Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Asparagus Fern As A Houseplant Reviewed.

Asparagus Fern


We have an asparagus fern that was my Mums and it must be over 30 years old now. I love its gorgeous ferny delicate leaves which arch very gracefully. It has a versatile habit where it can be trained up supports or hung down from a high level to cascade. I also like that despite not always being pampered, it survives and thrives. 

It can grow to be a large houseplant but can also be pruned easily to keep it a smaller size if required. Personally, I like to see it grow to its full potential and to be a really lovely graceful delicate looking yet strong plant. 

We do however need some knowledge of its needs and care to keep it happy.

What Is The Asparagus Fern?

Ours is the large ferny arching Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri Group’with long thorny stems carrying delicate feathery leaves on long flexible stems. Often known as asparagus fern or lace fern. The other ones are the upright fox tail type fern or the sickle fern.  

Well despite its name it is not an asparagus though it shares the look of asparagus. You certainly cannot eat it as it is mildly toxic to humans and animals when ingested.

Also, it is not part of the fern family despite looking like a fern. It is in fact part of the Lily family and originates in South Africa in the dense tropical forests found there. 

Asparagus Fern
Asparagus fern growing on supports

How To Care For An Asparagus Fern

As with all houseplants, it is important to know the conditions where they grow in the wild. As this plant comes from a warm humid semi-shaded environment we need to try to replicate that as far as we can in our own homes.

So it is best to keep this plant somewhere out of direct sunlight as the sun will burn the leaves. It needs some light through or the leaves will turn yellow. Semi shade is best. 

It must be watered regularly in the spring and summer just to keep it moist. Be careful not to waterlog it as that will rot the plant and may be the one thing this plant will not survive. 

I also find it likes a misting every so often in the warmer weather to simulate the tropical forest environment. I use a specific plant mister to do this with lukewarm water. I also keep ours in a pot inside another larger pot part filled with pebbles and keep the pebbles wet to increase the humidity. 

These houseplants do not like being in a draught or close to a radiator as it is too drying for them. 

If the leaves go yellow at the base this is quite normal and you can just snip them off. However, if leaves that are higher up go pale or yellow it is most likely a lack of water. 

These houseplants can grow large, though due to their habit do not seem to dominate a room. They can however easily be cut back with Secateurs or maybe a strong pair of scissors. I have cut ours back several times and it comes to no harm. 

Asparagus Fern Leaf
Delicate soft ferny leaves on Asparagus fern house plant

I only repot when it seems to be getting potbound so perhaps once every three to four years in a good quality houseplant or general purpose compost.

Do wear a thick long sleeved top and sturdy gloves when handling this plant as the thorns are sharp and hard to avoid when repotting. I also tend to loosely tie up the plant with a soft twine when repotting to prevent stray tendrils from touching me.  

The leaves may go brown if touched too much so best to avoid the chances of doing that. 

If you make mistakes though in my experience it does bounce back which is a good thing in a houseplant. We are going through a heatwave with temperatures of around 40 degrees Celsius and no air conditioning and no matter what we cannot keep the house at optimal conditions for this plant and it is developing pale leaves as you can see from the photographs. However, with a little care and attention when the heatwave dissipates it will recover.  

Asparagus Fern leaves
Green healthy leaves and pale dry leaves on Asparagus fern

Asparagus Fern Pests and Diseases

It is generally a pretty healthy resilient plant as long as it has the right conditions and care. 

Spider mite is the only bug that really affects this houseplant and it is usually when it is too dry. You will see like a white spider's web over the plant. It is best to use a spider mite-specific insecticide in this case. 

If you have waterlogged the plant with overwatering then it may rot from the roots and this is hard to come back from. You can only try repotting in a good quality compost and hope the plant will survive. 

Pale coloured leaves usually mean it is too hot or too dry or both. In the recent heatwave when the house was hot, even in usually cool rooms no matter what we did,  ours has developed a few pale leaves and I am attempting to help by watering and misting. 

If the leaves go brown really all we can do is snip them off. The plant will generally survive as long as not all leaves are brown but may take a while to thrive. However, it is a sign you need to step up the watering and misting. 


