Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

How to Make A Christmas Cookie Gift Set...Without Baking

How to Make A Christmas Cookie Gift Set...Without Baking

When you think of Cookies at Christmas, what comes to mind? Probably a few good recipes and some great memories. What about a great Christmas cookie cookbook? A beautiful children's picture book? A Christmas apron or a cookie jar or a plate or even a coffee mug? That's what you'll find on this page. No recipe, just my tribute to the yummy Christmas cookie and a host of ideas for you to use to create a cookie themed gift set with no baking required though obviously fresh cookies would be a fabulous addition to any cookie gift set.


Rose's Christmas Cookies by Rose Levy Beranbaum


Let's start with this beautiful cookie cookbook by Rose Levy Beranbaum who is famous for her many beautiful baking books. Almost too beautiful to use, this one would make a very impressive Christmas gift for anyone who loves to bake. Find your copy of Rose's Christmas Cookies on Amazon by clicking here.


One year I did the unthinkable. I didn't make our traditional Christmas cookies. My sister-in-law visited and she baked and that meant we had plenty of sweet treats in the freezer. I simply did not need to bake and so I didn't. I thought nothing of it and no one said anything, until a few months later when one of my sons referred to the Christmas when they didn't have any of their favorite Christmas cookies. I felt so bad and I will not be repeating that faux pas ever again though this Christmas, Christmas 2020, the year when we cannot have people drop by to say hello, I will definitely be cutting back since there are only two of us to eat cookies.

With the exception of that well-remembered year when I did not make any cookies, we normally have three kinds of cookies on hand at Christmas: the best-ever ginger crinkles, the best ever M&M cookies with Christmas colored M&Ms and the best-ever brownie bites. They're all easy, they're all yummy and they all freeze beautifully. Best of all, they offer a nice variety and when I put a plate of cookies out and I am fairly comfortable that I can please not only my family but anyone who drops in during the holidays.

The Best-Ever Brownies Recipes
Love chocolate? How about brownies? If you are looking for the best brownie recipe, you will find it here. Actually, you will find three of the best brownie recipes here. The first is for miniature Brownie Bites. They are perfectly simple,...

The Best-Ever Ginger Crinkles Molasses Cookie Recipe
We love these ginger crinkle cookies. There's nothing like their slightly crispy exterior and chewy interior with a cold glass of milk!

The Best-Ever M&M Cookies Recipe
This best-ever M&M cookie recipe makes irresistible cookies. Don't bake them unless you are prepared to eat them until they are all gone. 


Paul Galdone's The Gingerbread Boy

Here are three great cookie-themed picture books for children. The first is not actually a Christmas story as The Gingerbread Boy makes his break for freedom in a season that definitely is not winter at least in my part of the world. Paul Galdone's version shown here is one of the classic versions and was my family's favorite. Featuring a barnyard full of critters and one foxy fox, the gingerbread man is unfortunately and as always undone in the end. You can find my complete book review of The Gingerbread Boy here or read more about the book on Amazon by clicking right here.

Christmas Cookies: Bite Size Holiday Lessons by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

The second book, Christmas Cookies: Bite Size Holiday Lessons by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, introduces your young child to new vocabulary words like 'tradition' and 'celebrate' in the context of good manners in certain social situations. It is a beautiful combination of wisdom and artistry. You can read my review of Christmas Cookies: Bite Size Holiday Lessons here or you can read more about it on Amazon by clicking here.

If You Take A Mouse To The Movies by Laura Numeroff

The third and final book, If You Take A Mouse To The Movies, is a special Christmas edition featuring that cookie-loving mouse that was created by Laura Numeroff in If You Give A Mouse A Cookie. The Christmas version has all sorts of extras including a CD and recipes. You can buy it on Amazon here or if you find it unavailable there, you can try eBay by clicking here. At the time of writing this post, I was unable to find it on Amazon.


Christmas Cookie Baking Team apron

An apron is such a practical and affordable gift idea. If you or someone you know spends a lot of time in the kitchen at Christmastime, you (or they) should definitely own a Christmas apron and there are so many great ones available. I love this Christmas Cookie Baking Team apron from Etsy and the fact that it can be personalized for all of the members of your baking team.  You can find it on Etsy by clicking right here.


