Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Temperature Drops and Keeping Warm Are Important To Me ~ A Product Review

It's that time of year when the temperatures are dropping and you know that Good Old Mister Winter is just waiting to make his presence known. Keeping your hands and feet warm is going to be one of the ways that you will enjoy this temperature drop, really!

snowy scene

Personally I'm just enjoying the beautiful autumn that we are having right now, but, I know that it will be short lived.  I hate being cold. Unlike springtime when the temps are rising, in October, the temps are dropping and dropping quite quickly.

My biggest problem is that walking has become my go to exercise to keep myself fit and sane all at the same time.  I need some time away from my home in order to clear my mind, think about what needs must be met (this is where it gets difficult), and just get away from the source of my stress.

I walk between 5 and 8 kilometers a day (for my American friends that translates to 3.1 miles to 4.97 miles respectively).  This is my routine and has been for the last 3 years.  I have learned to enjoy the walking, but, I still hate the part about getting cold!

Well I have come to rely on a handy dandy and easy way to get rid of that feeling, so that my walks are comfortable in whatever weather Mr. Winter decides to throw my way.  I just happen to love My HotHands!


This pack has a great combination of hand, body and feet warmers, all together. So there is no need ever to feel that Mr. Winter is winning and keeping you away from your much needed walking schedule. As seniors, I and my other half look forward to keeping ourselves healthy and strong. One way we do this is to keep active. Walking is by far one of the Best Rated exercises for Seniors all around the world. You don't need any equipment per/se. Good boots and warm clothing are the basic requirements. Of course hats and scarves help too!  This is where the HotHands come in.  We place these little packets into our mitts and into our boots and both our hands and feet are kept warm and toasty the whole time we are out!  We don't use them every time we go out, but when the temperatures really drop they are a life saver!  

We live in an urban area so that most of the sidewalks and roads are plowed, but if you lived in a very rural area you might also want to invest in some snow cleats for your own safety.  These are handy items that attach to your boots and give you that extra grip when ice and snow become an obstacle to your fitness routines.  If I lived in the countryside I would have these for sure.  Where I live they would not be necessary.  My other half and I don't go walking in the "outer reaches".  We stick fairly close to home.

For those of you who are city dwellers, but still like getting out into the countryside, then I would recommend that these traction aids be a part of your outdoor activity equipment along with those wonderful HotHands! 

Nothing should keep you from getting a good walk in everyday, especially the cold temperatures.  You can keep up your exercise goals with the help of these Hand Warmers, enjoy a beautiful walk in the brisk air and feel comfortable the whole time you are out!

I hope that you will give them a try and keep yourself strong and warm during those winter months when hibernation seems to be the only other alternative.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Book Review: Lights Out by Elise Hart Kipness

Lights Out by Elise Hart Kipness, a whodunnit novel
I read this book for free as part of the Amazon Prime first read for October. I am so glad I picked this book out of the selection as the characters are well rounded and the whodunnit is an interesting plot without being too complicated.

So imagine you're on suspension from your job and your best friend's husband is killed, it just begs for you to solve the crime really doesn't it? Kate Green is the main character and she's a former professional soccer player who is now a network sports reporter (well she's on forced suspension, but you can find out all about that in the book!). The author, Elise Hart Kipness is a former television sports reporter which may be why the book's scenes seem really authentic.

Her best friend's husband is a much-loved elite basketball player and the prime suspect is his wife, Kate's best friend Yvette. Kate knows a lot of Yvette's flaws, but she doesn't believe that she is capable of murder. The fly in the ointment is the lead detective in the case who is always camera-ready and seems determined to jail Yvette without investigating other leads.

Along the way, we meet Yvette and Kurt's (the aforementioned basketball player) daughter and Kate's son and daughter. We also meet Kate's ex-husband and third wife, and we also discover that the pin for his phone is Kate's birthday - does this mean anything.

We also learn a little bit about Kate's life such as her relationship with her mother and stepdad and the fact that her father is an NYPD detective and just like that when assistance is needed from the NYPD it comes in his form! He also makes a cryptic comment towards the end of the book which had me hoping for another book.

Luckily as I looked up the book on Amazon to see if it's available for everyone to purchase yet (it is) I see it is now titled Lights Out (Kate Green Book 1) and there is a the title of a second book in the series which you can preorder. The release date is next year.

