We have had these portable battery-operated motion sensor lights for about a year now and I can say that we are so happy to have these useful lights. We have the Beams ones which we are happy with, but there are many choices depending on your needs.
Essentially they are battery-powered lights that come on automatically when they sense movement. They stay on as long as movement is detected then quickly go off if all is still.
They have a bright white light and for their size do give out a surprisingly useful reassuring beam of light.
Palm-sized battery Motion Sensor Light |
We have found the batteries to last a very long time with our usage.
They only come on when motion is detected and go off again quite quickly if there is no movement detected so they do not use up the battery quickly.
They are not large and easily fit on a table, sideboard, kitchen sink, or window ledge.
We find them very light and easy to carry around in the palm of your hand.
You can easily move them from place to place and comfortably carry one or two around with you to light the way.
We are used to having electrical lights whenever we need them. However, there are many potential occasions when these electric lights may fail, for example, a power cut or outage whether it is planned or sudden, storm damage or simply running out of replacement bulbs for the main light.
Some of these lights are designed for indoor use only or indoor/outdoor and some are especially suited for outdoor use and can be fixed securely to buildings so do check descriptions carefully so you get the right ones for your needs. It is probably best to have a variety to be prepared.
Some lights you can place on a surface or stick onto a surface or have the option to be fixed more permanently, so check what suits you best.
Keeping a few battery-powered lights around can be a real help when electrical lights fail for whatever reason. We can use candles of course but while they are lovely for a romantic meal, I do question the safety of flames in a blackout situation and especially where older people, children and pets are around. So we prefer to use these portable lights.
Photo showing size of motion sensor lights against a coffee mug |
Uses For Portable Motion Sensor Battery Lights
We have personally found many uses for them including the following.
In the hallway so that at night we do not need to switch on the main lights just to walk to the bathroom.
In the garden patio in order to light up the garden area near the house.
On the floor by the skirting board when we thought we had mice to see if any were actually around! If they ran past the light it would come on.
On the porch where we do not have an electrical light to help when we returned home in the dark and for the postie and milk delivery to be able to see better in the early dawn
They were very handy when there was a power cut as we had them on the stairs and hallway, living room, kitchen and bedroom to easily light our way and keep us safe from trips or falls.
We also had a couple to carry around in the power cut as they are much safer than candles and more effective with a good strong beam of light.
In event of a power cut or if you do not have outside lights it is useful to position a couple so that if you need to go to the bins or let the dog/cat out in the dark there is some useful light.
Keep one or two in the car so that in the event of a breakdown or emergency, you will have some light.
Further Benefits Of Motion Sensor Battery Operated Lights
We also think they are very useful and have real benefits for the following situations.
For Elderly relatives or vulnerable people to position around the home permanently so that even if the lights are not on or they forget to turn lights on or have a power cut or outage they have light automatically. I do feel this is crucial to help prevent trips and falls and the worry that comes with darkness.
Children to have them in their rooms or in the hallway so that if they do not turn the lights on or there is an outage during the night they can still move around safely and have some light.
Pets. If your home is in complete darkness it is all too easy to trip up over a dog or cat or any other pet that may be around. With these lights just position a couple on the floor and you will see where your pet is so you can safely avoid him or her.
In a dark closet or wardrobe, cupboard or larder so you can instantly see better.
Security- A wired-in electrical security light system is great when you have electricity. However, if you do not have any installed or if there is a power cut it is good to have a backup system. You can place a portable motion sensor light on a porch or in the patio or window box where it will detect any movement. I would advise they are kept away from heavy rain though unless they are sold as fully waterproof. Ours which are sold as indoor/outdoor have been fine on a porch and when positioned in a large container and covered by a large waterproof plant pot so just the sensor part is visible.
However, if you want a more permanent backup system or instead of electrical security lights outside, I would think it's best to go for ones that are designed especially for outdoor use and bad weather and can be securely installed.
Where I live we are being advised that there may be periods of blackouts or power cuts this winter and they are expected to last for 3 to 4 hours at a time so these lights will be essential during those times. We are going to set them up in key areas around the home so it is all ready. This will take the stress out of searching for candles or torches when it is pitch dark!
We do not like to be without lights and I think it can be very dangerous to either try to move around in the dark or equally to carry candles or other light that may be easily flammable. These lights are so portable and give a very useful beam.
I think these portable battery-operated sensor lights are a very useful household item, but especially if you have older people, children or pets living in your home I think they are essential.