Showing posts with label romantic movie reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romantic movie reviews. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2015

"The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock Movie Review

The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds Blu-ray cover
Let me "propose" this solution for an otherwise boring evening!

The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds is a delightfully entertaining movie.  Even though the movie is pretty predictable, it is refreshingly funny and romantic.

Sandra & Ryan really are a good match!  Not only are they a cute couple, but they appear to interact naturally with each other.

Betty White, Mary Steenburgen and Craig T. Nelson each added their own special touch of fun and awesomeness in their supporting roles.  The total cast really made this movie one of the best romantic comedies I have ever seen.

Review of The Proposal

 The Proposal (Single-Disc Edition)A hilarious romantic comedy that will keep everyone laughing!

This is one of the best movies I have seen in decades.  My son took me and my husband to see this movie the week it opened.  The guys really went just to accompany me, but they ended up being thoroughly entertained too.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I get really tired of going to the theater, paying astronomical admission prices, then going home more depressed than I was before I went.  Oh wait, I wasn't depressed before I left home!

Regardless, that was not the case with this movie.  I actually felt lighter and happier when I left the theater and wonders of all wonders, I was laughing.  When this happens, it is an occasion to rejoice; and write a review!

Be warned though, there is a nude, well mostly nude, scene.  However, it was so funny that I forgot to be embarrassed.

The Proposer 

Margaret Tate 

Sandra Bullock as Margaret Tate
Sandra Bullock has always been one of my favorite actresses.  Not only do I think she is beautiful and witty, she appears to be the type of person I would want for a best friend.

If I had read the screenplay first, I never would have pictured Sandra Bullock playing the part of Margaret Tate.  Gratefully, I was not on the casting committee because she certainly is the perfect choice.

She is extremely entertaining without being crude, rude or socially unacceptable.  Well, maybe she was a bit rude in this movie, but she is still somehow very lovable.

The Proposee 

Andrew Paxton 

82nd Academy Awards, Ryan Reynolds - army mil-66450-2010-03-09-180346b
Surprise, surprise, surprise!  Ryan Reynolds is truly remarkable!

While he has never especially impressed me in the past, I couldn't even tell you what I have seen him in before, he was phenomenal as Andrew Paxton. You absolutely must see this movie!  His expressions alone should make this a box office hit.

Nothing less than an Oscar deserving performance! 

While he may not have received an Oscar, he did win MTV's Best Comedic Performance Award for this movie.

The Plot of "The Proposal" 

Only a teaser. I won't give the whole movie away 

When Margaret Tate learns that she faces being deported due to an expired visa, the manipulative and despised executive declares that she is actually engaged to her unsuspecting assistant, Andrew.

The Proposal with Sandra Bullock on her knees
Shortly thereafter, Margaret and Andrew find themselves in the Immigration office insisting that they really are in love.  In order to prove to the suspicious immigration officer that they are the "real thing", Margaret once again lies and states that they actually have plans to spend the weekend with Andrew's family in Alaska, where they intend to announce their engagement to his family.  After being totally caught off guard by this declaration, Andrew decides to make a few demands of his own, starting with a proposal.

Alaska becomes the setting for one comedic episode after another.

At the risk of being redundant, You Simply Must See This Movie!

The Proposal Trailer

Join me for a brief look at the movie!

Others Opinions of "The Proposal" 


wedding party in The Proposal
Entertainment Weekly by Lisa Schwarzbaum
"The chemical energy between Bullock and Reynolds is fresh and irresistible"

The Hollywood Reporter by Kevin Lally 
 "The situations might be formulaic, but the teamwork of the two leads brings them to sparkling life"

Chicago Sun-Times by Roger Ebert 
"Recycles a plot that was already old when Tracy and Hepburn were trying it out. You see it coming from a great distance away. As it draws closer, you don't duck out of the way, because it is so cheerfully done, you don't mind being hit by it"

Los Angeles Time by Betsy Sharkey 
"Just a good old-fashioned romance, one in which people actually bring out the best in one another rather than the worst. How novel is that?"

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Classic Feel Good Comedy About a Moon and Love

Moona Classic, Funny Nicolas Cage & Cher Moviestruck Love in

Snap Out of It! It's a Moonstruck Movie Review!

