Monday, December 27, 2021

Favorite Gadgets Of 2021

What a year! 2021 has been quite the year. I always love a good gadget and the end of the year is a great time to look for sales on gadgets you have been eyeballing and bookmarking, but haven't purchased. Also a wonderful way to spend holiday gift cards!

best gadgets banner


petcakes banner

This little gadget to make bone shaped cakes was a winner! Easy to make, easy to microwave and the furballs loved this little cake. The bone mold is reusable all year long to make your furball its' own personalized birthday cake.

Solar Lights by Aootek

Aootek solar lights banner

This solar light has been a trooper all year long in a state which struggles with alot of sun. That is the true test of solar lights. I've purchased a few in the past which did not hold up well to the test - no sun = no light. Not this solar light as it is a powerhouse and comes through with or without sun to power it.

Red Flyer Wagon by Sam Monaco

Who doesn't love a cute little red wagon! Practical, purposeful and just darn fun! Cherish old memories and make new ones with the classic Radio Red Wagon.

Mini Blender Chopper by Barbara Trembly Cipak

This handy gadget is a must have! I wholeheartedly agree that counter top space is at a premium and only gadgets that deserve a spot must be on the gadget winner list. This Black and Decker gadget has been going strong for 15 years - nuff said!

Garden Gnomes by Wednesday Elf

Do you have a soft spot for garden gnomes? I do. Quirky, fun and symbols of good luck. Find out where to find gnomes of all types with a guide by the Elf.

DIY Cat Bed by Renaissance Woman

What a great idea! Upcycle a drawer into a cat bed (fit for a queen!) Renaissance Woman can upcycle anything into a stylish addition to your household all while utilizing what was old is new again!

The 3$ Hack To Save Charging Cords by Margaret Schindel

Yes, this DIY Hack featuring Sugru, a moldable rubber glue, can preserve your charging cords. Learn how in Margaret's detailed tutorial!

Camera Lens Cap Holder by SylvesterMouse

This is a must have gadget for those using DSLR cameras! A handy gadget to keep track of your lens cap. I cannot tell you the amount of time (it adds up!) I spend searching for the lens cap I was sure I put in a safe place - or did I? Search no more with this practical and necessary gadget.

Electric Kettle Review by Dawn Rae

This review definitely put the electric kettle on my post Christmas search list. This easy to use and practically sized kettle is prefect for the office! 

Aging Gracefully Tools by Olivia Morris

A very practical guide to assist all in our lives who may need a little extra help navigating the home. Olivia guides you through a few of the most useful gadgets to make life just a little easier!

Power XL Air Fryer by Mary Beth Granger

If you've been thinking of buying an air fryer (me!), Mary Beth gives a thorough review of her new air fryer along with photos of new recipes that already look like winners. With so many different types of air fryers on the market it is so difficult to choose; the Power XL is a combo air fryer and slow cooker which sounds like a winning combo.

Fun & Fab Book Accessories by Treasures by Brenda

Fun & Fab is right! Enjoy a variety of book accessories perfect for all the readers in your life. Fun gifts and unique bookends will delight the book lovers of all ages. 

Lemon Pod Keeper by Lou 16

Fresh lemon fans take note of this Lemon Pod review to keep your fresh lemons fresh! The lemon pod adjusts to the size of lemon to increase its' flexibility.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 26, 2021

To All Those We Lost in 2021 - We Love You, Thank You

To All Those We Lost in 2021 - We Love You, Thank You

When I think back to 2020, for us, it was an easier year than 2021 ... and that's hard to believe.

There is one connection in life that truly matters; it's love. We take it with us.

My Mother Passed Away - If You Suffered Loss, My Heart is With You

My brothers and I shared the day and evening with my mother as she left in late November. It was the most beautiful and terrifying experience of my life. I compare it to birth for those very emotions.

