Toothpaste For Dentures
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In the last several weeks, I have done a series of reviews for products to use when you wear dentures. Today, we will discuss the toothpaste that I use on my new dentures.
Dentures or false teeth are made of an acrylic material that can scratch easily. Using a standard toothpaste that you would use on real teeth is not recommended because it is too abrasive. Standard toothpaste can scratch the denture and then within those scratches stains may begin to set and will be difficult to remove. The scratches could also become a breeding ground for bacteria, too.
There are products made specifically to use with dentures for brushing. I chose to use Fresh 'n Brite when brushing my new removable denture. It is made for cleaning your false teeth with no abrasive materials in it. The paste has two layers to it. One for freshness and the other for brightness.
It is recommended that you use this toothpaste at least two times per day; once in the morning and once at night. You can also choose to use the paste after every meal. It is pretty simple to use. Just rinse your denture with warm water, apply the paste to your denture brush and clean the inside and outside thoroughly. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and you are good to go.
I use this paste in conjunction with using an effervescent cleaner for my dental hygiene routine each day. I use the fizzing tablet at night before I go to bed to clean away any stains and the bacteria that might have started growing in the course of the day. After meals, I use the Fresh 'n Brite paste to clean my denture to remove any trapped food from my meal.
One does not have to use both products. You can opt to use just the denture paste or just the effervescent cleanser. I prefer using both products for fresh breath and shining white teeth. I waited quite a while to get my smile back and I want it to remain nice for a long time.
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