Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Air Plant As A House Plant Reviewed


Air Plant

Air plants are really fascinating and beautiful houseplants. We love having ours, it is such a pretty and unusual little plant. We bought one air plant and were delighted when it grew a baby airplant or delightfully named  "pup". Now as you can see in the photos, the "pup" is nearly as big as its parent !  

Their ability to survive and thrive with little or no soil is amazing and really beautiful, unusual varieties are now easily available. 

They truly adapted beautifully to their natural environment and with a few care needs we can enjoy them close up as house plants. They originate mainly from Mexico and South America. They do not root in the soil like most plants but instead use their wiry roots to attach themselves to tree branches or rocks or even man made structures like telephone wires. In their natural environment air provides them with all they require. 

Their official name as a group is Tillandsia but most of us will know them as Air plants which so aptly describes them. 

There are over 600 different species of air plants, each exhibiting its own distinctive shape, size, and color. Some common varieties include Tillandsia ionantha, Tillandsia cyanea, and Tillandsia xerographica. All are really fascinating. 


Air Plant
Air Plant

 Care Of Air Plants

Air plants, live with no soil to sustain them and obtain all their nutrients and moisture from the air around them. 

I find them quite easy care plants but there are a few vital needs that must be met to ensure the plants stay healthy. 


1. Light

Air plants need bright but indirect light. So near a windowsill or in a well lit room would be a good place. These are not plants for shady dark rooms. 

We need to avoid placing them in direct sunlight. This will burn or scorch the leaves so make sure that any light is diffused by the gentle light shade of other plants or a window covering. 

2. Soil And Humidity

There are no soil requirements for Airplants.

All the water and nutrients are absorbed via special scales called trichomes which cover their leaves.

In their original natural habitat it would have been humid so it is important that we give them a mainly humid environment. 

Misting them with water every few days or placing them in a tray filled with water and pebbles will increase localised humidity for them and they will appreciate it. They cannot tolerate soaking for days at a time though. 

Just misting will not be enough though, they must also be watered.  

3. Watering Air Plants

Watering is necessary but it must be done with extreme caution to prevent root rot.  

 It is best to submerge the plants in water upside down for  thirty minutes every one to two weeks. I try to do it every week but if I forget the air plant does not seem to mind too much. I would not leave it any longer than 2 weeks though or the plants may start to suffer. In very warm weather you can water them in this way more often.  

 I simply turn mine upside down so that the water will not collect in the crown of the plant and submerge in a glass of warm water for about half an hour. I do find room temperature water is best, as I feel that ice cold water might be a bit of a shock. Also it is preferable to use rainwater rather than tap water due to the chemicals in tap water. 

It's important to shake off any excess water to prevent moisture from pooling in their base. Once dry I gently place back in its holder. They should be allowed to dry completely before being placed back in their display area or container. 

Air Plant Submerged In Glass of Water
Air Plant Submerged In Glass Of Water Upside Down


4. Air Circulation

The main risk to air plants is rot. Air plants benefit from proper air circulation which prevents stagnant moisture  from accumulating on their leaves, reducing the risk of rot. 

To enable this process we must position them in places that are well-ventilated.

Alternatively you can use a small fan to create an artificial air current but it should be possible in most situations to give good natural ventilation.

In the summer it is fine to place the air plants outside on a warm day, especially if it is a humid day. I do always being them in at night. 

5. Feeding Air Plants 

Air plants in our homes appreciate a balanced, diluted fertilizer every few weeks. I find once a month is fine and enables me to remember to do it on the first of each month. 

We need to buy a specialised fertiliser specifically for air plants to provide them with the necessary food to thrive.


How To Display Air Plants. 

Due to their versatile nature, air plants can be displayed in various creative ways. You can get quite artistic with them to suit the style and decor of your own home or workplace.


They can be grown in plant frames, glass terrariums, mounted on driftwood or stones, grown on ornamental shells or placed in hanging plant holders. I currently have mine in a glass holder filled with white perlite.

