Showing posts with label Hallmark movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hallmark movies. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2024

Autumn at Apple Hill - Hallmark Movie Review

Autumn at Apple Hill

In true Hallmark style, Autumn at Apple Hill is a sweet story that takes place in a beautiful setting with an adorable couple that fall in love.  Even though the plot is predictable, the movie is fun to watch.

This movie reminds us how things change in spite of us longing to hold on to the past.  Familiar stores that we grew up shopping in, close down for a variety of reasons or change ownership and are no longer the same even if they carry the same name.  Businesses like restaurants, recreation areas, and locally owned motels are shuttered.  In some cases, our old high school buildings are left vacate as students and classrooms are moved to a new location.  Friends move away and others pass away.  It is the normal cycle of life.  

The yearning for things to stay the same often battles our own desires to move on and embrace the new, updated or improved.  But, as long as we have our minds, we have our memories of the beauty in the past.  The things we took for granted are the things we now appreciate.  When given the opportunity to recapture a part of a cherished memory, we latch on to that treasure.

That is what this movie was about to me.  Restoring the beauty of the past so the next generation has the opportunity to make their own memories there, while we sit back to enjoy just being there.


Autumn at Apple Hill Synopsis

 Autumn at Apple HillCheck Price After her grandparents die, Elise purchases the Inn at Apple Hill, which was their home and business for her entire life.  She wanted to ensure the magic of the place was maintained.  Unfortunately, it costs a lot of money to keep up the required practical maintenance of an inn, especially with previously deferred things like a roof that leaks, kitchen equipment that has stopped working, and electrical wiring that has already exceeded it's life expectancy.  She needs a loan from the bank to make repairs, but the bank will not give her a loan until she can show a 15% gross profit.  She can't make that kind of profit when she can't rent out all of the rooms because they need repairs. 

In New York, Luke is being forced to take a vacation by the CEO of his employer, who happens to be his mother.  He decides he will spend this mandatory vacation in his home town of Apple Hill, where he can visit with old friends and even stay in a very special place, Inn at Apple Hill.  When he arrives in Apple Hill, he is distressed to see places closed down, including his childhood favorite arcade.  He is temporarily relieved to find the Inn at Apple Hill is still open, but once he starts experiencing their new reality, he is not happy with the new owner.

Sparks of anger fly between Elise and Luke, but those sparks change to a different type as the two start creatively working together to save the Inn at Apple Hill.

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Autumn at Apple Hill by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, October 18, 2024

Haunted Wedding (2024) - Hallmark Movie Review

haunted wedding
Few couples would want their wedding to be haunted by a real ghost.  Even if the bride and groom didn't mind, I doubt there would be very many people who would want to attend a haunted wedding.  But, leave it to Hallmark to find a way to make a haunted wedding a romantic event.

With Halloween approaching, I wanted to find a movie that fit with the season, but I had no desire to be scared witless.  When I discovered Hallmark had just released "Haunted Wedding", I trusted it would be a pleasant "haunting".  

The ghost was beautiful, yet threatening, but nothing was really scary about this movie.  Howling wind, flickering lights, thunder, and lightening was the extent of what most could see.  However, the bride and groom, who happened to be paranormal enthusiasts, could actually see and hear the ghost.  They were quickly drawn into her story and set out on a quest to help her before their own wedding.

I was not the least bit disappointed in Haunted Wedding!  It was a very enjoyable way to get into the "spirit" of Halloween.  There will be no nightmares as a result of this movie.


Synopsis of Haunted Wedding

Jana Atwell is a high school teacher and Brian Fuller is an antique dealer in Philadelphia.  Not exactly professions that would instantly make you think of paranormal investigators, but both embraced "spooky" and hoped they would find proof that there are real ghosts.

While ghost hunting in an abandoned sanitarium for the criminally insane, Brian chose to ask Jana to marry him.  This did not seem to be an unusual location for a proposal since the couple had met at PolterCon. 

