Showing posts with label lou16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lou16. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Best Bento Box for Adults

Best Bento Box for Adults
Featured bento box available on Amazon
I'd like to review bento boxes to try and find the best bento box for adults, but first do you know what a bento box is?

Bento boxes are used in Japanese culture and are basically a single portion meal that people take for their lunch - these can be brought as a takeaway, but are traditionally made at home.

A few years ago when my child was in primary school bento boxes were hailed as the best thing for children's lunches.  This wasn't the basic bento box though, but rather the Kyaraben (character bento), which was basically a way of making your child's lunch box look like a work of art!

The idea behind the bento box is to ensure that you have a well balanced lunch that looks appealing, tastes good and is nutritious - why aren't we all preparing bento boxes?

I've used a few tupperware style containers with different sections in them to take to work in the past, but some of them aren't leakproof and others are just too big so let's have a look at some of the choices on the market today.

Bento Lunch Boxes for Adults

These two options both appear to have conquered one of the biggest problems when looking for bento boxes - they are leakproof!

The first option is actually a set of two bento boxes which means that if you're single you can have a spare which is very handy if like me you routinely leave your container at work!  If you're half of a couple then you can have a lunch box each - simple!   Oh no!   I've discovered that this option doesn't appear to be available on Amazon anymore.   I will leave the review in case you can source this brand at another location, but I have linked to a selection of Bento Boxes.

 PlusPoint Leakproof Bento Lunch Box Set -2 in 1
Not only are these lunch boxes leakproof as a whole, but apparently they are also leakproof between containers according to verified purchasers on Amazon.

This is a pet peeve of mine as I absolutely hate getting divided containers and packing your lunch nicely only to get to your destination and finding that everything has mixed together between compartments!

These boxes are also freezer friendly which I love as I do like to cook in bulk so I would love to have a few of these so that I can take something different every day of the week!

The next option has 4 compartments to it instead of 3, but is also the all important leakproof!

 YUMBOX TAPAS Larger Size (Antibes Blue) 4 compartment Leakproof Bento lunch box
This container is designed for lunches that are eaten cold or at room temperature I should note as the container is not designed to be microwaved. This isn't a problem with some people, but is definitely something to think about when choosing your lunch box.

Yum Box certainly seems to attract return customers which means they must be doing something right so as a bento box for an adult this one has to be a contender.

The Stainless Steel Bento Box

When I think of a stainless steel bento box it makes me think of the classic aluminium style bento box that was popular in Japan in Taisho period (1912-1926).

These are definitely not them though!

Bento boxes for adults, healthy & fun!

Best Bento Lunch Box

So which of these boxes do you think is the best bento box for an adult?  It's hard to say as all adults are different in what they like to eat so obviously different boxes would be better for different people. I'd love you to tell me below which you think is the best bento box and I'll let people draw their own conclusions from what I've told them here.

Personally I absolutely love the look of the green (I also love the blue and pink options not pictured by the way), stainless steel bento box, but it's not the one that would suit me the best.

For me the best bento box would be the one that comes in a two pack and I think I need to buy a few of them because being able to fill the largest compartment and then freeze it is perfect for me.  I can pull it out of the freezer the night before and then in the morning add some salad and fruit or yogurt to the box and I'm good to go!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 1, 2017

How to Make Easy Healthy Vegetable Stock for Free!

How to make easy, healthy vegetable stock for free!
Image by Lou of Lou's Designs
I love my slow cooker and one of the things I regularly make in it is my super easy vegetable stock.

The best thing about this recipe is that it's free food!  Well pretty much free - all you have to pay for is water (depending if you're charged for water) and electricity.

Let's review what you will need to make your own homemade vegetable stock (you won't believe how easy it is!) .......

What You Need To Make Easy Veggie Stock

  • Vegetable scraps/peelings
  • Water
  • Slow Cooker
  • Strainer

Vegetable Scraps

When I'm cooking I don't throw away any vegetable peelings, onion skins, carrot tops etc.  I have an old, empty, plastic ice cream container in the freezer and I put all of the vegetable scraps that are thrown away in most households into it.  I should note that I also add any mushroom stalks and skins (if I've peeled them), but I don't add asparagus ends as they don't do too well in the stock.

Basically making this stock is also reducing your household waste which is a big tick for the environment as well as your wallet - and the health benefits of eating stock that has got no hidden extras - well that's priceless.   Okay, sermon over and on with how to make the veggie stock.

I'm actually thinking that I need a bigger container to store them in especially since my daughter became a vegan.  At the moment I seem to be making a pot of stock once a fortnight.

Slow Cooker

I think everyone should have a slow cooker and they don't have to buy an expensive one.  I have a very basic slow cooker that has lasted me for more years than the company that made it.

