Showing posts with label Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decor. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Shake Things Up: Rearranging Your Furniture Can Transform Your Space & Mood

Rearrange your furniture and your mood

Is your furniture stuck in the same old spot? It might be time for a change. Let's review this.

Why Rearranging Your Furniture is a Fantastic Idea

1. Solve the Urge to Move Without Moving:

Feeling the need for a change? That urge to sell your house and pack up your life might not be your only option. Moving is costly and disruptive. So, before you take the leap, consider a simpler solution: rearranging your furniture. Begin by giving your home a thorough cleaning, and while you're at it, think about changing the furniture layout for a fresh, inviting look.

2. A Deep Clean Opportunity:

When did you last vacuum behind your furniture? Probably not in a while, right? You also open the door to a thorough cleaning session when rearranging your furniture. Say goodbye to dust bunnies and hello to spotless and inviting rooms.

3. Transform Unused Spaces:

Your home should reflect your lifestyle. In today's ever-changing world, making the most of your space is vital. That underused living room could become a media room, office, or library. It's all about making your home work for you. Or simply rearrange it to breathe new life into the space, making it more inviting for guests.

4. If Your Family Doesn't Need a Dining Room, Swap the Room Out For Another Use:

Who says a dining room has to be a dining room? If your family rarely uses a particular space, switch it up. Say goodbye to the dining room and hello to something more practical. For example, turn it into a home office, another sitting room, a playroom, or a meditation space!

Our home's original floor plan features a living/dining room combination. Since our family is quite large and we need a big table, the living room has been transformed into a dining room and the dining room into my office.

Here's a personal example: Our home's designated dining room area is now my office. When the kids were little, it was one huge gathering room ... Over the years, it's been changed multiple times.

Dining Room into an Office Area

5. Revamp the Traditional:

Traditional floor plans are so last season. Don't be afraid to break the mold. Turn a family room into a game room, a living room into an office, or that unused dining room into a guest room or play area. These days, there's no such thing as a defined floor plan. Whatever works for your home is all that matters.

We're slowly empty-nesting and recently turned one of our five bedrooms into a TV/sitting room:

Alternate Use for a Bedroom
Bedroom to a TV Sitting Room

6. Achieve a Sense of Accomplishment:

Rearranging your furniture is a labor of love. It's hard work, but the payoff is incredible. Psychology Today even has a scientific explanation for this. 

Your home will feel fresh and exciting, and your family will appreciate the change. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your hard-earned satisfaction with a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

In the end, remember that changing your furniture layout can be a fun and cost-effective way to breathe new life into your space without the hassle of moving. 

Give it a try and see how your home and mood transform!

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

Did You Know Your Home Has Wealth Corners? Let's Review This

Your Home's Wealth Corner

Hey there, fellow seekers of good vibes and positive energy! Today, once again, we're diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Feng Shui.

For the past two Feng Shui articles, we discussed whether your bed was in the "coffin position" and whether you should have a mirror in the bedroom. Today, we'll cover the "Wealth Corner" of your home.

The Quest for Wealth Energy in Your Home

Let's start with the basics: Did you know that your home and each room have their own little money magnets called wealth corners? Yep, you heard me right. Money corners! 

The Two Ways to Find Your Wealth Corner

So, how do you locate these elusive pockets of wealth energy? There are two schools of thought here: Classical Feng Shui and Western Feng Shui. Today, we're keeping things laid-back and going Western.

The Western Bagua Map:

Bagua Map

Point 1: Locate Your Wealth Corner

  • Here's what you need to know about the Bagua Map (if you're so inclined - there's more detail at that link).
  • You can print out a copy of the Bagua Map here or use the one above as a mental guide as you find the wealth corner in a room.
  • Stand at the room's door or the front door of the whole house, and hold the map physically flat with the title at the top of the page as a guide to the direction.
  • Your wealth corner for the home is the top left area of the house, as it is for each room.
By the way, each map section represents quadrant directions for those vibes. As an example, the love and relationship corner of your home (or a room) is in the top right area.

Point 2: Embrace the Element of Wealth

Now, here's where things get colorful – literally. According to the Feng Shui Bagua Map, the element that brings the big bucks is wood, and the color choices are as vibrant as a rainbow: purple, green, gold, red, and blue.

Ready to Decorate Your Wealth Corner? Here's What You Can Do:

  • Wood Frames: Picture this - a wooden-framed photo featuring a wealth-related scene, like a tropical beach holiday or a luxurious cruise ship. Just make sure that the water feature is squeaky clean. If you're jazzing up your bedroom's wealth corner, hang that photo above a dresser and add a tabletop waterfall. Some say you shouldn't have water in the bedroom, but hey, it's your call!