One reviewer called this book an entertaining read and summed it up rather aptly with this sentence, 'There is a clever plot, twists and turns and a satisfying ending with a hint of intrigue'. I think that sums it up beautifully and I thoroughly recommend this book.

I enjoyed reading this book with a large fizz and a couple of protein cookies, what will you be enjoying when you read this book?

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, October 16, 2023

Book Review: The Girl Behind the Gates by Brenda Davies

Nora Jennings is a 17 year old in England during the 1930's which is a time of war and a time of mental asylums. While Nora is a privileged young lady, she is also found to be a "moral defective" and as such she is moved to an asylum. Based on a true story The Girl Behind the Gates is a harrowing, moving, and hopeful account of a young lady trying to survive her mental health treatment the best she can and the few people who are kind to her and help her stay alive.

photograph of the book cover for The Girl Behind the Gates
The Girl Behind the Gates

The Girl Behind the Gates by Brenda Davies

The book begins with the Author's note that ensured I would tear through this story in every free moment. The author is a medical practitioner, who came to work in the asylum when Nora had been held for decades. 

"Over the years I tried to encourage Nora to tell her story, but she always backed away from doing so. However, several times she asked me if I would write it for her. I always refused. Then following her death in 1995, one of her friends sent me a note and included a letter from Nora reminding me of her request. So, at long last, this is a true yet fictionalised account of Nora's story."

At 17, Nora made two life-changing decisions that began with falling in love. Those decisions were deemed by her parents, The local religious and governmental folks  in charge, and by the mental health practitioners of the day as morally defective. A person that needed to be kept out of the public in order to protect society. 

Little to no patient records were kept, many who worked in the asylum were abusive, and it was acceptable to slap a patient into line. It was extremely easy to find yourself placed in an asylum and impossible to find your way out while still alive. 

Some staff were kind, but those staff had little to no power in the hierarchy. Kind staff were reprimanded and/or did not remain employed at the facility. The treatments of the day included sedation, ice baths, removal of personal belongings, and electric shock therapy. Nora experienced all of those treatments.

The Girl Behind the Gates by Brenda Davies

Forty-two years later, in 1981, Dr. Janet is newly employed at the Hillinghurst Hospital and is working in the acute ward when she is directed to do a review of the patients on the back wards. Dr. Janet begins with reviewing the files before entering the back wards and meeting the staff and patients.

"She's been at it for hours and feels pretty over-whelmed. No real patient notes, just individual sentences, often separated by bald patches where nothing at all was recorded, as though the patient simply stopped existing for months at a time."

It is in those back wards that she meets the woman who has been kept there since age 17. A woman who has learned to survive the abuse, neglect, and psychological trauma. A woman who inspires Dr. Janet to re-examine her own life and eventually write a book to tell the story.

A Personal Note

Having worked in mental health for decades, this story was profoundly meaningful to me. Dr. Janet's thoughts and approaches rang true. So many "patients" (then and now) have exceedingly important stories to be told yet go unheard due to the issues of confidentiality, difficulty with timelines, and hazy details. Yet, they are stories that should be shared. 

I am thankful that Brenda Davies found a way to share this story to not only educate about the common treatments used decades ago but also the personal story of a woman who survived it all. 

Nora Jennings survived. But how? And did she thrive or remain merely the shell of a person? You'll have to read the story to find out.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Shake Things Up: Rearranging Your Furniture Can Transform Your Space & Mood

Rearrange your furniture and your mood

Is your furniture stuck in the same old spot? It might be time for a change. Let's review this.

Why Rearranging Your Furniture is a Fantastic Idea

1. Solve the Urge to Move Without Moving:

Feeling the need for a change? That urge to sell your house and pack up your life might not be your only option. Moving is costly and disruptive. So, before you take the leap, consider a simpler solution: rearranging your furniture. Begin by giving your home a thorough cleaning, and while you're at it, think about changing the furniture layout for a fresh, inviting look.

2. A Deep Clean Opportunity:

When did you last vacuum behind your furniture? Probably not in a while, right? You also open the door to a thorough cleaning session when rearranging your furniture. Say goodbye to dust bunnies and hello to spotless and inviting rooms.

3. Transform Unused Spaces:

Your home should reflect your lifestyle. In today's ever-changing world, making the most of your space is vital. That underused living room could become a media room, office, or library. It's all about making your home work for you. Or simply rearrange it to breathe new life into the space, making it more inviting for guests.