 Crock-Pot SCV400B 4-Quart Oval Manual Slow Cooker, Black
The slow cooker I have has basically three settings - low, high or automatic and that's really all that you need for your first slow cooker.

 You can buy slow cookers that have a number of different programs, but I wouldn't spend more than $25 on a basic slow cooker for your first one and see how you find it.

The important thing that you want to make sure your slow cooker has is a removable stoneware for easy cleaning - I think most of them have this nowadays anyway.

Once you've left something cooking in your slow cooker and have walked back into your house to the delicious smells wafting through you will wonder why it took you so long to get one!   If you're already a slow cooker convert you know exactly what I'm saying, don't you?

So Exactly How Do I Make Simple Veg Stock?

The Easiest Vegetable Stock Recipe Ever!

Empty your veggie scraps into your slow cooker, add enough water to cover the scraps, turn on slow cooker and walk away!   How easy is that?  See if I say something's easy I really mean it!

I usually put my slow cooker on low and leave it for 6-8 hours, on occasion I have put it on high and left it for 3-4 hours and both options have worked well.

Once you've turned your slow cooker off you can either let it cool for a bit or strain it straight away.  I just ladle the contents of the slow cooker into a sieve over a jug and just strain all of the liquid through.   The vegetable scraps that you're left with get thrown away by me, although I might start keeping them for compost - I'm researching whether or not I should use them once they've been cooked especially as I've read that you shouldn't use onion skins in the compost.

You will note that I haven't added any salt to this vegetable stock - I just season the dish that you're making with the stock as opposed to adding any at this stage.   When I used to buy stock I hated it when you used a stock that was quite salty because your husband forgot to get salt reduced!
Vegetable soup make with veggie stock

When you're making your own homemade stock you will notice that every time you make it the color can be different.  This is because of the different vegetable scraps you have, if you are using red cabbage and red onion one week it will look very different to a week when you have mainly potato peelings and carrot tops.

Most of my vegetable stock is used to make a range of different soups as I usually make a different batch of soup each week.  The soup is then put into single serve containers and labeled with my favorite label maker before being popped in the freezer.

On days when I'm working I simply select which soup I feel like and that's a nice, quick and healthy lunch for me.

So let me know do you make your own vegetable stock yet?  If not I hope you'll give it a try and let me know how you get on.

How to make easy healthy vegetable stock
Image by Lou of Lou's Designs

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Reviewing The Traffic Transformation Guide

The Traffic Transformation Guide by Lena Gott
The Traffic Transformation Guide by Lena Gott
Lena Gott's Traffic Transformation Guide focuses on 21 strategies she used to go from 17K to 400K+ monthly page views in just 10 months.

I first came across Lena Gott when I purchased the 2016 BC Stack, her ebook - How I Went from 17k to 350+k Monthly Views in 9 Months was included in the bundle I purchased.  As I read through the book I realized that I did know who she was as I have read a number of articles on her blog - What Mommy Does (I always thought it was a cool name for a blog).

I enjoyed the way Lena wrote and I discovered something I had never known before and I immediately started to implement it!   I have been writing online for over 10 years and am constantly learning new things especially as the internet seems to change almost weekly!

Most of what was covered in her book I had read or knew before, however the way she wrote spoke to me and sometimes you can hear things over and over before they click.

If you're new to blogging and want to increase your page views then I really recommend getting Lena's new book as she openly shares everything she does and explains it as though you were sat down talking to her.   If you've been blogging for a while you might not get quite as much value, but personally I found it to be well worth it.

When I was told that Lena had an updated book out - the one I'm about to review for you my finger quickly tapped on the buy button and I looked forward to seeing what other nuggets she may have discovered.

There's a lot of information in the book which can be a little overwhelming, but Lena herself recommends reading all the way through it first before settling down to go through the steps at your own pace - she even has worksheets and pages to take notes at the end of her ebook which you can print out.

I have finished reading through the book and even though I had read the first book and found the introduction a little repetitive the rest of the book was well worth purchasing.

When your blog traffic explodes - the traffic transformation guide

One of the things that Lena sees as important is to learn something new every day and I think that it's a good philosophy to have in life and an essential one to have if you plan on making money blogging.  I think this book is a great investment for anyone who is or wants to blog; anyone who runs a website or just about anyone who has a business with an online identity.

Although the main focus for readers of Lena Gott's Traffic Transformation Guide is bloggers I believe that anyone who wants or needs to use social media in their business would benefit from reading this.

Do you need to be a geek to understand this guide?

Absolutely not!  One of the reasons I enjoyed this book is because the way Lena writes sounds like she could be any other soccer mom, workmate, old school friend etc just talking to you about something she does using 'normal' every day language.

If you want to get a feel for the easy going language that is used then you can check out Lena on her blog What Mommy Does or in her Facebook group - Adventures in Blogging.   Alternatively try her prequel for free! - Free Blog Traffic Bonus Guide.

