A From the Heart Book Review
I once read something about how the universe always tries to reassert itself when something is changed. In other words, put things back the way they were.
This is never more true than when it comes to our efforts to organize and declutter our lives.
We've all read books on decluttering, organizing, etc. and even followed the suggestions in the current book on the subject, resulting in a satisfyingly organized life (for a while). Eventually, though, our normal inclinations and habits seem to reassert themselves and our old patterns return. Our once clean desktop is once again piled with papers, there are stacks of books on the floor and chairs, and our clothes seem to have multiplied overnight!
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
I just read a new book called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing" by Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo, who calls her system The KonMari Method. It was interesting and fun to read, but not all that different from others on the subject, with one exception. She tells you to start by discarding, THEN organize your space instead of the usual room-by-room or little-by-little approach. Makes sense, but easier said than done when you find excuses not to 'discard'. :)
As I read this book, I found myself nodding and agreeing and planning to once again get organized without much assurance that I would actually follow through this time. Then I read a line that made more sense to me than any others I've read in similar books. Basically, the author writes, when you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order. As a result, you can see quite clearly what you now need in life and what you don't.... and you are then surrounded only by the things you love.
Finding myself now well into my 'senior' years, I really would like to finally organize and downsize my household. This desire is not so much as having a tidy house and an organized life as it is to not leave my kids with having to decide what to do with my ‘stuff’.
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Therefore, no matter what organizing book you use to get you motivated, or nothing but simply a plan listed on a piece of paper, realize that you are not just tidying up your house as much as you are in getting your affairs in order.
My final thoughts on the subject are that you may be years from needing to think about such things, but time doesn’t wait while you decide when and if you will get organized so others don’t have to do it for you.
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*Review written by Wednesday Elf