Showing posts with label Action Movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Action Movie. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

John Wick (2014) - Movie Review

John Wick
It will surprise a lot of our readers and my fellow contributors to read that I enjoyed and would recommend the movie, John Wick.  I do love a great mystery or suspense movie, but not normally violent movies.  This will be the exception!

My husband and I were looking for a movie we could watch together last night and I came across "John Wick".  We are both Keanu Reeves fans.  Clearly, he is an extremely talented actor that excels in multiple genres.  He is also musically talented (see video below).  It would seem this multi-talented entertainer was destined to stardom, but I doubt it was that simple. 

When watching the movie, "John Wick", it is easy to believe Keanu Reeves is Wick in reality.  The character of a vigilante would almost fit with the charitable real-life man who founded a private cancer foundation with a vengence against cancer.   

John Wick is rated R due to violence, foul language and drug use.  Remember, I started by saying you would be surprised that I watched, reviewed and recommended this movie.

I look forward to watching the rest of the John Wick series of movies.  I plan to watch John Wick, chapter 2 tonight for a second round of acceptable violence. 


John Wick - Movie Synopsis

 John Wick on Prime VideoCheck Price

Retired hitman, John Wick, is literally drug out of his life of retirement and back into the violent world of his past when the son of a known crime lord, Viggo Tarasov, attacks him in his own home.

It isn't enough for the young fool to steal Wick's coveted 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429.  No, Iosef Tarasov has to make a statement.  No one refuses to give him what he wants and get away with it!  

Iosef and friends enter Wick's home, beat him and kill his dog, which was the last gift from his recently deceased wife.  This attack will not go unanswered.  Even Viggo Tarasov, who describes Wick as the "one you sent to kill the Boogeyman", knows his son is now in grave danger.  

Hoping to save his son's life, Viggo puts out a contract on Wick.  It is interesting to see which "friends" from Wick's past are willing to seek the reward and which one's have his back.


Warning - Even the trailer is violent

 John Wick [Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD]Check Price John Wick 1-4 Movie Collection - Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 DVD SetCheck Price John Wick 4K Ultra Hd [Blu-ray] [4K UHD]Check Price


Stepping away from the violence, here is the music video of Keanu Reeves with "Dogstar"


More Great Movies Reviewed

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  John Wick (2014) Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, December 20, 2024

Carry-On (2024) Netflix Movie Review

Carry-On Movie Review
Anyone who travels and flies on airlines is very familiar with the term "carry on".  Even those who have never flown most likely know what someone is talking about when they reference a carry-on.  Therefore, the title of the movie tells us a great deal about the movie before we even read a synopsis.  We know instantly that a carry-on bag is going to be part of the main plot.

For those who travel during the holidays, we know to expect highways, rental agencies, bus terminals, train stations, and especially airlines to be crowded and for everyone to be irritable.  Every experienced traveler knows they can anticipate delayed flights and lost luggage.  A carry-on bag can be an essential element of making everything more comfortable for a passenger in an atmosphere that requires patience.

Personally, my carry-on consists of one change of clothes and my glasses in case my checked luggage gets lost.  Many of us carry itineraries, tickets for events, makeup, contact lens supplies, jewelry, laptops, books, crossword puzzles, and a vast assortment of things to keep us prepared for mishaps and/or occupied during travel time.  

What no one expects is for someone to be able to get through all of the security with an explosive or deadly agent.  We expect to arrive at our destination, albeit late or without our luggage, we expect to get where we are going.  This movie is based on the unexpected and involves passengers as well as airline employees.  The very frightening scenario and unusual plot of this movie makes it the best thriller for this holiday season, or any time.


Carry-On Movie Synopsis

On Christmas Eve, TSA agent, Ethan Kopek, is headed to work, prepared to request job advancement and a pay raise.  The last thing he expects is to find himself in the middle of a high-level threat that no one else knows is happening.  

Carry On Movie Review
Only Available on Netflix
When Ethan asks his boss for a job with more responsibility, his friend in a higher level position, suggests that Ethan can take his place on one of the carry-on scanners and he will move to a different location for the day. Since the airport is shorthanded and needs more coverage, their boss agrees to a trial to see if Ethan is truly ready.  

Ethan is thrilled and quickly moves into place behind the scanner. His friend, happy to have helped, moves to a location in a different section.  Neither man has any idea what is happening in the background or that they just made a group of terrorists scramble to change plans.  As it turns out, when the leader of the group finds out Ethan has a pregnant fiance, he is content to use Ethan instead of his friend.