4. If Your Family Doesn't Need a Dining Room, Swap the Room Out For Another Use:

Who says a dining room has to be a dining room? If your family rarely uses a particular space, switch it up. Say goodbye to the dining room and hello to something more practical. For example, turn it into a home office, another sitting room, a playroom, or a meditation space!

Our home's original floor plan features a living/dining room combination. Since our family is quite large and we need a big table, the living room has been transformed into a dining room and the dining room into my office.

Here's a personal example: Our home's designated dining room area is now my office. When the kids were little, it was one huge gathering room ... Over the years, it's been changed multiple times.

Dining Room into an Office Area

5. Revamp the Traditional:

Traditional floor plans are so last season. Don't be afraid to break the mold. Turn a family room into a game room, a living room into an office, or that unused dining room into a guest room or play area. These days, there's no such thing as a defined floor plan. Whatever works for your home is all that matters.

We're slowly empty-nesting and recently turned one of our five bedrooms into a TV/sitting room:

Alternate Use for a Bedroom
Bedroom to a TV Sitting Room

6. Achieve a Sense of Accomplishment:

Rearranging your furniture is a labor of love. It's hard work, but the payoff is incredible. Psychology Today even has a scientific explanation for this. 

Your home will feel fresh and exciting, and your family will appreciate the change. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your hard-earned satisfaction with a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

In the end, remember that changing your furniture layout can be a fun and cost-effective way to breathe new life into your space without the hassle of moving. 

Give it a try and see how your home and mood transform!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Dessert Reviews for National Dessert Day

National Dessert Day is celebrated each year on October 14th in the middle of National Dessert Month (October).  October is known as the month of sweets (think Halloween Candy!), so having a dessert month & day fits right in.

cakes, food, dessert

The contributors to Review This Reviews have written many reviews of various types of desserts, any one of which would be a tasty treat for after dinner, an after school snack or a bedtime snack. Whether you are partial to cakes, cupcakes, pies, cookies, or ice cream ~ or perhaps a taste of chocolate candy ~ you will find reviews of many special desserts and dessert days (some with recipes) as you read down the page.

Let Them Eat Cake!

The well-known French saying Let Them Eat Cake! can be taken to heart on many cake ~ and cupcake ~ days throughout the year.  The exact dates we love to celebrate particular kinds of cakes/cupcakes can be found in this fun review: Cakes and Cupcakes Special Days 

A recipe for very tasty Carrot Cake Cupcakes can be found here.

If regular cakes are not your 'thing', how about a tasty cheesecake recipe

Pies Galore!

If you prefer pie, there are many Pie Days to celebrate throughout the year, one of which may be your favorite.  Mine is chocolate, which does not appear to have it's own special day ~ but should! :) The list of many special pie days can be found in this review of National Pie Day celebrated on January 23rd. 

Another Pie review is for National Cherry Pie Day celebrated around President's Day each February. 

Or a favorite of mine, a Key-Lime Pie recipe.

Cookie Monster!

If 'cookies' are your thing, you are in exactly the right month, as October is National Cookie Month

If Brownies are your favorite type of cookie, here's a delicious recipe for celebrating National Brownie Day on December 8th. 

Chocoholics Rejoice!

If you love chocolate, you are in for a treat with this list of Chocolate Days in July!

Fruits for Dessert

If fruits are your preferred dessert of choice, check out Pineapple Day on June 27th.

There's also Watermelon Day on August 3rd. 

And Banana Day on April 20th

Plus, the ever popular Chocolate Covered Fruit recipes.

Keto-Friendly Desserts

And last, but certainly not least, before you despair because your dietary restrictions won't allow you celebrate National Dessert Day, here is a list of Keto-Friendly dessert recipes

Dessert Day Summary

One of my favorite online blogs is the website Dinner, Then Dessert, where you will find a whole bunch of yummy dessert recipes. Read the review of Dinner, Then Dessert here

Remember, calories don't count on Dessert Day, so indulge with your favorite choice.

What's For Dessert Cookbook Book Cover
A Delicious Dessert Cookbook
Found on Amazon

Happy Dessert Day!
October 14

*National Dessert Day review is written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, October 13, 2023

Remember Sunday (2013) Movie Review

Remember Sunday Movie Review
Most often, I watch movies in the background while I work.  I guess you could say, they keep me company.  However, Remember Sunday is not a background movie.  This is one you really want to be invested in.  It is well worth watching.

