Showing posts with label Product Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Reviews. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Caring For Elders Requires Attention and Willingness ~ A Product Review

Life brings us all opportunities to learn something new everyday!  I'm learning about caring for a Senior that I happen to love dearly, but, is having difficulty with day to day activities.

Caring for Elders requires that you be willing to do things that you thought were impossible and yet you know you have to do those things anyways.  There is a willingness to go beyond what we thought we would be doing and learning to do those things that might be distasteful and generally keep us moving away from the responsibility.  

elderly care

But there are things that make all the distasteful things a little easier to complete and one of these are pre-moistened and good sized  Adult Wipes.  We happen to have found the one we like called Inspire Premium Washcloths!

Back in late January, my elderly mother had taken ill.  She was in hospital for almost a whole month recuperating from pneumonia and the flu.  These illnesses can be quite debilitating for the elderly.  While in hospital, the signs of early dementia, turned into true brain fog, with doctors hoping that once she was home, that fog would clear up.

Such has not been the case.  She is now bed-ridden and the leg muscles so weak that she can no longer hold herself up.  So, we are learning to cope with our new reality.

Incontinence has become the major "problem".  While we have all had our share of diapering babies, we never think of the possibility that we will be diapering our parents.  With a little humour we can get through this stage of our lives.  

What's that old joke about diapers and the elderly?  Why don't they call diapers for adults Huggies and Pampers?  Because it Depends on who is in the will!  Just kidding of course.

Caring for adult skin in the nether regions is important especially when they are elderly, bed-ridden and have other health complications.  Bed sores are nothing to be scoffed at and can become infected causing even more problems.

With caring for the skin in those intimate areas, dependable quality wipes are a must.  Tiny wipes used for babies just don't quite cut it when it comes to adults.  You need something that will hold up and yet be soft, strong, gentle and do the job!  

We found that the Inspire brand Wet Wipes for Adults, was just what we needed.  They are large enough (8 inches x 12 inches).  they are moist without dripping all over the place. Latex and alcohol free,  they are Ph balanced and have Aloe Vera and Vitamin E for skin health included in each sheet.  The only down side is that they are NOT Flushable!  But when you are dealing with disposable diapers, that is not a game changer at all, they just go into the garbage with the diapers.  Quick and easy, clean and neat all in one package.

premium wipes washcloths


For anyone who has a need for a quick, easy and strong washcloth, these disposable ones are the greatest.  I love that they are not overly scented, yet they have a nice soft feel to them and one or two do the work and hold up through whatever mess you are facing.  These can be used to clean a face, hands or a many different places that you will find them useful. 

I'm signing off for now, but I'm sure I'll have more to share with caring for the Elderly in another Product Review right here on

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Reviewing How To Store Wedding Dresses And Special Clothes

 Two Wedding Dress Storage boxes

We were married many years ago and I had a truly beautiful handmade silk and lace wedding dress which I always wanted to keep.

While we were decluttering and cleaning I noticed how the box it was in was showing its age and was concerned the dress may suffer. 

For me and for many other people your wedding dress is one of the most precious and sentimental items in your wardrobe. Some people may not want to keep it and make it into something else or give it away, but for those of us who want to keep it a safe place is important. You want to preserve it for years to come, maybe even pass it on to your daughter, niece or granddaughter if you have them. So if you decide to keep it we have to store properly to prevent damage and fading.

Other special clothing items, such as christening gowns, communion dresses, graduation robes and precious baby clothes also require special consideration if we decide to keep them.

These type of clothes may hold very special, precious memories, so if we decide to keep them they need special care. They may not fare very well if we just keep them in a drawer or wardrobe. 

It is important to clean these clothes before storing them to prevent any stains from setting into the cloth or odours and mould from ruining your special clothes.

In order to preserve your wedding dress , christening gown, baby clothes or other special clothes at their best for longer it is important to choose the right storage box.

  Ideally we should not use cardboard boxes, plastic bags, or vacuum-sealed bags or even just hang up in a wardrobe. These can cause the fabric to discolour or even damage the clothes and certain containers may trap moisture and create mould. 

Wedding Dress Storage box showing place to identify contents
Wedding Dress Storage box showing place to identify contents

The best option for storing your wedding dress or other special item is one that is large enough to store your garment with minimal folding and which has acid free paper to use to protect it and to use in between any folds necessary to prevent creasing.   

