Showing posts with label daily diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily diary. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2025

When You No Longer Need to Be Heard - My Diary Entry

When You No Longer Need to Be Heard - My Diary Entry Review

A Sixty-Something Perspective

At sixty-something, I think about the purpose of life almost daily. As with most of us, my perspective has grown as I've aged. Thank goodness!

There was a time in my youth when I wanted—no, needed—to be heard. 

I found myself passionately debating, sharing my opinions at every opportunity, eager to ensure my voice carried weight in conversations. 

Upon reviewing my 30s, life seemed like a stage, and I was determined to make my performance known. My perspective felt vital as if the world would falter without it. Who knows, maybe this is why I started writing poetry at eight years old?

But somewhere along the way, as the years turned into decades, I realized something profound: the less I needed to be heard, the more I truly understood.

My Voice at Thirty-Something

Like most people in their 30s, I was a whirlwind of energy. Raising children, navigating a career, managing relationships—it all demanded a level of assertiveness that often translated into an urgency to express my opinions. 

I believed my perspective mattered, and I often thought it was my duty to guide those around me.

Looking back, I can't fault myself for that stage of life. It was necessary. I was learning who I was, carving out a space in a noisy world. 

But with that stage came the frustration of not always being understood, the exhaustion of trying to convince others, and the endless cycle of expressing, explaining, and defending my views.

At the time, it felt like a need—to assert, to advise, to warn. 

Today, I see that same drive in the younger generation, and it makes me smile. They are precisely where they need to be, and I'm learning to let them be.

Learning to "Let Them"

As I grew older, I stumbled upon a powerful shift in perspective: the "Let Them Theory." 

Although this book is relatively new, I had been implementing this concept for over a decade without knowing what it was. You can find the book "The Let Them Theory" here.

I began to see that people, much like my younger self, need to navigate their own paths. 

This is the hardest to implement as a mother, no matter our age. I'm currently in my mid-60s, and speaking from a mom's point of view, it isn't easy, but 'letting things be' gets easier with practice and faith in those you love. 

Faith that they'll learn and grow, just like I did. And when they're in their mid-60s, they may feel similar. 

They need to make mistakes, enjoy triumphs, and learn from their own experiences. No amount of advice—however well-intentioned—can replace the wisdom that life imparts.

This doesn't mean I don't care or have nothing to offer. 

Quite the opposite. It means I've learned the value of strategic silence. As I passive-aggressively, put this part in bold! LOL!

I've come to understand that advice is best offered when it is sought. Unsolicited guidance, no matter how insightful, often falls on deaf ears. 

By letting people grow their way, I've given myself the gift of peace—a reprieve from the need to control or direct.

The Freedom of Being an Observer

Stepping back into the role of observer has been one of the most freeing experiences of my life, but it has also been one of the most challenging.

Observing doesn't mean disengaging or becoming indifferent. It means watching with love, offering support when asked, and resisting the urge to intervene unnecessarily.

This shift wasn't easy at first. 

I had to quiet the voice in my head that wanted to fix, explain, and prevent mistakes. But as I practiced "letting them," I discovered that my own life became lighter. 

The trappings of division—the need to be right, to convince, to be validated—began to fade. In their place was a sense of serenity and acceptance.

It's not about compromising my beliefs or moral compass. I still hold strong convictions and am willing to stand by them. 

But I've learned that not every battle needs to be fought. The secret in that old cliche says it well, 'pick and choose your battles.'

Sometimes, the greatest act of love is to allow others to find their own way. It's not always easy to do this, but implementing The Let Them Theory on smaller issues has helped me manage larger ones.

When You No Longer Need to Be Heard

Strangely enough, as I've stepped back, people have leaned in. But this was never the goal. 

The beauty of no longer needing to be heard lies in the peace it brings, not in the attention it attracts. 

In an increasingly noisy world, even the quiet observer can make an impact simply by being present, attentive, and calm. I work on this daily.

By no longer needing to be heard, I've let my actions, choices, and the things I do in life speak for me. 

My actions have become my voice, though I don't purposefully do specific things to make a statement. 

Instead, I live my truth as best I can—with love, kindness, and a touch of daily grace. It's not perfection—just an honest, imperfect effort.

Love at the Core

At the heart of this life's journey is love. Love for my family, my friends, and humanity as a whole. 

