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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dog. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Doctor Dogs – A Book Review

Doctor Dogs book cover
How Our Best Friends are Becoming Our Best Medicine

We are familiar with seeing eye dogs, service dogs, military working dogs, dogs trained to assist Law Enforcement, and dogs who work in search and rescue.  

Now, more and more as time goes by, scientific studies are finding that dogs can be trained to help people with chronic medical conditions, both physical & mental, and to detect diseases such as Cancer and Parkinson's.

Doctor Dogs, written by Maria Goodavage, relates many of these studies, along with a number of stories of individual canines and the people they are helping.  The emotional element in this book is as powerful as the science.  The book jacket states:

You don't have to be a dog lover to care deeply about what we are learning from these dogs – and if you're not a dog lover, you will be by the end of this book!

Doctor Dogs

Doctor Dogs book cover
Doctor Dogs by Maria Goodavage

Published in 2019, Doctor Dogs relates a globe-trotting journey made by journalist and author Maria Goodavage who visited top research centers around the United States, throughout Europe and England and as far away as Japan.  Through her excellent story-telling we meet many fantastic dogs, learn of their training in various areas and discover how they are impacting (and actually saving, in many cases) the lives of people whose well-being depends on these highly skilled personal MDs (medical dogs).

A Collection of (Trained) Canines in Doctor Dogs

From Angus to Zen......

  • Angus (Clostridium difficile-detection dog)
  • Baby Boo (cancer detection dog)
  • Bob (autism-assistance dog)
  • Bud (seizure-alert dog)
  • Daisy (cancer detection dog)
  • Dexter (seizure-alert dog)
  • Duke (crisis-response dog)
  • George (cancer detection dog)
  • Hank (psychiatric service dog)
  • Jedi (diabetic alert dog)
  • Leo (educational-aide dog)
  • Nina (seizure alert dog)
  • Parker (cancer detection dog)
  • Sally (malaria detection dog)
  • Zen (Parkinson's alert dog)

As you can see from the list above, dogs can be trained to help and assist in many different ways.  The training described is fascinating.  Dogs can learn to 'alert' to impending seizures (giving the patient time to find a safe place to sit or lie down), or alert to diabetic highs and lows, especially helpful in children with Type I diabetes who are too young to recognize when they are in trouble. 

There are Doctor Dogs who can detect cancers and Parkinson's Disease.  There are psychiatric service dogs who have proven to be invaluable to children with autism and people suffering from PTSD, both returning soldiers of war and civilians with trauma-induced PTSD. 

These abilities and feats dogs are being trained to do are just a few of the areas of medicine, and more, being researched at this time. 

Maria Goodavage, Author

Maria Goodavage, Author
Maria Goodavage
(Source: Wikimedia)
Maria Goodavage is a veteran journalist who has written a number of best-selling books about dogs; two about military dogs, one about Secret Service dogs who protect the President of the United States, and now Doctor Dogs. 

Maria lives in San Francisco with, among others, her yellow Labrador retriever, Gus.


The dogs trained for these medical specialties are carefully matched to the individuals they will serve and are almost always of a calm nature.  Labrador Retrievers are a popular breed in this field, but just about any breed who is friendly and calm can be trained to be a good Doctor Dog

These Doctor Dogs absolutely love what they are doing. They adore and become very attached to their 'people'. 

What is their paycheck for their lifesaving work?  All they need are heartfelt praise and a tasty treat or favorite toy.  I'd say that's the easiest fee to pay any doctor. 

(c) Doctor Dogs Book Review by Wednesday Elf 3/14/2020

Quick Link:

ReviewThisReviews Contributor Diana Wenzel (RenaissanceWoman) has written several articles here about her therapy dog Finn. Click Here to meet this delightful dog doing his own service in this field of special hero dogs.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 24, 2020

Backseat Barker Dog Bed for SUV or Jeep Review

The Backseat Barker SUV Dog Bed

Dog Car Bed for Jeep & SUV - Backseat Barker Review
If Merlin had a middle name, it would be "Go"!  He never wants to be left behind.  Therefore, we sought and found a wonderful dog bed for our old jeep.

