou16
from a photo on
Want more than my bossy sentence?   Well I must admit the trailer for this series looked good and certainly peaked mine and my husband's interest, but the series itself totally outshone our expectations.  It is based on a book by American author Harlan Coben and after watching it I am definitely going to start reading some of his books.

The series has a British cast that if you watch many British shows you'll probably be very familiar with.   There were lots of actors that I recognise from different shows that they've popped up on.   The main star of the show is Richard Armitage who as an actor first came to my attention in the British spy series Spooks, although he has a number of other credits to his name.

Another star is actress Siobhan Finneran who has appeared in several British television shows over the years, but I particularly liked her portayal of  a police detective in The Moorside (available through Amazon Prime).   In this show she, again, plays a detective.

I would also like to mention two other stars of the show - Shaun Dooley and Jennifer Saunders.   I will be honest and say that I felt both of these actors were not (in my opinion) on their best game, but the story was strong enough that they didn't need to be better.   As a fan of Shaun Dooley since I watched Married, Single, Other years ago (a great British drama series) I was a little disappointed in his acting.   I've also loved Jennifer Saunders since her French and Saunders days, but I didn't feel that her acting was to the standard of the rest of the cast.

An actor that was amazing was Paul Kaye, I absolutely hated his character, he played it perfectly

This series is what I call bingeworthy.   We started watching it on a Sunday night and were only going to watch one episode - 3 episodes later we had to turn it off as we had work the next day.   The following night we had things on and decided to just watch one episode before bed...we watched two and it was very hard to get up the following morning.

Luckily the third night we had nothing on and the series only has 8 episodes so we managed to finish it!   I recommend watching it when you have 8 hours to spare because you may not want to stop.

The main story line is very interesting as it's about a stranger approaching someone with details of a secret.   What keeps it enthralling is not just wondering about the stranger, but all the intricate little threads that the writers have kept running through it.   The book was adapted by screenwritter Danny Brocklehurst and he has done an amazing job.

The suspense was kept up with all these surprising things happening - as an example at the end of one of the episodes someone walks into their workplace and is greeted by their workmates.   That doesn't sound very cliffhangerish now does it?   However it made my husband and I both sit up as we hadn't anticipated that happening!

The ending of every episode has you wanting more and that is exactly why I loved it.

I did see that Danny Brocklehurst and Harlan Coben co- wrote another Netflix series called Safe so I am definitely going to put that one on the must watch list!

One of the great things about winter is definitely cold nights watching some great shows/movies with my hubby.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Book Reviews of the Forensic Instincts Series

The Girl Who Disappeared Twice, Book #1 of the Forensic Instincts Series  - book cover
Series Book #1 Available on Amazon
by Andrea Kane

The Forensic Instincts team is a group of private investigators who achieve the impossible, often pushing ethical and legal boundaries to accomplish it. They take on cases that ~ for one reason or another ~ law enforcement cannot solve or doesn't have the necessary time to devote to it.  

The team consists of a behaviorist (Casey), a former Navy SEAL (Marc), a techno-wizard (Ryan), an intuitive (Claire), a retired FBI agent (Patrick) and an FBI trained human-scent-evidence dog (Hero).  Together they are amazing, accomplishing what others cannot.

In addition to the team's outstanding abilities (each member having been hand-picked by their leader, Casey Woods, not only for their unique attributes, but also for their ability to work cohesively together as a team), we are also introduced  to some of the personal lives of each member, making them more appealing as people besides the traits that make them very good at their jobs.

The Girl Who Disappeared Twice 

The series begins with The Girl Who Disappeared Twice.  At that time, the team consists of just Casey and her two outstanding cohorts Marc & Ryan. As the story unfolds and the case involving a kidnapping of Family Court Judge Hope Willis' 6-year-old daughter, Krissy, we are introduced to Claire and Patrick who later become the newest team members of Forensic Instincts. We also meet FBI BAU profiler Kyle 'Hutch' Hutchinson from Quantico, Virginia, who is romantically involved in a long-distance relationship with FI team leader Casey Woods who lives and works in New York City.

Even though local police and the FBI are involved in this kidnapping case, Judge Willis has hired Forensic Instincts due to the bizarre circumstances of her twin sister having been kidnapped (and never seen again) 32 years ago. FI soon figures out that the two kidnap cases are related. The ending is a surprise you won't see coming.  

This is Author Kane's first Forensic Instincts book and her most popular. If you read this book, you will be  hooked, as I was, and want to read the entire series!

The Line Between Here and Gone


The Line Between Here and Gone Book Cover
In The Line Between Here and Gone, the Forensic Instincts team becomes involved in a frantic search for an elusive father whose infant son is battling a rare immune deficiency condition. Baby Justin's only hope for a cure lies with his father who everyone thought was brutally murdered before mom Amanda even realized she carried his child.  Then an emailed photo changes everything. The photo looks exactly like Paul - the missing and presumed dead father.  Every second counts in this search for a 'ghost'.  

