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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Best Low Carb, High Protein, Gluten-Free Pasta

Kaizen Low Carb Pasta made with lupin flour is a health-conscious alternative to traditional pasta made with wheat flour and semolina. It is the best pasta I have found for those of us who follow a low-carb diet, such as keto enthusiasts, diabetics, or anyone looking to reduce their carbohydrate intake. It is also a great option for people who follow a gluten-free diet.

This product review will cover Kaizen pasta’s taste, texture, nutritional value, preparation, and overall value. As a bonus, I will also share a simple recipe I developed that uses Kaizen fusilli.

Kaizen low carb, high protein, gluten-free pasta

Taste and Texture

One of the most critical aspects of any pasta product is its taste and texture. Kaizen low carb pasta aims to mimic the familiar experience of traditional pasta, and it does a commendable job.


The pasta has a mild, slightly nutty flavor that pairs well with a variety of sauces. It reminds me of chickpea pasta. 

While it doesn't have the same taste as pasta made from wheat flour and semolina, it is quite enjoyable when combined with robust sauces like marinara or Alfredo. 


The texture is pleasantly firm, though slightly different from traditional pasta. It is a bit chewier, which can take some getting used to, but it holds up well in both hot and cold dishes. 

Nutritional Value

Kaizen low carb pasta shines in its nutritional profile, making it an attractive option for health-conscious consumers.

Low in Carbohydrates

This pasta is significantly lower in carbs compared to regular pasta, making it suitable for low-carb and keto diets. Each serving contains only 6 grams of net carbs, depending on the specific variety. 

The company has also come out with an even lower-carb pasta line, which I have ordered and will review after I have tried it.

High in Protein

With 20 grams of protein per serving, this pasta helps in meeting daily protein requirements, which is beneficial for muscle maintenance and overall health. 

High in Fiber

The pasta has 15 grams of dietary fiber per serving, contributing to better digestive health and helping to keep you full for longer.


Kaizen pasta has been reformulated with a gluten-free recipe, so more people can enjoy it.

No Artificial Ingredients

Kaizen prides itself on using natural ingredients, which is a big plus for those avoiding artificial additives and preservatives. 


Preparing Kaizen Low Carb Pasta is straightforward and similar to traditional pasta. Just bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, cook the pasta for about 5–6 minutes (to the desired texture), drain, and use as desired, with a sauce or in recipes. 

Although the texture is different than traditional pasta made from wheat and semolina flours and cannot be cooked al dente, it's crucial to monitor the pasta closely to avoid overcooking so it does not become mushy.


Kaizen Low Carb Pasta is versatile and, at the time of this post's publication, is available in four shapes: Fusilli, ziti, radiatore, and cavatappi. This makes it suitable for a variety of dishes.

It works well in classic hot pasta dishes like spaghetti Bolognese, carbonara, lasagna, and baked casseroles.

I used it to make a low-carb, high-protein, high-fiber version of a traditional Jewish sweet noodle kugel (a sweet egg, cottage cheese, and noodle casserole) and it was absolutely delicious!

It also holds up well in cold pasta salads, providing a hearty base for a variety of fresh ingredients. 

Overall Value

Considering its health benefits, Kaizen low carb pasta offers good value for money. Although it is more expensive than conventional pasta made with wheat flour and semolina, the added nutritional benefits will justify the higher price point for many consumers.

It's particularly valuable for those who need to manage their carbohydrate intake, follow a gluten-free diet, or want a higher protein alternative to standard pasta.

Kaizen low carb pasta is an excellent product for anyone seeking a healthier alternative to traditional pasta without compromising on taste and texture. Its high protein and fiber content, combined with its low carbohydrate profile, make it a standout option for low-carb dieters and health-conscious individuals. While it may require a slight adjustment in cooking and texture expectations, its versatility and nutritional benefits make it a worthwhile addition to your pantry.

Low Carb Fusilli With Pork and Mushroom Ragu

I whip up this delicious, low carb pasta dish often because it's quick and easy to make and my husband and I both enjoy it.

I usually serve it with a side salad and, sometimes, with garlic bread made with Hero bread (expensive but 0 net carbs and exceptional taste and texture for a keto-friendly bread).

