Saturday, June 30, 2018

Reviewing 3 Natural Ways to Relieve a Headache

3 natural ways to ease a headache
Headaches are no fun, but did you know that you don't have to reach for your bottle of asprin or paracetamol/tylenol when you feel one coming on. 

There are a number of natural remedies that you can try first.

I'm going to review 3 different ways to help relieve a headache that I have tried myself and have found successful. 

I have studied aromatherapy and herbology in the past, but I am not a doctor so if you have persistent headaches please consult your medical practitioner.

Using Aromatherapy to Ease a Headache

A very effective way to ease a headache is with lavender oil.   Now if you headache is caused by stress then relieving your stress levels is a great idea so check out this article -

Aromatherapy for StressReviewing How Aromatherapy Can Help Relieve Stress
If stress is getting you down then you need to use a little aromatherapy magic. Let me show you what essential oils you need to use and exactly how to use them to effectively ease stress.

Now back to lavender oil.  This is one of the few pure, essential oils that you can use undiluted.  Simply tip the bottle upside down onto your index finger on one hand and then do the same on the other.  You should end up with a drop on each finger.

You massage your fingers into your temple like the photo below -

relieve headaches by using these massage points
Photo courtesy of Lou's Designs

I used to try this for migraines (which I used to get every month before I had my daughter), it used to reduce the severity of the headache, although it didn't help with the lack of balance and light sensitivity (but you can't have everything!).

When it comes to just a standard headache, if I'm at home with lavender on hand this works really well.

Eating Almonds, Not Asprin for a Headache!

Now when I was told last year that merely eating almonds could help a headache I was a little skeptical, but then I tried it with success.  Initially I wondered if it was just a coincidence, but I have tried it a few times now and it has worked.

I have also looked into why this works and when I saw that almonds are a good source of magnesium I realized that's why they're effective.  Magnesium actually helps to relax your blood vessels and it's often when your blood vessels are tight that you get headaches.

How many almonds to take?  The recommendation is 10-12 almonds, but when I've tried them I've only taken 6-8 each time, then again when I have resorted to taking paracetamol/tylenol I only take 1 not 2.

Hydration is Vital for Keeping Headaches at Bay!

I read somewhere that dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches, now I don't know exactly how factual that statement is, but it wouldn't surprise me.  Most people I know just do not drink enough water and by consuming more processed foods we are also digesting less water through our meals as well.

When my daughter complains of a headache the first thing I ask her is 'have you drunk much today?' the reply is usually no!  Now when you're dehydrated just drinking water sometimes isn't enough to ease the headache quickly as you need to get electrolytes into your system too.

If you have any watermelon on hand this is an excellent source of natural electrolytes and it has the added bonus that most kids who don't want to drink water will happily consume a slice or two of watermelon!

Another option is to have an electrolyte drink (often marketed as sports drinks).  This will work, but the side effect with most of the ones on the market is that they tend to be really high in sugar.  This is one of the reasons (I believe) that after drinking them you are sometimes left feeling even thirstier.

One drink that I use and also give my teenager is Arbonne's Complete Hydration as it's much lower in sugar and is formulated to hydrate on a cellular level.   This means that it doesn't leave you feeling thirsty.

Have You Tried Natural Ways to Ease A Headache?

I'd love to know if you've tried any of these three ways to ease a headache or if you have a different natural method to help your headaches.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 29, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War Movie Review

Avengers:  Infinity War Movie Review
Marvel fans love this movie!  All of our favorites join the battle to save the world from evil domination. 

The Avengers team up with The Guardians of the Galaxy to battle Thanos who is collecting the 6 infinity stones with the ultimate goal of taking over the universe.   With each infinity stone, Thanos becomes more powerful and harder to defeat.  He ruthlessly murders the keepers of each stone using whatever means is necessary for him to add to his collection and ultimate, unstoppable power.

Thanos' plan is to rule the universe and eliminate 50% of the population.  He claims the resources of the world are finite, therefore he wishes to decrease the surplus population so those who are left will be sustainable.  His claims that he can eliminate hunger may sound noble and benevolent until you realize mass murder is necessary.   