So after cleaning and drying it is important to fold and wrap the item of clothing carefully. Before placing your wedding dress or other special item in the storage box, wrap it in acid-free tissue paper or unbleached muslin. This is in order to protect it from dust, light, and insects. 

It is not a great idea to use mothballs, as they may have chemicals that can harm your clothes. If we wish we can add some lavender sachets or cedar balls to repel moths and add a pleasant scent.

Once you have your storage box and have folded your special garment carefully with acid  free tissue paper, it is a good idea to label what is inside and ideal to store it in a cool, dry, and dark place. This would ideally be in a wardrobe, or an under-bed storage container that is away from direct sunlight, heat, or humidity. We do currently have ours on top of a wardrobe, but it is out of direct sunlight. 

It is vital to avoid storing your precious garment in a garage, attic loft area or basement because those places can expose your clothes to extreme temperatures, moisture which may create mould and damage, or even mice which may chew and damage your clothes.

 Once your beautiful clothes are safely stored it is important to check perhaps annually, to make sure they are still in good condition. 

Every two the three years it is a good practice to get them out and air them out for a few days and then refold to prevent any permanent creases. It is good practice to air them out once every so often to prevent musty smells.

Wedding storage box showing handle
Wedding storage box showing handle

The storage box we bought came flat packed and well protected. It was very easy to put together and appears pretty sturdy. It was really just a matter of getting it out the packaging, opening up and laying in the base insert and it was done in a couple of minutes. It is available in small, medium and large sizes and has a hinged lid. 

We bought two in the large size, one for my wedding dress, shoes and veil and one to store my bridesmaid dress I wore for my sisters wedding and some baby clothes my Mum had made and kept along with some lace we had inherited. 

There was plenty of room for all these clothes. They are quite large boxes so could easily fit all these items. I would imagine for most wedding dresses the large size would be the most practical. We stacked them on top of each other on our wardrobe and we think they look lovely.

I like that the storage box had ten acid free sheets already for me to use. This was enough for me, but if you need to you can always buy more acid free sheets.

I like that it has a handle for ease of moving around and this handle feels fairly secure for its purpose. As I have not travelled with it I cannot say how it would stand up to the rigors of travel. As it is intended just for storage in my case, I feel it meets my needs. 

It has straps as well which are fine for the purpose of securing the box. These are fitted with plastic clips which work, but time will tell if they are as strong as I would like them to be. If moving it around a lot I would handle it carefully.  

The box is study enough for most wedding dresses and light enough so that it can be carried around if need be. I also appreciate that it has a space to place a reminder of the contents of the box. 

I like the pattern which also distinguishes it from our other storage boxes, but it also comes in plain ivory and plain white. You can also find plain boxes or those with other patterns in different styles. Really you can pay any price for a storage box for your wedding dress and some are very expensive indeed. For the price I paid I am very happy with my storage boxes to keep my special clothes clean and safe. There are also many more to choose from for your precious clothing items


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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 19, 2024

Reviewing Burt's Bees Hand and Body Butter - Great Gift Idea

Burt's Bees makes a lip balm that is familiar and the first choice of many.  I realized they had a product line of lotions but I did not realize that they also offer a hand and body butter. Burt's Bees Shea and Mango Luxurious Hand & Body Butter is a wonderful way to care for your skin and a great gift to pamper someone you love.

photo of a jar of body butter cream
Burt's Bees Body Butter

The store I used to frequent for lotions, creams, and body butters is a long distance from here. But I had considered making the drive as I have been feeling so dry and in need of a moisturizer that is stronger than lotion. The trouble is, over the year I have become increasingly more sensitive to chemicals and strong scents. And I assumed that being inside the store would be over-powering.  But ordering an unfamiliar body butter scent by mail seemed risky.  So I delayed that drive and shopping trip.

In my local pharmacy, there is a Burt's Bees display and I stopped to browse one day. I was so excited when I realized they body butter!

As I write, I am realizing that perhaps not everyone is familiar with body butter. I generally think of body butter as a very thick and condensed lotion. It is sold in squat jars with a screw-on lid because it is far to thick to pump out of a bottle. 