A Christmas Cookie Cookie Jar

Nothing could be more fun than a cookie jar especially when it is full of cookies. I found this beautiful but simple glass cookie jar on Amazon. I love the idea that it will hold your Christmas treats and, when they are gone, go in your dishwasher for easy clean-up. You can find it on Amazon by clicking here. Gift it empty or even full of your favorite Christmas cookies.


Waechtersbach Santa's cookies plate

This Waechtersbach Santa's cookies plate is perfect for leaving cookies out for Santa or simply serving cookies throughout the month of December. It would make a fine tradition for any family.  We love using the same plate every year. To find this plate and a few other Christmas-cookie themed ones, look to eBay  by clicking right here.


Disney's Mickey Mouse Cookie Coffee Mug

Yes, there's such a thing as a cookie mug and I don't mean a mug with the image of a cookie on it but rather a mug that has a pocket for holding your cookie. This is a fun one featuring Disney's Mickey Mouse and promising to deliver holiday cheer. Find it on Amazon by clicking here or if it is unavailable now, you can also find it here on eBay.


Fun for Christmas or anytime of the year for someone who loves to bake cookies!

Finally, I will close with this fun child-sized baking set, which you can find on Amazon by clicking here. Whether you offer it on its own or team it up with some of the other great gift ideas on this page, the choice is yours. Maybe you could create a set for the family with this set for the children.

So how about it? Is there something sweet in this batch for you? Are you a smart cookie who likes to assemble gift sets cookie themed or otherwise?  

Life is
what you bake of it!
Brenda, Treasures By Brenda

More Christmas Reading:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

5 Wildlife Gift Ideas Reviewed

bird in a tree
Bird In Tree By Raintree Annie
It is wonderful to buy a gift that will be appreciated and be of use and joy to the receiver long after the day it is given. 

If your loved ones are interested in wildlife or like gardening with wildlife in mind here are some beautiful gifts they will enjoy for a long time. 

These gifts are perfect for helping our wildlife and give hours of happiness and interest to your loved ones. They will enjoy watching the birds, carefully observing the many insects and spiders and learning about the fascinating world of wildlife. 

Many of these gifts are suitable for children to seniors and will keep on being of interest, not just when they open the gift but for all year long.  Here are a few ideas of wildlife gifts from my own experience.

1. Insect Or Bug House. 

These are fantastic for attracting all manner of insects and spiders. You simply hang it up in a sheltered spot away from winds in the garden and ideally about 6-7 foot high. I find it is ideal to place an insect house near a pond if you have one, or a hedge or trees or a mixed flower bed. 

You will know that you are providing a lovely home for all manner of insects such as lacewings, ladybugs and butterflies that will make it their home or resting place and often provide beneficial activities for the garden in terms of predating and pollinating. 

Gardeners will love it as it will attract beneficial insects to help them in the garden and anyone interested in insect life will appreciate being able to observe the bug hotel filling up! I have one and although it takes a little while for the insects to know it is there once they find it they move in!

 A lovely gift for a young child interested in bugs through to an adult gardener. 

2.Wildlife Books

A wildlife book for a child just starting on the discovery of nature is a beautiful and thoughtful gift. When introducing children to the fascinating world of wildlife you want the book to be fun educational and interesting.

 A book like this can be the very start of a lifelong love of nature and wildlife that will bring joy, understanding, fun and interest to children and develop a deep love of wildlife and conservation that can last a lifetime. A beautiful thoughtful and truly giving gift.

If gifting to an adult a beautiful wildlife book gift is Kate Bradbury's "The Wildlife Gardener."I have given this book as a gift myself and it was very well received. I then ordered another one for myself it was so good! You can read more about it in Diary Of A Wild Country Garden Why I Bought The Wildlife Gardener Book Twice! 

3.Bird Bath 

One of the most important things we can provide to wildlife is fresh clean water. It is essential for birds to drink every day and bathe to clean their feathers every day for their good health. 

In towns and cities especially, birds need birdbaths with fresh clean water in as many gardens as possible. If you have a birdbath in your garden you will attract a wide variety of birds all year round and once they know it is there it is likely to become very popular!

Our birdbath has bird visitors from robins, sparrows, blue tits and blackbirds to name a few every single day all year round!

This is a fantastic gift for many people from the enthusiastic birdwatcher, to anyone who simply enjoys watching the antics of the birds, to the bird photographer who can gain many opportunities to take amazing photographs of birds in action at the birdbath throughout the year.