  • Plants and Mirrors: For some leafy green charm, consider Bamboo, a Money Tree, or a Fern. Or, throw a mirror into the mix, just not in your bedroom. Still, some folks swear it's no biggie, so do what feels right for you.

  • Shapes and Crystals: Go rectangular with a wooden accessory housing Citrine or Pyrite Crystals. If those crystals are large and in charge, let them shine as the star of your wealth corner show.

  • Bowl of Oranges: Oranges are a symbol of good luck and wealth, so create a lovely presentation for your wealth corner that happens to be in the kitchen.

  • Position a Tortoise or a Money Frog in your Wealth Corner: Choose ones made of glass, resins, mud, metals, wood, and crystals

  • An Added Overall Tip: Paint your front door red; yep, you heard correctly. Red. Red is considered good luck and is said to bring opportunity and good luck to a home. Darn! My door is blue!.

Declutter, Declutter, Declutter!

Whether you're a Feng Shui enthusiast or just tidying up, remember to keep your space clean and clutter-free. That way, positive energy can flow like a champ throughout the room. Bright lighting, groovy tunes, pleasant scents, and a touch of candle magic can also work wonders.

Hold Up! What NOT to Include in Your Money Corner:

  • Piles of clothes, boxes, or general chaos.
  • Plants that have seen better days.
  • A stack of unpaid bills (nobody wants that energy).
  • That noisy paper shredder - let's banish it elsewhere.
  • Leave your tools out of this.
  • Garbage cans or recycling bins? Nope, keep them hidden.
  • Sad or gloomy images - we're all about the good vibes.
  • Say no to painful memories and negative vibes.
  • Old, unattractive furniture - it's time for an upgrade.
  • And remember, while a touch of fire or metal is okay, don't overdo it in your wealth corner.

There you have it, folks – the secret to unlocking wealth energy in your home. Go forth, decorate those wealth corners, and let the money vibes flow! 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Quirky World of Feng Shui: Is Your Bed in the 'Coffin Position'?

The Quirky World of Feng Shui - Is Your Bed in the Coffin Position

Hi again - Will you shiver with fright? Here is another haunted Feng Shui principle to get stuck in your head!

With over 25 years in the real estate world, I've stumbled upon all sorts of interior decorating do's and don'ts. But for this blog post, we will dive into the mysterious realm of Feng Shui and its peculiar concept - the 'Coffin Position' for your bed placement. Don't fret; it's not as ominous as it sounds!

Bedroom Bedlam: The 'Coffin Position' Unveiled

I'm no Feng Shui guru, but I've had my fair share of chats with folks who swear by its importance. So, what exactly is this 'Coffin Position' hullabaloo? 

If your bed lines up perfectly with your bedroom door, congratulations, you've got yourself a 'Coffin Position' bed. This means your feet point straight to the door; according to Feng Shui, that's a big no-no. Apparently, this eerie alignment drains your energy while you snooze. Spooky, right?

Believe it or Not: The Power of Belief in Feng Shui

Before you panic, remember belief is a potent force in our lives. If you're a Feng Shui enthusiast, the position of your bed is the key to a good night's sleep. So, let's not brush it off too quickly!

Positioning Your Way to Zen

Now, if you're thinking, "Okay, I'm sold on this Feng Shui stuff, what do I do?" 

The Feng Shui experts suggest adjusting your bed so your feet don't directly point at the door. It's as simple as that! 

A little tweak in your bed's position can work wonders, and the best part is you get to decide how to make it happen.

My Feng Shui Bedtime Epiphany

I couldn't help but check out the bedrooms in my humble abode after stumbling upon the term 'coffin position' (a tad creepy, don't you think?). 

Lo and behold, not a single bed in my house aligns with the dreaded door. It's pure coincidence, I assure you! It seems like I've unknowingly been following Feng Shui's rules all along.

Phew! Crisis averted.

Maybe not; it feels like my energy is drained every night anyway! For nearly all of 2023, I've felt totally exhausted! 

Breaking the Rules...Or Not?

Now, you might wonder, "What's the worst that could happen if I disregard this Feng Shui rule?"

Well, the logical side of you might scoff and say, "Absolutely nothing!" After all, we're not superstitious, right? Or are we? Some folks avoid walking under ladders, fear stepping on cracks, and treat mirrors like fragile relics. 

To each their own, I say!


In the end, what matters most is your personal preference. If you're a Feng Shui believer and want to dodge that 'Coffin Position,' go for it. 

