Showing posts with label DC comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC comics. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2019

Justice League Movie Reviewed

Justice League Movie Review

The Justice League is literally the DC Comics superhero team that includes Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Flash.  Together, they protect the earth from evil and invading forces.

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman have been well known superheros all of my life.  However, until the Justice League was created, they worked as individuals.  I can easily remember many discussions between myself and my brothers when I was a child over whether Superman or Batman was better.  There was never a question of IF we liked them both.  

Until recent years, Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman were not well known to anyone who didn't actually read the DC Comics.  However, with the movies and TV series that have been released over the last few years, we are all now familiar with Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman

The Awesome Team of Superheroes in the Justice League
Information Below Based on Current Justice League Movies. They do not always follow the DC Comics Characters & their history, but all characters are based on the DC Comics

  Justice League Movie Actor - Ben Affleck
     Character's Real Identity - Bruce Wayne
     Origin - Earth Human
     Earth Home City - Gotham
     Powers - Weapons, Specially Made Vehicles, Martial Arts Training, & Genius
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Wealthy philanthropist           
           • Mortal Human
           • Wears his Armored Bat Suit to protect his real identity             
           • Committed to fighting criminals after witnessing his parents murders

     Justice League Movie Actor - Henry Cavill
     Character's Real Identity - Clark Kent  (Krypton Name was Kal-El)
     Origin - Krypton
     Earth Home City - Metropolis
     Powers - Superhuman Strength, Flies, Impenetrable Skin, X-ray vision, heat vision (projects high intensity heat),
                     Superhuman Hearing, Breath with powerful blows, freezing ability, can hold breath in space & under water
     Additional Points of Interest
           • Sent to Earth by Real Parents right before Krypton was destroyed
           • Found/Adopted by Jonathan & Martha Kent
           • Wears his Superman "S" suit with cape to protect his real identity
           • Works at the Daily Star/Daily Planet as a Newspaper Journalist
(name changed on radio series)          
           • Co-worker/Girlfriend/Wife is Lois Lane
           • Kryptonite weakens his strengths
           • Best Selling Comic Superhero of All Times

Wonder Woman:
     Justice League Movie Actor -  Gal Gadot
     Character's Real Identity - Diana Prince
     Origin - Themyscira (Amazonian City - Paradise Island)
     Powers - Superhuman Strength & Powers, Flies on Earth & in Space, Trained Warrior, Wields the Lasso of Truth
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Daughter of Zeus          
           • Immortal as a demigod

           • Protector of World (not just Earth)            
           • Wears an Amazon uniform made for her by her mother,
Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons 
 Justice LeagueCheck PriceThe Flash:
     Justice League Movie Actor -  Ezra Miller
     Character's Real Identity - Barry Allen
     Origin - Earth Human
     Powers -  Extremely Fast Running (in a flash)
     Additional Points of Interest

           • University Student          
           • Struck by Lightening during a Radiation charged Thunderstorm

           • Wears a Burgundy/Red Suit with a Helmet Mask
           • The Fastest Man on Earth

     Justice League Movie Actor - Jason Momoa
     Character's Real Identity - Arthur Curry
     Origin - Half Earth Human & Half Atlantean (from underwater City of Atlantis)
     Powers - Aquatic Abilities, Extremely Strong, Trained to Wield a Trident, Enhanced Hearing
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Proper Heir to the Throne of Atlantis (mother was princess)         
           • Superhero on Land & Sea

           • Breathes Underwater and on Land           
           • Swims & Jumps like a Dolphin or Whale

     Justice League Movie Actor - Ray Fisher
     Character's Real Identity - Victor Stone
     Origin - Earth Human
     Powers -  Naturally Interfaces with Internet & Computers, Flies,
     Additional Points of Interest

           • Cybernetic Reconstruction after near-fatal accident when a mother box exploded in father's lab       
           • Infused with Mother Box power   
           • Former Athlete

           • Permanent Robotic Parts (half human & half robot)           
           • Both Parents are/were Scientists 


Justice League Movie Synopsis

 Justice League
(DVD, Blu-ray Or Prime Video)
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With Steppenwolf and his legion of Parademons scouring the earth for 3 "Mother Boxes" of power, the Justice League unites in order to prevent Steppenwolf from obtaining the ultimate power.  

Each Superheroe's specialty is needed at some point in this battle, therefore they must all work together as one cohesive unit.  That will prove to be challenging at times due to pre-existing conflicts, but they are all committed to protecting the world.