Many of these birdbaths are also very beautiful decorative pieces for the garden.

4. Bird Feeders Station
Especially in winter but really all year round birds need additional food to help them survive. A bird feeder set will be lovely to look at, help the birds and give immense pleasure all year round to anyone who loves birds and enjoys watching their antics or learning more about them.

 Great if a young birdwatcher is learning about how to identify different birds as they will visit birdfeeders again and again and with luck will attract a wide variety of birds to learn about.

For anyone, it is beautiful to spend some relaxing time simply watching the birds and often getting to know regular visitors.  I can spend hours simply watching the birds without realising how much time has gone by! It adds interest to the day and a wonderful connection with our wild visitors.
A very useful addition to this gift is to give with a supply of good quality bird feed so that they can get started right away on Christmas day!    

There are various ideas and gifts for attracting birds to a garden along with various birdfeeder products in this post from Diary Of A Wild Country Garden Wild Birds Visiting Our Garden 

bird perched on a rail looking around
Baby Robin By Raintree Annie


Many people like to attract wildlife to their gardens and a great way to do this is to hang up a birdbox. Smaller birds like bluetits often love to use these and I have had success in my own garden.

Anyone of any age interested in wildlife can spend ages watching the birds bringing in nest material and identifying them. If fortunate, they may see the baby birds fledge all the while learning more and appreciating wildlife!

Simply hang the birdbox in a sheltered shady spot far away from any birdfeeders or birdbaths so that it is not too busy or noisy for the nesting birds to raise their brood. Ideally, it should be sited in a place where it will not get too hot as this may be difficult for the baby birds to tolerate. 

Then it is a matter of waiting to see if you can attract a breeding pair and raise young in the garden. I feel it's a good idea to have bird nesting boxes in place by early January at the latest so that the birds have time to get used to a new feature in the garden and can assess it long before nesting time. 

It is amazing to watch and highly educational for young people and a real pleasure at any age. 

Whichever gift you choose for your loved one, if they love birds and wildlife they will love the thoughtful nature of your gift to them. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Christmas Family Fun, Incredible Memories are Made of This-Gift Ideas

That time of year is coming upon us very quickly now.  You know the one holiday that everyone has been gearing up for since the beginning of the month.  No, it's not Thanksgiving, although that is just a day away! Rather it's the holiday that features good Ole St. Nick, eight tiny reindeers, singing carols by candlelight and sharing our love for one another!  Christmas is just a month away!

This is a gift and application review, to help make Christmas a little brighter for everyone!

christmas teddy bear with red ornament
Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay

We all know that this year 2020 has been full of challenges and many missed opportunities to be with our families and friends.  Everyone is feeling kind of glum over restrictions that have been put into place to keep the spread of COVID down.  (Nothing beats staying healthy)

But that doesn't mean that we can't still have our fun!  We just need to look at different ways to make our holidays special within the safety of our homes, while still sharing the joy!

Many families will not be able to get together this year as they have in past years, but that is not a reason to give up on being with each other.  There are ways to still be in each other's presence without being "right there"!  ZOOM meetings can be arranged ahead of time, so that family in all parts can "tune in" at a certain time and share the excitement happening all around.  Just click on the ZOOM to download the application for PC's.  

Just think of the fun you could have with everyone done up in their Christmas PJ's, sharing the morning eggnog with Gramma and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles and Cousins who live far away. It can be done!

Make it a plan that every family will join the ZOOM MEETING in their Christmas Pajamas. Set the time to meet and designate one person to extend the invitation to all other members of the family.  So that when you are all ready, it's a matter of joining the meeting and everyone will be able to see and talk to each other.  

There is time on your hands right now to order the "Special" PJ sets for each family unit, so that on Christmas morning everyone is decked out in their finest matching Pajamas.  

When the time is right, everyone will be online in their finest and ready to share in the fun.  I'll bet there will be more than one camera grabbing pictures of everyone and really letting the joy of the morning come through.  Matching pajamas can be had in many different styles and colors.  Christmas themes are everywhere and you can choose to mix and match within a family, or just match everyone in one family!  The fun is in seeing everyone donning their best Christmas outfit and being relaxed and comfortable at the same time.

If PJ's aren't your thing, think in terms of Christmas sweaters or sweatshirts.  Some of these are very nice and other's fit into that "UGLY Christmas Sweater" category.  The choices are up to you and the fun is for everyone.  Getting everyone organized is the key.  