Of course, Jana accepted the proposal.  It seemed only fitting that she would immediately start planning their wedding to take place at Keystone Manor, a renowned haunted hotel.

The Keystone Manor is haunted by a real ghost, Angelique DeMornay, who died of a broken heart in the 1700's.  She was only 26 years old when she died in her sleep.  One of the bedrooms upstairs was her bedroom in life, and is still maintained for her.  It is off limits to guests and kept as close to the original as possible.  

Angelique was engaged to Revolutionary war hero, Lieutenant Malcolm Buchanan, who was killed by British soldiers on his way to get married.  They had planned to elope on Oct 13, which happens to be Jana & Brian's wedding date.  One more thing the two couples have in common, Brian looks exactly like Malcolm.

Jana is the first person who has ever been able to hear or see the ghost of Angelique.  When Brian enters the room, he can see Angelique too, but she believes he is Malcolm.  When she is told of their plans to marry in a few days,  she declares no one is to wed in her home ever.



My favorite line in the movie was spoken by Brian when he proposed.  He said:  "I've spent my life seeking out lost souls and in the process, I found my soul mate".

In spite of the ghosts, the spooky setting and the sadness associated with lives and love cut short, this was a very romantic movie with a really sweet ending.  Romantics at heart will not want to miss this Hallmark movie!

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Haunted Wedding (2024) - Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, October 4, 2024

Love's Portrait - Hallmark Movie Review

Love's Portrait Movie Review
It seems some faces are just meant to be painted, photographed and filmed.  That is certainly true for the Love's Portrait star, Aubrey Reynolds.  

In the movie, Reynolds portrays a young woman who is still grieving the death of her husband, even though it has been 3 years since he died in a car accident.  Hallmark picked the right actress for this movie.  She comes across as being very gentle, kind and considerate, as well as content, but some of her facial expressions convey sorrow.  

She is truly the portrait of a sweet soul with an aching heart.

In the first few minutes of the movie, you are introduced to Lily Young (Aubrey Reynolds) and her co-workers who adore her.  We find out about Lily's life, what she does and does not want now or in her future.  The movie moves forward quickly when a stunning portrait arrives at the museum where she works and plans are quickly made for travel. 


Love's Portrait Movie Synopsis

Lily's boss, Michelle, is determined to help Lily find someone to date.  She has even gone so far as to add a profile to a dating app on Lily's behalf.  However, Lily isn't ready to start dating again and refuses to play along.  She is happy with her job as the museum curator and is content to focus on that.

When a new portrait arrives at the museum, everyone is immediately interested in it because it appears to be a portrait of Lily.  However, there is no packing slip in the box and the painting is not signed.  Thus, they all want to find out the identity of the artist.  Michelle is certain the artist is Lily's destiny and she is determined to find out the origin of the painting.  She sends her assistant to the deliveryman's home and he finds the packing slip in his truck. 

It turns out that the painting was shipped from a small town in Ireland.  Before Lily even has time to process it all, Michelle hands her a ticket to Ireland and tells her she must go!  Somewhat reluctantly, Lily agrees because she really is intrigued by the painting and would like to solve the mystery of the artist's identity, plus why he painted her.

And, this is where the fun begins .......


This really is a delightful movie.  All of the people in Ireland are awesome and fun, starting with the postmistress who clearly has her own interest in the painting as well as Lily's mission to find the artist.

Be sure to check this movie out on a day when you are seeking a bit of romance and mystery together.

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Love's Portrait - Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 20, 2024

Just My Type Hallmark Movie Review

just my type hallmark movie
This Hallmark movie caught my attention as I was scrolling down the list of movie titles available to watch. 

We have all heard the phrase "just my type" in reference to characteristics an individual possesses that appeal to us. However, in this case, for some reason the word "type" grabbed by attention and made me think of typing and typewriters.  