The Stranger You Know 


The Stranger You Know book cover

The Stranger You Know involves the case of a series of college-aged girls with long red hair who are brutally murdered.  The crime scenes are identical to those of a serial offender now serving thirty years to life—a criminal brought to justice with the help of Forensic Instincts. Now the Forensic Instincts team is in a frantic race to discover, and stop, the killer who is selecting targets who have been chosen because of a unique connection to Casey Woods, team leader.  And it soon becomes apparent that the killer is closing in on Casey as the ultimate target.

The Silence That Speaks


The Silence that Speaks book cover
In The Silence That Speaks, the story revolves around Casey's associate Marc Devereaux, the former Navy SEAL, and involves the only girl he ever loved - Madaline. She's a nurse at Manhattan Memorial, and she's terrified because someone is trying to kill her.  Madeline turns to Marc and FI for help and protection.

At the hospital, Manhattan Memorial, there is turmoil.  There is a merger in the works, and the staff is in shock over their hospital administrator's sudden death—during heart surgery performed by Madeline's ex-husband, Conrad. A surgery at which Madeline was present. The killer seems to blame both Madeline and Conrad…

Who is the killer who has the greatest incentive to want Madeline dead?  The FI investigative team has the resources to discover just that, working inside the law—and outside it. Another on-the-edge-of-your-seat Forensic Instincts thriller.

The Murder That Never Was

The Murder that Never Was book cover

Given the opportunity, would you assume someone else's identity and leave your old life behind? In The Murder That Never Was, A strange set of circumstances gives Lisa Barnes, a down-on-her-luck job seeker, and Julie Forman, a personal trainer to an Olympic hopeful, exactly that opportunity. Problem is, a cold-blooded killer who is a megalomaniacal genius will stop at nothing to eradicate anyone who threatens the success of his medical breakthrough, and he wants Julie dead to protect it. Except, Lisa Barnes has become Julie ... and she's terrified.  

The unorthodox criminal investigative team of Forensic Instincts takes on the case and is forced into uncharted territory to protect their client. The team has grown to include a former pickpocket who is now their receptionist and Girl Friday and who ends up playing a pivotal role in the solving of this case. 

A Face to Die For

a face to die for book cover
Book #6 in the Series

The newest Forensic Instincts book in this popular series (A Face to Die For) debuted September 19, 2017.  This time, author Andrea Kane explores the urban legend of the doppelganger, as the readers' favorite team of investigators (Forensic Instincts) find themselves in a conflict of interest between two clients.

I need to get this book next, having now read the entire series and become a huge fan of Andrea Kane.

Author Andrea Kane

Andrea Kane is a bestselling author of twenty-seven novels, including thirteen psychological thrillers and fourteen historical romantic suspense titles. 

She lives in New Jersey with her husband and family. She's an avid crossword puzzle solver and a diehard Yankees fan. Otherwise, she's either writing or playing with her Pomeranian, Mischief, who does his best to keep her from writing.  You can read more about Andrea Kane and see her other books on her website

Kane's Forensic Instincts series is about a dynamic, eclectic team of maverick investigators who continue to solve seemingly impossible cases while walking a fine line between assisting and enraging law enforcement.  These are definitely in the 'thriller' category and have, without a doubt, captured my interest and attention. 

If you like suspenseful thrillers, you will enjoy the Forensic Instincts series. 

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Review of the Rose Harbor Inn Novels by Debbie Macomber

Introduction to the Rose Harbor Series

I'm a sucker for stories with a bit of romance that leave a lot to the imagination . I like watching people in complicated relationships work through their problems. I am drawn to beautiful settings. I especially like having protagonists I wouldn't mind inviting to sit around my own dinner table. The books I have read so far in the Cedar Cove Rose Harbor Inn Series are Book 1, The Inn at Rose Harbor, Book 2, Rose Harbor in Bloom, and Love Letters, Book 3These books by Debbie Macomber, all have the elements I mentioned above.

Reviews of Two Rose Harbor Inn Novels by Debbe Macomber

Meet Widow Jo Marie Rose, Innkeeper 

The Inn at Rose Harbor opens with Jo Marie Rose, recently widowed, introducing herself. She is still grieving over the loss of her husband Paul, who had gone down in a helicopter while serving in Afghanistan. She had purchased a bed and breakfast inn in Cedar Cove off the coast of Washington as sort of therapy to keep her busy and involved with life. She hired a handyman, Mark Taylor, on the recommendation of a friend, though she knew almost nothing about him, to help her make a sign and plant a rose garden. He turned out to be very competent in helping her make the necessary repairs, but he was gruff, often a bit rude, and never wanted to talk about himself or his past. 

Review of the Inn at Rose Harbor by Debbie Macomber
Buy The Inn at Rose Harbor
In the The Inn at Rose Harbor, the first book in the Cedar Cove Rose Harbor Inn series, Jo Marie meets her first two guests. Neither wanted to be in Cedar Cove, but both felt obligated to be there and were dreading what they had to face. Both had grown up in Cedar Cove and left. Joshua was back to tend to his step-father who hated him but was about to die. A neighbor who had been looking in on him, Michelle, an old high school friendof Joshua's, had called to say he was needed to help get Richard, Joshua's step-father, signed up for Hospice. 

