Throughout the year, there are numerous occasions when a gift is needed. Naturally, when we think of buying gifts, Christmas and Birthdays come first to mind. But there are numerous other times too, such as weddings and anniversaries, a new baby, a graduation, or a retirement.
There are always the standard gifts of clothing and toys, tools and sports equipment needed or wanted by the person you are gifting. But for someone difficult to buy gifts for, or for that special someone, a unique gift that exactly fits the personality of that person will be remembered forever.
How to Find the Gift that is Perfect and Unique
To come up with that unique gift idea, all you have to do is listen to, or observe, your children, relatives, and friends you are shopping for. Perhaps they have a favorite sports team and would love a T-Shirt or hat with their team's logo. Maybe they collect certain things and would enjoy an addition to their collection.
But to be truly unique, I've found that a word or phrase often becomes associated with people, or seem to suit someone's personality to a 'T', and these can make for very unique gifts.
A Few Fun Examples From My Past
Many years ago a luncheon was given for my youngest son and his fiancee where the future in-laws came together to meet one another. The couple had often been heard to say to each other “I'm doing the best I can.” One of my favorite books featured an English Manor House known as 'Quantum' because the Latin inscription carved into the Lintel over the front door read “Quantum in me fuit”. Roughly translated, the phrase reads “I did the best I could”. I thought it was the perfect phrase to have put on a pair of T-Shirts for the couple.
One recent Christmas I came up with the perfect gift for my oldest son. He and I regularly played cards on Wednesday evenings. His favorite phrase to tease me when he was on a winning streak was that his 'Mojo' was working for him. So, at the Mall, I bought a T-shirt and had a shop put decals on it of a hand of cards and the word “Mojo”. My son absolutely loved it and would often wear it on 'cards' night.
One year I bought a pink sweatshirt for my mom and had the names of her 7 grandchildren printed all over it. Another uniquely individual gift no one else had thought to get.
Gift for the Boss
One of my favorite unique gifts had to do with what the office got the boss one Christmas. I was in charge of the shopping, so ended up getting a collection of coffee mugs with unique sayings. You see, we worked for the Director of twenty-seven Pathology Labs in a hospital. He often had numerous meetings throughout the day for one lab or another. He was also a big coffee drinker and frequently filled a cup before going off to a meeting. Just as frequently, he would 'forget' his coffee mug after the meeting, with people often returning said cups to his office. To help in identifying which cups were his, we got him mugs with sayings that were unique to his personality. My all-time favorite, since he was also the County Medical Examiner, read “Don't take life too seriously, it's not permanent”. :)
So, listen to the people you want to find a unique gift for and you'll discover exactly the right one.
*This article is brought to you by Wednesday Elf. A unique gift for me would be this 'Elf' Mug. LOL.
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*Unique Gifts Ideas – review written by Wednesday Elf