Showing posts with label Pinterest tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest tips. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2025

How To Create a Collage Directly on Pinterest

Review of How To Create a Collage Directly on Pinterest

I just started using this addictive Pinterest feature: collages. It was launched on the Pinterest mobile app in 2024—based on my search, that's the approximate time frame.

Pinterest has long been a favorite platform for discovering inspiration, sharing ideas, curating visual collections, promotion and marketing. 

Now, there's an exciting feature that allows users to create collages directly within the Pinterest Mobile App. 

This tool makes it easier than ever to bring your favorite saved Pins together into one visually appealing layout, perfect for planning projects or sharing a cohesive aesthetic with your followers.

I like creating collages from almost anywhere while on my phone's Pinterest App. If I'm resting in my room, I head over to Pinterest instead of mindlessly scrolling and have some design fun!

Best of all, if you have a variety of Pinterest boards, you can create collages on those multiple topics. 

Although my Pinterest account is Funkthishouse, I have featured many other topic boards and made a few collages on topics other than home decor.

How to Create a Pinterest Collage

Follow these simple steps to create a Pinterest collage from your mobile app. Keep in mind that, at the time of writing, this feature is only available on the Pinterest mobile app:

  1. Open the Pinterest app and navigate to one of your existing boards.

  2. Select the Pin with the photo you want to feature on your Collage. Select the three dots on the Pin. Options, including "Add to Collage," appear. Select the add to collage button. The first photo automatically goes to a collage. (Note: you won't see the Collage at that point).

  3. Arrow Back on the Top Left to return to your boards and select another pin photo to add to your Collage. Repeat the process. This time, you'll see the collage Pin that was automatically created by the first Pin—add the photo to it by clicking that new collage pin. Don't worry; this collage creation isn't published until you hit publish when you're done.

  4. When all your photos are selected for the college, tap the "Your Collages" section under your "Saved" tab on your main page. Then click the new collage creation and start working on it.

  5. Move the photos around by dragging and dropping them to fit your desired layout.

  6. Add text by using the built-in text tool to label or describe your Collage. I also add a call to action in my collages; you'll see the call to action I use in the Collage I featured below. I change it up depending on what I'm creating.

  7. Change the background to match the vibe or theme of your Collage. Pinterest offers various background options, from plain colors to patterned designs.

  8. Experiment with quirky features like stickers, frames, or filters. Plenty of customization options exist, but don't feel pressured to try them all at once—information overload can be real!

  9. There's a spot to include a website URL on that Collage. However, I can only add that once the Collage is created. I go back in to add it by using the edit feature.

  10. For Collages related to affiliate links, I included a short #afflinks in the description as a disclosure. I also indicate a short clause on how I may earn commissions in my main profile description.

Once you're satisfied with the look of your Collage, save it, and it'll be ready to share with your followers by adding it to one of your boards, embedding it, or sharing it on social media.

The Best Part! - Each photo in the collage links back to the original Pin! When a photo is clicked, the word "Visit" and "Save" comes up, so a person can go directly to where that featured collage photo is by choosing visit, or save it to one of their boards.

Note: Adding photos from other people's pins to your Collage will also link back to their original Pin! This is excellent promotional support for your followers or friends. Also, if you add stickers and designs that are available in the design section, they link back to that item's original creator's Pin.

**If you need to edit your collage, you need to do it from your mobile Pinterest app, not the desktop version - at least that's how it's working for me right now.

Key SEO Points to Remember When Creating a Collage

Creating a great collage isn't just about making it look good—it's also important to keep SEO in mind. Here are a few key tips:

  • Use SEO-optimized titles: Your Collage's title should include relevant keywords that describe its theme or content. Choose keywords and designs based on what people actually search for. You can do a Google search or search Pinterest to check for the common phrases used for the type of Collage you create.

  • Remember to add your Collage to one of your Pinterest boards: The default board option is "Profile," so be sure to change that (unless you want it there, of course).

  • Write detailed descriptions: Include keywords naturally in the description to help your Collage get discovered by others. Mention what the Collage is about and why it's helpful or inspiring.

  • Add alternate text: When you upload your Collage, be sure to add alternate text (alt text). This not only improves accessibility but also helps with SEO.