I hope you and your family enjoy it.

Buon appetito!

Servings: 4


Boiling water


1 pound ground pork

8 oz. portabello mushrooms

1/4 cup wine (red is traditional but white is good, too)

Chopped fresh or dried Italian herbs (optional)

15.5 oz. jar Rao's Homemade Marinara sauce

8 oz. box Kaizen Fusilli low carb pasta

Freshly grated Parmigiano-Romano cheese


  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil while you make the pork and mushroom ragu (meat sauce).
  2. In a large nonstick skillet, crumble and lightly brown the ground pork over medium-high heat.
  3. Slice the mushrooms and add them to the browned pork. Stir occasionally until the mushrooms are soft.
  4. Stir in the wine and the optional seasonings and cook until the wine is reduced by about half.
  5. Stir in the marinara sauce and turn the heat to a low simmer.
  6. Stir the fusilli into the boiling salted water (some foaming is normal) and boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Drain and stir the cooked pasta into the pork and mushroom ragu. Turn the heat down to low and let the pasta "marry" with the sauce for 3 to 5 minutes.
  8. Divide into four portions and grate some Parmigiano-Romano cheese over the top just before serving.

The Best Low Carb, High Protein, Gluten-Free Pasta by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Clean Makeup Brushes in Seconds With This Terrific Brush Cleaner Spray

As a beauty and skincare enthusiast who loves wearing makeup, I am passionate about using good quality makeup brushes and caring for them properly to keep them clean, hygienic, and performing at their best. Recently I shared my tutorial for the best way to clean makeup brushes without ruining them, including my tips for cleaning brushes with water and a good quality brush soap cleanser without getting water inside the ferrule that covers the glued join between the bristles and the handle, which can cause shedding and shorten the useful life of your makeup tools. 

In that tutorial, I discussed using an alcohol-based sanitizing spray periodically in between washings. Today, I am reviewing another type of spray-on brush cleaner: Jenny Patinkin Spray Away Instant Makeup Brush Cleaner. Spray Away is a new favorite for me that instantly removes even heavily pigmented makeup from bristles easily in just seconds and leaves my brushes dry and ready to use again immediately. It also helps keep the inside of my brush case clean and free from makeup residue.

Jenny Patinkin Spray Away Instant Makeup Brush Cleaner

Developed by a "Lazy" Professional Makeup Artist

Spray Away was developed by pro makeup artist, beauty expert, brand founder and bestselling author Jenny Patinkin, who wrote Lazy Perfection, The Art of Looking Great Without Really Trying. Patinkin's eponymous line of beauty tools is all about simplicity, sustainability, and effectiveness with minimal effort. Spray Away definitely fits with her beauty philosophy. 

Cleans Makeup Brushes Completely in Seconds!

As someone who relies on good quality makeup brushes, I've tried my fair share of brush cleaners and this one truly stands out.

Watch me demonstrate how Jenny Patinkin Spray Away Instant Makeup Brush Cleaner lives up to its name, allowing me to remove all traces of a heavily pigmented, vivid blush and a dark brown eyeshadow from some of my favorite makeup brushes from BK Beauty. 

Note: If you prefer, you can watch my Spray Away brush cleaning demonstration on YouTube.

Works Beautifully on Brushes With Densely Packed Bristles

As you can see from my demonstration, Spray Away Instant Makeup Brush Cleaner works perfectly on brushes of any size, from large foundation and blush brushes to small eyeshadow and eyeliner brushes, as long as they have densely packed bristles like the ones from BK Beauty that I show in the demo.

The only thing you need in addition to the Spray Away is a towel. I prefer to use a large microfiber cloth.

If you have any brushes with long, loose bristles, you'll want to stick to washing those with water and a brush soap type cleaner, such as Jenny Patinkin Makeup Brush Soap.

Gentle Yet Effective

I also appreciate the gentle yet effective nature of the formula. Spray Away removes even stubborn makeup buildup effectively without damaging the bristles or compromising their softness.

Dries Almost Immediately

One of the most impressive aspects of this cleaner is its quick-drying formula. Spray Away evaporates almost instantly, allowing you to use your brushes immediately after cleaning. This is a game-changer for those moments when you need to switch between colors or brushes on the fly.