In looking for a definition, I am finding that body butter is not only more concentrated but is often made of a "blend of natural butters and oils, such as cocoa butter or shea butter". And because of these factors, it is often much better for very cracked, dry, or sensitive skin. I am finding that because lotion is thinner it likely absorbs into the skin faster. And body butter is especially good to use following a bath or shower as it helps to retain that moisture.

I encourage you to do your own research as I do not know all of the technical aspects of lotions and butters. What I do know is that I love how body butter makes me feel. I feel as though I am being pampered when I use body butter.

Burt's Bees Shea & Mango Hand & Body Butter

This body butter is advertised as "luxurious" on the label. I whole-heartedly agree with that. Also on the label are statements such as:

"with responsibly sourced shea"

"supporting women-led communities for over 10 years"

This body butter does not leave a wet or greasy feeling. It immediately feels smooth and silky. I apply it before bed and wake in the morning still feeling smooth.

The scent is a soft fruity smell. I saw a review online where the person wrote that it smelled like a fresh, marshmallow fruit salad. I can't say that I disagree with that. I am sensitive to chemical smells and I can say that this scent does not bother me as so many lotion scents do. In fact, I enjoy this scent very much.

Burt's Bees is a company with a large fan base so I may be the last to know about their body butter. But I still wanted to spread the word.

I think this would make an excellent gift! I do not regularly buy body butter because I typically have thought of it as a splurge item. It is likely that others have the same thought. What a wonderful way to pamper someone who might not pamper themselves. 

Related Links:

Burt's Bees Shea & Tropical Fruit Body Butter on Amazon

Burt's Bees official website

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Microwave Popcorn Popper Review

 Popcorn is a timeless snack enjoyed by people of all ages. Its unmistakable aroma, satisfying crunch, and versatility make it a staple at movie nights, carnivals, and cozy evenings at home.

Microwave popcorn popper review

I'm reviewing my new glass microwave popcorn popper in my post today. For many years we have had a hot-air popcorn popper, until one day, it finally quit working.

 I couldn't find the same one we had, so I opted for a different model. Needless to say, we were not happy with the performance. It just wasn't the same as our old one.

We quit buying microwave popcorn in premade bags years ago because of the chemicals used in the process. So, in my search for yet another hot-air popper, I came across this Ecolutions Microwave Popcorn Popper, after reading many of the reviews, I decided to give it a try. 

Well, I couldn't be happier, as with the hot-air popper this microwave popper needs no oil to make fresh hot popcorn.

Features of the Microwave Popper:

  • Temperature safe glass
  • The lid measures the kernels and melts the butter
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Makes 3 quarts of popcorn
  • You can buy a snack size that makes 1.5 quarts
Note: This microwave popper only works with microwaves that have a rotating turntable.

I tried using the lid to melt the butter while popping but I didn't care for that. So, I melt my butter separately and mix it after.

We have a 1000-watt microwave, I set my time to 3 minutes and 30 seconds and get perfect popcorn every time. You will have to experiment with times, for different microwaves.

Microwave popcorn

The Science Behind the Pop:

Delicious hot popcorn every time. Have you ever wondered what makes popcorn pop? Every kernel contains a small amount of moisture in the starchy center. When the kernel is heated the water turns into steam, creating pressure. The pressure causes the kernel to explode, turning it inside out and forming the fluffy, edible snack we all love.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Beautiful Flowers That Last Forever: Pop-Up Bouquet Greeting Cards

Few things can brighten someone’s day as much as receiving a greeting card. As our routine communications are increasingly digital, receiving a paper greeting card in the mail or by hand is a delightful pleasure.

Today, I’m reviewing my favorite type: pop-up bouquet greeting cards.

Pop-up Floral Bouquet Greeting Cards

My husband and I love gifting pop-up floral bouquet greeting cards for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, and other special occasions, and “just because” (the best occasion to receive a greeting card!). These cleverly designed laser-cut paper cards fold flat for mailing and then unfold to become 3-D paper bouquets.

Best of all, unlike traditional flowers, the recipient can cherish, display, and enjoy these beautiful blooms forever.