If not, you've got a good chuckle out of it. Decorate your space your way, my friends! 🛏️✨


Feng Shui Explained…

Feng Shui Basics – Understanding and Implementing Feng Shui into Your Home Decor

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Bedroom Mirrors: Are They Lucky or Unlucky?

Bedroom Mirrors: Are They Good Luck or Bad Luck

Mirror placement in the bedroom has always been a topic of intrigue and debate in the world of Feng Shui. If you've ever ventured into the depths of the Internet for clarity on this matter, you're probably feeling as bewildered as a cow on Astroturf. Allow me to guide you through this mystifying realm.

Is It Bad Luck to Have a Mirror in the Bedroom?

So, is it bad luck to have a mirror in the bedroom? The answer, according to Feng Shui, is yes.

Depending on your perspective, there are three fundamental beliefs, myths, or truths regarding mirrors in the bedroom.

1. Mirror and the Soul: A Dance in the Night

First up, we have the notion that a mirror in your bedroom can inadvertently or even intentionally steal your soul while you slumber. This peculiar belief is rooted in the idea that our souls temporarily depart from our bodies when we sleep. With a mirror in the room, the concern is that your soul might get a little confused and choose the mirror over your body. Some folks even argue that this isn't a problem unless you're on the elderly side or gravely ill. 

Like most people, we have mirrors in our bedroom, and if my soul has been stolen, that would explain a lot! (Do I need to add the lol there?)

2. Mirrors and the Peril of Infidelity

Then, there's the belief that having a mirror in the bedroom can spell trouble in the fidelity department. According to this school of thought, a mirror symbolizes a third party in your relationship, essentially inviting trouble into your love life.

3. A Startling Reflection: Midnight Mirror Moments

Last but not least, there's the advice to avoid positioning a mirror where you can catch a glimpse of your reflection from your bed. The reasoning here is that if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night and spot your own reflection, you might startle yourself, suspecting the presence of a ghost or an intruder in the room.

What's the Truth Behind These Beliefs?

Now, the burning question is: are any of these claims true? Well, there's no straightforward answer to that, my friend. Why? Because what's gospel truth to one person is pure fiction to another.

It all comes down to your belief system. If you're a fervent follower of Feng Shui, these points might be cause for serious consideration. On the other hand, if you're intrigued by the concept but find it a tad hard to swallow, you might walk away from this article with nothing more than a hearty chuckle, and excessive eye-rolling.

Mirror Dilemmas and Superstitious Solutions

But what if you've never really worried about this mirror business, and now you're feeling a bit spooked? Don't fret. If a touch of superstition courses through your veins and you've already got mirrors in your bedroom, you can always cover them up at night with a sheet or some drapes. The mirrors should ideally have a frame, no beveling, and be a single piece instead of assembled squares.

I get it; I've been there too. In fact, one of my sons has a mirrored closet door in his room, right across from his bed! But I'm not planning to drape those mirrors anytime soon ... So far as I can tell, his soul hasn't been stolen... I think.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Decorate a Room with Royal Blue

 Blue is my favorite color. My mother always had some part of our home decorated with royal blue. It could be the pillows for the couch, the curtains, or throw rugs, somewhere in the house was the color royal blue. My mother was a master at color coordinating. I'm sure this is why blue is my favorite color.

Royal Blue
Decorating with Royal Blue Reviewed

Some Royal Blue History:

This deep and vivid shade of blue is said to have come from Rode Somerset a small village in England, well known for its millwork. In the 18th century, one of the mills created a robe for Queen Charlotte using a deep blue dye named Royal Blue.

So, the next time you have a bedroom to makeover consider decorating with the color Royal Blue. Then you could have a room fit for a King and Queen.

Decorating a Room with Royal Blue:

Decorating a bedroom or any room in your house with royal blue can be challenging but satisfying. The rich majestic color is associated with power and luxury, making it an ideal choice for a bedroom. 

Consider the mood and style that you want to create in the room. Royal blue will represent the sky and sea and is associated with open spaces to create a calming mood.

It is best to use royal blue as an accent color in contrast with neutral shades such as white, beige, or gray. This will create a sense of balance in the room and allow the royal blue to stand out. 

As an example, our living room curtains are royal blue, the walls are painted antique white, and the furniture and carpet are beige, the television stand and table are dark mahogany. This creates a sense of balance and harmony in the room allowing the royal blue to stand out and make a statement.

I'm certainly not an expert at interior decorating, my mother was very good at matching colors and I have my wife Fran to thank for decorating our living room.

With these tips in mind, you can create a beautiful and sophisticated room with the color royal blue as its centerpiece.