Where To Display Asparagus Fern

This houseplant can grow very large up to about 1 meter or just over 3 feet tall and wide. It is a beautiful and showy plant but needs placing with care

I have found over the years living with this plant that it likes it best when either placed so that it can hang down from the top of a high cupboard or shelf or as we have it now so that it can climb upwards on supports. It has very long whippy stems carrying both sharp thorns and graceful delicate ferny leaves. These can easily be trained onto a support or allowed to hang down. 

Left without these options it tends to flop and sprawl all over the ground which is not so pretty or practical in a house. 

Stems of Asparagus Fern
Long flexible stems on Asparagus Fern

It does not like direct sun either, bearing in mind it lives in a forest in the wild we need to offer it semi-shade and as high humidity as possible. 

Another point to bear in mind is that although the leaves are so soft and beautiful it also has extremely sharp thorns that from first-hand experience can really hurt! So it is best for everyone especially children and pets if we keep it so that you cannot easily touch it. 

The other rather strange reason for not touching this plant is that if you handle it too much the leaves can easily go brown.

It is often suggested to place it in a bathroom which would be ideal regarding indirect sunlight and humidity but we do need to be careful of the fact it is mildly toxic and thorns in an environment where we are showering or bathing! So if it is in a bathroom make sure no one can touch it. 

In my parent's house, it lived happily in our dining room on a large support on a stool behind a cabinet. There as a child I could not reach it but we could all admire it and it makes quite a statement.  

 We also have it in the corner of our dining room behind a furniture piece where it gets light but not direct sun, where we can enjoy it safely.

 You can display this plant as a standalone or it looks great in a group of plants with contrasting leaves and colours. 

It is unlikely to flower in most homes so you need to enjoy it for its leaf colour and form primarily. 

Asparagus Fern leaves
Beautiful ferny leaves

 Asparagus fern makes for a very beautiful large houseplant that with some knowledge can be kept happy as a long-lived plant in most homes. We love ours and will keep it as long as possible. While probably not a beginner plant, with just a little knowledge it is easy to be successful with this gorgeous houseplant.


 More House Plant Reviews

 Reviewing How To Take Care Of Your House Plants On Vacation

Swiss Cheese Plant Or Monstera Reviewed As A House Plant And Fashion Trend

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 25, 2022

2022 Favorite Garden Tools

Oh garden tools! I have known quite a few in my amateur garden career. But there are some tools that become staples in the gardening collection. The tried and true. 

Some new, some old and all valued. So here are my top five cannot do without garden tools - helpers-accessories!

1. Container Gardening City Pickers Raised Garden Bed

container gardening

Love, love this rolling cart for container gardening. After the loading up the cart with dirt, the cart still rolls easily. This is a very nice feature for not just moving the cart around a deck or patio, but if you have plants that can do well inside in the winter. Just roll the cart inside! Review here >> City Pickers

The raised bed is available in different colors to suit your landscape. I have only had to fill the bed once with dirt and each year a successful harvest. 

2. Ironclad Gloves

New entry for this year. Purchased in 2021 to replace a pair of garden gloves and the Ironclad Utility gloves have quickly become a favorite. Review here >> Favorite Utility Gloves Review: Ironclad Gloves

The gloves fit very well to allow easy maneuvering of garden tools of all types.

3. B Hive Smart Hose Timer Wifi

hose timer

Purchased in 2021 this WIFI timer for your sprinkler quickly headed to the top of my list. So convenient to use and easy to program. Mobile App included to trigger gardening from your phone. Review here>> B Hive Hose Timer

Set the timer up for your vacation and no worries. The watering schedule can be as varied as you'd like (time with projected weather) or as simple and straight forward. I prefer the later and since the weather is so incredibly variable here, I check weather first, then program the timer or trigger it manually.

4. Solar Light

solar light

Loving this solar light! I purchased it a few years back and the lights have worked flawlessly all year round. A combination garden and security light that has not disappointed. In the warmer months I have a few nestled in the garden to light a path and in the winter the lights are moved and used as security lights. Review here >> Aootek Solar Light

5. Blue Shoes Disposable

disposable shoe covers

Soggy yard, but need access in spring or during rainy season. These little booties are great to save your shoes or gardening shoes in inclimate weather. Review here >> Blue Shoe Guys 

The shoes are also great to have on hand for contractors visiting your home. While many will bring their own disposable booties it is always nice to have spares on hand for when they may forget - especially in winter or spring.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Best Memorial Gift for Cat Lovers - A 3D LED Cat Crystal Ball

A Unique, Thoughtful Memorial Gift for Cat Lovers

My friend recently celebrated another birthday, and finding her a special gift is as much fun for me as it is for her to receive!