As you can see in the photo, we laid the dog bed directly on the jeep floor.  That required us to find a dog bed that was thick enough to really cushion and separate him from the hard, unforgiving surface. 

Normally the pillows on each side would lay at an angle.  In our case, we wanted the larger size bed so the pillows would stand upright on the side and give him more protection from the hard side panels of our jeep.  Merlin likes to stand up and look around even when the car is moving.  Protecting our "big dog" is always our first priority.  

When we are traveling in our SUV instead of our little Jeep, we simply move the Big Barker to the larger vehicle.  Here is a picture of Merlin on his Big Barker bed in our SUV.  As you can see, the side pillows tilt to the sides and make a great head rest for our big dog.

Backseat Barker Dog Bed
Merlin loves his Big Barker

The Backseat Barker Dog Bed for Cars, SUV, & Jeeps

There are several features about the Backseat Barker that would prompt me to recommend it for dogs.  First and foremost, the thickness of the orthopedic cushion provides a more comfortable ride for our "big dog".  
Backseat Barker Dog Bed for Jeep & SUV
I left that one side up slightly after Merlin got out, so you could easily
see the thickness of the bottom pad

The size of the bottom bed cushion is perfect for our jeep floor.  As you can see, the large 3" thick cushion goes all the way up to the back of the front seats.  Therefore, Merlin can stretch out comfortably when he wishes to lay down and still be close to us.

As I said in the introduction, I also love the side pillows!  Normally, in a larger SUV, the pillows would be slightly tilted so a pup could use them for propping his head on them.

There are several sizes of the Backseat Barker Dog Bed available.  We purchased the Extra Large (61 x 45 x 3) dog car bed so it would fit snugly in the back of our jeep, which has a smaller area in the back than an SUV.  

The cover has zippers on the bottom pad and on the pillow sections.  That allows us to remove all 3 of the foam pieces and machine wash & dry the cover when needed.  According to the manufacturers, the foam can also be washed and air-dried, but that has not been necessary for us yet.

The Backseat Barker Dog Beds come with a 10 year warranty.  We all understand the importance of a trustworthy warranty.

One note, like most orthopedic foam, the foam in the beds have a strong odor.  We let Merlins' bed foams air out for about 3 days and I washed the cover immediately.  After a few days, all was well, no more smell!

labrador retriever standing on a Backseat Barker Dog Bed in the back of a jeep

 Big Barker Backseat Barker: SUV Edition (Orthopedic Shock-Absorbing Dog Bed for Back of Sport Utility Vehicles)Check Price Big Barker Backseat Barker: SUV Edition (Orthopedic Shock-Absorbing Dog Bed for Back of Sport Utility Vehicles)Check Price


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Monday, June 5, 2017

Recommended Summer Reading for Dog Lovers

My summer vacation is fast approaching and I am happily preparing for it by gathering several books perfect for easy, summer reading. My plan is to spend much of my vacation relaxing, lost in books. As a person who loves dogs, I am choosing one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books that focuses on dogs. The Chicken Soup for the Soul series are reliably comforting books with uplifting stories. In this review, I will share some of those titles focused on dogs. 

Not Familiar with the Chicken Soup for the Soul Books?

Chicken Soup for the Soul books have been around since the 1990's. The founders created the series with the thought that people can help people via the sharing of their personal stories. Since that time, they have published hundreds of books, selling millions of copies. Each book is focused on a different theme. And each book is a compilation of stories from every day people who have a story to share within that theme.

Why Read Stories About Dogs?

Dogs are our companions. Our guardians. Our best friends and our babies. I have recently been fortunate enough to witness some people doing really good things for dogs. 

I have watched people organizing huge events to do fund-raising for the organizations that care for dogs. And I have watched individuals repeatedly foster individual dogs until permanent homes are found. Whether it is in huge numbers, or only one person and one dog at a time, I have been witness to the love we have for our dogs.

At this time in my life, and during this time in the world, I want to spend my vacation immersed in stories that are loving and uplifting. Stories that take me away to happy places. Chicken Soup for the Soul stories sometimes include stories of grief and loss. But that grief and loss has meaning. Not the display of trauma and loss for ratings and site visits rather an exploration of the meaning of love and loss. I have not yet chosen the dog stories book I will be reading during my vacation, but I am familiar with this series of books and know that I can depend on what types of stories I will find in the newest copy being added to my library.

