Sunday, June 4, 2017

3 Decorating Choices for a Love Themed Bedroom

All You Need is Love - A Bedroom Theme Based on What the Worlds Need Now

Well, these grand sentiments may be a little too big for bedroom décor, however, decorating because love is love, family is love, children mean love, or you love to inspire how to love, makes all the sense in the world.

From deciding upon a nursery theme to decorating a master bedroom, love works. Love fits all ages, all sizes, and all families and best of all, we never outgrow love. We can re-use and re-purpose all things love.

Love Rugs - The One Time You Can Walk all Over Love to Feel Good

The above handcrafted, stain resistant Love Rug is like love itself; it works for all ages. Whether you're decorating a child's room or planning to add loveable funk to your master bedroom, this four foot by six foot, one inch thick rug makes a creative addition.

For the nursery, put it front of the crib, for a grown-up space, add it to the side or end of the bed, in the middle of the room, or depending upon the size of the space, in front of a corner reading chair.

If this rug isn't just right, be sure to visit the link under the above Love-Rug photo to view a wider selection of colors, styles and designs.

Light Up the Room with Love - LED Love Signs

This particular Love Sign features 16 LED white lights and measures 20.8" by 9.25" by 1.56". It's a cordless accessory that operates with two AA batteries. It has an on off switch as well.

Place it in a bedroom above a dresser or over each bedroom side table as a form of ambient lighting. Better yet, for those who get up in the middle of the night to feed baby, it makes the ideal soft lighted guide.

When rocking baby, feeling tired, the word of love helps to remind us about what's important in life.

When you visit the link under the LED Love Sign photo, you'll find additional LED sign choices.

Wrap Love Around You in Bed with Love Themed Bedding

One of the easiest ways to bring a little love into the bedroom is by redoing your bedding set with one that features hearts, or roses, or words

Love Themed Bedding Here - Additional Designs As Well
Surprisingly, artistic bedding sets can be quite affordable making them an excellent choice for a seasonal or emotional re-do.

We tend to think our bedding has to remain the same, when in truth, purchasing various duvet sets allows us to interchange our room's décor without much added expense or fuss.

Use a love themed duvet set for your love themed bedroom and interchange it from time to time if hearts and roses get a little too much for constant use.

Changing up duvet sets simply means choosing colors and themes to match the fundamental design of the room. Find duvets that tie into your existing floors and walls and you'll be able to give your space hassle-free-pick-me-ups whenever you're in the mood for it.

Lead with love, it's the only road that takes us home - happy decorating.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, June 3, 2017

And Then There Were None - The Mini Series

And Then There Were None - The Mini Series
And Then There Were None
If you're after a dark mystery set in the late 1930s that will have you guessing right up to the end then you'll love And Then There Were None.   I have read the book, but I'm actually reviewing the 2015 mini series that was made for the BBC.

The book, by Agatha Christie, was published in 1939 and I think the miniseries captures the era well and it certainly has a lot of the nostalgic Christie feel about it.  If you're thinking of an Agatha Christie novel with good manners, manor houses and a little inconvenient murder to solve then you need to revisit Dame Christie.   And Then There Were None is when Agatha Christie tapped into her dark side and the result is a real masterpiece.

One of the reasons I liked the miniseries is that it managed to capture the darkness really well.  The bleakness of the island that is the main setting for the mini series made me want to go and visit, but it turns out that it wasn't actually filmed on an island!  When I first heard about this adaptation I remember reading 'mass murder rarely gets as fun as this' which I thought would've made a great tagline.

The basic story shows 8 strangers being invited to stay on a small, isolated island by someone none of them have actually met - the mysterious U. N. Owen.   When they get to the island their host isn't there although there are two servants on the island to look after them.

As the three part mini series unfolds our island cast of ten are killed off in the same way as the nursery rhyme (known as Ten Little Indians or Ten Little Soldiers), something which is picked up on by one of the main characters Vera Claythorne (played admirably by Maeve Dermody).