Richard resisted  help from anyone. Richard didn't even want Joshua to be there. Michelle had suggested she go with Joshua for his first visit or he might not even get it. Richard had kicked Joshua out of the house just before he had graduated from high school. He had been good to Joshua's mother, who had loved him, but she had died of cancer not long before Joshua left. He loved his own son, Dylan, but seemed to hate Joshua, with whom Dylan got along well. Richard had accused Joshua of stealing two hundred dollars from him, would not listen to Joshua's denials, and had kicked Joshua out. The one who really stole the money was Dylan. Dylan had later died in an accident. Richard had been alone ever since, seeming to hate everyone and everything. He started neglecting his house, and even the yard he had always cared for. Joshua dreaded the reunion, since he knew he would be unwelcome. Joshua was hoping he could retrieve some of his personal belongings he was not allowed to take when he had to move out, as well as his mother's Bible and some other parts of his family history before his mother married Richard. 

Abby was coming to Cedar Cove for her brother's wedding. She hadn't been back since she had left for college after a car accident had killed Abby's best friend, Angela. Abby had been driving. She blamed herself and believed everyone in town blamed her, too. Angela's parents had made it clear they hated her and had called her a murderer when she tried to see them after the accident. They had not even let her in. She dreaded seeing anyone she knew, and she hadn't even seen her parents much since they had moved to Arizona and she had moved to Florida when they began to feel rejected by the their friends in Cedar Cove. 

While her guests go about their business, Jo Marie is learning more about the town and meeting new friends, including the librarian,and the owner of the other bed and breakfast in town, who gives her some tips. She also lets readers know how she met her husband Paul, and how he died, and how he sometimes still seems to be right there with her. One of her new friends encourages her to adopt a dog from the shelter, and she comes home with Rover, who seems to have chosen her, and is a very different sort of dog than the one she had intended to bring home. 

By the end of The Inn at Rose Harbor, Jo Marie is feeling more secure about being an inn keeper and believes Paul approves. Mark is working on her sign and has promised to put in her rose garden in the spring. Rover has settled in. Joshua stays a couple of days longer than he had planned after Richard's death with the intent of getting to know Michelle better, and Abby had not only been welcomed by some old friends, but has picked up a relationship with a friend of her brother's she had dropped along with everyone else after the accident. 

The body of the book deals with all the details, heartaches, and steps to healing that took place, details which readers won't want to miss. It's not the end that's important, but all the action leading up to it. This book is the perfect preparation for reading Love Letters,the third book in the Cedar Cove Rose Harbor Inn Series. Each book can stand alone, since only the residents of the town, Jo Marie, and Mark, remain the same. The guests are always different so that the readers don't have to remember them from book to book. When I read Love Letters, I actually thought it was the first book and that The Inn at Rose Harbor was a prequel. That's why I read the third book first. Amazon set me straight, so this afternoon I got the second book, Rose Harbor in Bloom, I read it, and I enjoyed it as much as the others.

Love Letters

Review of Love Letters by Debbie Macomber
Buy Love Letters
At the beginning of Love Letters, Jo Marie introduces herself again, sharing some details that were not in the preceding book. She tells us about an old sweatshirt of Paul's she often wore for comfort, and a letter he had asked a friend to deliver in case anything ever happened to him. She had read the letter once, and put it away, since it made her miss him all the more.

It still bugs Jo Marie that she cannot find out even the simplest facts about Mark, even though it appears she found out a bit more in the first book than she seems to know in this one.  He tells her nothing in response to her many questions and beats a hasty retreat if she keeps asking   

As the book begins,Jo Marie is expecting two parties who made reservations, and she is mulling them over. The first, Ellie Reynolds, had made a reservation, then canceled it, and then rebooked. She wondered why Ellie seemed to be so indecisive. Maggie Porter, on the other hand, seemed wonderfully happy and appeared to be looking forward to celebrating an anniversary weekend.

Rover, Jo Marie's comfort dog, has by now, become Jo Marie's friend and constant companion. Rover always lets Jo Marie know when someone has arrived, and he gets along well with the guests, who often enjoy petting him. He and Mark also get along well.

Mark is in the process of building a gazebo, and Jo Marie worries that he will take his time about completing it as he did with the rose garden. She gets the feeling that Mark does as he pleases and that her jobs often seem to be last priority with him She is determined to find out more about his past and plans to drill him again next time she bakes cookies to bribe him with.

As the new guests arrive, Jo Marie learns that Ellie, who is happy to talk, is meeting Tom, someone she met on the internet and has been corresponding with, for the first time. She also learns that Ellie has a very controlling mother who texts her and calls every few minutes and who was against her meeting Tom. Ellie's father, whom she hardly remembers, left her mother, Virginia Reynolds, when Ellie was very young. It seems Virginia's parents thought he wasn't rich enough to marry Ellie, and they had already picked out someone else. Ellie has always wondered why her father never wrote to her or tried to see her. She believes he has abandoned his family, and Virginia has given her that impression.

When Maggie and Roy Porter arrive at the inn, Jo Marie can tell from the beginning that something is wrong. Roy seems angry and abrupt. Maggie apologizes for Roy's bad mood, saying he hadn't want to take the time off work to come. The reader learns the truth watching them talk in their room. They have come to try to save their marriage. A few months ago, Roy had been emotionally intimate with a sales rep for one of his suppliers and Maggie had found out. She was so upset she had left, gone to a bar, gotten drunk, and had a physical affair with a stranger who bolstered her wounded ego. Neither Roy nor Maggie can get past that.