Related Links about Dogs from Review This! Contributors

The writers at Review This! love their dogs. In fact, several of us have dogs named Daisy. Below are links to some of the dog-related articles we have written.

My Daisy is a small dog with a short coat. She is a rat terrier. And while she loves being outdoors during all season, I provide a coat or sweater for her during the coldest months so that she can remain warm during our winter outdoor adventures. You can meet my Daisy in my article about Sweater & Jacket Choices for Dogs Who Need Them.

Susan shares her pick of Patriotic Dog Bandanas, Collars, and Clothes.  With patriotic and summer holidays upon us, check out this fun ideas for your holiday dog. Whether your dog is a fast and furious, frisbee-fetching machine, or a dainty little girl-dog in a dress, you will find something in her article for your dog. The adorable photos alone are worth a click. A very important note: Susan shares that July 5th is the day of the highest number of admissions of dogs to animal shelters. And she reminds us to take extra caution with our dogs during fireworks season.

Puppies. Who doesn't love a puppy?  But wow, potty-training a puppy can be so frustrating. And potentially damaging to your home as well as your sanity. Beverly has found a solution. She reviews the Puppy Potty Trainer - the system her family members chose to use for their new four-legged addition to their family. Beverly shared something I hadn't considered previously: when traveling or visiting with a new puppy during the potty-training stage, a portable and familiar potty system that can be taken into unfamiliar settings can aide in the potty training. Such a wonderful idea (and probably very welcomed by the home owners the puppy is visiting!).

Wednesday Elf wrote a wonderful Review of Greeting Cards for Pet Lovers. While she reviews a variety of sources of unique greeting cards for both dog and cat lovers, I was drawn to the adorable greeting cards she highlighted from the AfricanGrey store. That artist clearly loves Boston Terriers, but also offers a variety of dog breeds on these greeting cards. While browsing the site I saw cards for many different occasions. Including adorable Wedding Boxers, 

And last but absolutely not least - 

Dog lovers know that the best thing about a dog is loving a dog and the worst thing about loving a dog is when that dog passes. Our dogs are such intregal part of our lives that the void they leave when they are gone is enormous. Barbara shares with us both a loving memorial of her little "Girl Dog" and a wonderful wall decal. Every Time I Lose a Dog is a loving tribute to the dogs we've loved and lost. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Review of Outward Hound Dog Life Jacket

outward hound dog life jacket modeled by dog
Finn's new Outward Hound life jacket.
When I recently adopted a disabled dog, I made a promise to Finn that I would do everything in my power to help him thrive.  Because his back legs do not function normally, and he cannot walk or run, I knew that swimming could provide Finn with a freedom of movement he had never before experienced.  I immediately went online and ordered an Outward Hound Fun Fish Life Jacket so Finn could dive into some water fun.  This is one of the best purchases I have ever made for one of my beloved animal companions.

I looked at a lot of life jackets for dogs before selecting this particular model.  Because Finn has limited use of his back legs, it was important to find a life jacket that would stabilize him in the water.  The neckband floatation bib on this life jacket was just what Finn needed to keep him from rolling over onto his side.

outward hound dog life jacket being used in the water
My little "Nemo's" first swimming lesson.
The two handle straps on the back of the life jacket have been essential during Finn’s initial swimming lessons.  They make it easy for me to build his confidence as I hold on and slowly move him through the water.  He feels safe, which is the most important thing when introducing a dog to water activities.  For anyone who takes a dog boating, this feature could mean the difference in saving an animal that has fallen overboard.  The straps can be easily hooked with a pole or paddle handle.