 As I get more I would like to have them displayed in hanging baskets and placed on driftwood as I think that is healthy for the plants and they look very beautiful and quite stunning that way. 

Air plants  are very low maintenance plants once we understand their needs and how to meet them. I feel with a little guidance they are suitable for a beginner with house plants or any garden plants. 

Their stunning appearance and unusual habit also makes them a lovely choice for house plant collectors or anyone who likes a more unusual house plant display.

As it is easy to buy small specimens it means that you can have quite a lot in one room and they do not take up much space. In fact I think they add to the decor and ambiance of a room. 



 More House Plant Reviews

 Reviewing How To Take Care Of Your House Plants On Vacation

Swiss Cheese Plant Or Monstera Reviewed As A House Plant And Fashion Trend

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Monday, August 7, 2023

Reviewing the DeWalt 20v Max Cordless Pruner

Some time ago I bought my first cordless DeWalt tools. They have been reliable and durable for all these years. Imagine my delight when my son gifted me with two more Dewalt tools (a cordless chainsaw and pruner) for Mother's Day. The DeWalt Pruner has been far more useful than I had imagined and I highly recommend it.

the powerful DeWALT cordless pruner

DeWalt 20v Max Cordless Pruner

In just a few short months, I have put this pruner to good use in my yard and my woods. The blades are a really good size for trimming woody stems and small branches. I have not noticed any dulling of the blades.

My Pruner was the "tool only" option which did not include the battery or the battery charger. It does include a blade sheath and the wrench/tool that would be useful if I ever need to replace the blades. There are options with the pruner, battery, and battery charger included for folks who would need the set.

Some specifications:

  • non-stick coated blades
  • blade gap of 1.5 inches (Maximum cut diameter 1.5 inches)
  • 60 cut strokes per minute - 1 cut per second
  • powered by the DeWalt 20V battery (may or may not be included)
  • built in LED light 
  • weighs 3 lbs
  • covered by warranty (3 year limited warranty, 1 year free service, 90 day money back guarantee - see website for details)

My Thoughts About the DeWalt 20v Max Cordless Pruner

I already mentioned that I like DeWalt brand tools and have had good luck with their durability and ease of use. I have the perception that many cordless tools are not as powerful as gas-powered or corded electric tools. However, my DeWalt circular saw and drill started to change my mind. Yet I was still very surprised the first time I pulled the trigger on the pruner and the blades literally slammed shut. 

Having issues with weak hands ergonomics related to grips and triggers are important to me. Fortunately, the handle seems just right and the trigger pulls easily. In my opinion, it is a plus that your hand must be fully on the tool and engaging what appears to be a safety switch before the pruner blades will shut. I appreciate those types of safety features. Someone may wonder whether the 3 lb weight is prohibitive for someone with weak hands. Yes, the tool feels hefty but no, it's not a problem. Personally, I have far more difficulty squeezing manual pruners (both small hand-held pruners and larger loppers) together than I do holding this DeWalt Pruner up.

I want to also mention that the manual available for download online. The pruner came with a manual but in the event your manual becomes lost or ruined, the online version is easy to find and download. 

This pruner is an excellent tool and would be a perfect investment for yourself or a gift for a landowner.

Related Links:

My review of my DeWalt 20v Max  driver in 2016. That drill is still dependable, problem-free, and is used frequently. 

My video of the day I received my Mother's Day gifts: the DeWalt cordless chainsaw and DeWalt cordless pruner. My first impressions and first cutting.

And a very brief review and update now:

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Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Pink Revolution: What the Color Pink Often Represents

The Pink Revolution: What the Color Pink Often Represents

Pink has always been popular; however, like most colors, it goes through phases of acceptance in clothing and home decor.

With the popularity of the movie 'Barbie,' pink is at the forefront of people's minds.