Why We Love Giving (and Getting) Pop-up Flower Bouquet Greeting Cards

Here are some compelling benefits of choosing these greeting cards to send for a special occasion or "just because:"

Exquisite Details

Different manufacturers offer different levels of quality. Lovepop's pop-up flower bouquet cards are extremely detailed and exquisite. The intricate laser-cut designs and vibrant color printing create a stunning visual impact, transforming a simple card into a work of art. The precision and attention to detail in these pop-up cards showcase the craftsmanship behind each creation.

Lovepop hibiscus pop-up flower bouquet laser-cut greeting card
The 10.25" tall Lovepop hibiscus flower bouquet greeting card I gave my husband lives in his home office so he can look at it often.

A Thoughtful Choice

By selecting a die-cut or laser-cut, pop-up floral bouquet card, you demonstrate the effort you've put into choosing a unique and thoughtful greeting. It adds a personal touch to your message, showing you've gone the extra mile to make the recipient feel cherished.

Halmark rose plant pop-up bouquet greeting card
This die-cut Hallmark rose pop-up bouquet is smaller and less intricate than the laser-cut Lovepop pop-up bouquet greeting cards, but no less lovely!

A Memorable Impression

Laser-cut pop-up flower bouquet greeting cards make a lasting impression. Both the beauty and unusual format of these cards make your message stand out, bring your sentiments to life in a visually striking way, and create a memorable experience for the recipients that will make them feel extra special.

A Cherished Keepsake and Memento

A beautiful 3-D paper flower bouquet greeting card is more likely to be kept as a cherished memento than a traditional card. Many recipients find them too beautiful to part with and choose to display them as a decorative piece, constantly reminding them of the special moment. For example, my husband displays the paper hibiscus bouquet card I gave him on the filing cabinet in his office.

A Year-Round Miniature Indoor Garden

The moment your recipient opens your floral bouquet card, they are greeted with a burst of vibrant colors and a three-dimensional floral arrangement. It's not just a card; it's a miniature garden that comes to life, instantly uplifting that person's spirits and spreading joy. As you can see in my photos, our paper pop-up bouquet greeting cards are a welcome splash of bright color even in the middle of winter!

Hallmark and Lovepop pop-up bouquet greeting cards

Not Just a Card, But a Gift

Laser-cut, 3-D pop-up bouquet greeting cards are more expensive than traditional 2-D cards, but they're also lasting gifts rather than just greetings. It's a way to send a beautiful bouquet of flowers that won't wilt or die after a week and can be enjoyed indefinitely. When viewed that way, I think they're well worth the extra cost. Lovepop's mini bouquets are also roughly half the price of their larger counterparts.

Make Someone's Day With a Pop-up Flower Bouquet

Make your heartfelt messages blossom with these charming and memorable greeting cards. Why not make someone's day by sending them a beautiful laser-cut flower bouquet? Here are some of my current favorites available on Amazon, with free delivery for Amazon Prime members.

Beautiful Pop-Up 3-D Floral Bouquet Greeting Cards

Beautiful Flowers That Last Forever: Pop-Up Bouquet Greeting Cards by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A Review of Three My Pillow Products


pillow banner

Just about everyone in the country has heard of My Pillow.  It is a company that started out guessed it:  pillows!  Since then, the company has branched out into making many other items.  Quilts, mattress pads, blankets, slippers, pet beds and many, many other things.  It seems like no one advertises more than My Pillow.  The owner of the company, Mike Lindell, stars in all his own advertisements and still spends around 72 million dollars a year on advertising, according to  Obviously this company is a big success story.

The question is:  

Are My Pillow's products as great as the advertisements claim?

I can't speak for all purchasers, but I have bought three different products from My Pillow, and I can give you my fair assessment of the each, based on my personal experience.  Rated on a scale of 1 to 10 for price, quality and comfort.

Let's begin with the original!

My Pillow Pillow

My husband has a terrible time getting comfortable to sleep.  He has tried many different kinds of pillows:  goose down, memory foam, gel insert, you name it, he has tried it.  We had discussed trying My Pillows a few times but had decided against it because we felt they were too expensive.  Back then, they were like $60, if memory serves, and that was too much for our taste.  I believe it was around Christmas time that they had a big sale and were selling them for $19.99 so we decided to try one.  After shipping it was more like $30.00.

The pillow arrived and my husband tried it and it was an immediate hit!  The very first night he said it was cool and very comfortable.  He has used it ever since, and that  has been a few years at least.  He says it is as comfortable today as it was the first night, years ago.