I also appreciate the design and construction of this life jacket. The Velcro closures and adjustable nylon straps make it easy for me to snug up Finn’s life jacket in a way that is secure and yet comfortable for him.   And then there is the cuteness factor.  Everyone who has seen my Finn in his new swimming gear thinks he looks like an adorable little Nemo.  I do think it’s one of the cutest life jackets on the market.   

outward hound dog life jacket on dog in canoe
Finn goes kayaking.
Who should own a dog life jacket?  Anyone who has a backyard pool, or who takes a dog boating, or who lives in hurricane country, or who has a weakened or elderly dog, or who is teaching a young pup to swim, or who wants to offer water therapy to a dog in recovery.  A life jacket is a great confidence booster for a fearful, reluctant, or struggling canine swimmer.  It can be the key to helping your dog discover, or retain, the joys of water play.

In terms of value, the Outward Hound Fun Fish Life Jacket is hard to beat.  I got a great price, along with all of the features I need to keep my precious pup safe.   After testing this dog life vest, I can say without hesitation that I would buy it again.  I highly recommend it, as do a few thousand other dog-lovers.  You can check out all of the reviews when you click through any of the links on this page.

Has your dog ever used a life jacket?  Please share your thoughts or experiences.  Thanks!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 13, 2019

My Favorite Dog Harness – The Puppia!

Oh dog harnesses! I have known quite a few. Today I am reviewing my absolute favorite dog harness The Puppia.

Through the years I have tried many dog harnesses and have also watched my acrobatic pup escape from quite a few harnesses. Many of these harnesses have been advertised as escape proof, but more than once been I have been left standing with just the leash and harness in hand! Less than ideal or safe!

The Puppia dog harness is my workhorse dog harness that delivers as promised.
Collage of black poodle in blue Puppia harness.

Fits The Hard To Fit Pup

The fit of any harness is definitely a key to the success of any harness. Each dog is different and of course it is difficult to standardize dog harnesses to fit all. My dog happens to be in between the standard sizes of a dog harness and is a small-medium size.

The straps are easily adjusted to fit dogs between sizes or for dogs with hair instead of fur. My pup also has curly thick hair which grows quickly between grooming visits; the adjustable straps are very convenient for the size difference between a freshly groomed pup and ‘fuzzy’  season.

Easy To Put On

The Puppia harness is very easy to 'install' with only one clip to manage. The harness does go over the dog’s head which can be a concern if your dog does not care for that type of harness. 

The front legs are inserted through the leg openings or the dog can step into the leg opening. The one piece design I believe lends to the strength of the harness as the majority of the harness is material and not clips or nylon.Sometimes less is more!

Lightweight and Strong

The Puppia Dog Harness is lightweight with the mesh construction and deceptively strong. My pup is a “puller” especially when encountering squirrels during a walk. The pup has yet to escape from the harness.

Breathable And Water Resistant

The harness material is breathable and water resistant; both useful features for warmer and inclimate weather.  I’ve used this harness in driving rain and snowstorms and it is durable!


The harness is machine washable, however the manufacturer does recommend hand washing and air drying. I have had no problems machine washing the harness on the gentle cycle (and even dried the harness on air dry in the dryer).
Black poodle in blue harness sitting in lawn with purple flowering tree.

Variety of Colors

Who doesn’t like to add a little fashion to the daily walk? The Puppia harness comes in a variety of solid colors and fun prints. Don't forget the color coordinated Puppia leashes!


I highly recommend the Puppia dog harness!
Special thanks to Aunt Amy, the Dog Whisperer,  for pup sitting and photography!


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 28, 2019

Easy Carry Fabric & Collapsible Travel Dog Bowl Reviewed

Don't Leave Home Without a Travel Dog Bowl!

Easy Carry Fabric & Collapsible Travel Dog Bowl Reviewed
We were surrounded by lake water, but Merlin drank cool, clean water
from his Good2Go Collapsible Dog Bowl
We enjoy taking our pups for walks, we even take them on longer hikes with us.  After all, none of our dogs have ever wanted to be left at home when we go on adventures. However, it is important to remember they have needs too when they are away from home.

Think about it.  When you go on a long walk or hike, what do you need?  We always carry water with us.  We don't rely on the possibility of coming across a water fountain or running water in a stream.  Dehydration is serious, so why take unnecessary risks.  Not only do we carry water for ourselves, but we carry a canteen of cool water for our dogs.

How do we give our dogs a drink, you may ask?  Easy!  We carry a fabric, collapsible dog bowl in our back pocket.