When Ethan slips an earpiece into his ear, an unknown voice starts talking and giving him directions on exactly what he will do.  Even though he doesn't want to participate, they are threatening to kill his fiance if he does anything to stop them.  Unfortunately for one co-worker, Ethan finds out just how fast the terrorist will kill. They are determined to get a specific carry-on bag onto a specific flight and plane. They are equally determined that nothing will get in their way or stop them.

 Samsonite Hardside Carry-On - TSA, Airline-ApprovedCheck Price London Fog Westminster 15" Under The Seat Bag, BlackCheck Price




As I said earlier, this action-packed suspense thriller movie is the best thriller for the holiday season.  As a Netflix original, it is available only on Netflix.

Be sure to find time to watch it, especially if your are not traveling for the holidays.  If you are traveling, it might well make you decide to drive if you are planning to fly.


More Great Movies Reviewed

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Carry-On (2024) Netflix Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 22, 2022

Reacher TV Series Reviewed (Season 1 - 2022)

The Reacher Amazon Original TV series is a captivating suspense
My husband and I spent the last two nights watching the new TV series, "Reacher", based on the character in the books by Lee Child. Obviously, it was a spellbinding series since we watched all 8 episodes in 2 nights. We probably would have watched them all the first night if we had started them earlier in the evening.

I'll start this review by telling you what I liked best about this series, then I will share what I didn't like about the series. Normally, if I am recommending a movie or book, I don't talk about my personal negative opinions. However, in the case of this Amazon Original series, I do think anyone considering watching the shows should be prepared.

What I liked best: the actor that played Jack Reacher. Alan Ritchson is the perfect choice! Totally believable as a former US Army major in the military police with a history of handling difficult cases and standing in harms way.

Something else I liked: the story. It is a captivating suspense. It was not easy to guess who was a good guy and who was a bad guy. That shocking element is always appreciated in a suspense story.

What I don't like: the nudity, the gory images, and one other main character that was not believable as the character she played. I watch a variety of movies with my husband, son, father & brothers. I am hardened to a lot of scenes and images, but this series takes them to an unnecessary extreme level. 

I do recommend this series for adults only.  Just be prepared to close your eyes at times.

Reacher Series Synopsis

 Reacher: Season One
Available to Stream or on DVD or Blu=Ray
Check Price
Jack Reacher shows up in Margrave, Georgia at the worst possible time for himself, but at the best time for Margrave.  As the new stranger in town, he is immediately suspected as the murderer when 2 bodies are found.  

He is arrested for the murders, sent to jail, "accidentally" placed in the "lifers" section of the prison, and forced to defend himself and others. However, as soon as he is released, he starts working with the police to find the real killers because one of the victims is someone very special to him.

Current events, memories, past decisions & actions, lifestyle, friends and family are all recounted and questioned throughout the series. We learn a lot about Jack Reacher, past & present, and find he is someone we would all like to know and have around when needed.

Not only is this a suspenseful series, but it will tug at your heartstrings and perhaps, even pull a tear (or two) from your eyes.

More Great Movies Reviewed

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Reacher TV Series Reviewed (Season 1 - 2022) by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 2, 2019

Justice League Movie Reviewed

Justice League Movie Review

The Justice League is literally the DC Comics superhero team that includes Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Flash.  Together, they protect the earth from evil and invading forces.

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman have been well known superheros all of my life.  However, until the Justice League was created, they worked as individuals.  I can easily remember many discussions between myself and my brothers when I was a child over whether Superman or Batman was better.  There was never a question of IF we liked them both.  

Until recent years, Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman were not well known to anyone who didn't actually read the DC Comics.  However, with the movies and TV series that have been released over the last few years, we are all now familiar with Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman

The Awesome Team of Superheroes in the Justice League
Information Below Based on Current Justice League Movies. They do not always follow the DC Comics Characters & their history, but all characters are based on the DC Comics

  Justice League Movie Actor - Ben Affleck
     Character's Real Identity - Bruce Wayne
     Origin - Earth Human
     Earth Home City - Gotham
     Powers - Weapons, Specially Made Vehicles, Martial Arts Training, & Genius
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Wealthy philanthropist           
           • Mortal Human
           • Wears his Armored Bat Suit to protect his real identity             
           • Committed to fighting criminals after witnessing his parents murders