Definitely no 'geek speak', just plain language designed for both the new blogger and the experienced one alike to understand.

Get traffic to your site in 21 steps
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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, June 3, 2017

And Then There Were None - The Mini Series

And Then There Were None - The Mini Series
And Then There Were None
If you're after a dark mystery set in the late 1930s that will have you guessing right up to the end then you'll love And Then There Were None.   I have read the book, but I'm actually reviewing the 2015 mini series that was made for the BBC.

The book, by Agatha Christie, was published in 1939 and I think the miniseries captures the era well and it certainly has a lot of the nostalgic Christie feel about it.  If you're thinking of an Agatha Christie novel with good manners, manor houses and a little inconvenient murder to solve then you need to revisit Dame Christie.   And Then There Were None is when Agatha Christie tapped into her dark side and the result is a real masterpiece.

One of the reasons I liked the miniseries is that it managed to capture the darkness really well.  The bleakness of the island that is the main setting for the mini series made me want to go and visit, but it turns out that it wasn't actually filmed on an island!  When I first heard about this adaptation I remember reading 'mass murder rarely gets as fun as this' which I thought would've made a great tagline.

The basic story shows 8 strangers being invited to stay on a small, isolated island by someone none of them have actually met - the mysterious U. N. Owen.   When they get to the island their host isn't there although there are two servants on the island to look after them.

As the three part mini series unfolds our island cast of ten are killed off in the same way as the nursery rhyme (known as Ten Little Indians or Ten Little Soldiers), something which is picked up on by one of the main characters Vera Claythorne (played admirably by Maeve Dermody).

As you get to the end and are still trying to work out who did it we do get to see who was pulling the strings and it is the ending where it deviates from the book a bit, but not in a bad way.

I really believe that if Agatha Christie was alive today she'd be very happy with how this mini series turned out.

If you wanted to you could always read the book and watch the mini series to see which you prefer!  You can check out all of Agatha Christie's books on Agatha Christie's Booklist.


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Reviewing My Favorite Hand Held Labelling Machine

My Favorite Hand Held Labelling Machine - The Dymo Letratag
Get Your Own Dymo!
I own a pink (yes I said pink!) Dymo Letratag label printer and it really is my favorite hand held labelling machine and not just because the color brightens up my day! I brought my Dymo Letratag when my daughter started pre-school which means it's about a decade old and it's still doing it's job really well so this is an investment that will last.

Now I'll be honest when I went to the shops to purchase a label printer I wasn't planning on getting this one, I didn't think I needed a hand held one, I was looking at one that would sit on my desk.

The reason that I got the Letratag was because it was marked down and the couple of pink ones that were available were marked down further (apparently no one likes brighter colors, they want a subdued label printer!). I'm so glad of my decision because a hand held one is awesome and the only sort I now recommend.

Not only is it a wireless, hand held label printer (it runs off batteries) which means it's portable it also fits comfortably in my hand. The way Dymo have shaped their Letratag allows it to nestle nicely in one hand as you type the label with your other hand. It is also a nice weight, altogether the most comfortable label printer I've ever held.

Dymo certainly know their business as they've been producing label makers for years - can anyone else remember the vintage Dymo label maker that had a dial on it and you had to click on each letter (or number)? My mum had a red one from memory. As kids we thought it was great fun!

Features of the Dymo Letratag label printer

The Dymo Letratag printer is super easy to use with no messy ink to worry about or hard to thread tape for labels, let's have a look at the components....

Dymo hand held label maker
The batteries are located in the back, you simply push down on the bottom of the machine (where there's an indent) to release and the back comes off.

As you can see it takes 6 AA batteries which I thought seemed a lot at first, but I've only changed them twice in about 10 years so in my mind that is pretty good!

I do use my label maker quite a bit so I'm glad that it's economical to run.

If you can change the batteries in your television remote then you can change these!

Now what are the labels printed on?  Well unlike some other machines you don't need to add ink and tape as Dymo have combined the two in a little cartridge.

Dymo Letratag Labels
At the top of the machine there's a flap that you simply flip up to reveal the cartridge.  When one is finished you simply pull it out and put another one in.

There's no threading or anything it just pops in - not quite as easy as popping a pop tart into the toaster, but not much harder!

Now I've always used the plastic labels as I use them to label containers that are going into the freezer and I'm not sure that paper labels would work that well for this job.

There are a range of different types of labels available from plastic to paper and metallic to polyester.   There are also different colors that you can choose from.  I've only ever used the plastic black print on white labels.

I have read that people use different types of labels for different jobs - I'm too lazy for that I pop my cartridge in and leave it until it runs out!

If you're looking to get organized and need a tool like this the Dymo Letratag is hands down my favorite hand held labelling machine and I can't recommend it enough.