The Good2Go Collapsible Dog Bowl

Collapsible Dog Travel Bowl Reviewed
For many years now, we have carried this fabulous and durable fabric dog bowl.  It is so lightweight, you don't even notice it, but you are most grateful to have it when needed.

Dogs can dehydrate just like we can.  They may be a lot cuter than we are when they are panting and slowing down, but the lack of water can be serious.  

When dogs are thirsty, they tend to drink whatever water they come across, including stagnant dirty water.  We all know the dangers of drinking stagnant water.  It is easily contaminated and can harbor all kinds of parasites and bacteria.  

We love our dogs enough to take them with us instead of leaving them at home.  Why wouldn't we also love them enough to provide for their needs by simply taking water and this easily pocketed dog bowl along for the walk.

We also use this water bowl in the car when traveling.  It is easy to set it down and let them drink from their doggie travel bowl.

Once we are back home, we wash the bowl inside and out with dish soap and allow it to air dry.  Then, it is ready to go again when we are!

I can't recall when we first purchased our Good2Go collapsible dog bowl, but I do know it has been many years ago.  It still looks brand new. 


We Have the Good2Go Water Bowl, but there are other collapsible fabric Water Bowls Available. Choose Your Favorite!

 Petco Brand - Good2Go Take Out Collapsible Pet Travel Bowl, 7"Check Price Friends Forever Collapsible Dog Bowl - 2 Pack Travel Dog Bowl, Water and Food BowlsCheck Price Dog Travel Water Bottle with Collapsible Dog Bowl, 2 in 1 Dog Food Water StorageCheck Price Vivifying Collapsible Dog Bowls, 2 Pack Waterproof Oxford Fabric Travel Pet Bowl for Food and Water (Red+Blue)Check Price


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House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 13, 2020

Wahl Professional Dog Cordless Clipper Kit Review

It can be a challenge to groom your dog at home, but this little clipper can turn the challenge into a manageable task. Slim, lightweight and cordless this is the little clipper that could and will cut the hair or fur on your dog. In my area the dog groomers have been closed for three months and now as they are reopening it is a very long wait list for an appointment.

This is my second Wahl Arco. I had the first clipper for years and it had an unfortunate fall off a table which rendered my favorite clipper unusable. I was very happy to find the same clipper available! I highly recommend the Wahl Arco for stay at home grooming whether a beginner DIY dog groomer or advanced home groomer.

dog by a lighted christmas tree

The 5 in 1 Blade

Most clippers for dogs require purchasing different blades for each cutting length. The blades can be quite expensive and novice dog groomers may not know what blade to buy for different sections of the dog. It can be a costly trial and error as one learns to DIY groom.

One of the best features of the Arco is a 5 in 1 blade feature which allows the blade number to be set on a built in dial and the blade length will change without having to switch blades. The number of the blade denotes the cutting length. The higher the blade number the closer the cut. This clipper contains the most popular blade sizes (numbers) 9, 10, 15, 30, and 40. For example on the Fluff, closely shaving his muzzle is blade #30, but the body is blade #9.

The included guide comb blades can also assist with the length of the cut. Simply pop on the guide comb blades and this is a nice safety feature to keep the cut even (vs a stripe- oops!) Luckily for me The Fluff has a high self esteem and is not offput by a few oopsy stripes when I first began DIY grooming.

The clipper is recommended for small to medium dogs. Being a poodle, The Fluff has hair verses fur which means just like everyone else in stay at home mode, the Fluff's hair began to take on a life of its' own.

Rechargeable Battery

Another feature of the Arco cordless clipper is the inclusion of two batteries with a charger. Each battery is long lasting, but there are times it may take two batteries so being able to charge one battery while clipping is a huge timesaver. Each battery has an 80-minute cordless run time and 75 minute charge time

cordless clipper

What's Included With The ARCO Clipper?

  • 5-in-1 fine blade set
  • 2 drop-in NiMH rechargeable battery packs
  • Charging stand and charger
  • 4 plastic attachment guide combs
  • Blade oil, cleaning brush
  • Soft storage case
  • Instruction book
Of all the dog clippers I have tried over the years, this is my favorite. I first began learning how to dog groom when my prior dog had health issues and it was too stressful for the dog to be professionally groomed. This is not to say my skills are anywhere near the skill of a professional dog groomer, but skills good enough to suffice.