What I didn't expect was to see several of my beloved heroes die at the hand of powerful evil.

Avengers: Infinity War Cast of Magnificent Characters

Who is there: 

Loki - Tom Huddleston
Doctor Strange - Benedict Cumberbatch
Iron Man - Robert Downey, Jr
Starlord - Chris Pratt
Hulk - Mark Ruffalo
Rocket Raccoon - Bradley Cooper
Mantis - Pom Klementieff
Groot - Van Diesel
Drax - Dave Bautista
Gamora - Zoe Saldana
Nebula (Gamora's sister) - Karen Gillan
Captain America - Chris Evans
Spiderman - Tom Holland
Black Panther - Chadwick Boseman
Black Widow - Scarlett Johansson
Scarlet Witch - Elizabeth Olsen
Vision - Paul Bettany
Falcon - Anthony Mackie
The Winter Soldier - Sebastian Stan
War Machine - Don Cheadle

List of the Infinity Stones, Their Colors and Their Current Protectors

REALITY Red Taneleer Tivan, The Collector
SOUL Orange Red Skull
MIND Yellow Vision (Avenger)
TIME Green Doctor Strange
SPACE Blue Loki (Thor's brother)
POWER Purple Nova Corps on Xandar

The Infinity War Begins

 Trends International Avengers Infinity War
Thanos Wall Poster
Check Price
Asgard, Thor's homeland, has been previously destroyed in the movie Thor:  Ragnarok.  For viewers, the Infinity War begins when Thanos (Josh Brolin) attacks Thor's refugee ship.  Thor has been taken captive and Loki subsequently surrenders the Space infinity stone in his possession in exchange for Thor's life.  In a heart-sickening turn of events, Thanos murders both Loki and Heimdall (Idris Elba).  But, Thor is left alive and is rescued by The Guardians of the Galaxy.

The battle moves into the streets of New York where Doctor Strange, who possesses the Time infinity stone, is attacked.   Iron Man, Hulk and Spiderman all try to protect Doctor Strange to prevent the theft of the Time stone.

In Scotland, Vision, who possesses the Mind stone, also finds himself under attack with Scarlett Witch being his only defender at first.  However, Captain America, Black Widow & Falcon show up just in time to save both Scarlett Witch and Vision from certain death.

The final battle takes place in Wakanda, home of the Black Panther, where Vision was taken to be protected.  All of the remaining Avengers and Guardians arrive to defend Vision and the universe, but all do not survive.  The end is shocking!  

I couldn't move from my seat when the movie was over.  I kept wanting more.  I needed there to be more, but clearly that will have to wait for the next movie. 


Do I Recommend Avengers: Infinity War

Absolutely!  However, I plan to buy the DVD as soon as it is released and I would recommend Marvel fans should do the same.  I want to be able to watch it again right before I go to the theater when the sequel is released.

One final note: Be sure you sit through the credits at the end of the movie. You will want to see the teaser with Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and who he summons for help. A new avenger is clearly on the horizon!

Avengers: Infinity War and Movies You Should See BEFORE You Watch Avengers: Infinity War

Dr. Strange Movie ReviewDoctor Strange Movie Review
The movie Doctor Strange is based on the Marvel comics character. A fabulous fantasy fiction movie that is quite accurate with the depiction.

Guardians of the Galaxy Movie ReviewGuardians of the Galaxy I & II Movies Reviewed
Guardians of the Galaxy is a truly fabulous Marvel movie that I would recommend for anyone! The movie is a mix of sci-fi, great animation, engaging stories, & witty dialog.

Dr. Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy I & II, and ........

 Avengers: Infinity War (Bonus Content)Check Price Marvel Studios' Black PantherCheck Price Thor: Ragnarok (Bonus Content)Check Price Captain America: Civil War (Bonus Content)Check Price


Check Out More Movie Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jan Arden's Feeding My Mother Book Review

Jan Arden's Feeding My Mother Book Review
I do it too often. That is, pick up a book without a true appreciate of what I am about to read. Jann Arden's Feeding My Mother: Comfort and Laughter in the Kitchen as My Mom Lives with Memory Loss definitely fits that bill. I picked it up because it was written by a wonderful Canadian music artist and because my mother is experiencing some memory issues right now.