As you get to the end and are still trying to work out who did it we do get to see who was pulling the strings and it is the ending where it deviates from the book a bit, but not in a bad way.

I really believe that if Agatha Christie was alive today she'd be very happy with how this mini series turned out.

If you wanted to you could always read the book and watch the mini series to see which you prefer!  You can check out all of Agatha Christie's books on Agatha Christie's Booklist.


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 2, 2017

The Brickmaker's Bride - Refined by Love Book Series Reviewed

The Brickmaker's Bride by Judith Miller Reviewed

I just finished reading the Refined by Love book series written by Judith Miller and I ran over here as fast as I could to write my review.  I really enjoyed reading this series and was quite sorry when I realized I had read the last page in the final book.  The characters were so well developed over these 3 books that I really do feel like I know the family.  The author, Judith Miller, did an excellent job of resolving a lot of issues that a reader follows though the entire series.  

I had initially planned to review all 3 books in this one article.  However, once I started writing, I realized that would make this post too long.  Therefore, I will be reviewing The Potter's Wife (book 2) and The Artisan's Wife (book 3) in separate posts over the next 2 weeks.  

For this post, we shall focus only on The Brickmaker's Bride which is the first book in the series.


The Brickmakers Bride

The Brickmaker's Bride - #1 of the Series, Refined by Love

The title pretty much gives away the romantic side of the plot, but there is so much more to these books than just the romance.  Since they are historical fictions, the words paint a picture of what life for immigrants in in the late 1800's might have been like.  

The Brickmaker's Bride is unique because the immigrants were taken advantage of by Irish family members who brought them to America to work in Uncle Hugh's brickyard.  You would think that a family member would look out for their family, but Uncle Hugh prefers to profit off their labor and takes advantage of the needs of his own family.

The Plot

 The Brickmaker's Bride (Refined by Love)When Hugh Crothers cheats his way to a small fortune in Ireland, he quickly loads his wife, her sister and his nephew, Ewan, on a boat bound for America.  The Irish immigrants have great plans and high hopes for their new home.  Because of their background working in brickyards, Hugh decides purchasing a brickyard would be their best investment.  Ewan agrees to help him establish the brickyard with the understanding that they will bring his sisters to America as soon as they have the funds and that Uncle Hugh will make him a partner once the brickyard is profitable.  

Hugh purchases Woodfield Brickworks from Mrs. Woodfield and her daughter Laura, who worked in the brickyard office for her father.  When Mr. Woodfield did not return from war, it was necessary for the women to sell the brickworks and few people had the capital to purchase the business.  Winston Hawkins, an attorney with political aspirations that happens to be courting Laura Woodfield, serves as the intermediary between the Woodfields, the bank, and Crothers.

From the very beginning, Uncle Hugh tries to take advantage of the women and Ewan finds himself caught in the middle.  Almost immediately there is a misunderstanding about the property included in the sale.  Uncle Hugh believes the widow's mansion is included, but the house that is included is a smaller home close to the brickyard.  It was properly spelled out in the contract, but Hugh still maintains he was cheated and should have been given the mansion for the price he paid.  Ewan maintains he should have read the contract, asked questions and even visited the house before signing any papers.  But Hugh had been in a hurry to get on with it.

It is Ewan's knowledge, honestly and integrity that would make the brickworks successful again with the help of the Woodfield women who are willing to introduce him to all the right people.  Neither Hawkins nor Crothers are happy about the alliance being formed between Ewan and the Woodfields. 

Once the brickyard is operational, more reliable workers are needed.  Because it is in his best interest, Uncle Hugh secures a loan from the bank and sends the money back to Ireland for 10 male family members and their families, plus Ewan's sisters to come to America.  Once they arrive, they are all put to work, yet they have a huge debt to payoff.  Uncle Hugh expects each one of them to pay him back for their passage, plus interest, as well as pay him for their housing.  His wife, Margaret, puts a few of the women to work as servants and maids in her new big house.