Deconovo Solid Blackout Curtains - (42x84 Inch, Royal Blue, 2 Panels) Back Tab and Rod Pocket Light Blocking Curtains for Living RoomDeconovo Solid Blackout Curtains - (42x84 Inch, Royal Blue, 2 Panels) Back Tab and Rod Pocket Light Blocking Curtains for Living RoomCheck the PriceHOMEIDEAS 6 Piece Bed Sheets Set (King, Royal Blue), 1800 Bedding Soft Brushed Microfiber Luxury Sheets, Deep Pockets, Easy Care, Wrinkle & Fade FreeHOMEIDEAS 6 Piece Bed Sheets Set (King, Royal Blue), 1800 Bedding Soft Brushed Microfiber Luxury Sheets, Deep Pockets, Easy Care, Wrinkle & Fade FreeCheck the Price


For More Decorating Ideas from Review This click here:

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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Check Out Pantone's Color of the Year 2023 - Magenta

Magenta Pantone's Color of the Year 2023

Hey there, fellow color enthusiasts! Today let's dive into Pantone's captivating color of the year —Magenta. What a great color! Magenta is basically the colors red and purple mixed together.

Have you ever encountered a color with a certain spark, an irresistible allure? Magenta is one of those colors. 

The History of Magenta

Magenta has a fascinating history that traces back to the ancient Persians, who used a fuchsia dye from the mallow plant to dye their clothes. Isn't it incredible how colors carry stories from the past? It's like a piece of cultural heritage infused into our modern lives. 

The Qualities of Magenta

For me, magenta embodies a captivating mix of qualities. 

It's like the love child of red and purple, blending the fiery passion of red with the spiritual depth of purple. Imagine Love being a touch of artistic flair and warmth with a hint of enchantment. That's magenta for you. 

Magenta is like a burst of creative energy but with warmth and calmness mixed in. It is a soothing color, especially in home decor. Below there's a link to various magenta-colored items for the home; be sure to check it out.

Magenta Plays Nice With Other Colors

Now, let's talk about the magic when magenta meets other colors. I've discovered some delightful combinations that have stolen my heart. Picture magenta and teal together. 

The coolness of teal complements the warmth of magenta, creating a visually striking partnership. 

When magenta joins forces with lime green, it's like a burst of vibrant energy. The freshness of lime green adds an invigorating touch to magenta's intensity. It's like sipping a zesty, colorful cocktail for the eyes.

But if you're into a more classic and sophisticated vibe, magenta can hold its own with black and white. It becomes the focal point, the center of attention. The contrast between magenta's vibrancy and the timeless elegance of black and white creates a captivating visual dynamic. 

Check out How Nicely Magenta Goes With Teal!

To wrap it up, magenta holds a special place in my heart. It's a color that invites me to embrace my creativity, express myself boldly, especially in home decor, and relax in its calming nature. 

Go ahead and explore the magic of magenta for yourself. Let it infuse your life with its vivacity and charm. Paint, wear, and decorate with it—whatever speaks to your soul. And remember, the world of colors is vast and beautiful, waiting to be explored one hue at a time.

Magenta Home Decor Product Ideas

Magenta actually comes in many shades; you can check out the various Magenta items for the home here - bedding, lamps, rugs, and more.

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Sunday, April 23, 2023

Understanding the Basics of Color for Home Decor

Understanding the Basics of Color for Home Decor

Understanding the primary colors is essential in color theory, as they form the basis for all other colors. The three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue, while the three secondary colors are orange, green, and violet. In addition, there are six tertiary colors, which are formed by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. These include red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.

Each color has its own unique meaning, symbolism, and psychological effects. Here's a breakdown of the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, along with their various meanings and common usage:

Primary Colors:

  • Red: This color is associated with passion, energy, and warmth. It can evoke feelings of love, anger, and excitement. Red is often used in dining rooms, kitchens, and living rooms to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
  • Yellow: This color is often associated with happiness, optimism, and creativity. It can also symbolize caution or warning. Yellow is popular in kitchens, nurseries, and offices, as it is believed to stimulate the mind and improve concentration.
  • Blue: This color is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and stability. It can also represent sadness or depression. Blue is commonly used in bedrooms, bathrooms, and offices to promote relaxation and peacefulness.

Secondary Colors:

  • Orange: This color combines the energy and passion of red with the warmth and happiness of yellow. It can evoke feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth. Orange is often used in children's rooms, playrooms, and exercise rooms to create a fun and energetic environment.
  • Green: This color is associated with nature, growth, and balance. It can evoke feelings of calmness, freshness, and harmony. Green is commonly used in bedrooms, bathrooms, and living rooms to promote relaxation and a sense of balance.
  • Violet: This color is often associated with luxury, creativity, and spirituality. It can evoke feelings of mystery, elegance, and sophistication. Violet is often used in bedrooms, living rooms, and meditation rooms to promote a sense of peace and tranquility.