Whether you love the color pink or not, it holds various meanings; let's check out a few of them.

The Meanings Behind the Color Pink

The Power of Positivity


Pink is the embodiment of positivity and happiness. Its warm and playful nature can encourage feelings of optimism in our hearts.  Surrounding ourselves with a little bit of pink might just brighten our day. 

The Essence of Femininity (But That's Changing Too)


Originally associated with all things feminine, pink generally symbolizes grace, gentleness, and compassion. In a world where gender norms are evolving, pink stands tall as a symbol of strength in femininity and challenges traditional perceptions of what it means to be a woman or man guided by these traits.

A Way to Embrace Your Inner Child 


Pink takes us back to our carefree childhood days. It can remind us of cotton candy, strawberry milkshakes, and fairy tales. When we indulge in a bit of pink, we can trigger those positive memories of our youth.

Pink as a Symbol of Love


While red often steals the spotlight as the color of love, pink's softer hue represents a gentler form of affection. It symbolizes innocent love, tenderness, and nurturing relationships. 

The Fight for Breast Cancer Awareness 


Pink ribbons are a universal symbol of breast cancer awareness and support. This powerful use of the color has sparked the Pink Ribbon Movement, promoting awareness and raising funds for breast cancer research and treatment.

Breaking Stereotypes 


Pink is now breaking free from gender stereotypes. It's no longer confined to just baby girls and frilly dresses. Men worldwide are embracing "millennial pink" as a symbol of modern masculinity, helping to prove that colors have no gender.

From Soft to Sassy: 


Pink is incredibly versatile. It can be soft, pastel, and delicate or bold, vibrant, and energetic. Its various shades make it suitable for any occasion or mood.

Pink Flowers and Their Meaning


In the world of flowers, pink blooms hold various meanings. Pink carnations signify gratitude, pink roses convey appreciation and admiration, and pink tulips represent care and affection. 

The Color of Acceptance


Pink embraces individuality and promotes acceptance. It encourages us to celebrate our unique traits and quirks, fostering a more inclusive and diverse world.


So, there you have it! Pink is not just a color but a vibrant expression of joy, femininity, diversity, love, and hope. 

Next time you see a splash of pink, take a moment to appreciate its deeper meanings. Embrace the power of pink and let it fill your life with positivity and happiness. 

Personally, I love pink: Life is just better in pink.


And Wednesday Elf even reminds us that there's also a National Pink Day 


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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Just A Regular Boy Book Review


by Catherine Ryan Hyde

Animals in the woods

I recently selected a book from a display of New Fiction by an author I was not familiar with. I chose the book because the story summary on the flap described one of the characters as being a small boy, which appealed to me. It turned out to be a wonderful, and quite unique, story. 

Afterwards, reading about the author, I discovered why I liked her style so much. She is also the author of Pay It Forward, a book that has become a movie and enjoyed world-wide fame. I remember reading Pay it Forward several years ago. If you also read it and liked it, I think you would like her newest publication Just a Regular Boy.  Let me tell you about it here.

Just a Regular Boy Characters

There are two main characters in the story

Small boy in the woods, climbing up a fallen tree
REMY – A little boy who's mother dies and his father becomes convinced that the collapse of society is eminent. To that end, the father sells their house, buys several acres of very isolated land in northern Idaho, lays in a year's supply of food and other necessities, and takes his five-year-old son from all he has ever known in Pocatello, Idaho to live 'off the grid' in the woods. In effect, the father becomes a survivalist and tells Remy that this is their new life. 

Remy can't believe that everything he has known – TV, electricity, indoor plumbing, his best friend Lester – is now gone. Over time, Remy learns to fish to supplement their meager food supply while his dad does the hunting for food. If the fishing and hunting were not successful, you went hungry. A hard lesson for a small boy. The isolation is also very hard, even though his father tries to teach him that 'freedom' is most important when you can no longer trust civilization. 