As a little girl, I remember feeling so scared that my mother would die. I would ask to sleep with her when my dad traveled for work. When I was eight years old, I finally told her why - "I'm scared you're going to die, Mom."

As a grown woman with kids and grandkids, I somehow graduated out of that fear of losing my mom. I'm confused about how that happened - how did I lose that fear? I'm grateful for losing it but I am genuinely baffled by how I grew out of it. Since mom passed, I have had this strange feeling that she's with me (inside me), and I think that's the reason? It's weird.

On the night she passed, I broke down like an infant. They were the sobs I needed, and my brothers and my sister-in-law were there to hold me through it. We each had our moments, and the beautiful side is that my parents raised a family that got along and stood by each other. We're fortunate.

My Wish for Humanity - That 2022 Goes Easy on Us

We've all been challenged in unforeseen ways, some more than others. Despite the difficulties we've faced, including the loss of my mom, I'm the first to admit how fortunate my family is to have a roof over our heads, running water, plumbing, and electricity! There's so much unfairness and financial inequity in the world that those of us who live in a functioning society need to remember how blessed we are.

My hopes and dreams for all of us are inner peace, love, prosperity, and good health. May 2022 bring you balance in body, mind, and spirit.

Here's a song that beautifully honors all moms; this lyric resonates with me, "there's no safer place I've found than the shoulder on her white nightgown."

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. xoxo

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas from Review This Reviews

 Merry Christmas to everyone from all of us here at Review This Reviews.

Merry Christmas Greetings

For me, Christmas is a time to be spent with the people you love and a wonderful time to create memories.  Everyone celebrates Christmas differently and has different Christmas traditions, one such tradition is the Christmas Tree.

Some people put the tree up as soon as Halloween is over and others on December 1st, when I was a child it was Christmas Eve in our household.   My brother and I tried to talk my parents into putting it up earlier and one year we thought victory was ours as mum relented and said okay we'll put it up on the Saturday before Christmas.

As it got closer to Christmas we realized that Christmas was on a Sunday which meant the Saturday before Christmas was, in fact, Christmas Eve!  When my daughter was younger we would put our tree up on the 1st Saturday of the school holidays.   This leads us to how you decorate your Christmas tree, there are lots of ideas that can be found on this Christmas Facebook page.   We used to have special ornaments that we put up every year, but some people like to create a new theme every year.

My brother and his family have a tradition of giving their children a present every Christmas Eve which is a pair of pajamas for them to wear that night.   They used to open the presents while still in PJs so it meant all the photos always looked good!

Growing up we would use pillowcases in lieu of stockings and when talking to some other ex-pats from the UK a few years ago we found that we had very similar things placed in our stockings each year!  There would always be an orange, a toffee dime from the Quality Street tin(how strange that this was the one that my parents didn't like from Quality Street - a must-have for any English household over the holiday season at that time!).   There would also be a book and/or a little game to entertain us and a nice outfit to wear.   

After waking our parents up at whatever time in the morning it was that we discovered Santa had been we had to go back to bed and weren't allowed up until 9am, hence the book/game.   Then we had to get dressed (hence the new clothes) and eat breakfast (which was usually porridge that took soooo long to cook!) before we were allowed into the front room to see the Christmas tree and all the gifts.   I can feel the excitement just recalling the moment when we could see the tree on Christmas morning. 

I have spent far more Christmases in the antipodes than I did in the UK so Christmas for me these days is in summer (I do still miss Christmas being in winter though I must admit).   Our family Christmases certainly look different to my childhood Christmases for one thing we usually watch Christmas movies (my daughter used to love Elf, whereas my husband and I are more Die Hard fans) in the lead up to the big day - when I was growing up we didn't watch much television.

Board games were a big part of our Christmases and I know they are for lots of other families as well.   I also come from a family of readers so there were occasions where after Christmas lunch was over we would all be stuck with our noses in books!  If you're after a book to read then be sure to check out our recommendations, and best of all most of these can be downloaded to your Kindle straight away (just in case no one gives you a book this year!)

