Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


The new Barbie movie has caused lots of us to stop, think and talk about our Barbie doll memories. Discover the memories of this Baby Boomer!


Barbie was invented in 1959, a few years before my sister and I were born and it would be a few more years before we were ready to play Barbie. When we were ready in about 1967, a young neighbor who we barely knew gave us her entire Barbie collection. She had had a few years to amass a small collection and to outgrow it. How lucky for us! That gift was the start of our Barbie collections and provided many, many hours of play. Though I have no idea who she was or where she might be today, I have never forgotten her generosity.

Over the years, we accrued, mostly from Santa Claus, but also on birthdays and with birthday money, a few more Barbie dolls and, of course, a few more Barbie-themed items to go with them. 

As with most familial memories, my sister and I have slightly differing memories but I know that we shared that collection that was passed to us over the fence. What follows is a review of the main Barbie items that I remember us having. I apologize if this list is not 100 percent accurate.


I had a Barbie convertible and tent trailer set from 1973 known as The Barbie Goin' Camping set with Breezy Buggy and Tent Trailer. The Breezy Buggy “really rolled” and the tent trailer “closed up to tow neat and tidy.” This set came with everything that Barbie needed to go camping with including a sleeping bag, a campfire and grill, a camp stool, a picnic table and cooking accessories.  I turned up a few Goin' Camping sets and items here on eBay. It is interesting to see that people still want this set today.


We played a lot with Barbie's Country Camper. How about you?

My sister had the 1970 Barbie Country Camper, which was known as “a home for Barbie wherever she explores…The swinginest camper on wheels!” It, too, came with a a couple of camp stools and sleeping bags to help Barbie on the go. I found a selection of Country Campers and replacement parts and pieces here on eBay. The picture shown here was used with permission of eBay seller Gameday28 who has other Barbie items and a large selection of vintage toys in his eBay store.  


My sister also had the three-foot-high Barbie Townhouse that featured a real ‘working’ elevator and a house full of plastic furniture. For whatever reason, I vividly remember the orange couch. 


In terms of dolls, I remember having a Barbie with short curly hair that talked. I think she may have been the Talking Busy Barbie who was released in 1972. This talking doll said things like, "I dig having my own TV," "The new fashions are wild" and "That music is groovy." 


I also remember both of us eventually owning the 1971 Malibu Barbie. She turned out to be one of the most popular Barbies ever made and was produced for quite a few years. She was the ultimate surfer girl, suntanned with long straight blonde hair. Interestingly, she was popular enough that she has even been reissued over the years. If you are curious, you can see all of the new, used and vintage versions of Malibu Barbie here on eBay. My search just now turned up more than 2,300 Malibu Barbie items!


We did not have a lot of toys when we were growing up, which was the way it was in those days for most children. Being gifted with a Barbie collection was definitely pretty special.

How about you? Did you play with Barbie? Do you have any Barbie memories?

See you 
in Barbie land!
Treasures By Brenda


Barbie's in my eBay store! See what's in store here.

My Barbie Memories include a variety of pieces from the 1970s including Barbie's Goin' Camping Breezy Buggy & Tent Trailer, the Country Camper and the Townhouse.

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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Sharing Your Memories

memories banner
Sharing Your Memories
Have you ever wanted to share your memories for your grandchildren and future generations?  There are so many ways to accomplish that and yet, sometimes it is hard to know where to begin.  You could record yourself talking about your memories, write them out by hand into some type of book or type them into various memory book programs.  In this post I will review three of the different methods I have used to share memories with my grandkids.

Memory Book

When my oldest two granddaughters were 13-14 years old, they went through Confirmation at their church. As a gift for each of them I presented them with a book of memories from my life.  The book I used was called, Grandmothers Memories to her Grandchild (a journal of faith and love).

This book has pages for you to write small paragraphs about yourself and other family members.  The paragraphs are interspersed with beautiful photographs of Thomas Kinkaid paintings and faith-based prose.