  • Focus on quality over quantity: It can be tempting to create lots of collages quickly, but quality matters more. A thoughtfully designed collage with a clear theme will engage viewers better than multiple rushed ones.

By following these steps and keeping SEO in mind, you'll be able to create eye-catching, share-worthy collages that look great and help you grow your audience on Pinterest.

Here is one of the Decor collages I recently created: 

If you want to see my various collages, I created a board featuring each Collage I've made to date. You can view it here. It will give you a better sense of the different creations you can make.

YouTube also features several helpful tutorials on creating Pinterest Collages, so don't hesitate to check some of them out—that's what I did to get started!

In summary, what I like the best about Pinterest Collages is that you can create your collages in one place, directly on Pinterest itself! There is no need to use a third-party program (although I still do that if needed for other purposes).

I'm still learning to make better collages and use and understand the features little by little. So much fun!

If you find this too convoluted, you can also read the instructions from Pinterest Help.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, October 21, 2017

How to Create Pinterest Images with Photoshop

How to Create Pinterest Images with Photoshop - A Step by Step Guide
Today I'm going to review how to create Pinterest images with my favorite photo editing software - Photoshop!  I create most of my Pinterest images with Photoshop, I have tried a few other places, but I always come back to Photoshop.

I've been asked quite a few times how I create my images for Pinterest which is why I thought I'd just show you.  Now I can't promise you that your images will take off in popularity on this social media platform, but I can promise you that the steps will be easy to understand.

I have been using Photoshop for a few years now, but the way I create the majority of my images are easy for beginners and experts alike to follow.

The first thing you have to do is open up your Photoshop and select a new file, I simply press Ctrl N to do this, but you could use the file menu and open it that way.

You will be greeted with a pop up box where you have to select your image details, it looks like this -

set image measurements on photoshop

I only change two things on the default and that is the width and height as you can see on the image.  I have changed the image height a few times, but the majority of the time I just use the standard 738 x 1105.

The next step means finding the image you want to use for your pin so I've decided that I want to do a pin for my welcome to post (I can't believe I was missing a Pinterest image on that post until I wrote this!)

I'm going to use the image I have in my introduction as the main image for my Pinterest image as well so let's have a look at what we're going to do....

add image to draft for Pinterest with Photoshop,

So the first thing I do is create a new file, then I open up the photo I want to use and drag it onto the new file.

1.  Here you can see that this image has a border that I created previously.  I'm going to use this color for the background so to do this I need to use the eyedropper tool to select the exact color.
2.  This is the eyedropper tool.  To use this you click on the tool and then click on the color that you want to select.
3.  After selecting the color I make sure to select the correct layer (in this case the blank one as I'm using this for background.
4.  The paint bucket tool will cover the layer with the selected color.

After doing all of these steps you'll be left with the next image.

add background color to Pinterest images with Photoshop,

3.  I'm going to do things backwards here and get you to look at number 3!  When I did the background color the teal was on top and the white was underneath, as I'm thinking of doing the text in white I switched them around.  Sometimes when you're using two colors you can just change between these two to save having to use the eyedropper tool again.

Back to our image..

Now I want to add some text to the image so I have to select the text box.

1.  This is the Text box and you have to click on this before adding any text.
2.  This is the text tool bar, you can change the color from here (it will default to the top square at number 3 unless you change it), you can also alter the font, the font size and whether you want to use a bold or italic or both.

add text on Pinterest images with Photoshop,

As you can see I dragged the image down a little so that I could add text above and below it.  Above I just used regular and underneath I selected italics.  You can also highlight just one or two words and change their color or size in order to make an impact.

1.  There are different things you can select on the side including a border which I always use for my Pinterest images.  You select the border (or arrow as I have done on these images for you) and click apply - the color on top of the color box is what color the object will appear as.

I didn't want to use white as a border because the website background is white so I used the eyedropper tool to select another color from the photograph.

I always try to pull either the border, background or text (sometimes all of them) from the actual photo as you know it's going to go.

Create Pinterest images with Photoshop,

I always keep Photoshop open until I see the final image uploaded to the website.  In this case I uploaded the border from a light green in the foliage that really made it pop on Photoshop, but looked strange on the white background of the website.