Two or so years go by in this manner, and then the unthinkable happens: Remy's dad dies of a heart attack. Remy, not even eight-years-old yet, fends for himself until he realizes he is going to have to find some help. Loading some supplies into his dad's old truck, he tries to drive out, maybe hoping to find his friend again in Pocatello. But he is too little to both see out the windshield and reach the pedals. Thus he crashes the truck and breaks his leg. He manages to last until the leg heals, but now his supplies have run out. 

Desperate, Remy sets out on foot to find help, but is uncertain what he will find because he has been taught that civilization may now be a terrible thing. He is very fearful, but knows he will die if he doesn't do something. 

ANNE – A nurturing mother who has fostered several unwanted children and adopted two of them, now teenagers, learns that a near feral, silent, and terrified child has been found. 

She immediately takes him in, even though he has severe medical issues suffered while trying to walk to civilization and will need constant care for several months.  And even though he won't speak and they have no idea who he is or where he came from.  But, Anne knows in her heart he is not a lost cause as everyone else seems to think; just a challenging one. 


As the story continues, Remy slowly adapts to his new foster home, but doesn't trust the world. Anne is still dealing with her own childhood rejections, as are the two adopted teenagers.

Remy's journey into the real world begins as the whole family learns how to navigate the path. Because, all Remy really wanted was to be 'just a regular boy'

A special story of compassion and understanding I truly enjoyed. 

Just A Regular Boy Book Cover

Just a Regular Boy by Catherine Ryan Hyde

For More Book Reviews

Check out ReviewThisBooks.com

*Just a Regular Boy Book Review written by Wednesday Elf

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Friday, August 4, 2023

Review of a Microwave Omelet Maker That Makes Perfect Omelets

Making Omelets in the Nordic Ware Omelet Maker
I recently reviewed the Nordic Ware Microwave Egg Poacher which we loved so much that I immediately ordered two Nordic Ware Omelet Makers.  

I would be the first to admit that I am not really crazy about breakfast.  I don't wake up hungry.  It is usually lunchtime before I start to feel the desire to eat anything.  However, my husband loves breakfast and traditional breakfast food.  As often as not, he will either eat breakfast with Merlin or I will sit at the table with him and nibble on toast with coffee.  

The egg muffins we made with the egg poacher were so delicious that I decided breakfast might be something I could enjoy, especially since they are so easy to make.  The promise of a homemade omelet was enticing.  Omelets are something I usually only eat when we travel. Some of the hotels were we have stayed had chefs that made them to order and I always enjoyed them, but never really got into making them at home. Now, with the Nordic Ware Omelet Maker, that has changed and we can have easy to make homemade omelets with ingredients that we individually prefer.

Breakfast, here I come! 


How to Make Omelets with the Nordic Ware Omelet Maker

It is fun to assemble an omelet made with ingredients you love.  I prefer adding ham and cheese to mine, while my husband adds vegetables to his.  Since we each have our own omelet maker, we assemble them separately while spending time together in the kitchen.  

My first attempt to make a ham and cheese omelet turned out to be the best omelet I have ever eaten.  By following the instructions that came with the omelet maker, my eggs were perfectly cooked and the cheese was completely melted.  I used 2 eggs for my omelet.

My husband added ham, mini sweet peppers and fresh parsley to his omelet. He used 4 eggs to make his omelet, therefore his took a few minutes longer to cook.  He also buttered his omelet pan before he started.  I did not butter mine and I could not tell a difference when sliding the cooked omelets from the pans.  However, as the pans age and go through many washes, butter may be necessary.