Some people enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, others build Legos whereas others take walks as a family or for people Downunder it often means being in the pool or playing backyard cricket.   The first Christmas we spent in New Zealand we went down to the beach and tried out fly fishing rods that mum and dad had got, then found a log and tried our version of tossing the caber, I seem to recall a jandal throw as well.   Our very own Christmas games on the beach!

Whatever you're doing and whoever you're spending Christmas with this year make sure you are making some fantastic memories.   Keep safe, have fun and goodwill to you all.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, December 24, 2021

The Bishop's Wife - Classic Movie Review

The Bishop's Wife movie review
There are many messages packed in this one movie.  I've watched it dozens of times over the last 40 years.  With each viewing, I step away feeling blessed and reminded of what Christmas is all about.  

I'm not speaking of the commercial Christmas we are all so familiar with, or even the holiday season of family gatherings, but the real reason for Christmas.  The celebration of the first Christmas when Jesus was born.  As a Christian, I am always grateful for the reminder that I need not stress over decorations, gifts, or even a specific date.  I need only concentrate on Christ, my savior and the gift God gave all of us by giving us His Son.

We are most of the way through the movie when a visiting angel offers a beautiful message for all, the explanation of the symbols most often associated with Christmas.  The star in remembrance of the Star in the East; the gifts in remembrance of the gifts given by the Wise Men; and the bells that represent the cry of the new born child.

This movie was the inspiration of a family tradition I started in our home when our children were babies.  I always hung a stocking inscribed for Jesus alongside the stocking for our family members. I always wanted Jesus to be remembered.

I recently watched "The Bishop's Wife" again and I was struck by the reality of how we often want something and we ask for God's help.  He may not give us exactly what we ask for, but He always answers our prayers with what is best for us, regardless of what we think would be best.

I hope you will take the time to watch this movie and listen for the message it has for you this year.

The Bishop's Wife Movie Synopsis

 The Bishop's WifeCheck PriceCary Grant stars in this movie as Dudley, a visiting angel sent in response to the bishop's prayer.  The bishop, played by David Niven, is completely focused on raising money to build a huge cathedral.

Bishop Henry Brougham can't quite bring himself to agree to the stipulations of one of his parishioners in order to procure the hefty donation she is offering.  Throughout the movie, he continues to implore her to give the donation without unreasonable preconditions. He is so preoccupied with the cathedral fund that he forgets to be grateful for what he has already been blessed with.

It is Dudley's mission to help the bishop refocus on what is most important.  Of course, Dudley touches the heart of every member of the bishop's household with his kind words and thoughtful deeds. What is most unexpected for Dudley is that he is also affected by this mission.


I highly recommend watching The Bishop's Wife this Christmas season.  Even if you have watched it many times before, you too may find a new nugget of wisdom hidden within it.

Remember, "as you are walking though these streets of the city, you may suddenly look into a strange face. It may be the face of a murderer or it may be the face of an angel."  (Dudley in "The Bishop's Wife)

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

The Bishop's Wife - Classic Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Reviewing New Features in Photoshop


sleigh in front of Christmas tree photo by mbgphoto

Some years we just don't get a lot of snow, and when we do it is not necessarily when I'm available to photograph it. In December I visited our historic downtown area in St. Charles and took a photo of their lovely, decorated tree and sleigh. I thought to myself that it would sure look great with a little snow around it.

Winter Scene in Photo Shop

When I got home and edited my photos from my trip on Main Street, I decided to try some of the new Neural Filters in Photoshop.  I opened my photo in PS and then went to the filter tab.  I clicked on Neural Filters and when that box opened up, I looked down the left column and clicked on the landscape feature.  I now had several options at that top showing various landscape scenes.  I clicked on one showing a winter scene with snow and it was quickly applied to my photo with the result you see in the photo above.  Here is what the original photo looked like.