My friend is a cat lover. Actually, that's putting it mildly; she adores cats to the depth of her soul! Unfortunately, she recently lost her beloved pet and has been grieving for months. Cat lovers, and pet lovers, will completely understand how hard it is to lose an animal, and how choosing a gift is a delicate process.

My friend and her kitty were family for eighteen years (or something like that), so needless to say, kitty's passing was brutal for her. She's still crying over her loss.

I Found An Appropriate Cat Gift to Honor Her Beloved Pet

I wanted to give my friend a gift that celebrated her kitty, but I also didn't want to give anything that would trigger a negative emotion.

After spending a few hours searching online, I came across what I thought would be the most loving memorial gift, a crystal ball LED rotating music box featuring a cat and a lighted ceiling projection of a lotus flower

Well, I was right to choose this gift! She absolutely loves it. In fact, the other day, during a power outage, she turned on her LED Cat Crystal Ball and sent me a photo of how beautiful it was!

Here's the Crystal Ball Kitty

This photo doesn't really do this product justice. When you visit the product link featured below, you'll get to watch a video and see the music box in better lighting. Be sure to check it out; it's worth it!

This is the size of the Lotus Light on the ceiling!

Features of the 3D Cat Music Box:

  • The K9 Crystal Ball features 3D inter-engraving technology that engraves the pattern into the crystal ball
  • When the room is dark, and the lighted crystal ball is turned on, it features 12 LED lights that evenly disperse the light through the crystal ball onto the ceiling, where a lotus flower is featured
  • Rotate the bottom of the crystal ball to play lovely, soft music - the music is featured below
  • The battery is built in and can be connected to computers, mobile phones or mobile power supplies for charging - Charging time is two to three hours, lighting time is eight to twelve hours
  • Includes a gorgeous gift box!
  • The crystal music box measures 3.94 by 2.76 by 4.72 inches and weighs 31.22 ounces
What Music Does This Ornament Play?

This gorgeous lighted cat music box plays Castle in the Sky. If you're wondering what that song is, I've included a YouTube video. If you don't see the video below, you can link to it here.

This Crystal Music Box Comes in Other Design Styles as Well!
  • A Clover
  • A Prince
  • A Deer
  • A Panda
  • A Rose
Of course, this gift isn't restricted to being a memorial gift; it makes a unique, thoughtful gift for all cat lovers for any occasion.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Stop, You're Killing Me! Website Review

As the site administrators state in their banner, 

Stop, You're Killing Me! is a website to die for...if you love mysteries!

It is a resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books.

Image of a crime scene

A Mystery Book Website

The Stop, You're Killing Me! name is perfect for fans of the mystery/suspense genre.  It is a list filled with over 5,500 authors, each with a page having a chronological list of their books.  Over 66,000 titles are listed on this site, both series (6,600) and non-series. 

There are two sets of the alphabet at the top of the page – one for authors and one for characters – each with a clickable link.  Say you are interested in books by John Sandford (one of my favorite authors!). Click on the 'S' in the authors alphabet and it brings up all the authors whose last name begins with 'S'. Scroll down that page to find 'John Sandford', then click on that link.  Now you have a page of all the books written by Sandford, divided by series and then non-series.

Each section in a series is preceded by a description of the main character. (Ex: Lucas Davenport, police detective and war games designer in Minneapolis, Minnesota) 

Under the character description, you will find a list of every book in that series ~ the title followed by the date published, should you wish to begin with book one in the series and read them in order.  Each title has a clickable link which takes you to an Amazon page where you can read a description of the story (and/or purchase the book). The administrators of the site use these links to Amazon as a way of financing their website and because just about any book on the list is available there. 

