Ruby-Throated Hummingbird |
When I decided to write a review on bird holidays, I was surprised to find out that there are many different bird holidays. So, I changed my thinking and decided to do four different reviews, one for each quarter of the year, and in each review, I would pick out a sampling of the holidays for that quarter. This is now my review for the last quarter of the year. You can find links to my first three reviews at the end of this review. This quarter I have picked a bird holiday or awareness day for each month.
October 3- Butterfly and Hummingbird Day
Butterflies on a Pink Flower |
Although a butterfly is not a bird, it certainly has a lot in common with the hummingbird. Here is a list of similarities I found on the site Bird Tipper.Com Here is the link : National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day - BirdTipper
Hummingbird and Butterfly Similarities
- Both have nectar from flowers as a food source
- Both are attracted to certain colorful flowers (I find in my garden that bright red or pink flowers really attract both of butterflies and hummingbirds)
- Both are very important for pollination
- Both help to provide a safe environment for local plant life
- Both are necessary parts of our everyday life
In addition to these points I would say that both are fascinating to watch and to learn about. As a photographer, I also find them both to be wonderful photographic subjects, although they both require patience to catch them at their best. Here are a couple of photographs I have taken in addition to the ones above.
Choose your favorite way to celebrate Butterfly and Hummingbird day by checking out the suggestions at the bird tipper link listed above.
November is Adopt a Turkey Month
Turkey has long been the staple for the American Thanksgiving feast. Because of this the turkey population is greatly depleted during the month. To try to offset this and save some of the loss of the turkey population, certain groups have banded together to try to save some of the turkeys by championing an adoption process for turkeys. The website for the Adopt a Turkey is
They suggest the following three activities to choose from in celebrating adopt-a-turkey month.
- Adopt a turkey as a pet
- Donate a turkey to an animal sanctuary
- Go meatless for Thanksgiving
For more information on the process and the history of the holiday check out the website above.
December 14 through January 5-Christmas Bird Count Week
The bird count week is celebrated annually and is a tradition that is over 100 years old. It honors bird lovers from around the world who head out to count and record millions of bird siting's each year.
The bird count is sponsored by the National Audubon Society. You may go to this link to find out more about the history of this count.
Three things you can do to celebrate bird count week are :
- Participate in the Bird Count
- Take up bird-watching
- Discourage hunting for pleasure
I encourage you to go to to sign up to receive more information and find out how you can help. I have just signed up and I found out from their map there is a location near me where the Christmas-bird-count will be taking place this year. I'm looking forward to getting more information.
More of my Bird Photography from this Year
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