     Justice League Movie Actor - Henry Cavill
     Character's Real Identity - Clark Kent  (Krypton Name was Kal-El)
     Origin - Krypton
     Earth Home City - Metropolis
     Powers - Superhuman Strength, Flies, Impenetrable Skin, X-ray vision, heat vision (projects high intensity heat),
                     Superhuman Hearing, Breath with powerful blows, freezing ability, can hold breath in space & under water
     Additional Points of Interest
           • Sent to Earth by Real Parents right before Krypton was destroyed
           • Found/Adopted by Jonathan & Martha Kent
           • Wears his Superman "S" suit with cape to protect his real identity
           • Works at the Daily Star/Daily Planet as a Newspaper Journalist
(name changed on radio series)          
           • Co-worker/Girlfriend/Wife is Lois Lane
           • Kryptonite weakens his strengths
           • Best Selling Comic Superhero of All Times

Wonder Woman:
     Justice League Movie Actor -  Gal Gadot
     Character's Real Identity - Diana Prince
     Origin - Themyscira (Amazonian City - Paradise Island)
     Powers - Superhuman Strength & Powers, Flies on Earth & in Space, Trained Warrior, Wields the Lasso of Truth
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Daughter of Zeus          
           • Immortal as a demigod

           • Protector of World (not just Earth)            
           • Wears an Amazon uniform made for her by her mother,
Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons 
 Justice LeagueCheck PriceThe Flash:
     Justice League Movie Actor -  Ezra Miller
     Character's Real Identity - Barry Allen
     Origin - Earth Human
     Powers -  Extremely Fast Running (in a flash)
     Additional Points of Interest

           • University Student          
           • Struck by Lightening during a Radiation charged Thunderstorm

           • Wears a Burgundy/Red Suit with a Helmet Mask
           • The Fastest Man on Earth

     Justice League Movie Actor - Jason Momoa
     Character's Real Identity - Arthur Curry
     Origin - Half Earth Human & Half Atlantean (from underwater City of Atlantis)
     Powers - Aquatic Abilities, Extremely Strong, Trained to Wield a Trident, Enhanced Hearing
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Proper Heir to the Throne of Atlantis (mother was princess)         
           • Superhero on Land & Sea

           • Breathes Underwater and on Land           
           • Swims & Jumps like a Dolphin or Whale

     Justice League Movie Actor - Ray Fisher
     Character's Real Identity - Victor Stone
     Origin - Earth Human
     Powers -  Naturally Interfaces with Internet & Computers, Flies,
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Cybernetic Reconstruction after near-fatal accident when a mother box exploded in father's lab       
           • Infused with Mother Box power   
           • Former Athlete

           • Permanent Robotic Parts (half human & half robot)           
           • Both Parents are/were Scientists 


Justice League Movie Synopsis

 Justice League
(DVD, Blu-ray Or Prime Video)
Check Price
With Steppenwolf and his legion of Parademons scouring the earth for 3 "Mother Boxes" of power, the Justice League unites in order to prevent Steppenwolf from obtaining the ultimate power.  

Each Superheroe's specialty is needed at some point in this battle, therefore they must all work together as one cohesive unit.  That will prove to be challenging at times due to pre-existing conflicts, but they are all committed to protecting the world.

Before the entire Justice League comes face to face with him, Steppenwolf had already obtained 2 of the Mother Boxes.  He defeated the Amazons in Themyscira to capture the first Mother Box.  Then, he defeated the Atlantean guards for the second.

While it might seem certain that the Justice League could defeat Steppenwolf, the reality is far from obvious.  After all, he and his army of parademons are strong and vast.  The Justice League must take an extreme action to even feel strong enough to face him and that action could certainly have consequences. 

If you have seen Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and you look carefully at the artwork above, you will get a hint at what extreme action must be taken, but I am not going to tell you.

My Personal Opinion

In spite of negative reviews, I really enjoyed Justice League!  I find myself wondering what critics really had against this movie, DC Comics, or Warner Bros.  The actors were tremendous!  The storyline might seem somewhat familiar, but seriously, how often do we really see a movie with a unique story?

One of my favorite scenes is when Aquaman gets up close and personal with Wonder Woman's lasso of truth.  I find myself laughing again as I recall it.

I'm glad I didn't let those negative reviews keep me from watching the Justice League.  Otherwise, I would have missed a really great movie filled with wonderful actors.  I hope you won't let them influence your decision either.   

