The heart of this novel is the bond between two quietly heroic men—Earl Johansen and Nearly "Walking Elk" Kelly. One is a hero for saving a man's life; the other for simply being who he is—a good and decent man.
I'm sure Earl and Nearly would be surprised to find themselves between the covers of a book. I imagine Earl would be a little embarrassed and Nearly secretly delighted. The dailiness of their lives, to them, wouldn't seem worthy of mention, but they would be wrong.
Citizens of Campbell reveals the soul of what it means to be essential to someone else.
Ann Reed, the author, is an extremely gifted singer/songwriter. More than writing the story of Campbell, Iowa, and its citizens, she has sung it. The song is an anthem all kindred spirits will recognize. You will feel the chords, the true notes that are the music of living simply and beautifully alongside, and in concert with, your chosen family.
Highly recommended.