Brief Synopsis of Plot
Lizzy Moon had left the family farm in New Hampshire 8 years before to follow her dream. She now had a promising career in New York city and no intention of ever returning to the "family" business. The family farm was a "herbal farm" and generations of Moon woman had used their various skills as "healers" to run the farm. Lizzy was to be the last of the Moon girls.
All of this was before Lizzy got a call letting her know her beloved grandmother, Althea, had passed away leaving her the farm. Still, Lizzy had every intention of returning to pack up the farm and put it for sale.
When Lizzy returns she is met with a farm that is very deteriorated and fields of lavender that are full of weeds. She is also confronted with the unsolved murders of two girls from 8 years before and insinuations from the towns people that followed her grandmother to her grave.
The book has a wonderful series of twists and turns that causes Lizzy to take another look at her life and what she thinks she wants.
This is an excellent read and I would highly recommend it. I also think this would be an excellent book for a book club discussion. There are lots of interesting topics within the book that should lead to a lively discussion.
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