Feeding My Mother turned out to be a series of diary or journal-style entries written over a period of a few years while Arden tried to continue working in the music industry and care for her ailing parents. What I expected was information about memory loss; what I did not expect was the diary style of writing or the recipes. I did expect and receive heartbreak, which is definitely on the menu when a loved one disappears in this manner. It is not really a book to turn to for information about Alzheimer's disease but rather one to read to understand one family's struggles to deal with their situation.

It is a nicely put together book with pictures; caring and sharing; family, pets and lots of love; tears but also much laughter; and with a few simple recipes, some of which I may return to. This book was crafted from (apparently) popular Facebook and Instagram posts that Arden wrote during her journey. I believe that she handled her parental situation as best as she could, something we can all aspire to do if and when we become caregivers for our parents. As Arden says, it is not easy becoming a mother to your mother.

Jann Arden

Arden is an accomplished Canadian singer songwriter who has won eight Juno awards and been nominated for a total of eighteen. She has also written three books. This one plus If I Knew, Don't You Think I'd Tell You and Falling Backwards: A Memoir. Another couple of books for our reading lists.

You can hear Arden discuss Feeding My Mother on CBC Radio by clicking right here. They call the book a cookbook, which I disagree with though it does have a few recipes. If you picked this book up thinking it was a cookbook, you would be disappointed. It is more correctly categorized as a biographical book about Alzheimer's disease and patient care.

Do I Recommend Feeding My Mother? 

Yes, I do recommend Feeding My Mother. It is definitely of interest to someone who is dealing with a family member with memory loss or who sees that coming in the future, as I do. However, I am uncertain if it is a book that my mother should read. I know she would appreciate the humour and the love that is found within the covers but not sure that she needs to really think and worry about all of the situations found in this book. What do you think? Should I give my mother this book to read or not?  Have you read Feeding My Mother? Have you been a caregiver for someone with memory loss?

You can get your hands on a copy of Jann Arden's Feeding My Mother by ordering it from Amazon here.

See you
at the book store!

Quick Links:

Order your copy of Feeding My Mother from Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Save Money with Powerextra Camera Batteries: A Review

Don't Miss That Perfect Shot Because of a Dead Camera Battery

Most of the time my photo walks take less than an hour. But sometimes I venture farther or stop to take more pictures than usual. That's when it really pays to have extra camera batteries. Here's why I bought my set of Powerextra batteries with chargers included.

It was a perfect day to walk by the Salinas River.  It was rainy season and the river was full. I decided to walk all the way to a bridge at least half a mile away. I knew that the river would be wider there and I could get a unique shot. It was a fairly warm day for spring, and the walk was longer than I usually take. (You can see highlights of the walk here.)

There I encountered many scenes I wanted to photograph as I walked toward the bridge. I got distracted by wildlife, signs of human activity, trees, shrubs, and, of course, the river itself. I had taken over a hundred photos, and I hadn't started with a fully charged camera. I hadn't expected to take so many photos.

I  was pretty hot and tired by the time I got to the bridge. I walked from the trail to street level to get on the bridge. Here's where my path approached the bridge.

Review of Powerextra Camera Batteries

I was almost to my goal. Once on the bridge, I took my first shot, the first of many I had planned, but not the special shot I had really wanted. And that's when my camera battery died. Along with my hopes of getting not only the other shots from the bridge, but also more shots I'd  been planning to get on the walk back to my car.

Choosing Extra Batteries

That night I decided it was time to buy some extra battery packs.  I can never predict how many photos I will want to take. Obviously I didn't correctly predict it for this walk. So I went right to Amazon as soon as I had time. My camera is a Canon PowerShot SX410 IS. See how I tested it when it was new.