Here are the Cooking Instructions

 Nordic Ware Microwave Omelet Pan Cooker, Set of 2Check Price
  • Lightly beat 2-4 eggs and 2 Tbsp of water or milk - We beat our eggs in a measuring cup and we both opted for milk. 
  • Pour mixture into omelet pan, dividing equally between the 2 sides - The measuring cup made equal division easy! 
  • Place open pan in microwave and cook for 1 to 2 minutes - I cooked my 2 eggs for 1 minute and my husband cooked his 4 eggs for 2 minutes  
  • Remove the omelet maker from the microwave and stir the eggs from the outside to inside - the center was still liquid and the edges were firmly cooked so the firm section was blended with the liquid section.
  • Place desired toppings on each half - we also seasoned our eggs with salt and pepper
  • Cook until eggs are set; 60-90 seconds - I cooked my 2 eggs for 60 seconds & my husbands 4 egg omelet had to be cooked approximately 2 minutes
  • Remove from the microwave and fold pan in half so the 2 side form the whole omelet.  
  • Open the pan and gently slide your cooked omelet onto the serving plate.



cooked omelets - one made with 2 eggs & one made with 4 eggs

These microwave pans are dishwasher safe on the top rack and I did initially wash ours in the dishwasher.  However, in the future, I will most often hand wash them to ensure a longer life.  Being able to put them in the dishwasher does make them more convenient to use!


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Easy Air Fryer Corn on the Cob

 Air fryers are a wonderful tool to have in your kitchen. If you don't have an air fryer consider making room on your kitchen counter for one. From main dishes, and side dishes to desserts, there isn't anything you can't do with an air fryer.

Easy Air Fryer Corn on the Cob
Air Fryer Corn on the Cob - Reviewed
Photo credit Sam Monaco

Our daughter got us a Ninja Foodi Grill for Christmas a few years ago. It is a combination grill and air fryer, and we use it all of the time to make so many easy meals.

Summertime is corn season and grilled corn is a favorite of ours. If you don't feel like firing up the grill just for corn or boiling water to heat up the kitchen try the air fryer.

It's so easy to make in the air fryer, in just 15 minutes you will enjoy that delicious toasted corn flavor with your favorite garnish for added flavor.

How to Make Air Fryer Corn on the Cob:

Air fryer corn on the cob
Air Fryer Corn on the Cob
Photo Credit Sam Monaco

I started with five fresh ears of corn and brushed them with olive oil on all sides, or you could use melted butter. 

Then, I coated them all around with Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning. I preheated the air fryer to 375 degrees and set the time for 15 minutes. We added melted butter and salt for a delicious side dish. My air fryer basket easily fits five ears of corn.

This works well for fresh or frozen corn, but I prefer fresh corn on the cob. If you have an air fryer give this a try, your family is going to love it.

Other Topping Ideas for Corn on the Cob:
  • Sour cream
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Crumbled bacon
  • Chili powder
  • Paprika 
  • Old Bay seasoning
  • Cajun seasoning
These are just a few more ideas for garnishing corn on the cob. I'm sure everybody has their favorite.

You may also like some of my other Air Fryer Recipes:

Ninja Foodi 5-in-1 Indoor Grill with Integrated Smart Probe, 3.9 L (4 qt.) Air FryerNinja Foodi 5-in-1 Indoor Grill with Integrated Smart Probe, 3.9 L (4 qt.) Air FryerNinja Foodi 5-in-1 Indoor Grill with Integrated Smart Probe, 3.9 L (4 qt.) Air Fryer


Find more recipes on Review This Here:

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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

How to Make Refreshing Vanilla Italian Soda (With or Without Cream)

Couldn't you go for a chilly, refreshing, nonalcoholic beverage to help keep you cool and hydrated during the dog days of summer (or any time)? This quick and easy Italian vanilla soda recipe reminds me of the lovely, lightly sparkling cold drinks we enjoyed many years ago during our honeymoon in Italy. It can be made with regular or sugar-free vanilla syrup and with or without a splash of heavy cream (Italian Vanilla Cream Soda) and takes less than a minute to prepare. The sugar-free version of this recipe is also low carb and keto friendly.