Tertiary Colors:

  • Red-Orange: This color combines red's energy and passion with orange's warmth and excitement. It can evoke feelings of fun, energy, and excitement.
  • Yellow-Orange: This color combines yellow's happiness and warmth with orange's excitement and enthusiasm. It can evoke feelings of joy, warmth, and positivity.
  • Yellow-Green: This color combines the freshness and balance of green with the happiness and optimism of yellow. It can evoke feelings of growth, harmony, and creativity.
  • Blue-Green: This color combines the calmness and stability of blue with the freshness and balance of green. It can evoke feelings of peace, relaxation, and tranquility.
  • Blue-Violet: This color combines the tranquility and stability of blue with the creativity and luxury of violet. It can evoke feelings of mystery, elegance, and sophistication.
  • Red-Violet: This color combines red's energy and passion with violet's creativity and luxury. It can evoke feelings of excitement, luxury, and sophistication.

In conclusion, understanding the meanings and effects of different colors is essential in creating the desired atmosphere in any space. By using primary, secondary, and tertiary colors in the appropriate ways, you can create a cohesive and harmonious environment that promotes the desired emotions and feelings.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Bringing Warmth and Cheer to Your Home with Sunflower Decor

the positive energy of sunflower decor

Sunflowers are one of my all-time favorite flowers. Their bright yellow petals never fail to make me smile and lift my mood. 

Did you know that sunflowers have been cultivated for centuries, dating all the way back to 1000 BC in the Americas? No wonder they have become such a beloved flower in many cultures. 

Embrace the Positive Symbolism of Sunflower Decor in Your Home

Not only are they beautiful, but sunflowers are also associated with positive traits such as happiness, warmth, and loyalty. Incorporating sunflower decor into the home can bring a sense of joy and comfort.

If you're also a fan of sunflowers, here are some fun ways to add a touch of sunflower-themed decor to your space:

  • Sunflower Lamps: Adding a sunflower lamp is an easy way to bring warmth to any room. I personally love table lamps with sunflower designs, but there are also beautiful floor lamps to consider. You can find them in different materials like metal or glass, and they can make lovely pieces for end tables or foyer tables.

  • Sunflower Rugs: A sunflower rug can add an extra pop of color and texture to a space. They come in different shapes and sizes, so you can choose the one that best fits your room. You can use it to anchor a seating area, but you could also use it to make your entryway more inviting.

  • Sunflower Pillows: If you're looking for an easy way to add some sunflower decor to your bed or sofa, consider getting some sunflower pillows. They come in all shapes and sizes, with different styles like embroidered or printed designs. 

  • Sunflower Drapes: Adding sunflower drapes is a great way to bring some elegance and warmth to any room. They come in different fabrics like cotton or silk and can be found in many patterns and colors. You could even get creative and use them as a room divider.

Beyond Aesthetics: Uncovering the Lesser-Known Benefits of Sunflowers

Not only are sunflowers aesthetically pleasing, but they also have some amazing benefits. Did you know they're a food source for birds and other wildlife? 

Sunflowers are also used in many human food products, as they are rich in nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium. They are even used in cosmetics and skincare products to help soothe and moisturize the skin.

Sunflower Symbolism: Elevate Your Home Decor with a Deeper Meaning

Sunflowers also have a rich symbolism behind them. In addition to their association with happiness, warmth, and loyalty, they symbolize faith and worship. Sunflower petals resemble the sun's rays, and the flower itself always turns towards the sun, making it a powerful symbol of growth and renewal.

Incorporating sunflower decor into a home is a small but meaningful way to bring some joy and positivity to daily life. Whether it's a sunflower lamp, rug, pillow, or drape, there are many ways to add this sunny flower to your decor. 

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Monday, April 3, 2023

Easter Cactus: Enjoy Early Spring Blooms with this Easy Care Houseplant

I have only just learned that there are beautiful houseplants currently in bloom called Easter (Spring) Cactus. The blooms of this plant can range from white, red, orange, peach, purple, and pink. The one I chose to bring home has delicate, light pink petals with dark pink and light yellow stamens. During this time of year, when forsythia are in bloom and not much else, it is wonderful to have a bright splash of color announcing spring.