When I looked up the replacement battery Canon made for my camera, the price blew me away. At $42.25 as I write this, it still blows me away. For just one battery! So I checked for alternatives. I discovered the Powerextra battery for my camera. And not just the battery, but a whole battery kit with two batteries and an extra charger for the house, as well as a car charger. For about one fourth of the price of one Canon battery!

powerextra camera batteries in a box

Naturally I was suspicious! How could I get so much more for so much less? Oh! The Powerextra is made in China. But so is the camera and the Canon battery. Frugal as I am, I decided to buy the Powerextra kit and try it. I'd only lose about twelve dollars if the batteries didn't work. I could still purchase the Canon batteries if necessary. It was worth the risk. It paid off for me.

I have been using both the house charger and the batteries for over four months. They all work well. I can now have one battery charging and one extra in my camera bag so that I will always have a charged battery when I need one. I don't have to skimp on pictures for fear of losing power. And I won't have to miss the shot I want most.

 I have not yet tested the car charger because I haven't been on any drives long enough to try it out. I will add the results here after I do have the chance to test it.

I highly recommend the Powerextra batteries if you want to save money. They are available for most major brands and models of digital cameras. I think they offer great value for the price.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Island Coconut Coffee K-Cups Reviewed

Coconut Flavored Coffee

island coffee
Delightful flavor of coffee for any time of day
Recently, I tried Island Coconut coffee as something different to drink. I was not disappointed! Normally, I drink a stronger bolder cup of coffee but I decided to give this variety of k-cup a try because I do love coconut. 

When I brewed my first cup, I was pleasantly surprised at the aroma of coconut wafting through the kitchen. What a lovely scent to be greeted with along with that wonderful smell of coffee brewing! 

Island Coconut coffee is a light roast which means that the beans were not roasted beyond that first crack in the roasting process. This gives the coffee a light body with more of the bean flavor since it hasn't been roasted away from a longer process. The result in this flavor is incredibly good! You really do taste coconut. The box states that the k-cups have natural and artificial flavors so the coconut must be added. It sure tastes like they used real coconut but I can't guarantee that because I can't find any information to validate my assumption. I am going by the taste which is delightful!

So, if you enjoy a flavored coffee once in a while or every day; I can recommend this as one to try especially if you love coconut. I find it very enjoyable as a break away from my usual coffee selections. Since it is a limited edition, I plan to order more to keep on hand for an occasional treat. Something that I might try; although I don't know if it would work is to add some chocolate to the cup...chocolate and coconut go really well together! Yum!

What about you? Do you have a flavored coffee that you prefer? I would love to hear your favorites. It often gives me ideas on new things to try for myself and my husband.  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, June 25, 2018

Site Review: Drageda - The Heart of Country Music

Reviewing the Heart of Country Music.
I am in a mood. I don't want the television on - polluting me with all of it's negativity. I'd rather listen to some music. Only trouble is, I'm tired of the local radio stations that play the same songs every hour. When I'm in this mood, a song that I love quickly becomes a song that grates my nerves due to the repetition. Today, I'm in the mood for a specific type of song, a country song that makes me feel good. So I turn to a familiar website for inspiration. Since you may not be familiar with I thought I'd do a quick site review and introduce you. - The Heart of Country Music

Our very own Review This! contributor, Barbara Tremblay Cipak (Brite-Ideas) is the creator of  I am not writing this review because she is a co-writer on this site. Rather, I am writing this review because I truly find her personal website to be heart-felt, informational, and helpful.

What is ? is "not your typical find a country song site".  Barbara has created the site to assist with finding the right country song for your feeling, special occasion, or that particular moment in your life. Whether it is a birthday, wedding, or memorial.... whether is about family, friendships, love, break-ups, or grief and loss... Barbara reviews and categorizes songs to fit the moment in time.

What in the world does Drageda stand for ?

Drageda stands for Don't Ride Alone Get Emotional Daily Assistance.

Why I Recommend

Even though I listen to country music (I like many genres, and am a radio station surfer, but I tend toward country the most), Barbara's reviews have introduced me to new artists and new songs. 

All of her reviews are heartfelt. She provides the links to the music or videos, her interpretation of the songs, and portions of the lyrics. 

The site is easy to use. There are a variety of categories that are easily accessible via the links at the top of the page. This includes the categories: Breakup, Family, Friend, Funny, Hope, Happy, Love, Perspective, Time Passing, and Death & Loss. There is also a Country Gifts category. Some of those categories have sub-sections.

