If you want to photograph on the mall in Washington DC, Sunday mornings are a great time to catch some beautiful shots of the scenes without a lot of people in your photos. On a recent trip up the east coast we got in a snarl of traffic on Saturday afternoon and decided to stay just south of Washington DC for the night. Sunday morning we got out early to avoid traffic and decided to make an unscheduled stop in the capitol for me to take some photographs.
Well I can tell you our timing was perfect. When we arrived at about 8 am there were parking places available all along the mall. My husband was able to stop at one area, let me take some photos and then we moved on to the next area.
I took a lot of photos of the capitol building but my favorite was the one above. In this photo I sat down on the ledge in front of the reflecting pool to capture the capitol building along with the reflection. I think the cloudy morning sky added to the photo too!
Use Smithsonian Buildings as Flower Backdrops
The beautiful brick of the Smithsonian Castle building made a great backdrop for the gardens surrounding it. I tried to take shots of small groups of flowers to create interest.
The hanging pots were in full bloom. I took some shots of the entire arrangements but I like this one with part of the hanging plot in the photo with the building.
The roses were especially beautiful on that August Sunday morning. I love the way they stand out in front of the windows of the Smithsonian Castle.
I like the way these colorful sunflowers stood out against the grey buildings of the Smithsonian.
Capture the Monuments
I love photographing the monuments. These two views each give a different view of Washington Monument.
Learning from the Works of Others
As we each transition away from our comfort zones and to other writing sites, both our own and/or other platforms I think we will find that there is much to learn from others. Isn't it great to expand our horizons? Here are some links I found to Hubpages featuring photos in Washington DC
I enjoy making Zazzle products from my photographs. Please stop by and see my store at Mbgphoto Zazzle Shop Here is one of my products from Washington DC
Reflections- US Capitol Beverage Coasters by mbgphoto
Check out Us capitol Cork Coasters online at zazzle
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