Now I can't find a pink Dymo Letratag available anywhere at the moment, but I have found a few in other colors which I'm sure will work equally well for you.   These other colors just may not cause you to smile as you pick them up!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 21, 2017

Best Gifts for Tea Lovers

best gifts for tea lovers
Let's review some of the best gifts for tea lovers, I've been given a few of these gifts myself as one of my aunts affectionately calls me 'an old tea bag'!

I've been drinking and enjoying tea for many decades and even though I enjoy my coffee if I have to make a choice tea is still hands down my favorite.

What to give a tea lover?   Well there's lots of great options available from a selection of teas to strainers, mugs, tea pots and much, much more.

Let's have a look at a few things that I'd like to see gift wrapped for me!

Cute, Fun, Unique, Retro & Anything BUT Boring Tea Infusers!

There are so many different tea infusers available to purchase from cute tea infusers, to fun ones, cool retro tea infusers and more - one thing these tea infusers have in common is that they're unique and are perfect gift ideas.

I have been in love with the Sloth tea infuser for a while, but that didn't stop me absolutely falling head over heels in love with the manatee inspired infuser I received one year.  Check out my fun tea infuser reviews below -

These tea infusers are a couple of my favorite tea inspired gifts that I've received and they put a smile on my face every time I use them.

I may only have a couple at the moment, but that doesn't stop me looking at others all of the time - here are some of my favorite ones -

Unique and fun tea infusers from the collection at
Click the image to be taken to a great range of fun tea infusers that you'll love

Tea Pots & Tea Pot Gift Sets

Of course you can't go past a tea pot as a gift idea for a tea drinker and there's an awesome selection available.  The great thing about a tea pot is that you can use it with tea bags or loose tea so it doesn't matter what their preference is.

I love the stackable tea pot sets that you can get that combine a tea pot and cup (some of them even have a saucer as well) .  If you're buying for a cat loving couple who enjoy tea then this set is sure to bring a smile to their faces -

Isn't it adorable?  Even a dog owner like myself would still fall in love with the black cat's face!

In my household both my hubby and I enjoy drinking tea, but I do like to experiment with different teas whereas he sticks with his standard cuppa.

In cases where people are single, or the sole tea drinker in the house, or likes to try different teas then a stackable tea for one tea set is an awesome gift idea.

If you're not a fan of the pastel purple daffodil design you can check out a whole range by clicking on the image below -

Tea for one, gorgeous teapot and tea cup sets
Click the image to go to Lou16's gorgeous collection of tea for one gift sets

You may just want to get a straight tea pot, after all lots of people prefer to drink from mugs instead of cups these days and I do have a few for you to look at right here -

As you can see teapots can be found in a range of different styles, personally I like what I think of as a traditional teapot (The Pioneer Woman one featured below), but I know that a lot of people associate teapots and tea parties with the style of the porcelain butterfly & dragonfly teapot style above.

With more and more people being inspired by different teas and infusions the blue floral teapot featured makes me think of an Asian influence, perfect for a Japanese tea ceremony.

I deliberately haven't included any clear, glass teapots in this selection even though they do appear to be quite a popular choice these days.   If you're a tea drinker you'll be aware of how much the tannin in tea can stain your cup/mug/pot which is why I'm not sure how long the glass ones will stay looking as nice as they do.  

Despite this I was given a clear tea pot as a gift so I will be trying it out for myself and will report back with a review at a later date.  If the clear pots can be kept looking nice then there are a couple of different gifts that feature them including teapots that dispense the tea from the bottom and 'flowering' tea pots.   Stay tuned for more on these after I've investigated more! 

Tea Inspired Jewelry

Along with tea I do love jewelry and combining the two makes a unique gift idea for a tea drinker in your life.  Just check out some of these favorite pieces of mine -

Beautiful tea inspired jewelry - the best gift for a tea lover
Click the image to go to a selection of tea jewelry & find the perfect gift for your tea lover

As I've said other options can include a selection of teas or a mug.  When it comes to mugs there are some great personalized mugs available.  An alternative to a personalized mug is the mugs that come complete with a strainer that sits inside them and a lid - I received one of these from a work colleague a few years ago and it's fantastic!

I hope I've given you a few gift ideas for the tea lover in your life & maybe even a few things you'd like for yourself.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Mom's New Nescafe Coffee Machine

Mom's New Nescafe Coffee Machine - the Dolce Gusto
Today I'm going to review the Dolce Gusto coffee maker that is my mom's new Nescafe Coffee Machine.   Now as you all know I'm a confirmed tea drinker, but I do also enjoy a nice coffee or a hot chocolate and this machine delivers with both.