Maggie has brought a love letter Roy had written her after she had first broken up with him when they were going together. She had learned he'd gone to a strip club with friends. It had crushed her and destroyed her trust in him, while he considered it just fun that didn't mean anything. Roy's letter had caused her to weep because she really did love Roy, and they got back together and eventually married.

This weekend at Rose Harbor Inn was the first time they had been away together since their two young sons had been born. As the book moves on, it appears Maggie and Roy may resolved their differences, until another complication appears that Roy seems not to be able to handle. It is the usually silent Mark, strangely enough, who turns the tide.

When Tom picks Ellie up, it appears the two are really connecting. Their first dinner date goes well, followed by a romantic walk on the beach. Tom has invited Ellie to go sailing with him the next morning, and he says after that he has a surprise for her, and in spite of her begging, he won't give her a clue as to what it is. Alert readers may pick up a few hints, but when the surprise is revealed, it completely shakes Ellie's world and she wants nothing more to do with Tom, whom she thinks had just used her. She is blaming herself for not listening to her mother.

Jo Marie and Rover provide a listening ear and comfort to both Ellie and Maggie. Then Virginia Reynolds appears to complete the party. Overall, it is a healing weekend, but you'll have to read the book to watch the characters put their lives back together. At the end, only one relationship has not resolved itself the way I would have liked.

My Recommendation

I recommend these books to anyone who likes well-written romances that could actually happen. The complications seem natural instead of contrived as they are in some novels. Instead of existing only in the character's minds, they are real obstacles in relationships instead of the “He or she could never love me because _________” variety, where a character has seen or heard something that plants a wrong idea. 

These books are free from steamy explicit scenes. They are about love and romance and genuine relationships rather than casual sexual encounters. 

I am eager to read the next books in the series, Silver Linings, and Sweet Tomorrows, which is brand new. I hope it will resolve the relationship that was left up in the air in Love Letters. If you're ready for the perfect romance to read on the beach or on the plane or when you just want to relax at home, order The Inn at Rose Harbor today. You won't be sorry. Better yet, get the five book series, now out in Kindle form.

Please share this review with anyone else you think might enjoy these books. There are sharing buttons just below this last photo, which is just the right size for Pinterest.

pink roses

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Review of Inescapable- The Road to Kingdom

Can We Ever Escape the Past?

Mennonite gathering
Inescapable (Road to Kingdom Book #1) by Nancy Mehl is the story of Lizzie Engel's escape from her past in the Old Order Mennonite Town of Kingdom, to Kansas City to start a new life. She returns with fear again to Kingdom when a new threat emerges in Kansas City. Through most of the book, Lizzie lives under the shadow of Kingdom as it used to be. Gradually she learns that just as she is changing, the town she left is also changing. Though she never escapes her past, she is finally able to embrace the town and escape into a future where her emotional wounds can heal.

Why Did Lizzie Leave Kingdom? Why Does She Want to Return?

Mennonite man
Lizzie was born in Kingdom, Kansas, to Old Order Mennonite parents. Her father was an elder of the church and one who could be depended upon to join with those who were the strictest in enforcing the Ordnung -- a set of unwritten rules of behavior the faithful were expected to follow. He had always treated Lizzie harshly. Throughout the book, every time Lizzie does something she feels might be wrong, her father's voice seems to reprove her or call her stupid or wicked. Her mother was more gentle, but was also intimidated by her husband on the rare occasions when she tried to intervene.
Lizzie left Kingdom in disgrace. She was pregnant after being seduced by Clay Troyer, whom she'd gone to school with in Washington. When Troy and his family learned Lizzie was pregnant, they suddenly left the area without even a good-bye. Her mother was sad. Her father was silently condemning. The looks of the other church members were disapproving. So Lizzie took her daughter Charity and fled to Kansas City, where she started a new life. She was determined that Charity would not live under the same shadow of disapproval she herself had always felt.
As this book begins, Lizzie is fleeing again with Charity. Although she had found a happy life in Kansas City and had a good job and friends, she had reason to be afraid again. At all costs she wants to protect Charity. Two things have shaken her world.
The first is that her boss Sylvia at Harbor House, a women's shelter, has suffered her second heart attack and resigned. Sylvia had been her first friend in Kansas City. They had met when Lizzie was a waitress at Betty's Cafe, her first job in the city. Lizzie was almost running it herself by then. Lizzie gave Betty notice, and joined Sylvia at Harbor House.
After Sylvia left, she was replaced by Reba, who got along with no one. After Reba's boyfriend appeared too interested in Lizzie, Reba accuses Lizzie of stealing a thousand dollars that is missing, and the books make it appear that Lizzie is guilty. Lizzie knows she is being framed, but does not know how to prove her innocence. She is afraid charges will be brought against her and they might take Charity away from her.
red cap
Around the same time her troubles at work started, Lizzie began to be stalked by a man in a red baseball cap. He would stand across the street and stare at her apartment. Threatening letters began to appear in blue envelopes with no return address. One letter read:" I'm watching you. It's just a matter of time before I get you and your little girl. You'll never get away from me." (From Chapter 2)
Lizzie quits her job and manages to get a last paycheck. After going home and getting the last threatening letter from her mailbox, she sees the man in the red hat, holds the letter in the air, and yells at him, "Why are you doing this? What do you want?" She threatened to call the police. He took a step back and she took a step off the curb. She was struck by a car and everything went black.
Next thing she knew, her landlady was standing over her. Someone had called an ambulance. She didn't feel she needed to be looked at and refused treatment because she didn't have money to pay for it. The man in the red cap was gone. She returns to her apartment in pain, and gets Charity into bed before looking at her bruised hip in the bathroom. As she berates herself for her stupidity, she hears the echo of her father's voice, "How could you be so stupid, Elizabeth? How could a daughter of mine be so ignorant?" She tells herself her father may have been right. Even though her childhood in Kingdom had been painful, she suddenly longed to be there again.
Then Lizzie seemed to hear another voice, a voice that sounded different than her father's. It urged her to go home and assured her everything would be all right. She couldn't imagine how things could turn out all right. She had left an outcast, the fallen daughter of an elder. But she still hears the insistent voice saying, "Go home, Lizzie. Go home."
The only thing Lizzie had left in life that she cared about was Charity, and she was determined to keep her safe. She felt there was only one road left she could take now -- the road back to Kingdom.