Like most novices, I learned via Youtube the tips to groom a poodle. And of course each dog has its' own personality and likes -dislikes when being groomed. And of course it would be typical for the dog to behave better for the groomer then the owner, so it can be a challenge. The Fluff plays hide the paw when trying to clip his feet so it can be a bit like Laurel and Hardy at times, But then again, it wouldn't by DIY dog grooming without a challenge or five.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 9, 2015

Losing a Dog is Beyond Difficult - Dedication to Our Dog

A Dedication to our Family Dog

I never believed I would create a dedication page for a dog; I love them, of course; it's just that we've owned cats most of our lives. Only cats. 

However, our life changed in 2009 when we adopted a nine-year-old dog from an elderly family member. She was our first family dog.

The biggest reason we never committed to owning a dog in the past was the realization that a dog was very much like raising a child: As dog owners already know, they require a great deal of attention, and of course, there's a lot of work involved. 

Having raised many kids, we knew only too well what the demands were, and until we could fully commit, we would never just casually jump into dog ownership.

Unfortunately, the inspiration for this article comes from people close to me who recently lost their dog, but mostly from our own hearts ... 

Our precious dog was called to doggie heaven earlier this year (2015). She was elderly, and it was her time, but that didn't make one speck of difference; the pain of losing her was fierce.

We were all present with her as she underwent the procedure to end her suffering. There were seven of us with her: my husband and I, our four sons, and our second son's girlfriend. 
My second son insisted that we all be there for her, he said "she deserved that, she gave us unconditional love for five years" ... he said, "we owe her our presence during her hour of need". I'm not kidding you, that's how he put it. Although I was moved by what he said, I told him it was up to each person whether they could deal with seeing her lose her life, and in the end, everyone decided they could handle it, and everyone wanted to be there, for her.
I called the boys and my husband from the Pet Hospital to let them know it was time, and they showed up with an ice cream from Dairy Queen for her as a final treat. Still breaks me up to think of that.

For those who've been through this, you know only too well how brutal it is. I have never seen so many grown men cry at one time. We went through two boxes of tissue. We stayed in that room with
Our Family Dog
Here She is, On One of Our Many Christmas Eve's
her for two hours before we could all agree to let her go. We all held her and told her how much we loved her. The boys took it so hard. In typical mom style, I kept it together for them, but later, I wept in my own quiet and private moment at home.

Our 'girl dog' (my nickname for her sometimes) made everyone smile. As soon as the boys walked through the front door, they called her, and she'd come running and barking, and that tail would always be wagging. She was loving and gentle. She was the boss. She had all the power. And everyone loved that. That little Shih-Tzu taught us what it means to love a dog.

When she passed, I couldn't sit at home and work for at least three days. She was my sidekick and very attached to me. Wherever I was in the house, you could count on finding her nearby. She slept in her doggie bed while I worked. She was a sweet girl; I miss her. 

Not one of us could be in the house the day she left us. We all headed to the arena to watch two of the boys play hockey. Sitting in that house without her on that first day may qualify as one of our most empty feelings.

This Christmas will be our first in five years without our girl-dog romping through the holiday wrappings. But we know she'll be running around spreading doggie love in heaven this Christmas.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Paws and Pals Dog Ramp Review

dog on dog ramp
Finn's New Dog Ramp
As I approach the second anniversary of bringing Finn, my special needs/strengths dog, home from the animal shelter, I find myself reflecting on his extraordinary capacity for achieving things he wasn't supposed to be able to do.  Finn has grown well beyond the initial confines of his physical disability, which compels me to provide him with more and more opportunities to do as much as possible through his own initiative and power.  Yesterday, I bought Finn a portable dog ramp that will provide him with more freedom to access his world.  This review shares our first impressions and experiences with the Paws and Pals ramp.