Call or email your family members and get a consensus of what everyone would like to do, and then plan and execute the idea in a timely fashion.  Like right after everyone has had their Turkey!  

Orders should be in before too long so that everyone who is participating can be ready for their Christmas debut flaunting their own special outfits.  

When everyone is all decked out, make sure you take the time to get a good family picture and share it with your whole extended family where ever they may be.  Holiday times are the best and sharing pictures from year to year will make those memories even better.  

I love the idea of being in my Pajamas, relaxed and cozy, while all the grandkids and other "bigger" kids are having a blast as well.  It's nice to be able to sit back and enjoy the fun and the smiles that are sure to be a part of this great holiday time.

While we are called to take care of everyone, by staying within our family "bubble" safely, don't let Christmas pass you by without reaching out with every method possible to be with our loved ones.  

happy holidays merry christmas banner

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 22, 2020

5 Health Related Gift Ideas

Review of 5 Health-Related Gift Ideas

Especially during Covid times, health-related gifts are something to consider.

Some people may have had enough thinking about Covid and prefer not to be reminded of it via gifts. However, these items are practical beyond this crazy time.

Here's a List of Health-Related Gift Ideas

Product Page Featuring the Items Listed Below Is Here

1. A Pulse Oximeter

We recently bought a pulse oximeter; it's similar to this one. Ours requires two AAA batteries. After watching endless news reports on how tracking your oxygen levels with Covid is wise, I decided we needed to have one on hand. According to medical experts, Covid may cause your oxygen levels to drop quickly, so tracking is important. Fortunately, so far we've avoided the Covid nightmare here (knock-on-wood), but just to be safe, I ordered one. 

2. A Blood Pressure Device

Several people in my family have one of these on hand. I decided, yep, time for us to get with the program. I have the blood-pressure monitor app on my phone; however, it's a bit awkward. The Health App is handy when you're on the road, but an actual blood pressure device is nice to have in the home. On the above product page, you'll notice they range in price from lower to higher.

3. Face Masks

One year ago, would we have ever considered face-masks as a gift-thing? The world is slipping off its axis or something. Most of us have masks now, but a lovely gift idea is personalizing it to the user's taste. I would love something that fits my personality and likes. I'm too busy to hunt for them or make them; I need someone else to do it for me, lol.

4. Air Purifiers & Humidifiers

Not just during Covid times, but all year round, an air purifier serves a valuable purpose; it cleans the air. Since most of us resist purchasing what we consider 'extras,' this item makes both a thoughtful and practical gift. Who wouldn't love to get one of these? When you visit the product page (link is above), you'll notice they can be a bit expensive depending on the one you choose. When pooling resources, this makes a quality gift.

If an air purifier is out of the price range, consider a small table-top humidifier. They're especially useful for apartment dwellers. We purchased several a few years ago and gave them out as gifts. They were very much appreciated.

5. Adjustable Thermostats

We have one, as most people do. If a loved one or friend doesn't happen to have an adjustable thermostat, consider it a practical gift. Check out the Google Nest Auto Learning Thermostat as well. Ours is a different brand and not self-learning, but we use it for both heat and air conditioning. I have various times of the day stored at different temperatures. Very handy. Highly recommended.

Build a Personalized Health-Related Gift Basket

Consider making a health gift basket with cold and flu products, a thermometer, masks, healthy juices, boost, bandaids, vitamins, candles, creams, and lotions - throw in a book or two.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas <3

P.S. - I'm not a doctor or medical professional - These recommendations are strictly my personal suggestions.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, November 20, 2020

White Turkey Serving Platter for the Holidays Reviewed

turkey platter
One of the first gifts my husband's grandmother gave me, was a large white turkey platter.  At the time, I had no idea what a treasure this one serving tray would become to our family.  It is now a part of our holiday tradition.  

Thirty-five years ago, my mother hosted Thanksgiving in her home and we all gathered at my grandmother's home for Christmas.  Both women cooked a lot for the holidays, but my mother always cooked the turkey for both celebrations.  Clearly, I didn't have a need for the large turkey platter when I first received it, but I still loved having it.