 Justice LeagueCheck Price

Marathon Watch Order of Justice League Movies

Recommended Movies For Batman's Background - These movies star Christian Bale, not Ben Affleck
  • Batman Begins (2005)
  • The Dark Knight (2008)
  • The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Justice League Movies

Other DC Comic Movies Reviewed on Review This!

Wonder Woman 2017 Movie ReviewWonder Woman (2017) Movie Review
Wonder Woman (2017) is truly a wonderful movie.  I encourage everyone to set aside any preconceived notions and watch the new movie.   The back story on Diana, aka Wonder Woman, is awesome!

Aquaman Movie ReviewAquaman Movie Review
Aquaman, starring Jason Momoa, is a fabulous DC Comic movie! Aquaman is half man & half Atlantean, but he is the rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis. It is his destiny to ensure peace between the Atlantis kingdoms and humans.



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House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 12, 2019

Spider-Man: Far From Home Movie Review

Spider-man: Far From Home Movie Review

Spider-man is one of the best known Avengers.  All over the world, people recognize Spider-man and love him!

If you are a Marvel comics fan, most likely you knew the names of all of the Avenger superheroes long before they became superstars on the silver screen.  However, movie-goers have been entertained by the friendly neighborhood Spider-man for decades and he has been able to stand his cinematic ground all alone.  Multiple actors have had the opportunity to don the suit and become our favorite young hero.  However, none of the previous actors have represented Spider-man better than Tom Holland.

In Spider-Man: Far From Home, we are reminded that Peter Parker is a teenager still in high school and not a "man" as his superhero name would imply.  He simply happened to be the one bitten by that radioactive spider when he was 15 years old.  He may have the physical strength of some of the other Avengers, and he may be extremely smart like the Hulk or Tony Stark, but he is still "just a kid".  If you have seen The Avengers Infinity War, you will recall that Tony Stark (Ironman) loved Spider-man for his intelligence, his enthusiasm, his natural defender instincts, and his natural physical abilities, but Tony also tried to protect Peter.  

Unfortunately, Peter Parker no longer has his Ironman protector and he has to face a fierce opponent without the aid of any of the other Avengers.  Plus, he has some really hard personal decisions to make.

Spider-man: Far From Home Movie Synopsis

 Spider-Man: Far From HomeCheck PriceAs Peter Parker is making plans to go on his class trip to Europe, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) is calling.  We all know, when Nick Fury calls it is important, and you better answer.  However, Peter doesn't want to "play" superhero this week.  He wants to go on his trip with his classmates.  So, he ignores the phone calls.  He even intentionally does not pack his Spider-man suit.  Peter is determined to enjoy his trip!  But, as they say, the best laid plans of spiders and men often go awry.  (You know they say "spiders"!)

When Peter is stopped by customs and his luggage is searched, he sees that his Aunt May added his Spider-man suit for him, like any good parent or guardian would do, of course.  That turns out to be a good thing, because Peter isn't in Venice for long before he needs that suit.

When Venice is attacked by a water monster (Water Elemental), what appears to be a new superhero, flies into the scene to defend the city.  However, Spider-man is soon needed to help protect the people in the area and his suit is back in the hotel.  Peter realizes he can't just let the surrounding buildings fall on his friends and other tourists.  He goes into action with only a carnival mask to hide his identity.

Once the Water Elemental is defeated, Peter finally meets with Nick Fury who gives him a gift that was left to him by Tony Stark.  It seems Ironman has entrusted Peter with his most precious legacy.  (No spoilers here.  You will have to watch for yourself!) 

Peter is also officially introduced to Quentin Beck, who has now been publicly dubbed Mysterio since he so heroically saved Venice from certain destruction.  Peter is relieved to have another superhero around to talk to and to fight alongside.  It seems Beck is content to be Peter's new mentor.

For comic fans, you will already know all about Mysterio.  You will recognize him immediately.  However, for those who only follow the stories through the movies, this film will reveal several tremendous revelations for you.

A Must for Avenger Fans

There are many reasons to love the movie, Spider-man: Far From Home.  It is delightful, funny, and entertaining, but for Avenger Fans, it holds greater significance as a continuation of the beloved Avenger movies.  The Endgame was definitely not the end!


More Marvel Movies Reviewed Here on Review This!

Avengers: Endgame movie provides fans with opportunities to laugh, cheer out loud & a few unexpected moments that reduced us to tears.