This post includes not only the Italian Vanilla Soda recipe, including the Italian Vanilla Cream Soda variation, but also a product review of the delicious ChocZero sugar-free vanilla syrup I prefer to use when preparing this delightful cold drink recipe.

Homemade Vanilla Italian Soda Regular or Sugar-Free
This delicious Italian soda is light, refreshing, and can be made with regular or sugar-free vanilla syrup and with or without a splash of heavy cream.

Choosing Your Ingredients

Vanilla Syrup Options

You can make this delightful cold drink with a conventional commercial vanilla syrup, such as Torani Puremade Vanilla Syrup, DaVinci Gourmet Classic Vanilla Syrup or Monin Vanilla Premium Gourmet Syrup, if you aren't avoiding sugar.

Sugar-free vanilla flavoring syrups are also an option, and the one I prefer. While there are several widely available brands of sugar-free flavoring syrups on the market, most include questionable ingredients that can be detrimental to your health. For example, Jordan's Skinny Syrups vanilla syrup contains cellulose gum, sucralose and acesulfame potassium; Starbucks Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup contains maltodextrin, cellulose gum and sucralose; and Torani Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup contains acesulfame potassium and sucralose.

That's why I love using the new ChocZero Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup. See my product review just after the recipe to find out why it's far superior to the other options on the market.

Italian Sparkling Mineral Water

When my order of the new ChocZero sugar-free vanilla syrup arrived, the first thing I did was to add it to some club soda, since I had some in the fridge.

It was tasty, but definitely not similar to the lovely cold drinks we remembered from our trip to Italy. Also, my husband isn't crazy about most carbonated beverages (or, at least, about his body's reaction to them) and he had asked me to suggest non-carbonated, sugar-free cold drinks he could enjoy during the summer other than lemonade.

So, thinking about the Italian sodas we had enjoyed during our honeymoon, which were far less carbonated than conventional sodas, I decided to try to recreate one by mixing the ChocZero Vanilla Syrup into some chilled Italian sparkling mineral water. What a difference! My husband loved it and didn't have a bad reaction to it, as he does to conventional carbonated drinks. Success!

You can use any genuine Italian sparkling mineral water, such as S. Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water or Whole Foods Market Italian Sparkling Mineral Water for the authentic Italian flavor and carbonation level.

Optional Cream

I find this cold drink much more refreshing during the summer without the optional addition of a splash of heavy cream, but I enjoy the added richness of the cream during the colder months. Try this recipe both ways and see which way you prefer. With the addition of the cream, this drink is often called an Italian Vanilla Cream Soda.

Extra-Tall Pilsner Glasses for Serving

During the hot weather, it's important to stay hydrated. This Italian vanilla soda recipe is a delicious way to get in extra water! So, I like to make a large, 16-ounce serving and serve it in an extra-tall Pilsner glass.

I find that the curved shape and narrower bottom of these Pilsner glasses make it much easier to hold a very tall drink much more comfortably and securely versus tall, large-capacity cooler drinking glasses with straight sides.

Our glasses were purchased many years ago and are no longer available, but these attractive Libbey Giant Wheat Beer Glasses with a 23-ounce capacity are very similar to ours and have enough room to add ice to your beverage, if desired.

Vanilla Italian Soda Recipe

Italian Vanilla Soda with bottles of ChocZero vanilla syrup and Italian sparkling mineral water

Prep Time: 1 minute

Total Time: 1 minute

Servings: 1 serving


16 ounces Italian sparkling mineral water, thoroughly chilled

3–4 tablespoons regular or sugar-free vanilla syrup for flavoring beverages, such as ChocZero Vanilla Syrup

3–4 tablespoons heavy cream, chilled (optional, for Vanilla Italian Cream Soda)


  1. To make Vanilla Italian Soda, pour the chilled Italian sparkling mineral water into an extra-tall Pilsner glass or cooler glass. Stir in the vanilla syrup to taste.
  2. To make the Vanilla Italian Cream Soda variation, follow the instructions for Italian Vanilla Soda, then pour the heavy cream over the prepared soda. You can stir in the cream or just leave it at the top, whichever you prefer.