Christmas tree and sleigh photo by mbgphoto

I really think this feature could work well in creating a winter holiday card.  Here is another before and after in using this feature.  This one is a photo of the visitor center all decked out for the holidays.

Here is the before photo.
St. Charles Visitor Center photo by mbgphoto
St. Charles Visitor Center

The photo below is after I applied the neural filter in Photoshop using the landscape feature and then choosing the winter scene.  I used it for a photo challenge called "cold as ice" and I certainly think it gives you that feeling.

St. Charles Visitors Center - winter filter photo by mbgphoto
Photo with Winter filter Applied

More Neural Filter Choices in Photoshop

There are quite a few different filter choices in the 2021 updates.  Along with the winter scene there are also landscape choices where you chose what season you would like to make your photo.  Here is a photo I took at a farm at the beginning of autumn before the colors were really popping.  I used the autumn filter to give it a real autumn color scheme.

Autumn at the Farm photo by mbgphoto
Autumn at the Farm

Another series of filters in the neural filter line is the artist series.  In this group of filters, the styles are changed to fit various artists styles.  You might find a Monet style or a Van Gogh style among many other styles.  The artists are not listed, you just have to recognize their styles.  That is one thing I hope they will change in the future.  I would love to know what artists style each filter is emulating. Here is a barn door photo that I took at a farm and then edited it using the first artists filter available in the artist section.

barn door photo by mbgphoto
New Artist Style #1

Purchase Creative Cloud Subscription

I love my Creative Cloud subscription.  It gives me access to Photoshop and Lightroom and gives me all updates as they become available.  It is cost effective at only $9.99 a month.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

10 Wonderful Ways to Relieve Holiday Stress! From the Heart

The Big Holiday many people have been waiting for is just around the corner. 

It's literally just days away and many people are feeling the stress building! Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure everyone loves this holiday, but when the stress becomes so all encompassing, it's hard to enjoy it!

stress clock

What can you do to make this time of year the joyful and wonderful time it's supposed to be?  Well in my experience, I know I had put a lot of the pressure on myself and got caught up in all the things that could go wrong.  I needed help to see that my focus was in the wrong place!  Instead of focusing on the negative, I needed to focus on something positive and different.

So here are some of the things I do to help relieve that pressure:

  1. Wrapping things up can make me crazy.  I have two left hands but  I still want my packages to look nice!  Now I still do that, but I use gift bags to make the packing that much easier.  Dollar Stores are great help for this!  Inside each package goes a personalized note to the recipient, letting them know how much they mean to me! (It doesn't have to be long, just meaningful)
  2. Take lots of breaks,  drop everything and go for a 10 minute walk around the neighborhood.  When you get back you'll get twice as much done because you are  more relaxed.
  3. Take your phone with you and grab some festive pictures while out in the "hood".  Focus on Christmas decor, Dogs in their Christmas sweaters, People willing to smile at you, etc.
  4. Get physical and do someone a favor while you are out!  Do you have a neighbor that could use a little help?   Offer to do something for them (go to the store, shovel their walk, walk their dog, or ask them to join you for a cup of tea or coffee)  The gift of your time is priceless!
  5. Head out to a local church and just take a few steps inside the doors.  Go to a church/temple that you may never have been to before. (Check the internet for times, most places of worship will have some kind of schedule and extended hours)
  6. Take an hour or two and head to your local library.  Browse the shelves for something you might enjoy reading over the holidays.
  7. Turn up the music (not necessarily Christmas music, but something that you enjoy!  ABBA, the Beatles, Rolling Stones (am I dating myself?))
  8. Browse You Tube to learn a new dance.  Moving and getting your blood flowing are great ways to relief some stress.  Plus you could learn a few new moves along the way and share those with your family and friends (Even if it's just to laugh at yourself).  
  9. Sit back and watch a movie!  Again it doesn't need to be a Christmas movie, but one that you enjoy!
  10. If all this fails, then you can always take a nap!  Sometimes just resting your eyes can do wonders for your nerves and your anxiety. Close those eyes and say a little prayer so your focus is on something supernatural and divine.
When your stress  drops to a manageable level, you can restart what you were doing and probably accomplish more than if you had stayed with it.  Taking a break is a game changer for many people. Believe me, the holidays will come one way or the other, but if you are relaxed, they will be more enjoyable!