The actors are adorable and kind.  You pull for them throughout the movie because you really want them to succeed.  They both possess a positive attitude and strong determination as they face difficult times and situations.

Since I have never known anyone who survived an aneurysm, I wasn't sure how accurate the movie's presentation of it was until I did a bit of research.  I found that, in some causes, the memory loss after an aneurysm was accurately depicted in the movie.  This knowledge made me like the movie even more.  Not only was I captivated by the story, but I learned something.

I will warn you, the movie is not all sunshine and flowers.  As you can imagine, not being able to remember someone, conversations, activities, etc. would make you, and everyone that is a constant in your life, struggle for consistency or the bond of a continuous relationship.  Shared experiences are the foundation of almost any relationship, even the bad ones.  Without those memories, it would be nearly impossible to have a bound.

Synopsis of Remember Sunday

Gus Gillenwater (Zachary Levi) wakes up every morning to post-it notes!  Yes, that is correct.  He has post-it notes all over his home and a file marked "Read Me Every Morning".  The notes and file tell him where he is and what he is supposed to remember.  After he reads through the file, he calls his sister each morning and she tells him, again, why he is living in New Orleans and answers any questions he has.  He works at a jewelry shop owned by old friends.   

Gus's notes, file, and daily routine are extremely important because Gus has no short-term memory due to an aneurysm.  

He is kind, even tempered, and happy, but he is living day to day without the memories of most of his adult life.  He tries to "fill in the gaps" by recording the things he would like to remember, like appointments, things he needs to do, and whatever he thinks is important in his day.  He is surrounded by friends and neighbors who try to daily help him.

Gus meets his life-long friend, Jerry, for breakfast each morning.  On the day when we first meet Gus, he will be meeting Jerry at a new restaurant, Addie Mae's, for breakfast.  He is immediately attracted to his waitress, Molly.  Sadly, he will not remember her tomorrow.


Molly Branford (Alexis Bledel) is a waitress at Addie Mae's Restaurant.  She is living with her best friend since she can't afford an apartment on her own.  She is also taking a business class.  She hopes to start her own flower shop when she receives the inheritance that is currently being held up by lawyers.

Molly is adorable, sweet, and well liked although frequently underappreciated by the men she dates.

When she meets Gus, of course she likes him, but she can't understand why he would stand her up for their date. 

Fortunately for both of them, Jerry knew about the date.  When he calls to see how things are going, he finds out Gus is at home, totally oblivious to the fact that he is supposed to be out on his first date with Molly.


After the initial mix-up, Molly and Gus do start dating, but their dating life is fraught with misunderstandings, difficulties and distress until Molly learns more about Gus's aneurysm and why he can't remember.  

Gus, himself, questions "is it possible to fall in love with someone every single day?"




Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Remember Sunday Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Book Review - Friends Come to Call


Red Boots by Trees AI created image
Finding the Perfect Christmas Tree-AI generated image

In the fourth book of the "Tow Truck Mysteries", author Karen Whalen delights us with another mystery starring Delaney, a tow truck driver with a love for shoes, and her interesting cast of friends.  This mystery takes place in the days leading up to Christmas at a Christkindl Market.

Summary of Storyline

Delaney loves everything about the Christkindl Market.  She can spend hours each day wandering through the booths and enjoying all the lights, music, refreshments and decorations.

The book opens with Delaney and her latest boyfriend, Sheriff Ephraim Lopez looking for that perfect Christmas tree at the tree booth at the market.  As they wander through the trees they come across a dead body of a woman near the back of the lot.

After her initial shock and concern for the identity of the woman and her family Delaney starts to worry about all of the negative effects this could have on the Christkindl market.  Her best friend has a coffee kiosk at the market and Delaney worries about if this will have a negative effect on her sales and that of the other booth operators.

Delaney has a reputation in her town of Spruce Ridge, Colorado of not only being the high heeled tow truck driver but of also being a bit of an amateur detective.  When her family and friends are involved, she can't seem to stay away from the investigation.  This time is no different and even though she is told to leave this to law enforcement she just can't help herself and proceeds to wander the market questioning people and trying to uncover the guilty party.