Easter Cactus

Easter (Spring) Cactus

The Rhipsalidopsis is a red-flowered native to southeastern forests of Brazil in altitudes of 1,100 - 4,300 feet. It seems that at some point, the Rhipsalidopsis was crossed with the R.rosea which resulted in the popular Rhipsaldopsis gaertneri which created the variety of flower colors. These colors include pink, orange, purple, white, and orange.

Plant Care

The Easter (Spring) Cactus does well in temperatures of around 77 degrees fahrenheit in the summer and around 45 - 55 degrees fahrenheit in the winter (November to January) to help with bud formation.

From their origin in Brazilian forests, they are plants that do not prefer strong sunlight. They prefer partial sunlight. 

Easter (Spring) Cactus does not like over-watering. It is best to allow the soil to dry between waterings then water so that it drains out of the bottom of the planter. It needs loose, nutrient-rich potting mix soil. Soil mixes with coco coir, peat moss, perlite, or orchid bark are preferred.

Easter (Spring) Cactus propagation can be done by removing stem segments in the late spring, allowing the cut surface to dry a bit, and placing the stem in moist soil. Another method of propagation is removing a single leaf from the plant, place the end of the leaf into moist soil, place bags over the plant in order to hold moisture in until the roots begin to sprout.

What I Wanted was a Christmas Cactus but I'm Thrilled with this Easter Cactus

I had the most beautiful, prolifically blooming Christmas Cactus at my previous office.  For the past year, including over the holidays, I watched for a Christmas Cactus to replace the one I left behind when I moved. I did not see any at the usual stores where I usually find a large selection of seasonal plants.

This past week I was at a nursery to look for Crape Myrtle trees and there I spotted a large selection of what appeared to be Christmas Cactus. But they were labeled Spring Cactus. I loved them and brought one home without knowing quite what they were. 

It seems that the Christmas Cactus, a different species than the Easter Cactus, is called Schlumbergera and is also native to Brazil. There are two cultivar groups called Truncata and Buckleyi. And that is about the extent of my new knowledge of the taxonomy of these plants.

I still hope to find a Christmas Cactus to add to my household plants. Blooms during the dreary, cold winter months add something wonderful to a northern indoor space. In the meantime, I will enjoy the gorgeous pink blossoms of my Easter Cactus while I wait for Mother Nature to allow other plants to show off their flowers.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Step Up Your Entryway Game: Tips for a Tidy Front Hall Closet

Tips to help you organize your front closet

Organizing a front hallway closet can be daunting, especially if you're unsure where to start. 

Here are some tips on how to organize your front hallway closet effectively:

  • Start by decluttering: Take everything out of the closet and sort items into four piles: keep, move it to another closet, donate, and toss. Only keep items that you use regularly and are in good condition.

  • Use hanging space wisely: Invest in good-quality hangers that hold multiple items or heavier coats. For lighter items, consider tiered hangers. Hang coats and jackets in order of season and frequency of use, with the most frequently used items at the front. Or, of course, you can store your winter items in another location for spring, summer, and fall.

  • Use bins or shelves for storage (whichever works best for your sized closet): Stacking bins or drawer bins are an excellent solution to store hats, gloves, scarves, and other small items. Clear bins are an excellent choice to see what's inside before opening.

  • Maximize floor space: Use the floor space of the closet for storing shoes and boots. You can use shoe racks or a hanging shoe organizer to keep shoes off the floor.

  • Utilize door space: Over-the-door organizers are perfect for storing items such as umbrellas, purses, and even some pairs of shoes. 

  • Invest in hooks: Hooks are a great way to keep bags, hats, and other items off the floor and organized.

  • Label Bins: Use labels on baskets, bins, and shelves to help keep everything organized and easy to find. This will only work if the people in the house make an effort to put things back in the appropriately labeled bin.

  • Keep seasonal items separate: Store seasonal items, such as winter coats and boots, in a separate closet or in the back of the closet. This will free up space for items that you use more regularly.

  • Maintain the organization: Once you have organized your front hallway closet, it's essential to maintain it. Make sure to put items back in their designated spots and regularly declutter to prevent the closet from becoming cluttered again.

  • Use vertical space: If you have high ceilings in your closet, consider using vertical space by installing additional shelves or hanging rods. This will allow you to store more items without taking up extra floor space.

  • Use slim hangers: Slim hangers are a great way to save space in your closet, as they take up less room than traditional hangers. They also help prevent clothes from slipping off the hanger.

  • Store accessories together: Keep all your accessories in one designated closet area. Stacking storage bins can keep these items organized and easy to find.

By following these tips and utilizing storage items such as hangers, shelving, baskets, bins, and hooks, you can effectively organize your front hallway closet and make room for coats, hats, seasonal outerwear, boots, and shoes.

