I have only just learned how rewarding indoor gardening can be with an indoor hydroponics growing system. While a frigid, windy winter swirls outside, I am am having home grown lettuces and kale for dinner. Indoor Hydroponics gardening systems are a great way to grow herbs or vegetables indoors, no matter the season, and my only regret with this purchase is that I didn't try this sooner.
In the beginning of January I started my first indoor hydroponics garden. I started my 12 pod Mufga system with lettuce mixes and kale. The only pod that didn't grow was the pod with two, "expired" bunch onion seeds that I hadn't really expected to germinate anyway.
I was very surprised at how quickly the seeds germinated and how quickly they grew. The Mufga system adjustable grow light are perfect. I have been able to move the light panel so that remains just above the plants as they grow.
Very quickly, I had enough lettuce to harvest. With a pair of scissors, I carefully cut the largest leaves when harvesting. That leaves that remain on the plant continue to grow.
During my first harvest, I attempted to pinch off the leaves with my fingers and that tended to wiggle the grow pods around. I was worried that I'd move that pod out of the range of the watering system that I switched to scissors. For me, cutting works much better than pinching.
Soft Taco with Home-Grown Lettuce
In a very short period of time, I had grown lettuce leaves that were large enough to add to toppings on a hamburger. I didn't have ground beef at home, but I did have all of the ingredients for a delicious soft taco. Including, an impulse purchase of Mango Peach salsa! The soft tacos with my home-grown lettuce were delicious.
Small Salad with Salmon, Olives, Eggs, and Olive Oil
I have been craving smoked fish so I have tried various brands of tinned salmon and smoked salmon from the store for snacks. I have found that I like King Oscar Premium Salmon.
The Mediterranean style of tinned salmon inspired me to try it on a bed of lettuce with eggs, olives, and olive oil. This lunch salad was a delicious change of pace from my very routine meal choices. This brand of salmon also comes lemon, if you don't care for the Mediterranean style.
Extra Large Chef Salad; Eggs, Bacon, Cheese, Sunflower Seeds, and Dressing
Chef salads are my favorite. And it wasn't long until I had enough salad mix for a very large bowl of lettuce. I harvest lettuce in my livingroom and added the other ingredients in a matter of minutes.
For more information:
My first review of my new Mufga Indoor Hydroponics Garden system in early January - here
This follow-up video includes a photo of the taco with my home-grown lettuce. Feel free to skip ahead in the video to 2:41 as the beginning of the video is a rambling thank you to Mike's Chaotic Gardening (YouTube) for helping me choose my grow system. The photo of the taco is near the end of this short video.
Many styles and sizes of indoor hydroponic growing systems can be found on Amazon.