Will she discover who is guilty, will the Christkindl Market be saved and will Delaney find the perfect gift for Ephraim?  These are all questions you will need to read the book to discover.

Book Release

The book will be released on October 25, 2023.  Click on the Amazon link below to order the book.

More Books by Karen Whalen

Here is a link to a review I wrote about the first book in the Tow Truck Mystery Series.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

How to Soften Dry, Callused, Cracked Heels the Easy Way

As we age, we're more prone to developing dry, cracked heels that can be painful as well as unsightly. There are many contributing factors, some within our control and others not. However, if you suffer from cracked heels, you know they can be challenging to treat effectively.

I've tried many different treatments for this annoying condition. In today's review, I recommend some simple tips that have helped me the most. Here's to healing our dry, cracked heels!

How to Heal & Soften Dry, Callused, Cracked Heels

Background photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

What Causes Cracked Heels?

The helpful WebMD article "What to Know About Cracked Heels" explains that cracked heels can develop "When the skin around your heels becomes dry and thick...Extra pressure on the fat pad of your heels can cause dry, thick skin to form cracks, or heel fissures."

According to the article, contributing factors may include:

  • Wearing sandals, clogs, or other open-heeled footwear
  • Taking hot baths or hot showers
  • Using soaps with harsh ingredients
  • Standing for long stretches of time
  • Cold, dry weather
  • Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, athlete's foot, heel spurs, Sjögren's syndrome, or juvenile plantar dermatosis

How to Treat and Repair Dry, Callused, Cracked Heels at Home

After consulting multiple reliable sources, here are the at-home foot care steps I have followed to heal my dry, cracked heels successfully. I repeat these steps periodically, as needed, to prevent and heal my heel cracks.

The best time to do these steps is just before bed to allow the healing foot cream or ointment to soak into the skin and do its work while you're sleeping.

Caveat: The WebMD article explains that "Occasionally, severely cracked heels can get infected and lead to a skin infection called cellulitis" and advises talking to your doctor "if your heels are severely cracked or don’t improve after you’ve treated them for a week."

Step 1: Use a diamond foot rasp to remove the top layer of thick calluses.

If your calluses aren't too thick and your heel cracks aren't deep, you can use a pumice stone after soaking your feet in warm, soapy water (see step 2). However, if your heels are extremely dry and have thick calluses, use either a Diamancel Diamond Foot Buffer #11 Medium Rasp or, for even thicker calluses, a Diamancel Diamond Foot Buffer #22 Coarse Rasp followed by the #11 Medium Rasp.

These files are an investment, but they will last for many years and can be easily washed in hot, soapy water and then dried and disinfected with isopropyl alcohol after each use.

Note: I have tried but do not recommend the "cheese grater" style metal foot file. It removes a lot of skin quickly and has sharp "teeth" that make it easy to accidentally remove too much callus and possibly cut into your skin, which could lead to infection. This type of foot file also leaves the surface very rough and requires a lot of effort to smooth with a pumice stone or fine diamond foot buffer.

Step 2: Soak your feet in warm, soapy water for 20 minutes.

Use gentle soap and warm, not hot water, in a tub or, if you prefer, a dedicated foot bath. Consider the affordable HoMedics Bubble Mate Foot Spa, a splash-proof, heated foot bath with water jets and raised massage nodes to pamper your tired feet. This is on my holiday wish list and would make a great gift, especially as part of a spa gift basket! 

(My mom had a heated foot bath many years ago that she used to bring with her to the nail salon when she got a pedicure since she was extremely conscious about good hygiene at the salon. She also loved using it at home to soothe her aching feet after a long day.)

After soaking your feet for 20 minutes, use a pumice stone to smooth away any calluses or, if you used a diamond foot rasp in step 1, to smooth any roughness left by the rasp(a).

Step 3: Towel-dry your feet well.

Use a clean, absorbent towel to dry your feet very thoroughly, especially in between your toes to help prevent athlete's foot.

Step 4: Apply a healing ointment or moisturizing cream.

I have tried numerous foot creams to heal dry, cracked heels. Based on my experience, if you have very dry, callused heels with fairly deep cracks, I highly recommend starting with the Kerasal Nighttime Intensive Foot Repair, Skin Healing Ointment for Cracked Heels and Dry Feet. I discovered this fantastic ointment thanks to the recommendation of a well-known and highly respected board-certified dermatologist on social media. I'm very grateful to her for introducing me to this miracle cracked heels treatment!