That's what Cher says to Nicolas Cage when he tells her he's in love with her, "Snap out of it!" then she slaps his face! It's a famous, classic scene in the 1987 movie Moonstruck starring Cher and Nicolas Cage.

A Movie about Love Centered Around 'Cosmo's Moon'

Moonstruck ranks as one of my personal all-time favorite romantic comedies. If you haven't seen it, and you're a fan of funny romantic movies, then you will surely enjoy this one! You know a movie ranks high on your radar when you start quoting lines from it all your life! Well, that's what this movie did to me.

Some of the famous movie quote lines from Moonstruck:
  • When you love them, they drive you crazy because they know they can (A quote by Olympia Dukakis, who plays Rose Castorini, Cher's (Loretta Castorini) mother in the movie.
  • Rose Castorini asks, 'Do you love him,  Loretta? Loretta says, 'Yah Ma, I love him awful,' 'Aw gee, that's too bad,' says her mother
  • It's Johnny Cammareri <---It's the way Julie Bovasso, who plays 'Rita Cappomaggi,' says this - She plays Cher's Aunt in the movie.
  • La Bella Luna!
  • Alla famigilia, Salut!
What is Moonstruck About?

The movie is about a thirty-something woman, Loretta Castorini, played by Cher, whose boyfriend, Johnny Cammareri, played by Danny Aiello, finally proposes to her. She accepts because she feels it's time to be married.

Her mother,  Rose, asks her, 'Do you love him,  Loretta?' she says no, Ma..she responds by saying she only likes him and that he's a good man. Her mother is relieved to hear that because, as pointed out in the famous quote above, Rose tells her daughter, 'When you love them, they can drive you crazy. ' Rose's husband,  Cosmo (Loretta's father in the movie, played by Vincent Gardenia), drives Rose crazy; she loves him and suspects he's having an affair.

After their engagement, Johnny has to fly to Palermo, Italy,   to be with his dying mother, and he asks Loretta to visit his brother Ronny (a brother she had no idea he had!) Johnny wants to resolve his differences with his brother and asks Loretta/Cher to invite him to the wedding.

Loretta goes to see Ronny (played by Nicolas Cage). He's a funny, dramatic caricature of a scorned man. Ronny blames his brother for the loss of his fiance five years previous. Loretta goes upstairs to his apartment to talk sense into him, and one thing leads to another; they sleep together, but even worse, they fall in love!

In the end, her mother asks her about Ronny, 'Do you love him,   Loretta?' ...Loretta says, 'Yah, Ma, I love him awful'...her mother says, 'Ah geez, that's too bad.'

There are many other 'love mix-ups' taking place, making this movie pure entertainment to watch.

What is Cosmo's Moon?

The movie centers around the moon, referred to in the movie as Cosmo's moon. Rita's brother, Raymond Cappommagi, played by Louis Guss, tells the story of when he was a young boy who saw this huge moon in the sky, so he proceeded to his bedroom window to look at it, and he swears he saw Cosmo standing outside his sister's window. The old wise tale is that the moon brings the woman to the man.

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Good Romantic Comedy for the Whole Family - A Christmas Classic

A Good Romantic Comedy for the Whole Family - A Christmas Classic

If you're looking for an excellent romantic comedy movie, look no further! While You Were Sleeping is a flirty, fun, cheerful film that the whole family can watch.

What's the Movie About?

Sandra Bullock plays Lucy Moderatz, a Chicago Transit Token Collector who's in love with a handsome man she's never met but sees every day taking the train. That man is played by Peter Gallagher; his character's name is Peter Callaghan.

On one particular day, a mugger pushes Peter onto the tracks, and Lucy, without considering her own safety, jumps into action and saves Peter from an oncoming train. When he's brought to the hospital, unconscious and in a coma (where he stays for most of the movie), they won't let Lucy see Peter because she's not which point she quietly says under her breath, 'Oh that's alright I was just going to marry the guy.' One of the nurses hears what she says, misunderstands it, and lets her see Peter, explaining to the hospital staff that she's 'Peter's fiance.' His family shows up and is told by a nurse that Lucy is Peter's fiance - they're rather shocked! It seems she's not Peter's type, as Peter is a high-powered lawyer. In contrast, Lucy is a down-to-earth, loving, single, non-manipulative woman...the type Peter doesn't usually attract.