Before the entire Justice League comes face to face with him, Steppenwolf had already obtained 2 of the Mother Boxes.  He defeated the Amazons in Themyscira to capture the first Mother Box.  Then, he defeated the Atlantean guards for the second.

While it might seem certain that the Justice League could defeat Steppenwolf, the reality is far from obvious.  After all, he and his army of parademons are strong and vast.  The Justice League must take an extreme action to even feel strong enough to face him and that action could certainly have consequences. 

If you have seen Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and you look carefully at the artwork above, you will get a hint at what extreme action must be taken, but I am not going to tell you.

My Personal Opinion

In spite of negative reviews, I really enjoyed Justice League!  I find myself wondering what critics really had against this movie, DC Comics, or Warner Bros.  The actors were tremendous!  The storyline might seem somewhat familiar, but seriously, how often do we really see a movie with a unique story?

One of my favorite scenes is when Aquaman gets up close and personal with Wonder Woman's lasso of truth.  I find myself laughing again as I recall it.

I'm glad I didn't let those negative reviews keep me from watching the Justice League.  Otherwise, I would have missed a really great movie filled with wonderful actors.  I hope you won't let them influence your decision either.   

 Justice LeagueCheck Price

Marathon Watch Order of Justice League Movies

Recommended Movies For Batman's Background - These movies star Christian Bale, not Ben Affleck
  • Batman Begins (2005)
  • The Dark Knight (2008)
  • The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Justice League Movies

Other DC Comic Movies Reviewed on Review This!

Wonder Woman 2017 Movie ReviewWonder Woman (2017) Movie Review
Wonder Woman (2017) is truly a wonderful movie.  I encourage everyone to set aside any preconceived notions and watch the new movie.   The back story on Diana, aka Wonder Woman, is awesome!

Aquaman Movie ReviewAquaman Movie Review
Aquaman, starring Jason Momoa, is a fabulous DC Comic movie! Aquaman is half man & half Atlantean, but he is the rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis. It is his destiny to ensure peace between the Atlantis kingdoms and humans.



Check Out More Movie Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 21, 2019

Aquaman Movie Review

Aquaman Movie Review
Hold your wild seahorses and prepare yourself for the latest, greatest DC Comic movie superhero, Aquaman!
Many of us are already familiar with Jason Momoa because of his previous leading roles in Conan the Barbarian, Braven and several other movies.  He has an impressive television series list of roles as well, which include Game of Thrones and more recently, his starring role as Declan Harp in the Netflix series Frontier.
  As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say he had a large established fan-base long before he was cast as AquamanHowever, he is now and forever ingrained in our minds as the magnificent Aquaman and everybody knows his name!  

Before I saw the movie, I was told that there were a lot of women who normally would never go see a DC Comic movie, who willingly volunteered to take their sons to this movie just so they had an excuse to go.  There was no need to worry.  There are plenty of adult women without children who love Aquaman.  It is not just a movie for children, or men.

Aquaman, DC Comic Movie

 Aquaman: Special Edition (2018) (DVD)Check PriceWhen a lighthouse keeper discovers an injured woman on the beach, he didn't expect the world to be forever changed.  However, that is exactly what happens when Thomas Curry discovers Atlanna (Nicole Kidman) washed up on his beach in Maine.  

Tom has no way of knowing that Atlanna is actually the queen of Atlantis, the underwater kingdom.  He carries the unconscious female up to his lighthouse home with the intention of getting her medical attention.  When Atlanna awakens in the strange place, she has a strong reaction to the unusual noises around her, as well as the fish in his fish tank.

Atlanna and Thomas fall in love and Atlanna forsakes her father, her kingdom, her underwater tribe, and her previous commitments.  Sadly, they are not left in peace for long.  

Soon after Atlanna gives birth to their baby, Arthur, members of the Atlantis army find her.  She realizes she must return to Atlantis, and to her previous responsibilities, in order to save the lives of Thomas and their son.


Aquaman - Arthur Curry

During his elementary school years, Arthur realizes he has special powers.  He can communicate with creatures of the ocean and they readily respond to him with fierce loyalty.  He also becomes acquainted with Nuidis Vulko (Willem Dafoe), a friend and confidante' of his mother, who was sent to train him to wield a trident and to fight.

Arthur discovers he can breathe underwater and swim like a dolphin.  He becomes a defender and superhero in the ocean, but he continues to live on land.  He is easily recognized by everyone, but he doesn't recognize or desire to claim his own birthright.  