Some Suggested Product Ideas For You:

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Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Doormat is Essential With the Switch From Winter to Spring

New Spring Doormats

Spring is finally here! The season of renewal and rejuvenation is the perfect time to spruce up your home. With the change in weather, spring brings muddy and wet conditions that can leave your floors dirty and stained. But don't worry; a doormat can help to catch some of that dirt and keep your floors clean.

Changing Weather Demands a Doormat Either Inside or Outside of the Front Door

As the weather changes, protecting your floors from the mud and dirt that can be tracked in is important. A good doormat is essential for keeping your home clean and tidy. Door mats are not only practical, but they can also be stylish and add to the overall aesthetic of your home.

A doormat is the first line of defense against dirt, mud, and other debris that can be tracked in from outside. By placing a doormat at the entrance of your home, you are preventing dirt and mud from being tracked inside. Door mats are essential during spring when the weather is unpredictable and muddy conditions are expected.

There Are A Wide Variety of Styles To Choose From - See Product Suggestions Below

Various door mats are available on the market, ranging from basic and functional to decorative and stylish. Some door mats are made of durable materials like rubber or coir, which can withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions. Other door mats are made of softer materials like cotton or microfiber, which are great for absorbing moisture and dirt.

When choosing a doormat, consider the size and shape of the mat and its material. A larger doormat will be more effective at catching dirt and mud, while a smaller mat may be more appropriate for a smaller entryway. Additionally, a mat with a rubber backing will be more slip-resistant, which is especially important in wet conditions.

Essential, Inexpensive, and Necessary

In conclusion, a doormat is a simple and effective way to keep your home clean and protect your floors from mud, dirt, and debris. As the weather changes and the spring season brings unpredictable conditions, a doormat can be an excellent investment for any homeowner. Whether you opt for a basic and functional mat or a stylish and decorative one, a doormat is a must-have for any entryway.

Doormats to Check Out:

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Friday, March 3, 2023

Toilet Paper Holder Storage Stand Reviewed

toilet paper holder storage stand next to toilet
It is frustrating to run out of toilet paper when you most need it!  I suspect we have all found ourselves in that difficult spot at one time or another.  

Many years ago, I discovered the value of having a toilet paper storage stand in each of our bathrooms.  That is especially important for guests since they would have no idea how to find additional toilet paper if needed and are not likely to want to streak through the house searching for it.  Plus, they would be greatly embarrassed to call out for more TP, then sit and wait.

As you would imagine, our toilet paper storage stands are our toilet sentinels ready to serve at a moments notice without verbal requests.  

When I clean the bathrooms each week, I fill the stands back up to maximum capacity, even if they only require one additional roll of toilet paper to be completely full.  One never knows when resources will be most needed.

This also helps me keep up with when supplies are low in the house and need to be purchased.


Toilet Paper Storage Stands 

We don't have cabinets in our bathroom toilet areas, aka water closets.  I've never been fond of hanging cabinets over the toilet, especially in a small area.  The toilet paper stand holders that sit on the floor are perfect for service with a less cluttered overall appearance.

We have 3 different styles in our home.  One that is a bit more decorative in our guest bathroom, a sturdy chrome design in our main bathroom, and a small over the tank single roll holder in our bedroom bathroom, which is the smallest water closet in our home.

Seeing the different designs available makes me wish we had more bathrooms, but I am still truly happy with the choices we made a few decades ago.  Fortunately, this is something we have never had to replace.

Click here to choose the style, color and design that best suits your home decor.  If you like the ones that we have in our home, you will find them available by clicking the images below.  One additional thought, if you purchase the mega rolls of toilet paper, you might prefer the toilet paper holder stand that has the single pole up the center.  While the mega rolls will fit in my stands, they are a much tighter fit than the large toilet paper rolls.

 iDesign Metal Tissue Holder Stand The Twigz CollectionCheck Price iDesign Classico Metal Toilet Paper HolderCheck Price Over the Tank Toilet Paper Roll Holder - hook fits both sidesCheck Price Spectrum Diversified Rounded Paper Roll Holder ChromeCheck Price

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House of Sylvestermouse

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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Tablescapes: Creating Beautiful Settings for Easter and Other Spring Celebrations

Spring is such a refreshing and vibrant season and what better way to celebrate it than by creating a stunning tablescape for Easter and other springtime events? With a few simple touches, you can make your guests feel warmly welcomed and surrounded by beauty.

Select Your Preferred Color Scheme for the Table Setting

To start off, it's important to choose your color scheme wisely. While pastels are a popular choice for Easter, you can also opt for bold and bright hues that capture the energy and vitality of spring. Think of blooming flowers and fresh leaves as inspiration for your color palette. Also, consider how your choice matches the room.