Finn, like all of us, has his own way of approaching new challenges.  I've gotten better at understanding his learning style and anticipating Finn's insecurities (before they kick in), which helps me to be a more effective trainer.  A good starting point today was to take Finn to his favorite park for the first lesson in using a ramp.  I wanted Finn to be relaxed, and for him to associate good things with the pet ramp.

dog on dog ramp
Step One - Explore the Ramp Flat on the Grass
First, to allow Finn to discover the scent, texture, and sound of being on the ramp, I laid it flat on the grass.  This was a very nonthreatening way for him to check it out.  I brought a high-value treat to reward Finn's every success (cheese works magic).  By strategically placing three cubes of cheese on the ramp, it was very easy to entice Finn to take his first steps up onto and across the ramp.  From his second crossing on, I could tell by reading Finn's body language that he was already feeling confident, and even enthusiastic, about this new game.  After the third ramp crossing, I didn't even have to offer a treat.

Having mastered the low-risk, no fear element of ramp exploration, I decided Finn was ready to take it to the next level.  I found a broad tree stump with a height a few inches above ground level.  Because I thought the surface of the plastic ramp might be a little slippery when elevated, and because Finn is very sensitive about his footing, I covered the ramp with some inexpensive rubberized shelf liner.  The new ramps come with sheets of grip tape, but the gently used model I bought did not have that option.  My solution worked perfectly.  Finn climbed the gentle slope with no hesitation.

nonslip dog ramp
Nonslip Liner on Ramp
Since Finn appeared to be having fun with our lesson, was having complete success, and didn't appear mentally or physically fatigued, we forged on.  Had that not been the case, I would have spread these ramp lessons over several sessions on different days.

Next, I used a park bench to elevate one end of the ramp about 14 inches off the ground.  We were now approaching the level Finn would need to master to use the ramp for getting into a low vehicle, or for getting up on furniture.  One great thing about this dog ramp is that it can be used indoors or outdoors.

dog demonstrating dog ramp
Park Bench Height Ramp Elevation
I lured Finn up the elevated ramp by leading him with a piece of cheese.  It was important to keep him on a short leash and to walk alongside him on this first climb up a steeper angle.  I didn't want Finn to be tempted to jump off the side of the ramp.  We took it slow and he had no problems making it up onto the bench.  At that point, I felt Finn had done enough for day one.  As always, Finn accomplished even more than I had planned for him, and he laid to rest any concerns I had about whether or not a dog with only partial use of his rear legs could balance on, and ascend, a fairly narrow elevated ramp (it's thirteen and a half inches wide between the rims).

Finn will mostly use his Paws and Pals ramp inside the house.  My vehicle is not really conducive to having Finn load himself, although I won't rule it out until I let him give it a try.  He's sure to surprise me.  A car, van, or hatchback vehicle would be more ideal for the use of this ramp (nothing requiring too steep an incline).  I mainly want Finn to be able to get up and down off the bed for starters.  From there, we'll work on graduating to ever greater challenges worthy of Finn's capabilities.

dog ramp folded for carry
Light, Compact, Easy to Carry and Store
Given such fast success with the ramp, especially for a cautious dog, Finn and I are giving it a Four Paws Up rating.  I really like all of the main features:

  • Folds up compact for storage (15.5" wide x 10" long x 16.5" high).
  • Lightweight (just eight pounds).
  • Made of a durable, easy to clean plastic.
  • Easy to carry with the attached handle.
  • Simple to use (no assembly required).
  • Long enough for typical uses without being too bulky to handle (60" when fully extended).
  • Strength rated for up to a 110-lb. dog.
  • Multiple applications for indoor or outdoor use.
  • Good value and quality for the price (least expensive ramp I found).
Who could benefit from a pet ramp?  Senior dogs, puppies, injured dogs, disabled dogs, small dogs, convalescing pets, and any weak dog or cat.  It is also a major help to those who care for animals (especially those who are physically unable to carry or load a large, heavy dog).  Even totally healthy animals enjoy using ramps.  It's good, stimulating exercise for a pet to try new ways of balancing and climbing.  

We'll keep you posted and continue to add photos as Finn becomes the master of his domain.  I'm sure he will continue to push the boundaries and to constantly redefine what it means to be a special strengths dog who just happens to have been born with legs that work differently.  Finn acts as though he has no limitations.  I feel it is my responsibility to give him as much rein as possible and to not do for Finn the things he can do for himself.  We're learning together how to be the best versions of ourselves in ways that elevate one another.