If you can't find what you need there, or just for fun, check out the Country Song Lists page. While on the website, that link can be found in the very top left corner of the page. You'll be taken to a page where the categories of songs are searchable and listed by category phrases (in 4 different tables) such as:

  • Thank You: I'm feeling so grateful for the people in my life
  • Date Night: Songs for a night of just kissing
  • Cheater: Support songs if the MoFo cheated!
  • USA or July 4th country songs
  • Canada country songs
  • songs to honor Dad
  • songs to celebrate Mom
  • and many more categories
In addition to the specific song reviews, on the right side of the page, there are two itunes sections that list the current top 10 country music videos and the current top 10 country music albums.  Using those sections, I have found songs/videos I wasn't familiar with and because that section links to itunes, I am able to listen to song samples for free (I really like free). 

Finally, and sometimes most importantly to me, there is a noticeable absence of ads and pop-ups. I really find those "subscribe" pop-ups, ads, and websites that are as full of ads as they are content so annoying that I'll sometimes immediately click out of a site. I appreciate that Barbara (whether intentional or not) is so focused on the feelings of the music and the music itself that disruptive ad placement is excluded. What a breath of fresh air these days.

There is only one small addition that would be helpful for me personally on That would be a section just for music that celebrates country living and the natural world. When I'm in this mood, that is the music I lean toward. However, even without this specific section, I was able to find the perfect song (and it turns out an entire album) that fits my mood today.  Celebrating "country" and the natural world.  

Son of the Sun
by: Dierks Bentley 
album: The Mountain

This is probably a song I would not have found without help from Drageda.comI'm glad to have found it. My home is filled with feel-good music and songs that fit my emotional needs for today. Just how Drageda intended.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 24, 2018

When You Need Ideas on What to Write Inside a Greeting Card, Check Out These Words of Inspiration

Find a Collection of Sayings for Cards Here
When Words Fail You

One of the quirkiest things I've enjoyed doing as a hobby for decades is coming up with sayings to write on the inside of cards.

Since my friend and I were young twenty-somethings, we've been drawn to card shops. You could usually find us in a local card shop pulling the funny cards, laughing as we blurted the creative sentiments to each other.

In those early years, I remember thinking, if I had to do it all over again, I'd go into the advertising business so I could write funny lines for cards and create commercials.

Then came the internet, where I discovered I could put all those useless one liners rolling around in my head to good use.

Thus Was Born My Hobby - Writing Sayings for Cards

You'll find sayings for many types of cards: For a new home, a new driver,
Review These Sayings You Can Write in a Card
engagements, bridal showers, weddings, birthdays, sympathy, friends, to say thank you and much more.

It's a crazy knack to be able to write card sentiments in no time flat.

On a good day I'm able to sit down and pump out 50 to 100 ideas in an hour or less. Sometimes those crazy one-liners just keep coming. Of all the skills, THIS is the one I got??

When You're Stuck, Use These Sayings

For those who struggle with what to write inside a card, don't sit there racking your brain trying to find the best words.

Simply go to one of my card saying pages and choose something to put on the card, or just use a blurb as inspiration to write your own personal note.

Writing funny card sayings is my favorite thing to do, however, I've written just as many that are serious and even somber.

If I had to select, I'd say the sayings I've written for Sympathy Cards are the most useful. When dad passed away we received cards from all over the country with personally written notes and they meant so much to us.

I was completely shocked at how reading those notes eased my pain for a few moments. The thoughtfulness put into a few kind words meant more than I can express. That moment was my inspiration to put together a list of written sayings for sympathy cards.

Personally I always write a note when I give someone a card. You don't have to write long paragraphs either, just one or two lines of thoughtfulness can make all the difference.

Have fun finding the best sayings that fit your special someone. Here's a card already completed with the saying on it. It's oozing sarcasm for that friend who loves sarcasm :)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Review of National Pink Day

Pink cherry blossoms image
Image Created with Stencil

National Pink Day is observed on June 23 to celebrate the color pink.  So before you read this celebration of all things PINK, go put on a pink shirt or pick a pretty pink flower.