A Clean Beauty Product

According to the brand, Spray Away is oil-free, dye-free, waterless, paraben-free, vegan, and free from the types of chemicals commonly found in makeup brush sprays.

It also leaves behind a subtle, pleasant scent that adds a touch of luxury to the cleaning process.

A Great Gift for Any Makeup Lover

Anyone who wears makeup should be cleaning their brushes regularly: washing weekly or bi-weekly and doing quick cleanings in between washings to keep brushes hygienic and performing well.

The Jenny Patinkin Spray Away Instant Makeup Brush Cleaner, some microfiber cloths and the Jenny Patinkin Luxury Vegan Makeup Brush Soap would make a great gift!

Overall, Jenny Patinkin's Spray Away Instant Makeup Brush Cleaner has earned its place as a staple in my beauty arsenal. Its convenience, quick-drying formula, and effectiveness make it a standout product that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone looking to streamline their brush cleaning routine

Clean Makeup Brushes in Seconds With This Terrific Brush Cleaner Spray by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

You'll Love This High-Quality Glocusent LED Neck Reading Light

My husband and I run on very different internal clocks. I am a night owl, while he has to get up early for work (and is, by nature, more of an early bird). I have tried to reset my internal clock to align more closely with his, but that has meant going lights-out at 12:30 AM instead of at 2 AM, while his bedtime is 9:30-10 PM.

I try to keep my bedside lamp low for his sake (and to help my body get the signal that it should start winding down for the night), but if I want to read a printed book or magazine or do some needlework or beading to help me wind down after he's asleep, my aging eyes need good lighting. That's why I'm so happy to have found the Glocusent LED Neck Reading Light, which has worked much better for me than clip-on book lights or head lamps.

The Best Adjustable LED Neck Light

Illuminate Your Bedtime Reading or Handiwork Without Disturbing Your Partner

In this review, we'll delve into its features, usability, and overall performance to help you decide if it's the right addition to your nightly reading or handiwork ritual.

Comfort and Convenience

One of the standout features of the Glocusent LED Neck Reading Light is its lightweight, ergonomic design. The flexible arms allow you to adjust the light to your preferred angle, ensuring optimal illumination without straining your neck or eyes. No more wearing uncomfortable headlamps or trying to read in low light to avoid disturbing your partner. Simply position the light around your neck and enjoy hands-free illumination. Whether you prefer to read lying down, sitting up, or anywhere in between, this reading light adapts to your needs with ease.

Versatile Lighting Options

The Glocusent LED Neck Reading Light offers customizable illumination to suit your environment, thanks to six brightness levels (two independently controlled neck light arms, each with three brightness levels) and three color temperature modes (warm, warm white, and cool white). Whether you're engrossed in a thrilling mystery novel, catching up on your favorite magazine, or relaxing with a needlework project, you can easily adjust the brightness and color temperature to create the perfect lighting for your needs and personal preferences.

Long Battery Life and Convenient USB-C Charging

One of the most frustrating aspects of traditional reading lights is their tendency to run out of battery at the most inconvenient times. Fortunately, the Glocusent LED Neck Reading Light features a rechargeable battery with impressive longevity. With just a few hours of charging via a common USB-C cable, you can enjoy hours of uninterrupted reading or hobby time, making it the ideal companion for late-night literary or needlework sessions.

Compact, Portable, and Travel-Friendly

Perfect for travelers, bookworms, and anyone who loves to read or do crafts in bed, this comfortable neck light will become your best friend whether you're curling up with a good book or traveling for business or pleasure. Its compact and foldable design makes it easy to stow in your bedside table drawer or pack in your bag or suitcase, ensuring that you always have access to reliable illumination wherever you go.

No Task Light? No Problem!

For people who enjoy crafts or hobbies or who need to work on the go where there may not be adequate task lighting, this lightweight, portable LED neck light is a perfect solution. Whether you're sitting on the living room sofa or in a dimly-lit hotel room, you can easily get good task lighting focused directly at your reading material, project, etc.

