I am reviewing the Gallery Leather Co. Professional Planner today simply because I want the opportunity to point out the fabulous features of this calendar. I admit, I take them for granted now. One glance at a different planner reminds me why I choose the Gallery Leather Co. planner year after year. The fact that they are pretty on my shelf is only one reason.
Fabulous Features of the Leather Professional Planner by Gallery Leather Co.
Aesthetically, it is a beautiful calendar with it's leather cover and gold gilded page edges. Plus, as the name suggests, it has a very professional appearance. The year is embossed on the front cover, but is not colored or filled with anything. I love that professional simplistic design. I am never embarrassed to pull this calendar out in front of anyone when setting appointments or making notes.
Speaking of notes, there is a special note section in this planner. I use that section to write down ideas for articles, or things I need to do that don't have a deadline.
The first page displays a quick reference showing a calendar of all of the months and dates in the standard square box display (shown on the right). That helps when I just need to pull the dates quickly for every Friday in a particular month. Or to quickly count the number of Fridays in a particular month.
A quick glance page for the previous year and the next year immediately follow the current year calendar.
Following those pages is a larger breakdown of the months for quick notes. Each month has a page with boxes, one for each date, and area to make quick notes.
However, the section of the planner that I most rely on, the one that I refer to multiple times everyday is the daily calendar that displays each day of the week with appointment times. This is where I organize my work day. Without it, I would be lost. The satin bookmark could be used anywhere to mark your place in the book, but I use it to mark the current week so I can quickly flip the planner open to it.
My fellow contributors already know a great deal about my busy schedule. They see me at work daily. But, I am here to tell you, without my trusty planner calendar, I would be lost. It keeps me focused on what I need to accomplish each day and what should get my attention first each morning.
I know I am not alone. Many people scurry from one activity to the next trying to stay ahead and on their fast paced schedules. I can tell you from experience, this planner calendar really makes a huge difference!
2024 Gallery Leather Large Monthly Planner - Acadia Tan - 9.75x7.5Check Price
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