There is much stress and strife as Uncle Hugh and Margaret continue to scheme and take advantage of everyone.  There are several additional minor plots developing throughout this book since it is the foundation for the entire series.  While it may seem to drag a bit, it is necessary to properly prepare us for the following books.

Even though it is necessary to read this book to have the full background of the other two books, I have no desire to spoil this book for you.  Therefore, I will conclude this review now and let you read it for yourself.  While you won't be surprised by who gets married, you will be shocked by some of the other actions and decisions made throughout this book. 

Be sure and join me for the reviews of The Potter's Lady and The Artisan's Wife. They are all excellent books and the series is definitely worth the time to read.

Read More Book Reviews at

The Brickmaker's Bride Book Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Prepare Your Family For Survival: A Book Review

Is your family prepared for a disaster or an emergency? If you aren't sure, don't miss Prepare Your Family for Survival. Here's a book review.

Recently I've been reading about and giving a lot of thought to emergency preparedness. Survival. Planning in case of a natural disaster or man-made emergency.

As a wife and mom, the person in the household who plans daily meals and re-stocks the pantry once or twice a week, how would I feed and otherwise care for my family if I couldn't get out to buy food?

What if the power went out and the blackout lasted for several days or even weeks. How would we cook? Would we have enough water to drink? To use in cooking? To wash with or flush the toilet?

I've asked myself, "Is our family prepared for an emergency situation?"

Is yours?

Meet Author Linda Loosli

As I sought out answers, I came across a helpful book called Prepare Your Family for Survival, written by Linda Loosli, founder of Food Storage Moms. Linda has been schooling herself (and others) for decades and she knows the topic of emergency preparation inside and out.

Linda first became interested in preparedness when she was a teenager and thrust into a situation that included a serious snowstorm, an empty pantry, and several mouths to feed. Due to extenuating circumstances, she and a cousin were put in a position of having to find food for the family. Quite a task at age 16. And, really, at any age!

Linda vowed to herself after the snowstorm disaster that when she grew up and had a family, she would see to it that they were always prepared to face an emergency, that she would always have enough food and other supplies stored, just in case. After she was married, she put her thoughts into action. She began with a garden, advanced to canning food, then eventually began reaching out to neighbors and church friends, teaching classes to help other women learn how to prepare their families, too.

Prepare Your Family For Survival by Linda Loosli, Book Review from ReviewThisReviews
Prepare Your Family For Survival
Click the book cover for a peek inside.

This is Not a Doomsday Book

Often when people think of preparing for survival, the term "doomsday" finds its way into the conversation. Linda doesn't use fear to motivate. Having lived through emergencies, she knows very well what we all should know: power outages and other unexpected scenarios can and do occur with little or no warning, anytime, anywhere. And it's up to each family to prepare. While her practical methods and advice speak mainly to women, the steps to becoming prepared to survive apply to the entire family.

What You'll Learn From The Book

Most of Prepare Your Family For Survival addresses how to prepare to brave an emergency at home, though there also is a very helpful section on "bugging out," deciding when it's best to leave your home and what to take when you do. Linda has done the math for her readers, providing lists, charts, and check-off sheets based on family size. She even includes sections on the special needs that young children and pets present.

I like that the author makes it clear that water is first and foremost when it comes to what individuals need to survive. She also writes about storing food and how to choose which food to store, emergency cooking situations, what to do when the power is out, family first aid and medical preparedness, personal hygiene, and laundry. Her advice is concise and helpful even to the point of recommending particular products that work. And since Linda has tested literally just about every survival product ever invented, she definitely knows what works and what doesn't.

Who Needs This Book

The book addresses the basics of preparedness and survival, but even those with prior experience in the field may learn a thing or two. If you're a beginner and need to finally get started storing survival essentials, this is a perfect book for you.

To me, the introduction of the book is worth its price for the peace of mind that it offers. Understanding that it's important to treat preparedness as part of a lifestyle takes the "scary and overwhelming" out of the topic. And, let's face it, many of us only think about how prepared we really are when the tornado sirens start or the first forecast of just where the next hurricane might make landfall appears on the nightly news.