I've learned to step back, even when it's hard because I know that growth is personal and unique to each, especially my grown kids.

As I reflect on life from this vantage point, I'm reminded that when the time comes for my final breaths, I won't dwell on the arguments I won or the opinions I voiced. 

What will matter is the love I gave, the support I offered, and the understanding I nurtured. 

In the end, it's all about love. As I held my mother's hand as she left this world, I can speak from experience that, in fact, loving her and being her child was my greatest gift.

So, to anyone reading this, consider stepping back when you think it's best and just observe, love, and let them. 

When you no longer need to be heard, you'll hear the world a bit more clearly, and your actions will become your voice.

The learning continues.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Reviewing Charms And Practicalities Of Paper Diaries

paper diaries

Only a few weeks ago I was discussing with a friend how our lives are now intrinsically bound up and even dominated by digital devices. We are reliant now in a way we never were ten and certainly twenty years ago. 

This was brought home to me sharply a few months ago by an unusual set of circumstances where my mobile phone and my computer decided to break down at the same time! Suddenly I had no access to e mails, social media but even worse all our diary dates including medical appointments, meet ups with friends.... everything! 

The only recourse while my computer was “in bits” in the shop and we were waiting on the mobile phone to arrive was our local part time library. How I wished I had a paper copy of all the appointments! 

So in all this the humble paper diary planner I regularly used years ago a suddenly seemed like a great idea I had relegated unnecessarily to history and I missed it. 

I can tell you that I quickly bought a paper diary and I do value it and love making my appts and notes in it in a way that tech does not fulfil somehow. 

paper calendar

Paper Diary And Mindful Reflection

Despite the convenience of digital calendars, the tangible act of writing in a paper diary offers certain  benefits I had completely forgotten as I embraced technology. 

I find that writing our appts and dates by hand encourages mindfulness for me. The slower pace of writing in a diary allows for a level of reflection I never feel when using tech.

I feel more in control and it helps me organise my thoughts. All the noise of digital tech is gone leaving just the order and calmness of organising my life. I am finding that when I write a date in my diary I tend to recall and remember it far better than I do when I use the computer or phone. 

Of course all diaries are a bit different in what they include and you need to decide what is best for you. I have included a range in this article to consider. 

paper planner

I love that my Diary has a features such as year to view, Year planner, big single day pages to write in and month to view. It makes organising and recording very easy.

I like the sections at the beginning of each month to record Notes, travel planning, financial planning and fitness planning as well. It also has space to record useful telephone numbers and details of friends and family. I love that it has inspirational quotes across the diary days which act as little reminders to live our best life. 

 2025 Appointment Book/Planner - Weekly & Monthly Planner, 6.3Check Price


Creativity and Expression In  a Diary

My paper diary has become already a place for self expression. I can write little extra notes, hopes and plans for the future,  doodles have once again become a thing and I have again become conscious of my long neglected handwriting style.

 I enjoy writing in my diary planner, even when it is just appointments. Its a little bit of creative freedom I cannot replicate online. 

paper diary

 Reduced Screen Time and Digital Fatigue

I spend a lot of time staring at a  computer screen, I need to for many aspects of my life and work. In many ways I am grateful for digital technology, it has enabled me to work remotely, make friends across the world, shop for my home, find information easily and simplified many things. 

However, we are also constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, and social media updates which can become tiring and distracting.

 A paper diary offers a welcome break from screens, helping to reduce digital fatigue and the strain it places on our eyes and mind. A paper diary is simple, uncomplicated and can be a beautiful thing to hold in your hands. 

 ZXHQ 360 Pages Thick Lined A5 Journaling Notebook, Hardcover Journal for Women Men Writing Notebook, Fine Inner Pocket, Tree of Life Design, 100Gsm Paper - Dark GreenCheck Price


Privacy and Security

My diary is for me and my husbands engagements. No one else sees it and I really don’t have to worry about privacy, hacking, breaches or especially after my recent experience any tech breakdowns or long wait times for new parts!

It provides a secure and private space for thoughts and plans. You don't need to worry about privacy policies or data storage issues and confidentiality is easy to ensure.

paper diary

Calm And In Control With My Paper Diary

As I am now recording all important dates and appts in my paper diary I know that even if I face tech breakdowns, failures and long waits for replacement parts or new tech, I will always know I have my back up and do not have to worry. In some ways my paper diary now has my back! 