In the movie, we discover the background story to how Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel and aligns herself with the Avengers.

Marvel fans love Avengers: Infinity War!  All of our favorite Avengers, plus the Guardians of the Galaxy join the battle to save the world from evil domination and genocide by Thanos. Expect some very shocking and even upsetting deaths in this movie. Real Mavel fans will need Kleenex!

The movie Doctor Strange is based on the Marvel comics character. A fabulous fantasy fiction movie that is quite accurate with the depiction.

Guardians of the Galaxy is a truly fabulous Marvel movie that I would recommend for anyone! The movie is a mix of sci-fi, great animation, engaging stories, & witty dialog.

Ant-Man & The Wasp Movie ReviewAnt-Man & The Wasp Movie Review
Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Michael Douglas (Dr. Hank Pym), and Evangeline Lilly (The Wasp / Dr. Pym's daughter), join together in battle. However, this time it is against a very unexpected mysterious foe, while also having to elude the FBI.

Ant-Man Movie ReviewAnt-Man Movie Review
Dr. Pym (Ant-Man suit inventor) & his daughter, Hope, train Scott Lang to work with ants and to become Ant-Man in preparation to "defeat" Darren Cross and his Yellowjacket invention.

The movie Iron Man sets the foundation for all of the following Avengers movies. Every Marvel fan, old or young, needs to see the movie Iron Man.

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 21, 2019

Aquaman Movie Review

Aquaman Movie Review
Hold your wild seahorses and prepare yourself for the latest, greatest DC Comic movie superhero, Aquaman!
Many of us are already familiar with Jason Momoa because of his previous leading roles in Conan the Barbarian, Braven and several other movies.  He has an impressive television series list of roles as well, which include Game of Thrones and more recently, his starring role as Declan Harp in the Netflix series Frontier.
  As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say he had a large established fan-base long before he was cast as AquamanHowever, he is now and forever ingrained in our minds as the magnificent Aquaman and everybody knows his name!  

Before I saw the movie, I was told that there were a lot of women who normally would never go see a DC Comic movie, who willingly volunteered to take their sons to this movie just so they had an excuse to go.  There was no need to worry.  There are plenty of adult women without children who love Aquaman.  It is not just a movie for children, or men.

Aquaman, DC Comic Movie

 Aquaman: Special Edition (2018) (DVD)Check PriceWhen a lighthouse keeper discovers an injured woman on the beach, he didn't expect the world to be forever changed.  However, that is exactly what happens when Thomas Curry discovers Atlanna (Nicole Kidman) washed up on his beach in Maine.  

Tom has no way of knowing that Atlanna is actually the queen of Atlantis, the underwater kingdom.  He carries the unconscious female up to his lighthouse home with the intention of getting her medical attention.  When Atlanna awakens in the strange place, she has a strong reaction to the unusual noises around her, as well as the fish in his fish tank.

Atlanna and Thomas fall in love and Atlanna forsakes her father, her kingdom, her underwater tribe, and her previous commitments.  Sadly, they are not left in peace for long.  

Soon after Atlanna gives birth to their baby, Arthur, members of the Atlantis army find her.  She realizes she must return to Atlantis, and to her previous responsibilities, in order to save the lives of Thomas and their son.


Aquaman - Arthur Curry

During his elementary school years, Arthur realizes he has special powers.  He can communicate with creatures of the ocean and they readily respond to him with fierce loyalty.  He also becomes acquainted with Nuidis Vulko (Willem Dafoe), a friend and confidante' of his mother, who was sent to train him to wield a trident and to fight.

Arthur discovers he can breathe underwater and swim like a dolphin.  He becomes a defender and superhero in the ocean, but he continues to live on land.  He is easily recognized by everyone, but he doesn't recognize or desire to claim his own birthright.  

As the son of the queen, he should be king of Atlantis, but his half-brother sits on the throne and plots to be Ocean Master, ruler of all of the tribes of Atlantis.  He also has plans for land dwellers.  

In case I forgot to tell you, I Love This Movie!

Aquaman was not previously as well known as some of the other DC Comic superheroes, but this movie has made his anonymity a thing of the past. 

 AquamanCheck Price

Other DC Comic Movies Reviewed on Review This!

Justice League Movie ReviewedJustice League Movie Reviewed
The Justice League superheroes unit to defeat Steppenwolf and his legion of parademons in order to save the world.