Why Kingdom?

horse drawn wagon

Although Lizzie had always been subject to verbal abuse and had often been severely punished by her father, she did believe her mother loved her. Although the Old Order Mennonite Community had been repressive and made Lizzie feel stifled, she still did have friends there. She also felt it was a safe haven.
Kingdom (which is as far as I can tell a fictional town) is in Northern Kansas , about ten miles south of Nebraska. It is a long buggy ride from Washington, where many of Kingdom’s children went to school. It is an isolated community. You’d never find the turn-off from the highway for the road that leads to Kingdom unless you already knew where it is. Lizzie was sure her enemies would not find her in Kingdom.
Another reason Lizzie expected Kingdom to be a safe place was that the Mennonite community protected its own. In this small town of only 300, strangers were obvious. They were usually met by a church elder who intended to determine what their business was in Kingdom. It was not a good place for a stranger to hide. Though Lizzie may have been considered by some a black sheep, she knew the town would do their best to protect her and Charity. A stranger who was determined to be up to no good would be escorted out.
When Lizzie had left, the winds of change were in the air. Some of the younger church members were beginning to believe the rules should not be so strict. Maybe women should be able to wear lighter colors. Maybe farmers should be able to use tractors. Maybe modern plumbing wasn’t immoral. Maybe telephones weren’t sinful.
When Lizzie had left, her father, Matthew had been a very powerful and influential elder. When she returned those of his persuasion were beginning to be less influential. The church was on the verge of a crisis in leadership. The members of the congregation were not as judgmental as they had been when she left. They welcomed her back.
When Lizzie arrived in Kingdom again, she had only planned to stay as long as it took her to be sure her name had been cleared of stealing the money back in Kansas City and she no longer felt threatened by the man in the red hat. But her experience back in Kingdom gave her a reason to stay.
old red barn

My Review of Inescapable

I have laid the background. You know why Lizzie left Kingdom and why she returned. The rest of the book shows you her new life there. She has relationships to mend, especially with her parents, Matthew and Anna. She gets a job working in a cafe again, and finds a friend in its owner Cara Menlo, who had warmly welcomed her back home. Cara also provided a place to live above the cafe.
Lizzie's old friend Noah sees her in the cafe and welcomes her back. They had done everything together as children. It is obvious to the reader that he has been and is still in love with Lizzie – in spite of the fact her child was conceived by another man when she was in her teens.
Even though the love shines from Noah’s eyes and everyone can see it there, Lizzie insists on believing he couldn’t love her because she thought they had never been more than just friends. I call this kind of misunderstanding, which I’ve seen in book after book I’ve been reading, a contrived obstacle to keep the plot moving. Perhaps Lizzie is just afraid to believe Noah loves her. So I’ll play along to keep the plot moving.
Had she not dismissed and insisted on misinterpreting Noah’s attention to her when they reunited, he would have courted her and they probably would have married soon after. This would not have solved all her problems, but it would have made much of what happened after that in the book unnecessary. It would have removed her sense of danger and given her daughter Charity a father. She would not have felt she needed to flee again, and she would not have been tempted to make another big mistake. But then there would have been no need for the author to write the rest of the book.
That brings up another contrived obstacle that is often used in fiction. That would be the obstacle of a decision made. A character says she will marry someone or take a job and it’s as though she now has no choice but to follow through, no matter what new information might be revealed. After Charity’s father, Clay, tracks Lizzie down and appears on the scene with excuses for leaving and lies about what he intended, he persuades her to marry him and come to Seattle with him where she and Charity will be safe from the danger that follows her. (Another blue envelope has showed up in Kingdom.) He claims to love her.
Lizzie is torn, but wants what’s best for Charity. Noah has not yet declared his love, and Clay has turned on the charm and convinced Lizzie she does still love him. Noah sees the danger of losing Lizzie and finally speaks his piece to her, declaring his love and proposing. She turns him down even though she loves him because she’s already decided it’s best to marry Charity’s father. Noah has warned her that Clay is a bad apple and she would regret marrying him, but Lizzie ignores her heart. She only realizes the truth when Clay’s lies become apparent and she sees his real motivation.
To tell you more would ruin the story. There is still a family to put back together, since Matthew would not permit Lizzie into their home. And Lizzie’s heart also needs to be put back together as she finds that God is not like her earthly father Matthew.
I would recommend this book if you like Christian fiction that deals with troubled relationships, has a bit of romance, and illustrates how God can redeem any situation. Kingdom is a refuge, but danger does arrive, and there is plenty of suspense to keep you reading to the end.