Butterfly and Rose of Sharon Postcard
Butterfly and Rose of Sharon Postcard

by Sylvestermouse

Pink is used to represent a variety of causes and awareness factors (breast cancer awareness, diversity issues, etc.) but today we are here to talk about the Color Pink itself.

Pink was first recognized as a color name in the late 17th century.  Combined with white or pale blue, it is associated with babyhood/childhood, often represents femininity, and has become a sweet, romantic color. 

National Pink Day does not appear to have an official origin, but is one of those 'different' days it is fun to have an excuse to celebrate. 

It is interesting to note that June is known as Rose Month and many varieties of roses are Pink.  In fact, this pale red color now called pink originally got its name from a flower of the same name. 

The Color Pink Surprised me Today

Collage of pink plush items

I have a crochet shop on Etsy where I specialize in creating plush animals.  My creations range across the animal kingdom and the color spectrum.  Just because a real animal comes in a particular color in nature doesn't mean I have to stick to just that color.  Plush animals are a fantasy, especially in a child's world, and can be created in any color you desire.  Because of this, my crocheted 'critters' are represented by a wide range of fun & fanciful colors, as you can see by these pink animals in the picture.

On Etsy, we have a forum like most sites do and part of the forum is a promo section where we can show off our latest. Color themes are popular forum threads.  Today I picked one forum thread that called for 'pink' items.  I did a search within my shop in order to pick out a pink item to feature, and was absolutely amazed at how many pink items I had. 

Pink has never been one of my favorite colors stemming from the fact that I was a blond (now gray...LOL) and always thought pink didn't look good on me. It became a habit and I stayed away from anything pink.  Well, obviously that no longer applies to my world today, as my pink search selection came up with more than a dozen items in pink and several more that had pink accents.  I really surprised myself! :)

Ways to Celebrate Pink Day

  • Of course, the easiest way is to wear Pink today.
  • Eat or drink something pink.
  • Donate to a charity that uses the color pink for their symbol.
  • Pick a bouquet of pink flowers.

So, have a lovely PINK day whichever way you choose to celebrate. 

Related Pink Articles:

(c) National Pink Day written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 22, 2018

How to Create a Link to Jump to a Specific Part of a Page - Step by Step Instructions

How to Create a Link to Jump to a Specific Part of a Page - HTML Tutorial First, let me define "page jump link".  If you wish to have a link to a section or paragraph in an article, you can create a page jump link that can be inserted anywhere in an article.  You can even use jump links to "jump" to a section in another article on a website.  Or use one to jump to an article section on a totally different website that you manage by simply using the link to the jump link itself.  

Like this: 

I used page jump links at the top of our Review This Site Directory so visitors could quickly skip to the category of articles they wish to see. I've had several fellow bloggers ask me how I created those indexing page jumps and I happily shared my code.  However, it is easier for me to simply publish this article then to continue sharing the code individually each time it is requested.

FAST CLICK INDEX - Click the Category Title to Jump to Specific Section of Our Site Directory


If you ever use Compose on an article on Blogger where you use the jump skips, your jump link code will be lost.
As an example, if I ever wish to add anything to this article, I will have to do so in the html tab. Should it open to compose, click the html tab and close the article immediately without making or saving any changes. Keep opening it until it opens in the html. Never update or save an article that has page jumps while working under the compose tab.

HTML Code to add Jump Links

I'm showing the actual html code that you would need to create a jump link.  This is the code I used in this article to skip to the end.

This code should go at the top, or section where you want to place the option to jump to another section.  Replace the title text with your own descriptive text.

<a href="#the_end_HERE">Skip to End</a> 

And this code should go at the beginning of the section you wish to skip to.

<a id="the_end_HERE">The End!</a>

The id link text must be exactly the same in both links.  As you can see, the visual title text can be different.

Easy Jump Links

Adding page jump links to an article is actually very easy if you are careful and remember to stay in the html tab area on Blogger. I do recommend keeping a copy of your original article html text on a file saved to your computer. Accidents happen, especially if we get in a hurry and need to make a quick change or update an article.

This html jump link code also works on Wordpress!

Happy Blogging & Jumping!


House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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