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Friday, March 2, 2018

Ortho Sleeper Comfort Couch for Dogs Reviewed

Recommended dog bed for large breed dogs.  This ortho sleeper dog couch bed is durable, comfortable, and the cover is washable.
The Ortho Sleeper Comfort Couch with a Removable Cushion made by the Carolina Pet Company is one of the best investments we have made for our dogs.   

As our Golden Retriever has aged, it has gotten harder for her to get up after a nap.  We have hardwood floors in the kitchen and den, which are the areas of our home that we stay in most of the time.  Hardwood floors are easier to clean, but they are not easy on old bones.  When our pretty girl turned 11, her daddy was determined to find her a soft place to lay down, so he went in search of the very best orthopedic bed for dogs.   

To avoid any appearance of favoritism, he purchased a dog bed for our Labrador Retriever too even though he was only 6 at the time.  As it turns out, Merlin, the lab,  loves the doggie couch beds the most.

We originally put the two beds side by side on the den floor, but Merlin, the lab, wanted one in the bedroom too.  They aren't as necessary in our bedroom because that floor is carpeted, but Merlin wanted one in there.  Since he is clearly strong enough to drag his own bed into the bedroom, we decided to leave one bed in the den and one in the bedroom. 
We have never allowed our dogs to sleep in our bed and I believe Merlin feels it is only fair that he should also have a bed in the bedroom too. This unexpected arrangement has actually worked out quite well for us and our pups.  

Our Goldie doesn't like sleeping on the carpet in our bedroom.  She prefers the cold tile in front of the unlit fireplace.  Therefore, she has not been keen to sleep in one of the doggie beds at night, but she will nap in them during the day.   They seem perfectly welling to share the beds, one at a time of course.  Therefore, having the beds in separate rooms is actually ideal.

Now, every night, Merlin lays down on his doggie sleeper couch, curls up into a ball, and goes sound asleep at the foot of our bed, while our Daisy girl seeks out the cooler tile floor that seems to allow her to sleep better throughout the night.  

Recommended dog bed for large breed dogs.  This ortho sleeper dog couch bed is durable, comfortable, and the cover is washable.

The Ortho Sleeper Comfort Couch for Dogs

When the dog beds arrived, I thought they were a strange design because they are a cushioned couch with sides, a back and a removable pillow.  If I had been selecting the dog bed, I would have picked one that is designed more like the removable pillow only.  However, I would have been wrong.  It seems like both of our pups like the back and arms on the dog bed.  They frequently will lay in the bed with their head resting on the arm section of the "couch".  Their little eyes are the only thing moving as they watch the comings and goings in the den.

Recommended dog bed for large breed dogs.  This ortho sleeper dog couch bed is durable, comfortable, and the cover is washable.

 CPC Ortho Sleeper Large Comfort Couch with Removable Cushion, ChocolateCheck PriceI have truly been amazed at the durability of these dog beds.  Even after 2 years of use, by two large dogs, they have held their shape and have no rips, tears or even bare spots in the fabric.  The covers are machine washable. .

The only negative that I have found about the Ortho Sleeper Comfort Couch for dogs, is that it is hard to stuff the cushion sections into the zippered covers.  But, it is well worth the effort when I see my pups resting peacefully in their beds.

While writing this article, I discovered that there are some knock-offs of the Carolina Pet Company bed that are less expensive.  I cannot begin to assess the quality of any other brand, even if it looks the same.  I certainly would not recommend buying one just because it looks similar.  The quality of the fabric or the cushions may well be inferior, thus making it less expensive to make the beds.  Like anything else, I would not expect inferior products to be comparable in durability or comfort. 

One of the hardest decisions was what size to buy.  We purchased the 37 x 56 size for our dogs.  As you can see in the photos, that is clearly big enough for large dogs.  Merlin is a 98lb Labrador Retriever and Daisy is a 97lb Golden Retriever mix. It is available in one size smaller (32 x 47) and in one size larger (48 x 69).

The Contributors on Review This Definitely Love Our Pups!

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House of Sylvestermouse

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