Inescapable (Road to Kingdom Book #1)Inescapable (Road to Kingdom Book #1)Check Price

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Rose and The Thorn (MacPherson Brides) Book Review

The Rose and The Thorn Book Review
I was initially drawn to this book because of the title, The Rose and The Thorn.  I was not familiar with the author, but decided to give the book a chance.   After all, I needed a new book to read and the title piqued my interest.  Since it was in the romantic Christian fiction category, I felt pretty safe. 

As it turns out, I am really glad I took a chance and read this book!  I finished reading it last night and immediately downloaded the next two books from the series.  I never want to be without a book and finding a series I enjoy is always exciting! 

It turns out that the book title was a play on the main characters names, Sarah Rose Greer and Thornton MacPherson.  Unlike many of the Christian fiction books I read, this book delved into some really painful experiences including rape and spousal abuse.   As a rule, I prefer books to be more lighthearted.   I have oft said there is enough sin and pain in the real world, I don't want it in my entertainment.  But, this book was more insightful about the impact of those actions on the victims.  In my opinion, the author struck just the right balance.  Nothing got too graphic to handle and the victims weren't wimpy, whinny little creatures.   They were strong women with real issues that they confronted.

Synopsis of "The Rose and The Thorn"

The book takes place in the 1800's when women were not considered equal to men.  It was also a time of arranged marriages, or at least marriages that were established based on social and economic background.  Marriages that were beneficial to families and not founded on love were much more commonplace.  Such was the marriage that was forced upon Sarah.  

 The Rose and The Thorn (MacPherson Brides Book 1)At 16, Sarah's parents died.  She and her little brother moved in with her wealthy grandfather who immediately made marital arrangements for Sarah with an older man who was deemed a good business partner for her grandfather.  Against her wishes, she married a stranger who turned out to be a real monster behind closed doors.  The inescapable marriage lasted 13 years.  After her husband was murdered by the mother of one of his rape victims, Sarah, her brother and the child she adopted, moved away from her grandfather and Boston.   As the named heir to her husbands wealth, Sarah was able to purchase a home for her little family and start a new life in the small, but growing, mining town of Central City.

Unfortunately, her brother still worked for their grandfather.  Not because he wanted to, but because it was his "duty" to expand their business into Central City.  Even though he was out of his grandfathers home, he was still controlled by him through his grandfather's manager, Stanley.  

Stanley had plans himself for the new wealthy widow.  He knew that if he married Sarah, he would not only control her money, but he would have equal standing with her grandfather, not just his employee.  His scheming backfired on him though and Sarah ended up being forced to marry Thornton, but this time it was a decision she made to protect her reputation and her adopted daughters future.  However, Thornton was just as much a stranger to her as her first husband had been when they "walked the aisle".

The analogy of the rose and the thorn became obvious almost immediately after Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson were united.  Both Sarah and Thornton had survived their previous spouses, but they still struggled with issues from their past.  Those experiences tainted and affected their relationship.   


As I have previously stated, Christian fiction is my preferred genre, but I am often annoyed by how an author will present life as being easy for Christians.  They want readers to accept that God is going to make everything wonderful in their lives and that everyone will live happily ever after.  Since Christianity is not a fairy tale, neither is the life of a Christian.

I appreciated the fact that this author, Mischelle Creager, did not paint a fantastical life around her characters.  As a reader, I may not want to be bludgeoned with horror and gore, but I also don't wish to be assaulted with stupidity and completely unbelievable characters.  For the most part, this book was realistic without being too real.

The Rose and The Thorn (MacPherson Brides) Book Review & Recommendation Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Monday, December 21, 2020

Book Review: Nickel's Luck by S.L. Matthews

Nickel's Luck is the debut novel by S.L. Matthews. I overlooked this book because westerns are not my preferred genre. However, I did eventually download it to my Kindle and devoured the story of Ryder Wheeler, a sailor named Old Joly, a cowboy named Bannack, and the beautiful gulf coast town of Indianola, Texas set in the late 1800s. This is a western slash historical fiction slash coming of age slash story that I hope to someday see as a television mini-series. I enjoyed getting lost in this story.

Book Review: Nickel's Luck by S.L. Matthews on ReviewThisReviews

Ten year old Ryder is an adventurous, charming child who cannot turn down any dare. He has rejected his family name and calls himself Ryder because he claims to be able to ride anything, and has proven this to be true until the day he could not ride the dolphins because the waves drug him out to sea before he could catch up to them. His best friend, Les, calls him "Nickel" because Ryder is lucky; unnervingly lucky at times. Nickel becomes the town's golden child and everyone adores him.