Learn to laugh and smile, what you share out in the world will come right back to you!

feet up on an ottoman next to a steaming cup of coffee

My hope for you is that you truly enjoy this Holiday Season to it's fullest!  May you have a lovely Christmas with your family and friends and may your New Year be Blessed with lots of Joy!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Crossword Puzzle Day – Holiday Review

Image of a crossword in a newspaper

Crossword Puzzle Day is held each year on December 21.  A journalist (Arthur Wynne) invented this fun word game we all enjoy today. His first crossword puzzle was published in the New York World newspaper on December 21, 1913. Today this challenging word game is enjoyed by millions around the world.

Crossword Puzzle Facts

Working a crossword puzzle

The crossword puzzle is the most popular of all the word games. 

The objective of the game is to fill the white spaces of a grid with the words for the given clues. Black spaces separate individual words.

The levels of these puzzles range from simple puzzles for kids to challenging puzzles for adults.

Reasons to do Crossword Puzzles 

In addition to being fun, crossword puzzles also provide additional benefits:

  • They sharpen the brain for problem-solving. 
  • They may help delay the effects of dementia, so exercise your brain with a crossword puzzle.
  • They can increase vocabulary. 
  • If you are bi-lingual or learning a new language, consider completing a crossword puzzle in your second language.
  • They can even relieve the mind from the day's stresses.

Challenge yourself to complete a puzzle a day for fun, entertainment and for any of the reasons above.

My brother always begins his day with a coffee in one hand and a newspaper with a crossword puzzle to solve! Where others have given up the daily newspaper delivered to their door (in favor of quick news online and on TV), Ken loves his newspaper for the daily crossword puzzle.  Many turn first to the 'funnies' for their morning entertainment via a newspaper; Ken goes straight to the crossword puzzle. He often does the daily puzzle with his wife. A fun couple activity.

Crossword Puzzle Day Summary

So, if you have not been in the habit of doing crossword puzzles, consider making it a daily habit for any of the number of reasons I have stated in this article, or simply for the fun of it! 

If you do not subscribe to a daily newspaper, which always has a crossword puzzle, a daily crossword calendar can give you one for every day.

Crossword Puzzles Boxed Calendar

Crossword Puzzles 2023 Day-to-Day Box Calendar

A  Daily Desktop calendar which features daily crossword puzzles designed to challenge and entertain. The pages include answers on the reverse side and are mounted on a recyclable stand for easy display.

Numerous crossword puzzle books are published regularly and available in many stores. Crossword puzzles can also be found online and on apps for your Smartphone.

National Crossword Puzzle Day

December 21

More Links to Word Puzzles Articles on ReviewThisReviews

More Links to Holiday Articles on ReviewThisReviews.

Click here for more crossword puzzles in a variety of forms

National Crossword Puzzle Day Holiday Review was written by

Wednesday Elf on 12/21/2022

*Crossword Puzzle Images courtesy of Pixabay.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, December 20, 2021

Birds: Reviewing My Experiences with Window Strikes

 As someone who loves birds, and considers myself a beginner bird-watcher, I was vaguely aware that bird injuries via window strikes is a thing. But it was a distant thought and nothing I concerned myself with. I suppose I imagined that window strikes only occurred in cities with massive buildings, lots of glass, and limited outdoor space. And that only startled birds took flight and flew into buildings in their fright. I am finding that I was wrong about the frequency and locations of window strikes. I thought it important to pass on my experiences to our readers who may also be concerned about the safety of the birds in their communities.