So the pillow gets a 10 out of 10.  

Good on price (on sale) 

Good on quality (has not worn out after years of use)

Good on comfort (as comfortable today as it was when new)

My Pillow Towel Set

We decided to buy some My Pillow towels about five years ago.  Our towels were getting rather thin, and My Pillow was having a sale.  We got a set of six, two bath, two hand and two wash clothes for $29.99.  We chose medium green to match our bathroom decor.  They arrived in a timely manner and when we pulled them out, we noticed they were pretty thick which we were happy about.  However, they did not seem very soft.  I mean, they were not scratchy, but they were not as soft as I expected.  I decided to wash them and dry them and see if that changed things.  They did come out a bit softer, after washing.  

I will say that the absorbency of the towels lives up to the promises made by Mr. Lindell in his advertisements.  They really soak up the moisture when drying off, especially my hair when I wrap it in the towel after washing.  It seems to wick the water off my hair and it is really drip free and partially dry when I remove the towel.  We were impressed with the absorbency, however in the last five years, the softness or lack there of, has stayed the same.  There is one thing, however, that we found really amazing.  In 5 years of use, our bath towels do not look worn at all or has the color faded at all.  See the picture below.


On the bottom is one of our bath towels, used practically daily for five years.  The top one is a hand towel that has never been used.  It is for decoration only and sits folded up in a basket full of hand towels and wash clothes on our bathroom counter.  I can't tell the difference, can you?

 So the towels gets a 9 out of 10.  

Good on price (on sale) 

Good on quality (does not look worn or faded after five years of use)

Fair on comfort (we wish they were a bit softer)

My Pillow Percale Sheets

We had been wanting to try My Pillow Sheets for a long time, but the price was pretty high, in our opinion, even when they are on sale.  After Christmas this year, (2024) My Pillow had their normal sale on sheets, but with the added bonus of free shipping.  The sheets were still going to be $49.99, even with the sale and free shipping, but my husband said "It's now or never" so we ordered a set.   I tried to order them online, but the website would not give me free shipping, so I had to call them and the order was not easily dealt with even then.

When they arrived, I was shocked at how much the box weighed for only one set of sheets.  They came in a fancy heavy duty plastic case with a zipper, which I thought was pretty much a waste of money since once out, they would never be able to fit in that bag again!  Anyway, we pulled them out and immediately noticed they were not at all soft.  They were very stiff, and not at all inviting for bed sheets.  I told my husband that we probably needed to wash them to soften them up, so we placed them directly in the washer.  We washed them and dried them with two fabric softener sheets.

Unfortunately, they came out even stiffer than they went in, with the added bonus of being so wrinkled it was shocking.  They were a total mess.  We tried stretching them taunt on the bed, but even then they were still wrinkled.  See the picture below for what they looked like.

bed sheetsbed sheets

We were really disappointed.  There was nothing we could do to solve this problem.  I wasn't about to iron sheets, and even if I was willing, the sheets were stiff and awful and not anything I would want to sleep on.  We had no choice but to send them back.  I went to the website to start the return when I saw that they expected me to pay $9.99 to return the sheets.  This was unacceptable to me, so I sent an e mail to customer service asking them to send me the return postage sticker so I could return the sheets and I explained why.  The next day I get an e mail saying that they did not pay for returns, it was up to us to pay the return shipping.  I sent another e mail to them, explaining, that the merchandise was faulty and it was My Pillow's responsibility to pay for return shipping.  I got another e mail the next day saying that the agreement on the website (in other words, the fine print) said that I was responsible for return shipping no matter what the cause of the return was.......BUT!  They were willing to e mail me a return shipping label and take $9.99 off the amount of my refund.

I was stuck.  I knew if I went to UPS that the postage would be even more than $10 because the sheets were so heavy.  So I emailed them back and said to send the shipping label and I hoped that $9.99 was worth losing my business forever.  I was so mad!

So the sheets get a 0 out of 10.  