A Gift Everyone Will Appreciate

Good lighting makes every task, from reading to working to hobbies, easier and more enjoyable. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't benefit from one of these affordable, versatile, comfortable, and well designed neck lights.

The Glocusent LED Neck Reading Light is a versatile and user-friendly accessory that enhances the nighttime reading experience and makes a valuable accessory for work or leisure activities.

Its comfortable design, customizable lighting options, long-lasting battery life, and portability make it a must-have for avid readers, needleworkers, and hobbyists of all ages. Say goodbye to strained eyes and cumbersome temporary lighting setups with this inexpensive, useful, and practical accessory.

You'll Love This High-Quality Glocusent LED Neck Reading Light by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Best Easy-to-Clean Insulated Stainless Steel Mug for Hot Drinks

I previously reviewed my favorite Thermos insulated stainless steel travel tumblers, which I use to keep my tea warm all day long. I still use them every day for my tea, but I find that having to disassemble the lids to clean them thoroughly after drinking hot cocoa, coffee with cream, or other hot drinks that leave a residue is cumbersome.

For that reason, I had been drinking my hot cocoa, etc., in ceramic mugs. Unfortunately, since I like to sip rather than gulp my hot beverages, regular mugs don't keep my drinks hot long enough. By the time I was halfway through my drink, it usually had become tepid.

I liked the insulated stainless steel mug that my husband uses to keep his coffee hot, but the slide-open lid needs to be disassembled for cleaning and isn't dishwasher safe. 

Finally, I found a good solution: The Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug, a dishwasher-safe, insulated, stainless steel mug with a lid that has an opening for sipping.

Easy-to-Clean Stanley Stainless Steel Insulated Mug

While the Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug has long been a staple for outdoor enthusiasts, its versatility extends far beyond outdoor use. In this product review, I'll share why the Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug is not just for camping but also perfect for home use, keeping your daily coffee, tea, or cocoa hot longer than ceramic or china mugs.

Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug Features and Benefits

Design and Durability

True to its name, the Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug embodies timeless design and unmatched durability. Crafted from rugged stainless steel and featuring double-wall vacuum insulation, this mug keeps your favorite hot beverages at their optimal temperature for a long time. Whether it's a brisk morning coffee or a relaxing evening tea, the Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug ensures that every sip is as enjoyable as the last.

Its durable stainless steel construction makes it a great choice for enjoying a hot beverage on a deck, patio, or outdoor space without fear of breakage.

Although it doesn't keep drinks as hot as mugs that have completely closed lids, this insulated stainless steel keeps beverages hot much longer than a conventional ceramic mug. I also love that it can be used one-handed because the lid doesn't have to be removed or slid open and closed.

Stanley insulated stainless steel mug and lid
I love how the lid has a tab handle that makes it a cinch to press on and lift off.

Comfort and Ergonomics

The Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug offers style and comfort in equal measure. Designed with ergonomics in mind, this mug features a sturdy handle that provides a secure grip for effortless sipping. The wide mouth opening in the lid makes it easy to drink from and clean, while the smooth lip ensures a pleasant drinking experience with every sip. 

Top view of Stanley insulated stainless steel mug
The opening is wide enough to enable easy sipping but also small enough to prevent hot drinks from cooling prematurely.

Versatility and Adaptability

While the Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug is built for the great outdoors, its versatility makes it a perfect fit for any home setting. Its sleek, classic design, rugged construction, and choice of colors make it an attractive and useful accessory for your kitchen, desk, or coffee table. Whether you're starting your day with a caffeine boost, warming up with some hot cocoa, or winding down with a soothing cup of tea, this mug accommodates your preferred hot beverages.

I chose the 12-ounce mug, but it also comes in a tall 24-ounce mug option.

Ease of Cleaning

Cleaning the Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug is a breeze, thanks to its durable stainless steel construction and secure press-fit Tritan Drink-Thru Lid.

Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug's Tritan Drink-Thru Lid
The press-fit lid is all one piece so there's nothing to disassemble and no tiny crevices, so it's easy to clean. The tab handle makes it easy to lift out for washing. In addition, both the stainless steel mug and the lid are dishwasher safe in case you don't want to hand wash them.