Conversely, say you know the name of a story character (Lucas Davenport), but you cannot remember the name of the author. Use the 'character alphabet', click on 'D' for Davenport, again scroll down the list, click on the name and it will take you to the same page with a list of books starring Lucas Davenport. 

At the top of each author page is also the name of the author, DOB, and link to his/her Author Website. Interesting facts are also included at times; for instance under John Sandford's name at the top of his page is the name John Camp, which is Sandford's real name. 

Image of a sleuth investigating a crime
Image Source: Pixabay
Mystery lovers who are searching for a new or favorite author or character have several other ways they can search this website. Down the left-hand side of the page is a box with more links for searches. Do you really love stories that take place in Australia? There is a Location Index by country which denotes the location of the stories' character's home base.  

Ex: Jean Bedford (author)

  • Anna Southwood: private enquiry agent in Sydney, Australia

Then, should you want even more information, you can click on the character's link and it will take you to the author's page and list all the books starring that character. 

Another fascinating way to search, depending upon your interest in this genre, is by the Genre Index. What! You say! It's a mystery book site; isn't THAT the Genre?

Actually, there are various forms to this genre. Under the Genre Index you can find books in the Cozy Mysteries field. There are stories based around Holidays. There are books listed from Humorous Mysteries to Romantic Suspense to Psychological Suspense to Police Procedural to Thrillers. You can even find books in the Science Fiction & Fantasy area and also True Crime stories. There is a field and a subject for just about anyone. 

And that is just a few of the many categories in the mystery field on this website.  Look here for the Stop, You're Killing Me website and check out all the information it offers. 

History of SYKM

The site was originally begun by Bonny Brown in 1998. She wanted to create a resource for anyone who loves a good mystery.  When Bonny had to leave due to illness, the website was taken over in 2006 – and is maintained to this day – by Mystery lovers and readers Lucinda Surber and Stan Ulrich. They put out two newsletters each month – on the first and on the fifteenth - with the latest updates to new books released in hardcover, paperback, e-books, audio books and Large Print.  One newsletter per month will also list books selected for one of the many awards this genre gives out. Another feature of a newsletter lists some new books Lucinda and Stan are currently reading, with a synopsis of each book. 

*Note: I enjoy the way each newsletter ends with a note from the website administrators: 

You made it to the end — go find a book to read! 


I absolutely LOVE this website and use it several times a month. I also look forward with great anticipation to the bi-monthly newsletters to keep track of new books coming out by my favorite authors. Sometimes I use the site simply to look up a mystery author I've recently discovered to see a list of other books by the same author or about the same character I've enjoyed getting to know. (I DO love mystery series). 

I've been a fan of the SYKM website for more than 15 years. I even keep a notebook of author's pages I print off from the site, listing all the books by my favorite authors (filed alphabetically) which I add to regularly and mark 'own' or 'read' after each title.  I would miss so many good 'Reads' in mysteries without this wonderful website. 

Sherlock Holmes book image with a magnifying glass
Source: Pixabay

So if you love mysteries like I do and are looking for a new book to read, or want a list of all books by a favorite author, Stop You're Killing Me! (SYKM) is the site for you! 

For Reviews of many mystery books read by our contributors, check out: ReviewThisReviews:Mystery Books

*Stop, You're Killing Me Website Review written by Wednesday Elf, who reads mysteries all the time! 


*For Your Reading Pleasure, here is a Selection of the Most Recent Best Sellers in Mystery Books on Amazon

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 22, 2022

Reacher TV Series Reviewed (Season 1 - 2022)

The Reacher Amazon Original TV series is a captivating suspense
My husband and I spent the last two nights watching the new TV series, "Reacher", based on the character in the books by Lee Child. Obviously, it was a spellbinding series since we watched all 8 episodes in 2 nights. We probably would have watched them all the first night if we had started them earlier in the evening.

I'll start this review by telling you what I liked best about this series, then I will share what I didn't like about the series. Normally, if I am recommending a movie or book, I don't talk about my personal negative opinions. However, in the case of this Amazon Original series, I do think anyone considering watching the shows should be prepared.

What I liked best: the actor that played Jack Reacher. Alan Ritchson is the perfect choice! Totally believable as a former US Army major in the military police with a history of handling difficult cases and standing in harms way.