Everyone except his father and an older brother. Oren Wheeler is a drinking, smoking, angry man who produces many children that he isn't very concerned about providing for. He is a fisherman, like many residents of Indianola, but his family often goes hungry. Alastor, an older brother, seems to be following in Oren's footsteps. Ryder literally sleeps with his eyes open due to Alastor's malintent.

Part way into the book, and with tears streaming, I paused to do an internet search to see if Indianola, Texas was an entirely fictional place. Surely, this had to be a figment of the author's creative imagination. I was stunned to find that the town had indeed existed. Indianola was a gulf coast town in the 1800s. A bustling port where business was booming and life revolved around the sea and fishing. People like Old Joly, a sailor, lived life on and next to the water. That way of life is described; the myths, sea monsters, tattoos, fishing, and floods. I felt I was there with my toes in the sand and listening to the waves on the shore. 

Bannack is the type of cowboy I tend to imagine when I think about westerns. The lone, dark stranger and his horse. Complete with hat and jingling spurs, fists and gun. Bannack knows nothing of the sea life or those who live it. Les and Ryder loved dime store novels. Loved is probably not the correct word. They obsessed over dime store novel heros. And Mustang Grey, pony express rider, was their favorite. Les had re-read these books to Ryder repeatedly. They had all of the details of Mustang Grey's life or death ride memorized. Les and Ryder are quickly suspicious that Bannack is Mustang Grey. I am not adept at writing reviews and I am concerned that any more I say about Bannack will create spoilers. So I will stop here. 

Despite his luck, Ryder is in danger many times from age 10 into his adolescent years. Old Joly saves his life immediately and Bannack sets out to save him long term. The residents of Indianola are superstitious and love their lucky golden child. Girls line up, vying for his attention. Ryder's nickname sticks as the residents believe that if you give him a nickel, you can buy some of his luck. Through the book, and through the years of Ryder's life (experiencing abuse, love, trauma, and loss) I began to wonder if he had sold all of his luck.

Nickel's Luck is a wonderful peek into two very different worlds (sailor and cowboy, seaport and ranch). The superstitions and myths believed of those who live on the water was intriguing. The rootin', tootin' and shootin' of the wild, old west was intense. 

I thought I had guessed how the story would end. But I was wrong. While I raced to the ending (quite frankly, to see if anyone would survive) I was sad when I reached the last page. This was a gritty, sometimes violent and heart-breaking novel that kept me turning pages late into the night. 

Related Link:

S.L Matthews is a multi-talented and interesting soul. She is a photographer and living history reenactor. Over the years I have enjoyed her photographs on social media. I completely relate to her statement that her favorite smells are "horse sweat, saddle leather, and campfire smoke. These are prioritized even over the aroma of chocolate." To learn more about her, visit her author page here. 

Author S.L. Matthews

For the purpose of transparency: I had met the author and family once when they lived in my area. Via social media and mutual internet friends, I was aware that the author was in the process of writing and publishing a book. Westerns are not my go-to reading genre (although, I do enjoy Westerns in the movie form) so I had no intention of reading this novel. But between the down time created by the current socially-distant environment and comments by mutual friends who enjoyed reading Nickel's Luck, I decided to give it a try. I feel this is an honest review and I did not receive a copy for review. Over time, I have seen how much the author enjoys all things related to the 18th and 19th centuries; especially the Old West and that love and familiarity clearly shines through in her writing.

*Images used with the permission of the author. 

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Top Ten Halloween Costumes for Women in 2022

top 10 halloween costumes for women
Halloween Costumes for Women
It's not long until Halloween so I thought it would be a great time to start reviewing what the most popular women's costumes were for 2022.  I checked a number of different costume websites to find out what the trending costumes are for this year.

I was surprised by a few of the costumes that kept popping up on the lists, but after collating numerous sites I believe these ten costumes will be the most popular for women this year, let's take a look at them shall we?

We have the likes of Wonder Woman, Eleven, Rey, Winifred Sanderson, Harley Quinn & Daenerys Targaryen to name just a few, I wonder which one will be your favorite.

Wonder Woman Halloween Costume

Joint Number One Women's Costume for 2019

wonder woman costume
Wonder Woman Costume
Wonder Woman tied with Eleven as the top rated women's Halloween costume for 2019.

It's not surprising to me as Wonder Woman is an iconic superhero from my childhood and has also become immortalized on the big screen now which means a new generation of girls can embrace this female superhero.

Now it's hard to know which Wonder Woman costume will be the most popular - the classic costume or the movie Wonder Woman costume.  I suggest you just choose the one you prefer.

Eleven Costume from Stranger Things

Joint Number One Women's Costume for 2019

Eleven costume for woman
Eleven Costume
I keep telling myself that I must watch Stranger Things as I keep hearing how amazing it is.  I don't know who the character Eleven is, but she tied with Wonder Woman as the most popular, trending costume for women this year.

As far as I can tell there is only one costume which is a pink dress with green and yellow banded sports socks.

Having had a look at Google Images for Eleven there does seem to be a couple of other options for a costume that fans of the show may want to create for themselves.