Over the years, responsibilities have shifted as needed.  Mom & I prepare the holiday food together, but we moved the cooking to my home for convenience when my children were younger.  The hosting house of the day of the actual meal varies and is determined by the number in attendance or convenience.  I don't remember exactly when it happened, but baking the turkey became my primary responsibility when cooking for the holidays, and that large turkey platter became a necessity.  

Since my Christmas china platters are not large enough for a turkey, I use the large white turkey platter at Christmas too.  Because it is white, it is the perfect compliment for my Christmas china.

 HIC Turkey Oversized Serving PlatterCheck Price

White Turkey Platter

There are several beautifully colored turkey platters, but I prefer my white turkey platter.  It coordinates with almost any china and looks pretty in any room regardless of the table settings or wall colors.

The embossed (raised) fruit pattern around the edge adds a touch of elegance to Mr. Turkey and is perfect for the holiday season. 

The porcelain platter on the right, which is similar to my platter, is microwave, oven, freezer and dishwasher safe, which makes using it a lot more pleasurable.  

It is 17½" wide, large enough for a a whole turkey if desired. We usually slice our turkey before serving.

white turkey platter


Read More Product Reviews On


House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Flippy Tablet, Kindle, Phone, and Book Stand Lap Pillow Review

Today, I'm sharing my product review of the innovative Flippy lap pillow stand, which is one of my favorite recent purchases, With just a flip of the wrist, you can change from the viewing angle of this versatile, multi-function media holder that can alternate duties as a tablet stand, Kindle or other e-reader stand, mobile phone stand, and book stand.

Flippy Tablet Stand Lap Pillow With 3 Viewing Angles
My spiffy Flippy tablet stand pillow can hold my Fire HD 10 tablet, Kindle Paperwhite e-reader, iPhone, or printed books at three different viewing angles, in portrait or landscape orientation.

During this year's special two-day Amazon Prime Day event, my husband and scored some terrific products at significant discounts. Our two splurges were a 2020 model Toshiba 32-inch Smart HD Fire TV edition to replace the ancient, bulky, and very heavy cathode-ray-tube (CRT) set in our bedroom, and a new 10-inch Amazon Fire HD tablet to replace my entry-level 2013 Apple iPad Mini tablet (whose iOS operating system, browsers, and apps can't be updated with currently supported software versions). Even my husband, who got himself an 8-inch Fire HD tablet during last year's Prime Day event, was extremely impressed with how much better the picture quality was and how much larger the display area was compared to his Fire HD 8 tablet. 

Tip: Prime Day deals are just one of many valuable perks for Amazon Prime members only. If you haven't yet joined the program, you can sign up for the generous free 30-day Amazon Prime trial membership offer to experience the many exclusive, members-only contents, deals, and other benefits, so you can determine if they're worth more to you than the annual membership fee.

Meet Flippy, the Multi-Viewing-Angle Pillow Stand for Tablets, eReaders, Smartphone, Books and Magazines

As soon as I ordered my new 9th generation Fire HD 10 tablet, I started searching for an attractive and well-made tablet cover that was designed specifically for that model, and that had an auto sleep/wake feature and a built-in stand that offered multiple viewing angles and worked in both portrait and landscape orientations. I purchased one of the few that met all those criteria, the Grifobes Fire HD 10 tablet cover, even after reading reviews about the limited range of viewing angles. The only real downside was the lack of a 45- to 50-degree viewing angle option One of the reviewers recommended getting a pillow stand, which I had never heard of, as a workaround. That led me to do an Amazon search for pillow tablet stands. That's how I discovered the Flippy Multi-Angle Soft Pillow Lap Stand for Tablets, eReaders, Smartphones, Books, Magazines

The Flippy was unlike anything I had seen before. It appeared to be an elongated, triangular pillow whose sides met at three different angles, with each apex curving down over the adjacent side, like a cresting wave. Even after reading the product title twice and looking at the photo in the search results, I still had no idea how a "multi angle soft pillow lap stand" was used or how to change the viewing angle. 

Red triangular Flippy brand pillow lap stand for tablets e-readers, phones, books, and magazines
To change the viewing angle of your Flippy pillow stand,
just flip it so one of the other two long sides is facing you.