Wonder Woman 2017 Movie ReviewWonder Woman (2017) Movie Review
Wonder Woman (2017) is truly a wonderful movie.  I encourage everyone to set aside any preconceived notions and watch the new movie.   The back story on Diana, aka Wonder Woman, is awesome!



Check Out More Movie Reviews at

 Aquaman Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 10, 2019

Captain Marvel Movie Review

Avengers:  Back to the Beginning!

Captain Marvel Movie Review
Captain Marvel is finally here!  Stepping back into the past, we are introduced to one of the first superheroes of the Marvel Comics.  

In fact, in the movie, the name Avengers was chosen by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) when he saw Captain Marvel's nickname, Avenger, on the side of her US fighter jet.  

After encountering Captain Marvel, Fury decided earth needed to seek out a team of superheroes for protection in the future since wars would be shifting from earthly wars to galactic wars.  It was obvious to Fury that humans wouldn't stand a chance if not better prepared for the inevitable invasions.  Earth wouldn't even recognize the enemy before it was too late. 

Marvel Comic purists may not appreciate this adaptation of Captain Marvel, but it certainly plays well with theater audiences.  I heard several loud cheers throughout the movie.  At the end, I overheard multiple comments about how awesome the movie is and how much they really enjoyed this movie.  

Captain Marvel Movie Synopsis

As a child, Carol Danvers learned by experience that she was going to have to prove herself through endurance, hard work, and by always getting back up to try again when she fails.  Those life lessons served her well as she transitioned from mere human to superhero.

 Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel (Plus Bonus Content)Check PriceAs a female Air Force jet pilot in the '90s, Carol was not readily accepted by the male pilots.  She found her place of acceptance and opportunity to excel when she started working with Dr. Wendy Lawson (actually Captain Mar-vell, a Kree rogue agent who sided with earth).  Carol was completely unaware of Dr. Lawson's real identity or race, but she held her in highest esteem.  

Dr. Lawson was working with the Tesseract (container of the Space Infinity Stone) to harness it's power for  hyperspace capabilities.  Once it became necessary to make the first hyperspace flight, Carol volunteers to pilot the mission.  Unfortunately, the plane had to be crash landed.  Both Dr. Lawson and Carol survived the landing, but both did not survive the resulting encounter with the Kree, Yon-Rogg.  Carol was infused with the Space Stone's energy when the plane exploded.  She was now a valuable "tool".

Carol was taken into Kree custody, her memory was erased, and she was trained in contact combat by Yon-Rogg.  All seemed well to Vers (Carol's Kree name) until her human life invaded her Kree life, forcing her to find her real identity and place in the universe.

Other Interesting Notes about the Movie, Captain Marvel

It was pretty cool to see a young Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), working as a SHIELD agent.  We even find out how he lost one eye and how he started working with superheroes.

Also, be sure to keep a close eye on Goose, the cat.  He isn't what he appears to be. 




Avengers: Endgame movie has been long awaited, and greatly anticipated by Marvel fans. It does not disappoint. The Avengers: Endgame provides fans with opportunities to laugh, cheer out loud & a few unexpected moments that reduced us to tears. Prepare for more of the unexpected!

Marvel fans love Avengers: Infinity War!  All of our favorite Avengers, plus the Guardians of the Galaxy join the battle to save the world from evil domination and genocide by Thanos. Expect some very shocking and even upsetting deaths in this movie. Real Marvel fans will need Kleenex!

The movie Doctor Strange is based on the Marvel comics character. A fabulous fantasy fiction movie that is quite accurate with the depiction.

Guardians of the Galaxy is a truly fabulous Marvel movie that I would recommend for anyone! The movie is a mix of sci-fi, great animation, engaging stories, & witty dialog.

Ant-Man Movie ReviewAnt-Man Movie Review
Dr. Pym (Ant-Man suit inventor) & his daughter, Hope, train Scott Lang to work with ants and to become Ant-Man in preparation to "defeat" Darren Cross and his Yellowjacket invention.

Ant-Man & The Wasp Movie ReviewAnt-Man & The Wasp Movie Review
Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Michael Douglas (Dr. Hank Pym), and Evangeline Lilly (The Wasp / Dr. Pym's daughter), join together in battle. However, this time it is against a very unexpected mysterious foe, while also having to elude the FBI.

The movie Iron Man sets the foundation for all of the following Avengers movies. Every Marvel fan, old or young, needs to see the movie Iron Man.

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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