Despite my well-known affinity for ebooks and my beloved Kindle, I bought this book in the paperback version. There are lots of charts and lists inside and I've been flipping back and forth through the chapters since I got my copy. In this case paper is convenient and besides, charging your tablet might not be a big priority when the power's been out for days.

Make your choice (paper or ebook) at this link. Then please come back and leave a comment to let me and other readers know what you learned from the book that you didn't already know, and how the book helped motivate you to Prepare Your Family For Survival.

~Susan Deppner
Read more of my reviews.

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Man Called Ove Book Review

a man called ove  book cover
Fredrik Backman's novel, A Man Called Ove, is a story about the grumpiest man ever. I really, really had to struggle to put Ken Follett's enthralling Fall of Giants down in order to read Ove for my next book club meeting. This problem seems to keep happening to me; that is, having to put one book down for a book club book. That's okay though. Part of the reason for joining a book club is to read books you might not have chosen on your own.

My husband, as always, was good at pushing me to the book I needed to be reading. Whenever Chris saw me with the wrong book in hand, he’d raise an eyebrow and I would reluctantly put Fall of Giants down in trade for Ove. My heart, however, was not in it. At least, not at first...

In the end, I cared. I cared about Ove and how he had come to be such a grumpy old curmudgeon. The cover suggests that reading this book will cause you to feel sympathy for the curmudgeons in your life, which might well be true but I am so very glad to say that I do not know anyone even a little bit as grumpy as Ove. He is, as Amazon says, "the bitter neighbor from hell."

Ove complains about everything. He is a strict believer that rules are meant to be followed, signs obeyed, things put in their place. If you do not feel the same way, be prepared to hear about it. He rejects most of modern technology believing computers, mobile gadgets and even modern vehicles to be bad news. He has strict routines and principles to be adhered to.

Despite Ove, or perhaps I should say because of Ove, A Man Called Ove is an entertaining book. It tells his life story and the story of the people who become his friends despite his off-putting personality. It does a good job of illustrating how one life affects the next and then the next.

Believe it or not, I would RECOMMEND this grumpy old man’s story. You will laugh and you will cry though I do remember laughing more than crying.

There were a number of surprises in this book. The one that bothered me is the age of this grumpy old man. I was jaw smacked when I finally found out how old he was and I see from other reviews online that I am not the only one who takes exception to the age that author Backman set for a grumpy old man.

If you pick up and read A Man Called Ove, be sure to come back and let us know what YOU think about Ove’s story (and about his age.) You can find it quickly and affordably priced on Amazon by clicking right here.

If you are looking for more books by Fredrik Backman, you might like to check out this review of My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry by another contributor here on Review This.

Stay tuned for more book reviews!

Treasures By Brenda

More Book Reviews:

Steve Berry's Amber Room.
John Sandford's Extreme Prey.
The One Man by Andrew Gross.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Murder In An Irish Village Reviewed

Irish Setting In A New Mystery Series

irish village
Irish Village Scene courtesy of
Today's review is for the first book in a new mystery series called Irish Village Mysteries that I literally stumbled upon last week. I wasn't familiar with the author but decided to take a chance and I am so glad that I did. 

The first book in this two book series is: Murder In An Irish Village. The story takes place in County Cork, Ireland in the small village of Kilbane. The O'Sullivans are a family of six children who lost their parents a year ago in a tragic auto accident. Since that terrible day the kids, led by 22 year old Siobhan, have kept the family business running. The business is a little bistro that their parents started called Naomi's Bistro. They serve breakfast and lunch in the small shop and live upstairs over the eatery. 

The book has a most delightful cast of characters! The children are so very believable with the sibling arguments that any family has to encounter. The youngest is a 10 year old little boy who is just hysterical in his antics and not knowing when to rein in his words. He just blurts things out at the most inopportune times. Just like most 10 year olds. 

