Can we all agree, every dog is "As Good As Gold" !
I had the pleasure of reviewing a few children's books by author Patricia Furstenberg a while back. I loved those books with their colorful and quaint illustrations. The stories were cute as well. If you want to know more about those books you can read my review right here.
Now Patricia Furstenberg is back with a whole book of poetry that just makes you relax and smile. Here is my Review:
As Good As Gold is being launched today May 23rd and I'm so pleased to be part of this massive roll out! This book is light hearted and a delight. Humans who have had dogs often wonder what their dogs are thinking. As Good As Gold may give you just a little inkling of what is going on in that mind! Dogs who are cared for seem to have minds that are always sharp and ready to find the "new and different". In this book Ms. Furstenberg gives those dogs a voice. I'm sure when you are reading these words, you will agree, quite possibly, this is exactly what my dog was thinking.

The poems in As Good As Gold, will make you smile and think to yourself, "Ahhh, that's what was going on in my fur baby's mind!"
I really enjoyed seeing all things from snowflakes and autumn leaves, to other creatures in the garden, through all these dog's eyes. What we consider normal and everyday for our puppies and our older dogs, may not be so ordinary and normal. Maybe we could learn from the excitement of our dogs, a new "wonder" in all the things around us. Like children our fur babies are busy learning about their world.
How many times do our fur babies find themselves in "trouble" of some sort? With the heart of an innocent, these poems written by Pat Furstenberg, bring a small modicum of understanding when they get into something they don't understand. Meeting frogs and birds, snakes and cats, and many other animals in their "world", makes their innocence even more poignant. Dogs often they get into mischief or mishaps, just because they are curious. When that happens, maybe we should stop and think, putting ourselves into their paws (so to speak). Reading this book of poetry reminded me to never lose that sense of exploration or learning something new. Dogs are masters at teaching us to enjoy the simple things in life and the beautiful things around us.
Some beautiful Haiku at the end of the book will make you settle down with a loving sigh......They are the diamonds to keep you smiling long after you are finished reading. This is a great book to enjoy with children. I'm so sure that the children will relate to learning new things just like the dogs are doing. It's a fun and enlightening read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Clicking on the blue As Good As Gold in this review will take you to the Amazon link where you may purchase this book if you like!
Undecided water
Moving between sky and sand.
Lullaby, hush, hush.
P. Furstenberg (from the book)
P. Furstenberg (from the book)
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