My Own Recent Experiences with Window Strikes Causing Death and Injury

I have recently moved to my new, small home that is located on a mountain ridge and next to a wooden area. Bird-watching is one of my favorite things here and was one reason I chose to locate my house on the property; next to the treeline where the most bird activity occurs. 

My home is small. To take advantage of both natural light and the views, I have a window-door configuration at both ends of my home that in essence creates glass corners.  I love them and consider these to be the highlights of my home.  Unfortunately, I had not known that this window set-up is at high risk for window strikes. 

My first clue was while the house was still under construction. I found a deceased Yellow-billed Cuckoo on a scaffold set up just under my bedroom window (one of the door-window configurations I mentioned earlier). All About Birds by The Cornell Lab states "Yellow-billed Cuckoos are slender, long-tailed birds that manage to stay well hidden in deciduous woodlands" and "Yellow-billed Cuckoos are fairly easy to hear but hard to spot."  How very sad that my first spotting of one of these bashful birds was via a window strike.   Still, I did not expect that there would be more window strikes at my home. I assumed that the Yellow-billed Cuckoo just was taken by surprise by my newly installed windows (installed just that week into openings that had been open for months due to supply chain problems).

Last week, I was sitting in my livingroom, in the corner window area, when a bird strike occurred. The bird was stunned. I was unsure about what to do - intervene and "help" the bird while knowing that typically human intervention with wildlife is often the opposite of helpful or leave it to fend for itself.  While I searched the internet for advice, the bird recovered enough to fly away.  It was then I realized that my home is the problem and not just a one-time problem.

Bird Strikes Information

According to The Cornell Lab's All About Birds, "For birds, glass windows are worse than invisible".  Due to the reflections of the surrounding area, in my case the sky and trees, the birds see an area they'd like to fly into. According to the study they cite (2014) "about 1 billion birds die from window strikes each year". They also report that even birds that appear to be only stunned from the strike and able to fly away are often fatally wounded. Which is not happy news at all. (Read the article in it's entirety here.)

Not only do bird strikes occur during daylight hours when the glass reflects the surroundings (in the case with my home) nighttime strikes occur because the lighted windows divert migrating birds from their route. According to this article dated 2017, it is not fully understood why this happens. More research might find more current information about nocturnal window strikes and migrating birds. At this time, however, I am focused on learning solutions for my windows. As you can see in the photo above, the trees and sky are reflected almost perfectly in the glass. And that is what the birds are seeing and flying into.

Decreasing the Risk of Window Strikes

The short answer for decreasing the risk of window strikes in cases like mine is interrupting the reflection of the sky and trees.  

Window screens.  Both bird strikes occurred on the glass (unscreened) portions of my window/door. Placing screen over the entire windows stops the reflections. This may be an option for me for my windows. But unfortunately, not for my sliding doors.

Interior curtains or blinds. These are definitely options for my bedroom door and window. Those areas could easily remain with closed curtains. However, the bird strike in the livingroom occurred with me sitting near the sliding door and looking out. Even with a curtain over the livingroom slider there would be extended periods of time that the curtain would be open and the birds at risk.

Bird Tape, One-Way Transparent Film, and Window Decals.  Covering the glass with closely spaced objects break up the reflection enough to deter the birds. The transparent film covers the entire window which makes the windows appear opaque to the birds but remain clear when on the inside looking out. This is the solution I'm researching and will probably pursue.  I want to preserve my view while protecting the birds I love so much.

As odd as it might sound, this is another reason I am thankful for my small house. I believe that is why I noticed the most recent window strike. I can only imagine how many occur and are never observed. If I had not heard the collision and seen that poor stunned bird on my deck, I would not have learned about how lethal windows are for our backyard and migratory birds. With this information I will be able to find a good solution. At this point I am leaning toward curtains for the bedroom glass and window clings for the livingroom glass. However, I am still researching Collidescape brand window "dots" and window film as well as the WindowAlert cling designs.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Best Baby Booties - A Personal Recommendation

The arrival of our Granddaughter has given me an education on what's popular and what's not with baby products. 