As the son of the queen, he should be king of Atlantis, but his half-brother sits on the throne and plots to be Ocean Master, ruler of all of the tribes of Atlantis.  He also has plans for land dwellers.  

In case I forgot to tell you, I Love This Movie!

Aquaman was not previously as well known as some of the other DC Comic superheroes, but this movie has made his anonymity a thing of the past. 

 AquamanCheck Price

Other DC Comic Movies Reviewed on Review This!

Justice League Movie ReviewedJustice League Movie Reviewed
The Justice League superheroes unit to defeat Steppenwolf and his legion of parademons in order to save the world.

Wonder Woman 2017 Movie ReviewWonder Woman (2017) Movie Review
Wonder Woman (2017) is truly a wonderful movie.  I encourage everyone to set aside any preconceived notions and watch the new movie.   The back story on Diana, aka Wonder Woman, is awesome!



Check Out More Movie Reviews at

 Aquaman Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 25, 2018

Wonder Woman (2017) Movie Review

Wonder Woman Movie Review
The new movie, Wonder Woman (2017), took me by surprise.  I didn't expect to like it.  As a matter of fact, ever since I saw the first preview for it in the theater, I have made comments about how no one could ever be Wonder Woman after Lynda Carter.  However, when my son gave me the DVD for Mother's Day, of course I immediately popped it into the DVD player for us to watch together.  I now freely admit, Gal Gadot is fabulous as Wonder Woman and I loved the movie.

I was a teenager during the Wonder Woman television series back in the seventies and I can easily remember how much the guys in school "admired" Lynda Carter.  Admittedly, her costume was too racy for me to want to wear, but everyone thought she was perfect.  In today's world, that Wonder Woman costume seems rather mild by comparison to many of the others that are made for women.

Speaking of the costume, the new costume design for Wonder Woman is pretty awesome.  It seems more appropriate for an Amazon warrior.  While it still has the corset bodice, it is designed to resemble armor.  The gladiator paneled skirt is definitely an improvement.  In my opinion, this costume does give Wonder Woman more credibility as a fighter instead of just a visual feast for men.

Wonder Woman Movie (2017)

 Wonder Woman (2017) -
Available on DVD, Blu-ray, Amazon Video, & More
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I loved the way this movie gave us the entire backstory on Diana, Wonder Woman.  If I ever knew it, I certainly didn't remember it.  That alone made the new movie worth watching.  I also appreciated the historical setting.  From the very beginning, we are able to identify the time period simply by the German insignia on the uniforms.  The soldiers wore the iron cross (WWI) instead of the swastika of the Nazi party (WWII). 

After a few "current day" introduction scenes, we are transported back in time and to the island of Themyscira, homeland of the Amazon.  Diana's mother is the queen of the Amazons and she desires to keep Diana safe.  Defying Queen Hippolyta's orders, the queen's sister, Antiope, starts training Diana as a warrior.  Both women know Diana's true identity and purpose, but the queen wishes to protect her as long as possible.  Antiope wishes to prepare her for the inevitable.  When Hippolyta discovers Antiope is training Diana, she is furious, but after reasoning with her, Antiope convinces her that Diana needs to be trained for war.

When an airplane breaks through the barrier that separates our world from the island of Themyscira, Diana dives into the water to investigate.  She subsequently saves the pilot's life and brings him to shore.  Unfortunately, Steve Treyor's plane is followed by a warship and the first battle of the movie begins between the Germans and the Amazons.  Once the Germans are defeated, the women interrogate Steve.  By using the lasso of truth, they are able to quickly get information about "the war that will end all war".  Recognizing that humanity needs her help, Diana volunteers to take Steve back and aid in the war against Ares, the god of war.  Together, Diana and Steve travel back through the separating barrier and to London.  "Wonder Woman" is determined to fight against darkness and evil, but Diana finds that isn't as easy to identify as she expected.

My Recommendation  - Wonder Woman (2017)

Wonder Woman (2017) is truly a wonderful movie.  I encourage everyone to set aside any preconceived notions about Wonder Woman and watch the new movie.  I think you too will be pleasantly surprised. 

Other DC Comic Movies Reviewed on Review This Reviews!

Aquaman Movie ReviewAquaman Movie Review
Aquaman, starring Jason Momoa, is a fabulous DC Comic movie! Aquaman is half man & half Atlantean, but he is the rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis. It is his destiny to ensure peace between the Atlantis kingdoms and humans.

Justice League Movie ReviewJustice League Movie Review
The Justice League superheroes unit to defeat Steppenwolf and his legion of parademons in order to save the world.



Check Out More Movie Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

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Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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