ChocZero Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup Product Review

Bottle of ChocZero Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup
ChocZero Vanilla Flavoring Syrup is sugar-free, contains no sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners, blends easily into cold or hot drinks, and tastes delicious!

ChocZero sugar-free vanilla syrup is made by one of my favorite brands of yummy keto-friendly, low carb products with no added sugars. Their vanilla syrup is sweetened with monk fruit, which doesnt spike blood sugar levels, instead of artificial sweeteners and contains 8 grams of functional fiber per two-tablespoon serving (great for gut health).

It also isn't thickened, so it mixes instantly and effortlessly into cold drinks as well as hot beverages. (It's a delicious addition to hot or iced coffee or hot cocoa.)

I love having a healthy alternative to the big-name sugar-free vanilla syrups with questionable ingredients!

How to Make Refreshing Vanilla Italian Soda (With or Without Cream) by Margaret Schindel

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Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part One

Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part Two

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How to Make Refreshing Vanilla Italian Soda (With or Without Cream)

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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Roots Canada Story: A Brief History

The Roots Canada Story: A Brief History

Roots Canada was founded in Toronto on August 15, 1973 by Michael Budman and Don Green. They decided to create a company with a Canadian feel based on a summer camp that they had attended as children in Ontario's Algonquin Park. The first item that they sold from their first store in Toronto was a shoe. It was commonly known as the Earth Shoe and officially called the Roots Negative Heel Shoe.

The company was successful right from that very first day when they sold seven pair of the shoe.  Intended as a part-time business, they were so successful that they opened more than thirty stores in the first year. Dan Ackroyd and Gilda Radner were there helping in the store from the very beginning. The venture was meant to be, according to a CBC video, "a celebration of what makes us Canadian" although the founders were American.

From CBC News, comes this fascinating 8-minute look at the story of Roots Canada. The 2014 video does a fine job of documenting the story but it is noteworthy that since then, the iconic Canadian company has been sold and is now a publicly held brand.


Not all of Roots merchandise is manufactured in Canada but Roots does demand that its merchandise be excellent.  It has a well-respected reputation to maintain and strives to uphold that reputation. Roots built this reputation in the past by creating extremely successful Olympic collections and merchandise for celebrities, concerts, cultural events and movies.

Roots created the Canadian Olympic Team's outfits from 1998 to 2004 and has also done so for Great Britain, the United States and Barbados. Remember the 1998 poor boy or newsboy-style hats worn by the Canadian Olympic team in 1998? Roots sold 500,000 of them that year and those Olympic pieces are still sought after today. 

The picture shown above is of the Roots' poorboy or beret-style hat from the Olympics in Nagano, Japan in 1998. The picture is used here with permission and currently available in the eBay store of Jav Treasures by clicking right here

If it is no longer available in Jav's store, you can click here to see the selection of Roots' Olympic-themed Poorboy hats that are available now.


Roots products are made in Canada, the United States, South Asia, Asia and South America only using reputable companies and suppliers who adhere to the Roots Code of Conduct. Factories must provide working conditions meeting health, safety and labor standards; respect for all workers, not use child or forced labor, minimize the impact on the environment and avoid too much packaging in shipping, have inspections by independent auditors and not have any discrimination based on gender, race, nationality and religion.


Roots makes wonderful clothing and fabulous leather products. They now sell a wonderful range of items including but not limited to genuine leather shoes, jackets, bags, belts and luggage; sports and yoga wear including t-shirts and sweatshirts for men, women and children; watches; and home items that have included furniture, linen, towels and accessories.

I do not mind paying a little more for a quality Canadian style that lasts. How about you?

See you next time
on Review This Reviews!


Roots Canada on Wikipedia
This link takes you to a brief history on Wikipedia of the organization that is Roots Canada Ltd.

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