Friday, January 10, 2025

John Wick (2014) - Movie Review

John Wick
It will surprise a lot of our readers and my fellow contributors to read that I enjoyed and would recommend the movie, John Wick.  I do love a great mystery or suspense movie, but not normally violent movies.  This will be the exception!

My husband and I were looking for a movie we could watch together last night and I came across "John Wick".  We are both Keanu Reeves fans.  Clearly, he is an extremely talented actor that excels in multiple genres.  He is also musically talented (see video below).  It would seem this multi-talented entertainer was destined to stardom, but I doubt it was that simple. 

When watching the movie, "John Wick", it is easy to believe Keanu Reeves is Wick in reality.  The character of a vigilante would almost fit with the charitable real-life man who founded a private cancer foundation with a vengence against cancer.   

John Wick is rated R due to violence, foul language and drug use.  Remember, I started by saying you would be surprised that I watched, reviewed and recommended this movie.

I look forward to watching the rest of the John Wick series of movies.  I plan to watch John Wick, chapter 2 tonight for a second round of acceptable violence. 


John Wick - Movie Synopsis

 John Wick on Prime VideoCheck Price

Retired hitman, John Wick, is literally drug out of his life of retirement and back into the violent world of his past when the son of a known crime lord, Viggo Tarasov, attacks him in his own home.

It isn't enough for the young fool to steal Wick's coveted 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429.  No, Iosef Tarasov has to make a statement.  No one refuses to give him what he wants and get away with it!  

Iosef and friends enter Wick's home, beat him and kill his dog, which was the last gift from his recently deceased wife.  This attack will not go unanswered.  Even Viggo Tarasov, who describes Wick as the "one you sent to kill the Boogeyman", knows his son is now in grave danger.  

Hoping to save his son's life, Viggo puts out a contract on Wick.  It is interesting to see which "friends" from Wick's past are willing to seek the reward and which one's have his back.


Warning - Even the trailer is violent

 John Wick [Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD]Check Price John Wick 1-4 Movie Collection - Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 DVD SetCheck Price John Wick 4K Ultra Hd [Blu-ray] [4K UHD]Check Price


Stepping away from the violence, here is the music video of Keanu Reeves with "Dogstar"


More Great Movies Reviewed

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  John Wick (2014) Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


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  1. Wow. Yes, Sylvestermouse, you did surprise me with your acceptance of this type and genre of a movie. I do read your obvious enjoyment of the actor and the storyline throughout your review. It is leading me into looking into viewing it myself. Thanks for your recommendation.

    1. Just this one, Elf! I think it had a understandable story line for me and I could focus on that instead of all of the violence. I did watch the "Chapter 2" and saw only violence in it, so I did not enjoy it. Still, the original is worth watching (and closing your eyes as needed).

  2. I really liked this movie, Fran thought the violence was a bit much. I'm also a huge fan of Keanu Reeves. The move keeps you rooting for the underdog. Great review.

  3. While I couldn’t tolerate the suspense or violence of this movie, it sounds like one my husband would enjoy. (He’s better at compartmentalizing the violence in films and fiction.) I will be sure to share your review with him!

  4. Yes as you initially said, I'm surprised you watched this one! Have to agree, it's a terrific movie. I've seen several of the John Wick flicks (lol) and really enjoy them and Keanu Reeves too. As a person, he's such a good man. I moved to Toronto in 1979, and apparently he was raised there from 1971 to 1984 ish - It's a big city, but silly things cross my mind like, did our paths ever cross without knowing lol - he's four years younger than me though, so he would have been a young guy. I truly respect this man's character.

  5. Sometimes I will watch something that most of the time I would pass on, if there is an actor that I really admire. Keanu is one of those actors, so thank you and I will certainly see if I can get my hands on this one!

  6. We both like the actor Keanu Reeves (especially in The Matrix) so interested in any film he is in. This does sound a good, well put together, interesting storyline. Not sure how I would cope with the violence though, might end up with my eyes closed more often than open lol! However for people who can understand that aspect as part of the movie, I think it sounds like a good film.


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