Price was too expensive

Quality was as bad as it could be

Comfort was nonexistent 

AND customer service was bad when ordering and extremely bad when we had to return the product.


recap of my experiences with My Pillow are perplexing to try to summarize.  Three products with three different assessments; one great, one pretty good and one absolutely dreadful.  The only fair conclusion I can make it that when you buy from My Pillow, you take your chances on what you will be getting.  It may be fabulous, or it may be deplorable.  I do highly recommend their original pillows, but as for the rest, buy at your own risk and know if you need to return it, it will be at your expense.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Review of Candle Warmer Lamps

Lamp  with Candle

 I love the wonderful scents that candles provide in my home, but I was always leery of having a burning flame.  I tend to forget about them and then they burn down too far.  Well for Christmas I received a wonderful candle warming lamp.  I had never seen one before and wasn't sure how they worked, but I can tell you now they are wonderful.  They are a great way to get light and the wonderful smell from a scented candle without having to worry about a flame and any fire hazard.

Features of my Candle Warmer Light

  • Dimmable
  • No Smoke
  • No Flame
  • Timer
My lamp is also very attractive and makes a wonderful addition to our decor.  It has a square wood base and a metal light stand.  The base will hold candles of many sizes.  I currently have one of the larger round candles in it as you can see pictured above, but I have also put other smaller candles in glass jars.  The base is a non-skid and non-scratch bottom that works well on any furniture.

I love the timer feature.  I can turn on the lamp and set the timer for 2,4,or 8 hours and then not worry about it again.

The light is dimmable, and the brightness will determine how soon the scent begins to flow through your home.

The lamp came with two 50-watt GU10 halogen bulbs, so there is no need to buy extra bulbs.

Another great feature is that the melting of the candle occurs from the light source and thus does not leave a hole like flames, this will double the life of the candles.

Great for Gifts

These candle warmer lamps come in a variety of styles and would make great gifts.  I can see them as a wonderful idea for Valentines Day, Birthdays and Mothers Day.

My lamp came from Amazon and I found that they have many different options.  Here are links to a couple of different Candle Warmer Lamps.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

There's a New Game That Has People Talking! ~ A Product Review

fun new game
Have you heard of the new Game in Town?  TALKING POINT, It has everyone talking and actually interacting with each other!  

With all of the "Tech" toys that people have these days, it seems that we are talking to each other less and less.  If you don't TEXT someone, they are likely to ignore you completely because they are hard wired to the cell devices or their Tablets.

What ever happened to actually talking?

Well there is a new game in town to help you rekindle that ability to look at each other and find out what you are actually thinking, It's called TALKING POINT!  

My other half actually picked up a set of these cards in the hopes that it would foster some conversations with my mother.  She tends to be very quiet and lost in her own world, so he thought it would be a great way to get her to open up a little and see what is happening in her gray matter!

Now in our case, it hasn't worked the way it was intended to, but it sure has us (the other half and I) talking a lot more. Each card (and there are about 200 in each set) has a question on it and everyone gets a chance to answer.

Not everyone will agree with everyone else's responses, but it will definitely get you talking!

The first question I picked was: What household chores do like to do and which do you try and avoid? Now that really made me stop and think, because being the mom (now retired from that position), you always have chores to do and delegating some to the offspring is generally a great idea. Wouldn't it be so much easier if you knew ahead of time that your daughter doesn't mind doing the laundry, but hates hanging up the shirts?

The other question that I love in this family set of Talking Point cards is: How did your parents meet and fall in love?

I wonder how many children actually know those stories and how it might make them smile to know those little tidbits of family history.

Family time would be a great time to make some pizza, grab some drinks and sit down together and ask some of these questions.

Can you just imagine the looks on the kids faces and maybe even the parents'. I'm sure the discussions around the table would be interesting and maybe even open an eye or two.

How about a question for the kids, Like: Are friends more important than family? You might just be surprised by some of the answers.

All I know is that in this day and age when people are busy looking down at their phones, something has to happen to engage our families with each other. Camping nights and cottage visits would be a great time to take along a small box of conversation starters that will have everyone laughing and enjoying each other without any right or wrong answers.

Just answers that might shed some light on other parts of their lives, or be a way to open a door to more pressing concerns or just great conversation with those we love.  

These cards get a big High Five from me and seeing how many have been sold already, I'm guessing that they are a hit with a lot of people from all over the world.

This is a great way to enjoy FAMILY DAY in February!  And you have lots of time still to get a set!

I hope that it will help you to get to know each other better and have a little (or a lot) of fun along the way!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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