My mom was given the Nescafe Dolce Gusto coffee maker by my brother and sister-in-law and was looking forward to seeing what I thought of her hot chocolate when I stayed (mom always makes me a hot chocolate at night when I'm at her house).   The Nescafe Dolce Gusto Chocoletto was delicious!

Mom's Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Maker

I've seen that this coffee maker comes in sophisticated black and glamorous silver, but my mom was given a rather racy looking red which is very attention seeking in her kitchen!   The actual machine is one that takes capsules which are very popular at the moment.

Not only does the Dolce Gusto coffee maker make coffee and hot chocolate it can also make iced tea which is apparently delicious, although I didn't get around to trying that one myself.   Let's have a look at the coffee machine and see how it works.

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine - Easy to use in four simple steps

As you can see this is a sleek looking machine which is what you expect from Nescafe, but let's look at each part and talk about how they all work together to bring you whatever elixir you crave!

  1. You can see that the water is kept at the back of the machine - this is just room temperature water filled from the tap or from your purifier whichever you prefer.   A bonus with this machine is that if you forget to check if you have enough water before starting it up (lack of caffiene can cause concentration problems after all!) the machine will stop midway and allow you to add water.
  2. Here you can see where you add the pods or coffee capsules (I'm never quite sure which term to use!)  For the hot chocolate, chai latte and other specialty coffees there are two capsules required a 'coffee' one and a 'milk' one.   Nescafe make the coffee ones black and the milk ones white to make it easy to grab one of each from the box.
  3. Depending on what drink you're making it will tell you how many levels to 'dial up' on the machine - the green lights indicate the level on the Dolce Gusto machine.   When I say tell you, it doesn't actually speak but rather is shown on the capsule lid!  My niece told my mum to go up an extra level and we enjoyed it just as much doing that so I would just use their instructions as a guideline as opposed to written in stone.
  4. The final part of the Dolce Gusto coffee maker is the switch which you put to the hot or cold side depending on what you're making because this gem of a machine makes iced drinks too!   Apparently the iced tea is delicious, but I didn't try it myself as mom had a peach flavored one which I wasn't too keen on.

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Capsules

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Capsules
Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Capsules
Let's look at the fuel of the machine, the coffee capsules or coffee pods whatever you want to call them.  They are available in a wide range of flavors and as you've seen above the Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee machine allows you to make both hot and iced drinks.

Looking on Amazon I can see a range of flavors that my mom hasn't even mentioned so I'm excited about my next trip to stay with her.........or maybe I'll just have to get one of these machines myself and call it Lou's New Nescafe Coffee Machine!

I can thoroughly recommend the Chocoletto and the Chai Tea Latte and on my next visit I want to try the Mocha because combining chocolate and coffee is just like manna from heaven in my mind!  My daughter was looking over my shoulder as I checked out what capsules were available and has decided that her Nan will just have to get some Dolce Gusto Nesquik capsules!

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Maker

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Manatea Tea Infuser and Mug Gift Set

Manatea Tea Infuser & Mug Gift Set
Today I'm going to review a great infuser and mug gift set I was given.   I'm not sure why everyone keeps giving me tea related gifts, I don't drink that much tea do I?!

The Manatea Tea Infuser and Mug Gift Set is really cute - I love the casual look of the mug and the 'go with the flow' inscription is very appropriate for me.   Don't even get me started on how cute the manatea infuser is!

The tea infuser is made from food grade silicone which means it's soft and pliable - very easy to handle.

You can see how cute it is below, a real conversation piece.   You can see in the first image that the 'infuser' part of the tea infuser is basically the manatea's body.

I do love cute tea infusers as they are a great way to brighten up my day - my rubber ducky tea infuser always brings a smile to my face.   I think this manatea is going to make me smile when I look at it too!

Now, what about the practical aspect of the infuser?

As I said the silicone is very easy to handle and the tea infuser comes apart and fits together again very easily.

There have been some criticisms of this tea infuser so I'm going to address them here.

You can't fill the infuser very easily because of it's size.  Now I don't know what size teaspoon this reviewer had because I found it very easy to fill - I only added one teaspoon of tea because that's all I use for one mug, but it would have taken two very easily.

Manatea silicone tea infuser

I've added a photo here so that you can see how easily my (normal sized!) teaspoon can fit into the infuser.

You can't drink the tea while the infuser is on the mug.  Well I have to disagree with this reviewer as well - to a degree anyways.   I wear glasses and thought there could be a problem, however I found drinking most my tea from this mug with the infuser attached was fine.   When it got to the bottom part of the mug (from where the non-infuser part of the tail part was) the manatea did touch my nose, but I didn't think it was anything to worry about.

I also would like to note that I didn't get any tea leaves left in my mug after drinking although I should add that I haven't drunk any really fine leafed teas.

I would thoroughly recommend this and I don't think you can ever have too many tea infusers!

Want to check out more gift ideas for tea drinkers?