It contains 5% salicylic acid, 10% urea and soft white petrolatum to exfoliate, soften, and moisturize hard, dry, cracked, and callused heels, and is approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association. It comes in a small tube, but a little goes a long way.

Another good option is Ebanel Urea Cream 40% plus Salicylic Acid 2%. It has a consistency that one Amazon reviewer likened to Elmer's glue, which helps it adhere to the skin while it does its work. It may not be the most cosmetically elegant formulation, but it's extremely effective!

Once your feet are in better shape and your cracks have healed, you can switch to something less heavy-duty and more economical for daily or nightly maintenance. Good choices include Dr. Scholl's Dry, Cracked Foot Repair Ultra Hydrating Foot Cream, Miracle of Aloe Miracle Foot Repair Cream for Dry, Cracked Feet & Heels, or Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Foot Magic Moisturizing Foot Cream. All of these are available on Amazon, and most can be found at a well-stocked drugstore.

Whichever cream or ointment you use, make sure to massage it in very well before putting on your heel socks or sleep socks.

Step 5: Put on heel socks or thin, breathable bed socks and wear them overnight.

I prefer wearing thin cotton or bamboo socks to bed if I'm applying my foot cream or ointment to the balls of my feet as well as my heels. Bamboo or cotton bed socks allow the skin to "breathe," and thin socks are less absorbent so your foot cream or ointment stays on the skin of your heels vs. on your socks.

My favorite socks for this purpose (and also my favorite summer or warm weather socks) are the SERISIMPLE Women's Bamboo Ankle Socks. They come in a pack of five pairs for less than $17 (at the time of this post's publication), so $3.40 a pair, and they are excellent quality! They are thin, soft, and lightweight and slip on easily over foot cream or ointment. They also come in a very large selection of pretty pastel, mid-tone, and dark color assortments.

But if my feet are in really rough shape and I'm applying the ointment just to my cracked heels, I'll put on toeless, silicone-lined heel socks before going to bed.

For the latter, I really like the ZenToes Moisturizing Fuzzy Sleep Socks. The outer shell is a soft, fleece material, while the heel is lined with a silicone gel infused with jojoba seed oil, olive oil, and vitamin E to add an extra layer of softening and moisturizing ingredients where they are needed most.

The silicone gel creates a warm, hydrating environment that helps your foot cream or ointment penetrate while you sleep. These open-toed sleep socks are also washable and reusable, and one size fits most. Even after the infused oils are used up, they still work perfectly with your preferred foot cream.

I also love that these are made by a small, woman-owned business based in Wisconsin. Although the socks are not manufactured in the USA, the company prides itself on doing three product quality checks before they are shipped out to customers: before they leave the factory, when they are received at the USA warehouse, and when they are packaged in that USA warehouse.

In addition, ZenToes uses individuals with diverse abilities who work for Opportunities, Inc. in Wisconsin, a Community Rehabilitation Program, to package their products "with dignity and purpose."

For a short-term quick fix, replace steps 4 and 5 with an intensive repair foot mask.

There are Kerasal Nighttime Intensive Repair Foot Masks that can be used instead of steps 4 and 5, although as single-use products they are less economical (and less environmentally responsible). But they're great if you want to try out the Kerasal Nighttime Intensive Foot Repair ointment to see how you like it before investing in heel socks or thin cotton bed socks.

Also, if you want to wear sandals, go to the beach, etc., and notice at the last minute that your heels are cracked, you can use the Kerasal Daytime Intensive Repair Foot Mask (pack of 2 pairs). These won't deliver the same results as steps 1–5, but they can definitely improve the way your feet and heels look and feel in less than half an hour.

To use them, start by washing and drying your feet thoroughly. Then, remove one pair of the foot masks and put them on. Put your feet up and relax (they're too slippery to walk around in) for 20 minutes, then remove the covers and massage any residue of the healing cream into your feet.

Helpful Tips to Prevent Heel Cracks

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. To keep your feet and heels soft, smooth and healthy, here are some habits to adopt that can help prevent or reduce calluses and heel cracks:

  • Avoid walking barefoot on hard surfaces
  • Wear closed-heel footwear
  • Take warm, not hot, baths or showers
  • Use mild soaps
  • Dry your feet and in between your toes thoroughly to avoid athlete's foot
  • Keep your skin at a comfortable temperature and moisturize your feet daily and/or nightly with a foot cream after showering or bathing and drying the skin well


I am not a medical professional and this article should not be construed in any way as medical advice. When in doubt, consult your doctor before attempting to treat your cracked heels at home.

