Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Reviewing Head Lice Treatment Products

Just About Every Household Deals With Head Lice

As much as none of us would want to admit that these little buggers have come to our homes for a visit, I can't think of many households that haven't had to deal with head lice at some time or another. As the time rapidly approaches for the children to return to school, these little critters need to be on our minds. We can start a preventive routine or we might find they have found a home on one of our children. It is time for a lice check, Mom; before they start school. No one wants to get that call from the school nurse saying that we need to come get our child for head lice!

Now, here is the thing. Our kids can get these nasty little bugs just about anywhere there are other children or adults. It may be that they went to a camp of some kind over the summer, they went to a sleepover, or they were in a daycare situation. The most common way that head lice spread is the close contact that children have with each other's heads as they play. An adult louse could have dropped onto the car seat that your child rode in and then attached itself to their hair. They could have been on a pillow they slept on, a chair in a restaurant or the comb or brush they borrowed from a friend. Perhaps they swapped hats at a sporting event. They can be anywhere that hair comes in contact with objects. The thing about head lice is that they don't care what your income level is or how clean your home is, they just want a live head of hair to feed on. They don't discriminate!

What Is The Best Treatment For Head Lice?

Basically you need 4 items. A medicated shampoo, a medicated hair gel, a spray for items that can't be washed and a nit comb.

You can purchase all of these items separately but getting them in one package is a more economical way to go, at least in my humble opinion. Read the directions carefully when starting the treatment. For instance, the first step is applying the shampoo but you need to put it on dry hair first. The water will dilute the solution.

One application will not necessarily take care of the lice. You need to plan on a 3 week regiment in order to be sure that all of the little head bugs are gone. That is an entire cycle of these creepy little critters.

An adult louse can live from 24 to 48 hours when it is not on a hair shaft. That is where the spray comes in handy for car upholstery, pillows, furniture and other places hair might drop a live louse. They can't fly or hop but they do have little claws that allow them to crawl.

Another important step is to make sure that the combs, brushes, barrettes and other hair related items are cleaned properly. You can clean them with the medicated shampoo but a less expensive solution is to place them in hot water (at least 130 degrees or hotter) for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also clean them with rubbing alcohol. I have used the hot water with a little white vinegar added as a precaution to clean the hair utensils.

The medicated shampoo tells you to repeat the treatment after 7 days. What about the time in between? What if you didn't get all of the lice with that first application? A live louse can lay eggs 3 or 4 times a day. A good precaution is to wet the hair every other day and use that nit comb on the hair. That will get any eggs and live lice out in between the treatments.

In the past, when we found these little creepy crawlies, I made sure that I changed the pillow cases everyday and washed the ones from the night before immediately. That might be overkill but it is what I did for my kids and family.

Our family decided that a good practice to prevent an infestation would be to periodically use that nit comb in our daily bathing just to be on the cautious side and as a a preventive measure because you never know where you might encounter these little bugs when you are out in public.

Do Not Panic

If you find yourself having to deal with these little buggers, don't panic. I know they are creepy and disgusting but you can get rid of them. It won't be overnight but you can follow the steps and get rid of them. Also, do not feel ashamed. I know it is embarrassing and not exactly something you want to share with all your friends but as I said before these little guys never discriminate on where they decide to live. We all go out in public places and have the potential to innocently pick one up in our hair. 

This isn't the most exciting topic to discuss and quite frankly as I write it, I find my skin crawling just a tad but I know from experience that just about all of us have to deal with head lice at some point in our lives. It doesn't mean we are dirty or have bad hygiene habits; it just means we accidentally let our hair touch a place where the little critters had been. Typically, they are passed the easiest with our children because they don't know to be cautious but an adult can just as innocently encounter a "little head bug" from time to time. Now you know a good way to get rid of them or prevent them from spreading.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Inexpensive Home Fitness at 50

I am not a fitness expert. Nor have I had any formal physical education training. So why am I writing a workout review?  Because I am like many other busy women who want to be fit but have a really hard time committing time and energy to working out. If we share what works for us we will all be more apt to be healthier people. 

I want to be a healthy person.  I don't want to gain more weight.  In fact, I'd like to lose a few pounds.  But at age 50, it becomes more difficult to not only lose weight but to remain toned.  My muscles seem to be turning to jelly.  Everything sags.  My muscles jiggle.  I can feel that I'm losing strength and stamina.  And I don't like it.

I am very busy. By the time I end each day at my job it is often all I can do to get home, walk the dog, make something to eat, and wander off to bed. The lack of time and energy is my biggest excuse to avoid exercise.

My second biggest excuse is cost.  My budget doesn't allow a gym membership. Besides that, I don't want to work out around people. I am not a social sweater.  I want to sweat in private.

Those reasons to avoid exercise are excuses.  I know it. You know it.  We all know it. There are quick, easy and inexpensive ways to get some exercise, at my age and at home.  I'm going to share  three of my favorites with you.


I have always been good about parking a little farther from the front door of a store. Or walking the dog farther than I have to.  The nearest bush for the dog to potty on is about 12 steps from my front stoop. Instead of walking those 12 measly steps,  I always make sure I walk him to at least the end of my parking lot.  I have no excuse for not walking a bit more each day. Walking is free.  However, I should be walking around the entire block. At least.