Siobhan is smart, funny and quite the little sleuth. Her older brother James has been accused of murdering Niall in their family bistro and she is determined to find the real killer so that her brother can be set free. Now Niall was a bad sort! He tried to extort 10,000 euro for Siobhan just before he was killed. Was he blackmailing others? Our fiesty little red-haired gal is determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. 

I just absolutely loved the setting, the plot and the characters in this book. There are several twists and turns and I have to admit that I was surprised at who the murderer turned out to be. I liked the realism of the bungling attempts of 22 year old Siobhan as she tries to solve the mystery of Niall's death. She isn't exactly subtle in her questioning sometimes but then again she is young and wouldn't have the experience that an older person might have. 

I also loved that Carlene O'Connor used real Irish slang in the conversations between the characters.  There is a glossary at the beginning of the book that gives you the meanings of some of the phrases that might not be part of your own vocabulary. Ms. O'Connor also helps with the pronunciation of the very Irish names of the O'Sullivan kids. Like Siobhan...that is pronounced shi -vawn. She has a brother named Eoin which is Owen. That impish little 10 year old is named Ciaran which is pronounced Keeran. It is well worth looking through those pages before the story begins.

I plan to read the second book in the series, too. I found the writing of the author very entertaining with her well rounded characters and fast pace twists and turns as she unfolded the story. Very well done!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 29, 2017

Practicing Mindfulness on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day set aside each year to remember those who have lost their lives while serving their country in the armed forces. The meaning of the day can easily become lost in the long weekend filled with barbecues and beer. Or become confused with Veteran's Day, with which we greet our living armed forces folks with a "Happy Veteran's Day". Political disagreements can threaten to erode the meaning of Memorial Day altogether. As a result of all of these things, and with utmost respect to those willing to sacrifice so much for my protection and freedom, I choose to spend Memorial Day in mindful remembrance.

Memorial Day - Remembering Individuals

As a grateful Army mom, whose sons both returned from deployments, I have decided this year to intentionally know about someone (or multiple people) who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  I wanted to put real names on this holiday in order to honor them and their families by keeping their memories alive.

I chose to read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn by Karen Vaughn.  

Overnight, I've read 75% of the book. Karen tells us of her son as a child, an adolescent, a young man, and finally a Navy SEAL. She tells of her perspective of parenthood as a Christian and of her faith in God. She describes her mother-son bond and how that bond is broken when the helicopter is shot down, killing all on board - including members of Navy SEAL VI - including her son. She writes with such honesty of the moment that my chest hurt as I sobbed. 

Despite the great loss she and her family have endured with the loss of her son, there is somehow peace in her writing. There is no asking for pity, only a quiet strength. I'd imagine she attributes that to God. She is a good witness to those of us who are not as convinced of such an active force in our lives. 

In this book, Karen Vaughn memorializes her son in a beautiful way. She describes his childhood antics, his school-aged years, and his move into being a husband/father a such a loving way - without being overly syrupy. I definitely feel as though I know who Aaron Vaughn was in life. 

Memorial Day - General Remembering

On this day there are many ways to remember those who have passed before us, in the service of their country.  A few ways to remember in general are:

  • attend or participate in a Memorial Day parade
  • fly a flag
  • watch movies (such as Act of Valor, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Pearl Harbor, and so many more)
  • watch documentaries 
  • visit a military cemetery 
  • visit a war memorial or museum
  • choose a time period and educate yourself about that war

Even if you don't agree with the politics of a particular President or the reasons a specific war has occurred, the United States of America is what it is in large part because it has been participating in battles for over 200 years. I guarantee there has been someone, in some conflict, who has supported or protected your interests. 

On this Memorial Day, I am focused in my thanks to those individuals who were willing and able to do what I am not. Today, I am mindful of those families who have lost a loved one in the defense of our country. 

Updated:  I have become aware that immediately following the launch of World Changer, Amazon's link to purchase hardcovers went down.  I am not aware of the reason why but want to make sure that I provide my readers with an alternate link for the purchase of World Changer in hardcover.  In the event the Amazon link goes down again, please refer to Karen Vaughn's official website to make that purchase - Official Karen Vaughn World Changer site .