How to Soften Dry, Callused, Cracked Heels the Easy Way by Margaret Schindel

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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

How to Clean and Season a Cast Iron Skillet

 I love cooking with my cast iron skillets. Lodge cast iron skillets are the only brand I buy. I have three cast iron skillets, 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch. When you buy a Lodge cast iron skillet, it is already seasoned and ready to use. But over time and use, you must re-season your cast iron skillet.

Last week I was making some hash brown potatoes in my 10-inch skillet, and they stuck to the bottom of the skillet. I knew it was time to re-season my skillet.

How to Clean and Season a Cast Iron Skillet
My 8, and 10-inch skillets are seasoned and ready to cook again

You can search YouTube, and you will find many videos on how to season a cast iron skillet. Today, I'm reviewing the method that I use and that has worked well for me over the years.

Cleaning a Cast Iron Skillet

The first thing that I do is clean my skillets. I use mild dish soap, warm water, and this copper scrub pad.

 I want to make sure that I get any food particles left behind. 

Next, I dry them with a soft towel. Then, I put them in the oven at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. 

This ensures my skillets are completely dry.

Season cast iron skillet

Now that my pans are dried, I added a thin layer of olive oil. Then, I pre-heated my oven to 400 degrees. 

Olive oil has a smoke point of about 350 degrees, so you want to be at least 20 degrees higher than the smoke point.

When the oil hits the smoke point and above a chemical reaction occurs called polymerization. 

This chemical reaction bonds the oil to the pan, creating a layer of natural seasoning.

Cooking with cast iron frequently using oils also helps build up a layer of seasoning in your pan.

I set the pans in the 400-degree oven upside down and baked them for 1 hour. You can add a cookie sheet or tin foil under the pans to catch any oil that may drip. Then, I turned the oven off and let them cool while still in the oven. After 1 hour if you need to use your oven remove the pans with an oven mitt and set them on a cooling rack.

You can repeat this process as many times as needed to develop a layer of natural seasoning. With proper care, your cast iron skillets will give you years of cooking delicious food. 

These are three Lodge cast iron skillets I own and use:

Lodge Seasoned Cast Iron 3 Skillet Bundle. 12 inches and 10.25 inches with 8 inch Set of 3 Cast Iron Frying PansLodge Seasoned Cast Iron 3 Skillet Bundle. 12 inches and 10.25 inches with 8 inch Set of 3 Cast Iron Frying PansLodge Seasoned Cast Iron 3 Skillet Bundle. 12 inches and 10.25 inches with 8 inch Set of 3 Cast Iron Frying Pans


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Monday, October 9, 2023

Original Gorilla Grip Can Opener Review

The hunt to replace the tried and true can opener continues as the top contenders are evaluated. This week I tried the Original Gorilla Grip Can Opener along with its' twin the OXO Good Grips Can Opener.

gorilla grip can opener

The Gorilla was easy to use and delivered as promised. This is not a safe top can opener so the lid is jagged old school which was its' main con. Newer safe top can openers can eliminated the jagged edge lid and create a smooth lid; however, the Gorilla excels at what it is designed for which is a safe, easy to use can opener that is friendly on your joints.


The Gorilla promises as delivers. The can opener is very easy to grasp with a padded handle feel. The crank also has a padded feel and is easy to operate. 


The Gorilla again promises as delivers. The turning operation is smooth with little effort. The larger handle helps propel for easy opening and less stress on the hand and arm. 


Do can openers have a style? They definitely have a design, but for style the Gorilla is made in eight colors to mix,match or coordinate with a kitchens' style.


I previously reviewed the Pakitner Safe Cut Can Opener which I could not recommend due to the 
stress on the hand and wrist; however, the can opener itself I did very much like and loved the smooth lid edge as a safety feature.

I was familiar with the OXO Good Grips can opener as it was on loan for evaluation. 

The Gorilla Grip and the OXO Good Grips are very similar - so similar as if they were twins. From their features to design to comfort to cost, either would be an excellent choice as a can opener replacement or a second can opener.

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