Something else I liked: the story. It is a captivating suspense. It was not easy to guess who was a good guy and who was a bad guy. That shocking element is always appreciated in a suspense story.

What I don't like: the nudity, the gory images, and one other main character that was not believable as the character she played. I watch a variety of movies with my husband, son, father & brothers. I am hardened to a lot of scenes and images, but this series takes them to an unnecessary extreme level. 

I do recommend this series for adults only.  Just be prepared to close your eyes at times.

Reacher Series Synopsis

 Reacher: Season One
Available to Stream or on DVD or Blu=Ray
Check Price
Jack Reacher shows up in Margrave, Georgia at the worst possible time for himself, but at the best time for Margrave.  As the new stranger in town, he is immediately suspected as the murderer when 2 bodies are found.  

He is arrested for the murders, sent to jail, "accidentally" placed in the "lifers" section of the prison, and forced to defend himself and others. However, as soon as he is released, he starts working with the police to find the real killers because one of the victims is someone very special to him.

Current events, memories, past decisions & actions, lifestyle, friends and family are all recounted and questioned throughout the series. We learn a lot about Jack Reacher, past & present, and find he is someone we would all like to know and have around when needed.

Not only is this a suspenseful series, but it will tug at your heartstrings and perhaps, even pull a tear (or two) from your eyes.

More Great Movies Reviewed

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Reacher TV Series Reviewed (Season 1 - 2022) by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix

One of the hardest things about sticking to a keto diet or low carb lifestyle is finding good, grain-free alternatives to conventional wheat bread, rolls, buns, etc. The same is true for people with food allergies or other medical conditions that require following a dairy-free, sugar-free, grain-free (or wheat-free) or gluten-free diet.

While a burger wrapped in lettuce or sandwiched between pieces of low carb, keto-friendly bread (or whatever wrapper meets your dietary restrictions) is fine, sometimes you just want to eat a burger inside a real hamburger bun. The challenge is finding one with a good enough taste and texture that also fits within your preferred (or medically necessary) healthy eating lifestyle.

Today, I'll share my product review of KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix, the best low carb keto sandwich and burger buns mix I have found since 2019, when I started my keto weight loss diet that helped me lose nearly 60 pounds and then continued to follow a healthy low carb lifestyle.

UPDATE:  July, 2023 KetoBakes has announced that it is going out of business. I will try to find a good replacement for their wonderful keto sandwich and burger buns mix.

Main Image - KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Mix

Low Carb, Keto Friendly Burger Buns With a Great Taste and Texture

I have tried quite a few commercial low carb burger buns that claimed to be keto friendly. My favorite from a taste and texture perspective are the Sola Golden Wheat Hamburger Buns, which have a taste and texture that resemble their high-carb counterparts more than most. They're soft, sturdy enough to hold up well as a "hamburger holder" or sandwich bun, and both the taste and texture are improved after a minute or two in a toaster oven. They are baked fresh weekly, are shipped frozen and defrost in transit, and the company recommends freezing them upon receipt and thawing them as needed. 

They contain 14g of protein, which is great, and 11g of dietary fiber. They also contain 19g total carbs and 6g net carbs after you subtract the 11g of fiber and 2g of sugar alcohol (erythritol), which can be a bit high for someone who is trying to lose weight on a ketogenic diet and has a low daily net carb limit. 

Even though they are marketed as "keto-friendly," they contain ingredients such as wheat that are fine for people who are doing so-called "dirty keto" or "lazy keto" but don't fit the requirements for a "clean keto" or strict keto diet. They also contain some ingredients that are food allergens and, therefore, make them off-limits to my friends and family members who need to eat gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, grain-free or even just wheat-free. So, while I really like the Sola Golden Wheat Hamburger Buns, I also wanted to find some low carb burger buns that had not only a satisfying taste and texture but also fewer net carbs and only "clean keto" ingredients. 

I have tried a couple of very good low carb recipes for keto burger buns for when I have the time, energy and inclination to bake from scratch, but since we eat burgers twice a week, I wanted low carb burger buns that were either ready-to-use or quick and easy to prepare, especially during the hot summer months. Ideally, they would also be wheat-free, grain-free, sugar-free, soy-free and gluten-free, so all my friends and family members could enjoy them, and a less expensive option than the Sola burger buns would be a bonus.   