The book has a place to add the members of your family tree and a page about your birthday, full name and place of birth.  In addition to these pages there are many other topics for you to write your memories.  Here are a few of the topics:
  • What happened in the world when you were born?
  • My favorite verse about love.
  • The best thing about being your grandmother.
  • Memories of my Mother.
  • Memories of my Father.
  • Favorite photos of you and me.
  • Favorite Bible verse.
There are many other subjects that help to give you ideas of what to write.  I found this book easy to write and I like the way it turned out.  I wrote in the book over a 6-month time frame to give me time to think about each subject and then put down my thoughts.

Story Worth Book

On Mother's Day, my son and daughter-in-law gave me a subscription to the "Story Worth" memory book.  Each week I was emailed a question from the company and then I would write my answer to the question and add any photos that I had that would go with that subject.  At the end of 52 weeks the questions and answers, along with the photos were put into a book.   Here is the cover from my book.
Mary Beth
Here are a few of the topics from my book.  They are all listed in the index of the book.
  • How did you feel when your first child was born?
  • Which fads did you embrace while growing up?
  • Describe one of you most memorable birthdays.
  • What is one of your favorite memories of your mother?
  • Did you have a car in high school?
  • Who are the best cooks in your family?
  • What did you read as a child?
  • Who inspires you?
  • What simple pleasures of life do you truly enjoy?
  • If you could choose any talent to have, what would it be?
  • Tell me about your siblings.
This is just a sampling of the questions to give you an idea of the types of questions in the book.  If you are sent a question that just doesn't work for you, you can ask for a replacement question.  I did this a couple of time during the year but after some thought I found I could find something to write for every question.

Shutterfly Book

After making memory books of my life, my husband and I decided we would also like some books made of his memories.  I have always made a photo book each year using the format in Shutterfly.  In looking at their options I found that I could also use pages of text in Shutterfly in addition or instead of photos.  We decided this would be a good option for making a book of my husband's memories.

We started with some basic questions that he answered, and that I put in the book along with corresponding photographs.  We then looked at all the questions that I answered in my books, and we used those questions as a starting point for his book.  Each week I give him one or two questions.  I then add the answers to the book.   I also go through old photo albums and copy any photos that will work with the questions.  We are still in the process of creating this book, but I really like the way it is turning out.

Whatever method you decide to use, I encourage you to get started.  I think it is good to do it over several months to a year.  At the end of the project, you will have a wonderful sense of accomplishment and your family will have a wonderful gift from you.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Best Back to School Memories Last for Years! A Product Review

September is a month that is full of lots of activities, usually focused around going back to school. 

Parents are busy making sure that the clothes and shoes fit.  If they don't you know there will be a shopping trip on the horizon.  First days back to school are so much fun because the students have been missing some of their friends and maybe, just maybe, there will be a new friend or two to be made.

This year most of the students and parents are especially happy that their children will be returning to a "more normal" way of learning.  No more "home schooling" unless that is the choice you have made for your children.  

For the kids going back, it will seem even more special!  Their old classrooms have been empty for almost 2 years.  Who knows what changes have taken place while they were all being home schooled.

back to school banner

I love seeing everyone's pictures of their kids all dressed up and ready to jump on the School Bus!  All their backpacks and gear labelled and ready to use.

Personally, the memory I love the best was getting that new pencil case and the pencils, pens, crayons or colored pencils that I would use almost daily!

There is something really special about getting that brand new pack of Crayola Pencil Crayons and sitting with a brand new sharpener.  While patiently sharpening each crayon, I would daydream about how this year was going to be the best year ever!  It was almost like a child's meditation on life!  

For younger children it might be a whole new set of Crayola Crayons and some new pencils.  A Pink Eraser that hadn't yet been used was also a MUST HAVE  for the new school year.

coloring pencils

I don't know why, but around this time of year I love going shopping for school supplies, just nowadays we call them office supplies.  It still makes my heart go pitter patter when I see those Colored Pencils and Markers of all kinds.