I do still record in my online planners but that is practical, routine and in work mode. My paper diary feels more personal, more tangible and calm. 

In a world where technology dominates our day to day life, the paper diary is a valuable tool. It might be old fashioned now but I have found a new respect for it helping me in my life organisation in a calm quite tranquil way. 

 Clever Fox Planner PRO Schedule – Undated Weekly & Monthly Life Planner with Time Slots, Appointment Book & Daily Organizer, A4 (Red)Check Price


I won't of course give up tech and it has many undeniable advantages that make life easier. 

However, embracing the simplicity and sometimes beauty of a paper diary planner has brought a sense of peace that computer or other digital tools often lack. 

In this increasingly digital world it was amazing to me how satisfying holding an actual pen and writing in a tangible, beautiful paper diary is a pleasure I didn’t know I had missed so much! 

paper calendars, planners and diaries

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Checklist for Travelling Abroad While Leaving a Senior at Home! FYI

Our lives seem to take turns and detours that we never expected.  That makes for an interesting time and a time to learn all kinds of things that we had never thought of before.  This is Coming from the Heart and I hope it might help you as well.

We are finding out that talking to friends in similar situations helps. Yet depending on where you are living and what kind of "help" is available for seniors, your plans may have to be adjusted accordingly.

Let me back up a little and explain:

We are currently looking after my 92 year young mother.  She has just moved into our home as she is no longer able to take care of herself properly.

We have help that comes into the home 3 times a week to bathe her  That is a chore that I really didn't want to do as I have mobility issues myself.
elderly woman

So now there is a new wrinkle in the mix.  Both my husband and I were planning a trip before Mom came to live with us and we are not getting any younger either,  So what do you do?

Mom is not able to live on her own and we are running out of time to go on this trip.  The options need to be looked at and plans made for her care before we commit to our own travel ideas.

So we need to make sure there is a place that will take her for a short-term stay.  One that is clean and nice.  One that cooks meals that she will enjoy,  One that has some activities to keep her mind active and off of the fact that we are not there.  One that will look after her medications and also her general health while we are gone.


That's not too much to ask, is it?

So where do we start?  

  • Thank goodness there are places that have "RESPITE CARE".  These are rooms that are set up like a bedroom (sometimes private or semi-private) in Registered Nursing Homes. We are in the process of checking out 3 or 4 of these homes and choosing the one that seems to fit all our requirements.
  • Making sure that the place of temporary residence has all the required information regarding 1. prescriptions. 2. Family Doctor's phone number.  3.  Next of kin in case of a great emergency.  4. All necessary tools to make her stay comfortable (glasses, hearing aids, walkers etc.)
  • Labelling all of her clothing.
  • Packing her favorite toiletries, creams, lotions and potions.
  • Making sure she has shoes as well as her slippers.
There is a lot of things that need to be looked after  before we can leave and not need to worry.  Also the grandchildren (who are well into their 40's and beyond) will know where she is so that if they feel like going out for dinner with her, they will know what the ground rules are as well.

Preparedness is key in doing this,  Everything needs to be in order and then we can go on our holiday without the panic that might otherwise make a holiday into a nightmare instead.

I am preparing a Mom's Diary, a book with all of her most important information. Lists of Medications, Doctor's phone number, hospital where she has been before, grandchildren's phone numbers, Health Card information, Dentist info (just in case), and any other information that may benefit the caregivers at the home.  Allergies and food sensitivities will be noted as well.  Favorite foods and least favorites will also be listed.
diary blank pages

We are trying to make this a good experience, so that if we travel again, we know exactly what we need to prepare.

Clothing labels for her personal things. We are looking for labels that are easy to attach and yet are not irritating to the person wearing them.  As always, Amazon is a great place to find just about anything and they have a whole bunch of "label" possibilities!  This is the one that I happen to like:

clothing labels

But there are many other choices as well.

We are hopeful that by taking all these steps, we will make sure that my Mom has the best of care while we are away and that putting all of this into play, we may be able to travel again and have a much easier preparation because some of it has already been done!

I will come back here and let you all know how successful we were and if there were any other things we should have included or not!

Hope this helps anyone who is thinking or living the same journey as we are on!


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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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