Lucy Falls in Love with Peter's Whole Family

The story centers around Lucy being unable to tell Peter's family that she's not really his fiance because she feels like she's part of a family again for the first time in a long time. You see, Lucy lost both her mother and father, was an only child, and didn't have a family.

The story also centers around Christmas time, so being invited over for Christmas and being around all the fuss of the season in a family home gives Lucy a sense of connection she's long needed.

Things Get Complicated When Lucy Meets Peter's Brother Jack

Lucy ends up spending the night on the couch at Peter's parents' home after dinner, and late that night, Jack, played by Bill Pullman, comes home. Lucy hears him speaking to his sister Mary, pretends to sleep, and tries to slip out quickly in the morning to avoid talking with Jack. Unfortunately, that plan doesn't work; Jack waits on the staircase to speak to Lucy before she leaves. You can see that even though he doesn't believe she's Peter's fiance, he's very attracted to her. Thus, things begin to get emotionally complicated when neither Lucy nor Jack can tell each other their true feelings about each other..since, after all, Lucy is engaged to his brother (but not really!).

The Movie is Filled with Numerous Funny Characters

One of the funniest characters is Joe Fusco Jr., played by Michael Rispoli! He's the son of the landlord in the building Lucy lives in. He has a 'thing' for Lucy, but of course, she's sweet to him but doesn't have 'those feelings' for him. He flirts with her in comical day,  he's standing at the bottom of the staircase as Lucy unlocks her apartment door, flashing some tickets, and shouts up to her.."Tomorrow night, eight o'clock... I got ice capades...I know, I guy" - This movie line always gets tossed around in our house!

Peter Boyle plays Ox Callaghan, the father, and his dry sense of humor adds dimension to the film Jack Warden, who plays 'Saul,' the family friend.

How does it End?

I won't be spoiling the ending on this one, so if you haven't seen it, you'll have to watch to see how it all turns out. It's a wonderful feel-good movie to watch on girls' night or with the family. It usually comes on TV during the holiday season. I watch it every year.

My Personal Sense When I Watch the Movie

I don't know if this happens to you, but some movies bring me back to a point in my life and leave me almost missing that time. My early 20s remind me of Lucy's life: I moved to Toronto, finished school, worked, and loved being a city girl. 

The 'city setting' makes me think of my young days of living alone, in my own apartment in Downtown Toronto...a time I loved. Watching the characters walk through the city and laugh together...the cold winter days and nights all bring a familiar smile to my face. I love how this movie makes me feel.

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Friday, July 18, 2014

Romantic Movies for Men, Reviewed by Men

romantic movies for men
It is rare to gain insight on what romantic movies we can get men to watch with us, and enjoy. Sometimes we can get our guys to watch a chick flick with us, but they don't really like the movie. They are watching it just to spend time with the women they love. Of course, we appreciate their willingness to sit through these romantic movies, but it would truly be more fulfilling for a couple if both partners could enjoy the picture. 

I really wanted to find some romantic movies to recommend that the guys would also value as a good movie. I am most grateful to the gentlemen who have reviewed a few romantic movies that appeal to a man. Since I have personally seen all of these movies, I know women will enjoy them too. 

So, without further ado, let's view the romantic movies that appeal to both sexes. 

The African Queen 

 The African Queen
We can always depend on Bogie to deliver!  

He possesses a unique attraction for both men and women and Katherine Hepburn certainly makes a strong female balance as his partner.  Together they seem to have an indivisible bound as they work side by side with a common goal.  

Tony Leather offers an exceptional review of The African Queen.  He wrote such an intriguing review that I had to watch the movie again, even though I have seen it dozens of times in the past.

It Happened One Night 

 It Happened One NightIn another exceptional review, Maugustine shares that this is "the film that made me fall in love with film".  Wow!  What a phenomenal compliment to any movie, but especially a romantic movie.  If only Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert could know the impact that they had with the one picture.

I am not a filmmaker like Maugustine, but I do love a great movie and It Happened One Night is definitely one of my own personal all-time favorites.  Not only is it romantic, but it is also funny.  A romantic comedy is simply the best!

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 

 Seven Brides For Seven Brothers [DVD]
I am thrilled to know that this movie also appeals to men and I appreciate Rusty1430 for giving us a man's perspective of  Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

I adore this film, but I had never even considered the impact of the brothers relationships to one another.  

Since I have 4 brothers myself, I truly appreciate this new insight and wholeheartedly agree with Rusty1430.

