See for yourself how Sophie is made in this short Youtube video from the maker:
And here's a longer video, which gives a more thorough look at how the toy is made but more importantly, a very good description of how and why this toy is good for your baby. It demonstrates babies in action with the toy, exactly as I saw my grandson use her. Note that the first part of the video is not in English but the second part is.
Sophie is made from natural rubber, which is soft, flexible and lightweight and therefore feels good to handle. She is painted with food-grade paint, which is perfect for babies who are teething. I watched my six-month old grandson during his visit last week and was amazed at how much he enjoyed handling and yes, chewing on Sophie.
Sophie’s giraffe form is perfect at providing many places for your baby to grab hold of as well as cram into his or her mouth. Think ears, legs and neck. I cannot think of another word that is better than cram because that is exactly what a baby will attempt to do with her. Better, of course, that whatever your baby is trying to put into his or her mouth is a safe item like this teether.
Sophie also emits a sound when squeezed that the company calls “a mischievous and legendary pouet." When your baby hears that sound, he knows Sophie is around.
Care is easy. Just wash Sophie with soapy water and a damp cloth. As my son learned, Sophie should not be submerged in water. The company also says not to sterilize Sophie.
Sophie comes packed in a few different ways so you can gift something as simple as this amazing teether in the typical giraffe format or you can gift a teething ring, a double-handled cup, a plush toy, a bath time toy, a blanket or a gift set. There is even a line of party supplies so that you can host a Sophie-themed party. Check out all of the items that are available in Sophie’s complete store here on Amazon.
In case you are wondering why Sophie is a ‘girafe’ and not a ‘giraffe’, it is because the word with the single F is the French spelling of giraffe.
I feel perhaps a bit disloyal when I add that this teether is also available as a deer and a camel.
Love your babies!
Treasures By Brenda
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