Rubber Ducky Tea InfuserRubber Ducky Tea Infuser
If you're after a bit of fun with your cup of tea then you will love to read my rubber ducky tea infuser review. I absolutely love this fun tea infuser, because let's face it what's not to love about a rubber ducky?

Why Drink Peppermint TeaPeppermint Tea
As I review Twinings Peppermint Tea Bags let me also answer the question 'why drink peppermint tea?' - you might be surprised at the range of benefits this delicious beverage has.

Lifestyle Awareness Teas Review of Lifestyle Awareness Teas
Last time I shopped for tea, I noticed a new brand on the shelf: Lifestyle Awareness Teas. I noticed they were organic and that they appeared to support specific aspects of health.

Tea Christmas OrnamentsTea Christmas Ornaments
As someone who loves their cuppa I think the idea of tea Christmas ornaments on my Christmas tree is an absolutely fantastic idea. Whichever tea you prefer there is just something about a tea inspired Christmas tree that I think is perfect.

Manatea Tea Infuser & Mug Gift Set
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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, February 17, 2017

Wine Pearls Chilling Wine in Style!

Wine Pearls - cooling wine in style
Wine Pearls
Let's review a popular gift idea for wine drinkers - wine pearls, chilling wine beautifully and looking good at the same time!  They really are a great gift idea, but do they work?  Well I just had to try them out for myself.

The first brand I tried were the ones pictured which, as you can see came in a beautiful looking box making them a great gift idea.

I placed the four 'pearls' in the freezer before going to bed one night and decided to try them out the following evening.  I should add the manufacturers say you only need to chill them for four hours while some reviewers have indicated 2 hours are sufficient.

The next evening was a Friday and after a long week at work I thought a nice chilled glass of moscato would go down nicely!

I got the wine pearls out and the one I placed in my glass of wine was so cold to touch I just knew it was going to work beautifully!   This gorgeous wine cooling pearl kept my wine at a perfect temperature and even when I'd finished the glass it was still lovely and cold.

My daughter asked if she could hold it and was surprised at how cold it was remarking, "it's like an ice pack for your wine" which sums it up pretty well.

Why Do You Need Wine Pearls?

The idea behind the wine cooling pearls is great - keep your wine cool without altering the taste - there's nothing worse than having ice cubes in your favorite moscato or chardonnay (although I do know people who have committed this crime!)

There was a suggestion a few years ago of adding frozen grapes to your favorite glass of vino.   I liked this suggestion, but that was more for the excuse to freeze grapes (have you tasted a frozen grape, they're like little pops of ice cream - yum!).

The only drawback is that different grapes have different levels of sweetness and flavor that can be at odds with some wines.   Personally I find them fine, but I'm not a wine expert by any stretch of the imagination!  I just enjoy a nice moscato or a certain dolcetto & syrah blend in the summer heat.

These wine pearls are made from food grade stainless steel and have a non-toxic freezable gel core, I was very hesitant about trying them as I thought they could add a metallic taste to the wine.   Luckily that thought was unwarranted.  The wine pearls just kept the wine cool without altering any of it's flavor - just perfect!

Wine Pearls, chilling wine in style!

What if You Don't Drink Wine?

These wine pearls aren't just for wine you can forget about whiskey stones and use wine pearls in your whiskey and scotch as well - they even look sophisticated enough to pop into a martini, shaken or stirred!

If you're a non-drinker that's okay, pop one of these wine pearls into a mocktail or soda for a refreshingly cool drink.

Wine Cooling Pearls - not just for wine!

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Friday, January 20, 2017

Why Drink Peppermint Tea?

Why Drink Peppermint Tea - a Twinings Peppermint Tea Review
Twinings Peppermint Tea - Photography by Lou's Designs
As I review Twinings Peppermint Tea Bags let me also answer the question 'why drink peppermint tea?' - you might be surprised at the range of benefits this delicious beverage has.

I will admit to a bias - I love, love, love peppermint tea, but who wouldn't?  I touched very briefly on why I enjoy peppermint tea on my fun tea infuser review as I usually enjoy fresh peppermint leaves steeped in boiling water.

Sometimes, however you need another source and my go to commercial brand is Twinings Pure Peppermint tea bags.

When you're unable to use fresh leaves for whatever reason then tea bags are a great idea, but I've also just discovered (thanks to Amazon) that you can buy Twinings peppermint tea in K-Cups as well which I know a lot of people use.

Why Do I Recommend Twinings Peppermint Tea Bags?

Twinings Pure Peppermint is a tea that I really enjoy and I first came across it a few years ago when I managed to kill my peppermint plant - apparently they can't be killed, but as I've said to my daughter on numerous occasions there's no such word as can't!   I had to find a replacement as I'd come to really enjoy my cup of peppermint tea after lunch so I set off on a mission to find some peppermint tea bags.