More Romantic Movies for Men
I know there are more romantic movies that both men and women will enjoy. These were just a few that I found that men have reviewed and recommended for us. 

I would love to invite more men to step up and share your reviews.  Please leave your review links in the guestbook below.

We could all use a little help. After all, we want our men to be happy with the movie selections too.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 4, 2014

Romantic Comedies Rediscovered

romantic comedies
Sometimes we just need to be able to take a break, get away from the daily routine of work and stress. It is at those moments when I start plunging into the depths of the romantic comedy movie reviews, searching for just that right combination of love and laughter to help me sit back, relax, and lose myself for a few hours in a romantic tale that is sure to have a happy ending. 

There are dozens of romantic comedies to choose from, but today we are going to take a close look at only two reviews written by a couple of fantastic writers.  

Both of these movies were released over a decade ago, but it truly is a lot of fun rediscovering them.  It has been so long since they were originally released that it is almost like seeing them again for the first time!


 OverboardSusan-Zutautas wrote an excellent review of Overboard.  In all honesty, I had totally forgotten this movie until I read Susan's review.

The movie was released in 1987, back in the days of waiting for years for movies to be offered on VHS tapes and before there was a video rental store on every corner.  Of course, even that has changed now and we can easily have a rental movie streamed right into our homes without ever moving from the couch.  Certainly makes watching a great movie at home a whole lot easier. 

Overboard was, and is, a very entertaining romantic comedy.  Once you have read the review, I have no doubt, you too will be "streaming" a bit of laughter into your home.

The Wedding Singer

 The Wedding Singer (Totally Awesome Edition)Our very own "Party Planning Contributor" takes us all back to the past by reviewing The Wedding Singer.  Oh, yes!  I do remember when this movie was released.   

I have to admit, I think I probably laugh more at the 80's references than anything else in this movie, but I do think it would be entertaining for any generation.  It is always a good thing when we can look back at our youthful selves and laugh a little.

I watched the clip that Decorating for Events shared in her review and I truly laughed at that short clip.  I think only Adam Sandler could sing  "all I want to do is grow old with you" and make me laugh.  It also gave me a renewed appreciation for Billy Idol.

I truly do love movies that make me laugh, especially if they have a romantic storyline.

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Pride and Prejudice

pride and prejudice starring colin firthThere is one movie and book that stands out in our hearts as an all time favorite for most forever hopeless romantics.  Pride and Prejudice is not only a classic in literature, but it is also a work of art in the movie industry.  

It is truly my own personal all time favorite.  Perhaps, largely owing to the fact that my daughter and I spent countless hours watching the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice throughout her high school years.   Any rainy weekend or holiday break was all the reason we needed to break out the dvds.

As soon as the new version starring Keira Knightley was released in the theaters, we were in attendance for it's debut.  We both now own a copy of that dvd as well. 

Ironically, we each have a different movie version of Pride and Prejudice that we prefer.


I have personally seen 3 of the 4 versions available and I do have my own preference.   Obviously, the story-line is the same, but the actors do play a major part in personal choice, as well as the depth of detail.  I tend to always prefer the movie that most closely aligns with the original book, mainly because I usually watch the movie because I first loved the book.  

I find deviations distracting even when I do appreciate some things simply don't come across as well on the screen.  I completely understand that screenwriters and directors take liberties to make a more entertaining movie.  

I would love to hear your opinions.  Please leave your comments and tell us which version you prefer.  

However, I will warn you in advance, her reviews will send you running to your dvd players and searching for your own copy, or copies, of Pride & Prejudice.  

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

pride and prejudice comparison of versions

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Romantic Movie Reviews: Persuasion and The Bridges of Madison County

romantic movies

Romantic movies are always in season, but on those rainy afternoons in spring, I simply love grabbing one or two of my favorite romance movies, popping them into the dvd player, settling down under a warm blanket and letting the romance of their stories wash over me.

As the rain drops are softly falling on the flower buds in my backyard, the awakening of love is unfolding on the screen.  For just a little while, I am resting and allowing my heart to absorb the nurturing effects of a fabulous love story.  

Like the flowers, we all need those rainy days and the tender time of restoration they provide.



persuasion dvd

Ibidii selected one of my own personal favorites to review when she wrote her article.
The movie Persuasion is packed with those heart stopping moments of unobserved love and longing so clearly evident to the viewers in the faces of the characters, but carefully hidden from the view of the object of their desire.  