New Balance Women's Walking Shoe
When I spend a little bit of money on walking, it is to buy a good walking shoe.  I have had good luck with New Balance walking shoes. I find that they seem to fit my feet well - my high arch, wide foot, and narrow heel. You may or may not have the same luck with New Balance. There are plenty of shoes to choose from that will meet your walking needs and the important thing to focus on is having a comfortable pair of appropriate shoes. 

Hula Hooping 

I enjoy hula hooping and now that I have my own grown-up hoop, I have no excuse for not hooping.  I'm not very good at it. But it is a great aerobic exercise and excellent for strengthening my core.  It is also a lot of fun.   It doesn't seem as though it would burn calories but it does. 

"An average woman can burn about 165 calories in 30 minutes of hula hooping, and an average man can burn about 200 calories in 30 minutes of hula hooping" - an article by the Mayo Clinic

Hooping doesn't seem like work. It seems like fun. So it isn't very difficult to hoop for 15 to 30 minutes at a time.


Yoga is great for both strengthening and for relaxing.  The thing that triggered the writing of this article was getting back to my yoga DVD on a regular basis. I feel such a difference.  I enjoy this workout immensely and wanted to share it with you.

YOGA BURN with Rodney Yee
There are many things about this workout that I like.  My job is a high stress situation.  I become tense physically and mentally.  I love my Yoga Burn DVD by Rodney Yee.  It is not easy yoga and is called Yoga Burn for a reason.  It makes me sweat (in the privacy of my own home).  I cannot do all of the moves fully, hold them for the entire time, or get to the end of the workout.  But I modify.  I take breaks. And I do as much of the workout at one time as I can.  Little by little I can hold the poses and make it farther through the workout.  I like Rodney Yee's instruction, the pace of the workout and the difficulty.  It is not so difficult that I feel like it is impossible and end up quitting. But I definitely feel that I am working out. 

I ALWAYS feel better when I do this workout.  I can feel my spine re-align (as I loosen up and work out, I actually feel it pop back into place) and I feel my muscles strengthening.  I also feel more relaxed mentally when I am finished.

If you are looking for a way to become more physically healthy and relaxed, this workout may be a good choice for you too.

Photo Credit - photograph courtesy of Pixabay CC0

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Review: Omron BP742 Blood Pressure Monitor

I was recently chatting with an acquaintance who was concerned about her husband's health and high blood pressure.  I was stunned when she said that the doctor had told him to use an old fashioned blood pressure cup and a stethoscope at home to monitor his pressure daily. The doctor reportedly told him this because the "electronic" ones aren't reliable.  

Manual Blood Pressure Cuff
I am sure the electronic blood pressure monitors that can be used in public places such as pharmacies and some big box stores are not accurate. Maybe those were the monitors the doctor was referring to. You've probably seen them, the big machines that look like a quarter pony ride, you sit down, slide your arm in the contraption and get your blood pressure taken.  I am aware that those are not accurate.  But for home monitoring, I'm surprised that the old fashioned pump up cuff with the stethoscope was what was recommended.

I am not a doctor. Please follow your doctor's instructions. Especially when it comes to something as critical as high blood pressure.  However, I have my own opinion about monitoring my own troublesome blood pressure.

I have some pre-hypertension problems.  My frequent migraines have a large role in causing my high blood pressure.  Out of concern about my migraine medication changes and potential blood pressure problems, I began trying to monitor my pressure at home a few years ago.  I started with the regular manual cuff and stethoscope.  It was miserable.  I had a horrible time getting the cuff on myself, with one free hand. I had a very hard time of knowing what my blood pressure was. Trying to remember when I first heard the blood pump sound in the stethoscope and when I last heard the pump, while trying to unscrew the screw to let the air escape slowly. I just wasn't coordinated enough.  I gave up.

Omron BP742
I finally broke down and bought the Omron BP742 Blood Pressure Monitor.  I was skeptical. Thought I was throwing away good money on yet one more gadget that wouldn't get used more than a few times then left to gather dust.

But that wasn't the case. The Omron BP742 is GREAT.  I can easily place the cuff on my arm by using one hand. There is something about how the little metal bracket and the velcro works together that keeps the cuff mostly tight and yet loose enough to slide up my arm.  There are pictures and arrows on the cuff. A sort of "placement guide for dummies".  Something I definitely need.  The start and stop buttons are easy. The digital screen is large and easy to read.  The unit stores the numbers for not only one user, but two.

As far as reliability, the Omron seems very accurate. For a period of time, I had a nurse friend at work use the professional blood pressure machine in the health office to help me monitor. I even took my Omron to work a few times. I'd compare the Omron results with the results she'd get.  Of course, there was some difference based on what I was doing just before I went to her office. But overall, the readouts were very close.

Before long I was able to stop interrupting my friend in order to have her check my blood pressure.  And I am confident that my readings on my Omron are accurate.  I continue to monitor at home on a regular basis.  I've used this machine for over a year and haven't had an problems, nor have I had to replace the battery.

Omron BP742N Series 5
My Omron is an older model. The newer model, nearly same unit, is very popular and highly recommended.  

If you are having any hypertension concerns, I hope you are working with a doctor and closely tracking your numbers.  If you need a way to monitor at home, I highly recommend the Omron brand.

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