I must have seen a trailer in the past for this movie because the main characters are writers.  As a matter of fact, Martin Clayborne (the published author in the movie) writes all of his books on his old faithful typewriter.  Somewhere in my mind, I must have recalled that tidbit of information.

The movie title, Just My Type, is a cute play on words for both reasons: the typewriter element and the attraction element.

One more thing, it never hurts to bring a beautiful puppy along to melt our hearts.  Ernie (Briar, the golden retriever) is just my type! 


Just My Type Movie Synopsis   

Vanessa Sills (Bethany Joy Lenz) is a magazine writer in NYC.  She is up for a promotion to senior lifestyle editor for the magazine, but she has heavy competition.  Her next article is ready so she decides she has time for a short weekend break with her friend.  When she recognizes the reclusive mystery writer, Martin Clayborne, in a small town gas station, she reconsiders her next article.  Perhaps, she should replace it with an interview with Clayborne.  After all, he hasn't given an interview in 5 years.  Getting that interview might be just what she needs to further her career.  

Martin Clayborne (Brett Dalton) is enjoying his solitude in a small town that respects everyone's anonymity and privacy.  Marty is very active in the town activities.  Even when he is mistaken for a gas station attendant, he jumps right in to pump gas.  When Vanessa recognizes him as her favorite mystery writer, he avoids admitting his true identity by saying he "gets that all of the time".  Of course, his dog, Ernie, who is featured on his book cover, is lying on the ground not too far away.  In spite of his denial, it is pretty obvious to Vanessa that he is Martin Clayborne. 

This is where the real fun begins!  Vanessa starts finding ways to "bump" into Martin in hopes of convincing him to give her an interview, which he really does not want to do.  

Perhaps, she is just the type to get him to open up and give that long awaited interview!



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Just My Type Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Convenient Groom - Hallmark Movie Review

The Convenient Groom
Calling all Romantic Hallmark Movie Lovers!  This is a delightfully sweet and fun movie to watch.  

To be honest, I didn't expect much based on the description of this movie so I was very surprised to find a movie I really liked a lot.  I chose it solely because David Sutcliffe was one of the main actors.  I was not previously familiar with his co-star, Vanessa Marcil, but turns out, I really like her too.  She has a very easy smile, a lovely face and is a believable actress.  They make a very cute couple!

This movie was a very nice break for me.  I had stepped away from the romance movie genre this summer and started watching more of the mystery series movies.  I still had the final mystery episode in my mystery series to watch, but I was not in the mood for another murder today.  Thus, I sought out a pleasant romance.  


The Convenient Groom Synopsis

Kate Lawrence, Ph.D is a popular dating advice video blogger with a book deal just around the corner.  The movie starts with her offering tips on how to spot the red flags in a relationship on her show, "Just ... No".  I laughed out loud when I heard her describe a "high maintenance" man.  

Any movie that can make me laugh in the first two minutes is almost guaranteed to be a winner!

Following her own advice, Kate has found her own perfect fiance, soon to be husband.  For those of us watching, we can easily spot the "red flags" in her relationship, but she naively chooses to ignore them because she wants a relationship without conflict.  No surprise when her fiance breaks up with her, leaving her to explain to her audience what just happened to her big announcement.  She is about to "air all" when an old friend steps in to save her day, and her job, by claiming to be her fiance.  She, and her entire crew, are surprised, but play along with him during the filming to keep from having a totally disastrous show.

Lucas Wright feels really bad for Kate when he overhears her fiance breaking off their engagement, admitting that he is seeing someone else.  When she slips away to gather her thoughts before continuing the filming, Lucas takes that moment to talk to her.  Because he really wants to help, he ends up stepping out during the filming and announcing that he is Kate's fiance.  Of course, the crowd goes wild!

Kate and Lucas are engaged, at least as far as everyone else is concerned.  The announcement day has been saved, but now what?  Her book deal is still up in the air and vendors are lining up to be chosen for their wedding day in a few months. Sort of, jumping from the frying pan into the fire scenario.