Looking at my supermarket's tea selection I couldn't find the two brands that I had previously tried (when living in New Zealand) so it was really luck of the draw that I decided to try Twinings Pure Peppermint.  Well not just luck, but three very good reasons - 
  1. The name Twinings is synonomous with good tea
  2. They were available in a 10 bag size - ideal for sampling
  3. They were on a very good special
Once I sat down to my first cup I was very happy that I had decided on this brand as it really is delicious.   I work a few days a week in an office so I leave a few peppermint tea bags there so that I don't have to miss out on my peppermint tea when I don't have my plant handy (although making my own is my still my favorite way of enjoying this beverage).

Why Drink Peppermint Tea?

The main reason I enjoy drinking peppermint tea is because it's delicious and I love the taste!   There are lots of health benefits for drinking it as well, though and it's always nice when something that is good for you also tastes delicious!

Here's some of the benefits of peppermint tea -

  • Aids digestion, including bloating, cramping, vomiting & nausea - even motion sickness can be helped with peppermint tea.
  • Boosts your immune system - it has known anti-bacterial properties which means it can help ease symptoms of illness (especially colds, flus and sinus problems) and it can also act as a preventative.
  • Helps bad breath - it doesn't just make your mouth feel fresh and smell clean from the menthol (that's what gives you the minty flavor), but because of the anti-bacterial properties it can kill off germs that cause haliotis.
  • Helps with concentration - more on that below!
  • Can provide stress relief - menthol (an active ingredient in peppermint tea) has natural sedative and anti-spasmodic properties which combined together really helps to ease stress while the anti-inflammatory properties can help to lower blood pressure allowing you to relax.
  • Helps with headaches and migraines - because of how it helps with stress and sinus (two causes of headaches) peppermint tea can be very helpful.
  • Offers sinus relief - menthol is a natural decongestant which means it provides relief from sinus pressure, it also soothes a sore throat which is handy if the sinus congestion is from a cold or flu.   I've seen it recommended to add honey to peppermint tea for sinus, colds and flus, but I've never added honey myself.

There are lots more health benefits, it's almost sounding like a superfood isn't it?   I should add however that when taking herbal infusions for a medical reason you should always talk to your doctor.  Menthol has been known to cause typically mild allergic reactions in some people so if in doubt consult a medical professional.

Why I Drink Peppermint Tea At Lunchtime

I always enjoy my peppermint tea after eating my lunch (I sometimes enjoy it at other times, but this is my favorite time).  As I've said I enjoy the flavor, it leaves my mouth feeling lovely and fresh and I also think it helps with my digestion.

I have also discovered that I concentrate better in the afternoon if I've had a peppermint tea after lunch - no more '3pm fog brain' for me.  I had been wondering if this increased concentration was just a placebo effect, but apparently there have been scientific studies (and here was me thinking I'd 'discovered' this all by myself!).

A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that peppermint tea can increase focus and concentration.   Another study by the University of Cincinnati found that the scent of peppermint was even better at boosting alertness, concentration and improving memory than actually drinking the tea.

Now I'm not going to just sniff the tea and not drink it, but I take the study to mean - sit down, relax, cradle your cup/mug of precious peppermint tea and inhale the scent while also sipping slowly on it. Once it's finished you'll be set for a very productive afternoon!

Twinings Peppermint Tea Bags
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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Rubber Ducky Tea Infuser Review

Check out this fun tea infuser - a rubber duck tea infuser
If you're after a bit of fun with your cup of tea then you will love to read my rubber ducky tea infuser review.  I absolutely love this fun tea infuser, because let's face it what's not to love about a rubber ducky?

I received this cute rubber duck tea infuser for Christmas from my daughter a couple of years ago.   I'd said I wanted a fun tea infuser and she wanted to know what I meant by that so I mentioned a rubber ducky one as an example.   My mum was Christmas shopping with her and told me (after the event) that she was searching high and low for it ignoring other fun tea infusers like the sloth tea infuser or the geeky space capsule tea infuser for examples.

Aside from looking cute floating in a mug of tea instead of someone's bath this rubber ducky hides a mesh tea infuser underneath which you simply add the loose tea to, attach the rubber duck and let it float around dispensing flavor to your hot water.

Personally I only use my rubber ducky tea infuser for making my own peppermint tea.   I simply pick fresh mint leaves, pop them in the mesh and leave it to brew for about 5 minutes before enjoying a lovely tasting aid to digestion.   The peppermint tea really sets me up for the afternoon as it not only tastes nice, but stops indigestion and also helps to keep me refreshed and invigorated, but back to the tea infuser.

This fun tea infuser comes with a blue stand which looks rather like an egg cup, with a wavy 'top' and lets you simply lift rubber ducky out of your cup and into the stand when you want to drink.   Once washed and in the cupboard it lets you sit the tea infuser neatly until use.