Whether you choose to hand wash or use a dishwasher, keeping this insulated mug clean is quick and hassle-free, ensuring that it remains in pristine condition for years to come. I use our OXO bottle brush for both the lid and the mug since I prefer to hand wash them.

Makes a Great Gift

The Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug is more than just a camping essential—it's a versatile and indispensable accessory for any home, thanks to its timeless design, excellent durability, and easy cleaning requirements. It would make a much-appreciated gift for someone who enjoys camping as well as anyone who likes to sip on a hot drink any time of day.

This mug is available in a wide range of colors to suit any taste. 

Some colors are available only in the 12-ounce model, others only in the 24-ounce model, and others in both sizes. I chose a metallic rose gold shade called Rose Quartz Glow. Here are just some of the color options.

Savoring a hot beverage is one of life's simple pleasures. Enhance the experience with the Stanley Classic Legendary Camp Mug.

The Best Easy-to-Clean Insulated Stainless Steel Mug for Hot Drinks by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How to Organize Your Messy Linen Closet With Pop-up Storage Bins

A cluttered linen closet can be a source of frustration, especially when you're searching for that elusive missing pillowcase from a set of sheets or the washcloth from a particular set of towels. Fear not! In this guide, I’ll review an easy and efficient way to organize your linen closet using pop-up fabric storage bins labeled with index cards inside clear plastic pockets. Say goodbye to the linen closet chaos and hello to a well-organized and visually pleasing storage space for your sheets, towels, tablecloths, napkins, spare blankets and pillows, out-of-season comforters, and holiday table runners.

It's time for spring cleaning!

Easy linen closet makeover

I am not neat and well-organized by nature. However, I dislike living in a cluttered environment, as does my husband. So, periodically, we tackle an area of particular irritation to de-clutter and organize. Our most recent project was our overstuffed and extremely messy linen closet.

Our easy linen closet makeover was a smashing success, so I put together a step-by-step guide to decluttering and organizing a messy linen closet. (My fellow Review This Reviews contributor Barbara also wrote a linen closet organization guide several years ago that you might want to check out.)

Photograph Your Messy Linen Closet Before You Begin Organizing

I encourage you to take before-and-after photos to document the transformation. Our “before” closet was so bad that I didn’t photograph it and now I wish I had! The "before" photo you see above was taken in the middle of the process, after we had pulled everything out, sorted it into piles, discarded items we no longer need or use, and organized the linens we're keeping. It would have been far more impactful to show our real "before" linen closet next to our finished, organized "after" result, as well as a feel-good reminder of all we accomplished during this DIY home organization project.

Step 1: Assess, Sort, and Weed

Decluttering is the first step towards achieving an organized and functional space. Before diving into the organization process, take a moment to assess your linen closet's contents.

We pulled everything out of our closet, dumped them on our king-size bed, and then sorted all our sheets, pillowcases, towels, blankets, tablecloths, napkins, and other miscellaneous items into piles by category. Then came the hard part: deciding what to let go of or store elsewhere (such as the rarely used sheets for our sofa bed).

Set aside any worn-out, torn, stained, or mismatched linens, towels, or items you no longer need. Be as ruthless as you can. Decide what to discard or recycle and what to donate, then put those items into the trash, bags, or boxes, as appropriate, labeling the containers for recycling or donation.

Step 2: Group, Arrange, and Label Your Remaining Linens

Next, put everything else back in the closet, grouping related items and arranging them in whatever way you prefer to maximize shelf space and optimize organization. Be sure to leave some shelf space open to accommodate future purchases or gifts.

Tip: I suggest putting the linens you use most frequently on the most easily accessible shelves and reserving the highest and lowest shelves for the items you need to remove or put back less often ( such as comforters, extra blankets, guest linens, and holiday tablecloths).

Using scrap paper, make a temporary label for each pile on the shelves (e.g., blue towels, pink towels, striped flannel sheets). Personalize these labels in any way that makes sense to you (e.g., Mom’s Quaker lace tablecloth and napkins). Then place these temporary labels on top of each pile until you have your storage bins and labeling materials.