Okay, so you probably have it all figured out, but it is still a delightfully fun mess to watch! 

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The Convenient Groom - Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Magic of Lemon Drops (2024) - Hallmark Movie Review

The Magic of Lemon Drops
I'm not particularly fond of hard candy, but lemon is my favorite flavor, therefore The Magic of Lemon Drops was a must-see for me as soon as it was available to watch.

This is a cute movie about seeing what life would be like if the main character had made different decisions along the way.  That has been a popular movie and book theme for decades.  Each movie has a different "avenue" used to show alternate lives, but eating a magic lemon drop is pretty unique.

Since lemon meringue pies are one of my favorite desserts, showing them in the previews was another draw to this movie for me.  I would not have thought to decorate a lemon meringue pie, but Lolly and her mother decorate their lemon meringue pies with lemon drops.  The lemon drops look rather pretty nestled in the meringue topping.    

After seeing "The Magic of Lemon Drops", I doubt I will ever see another lemon drop without thinking of this movie.    

The Magic of Lemon Drops Synopsis

 The Magic of Lemon DropsCheck PriceLolly is rather frustrated by her humdrum life.  She had hoped for so much more, including owning her own restaurant where she could set the menu.  Instead, she works for her father in their family diner, which is the same thing she has always done.

She would have liked to have gotten married to her high school sweetheart, but she broke up with him when he chose to go to Duke University and she didn't want him to go.  That is one of her main regrets that seem to haunt her life.

Lolly is reminded of all of the things she wanted to do in her life when she and her sister come across her old scrapbook in their attic.  When her Aunt Gert offers her a way to see what her life could have been, it is an offer she cannot refuse.

Would her own restaurant have been the great success she had envisioned?

What would life have been like if her mom had not died?

And, what if she had married Rory?


I'm not going to tell you Lolly's final choice.  You will need to watch The Magic of Lemon Drops to find out. 

Currently, The Magic of Lemon Drops is available on Amazon, the Hallmark Channel or on a streaming service that offers the Hallmark Channel movies (I watched it on Frndly TV, but is is also available on Peacock). 

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The Magic of Lemon Drops - Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 30, 2024

Roux The Day - Episode 5 of Gourmet Detective Series Review

roux the day
I must say, I love the play on words for this title, Roux The Day.  Very clever title for "The Gourmet Detective" series and another murder mystery to solve.  I immediately thought of Louisiana and the popular base for Cajun and creole dishes.  Of course, roux is not exclusive to Louisiana, nor is French cuisine, but don't tell a Louisianian that or you might just find yourself in the midst of your own murder mystery.

In previous episodes of The Gourmet Detective, we have watched the relationship develop between Maggie and Henry, from their first meeting to their exclusive dating relationship.  We have enjoyed their bantering while solving crime related to murders committed in the culinary world.  We have been introduced to some very interesting recipes for death, as well as some unique uses of cookware.

In this episode, Detective Maggie Price and Henry Ross, the Gourmet Detective, are pulled into another murder case when they discover a body in an antique shop they are visiting. 

Yet again, another one of my own favorite pastimes, visiting antiques stores, is pulled into another fun mystery.  It might make me think twice about seeking out help if the store appears to be unattended.  

Do you know the difference in a cookbook and a Chef's book?  I didn't until I watched this movie.


Roux The Day Synopsis

 Roux the Day: A Gourmet Detective MysteryCheck Price Henry Ross has been commissioned to examine a recently discovered Chef's book from an extremely popular restaurant of bygone days.  The Chef's book disappeared along with the fabulous meals when the restaurant closed down.  Henry is to bid on the book at auction if he determines it to be authentic.  The value of the book may well exceed $20,000 and he is authorized to spend whatever is necessary to ensure it's purchase for his anonymous buyer.