I then changed the border to the blue of my t-shirt, but again on the white background of this site it just didn't look quite right.  The third and final one is what is pictured above and I've use the brown of my hair!

Now you don't always have to use a photo, sometimes I'll use a graphic from a site like Pixabay and use that.

This is a very basic way to create a Pinterest image using Photoshop, as you get used to using it you can get more and more creative with using several images merged together like this one from another post I created -

Get Traffic to Your Website

In this image I used an image of traffic which I reduced and played with to get it to fit onto the laptop screen.  The background is taken from the laptop color and you can see I changed the color and font size of the 21 in the image.

Start off simple and as you get used to using these tools you'll find yourself creating all kinds of images, try not to become too addicted to Photoshop as once you start down this rabbit hole you can lose all sense of time!

You might be interested in my other Photoshop tutorial (and there will probably be more to come!) -

Peach Cobbler RecipeHow to Remove Blemishes From Photos Using Photoshop
Let's review how easy it is to use Photoshop to remove blemishes from photos, trust me it's really simple and well worth the time spent to restore old family photos.

Our contributors here on Review This also use other platforms to create their images for Pinterest so be sure to check out our tips for writers including -

... and let's not forget our Pinterest tips -

Before leaving I'd like to tell you one of the things that really helped me with getting traffic from Pinterest (obviously the images help!) and that was using Tailwind, I highly recommend this scheduling tool for anyone who wants to harness the power of this visual social media platform.

If you've found this article helpful please share on your favorite social media platform.

A Step by Step Guide to Creating PInterest Images with Photoshop
Image by Lou of Lou's Designs

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 10, 2015

How to Embed Your Pinterest Board in Your Blog Post

how to embed a pinterest board
I am always looking for new ways to improve and increase the ways I can easily create displays for my websites and blog posts. I recently discovered how to embed a Pinterest Board in a blog post here on Blogger, as well as on websites.

I love using Pinterest! It is not only a great way for me to share my photos, articles and favorite craft tutorials, but it is also an excellent way for me to find new ideas and products.

Being able to create a specific niche board on Pinterest is really awesome. Being able to share that board with others via a blog post, is most excellent!

How to Create and Embed the Pinterest Board HTML Code

You are going to laugh at how easy it is to create and embed your individual Pinterest board. It takes only a moment to do either of these displays!

To Create This Pinterest Board, Simply

make a pinterest board to embed
  • Click Here
  • Then, copy the Pinterest Board URL that you wish to display and paste it in the box. 
  • Select the size of your display from the Custom Sizes ~ Square is Shown Above
  • Click "Build It"
  • Copy and Paste the Generated Code into the html section of Your Blog Post

To Create This Pinterest Board, Simply

create a pinterest board display to embed
  • Click Here
  • Then, copy the Pinterest Board URL that you wish to display and paste it in the box. 
  • Select "Roll Your Own" in the Custom Sizes options
  • Select Image Width 80, Board Height 400, Board Width 800
  • Click "Build It"
  • Copy and Paste the Generated Code into the html section of Your Blog Post
There are several size options available or you can play with the display size by simply changing the numbers in the "roll your own" section.   The size I used here was the board size that I thought looked best on this particular site.

These boards are generated feeds and the looks will change each time you add a new pin to your board.

Using an Embedded Pinterest Board   

There are many ways and places that online writers might wish to use an embedded Pinterest board.  One example that immediately comes to me is if you are publishing a recipe article, you could embed your recipe Pinterest board at the bottom of  your article to show additional recipes.

If a reader clicks on one of the pictures on the embedded board, it will allow them to immediately repin the original pin, which means they could easily repin every image link showing on the board without ever leaving your article.

If a reader clicks on the "See on Pinterest" button at the bottom of the embedded board, the link will take them to the actual board on Pinterest and they can explore all of your recipes / articles on that board.

Personally, I think this is a fabulous tool for online writers and I would highly recommend trying it out.  You may well see a huge increase in not only your Pinterest traffic and repins, but also in the traffic to your other articles showing on a displayed board.

Now, just for fun, 

Here is a Gifts for Mothers Shopping Board just in time for you to make your selections for 

Mother's Day!

Pinterest Board is hosted by Sylvestermouse, but Includes

(Image Weight: 100, Board Height: 350, Board Width: 600)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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