If you're a loose tea drinker, or you just want to try some of your own herbal infusions then I recommend this rubber ducky tea infuser as I dare you not to smile when you see it's cute face!

Fun rubber ducky tea infuser

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Butterfly Christmas Tree Ornaments - A Beautiful Holiday Theme

butterfly ornaments christmas tree
Butterfly Christmas Ornament Photo by Louanne Cox
of  Lous
Have you ever heard of butterfly Christmas tree ornaments? I had never thought of adding butterflies onto my Christmas tree until recently when I saw this tree (pictured) decorated in a local store with it's large silver butterfly ornaments on it.

This year we've been treated to record numbers of Caper White butterflies in our garden along with the usual Common Crow, Orchard Swallowtail and just a couple of Monarchs so I'm very pro-butterflies at the moment!

There's just something magical about butterflies and the way they flit around, there's also something magical about Christmas which means they're a perfect fit!

There are lots of different types of butterfly Xmas ornaments around so I've just selected a few that I like the look of to share with you and think about how to incorporate them on your Christmas tree.  Let's review some of the gorgeous ornaments I've found including glass ornaments, silver ornaments and bright ornaments....

Glass Butterfly Christmas Ornaments

I love this glass butterfly ornament for a couple of reasons (besides the fact that it's gorgeous that is!), one is that it can be personalized which means it can be used to commemorate an occasion/person or be used as a gift idea.

The second reason is that it's clear so you can use it with any color scheme on your tree and it will reflect the other decorations beautifully. This ornament is definitely on my short list for adding these gorgeous creatures to my tree for the holidays.

I also like the idea of getting a set of butterfly Christmas ornaments and I thought this next set of three was absolutely gorgeous.   My daughter would have found them very pretty when she was younger (as a teen I'm not sure what her thoughts would be now!)

glass butterfly christmas ornaments

Set of 3 Colorful Glass Butterfly Christmas OrnamentsSet of 3 Colorful Glass Butterfly Christmas Ornaments
Each of these gorgeous ornaments has hand painted detail on them and also come with a silver cord for hanging.

Reading through the reviews it sounds as though these ornaments are a nice weight for hanging on the tree which is really good. I definitely think these make my short list for butterfly Christmas ornaments, now I just have to convince my hubby that I need even more ornaments for our trees.

One of the happy customers also mentioned adding this set of butterflies to a set of hummingbird Christmas ornaments to pop on their tree which has me thinking 'ooh hummingbirds'! I do think that these ornaments would look great with any bird ornaments, but they would also look good as a change from the 'standard' bauble style ornament as well.

Silver Butterfly Christmas Ornaments

Adding Sparkle to Your Holidays!

As it was a silver looking (although not genuine silver) ornament that first made me aware of butterfly Christmas tree ornaments I just had to include some here and there are certainly a lot to choose from starting with this following set found on Amazon.....

set of silver butterfly Christmas ornaments
Set of silver butterfly Christmas ornaments

It doesn't tell me what these ornaments are made of, but looking at them I think they look very lightweight and certainly not a really high quality ornament (although I could be wrong),  I do like this set of 6 though because it looks very similar to the large ornament I saw in the store I mentioned.

I could see these ornaments shining on my white Christmas tree with my 'vintage colors' bauble style ornaments that I purchased earlier in the year.   These are dusky muted pinks, muted golds, very pale blue colored ball ornaments.  They are remarkably similar in color to the other ornaments used on the tree I featured in the introduction image.

Another idea of silver butterfly ornaments are the range of filigree ones that are available like this in loving memory one -

So do you think you'll be hanging a few butterflies on your Christmas tree this year?  I'm hooked on the idea, I just have to get it past hubby as he does think I have too many Christmas ornaments (I didn't realize that too many existed!)

How to Showcase Your Butterfly Christmas Ornaments

The best way to showcase your butterfly ornaments really depends on which ornament you choose and how many.   Since I've been looking for some of these ornaments I've come across a few different images including a tree that was heavily laden with butterfly ornaments (and no other type) in lots of bright colors.

A combination of butterfly and floral ornaments on your tree will help to give a feel of spring to your Christmas tree which will make it unique.

Although I'm thinking of adding any I buy to a white tree, I do think a green tree would best suit butterfly ornaments.   Having said that silver butterflies on a black tree would look very dramatic.

Let me know how you think butterfly ornaments should be showcased on a Christmas tree.

Before we go though let me share a few gorgeous butterfly ornaments that I've found on Etsy (I do love that site, but my savings account doesn't!)

Oh, I so NEED a third Christmas tree!  You can find me indulging in my love of Christmas ornaments at Christmas Tree Ideas.

Butterfly Christmas tree ornaments

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