What Is Hoopla?
Hoopla is the free online streaming service which offers a wonderful mix of free content including:
- Movies
- Television
- Audiobooks
- eBooks
- Comics
- Music
Your library card is the key to access Hoopla. Each patron has a monthly access limit quantified by credits. I have 20 credits per month and one credit equals one title. Just as with a physical library checkout, Hoopla requires the "return" of the item in 3 days.
Is Hoopla Free?
Yes and no or yes with an asterisk.Yes, because there are no upfront fees, contracts or subscriptions.
No, because your library pays for access to Hoopla and your tax dollars pay for the library.
How Do I Access Hoopla?
Hoopla is accessed through your library card. Check the digital services offered by your local library to see if Hoopla is offered. Note: Super Sleuth Margaret Schindel of Review This Reviews! discovered when I reviewed the free streaming service of Kanopy it appeared the library did not offer Kanopy, but she found it actually was offered when the service was searched for on the app.
So check with your library, the library website and on the Hoopla App - Hoopla Digital (another reason cutting the cable cord can be a little more work!) Hoopla is very accessible. It can be accessed via desktop, iPhone, iPad, Android devices and Apple devices, Fire TV and Apple TV.
What Is The Difference Between Hoopla And Kanopy?
It is apples to oranges regarding content which is a bonus for the user! Each offers different content with Kanopy having a strong selection of documentaries and classic cinema and Hoopla offers more mainstream content with a robust catalog from the British Broadcasting Company (BBC.)The main difference is the content from Hoopla can be downloaded! Excellent for those with an unstable internet collection or travelling. Listening to audiobooks when travelling is a breeze when the book can be downloaded to your phone.
BBC Fan Alert!
If you are a fan of television and movies by the BBC then Hoopla will not disappoint. Was it so long ago when I would seek, search and find an older BBC series on DVD at the library and then go through the checkout hoops of:- Putting the series on hold
- In numerical order
- Find a parking space
- Pay for the parking space
- Checkout the DVD
- Return on time
- Wait for the next DVD to be available
- Checkout the next DVD
- Rinse and repeat
Along with the BBC content there is a large selection of British movies and television by Acorn TV. Acorn TV offers original British content including comedies, mysteries and drama series.
Streaming is so much easier especially for binge viewing!
My first Hoopla checkout is RBG , documentary of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Free Alternatives To Cable TV
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