Still, I was intrigued by the unusual shape, soft materials and cushioned construction that made the Flippy so different from any of the other tablet or smartphone stand models I had seen. The impressive average 4.7-star customer rating from nearly 6,000 Amazon reviewers made me even more curious about the advantages of this lap pillow style, multi-angle tablet, Kindle, and smartphone stand over more traditional mobile device stands or tablet covers with built-in stands and multiple viewing angles. I also noticed that other companies were selling knock-offs of the original Flippy multi-angle tablet stand lap pillow, further strengthened my sense that there was something special about it that made it worthy of a closer look. 

Three Sides of Different Heights Provide Three Distinctly Different Viewing Angles

By flipping this triangular pillow lap stand on its horizontal axis to change which side of the Flippy is facing toward you allows you to move through the following three options, in order, and choose the one that best suits your position and viewing angle preference:

  • 8.5” tall, 49° viewing angle
  • 6.6” tall, 61° viewing angle 
  • 7.9” tall, 70° viewing angle

Comparison of Viewing Angle Choices

Side-by-side comparison diagram of Flippy tablet pillow stand's 70°, 61°, and 49° viewing angles
Each side of the Flippy lap pillow table stand provides a different choice of viewing angle

If you want your tablet, your ebook reader, or mobile phone screen to be at the 49° viewing angle, which I prefer when I have the stand sitting in my lap (or resting on my outstretched legs while I'm sitting up in bed), browsing my Amazon Prime Video watchlist in portrait orientation or watching a movie, TV show or YouTube video in landscape view. 

Flippy tablet pillow stand on a leather recliner, holding a Fire HD 10 in portrait orientation
Checking out my Amazon Prime Video watchlist in portrait orientation on my new 
Kindle Fire HD 10. You can tell that the tablet is set to 
a 49° viewing angle
because the embroidered Flippy logo is level and reads from left to right.

Flippy pillow stand on woman's lap, holding a Fire HD 10 tablet in landscape orientation
Watching a YouTube video on my Fire HD 10 tablet hands-free. The viewing angle
hasn't changed (the logo isn't visible in this reverse-angle shot, but this time 
the Flippy is sitting comfortably in my lap (or, in this case, closer to my knees).

When I'm making a recipe from a digital cookbook, I prefer to view it at the more vertical, 70° angle, so the Flippy sits on my kitchen counter with the embroidered logo on the right and perpendicular to the work surface.

Flippy pillow stand on a kitchen counter, holding a 10-inch tablet displaying a recipe in a vertical orientation
When the logo is at right angles to the surface it's resting on,
the tablet, Kindle, or phone screen will be at the 71° viewing angle.

When you want to view your screen at 60° angle, just turn your pillow stand so that the embroidered Flippy logo is upside-down and on the diagonal, with the "F" toward the bottom.

Samsung Galaxy smartphone at a 60-degree viewing angle on a Flippy pillow stand
When he's sitting up in bed and playing a game or checking email
on his Samsung Galaxy phone, 
my husband prefers the 60° viewing angle. 

The Flippy Multi-Angle Soft Pillow Lap Stand Would Make a Great Gift for Anyone (Including Yourself!)

  • It works with a wide range of mobile devices from nearly every technology brand. 
  • It can help reduce (or, with luck, prevent) painful "text neck," an increasingly common health challenge as people spend more and more time looking down at their screens. Unlike the vast majority of other phone, Kindle, or tablet stands, the Flippy pillow was specifically designs to balance it easily and comfortably on a person's lap or thighs, when they're sitting up, reclining, or stretched out on a coach or in bed. 
  • It can support their smartphone, Kindle or tablet while keeping the screen at their choice of three viewing angles (49°, 60°, or 71°), and switch between viewing angles in less than a second, just by flipping triangular pillow stand to one of the two sides. 
  • This durable foam pillow lap stand is covered in a yummy, soft, faux suede fabric that won't scratch your favorite geek's beloved tech toys valuable mobile devices.
  • Even low-tech family member, friends, and colleagues might enjoy using this lap pillow stand when they're reading a paperback book, magazine, or letter, reviewing (and, perhaps, grading) homework assignments, or perusing a mail-order catalog (especially during the holiday shopping season). 
  • At the time this review was published, the Original Flippy pillow stand was being offered on in 18 color and pattern choices to appeal to a wide variety of styles. So, finding at least one of them that will suit someone's individual preferences and taste shouldn't be a problem. 
  • This well designed, attractive, high quality multi-angle mobile device stand is a gift that will quickly earn a valued place in recipients will likely use and appreciate every day, throughout the day, This is the type of product that the people you give it to might not even have known about, or is something that interests them but they wouldn't have bought for themselves, but one they receive it as a gift turns out to be one of their constant companions.
  • The Original Flippy Multi-Angle Soft Pillow Lap Stand for iPads, Tablets, eReaders, Smartphones, Books and Magazines one of the best affordable gifts under $30. As of this writing, you can buy it on for $29.98, with free shipping!.
  • There are also a model with a slightly higher price tag that has a hidden storage compartment, as well as a smaller model designed for kids called the Flippy Jr.