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Two Creative Decorating Ideas for Book Lovers

Featured on
Add these Unique Pieces to a Book Themed Space

You don't have to spend a fortune building book shelves or adding expensive wood to a room in order to create your book themed space. Instead, add these artistic reading inspirations.

A Staircase Bookshelf Wall Decal

If you've ever wanted to make a statement with your décor, a faux book shelf on your staircase is the way to do it. Hey, money permitting, take it to the next level and create real bookshelves on the backs of the steps. However, if that kind of investment isn't in the cards, be sure to check out how affordable stair art decals are.

If you love color, books and decorating in a non-traditional way, this stair decal is calling your name. It's easy to put up; simply peel and stick. However be sure the surface is clean, dry and smooth. Count your steps first as it comes with 13 pieces. If you have more than 13 stairs, you'll have to order two sets. Also, another nice feature is it's retro nostalgic paper style verses a more modern high definition effect. If you're looking for a more traditional book-shelf art, this works.

A Uniquely Designed Book Side Table

This handcrafted Design Toscano Lord Byron Wooden End Table is stunning in it's craftsmanship and artistic elegance.

If you're not familiar with Design Toscano pieces, you'll be pleasantly surprised with their exclusive home décor sculptures, statues, wall art and furniture. This unique book side table is merely one of over 6000 items available through Design Toscano.

The book side table has a two door opening and a pull out drawer on the bottom. The two-book look on top finishes the overall appearance and gives the piece it's elegance.

It's surprisingly affordable when you consider that each piece is individually handcrafted by Artisans.

Take your love of books to the next level, the easy way.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Review of Byrd's Famous Cookies

Byrd's Famous Cookies tin
The Byrd Cookie Company has been an established company in Savannah, Georgia since 1924.  At that time, Ben T. Byrd, Sr. began baking small batches of cookies from his bakery, packing them in wooden crates, and personally delivering them to neighborhood markets in his Model T Ford.

Later, Ben's son, BT Byrd, Jr. had the idea of packing these bite sized confections in tins, so that they would travel better.  It wasn't long before Byrd became a gourmet food company, shipping cookies to other markets outside Savannah. By then, Byrd, Jr. had become known as "Cookie" Byrd!

Cookie Byrd's daughter Kay, and her husband, were the third generation of the Byrd family to run the company and today their daughter Stephanie continues with the 91 years of baking the famous Byrd cookies.

Each generation has developed new recipes and innovative ideas and the company has expanded its marketplace worldwide.  Their “recipe for success” includes its continued tradition of hard work, superior product quality, and outstanding customer service. They continue to bake in small batches to deliver the superior cookies their customers expect. 

Byrd's Famous Cookies tin

Byrd's Famous Cookies - Scotch Oatmeal
Scotch Oatmeal Cookie

The classic Byrd Cookie is it's Scotch Oatmeal cookie currently available.

A Few of Byrd's Famous Cookie Flavors

Key Lime Cooler

Byrd's Key Lime Cooler Cookies
Byrd's Key Lime Cooler
To this day, the Key Lime Cooler cookie remains the company's best selling cookie. It is the first cookie to ever win the Dessert of the Year award at the NASFT Fancy Food Show. 

The Key Lime Cooler is a thin bite-size cookie bursting with the same deliciously tart-but-sweet flavor as key lime pie. This classic cookie has a powdered sugar coating.

Georgia Peach Cookies


Byrd's Georgia Peach Cookies
Byrd's Georgia Peach Cookie

This award winning 'Flavor of Georgia' cookie has a sweet Georgia peach taste. Byrd takes the tangy goodness of a tree ripened peach and coats it with powdered sugar with a flavorful sweet cream taste. 