He invites his girlfriend, Detective Maggie Price, to attend the charity auction with him.  Unfortunately, they are told that the Chef's book was sold earlier that day.  According to the auction organizer, she did not want to risk the handsome sum she was offered by allowing the Chef's book to be auctioned.  A most unusual decision since it had already been announced that the book would be up for auction.  Several interested individual's were in attendance and quite upset by the pre-sale of the book.

With a bit of sneaky detective work, Maggie discovers who purchased the book.  She and Henry immediately head over to the new owners antique store in hopes of acquiring the book.  Unfortunately, all they acquired was a new murder case when they discovered a body instead of a Chef's book.



Roux The Day is the final episode of "The Gourmet Detective".  Hallmark has canceled the series.

"The Gourmet Detective" has truly been a delightfully fun Hallmark Mystery series to watch. I was quite sad to see that the series has been cancelled. What a shame that we never even made it to a wedding day, plus we have missed out on more "delectable" murder mysteries. I do hate it when Hallmark, or any production company, ends a series and just leaves fans hanging to create their own mental ending.   

Let's hope Hallmark doesn't rue the day they disappointed fans, once again, by cancelling a series we were not ready to see end!

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Roux The Day - Episode 5 of Gourmet Detective Series Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 23, 2024

Eat, Drink and Be Buried - Episode 4 of Gourmet Detective Series Review

Eat, Drink and Be Buried Movie
For the romantics who are watching, this may be your favorite movie in the series.  Detective Maggie Price and the Gourmet Detective, Henry Ross, are actually dating now.  In fact, it is rather funny to hear they are about to celebrate their 3rd month of dating as Maggie questions gift giving for the occasion.

For the mystery lovers, this episode has you covered too!  It may also be your favorite episode in the series since it is really hard to figure out the identity of the murderer.  The sibling issues created by a blended family makes almost everyone, except the father, a suspect.

Plus, a new character is added when Harry's father comes for a visit.  Many of us already feel a connection to Jim Ross because the part is played by Bruce Boxleitner.  We have watched this beloved veteran actor in several movies and popular TV series, which included Scarecrow and Mrs. King, where he played a spy.  Therefore, it is not a far stretch to see him play the part of a retired police officer in the Gourmet Detective.


Eat, Drink and Be Buried Synopsis

 Gourmet Detective: Eat, Drink and Be BuriedCheck Price

Henry is both a guest and menu consultant to create an authentic 1700's dinner for the event hosted by David Weston.   Of course, he takes Maggie as his date for the party.  What neither of them expect is to witness a murder and end up working as detectives.

During an authentic pistol duel reenactment between the brothers, one of them is really murdered because one of the pistols was loaded with real ammunition.  The surviving brother seems upset by the unexpected murder even though the two brothers were already "dueling" for their father's favor.  The dead brother's biological sister is also devastated.  However, both siblings are suspects, along with their other sister.  They are all employees of their father's company, as well as heirs.  The inheritance has just multiplied for each remaining sibling, therefore, they each had an incentive to murder.

As with all families, there is a lot of history as well as rivalries, and blended families don't always make a great mix.  But, murder is a bit extreme.

You may also enjoy reading my review of the pilot movie, Gourmet Detective, here Or my reviews of episode 2, A Healthy Place to Die, here and episode 3, Death Al Dente, here!

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Eat, Drink and Be Buried - Episode 4 of Gourmet Detective Series Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 16, 2024

Death Al Dente - Episode 3 of Gourmet Detective Series Reviewed

death al dente
Once again, Detective Maggie Price and her consultant, Henry Ross, investigate a restaurant related murder in the Hallmark Mystery Series, "Gourmet Detective".  Each episode is a stand-alone movie, but clearly we are also watching a relationship develop between Maggie and Henry throughout the series.

Henry Ross is a chef that has been dubbed the "Gourmet Detective" due to his excellent observation skills.  Previously, he helped the detectives when he witnessed a murder and proved quite knowledgeable about food poisoning, as well as the people in the restaurant industry.  He is now an "official" consultant to the homicide department.