Messy linen closet without storage bins or labels
Our linen closet after we weeded out what we didn't need to keep.
It's organized, but still messy and the linens don't fit the space well.

Step 3: Measure, Then Select Fabric Storage Bins or Baskets

Pop-up fabric storage bins or baskets are a game-changer for maximizing space and bringing order to your closet both functionally and visually. These collapsible fabric bins make it easy to group similar items and access them effortlessly. Choose appropriate size bins to accommodate different types of linens, from large king-size sheet sets to small dish towels.

Measure your piles of linens, the width of your linen closet shelves, and the space between each shelf, then select a variety of coordinated bins in different sizes to fit. This allows you to customize your storage solution without investing in a custom closet makeover solution. The pop-up storage bins we selected are inexpensive and the workmanship is not perfect, but the price was right and they come in a wide range of sizes and shapes. It was also important to us to have bins that fold down when not in use because we wanted to keep some extras to allow for future expansion of our linen closet's contents. However, if you don't mind spending more, you can find a wide array of attractive storage bins to suit a variety of tastes and home decor styles.

If you have large, bulky items like comforters that won't fit inside even the largest pop-up storage bins, you may want to put them in airtight vacuum compression storage bags designed for this purpose, which will not only keep these items clean but also compress them to fit more easily on your closet shelves and save space.

Step 4: Unfold and Label the Bins

To make it easy to find what you need at a glance, you will want to label your pop-up storage bins. We decided to use self-adhesive clear plastic 3” x 5” pockets and index cards for labeling the fronts of our bins and ordered them from Amazon along with our bins. We chose the 3”x5” size because they matched the width of our smallest bins but were still large enough to accommodate labels with several lines of text when needed.

When your bins, plastic pockets, and index cards arrive, unfold the bins and press against the sides to prop them open. (The sides won’t stay completely straight until you fill the bins.)

Attach a clear plastic pocket to the front of each bin. We ordered self-stick plastic pockets but discovered that they didn’t adhere well to the fabric bins over time, so you will want to stitch, glue, or rivet the pockets to the bins. We've ordered a rivet tool and some rivets for attaching ours more securely. We will use the rest of the self-adhesive pockets and index cards to label storage cartons, where the adhesive will work perfectly. 

Using a permanent marker and index cards, write a new, permanent label for each pile of linens on your closet shelf to replace the temporary label.

This simple and effective labeling system allows for quick identification without having to rummage through each bin, and the clear plastic pockets protect the index card labels from becoming worn or dog-eared.

Step 5: Arrange Your Linens in the Labeled Bins

Take one pile of related linens and place it into the appropriately sized bin. Insert the index card label into the clear plastic pocket and return it to the closet shelf. Repeat with the remaining piles, bins, and labels.

This systematic approach not only keeps everything organized but also makes it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Then take a photo of your newly neat and organized linen closet and savor the contrast vs. your "before" picture.

Organized linen closet with labeled storage bins
Our formerly crammed, messy linen closet is organized and labeled,
so everything is easy to find and accessible. Now we just need to
remove the old, frilly, decorative pink shelf edging we inherited!

Step 6: Maintain Regularly

To keep your linen closet organized and efficient, commit to regular maintenance. Fortunately, this system makes it easy to maintain because, as my grandmother used to say, there’s “a place for everything and everything in its place.”

Periodically review the contents of each bin, refreshing, replacing, or rearranging items as needed. This ongoing effort will prevent the return of clutter and keep your linen closet in top-notch shape.

Messy Linen Closet Makeover Supplies

My husband chose a tailored storage bin style for this project, but the pretty baskets with the quatrefoil pattern would be a lovely, more feminine choice.

Enjoy Using Your Neat, Organized Linen Closet!

Transforming your linen closet into an organized storage space is a satisfying and easily achievable DIY project. With the help of pop-up storage bins labeled with index cards inside clear plastic pockets, you can create a system that not only streamlines your storage but also adds visual appeal. Enjoy the benefits of a tidy, accessible linen closet, where finding the perfect set of sheets or towels or your favorite tablecloth and napkins is a breeze.

Happy organizing!

How to Organize Your Messy Linen Closet With Pop-up Storage Bins by Margaret Schindel

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