My guess is that most children will be looking forward to school this year for many reasons.  The parents are looking forward to this as well.  Running Zoom meetings with teachers is not the same as being in the classroom.  Getting back together with their friends and socializing would be the first reason many are looking forward to Back to School.  And I'm sure the second reason is to pull out those brand new pencils, pencil crayons and markers to do the first of many assignments.  

Keeping them all together and neat is another fun part of this Back to School task and pencil cases have come a long way from the plain black top zipped pouch!  Now you can make a statement with how you carry your personal writing implements.  I happen to love this red one and it has a 5 star rating as well.  The others colors are also really neat!


Back to School is an adventure for the parents as well as the kids.  New gear is part of the fun.  Making and seeing new friends and old ones will always be a part of the Memories that our children will cherish!

If the kids come home from school a little stressed, make sure you have a color by numbers book for them, after all it is supposed to relieve stress!  You might want one for yourself too!  

zebras cartoon
                        Happy Back to School Days Everyone!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Christmas Family Fun, Incredible Memories are Made of This-Gift Ideas

That time of year is coming upon us very quickly now.  You know the one holiday that everyone has been gearing up for since the beginning of the month.  No, it's not Thanksgiving, although that is just a day away! Rather it's the holiday that features good Ole St. Nick, eight tiny reindeers, singing carols by candlelight and sharing our love for one another!  Christmas is just a month away!

This is a gift and application review, to help make Christmas a little brighter for everyone!

christmas teddy bear with red ornament
Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay

We all know that this year 2020 has been full of challenges and many missed opportunities to be with our families and friends.  Everyone is feeling kind of glum over restrictions that have been put into place to keep the spread of COVID down.  (Nothing beats staying healthy)

But that doesn't mean that we can't still have our fun!  We just need to look at different ways to make our holidays special within the safety of our homes, while still sharing the joy!

Many families will not be able to get together this year as they have in past years, but that is not a reason to give up on being with each other.  There are ways to still be in each other's presence without being "right there"!  ZOOM meetings can be arranged ahead of time, so that family in all parts can "tune in" at a certain time and share the excitement happening all around.  Just click on the ZOOM to download the application for PC's.  

Just think of the fun you could have with everyone done up in their Christmas PJ's, sharing the morning eggnog with Gramma and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles and Cousins who live far away. It can be done!

Make it a plan that every family will join the ZOOM MEETING in their Christmas Pajamas. Set the time to meet and designate one person to extend the invitation to all other members of the family.  So that when you are all ready, it's a matter of joining the meeting and everyone will be able to see and talk to each other.  

There is time on your hands right now to order the "Special" PJ sets for each family unit, so that on Christmas morning everyone is decked out in their finest matching Pajamas.  

When the time is right, everyone will be online in their finest and ready to share in the fun.  I'll bet there will be more than one camera grabbing pictures of everyone and really letting the joy of the morning come through.  Matching pajamas can be had in many different styles and colors.  Christmas themes are everywhere and you can choose to mix and match within a family, or just match everyone in one family!  The fun is in seeing everyone donning their best Christmas outfit and being relaxed and comfortable at the same time.

If PJ's aren't your thing, think in terms of Christmas sweaters or sweatshirts.  Some of these are very nice and other's fit into that "UGLY Christmas Sweater" category.  The choices are up to you and the fun is for everyone.  Getting everyone organized is the key.  

Call or email your family members and get a consensus of what everyone would like to do, and then plan and execute the idea in a timely fashion.  Like right after everyone has had their Turkey!  

Orders should be in before too long so that everyone who is participating can be ready for their Christmas debut flaunting their own special outfits.  

When everyone is all decked out, make sure you take the time to get a good family picture and share it with your whole extended family where ever they may be.  Holiday times are the best and sharing pictures from year to year will make those memories even better.  

