An Alternative To Adhesive Paste
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Let's discuss an alternative to your denture paste. Sea Bond adhesive wafers are a very nice option to help hold your dentures in place and to keep those small particles of food from getting trapped between your denture and gums.
If you read the articles on this site regularly, you will know that last year I went through the process of getting an upper set of dentures. After the denture has been delivered there are certain products that you use on a daily basis and a good adhesive is one of them.
In the beginning I used what my mother had always used, Polygrip. It worked just fine as far as keeping my denture in place but I really did not like dealing with the residue left on my gums when it was time to remove my denture for the night. I tried other pastes and they all seemed to leave that unpleasant rubbery residue. So, I looked at some other options and found what has been my current choice for a denture adhesive.
These little wafers are so much easier to use! First of all at night there is no more fighting with any residue on my gums. If you have used the pastes, you know what I am talking about. It is almost the consistency of rubber cement and it is quite frankly gross. It is also difficult to remove from your gums. These Sea Bond wafers do not leave any residue on my gums and they are so easy to remove from the denture. Just peel it off and discard in the trash, rinse the denture and place in the denture bath.
How To Apply Sea Bond Adhesive Seals
When you open the package for the first time there are either 15 or 30 of the wafers in the box. The wafer is going to be too large (most probably) for your denture and mouth. Place the paper like seal on top of your denture and with a pair of scissors cut it to fit your denture. I use that first one as a template and go ahead and cut the others to the same size. It takes a few minutes but saves time the next morning when I am ready to apply a fresh one.
After cutting a wafer to size, lay it on top of your denture and gently mist it (I use a spray bottle) while holding it in place with your finger and thumb. Once it is damp, press it gently to adhere to the denture. The "v" cut at the front will probably overlap a bit and that is just fine. Now, place it in your mouth and hold your teeth clamped for 5 or 10 seconds. Voila! You are good for the rest of the day! Another advantage to these adhesive wafers is that there is no oozing of paste into your mouth.
I am so glad that I tried these adhesive wafers by Sea Bond and I doubt that I will ever go back to using a paste. These thin little seals do a fantastic job and do not leave that nasty rubbery stuff on my gums. If you happen to be a denture wearer like me, I can highly recommend switching to a wafer instead of the paste.
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