Table Linens - Which Colors and Styles Would Work Best For Your Space

Once you have your colors, you can select your table linens. A classic, crisp white tablecloth always works, but you can also experiment with patterned or textured fabrics to add depth and interest. Try using a table runner or placemats in a complementary color to create a layered effect.

Add a Beautiful Centerpiece

The next step is to add your centerpiece. For Easter, a lovely traditional floral arrangement is perfect. Consider including springtime blooms such as tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths in a mix of pastel hues. You can also incorporate some greenery, like ferns or eucalyptus, to add texture and fullness.

Consider Accessories to Compliment the Table Setting

To add a personal touch to your tablescape, consider adding small details like place cards, napkin rings, or even decorative eggs. These little touches will make your guests feel extra special and bring even more charm to your setting.

Don't Forget About the Lighting

Lastly, lighting is important to keep in mind. Soft and warm lighting creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere, while brighter lighting adds energy and vibrancy. You could use candles or string lights to create a soft, warm glow that enhances the beauty of your table.

Creating a gorgeous spring tablescape is all about capturing the essence of the season and infusing your own personal style. With a little creativity and attention to detail, you can create a setting that is both breathtaking and welcoming. Embrace the season of renewal and let your imagination run wild.

Here are several product ideas to help you get that decor thinking cap going!

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Friday, December 16, 2022

Rustic Wall Mounted Wine Racks

These rustic wall-mounted wine racks make a perfect gift idea for any wine enthusiast on your list, and for any occasion.

Rustic Wall mounted Wine Racks
Rustic Wall Wine Racks - Reviewed

A wall-mounted wine rack is a nice addition to any kitchen or dining area. They are easy to hang and will display your favorite wines and wine glasses all within reach.

We always have a couple bottles of wine on hand for special occasions and when friends drop by. Our problem was always that we didn't have the cabinet space to store the wine bottles.

It's always a good idea to have a couple of different wines on hand. Fran and my daughter enjoy dry wines, as for me I like a wine that is more on the sweet side. So, this handy wall-mounted wine rack can hold a variety of wines along with your wine glasses.

The wine rack in the photo above was a gift from our son and daughter-in-law. It is handmade from recycled pallet wood. They both had a hand in making this wine rack, my son cut and assembled it, while my daughter-in-law added the inscription, "May Your Glass Always Be Half Full".

Our wine rack measures 18 inches across x 14 inches high x 5 inches deep, and easily accommodates four bottles of wine and four wine glasses hanging underneath. As you can see it's also perfect for our Christmas Snowman.

Although it took me a year to hang it on the wall, the installation was quick and easy. It attaches to the wall with two wall anchors and a couple of 2-inch screws. It is a perfect addition to our kitchen and hangs on a side wall above our sink.

These wine racks are sure to be a perfect gift for wine lovers and can be found on Amazon in a variety of styles.

Find more Decor Ideas here:

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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Review of Favorite Christmas Decoration

santa and christmas tree in a snow globe lantern

 I love decorating for Christmas and after over 50 years of marriage, needless to say, I certainly have more than enough Christmas decorations.  I have gotten to the point where I rotate some of my decorations, so I don't end up with too many for our house.  But still, I enjoy getting a new decoration or two each year.  Last year some friends gave us the delightful snow globe lantern pictured in the photo above.  It can be used with batteries or plugged into any USB port, so I have it sitting on my desk in our family room plugged into my computer.  I love the silver snowflakes shimmering around the Santa, snowman and tree. When it is turned on the light catches the snowflakes, and they glisten as they twirl around inside the lantern.

A Variety of Christmas Lanterns Available

I enjoy my lantern so much that I have purchased several for gifts this year.  They can be found in a variety of styles and different features.
In searching Amazon, I found ones with angels, Santas, trees, snowman, trains, toy and a wide variety of Christmas subjects and scenes.  Here is one similar to mine.

Here is one with snowmen around a tree.  It is a different shape and also plays music.

I love birds so this one with a bright red Cardinal looking through a window is really appealing to me.

Features of Christmas Snow Globes

Some of the features of the snow globes that I find appealing are:
  • Runs on either battery or USB plug in
  • A timer that lets you set the snow globe to be on for 6 hours and off for 18 hours
  • Music that can be turned on or off.  These usually include 8-12 different Christmas themed tunes.
  • A subject or Christmas scene available for every taste.
Because of these great features there is some type of snow globe available for most everyone on your Christmas list.

Enjoy!  Merry Christmas!

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