I love the idea of being in my Pajamas, relaxed and cozy, while all the grandkids and other "bigger" kids are having a blast as well.  It's nice to be able to sit back and enjoy the fun and the smiles that are sure to be a part of this great holiday time.

While we are called to take care of everyone, by staying within our family "bubble" safely, don't let Christmas pass you by without reaching out with every method possible to be with our loved ones.  

happy holidays merry christmas banner

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20, 1969 The Moon Landing a Review.

July 20, 1969, Where were you?

The 1960's were a history lesson for many, but for a lot of us, we lived it and remember it well. The early 1960's saw many changes that today are like a blip on the radar. Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds over the last 50 years. Many of us are still reeling at how fast our world has changed and is continuing to change.

moon landing - astronaut with us flag

In the early 1960's when John Kennedy was President of the USA, he declared that man would walk on the moon! The people reacted in one of two ways, either they were awed at the prospect or many thought he was crazy. Still on that day in July 1969, 600 million people world wide watched and listened as the first person set foot on the surface of the Moon.


What has happened since?

One thing that has not changed, even though it doesn't hold the mystery that it once did,and that is, that the Moon still shines at night and lightens the darkness. The phases haven't changed and the face that the moon shows us is still the same one that was there centuries before. Love poems are still written and lovers still gaze upwards. Walking hand in hand in the moonlight is still seen as romantic and lovely. Writings and quotes like, "I love you, to the moon and back" are still being whispered in loved one's ears.

What about us has changed since then?

Scientists and naturalists are still fascinated with the Moon, it's cycles and the effects that it has on our world. That we are still intrigued,  has never been denied and will probably never change. Why? Well because the moon does have an effect on our world that can be measured and seen. It has an effect on our climate, growing schedules, and even our animals are affected.  The changing tides still fascinate people all over the world.  We are all part of the great Cosmos.

So what's happening now?

Since 1969 and the success of the Moon Missions, scientist, physicists, and more from the world of academia, are now looking at the whole of Space with new and renewed vigor. Outer space has always been an area of mystery and speculation. But with all the technology we have at our fingertips today, we can make calculations and predictions, we can see into outer space with orbiting telescopes and find what is "out there".

 Our eyes have seen things we never imagined to be "out there" thanks to all of the emerging technologies that all started with the space program of the 1960's. Over the last 15 to 20 years we have made strides in understanding our solar system, we have sent probes and robots to Mars and seen the landscape up close and personal through the "eyes" of the Mars Rover. We have been able to picture the rings of Saturn and fly by the moons of Jupiter. All of these milestones don't make near the impact or impression today, as the landing on the Moon did in 1969. That is where everything started!

As Mr. Mark Sirangelo, Corporate Vice President for Space Systems, Sierra Nevada Corporation, speaking to the Senate Committee, re-iterated: "Space is multi-generational. One must respect and embrace the past as a key to the future. As my generation seeks to honor those who came before us by taking their achievements to the next level we must, at the same time, create the path forward for the next generation who, I am certain, will do amazing things that I can only imagine." (Status Report From: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2016)

"It's fairly well-known that technology developed by NASA scientists routinely makes its way into products developed in the robotics, computer hardware and software, nanotechnology, aeronautics, transportation and health care industries." (taken from Computerworld by Sharon Gaudin July, 2009)

Today we are using the technologies that have been developed for use in outer space, to make things better here on earth. Just the use of our lap tops, cell phones, and the ability to swipe our credit cards are all based on technology that was formulated for space exploration. We are able to help people with movement disorders, robotics to help people with mobility issues. Micro technology to help those with heart disease, nerve disorders, and a host of other discoveries. We look outside our solar system, but we also need to keep looking within and right here on earth, so that everyone can benefit from what we have learnt.

Where will all of this end? That's a good question and one that I'm not even going to try to figure out. One thing is certain, we need to keep learning about our world, and the space we inhabit, for everyone's benefit.

Picture from Pixaby, Astronaut Cernan, Apollo 17, Lunar Landing.

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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