A love that stood the test of time, separation & persuasion. 


The Bridges of Madison County

the bridges of madison county dvd
I have long been an admirer of Clint Eastwood.  I even named my first dog after a character he dashingly played in an old western from my childhood days.  However, until I read a review of The Bridges of Madison County written by Freshstart7, I had never seen this particular movie.   

Because of her recommendation, I watched and experienced my own shower of tears over this movie.  

Ironically, I found it too was the story of a love the stood the test of time, separation & persuasion.  

Romantic Movies Reviewed

Some days seem to be made for romantic movies.  There are some movies we know that we will love when we see the trailers, or even the cover of the dvd.  But, there are others that are discovered because someone took the time to write a review, we separated ourselves from our daily schedules and were persuaded to encounter love. 


If you have a review you would like to share, please leave the link in our guestbook below.

Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow,
What You Can Review Today!

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Friday, February 28, 2014

Romantic Movie: The Bodyguard, 10 Things I Hate About You, & More

Romantic Movies
I absolutely love watching romantic movies!  Recently, I have spent a lot of time and had a lot of fun reading reviews of the best romantic movies.  I have found myself grabbing my own old copies of the movies to watch them again.  

In a few cases, I have actually been introduced to new romantic movies by our review authors.  I really do love that!  Having a movie reviewed and recommended, truly helps me find entertainment that I have previously missed, but that I am sure to enjoy.  

Recommended Romantic Movie Reviews

The BodyguardThe Bodyguard review written by ThanksDevine, is a perfect example of an older movie being brought back to mind by an excellent review.  

Just reading his words filled my mind with memories of the scenes from that movie and made me want to relive the experience of watching Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner fall in love on the silver screen.  

This movie is filled with passion and I was reminded of looks of longing and desire these two exchanged with each other as I read this review.

10 Things I Hate About YouDaisyDixon reviewed 10 Things I Hate About You and I was, once again, swept back to the past.

I had not even realized Heath Ledger was the male star in that movie.  When the movie was originally released, Heath was new to Hollywood.  As a matter of fact, since reading this review, I did a bit of research and found that "10 Things I Hate About You" was Heath's first movie.  
This was such a tender movie about first loves and discovering romance. I had to watch it again and, of course, my heart cried for both actors as their relationship developed.

I will admit, I also cried at the realization that the real man, Heath Ledger, was taken from all of us way too soon.   

While You Were Sleeping
While You Were Sleeping  is one of my personal all time favorite romantic comedies. 

Crystalwriter wrote an excellent review of this fabulously fun movie.  Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman both have a way of making you feel like you know them personally.

The two of them together in any movie is bound to be a hit, but this really is The Best Case of Unexpected Love.  

There are several quotes from this movie that you are apt to hear me reference on a daily basis.  I might mention "leaning" or "pencils" and if you have seen the movie, you will definitely grasp the implication.  

Romantic Movies by Special Request

Anne of Green Gables Trilogy Box Set
WhiteIsland88  suggested that I include Anne of Green GablesI immediately applauded her movie suggestion.  In less than 24 hrs, she had written an outstanding review of the movies.

The romance part of the story comes more into focus in the second movie, but we chose to add and review the trilogy.  

While there is no question that you could enjoy the second movie without having seen the first movie, the trilogy is simply more complete with the beginning and end.  They are all worthwhile and highly recommended. 

 Brief EncounterCheck PriceSince I have never personally seen the movie Brief Encounter, karen1960's review was especially intriguing to me.

I do love the older movies and the beauty of black & white.  I always enjoy the close up look at historical places, architecture, clothing styles and political references of what would have been current day when the movies were originally made.

I have added this movie to my list of must sees.  I am certain there is a rainy Saturday in my future when this will fit with my desire of the day.

The Anniversary of a Romantic Movie Classic

The Way We Were
I had not realized that it had been 40 years since I first viewed this movie until I read this review written by Serendipity831.

Talk about a flood of memories! I definitely experienced flashbacks as I was reading this review.  It is so hard to believe it has been 40 years.  I can easily remember exactly how I felt when I first saw The Way We Were.

Many of us grew up with the golden voice of Barbra Streisand setting the tone of our days and "singing" our lives. When she was teamed with the beautiful "golden boy", Robert Redford, to make this movie, it was bound to be a smash hit! 

