Better Than A Regular Toothbrush For Dentures
When you have a denture or partial denture you really need a denture brush to properly clean them. Sure, you could use a regular or standard toothbrush but it will not perform as well as one specifically made to brush your dentures.
In the last few weeks, I have been discussing the products to use when you find that you are now one of the 31.5 million denture wearers in the U.S. Today, we will discuss the proper brush to use. A denture brush is made a little differently and really does work the best for cleaning. Even if you decide you are not going to use toothpaste for dentures, you still need a denture brush. After soaking your denture in an effervescent solution, you should brush your denture to make sure that you get any particles of food out of crevices and to make sure any stains are completely off.
I chose the Brush Buddies dental brush to use for my new teeth.
Notice that there are two heads on the brush. The larger one is good for overall brushing and the small round head works well for the hard to reach areas that fit next to your gums. I, also, use the small round head to go around the teeth to make sure there are no left over particles of food stuck around them.
The denture brush by Brush Buddies has a nice grip that molds to your fingers and hand to make brushing comfortable. I am pleased with the choice I made and I think you will like this brush, too.
I use my denture brush two different ways. After I have soaked them, I go over my denture with the brush. I also use a toothpaste made for dentures a couple of times per day using the brush for dentures to make sure everything is clean. You do not have to use both but I just want to make sure my dentures are clean and that my breath is fresh. Either way, you do need a good brush to assist in your dental hygiene.
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