Having raised four sons, I know a thing or two about constantly losing baby socks. 

About a month ago, I noticed our super-cute Granddaughter had these very warm, comfy, and secure booties on her feet. I asked my daughter-in-law what kind they were, and she informed me they were called "Hudson Baby Booties."

Hudson Baby Booties Come in a Variety of Sizes, Designs, and Colors - They're Awesome!

Here's One Pair Our Granddaughter Wears

I've since purchased two additional pairs for our Granddaughter, and I highly recommend them for gifts. If I were a new mom starting out, I'd want many pairs of these to go with a wide variety of outfits.

What's So Great About These Booties?

  • They're soft and comfortable
  • They're cozy and warm
  • They're easy to put on and remove
  • They have never fallen off of our Granddaughter's feet!
  • They come in multiple designs, sizes, and colors
  • They make a lovely gift
  • No more losing sockies
  • They open up wide for baby's feet to go in
  • They velcro-wrap for closing
  • Great for cold winter nights or cooler days
  • A good choice when taking baby for a walk or in the car
Notice How Much They Open So You Can Easily Put Them On

The Tongue is Soft - Pulls Forward so Foot can Easily Go Inside

Here's a Look At the Velcro Close

The Two Velcro Sides wrap around Baby's Ankle - They Stay On!

I highly recommend these booties for the baby in your life. Several pairs of these, in multiple sizes, make an excellent gift. In fact, these are now my go-to baby gift. They're usable, cute, and practical. Our Granddaughter, especially now during the winter months, wears hers daily.

You can find Hudson Baby Booties here on Amazon

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Oatmeal Muffin Day – A Food Holiday Review

Image of Oatmeal Muffins

National Oatmeal Muffin Day is celebrated on December 19th each year. It's one of those minor holidays with no known origin, but since it involves a delicious and healthy muffin, we are happy to celebrate this fun foodie day. 

A Bit of Background

A Muffin, or Quick-Bread, is similar to cupcakes both in size and in cooking method.

Muffins are popular breakfast foods, especially served with coffee.

Muffins come in many varieties and can be savory (like cheese muffins) or sweet like blueberry or banana nut muffins.

Oatmeal muffins have oatmeal as the primary ingredient – which has many health benefits which far outweigh any worry you might have over calories. 

Oatmeal muffin recipes began appearing in American cookbooks as long ago as the mid-1800s. They are made with flour, butter, eggs, OATMEAL, and baking soda as the raising ingredient.

Quick Recipe for Easy Oatmeal Muffins

Image of oatmeal muffins

Ingredients for a quick & easy oatmeal muffin recipe I like that I found on Allrecipes include 1 cup of quick cooking oats, milk, an egg, vegetable oil, flour and salt. Baking powder is added as the raising ingredient. 

You can find the exact list of ingredients and also the directions for mixing this muffin recipe at the Allrecipes site for Easy Oatmeal Muffins

Prep time is about 15 minutes and baking in a preheated oven (at 425 degrees) is 20-25 minutes. Not long at all for a dozen tasty breakfast muffins. A warm, delicious treat on a cold morning. 

Oatmeal muffins in a baking tin


Oatmeal muffins

So whip up a batch of Oatmeal Muffins, or pick up a few at your local bakery, to celebrate this day with a delicious & healthy breakfast treat.

National Oatmeal Muffin Day

December 19

For more Muffin Reviews, check out ReviewThisReviews: Muffins

For more Holiday Reviews, check out the ReviewThisReviews Holiday Category

*National Oatmeal Muffin Day review written by 

         ~Wednesday Elf

**Images are from Pixabay; Intro image was created with GetStencil. 

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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