Happy Anniversary to "The Way We Were" !

Future Romantic Movie Reviews

If you would like to share your romantic movie review with us, simple leave the link to that review in the comment section at the bottom of the list.  

I look forward to reading and sharing your review!

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day Special Edition ~ Romantic Movies & Music

Happy Valentines Day and welcome to this special edition of Romantic Movies & Music!

As many of you already know, I am a hopeless romantic!  Love and Romance are the essence of the beautiful rose called life.  Without it, most of us would wither and die.  

Because "forever hopeless romantics" are in love with love, we naturally gravitate to romantic movies and music.  In celebration of Valentines Day, the day set aside every year for love and lovers to celebrate, I am featuring a large selection of romantic movie and music reviews written by other forever hopeless romantics.  

These are all exceptional reviews and I warn you now, it is truly impossible to pick a favorite.  So get out those tissues because, without further ado, I give you:

Most Excellent Forever Hopeless Romantic Movie and Music Reviews

*All Photos are Linked to Actual Review Articles Written by Noted Authors

 Is Your Love Somewhere in Time? ~ A Fabulous Movie Reviewed by notsuperstitious13 The Notebook-True love at its best! An Outstanding Review by FreshStart7 Review of "The Cutting Edge" Movie ~ Precious Memories by DecoratingforEvents A Personal Reaction & Review of You've Got Mail by nicolepyles86 A Good Romantic Comedy Movie for the Whole Family ~ While You Were Sleeping Movie Review by Brite-Ideas Love Doesn't Just Happen, Sometimes You Have to Work For It! ~ Love Comes Softly Review by Grammieo Only You Movie with Robert Downey Jr ~ Reviewed by Kinworm "Grease": A Wholesome Youth Musical Review by Charito1962 Before Sunrise: a Different Romance Movie ~ Review by Aibrean82 40 Year Ago ~ Memories of Romeo & Juliet by Grammieo Who Could Ever Forget Wuthering Heights Reviewed by Kiwinana71


More Romantic Movies & Music

Because love and romance are a part of every day, I will continue to search for more romantic movies and music reviews to share with you right here on Review This!  

I would also welcome your romantic music & movie reviews!  Please, share the links to your reviews with me.  I would hate to miss something awesome!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 31, 2014

Romantic Movie: Romeo & Juliet, Dirty Dancing, & Cyrano de Bergerac

Romantic Movies
Romance is in the air and on the screen!  I love a great romantic movie and I am always on the lookout for a romance that will touch my heart and make me smile. 

Sometimes it is hard to know just from previews if a movie is really going to be worth our time or if a particular movie is going to meet our expectations.  That is why we depend on great reviews! 

Fortunately for all of us, there are some really awesome writers online who also love romantic movies and are willing to tell us all about them.  They write excellent reviews and gladly make recommendations for our next movie night.

Romeo & Juliet

 Romeo and JulietCheck PriceThis review was written by a fabulous author, CharliMillsShe describes the movie as "the ultimate interpretation of William Shakespeare's tragedy."

Charli gives us a beautifully written, fresh look at a movie that is at the top of almost every romantics list of favorites.

After reading her review, I have no doubt that all of us will want to grab a copy of Romeo & Juliet and enjoy Romancing a Favorite Classic.

Dirty Dancing

 Dirty DancingCheck Price

Mbgphoto challenges all of us to take a journey back into our past by recommending another great romantic movie released in the 80's.

But don't misunderstand, this movie is not just for those of us who were young in the 80's.  According to mbgphoto, it is a movie that perhaps "brings back the memories of my younger self."

Dirty Dancing is A Movie to Relive Your Youth!


José Ferrer as Cyrano de Bergerac

 Cyrano de BergeracCheck Price You will want to have your Kleenex by your side when you read this review and definitely when you view the movie.

Nightcat  takes us back to the 50's for her recommendation.  She reviews a heartbreaking tale of unrequited love, but also unselfish love.  Nightcat writes that this movie "reminds us that all of us, despite our real or imagined flaws deserved to be loved."

This movie is clearly for a Forever Hopeless Romantic.

How About A Little Romance Tonight

Grab a few friends, or that special someone in your life and slip a little romance into your DVD player, as well as your evening tonight.

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Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

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