Favorite Bite Sized Cookies of the Low Country

Byrd's Famous Cookies packages
Byrd's Famous Cookies from Savannah's Iconic Cookie Bakery
This famous Savannah company is located virtually across the Savannah River from the South Carolina Low Country, which includes the coastal area from Myrtle Beach to Charleston and Hilton Head. Thus, having a Byrd cookie named for the Low Country fits right in with this area.

Byrd's Famous Cookies Of Savannah include these favorite bite-sized cookies of the Low Country. They come in a gift ready Post Card style 6 Oz.Tin and include the Key Lime Coolers, Georgia Peach, Benne Wafers, Almond Shortbread, Chocolate Chip, and Scotch Oatmeal.

For a list of all the current flavors of Byrd's Famous Cookies, Click here on their Website.

Byrd's Famous Cookies Stores

Byrd's Famous Cookies store at City Market in Savannah, Georgia
Byrds Famous Cookies at City Market

The flagship store is located at the bakery at 6700 Waters Avenue in Savannah and other stores are located in City Market in the Savannah Historic District and on the famous River Street located along the Savannah River.  You can shop for a selection of gifts, gourmet items, and curated selection of boutique wines. In addition, of course, to all the cookie flavors Byrd is famous for.  

Bakery Tours

Take a tour of Byrd's Bakery when you visit Savannah, Georgia.  You will be able to smell the cookies before you even enter the door.  Whether you are a tourist visiting the city or locals who want to arrange field trips for school children and Scout troops, it's a fun tour. You'll get to know the history and legacy of this multi-generational cookie company on your guided tour and delight in lots of cookie tasting!  Tours are available  Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM and a tour can be booked in advance by emailing or call 912.721.1551.

May your cookie jar never be empty!


Byrd's Famous Cookies bite-size package
Byrd's Famous Bite-Size Cookies


  A yummy Article written by Wednesday Elf  (c) 5/27/2017


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 26, 2017

Hidden Valley Pasta Salad Mix Reviewed

Hidden Valley Pasta Salad Reviewed
I rarely get very excited over boxed food, but this Hidden Valley Pasta Salad mix caught my eye when I was in the grocery store a few weeks ago.  

With the hot weather of summer fast approaching, the idea of a cold pasta salad was very appealing.  I thought, why not?  I'll give it a try.  Worst case, I wasted a few dollars and end up tossing it in the trash. 

However, I was pleasantly surprised!

Hidden Valley Pasta Salad - Original Ranch

HIDDEN VALLEY PASTA SALAD ORIGINAL RANCH 7.9 OZHIDDEN VALLEY PASTA SALAD ORIGINAL RANCH 7.9 OZAs it turns out, this is by far the best pasta salad I have ever tasted, bar none.  It took less than 15 minutes to cook the pasta, stir in the sauce and add the required mayonnaise and milk.  With the first bite, I was absolutely shocked at how delicious it tasted. 

I couldn't eat all of the pasta salad I made that day all at one time and I wasn't about to throw it away.  I put the leftovers in the refrigerator.  For the next two days I ate the leftover pasta salad for lunch.  In fact, it was even better the second and third day after the ingredients had "married" overnight.  Plus, after being refrigerated, it was cold and made for a very nice lunch on the warm days that followed. 

I'm pretty excited about the discovery of the Hidden Valley Pasta mixes.   For this first adventure, I made the Original Ranch pasta salad. But, I will definitely be trying the Southwest Ranch next. 

Not only is it great for my own lunch, but I would willingly serve the pasta salad for the holidays, at a ladies luncheon, or as a side for dinner.  It is always nice to have something fast and easy to prepare whether I am cooking just for myself, feeding my family, or entertaining guests. 

Add Vegetables or Meat to Your Pasta Salad

For lunch, I prefer pasta salad without meat, but you can add ham, bacon, chicken or other chopped meat in with the pasta to make a fabulous dinner.  Or, you might want to add fresh vegetables instead.  How do I know it would be fabulous?  Because the base pasta salad is fabulous, so adding a tasty meat or fresh vegetables would simply give it a new twist.

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Hidden Valley Pasta Salad Mix Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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