Henry is not too thrilled when one of Maggie's ex-boyfriends, who also happens to be a detective, shows up on the current crime scene.  It is obvious Detective Steve Miller would like to rekindle their relationship and Maggie seems somewhat receptive to the idea.  After all, they have known each other since their college days and he was also there to help her through the difficult times that followed her divorce.  

Part of the fun of watching this series, is watching the expressions on all of the other actors faces.  They do an excellent job of showing their thoughts without saying anything. 

death al dente
Maggie talks to Steve as Munro, Bailey & Henry watch the interaction

Death Al Dente Movie Synopsis

Restaurant owner, Leo Triviano, was first attacked by an intruder in his kitchen pantry.  A week later, he survived being shot, but was later murdered in the hospital.  Of course, his longtime friend, Henry Ross, wants to find the killer.

Henry knew Leo had a problem with his head chef, Mateo Durand, which would make him suspect #1 in Henry's opinion.  However, that certainly would not explain the first intruder encounter since Mateo would always have access to the kitchen pantry.  And, exactly what was the intruder looking for in the pantry?

When a letter is found in the shredder, it seems it must be related to the murder.  Otherwise, why would anyone destroy an old letter.  Once the letter is put back together, it is still not clear until they realize there must be something important hidden in the words of the letter.

The investigation leads them to some surprising discoveries and suspects.  Just how many secrets did this family have? 

You may also enjoy reading my review of the pilot movie, Gourmet Detective, here Or my review of episode 2, A Healthy Place to Die, here!

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Death Al Dente - Episode 3 of Gourmet Detective Series Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Healthy Place to Die - Episode 2 of Gourmet Detective Series Reviewed

gourmet detective
I have really been enjoying the Hallmark Mystery Series, the Gourmet Detective.  Last week I reviewed the pilot movie of the series where we first met Detective Maggie Price and the "Gourmet Detective", Henry Ross.  

When forced to work together to solve a murder, the duo provide a light touch of comedy with their snippy comments to each other. 

The murder in this movie takes place at a gourmet convention.  Of course,  Henry is already attending and has two rooms, but it turns out his assistant is unable to go.  When he offers one of Maggie's co-workers the option to take his assistant's "already paid for" room at the conference, he ends up getting roped into taking Maggie instead.  Maggie's police captain believes it will provide the perfect opportunity for Maggie to take a much needed and earned vacation.  Henry offers the room to Maggie and she somewhat reluctantly agrees to go when she is assured they would not be going as a couple, just in tandem to the same place.

There is no way either of them could know one of the other conventioneers will be murdered.  Once again, Henry is immediately involved because he is the one to see the body floating in the mineral baths from his balcony.

A Healthy Place to Die Synopsis

Kathleen Evans is a magazine writer who doesn't hesitate to reveal nasty personal information about the notable people she features in her articles.  She previously taped an unflattering video that she shared, along with her article, on a popular actress and convention guest, Danielle Stark.  When aired, that article and video had cost Danielle her acting contracts for 3 years.  

Kathleen's tenancy to tell all, makes her a very unpopular attendee, especially after Danielle publicly confronted her at one of the convention's meet and greet events.  When Danielle stormed out of the room, the confrontation continued when Danielle's agent took it up, demanding that Kathleen leave the convention.   

It comes as no surprise that Kathleen is the murder victim.

Identifying the killer is much harder.  Both Detective Price and Henry Ross witnessed the confrontational scene which initially gave them their first set of suspects.  But, that would be too easy!

Be sure to watch how Henry Ross uses his skillet in this episode.  It gives any cook a new appreciation for their cookware.  It is close to the end of the movie, so you will need to watch the whole movie to see his unique cookware skill.

You may also enjoy reading my review of the pilot movie, Gourmet Detective, here!

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

A Healthy Place to Die - Episode 2 of Gourmet Detective Series Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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We may be apart, but
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