I tried several keto baking mixes for burger and sandwich buns. Unfortunately, most were disappointing in their taste, texture, or both. Recently, however, I tried a mix from a company I had not heard of before but that had great product reviews: KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix. My expectations weren't very high, based on my experiences with other keto sandwich bun mixes. Frankly, as someone with a professional background in product marketing, I also was skeptical of a product name that made such a bold marketing claim.

To my surprise (and delight), the KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix really does live up to its name, based on my experience so far with burger bun mixes from competing keto baking mix brands. (I'm always trying new products that fit my low carb lifestyle, so if another challenger de-thrones the KetoBakes low carb sandwich buns mix, I'll update this product review.) 

Why KetoBakes Sandwich Buns Baking Mix Really Is the "Best EVER" Keto Burger Buns Mix

Why do I think KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix lives up to its name?

Sliced open burger bun made from KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix
This bun made with KetoBakesBest EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix is large (and tall) enough for a burger. You can see how nicely the tops brown and the airy texture that keeps these low carb buns from being dense or heavy, like so many keto baked goods.

Superior Taste and Texture

This mix produces low carb sandwich buns that aren't overly dense, bland, tough or spongy, unlike many other keto-friendly buns. The dough contains yeast, so the buns are light and full of tiny air pockets, while being sturdy enough for a burger or sandwich that you can pick up and eat with your hands without worrying about it crumbling, tearing or sagging. 

I find them similar in texture to sandwich buns from a good artisan bakery!

High Protein, Moderate Fat, High Fiber, 0g Net Carbs

Dividing the prepared dough into 8 portions makes buns that are a good size for a burger or sandwich.

Nutrition Facts

8 servings per container
Serving size: 1/8 (31g)


Per 1/8 dry mix

Per baked bun (1/8 prepared dough)




Total Fat



  Sat. Fat



  Trans Fat









Total Carbohydrate



  Dietary Fiber



  Total Sugars



    Added Sugars



  Sugar Alcohol (Erythritol)






Net Carbs
9g total carbs-8g dietary fiber-1g sugar alcohols = 0 net carbs

0g net carbs

0g net carbs

Non-GMO, Wholesome, Clean Keto Ingredients

KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix contains the same wholesome, "clean" ingredients I use when I bake low carb, grain-free sandwich buns from scratch: 

  • Non-GMO blanched almond flour
  • Organic psyllium husk
  • Certified gluten-free oat fiber
  • Non-GMO erythritol
  • Himalayan pink salt
  • Baking yeast
  • Aluminum-free baking powder
  • Xanthan gum
  • Pure stevia extract powder

There's nothing that I can't pronounce or am not familiar with from baking keto recipes and no chemical preservatives.

Quick and Easy to Prepare

Just mix 1 cup of egg whites, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water in a mixing bowl, add in the mix and stir by hand or with an electric mixer for 1 minute (batter will be thick and have a "porridge-like" consistency). Let it rest for 5 minutes to thicken further, then portion the dough with a measuring scoop into 8 portions, either on a parchment-lined baking sheet or a mesh silicone hamburger bun mold. (Note: If baking the buns in this type of mold, increase the egg whites to 1.5 cups.)

Bake in a preheated 350 ℉ oven for approximately 55 minutes (covering with foil after 35–40 minutes if the tops are browning too quickly). Allow the baked buns to cool for 10 minutes before slicing or freezing.

I love that, even though this baking mix contains yeast, you don't have to wait for the prepared dough to rise!

Plate with BBQ pork tenderloin sandwich on a bun made from KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix

Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Grain-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free

The mix is manufactured in a dedicated gluten-free facility, and both the mix and the prepared buns can accommodate a wide range of dietary preferences and food allergy restrictions. 

The Baked Buns Freeze Beautifully and Thaw Quickly

Since the mix contains no chemical preservatives, KetoBakes says the baked buns will keep at room temperature for one day, in the refrigerator for one week, or in zippered food storage bags in the freezer for up to four weeks. However, I have stored them successfully in the freezer for significantly longer inside my favorite Stasher Stand-Up Mega Sized Silicone Reusable Storage Bag, which has an innovative air-tight, PINCH-LOC seal that's a cinch to zip and unzip (unlike most zippered food storage bags).