Rey Halloween Costume

Third Most Popular Women's Costume for Halloween 2019

Rey costume
Rey Costume
I have put Rey as the third Halloween costume and yet it got the same number of mentions as the rest of the list.  Why I'm elevating it above the others however is because on a couple of sites they mentioned any Star Wars costume (as opposed to picking one particular one such as Rey or Princess Leia).

Let's face it Star Wars is a classic Halloween themed costume, I don't see that ever changing!

There are a few different Rey costumes available, including what I think of as the classic Rey costume that is pictured here.

More Women's Costumes for Halloween 2019

Let's Round Out the Top 10 Costume Ideas

The next seven costumes for women all seemed to be just as popular as each other, trending slightly differently on different sites, but being mentioned the same amount of time.

So in no particular order let's check out the next costume ideas ...

Flapper Costumes for Women

Flapper costumes
Check out the Flapper Costumes
I was so surprised that flapper costumes look like trending strong this year.

These costumes have been extremely popular for a number of years now, not that I'm surprised as I really love them

I'm linking out to a site that has a number of absolutely fabulous 1920 flapper dresses available for you to enjoy.

The article also talks about different accessories to add to your beautiful flapper dress to help pull it all together as the perfect 1920s flapper girl look.

Ghostbuster Costumes for Women

Ghostbuster costumes
Check Out the Ghostbusters Costumes
It's been three years since the remake of Ghostbusters with a female cast and yet it appears that these costumes are still trending this year!

I do love both the 2016 Ghostbusters as well as the original Ghostbusters overalls and they are also a great costume to wear if you're going out with a couple of friends and want a group costume idea.

In this article on Ghostbusters costumes, it also features a couple of other costume ideas that aren't the Ghostbusters themselves which is perfect if you're looking for a group costume idea.

Winifred Sanderson Costume

A Hocus Pocus Costume Idea

If you're trying to think, who is Winifred Sanderson and why does the same seem familiar, she's one of the witches from the 1993 movie Hocus Pocus.  To celebrate the 25th anniversary of this popular movie last year there were a number of membrabillia released including a range of Hocus Pocus Halloween costumes

I believe that this is why Winifred's costumes really trended last year, I'm not sure why the Sarah Sanderson and Mary Sanderson costumes haven't received as much attention, although I guess everyone thinks of Bette Midler's character before the other two.   2022 is proving that Winifred Sanderson is still a very popular choice as a Halloween costume.

Finding these official costumes has proved a little tricky however which is why I've included this diy no-sew tutorial for your very own Winifred costume -

Baywatch Costume

Baywatch costume
Baywatch Costume
Although it's been a while since the 2017 movie of Baywatch it appears the costumes are still trending.

Looking at the costumes available they don't seem to have changed since the popular television series which I'm sure you all must have seen at least a couple of episodes of.

In my opinion this is definitely best to go with if you're in a warm climate for Halloween!   Also don't forget to practice the 'slow mo running' to really bring the costume to life!

Harley Quinn Halloween Costume

There are lots of different Harley Quinn costumes available and I actually wrote about them here.   It surprises me that the Suicide Squad Harley Quinn costume is still trending as a must have Halloween costume for 2019, although I guess I shouldn't be surprised as Harley Quinn is quite a character.

Harley Quinn costumes
Check out the range of Harley Quinn Costumes

Daenerys Targaryen Costume

Even though Game of Thrones has ended their costumes are still popular including for men Jon Snow and the White Walkers.  When it comes to costumes for women though there seems to be a clear winner with the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen.

There are a number of costumes available for Daenerys to choose from and I must admit as a fan of hers I really can't decide which costume I would want to choose!

Daenerys Targaryen costumes
Check out the Daenerys Targaryen Costumes

The Handmaid's Halloween Costume

The Handmaid's Tale is yet another show that I am yet to watch even though the reviews were amazing.  With a successful third season airing this year it's hardly surprising to find this simple costume is popular.

The thing I love about this costume is that I can see the costume being easy to adapt into other costumes in future years which is something I love.

Which Costume Will You Choose

Would you like to wear one of these ten top trending Halloween costumes this year, or will you be looking to make you own mark with something different or a classic that you love?

We have a number of costume pages on this site that you might find inspiration from -

Top Three Group Costume Ideas for HalloweenTop Three Group Costume Ideas for Halloween
There are some wonderful ideas for group costumes, but sometimes when you're trying to think of just one you go completely blank! This article gives you three of the top group costume ideas for Halloween which you will love.

The Best Animal Costumes for HalloweenThe Best Animal Costumes for Halloween
Animal costumes are always a fun idea for Halloween. Heather reviews some of the animal costumes that are proving to be popular, even though she's loving her peacock costume she gives a nod to the other costumes available. I've always found dog themed costumes to be popular near where I live, but Heather reveals the most popular animal costume in her part of the world - guess what it is!

Reviewing Hobo Costume Ideas, Head to ToeReviewing Hobo Costume Ideas, Head to Toe
I must admit I had never thought about dressing up as a hobo for Halloween until I read Susan's article and I must say it's an ingenious idea. I do love an easy diy costume idea and this is certainly one of those, perfect for a last minute costume idea if you were thinking of missing Halloween this year and changed your mind on the day!

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