Comparing the Three Flippy Pillow Stand Styles 

The Flippy Multi-Angle Soft Pillow Lap Stand for Tablets, eReaders, Smartphones, Books, Magazines is the model I purchased for myself last month, primarily to use with my new Kindle Fire HD 10 tablet. This original Flippy pillow stand design, which has been the primary focus of this review, is also the foundation of the brand's entire product line, which now includes two other variations. 

the focus of this product review. It's also the original Flippy design, and the one on which the two other variations are based. I decided to order mine in a bright, true red shade called Super Red. 

A word to the wise: There can sometimes be a disconnect between the color name and the actual color. The color names can sometimes be misleading, so make sure to click the thumbnail for For some reason, a few of the color names seem to bear little resemblance to the colors displayed in the corresponding product photos. As an example, I recently clicked on one of thumbnail images to see the full-size photo of the product to I recently clicked the thumbnail I clicked on the thumbnail of one of the color choices to view the product phot at full size , when I clicked on a thumbnail of one of the colors I liked a lot to view the photo of that color choice product photo in that shade. the color of cover fabric shown in the to view image to view the product photo full size in a color I liked, even though the color in the photo was a cross between Emerald Green and Bright Jade Green. (As always, of course, the color of any digital image will always appear slightly different on different devices with differently calibrated displays.

The Flippy with New Storage Cubby Multi-Angle Soft Pillow Lap Stand for iPads, Tablets, eReaders, Smartphones, Books, Magazines has the same dimensions, viewing angles, and soft, plush fabric exterior as the original version. The main difference is that it offers buyers the option to spend $5 more for a Flippy lap stand with a hollow section inside the center of the foam pillow, that has been lined with mesh fabric and opens and closes with a drawstring, secured with a cord lock toggle closure. The company calls this interior storage compartment its "New Storage Cubby," and says it's a place where you can "Keep your reading glasses, tissues, ear phones, snacks and anything else you like handy."

The Flippy Jr, Multi-Angle Soft Pillow Lap Stand for Mini iPads, Tablets, eReaders, Smartphones, Books, as it name suggests, is narrower that either of the two previous models. It's also geared more toward kids, teens, and college students (which is why this version includes small stash pocket for headphones and a built-in carabiner for clipping the Flippy Jr. onto a backpack or suitcase). The other differences between the Flippy Jr. and its older siblings are much more noteworthy.
  • The smaller Flippy Jr. cannot be purchased individually; it is sold only in sets of two.
  • The choice of colors and patterns is extremely limited, compared to the range of options for the Original Flippy and Flippy with the New Storage Cubby. And as far as I know, they don't offer the option to choose your own color or pattern combos in each set of two Flippy Jr. pillow lap stands. 
  • Many adults find that the Flippy Jr. works fine for their needs, and it's a much better value.
  • You can buy a set of two Flippy Jr. mini-tablet stands for the same price as a single Original Flippy.   

Give Yourself or Someone Else You Love the Gift of Self-Care

I'll bet there are several people on your birthday and holiday gift list who would love to receive a Flippy.

If you spent more than 30 minutes a day total on your mobile devices, I also encourage you to order yourself to one of these high quality, practical, and extremely affordable Original Flippy multi-angle pillow stands, in your favorite color or pattern. This versatile, low-tech, high-touch, $30 pillow stand can help reduce the daily, repetitive strain on your eyes, wrists, and hands by holding your device at the most comfortable viewing angle, leaving your hands free to knit, crochet, or simply relax in your lap. It's a small price to pay for the gift of daily self-care!

Another option to consider is to spend that $30 on a set of two Flippy Jr., stands, so you can keep one for yourself and share the other with a family member, friend, or colleague.

Flippy Tablet, Kindle, Phone, and Book Stand Lap Pillow Review by Margaret Schindel

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