The frozen buns thaw quickly and taste even better lightly toasted!

Less Expensive Than My Favorite Ready-to-Eat Low Carb Sandwich and Burger Buns

High quality keto and low carb baked goods and baking mixes are, of necessity more expensive to produce than their conventional, big brand name counterparts, thanks to the higher cost of cleaner, more nutritious ingredients (e.g., almond flour and natural sweeteners vs. wheat flour and cane sugar). The best quality mixes made with wholesome, less processed, healthier ingredients are also often made by smaller companies. Both these factors contribute to the higher retail price of good quality of high quality, healthy, low carb, keto-friendly baked goods and baking mixes.

The Sola Golden Wheat Hamburger Buns are already baked and ready to eat. Naturally, that convenience costs more. I always order six packages of four, since the price per bun for a single package of four is cost-prohibitive. As of this post's publication date, a two-pack of 4 Sola hamburger buns (8 buns) costs $13.99, or $3.50 per bun(!), whereas a six-pack (24 buns) costs $32.10, or $1.33 per bun.

A single bag of KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix makes 8 large buns and sells on Amazon for $9.99 as of this writing, or $1.25 per bun plus the cost of the added egg whites and apple cider vinegar. The price for a 3-pack of the mix (24 buns) is $29.99, which comes out to the same price per bun as the single bag of mix. You can also buy a 6-pack of the mix (48 buns) for $55.23, bringing down the cost to $1.15 per bun (plus the cost of the egg whites and vinegar).

Versatile Keto-Friendly Baking Mix for Sandwich Buns, Burger Buns, Dinner Rolls or Baguettes

In addition to making delicious sandwich buns, the prepared KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix dough can be portioned out with a 1/3-cup scoop to make 10–11 dinner rolls or shaped into baguettes no wider than 3" in diameter. The package directions provide the adjusted baking times for these variations.

Family-Owned Small Business

I love to find great products from small, family-owned businesses, especially when the quality is superior to what is available from the big-name brands and huge, multinational corporations that dominate the food industry and sacrifice quality for profits.

Note from KetoBakes small business owners on back of sandwich buns baking mix package

I also trust small, family-owned companies like KetoJoy and its KetoBakes brand low carb baking mixes, whose owners put their faces, names, personal stories and passion for their mission on their products and marketing.

If you've been looking for great-tasting, healthy, low carb, keto-friendly sandwich and burger buns with wholesome, non-GMO, clean ingredients, I'm confident that you'll love KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix as much as I do!

The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix by Margaret Schindel

Posts About My Keto Diet Journey

My First Year on The Keto Diet

Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part One

Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part Two

Low Carb Muffins & Cupcakes: Treats to Enjoy on a Keto Diet

Low Carb Keto Chocolate Yogurt Granola Chip Pudding Recipe

Good Dee’s Keto Cookie Low Carb Baking Mix Review

Hamama Microgreens Growing Kit Review & Success Tips

My Favorite Hamama Microgreens Seed Quilt Accessories

Keto Cheddar Cheese Biscuits With Chives Recipe

The Ultimate Keto Hot Chocolate Recipe

The Best Low Carb Keto Gift Ideas: Keto Gift Guide

The Best Low Carb Keto Cinnamon Muffins

Wholesome Yum Keto Bread Mix and Yeast Bread Recipe

The Good Chocolate 100% Organic No Sugar Dark Chocolate Review

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My New Irresistibly Delicious Keto Cheese Crackers Recipe

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Comparing the Best Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads - No Added Sugars

The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix

Blueberry Biscuit Scones — New, Easy, Low Carb Keto Recipe

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An Unusual, Delicious Strawberry Chocolate Tea With 0 Calories

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Healthy Pistachio Cherry Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cereal Treats Recipe

Easy, Decadent, High Protein, Sugar-Free Rocky Road Cottage Cheese Ice Cream

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How to Make Refreshing Vanilla Italian Soda (With or Without Cream)

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My Personal Keto Testimonial

How I Stayed Committed to the Ketogenic Way of Eating

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